Punishing the Padawan

by Rhexis

Archive: Anyone who wants it, just take it away, please.

Category: Humour/Parody

Rating: I suspect NC-17.

Pairing: QG/OW

Spoilers: I doubt it.

Summary: Master and Padawan have an encounter with Laa Laa, Po, Tinky Winky and Dipsy.

Feedback: Good, negative, death threats all welcome at enigma@shadowy.demon.co.uk

Author's Note: Yes, I know this is something of a Teletubbies xover. Give me the benefit of the doubt, I hate them too. This is something of a response to several challenges; two Jedi walk into a bar, dress your Jedi up and one other. Thanks to Lelia for beta and Alex for beta and the punishment and the title and so much more.

Disclaimers: Mr Lucas owns these chaps. Someone else who would probably be really upset owns the other characters.

Qui-Gon Jinn stomped into the dingy bar, his pet Padawan following close behind. Both were dressed in a manner completely inappropriate to the perceived dignity of their Order. Fortunately for Qui-Gon's sanity and, more importantly, his embarrassment factor, they were not so much clothed as costumed. He wore a deep purple padded costume that covered his entire body; Obi-Wan was similarly dressed in red. Large video screens disguised as cream patches graced their stomachs. Their ears were as large as shuttle doors, mouths open wide in childish innocence, eyes wide and unblinking.

"There are some seats at the bar," Obi-Wan said, his voice muffled by the fur-lined disguise.

"Good," Qui-Gon said, "as I am rapidly losing my balance again." One, two faltering steps and the unwieldy costume reasserted its independence and brought its wearer crashing to the ground. He was not sure how, but it seemed to be interfering with his ability to control both himself and the Force. The other patrons turned, stared, blinked as one mass of twisted life and returned to the business at hand - that of getting hammered as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Qui-Gon shook off all attempts at assistance and struggled slowly to his feet, somewhat annoyed that his Padawan did not seem to be experiencing the same control issues. Two paces away from the bar, he tripped again, grabbed hold of the nearest stool and landed facedown in a bowl of peanuts. Someone was going to have to suffer for this later and Obi-Wan suffered with more beauty than anyone he had ever known.

"Don't glare at me like that, Master," Obi-Wan said as they perched themselves on the high rickety stools.

Qui-Gon cleared his throat and attempted to sit up relatively straight.

"Fine. Don't glare at me like that, Tinky Jinnky."

"What makes you think I'm glaring, Pobi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked. "How can you tell through this tasteful disguise?" He tried to manoeuvre his facial muscles out of the grimace they occupied, but resolutely failed to see the funny side. He wished someone had told him that the Teletubbies were not due to perform until the following day, before he had allowed his Padawan to fasten him into the ridiculous ensemble.

"You've got that tone. The one that means if you were not a 'you know what' you would put me over your knee and smack my bottom."

"You're never too old to be spanked, my Padawan. However, I may have difficulty reaching the appropriate slapping power in this disguise."

He waved a purple paw in the direction of the barman who nodded and scuttled away. Qui-Gon took another deep breath and turned back to Obi- Wan. He found it hard to believe that his cute...neh...scrumptious apprentice was hiding under all that fake fur. The only familiar points were the large eyes of indeterminable colour. This evening they glimmered with all the fire of a Tattooine sandstorm.

"How was I to know someone would steal our clothes?" Obi-Wan asked, a well-developed pout clear in his tone.

"Based on the events of this mission so far, I fear it was inevitable." Qui-Gon was finding it difficult to breathe properly in the costume. He toyed with the idea of removing the headpiece, but feared that someone might recognise him. Master Yoda seemed to have spies throughout the entire galaxy. Even the developments in his relationship with his Padawan were spreading like spilt honey throughout the Jedi Temple, engulfing all with their sweet and sticky ooziness complete with pictures (still and moving).

"Remind me why you thought that persuading the Teletubbies into giving us their clothes was a good idea," Qui-Gon muttered. He wished he had not left his lightsabre with his now-stolen clothes, but given the lack of belts and pockets in his fluffy purple coverings, no other option had presented itself. Now it was lost and he felt practically naked without it pulsating by his side. He did not remember seeing Obi-Wan's weapon when they were changing and he was not sure he wanted to know where it had been secreted.

"Do you have a better idea for retrieving Anakin from the Sith?" Obi-Wan asked.

"None springs immediately to mind."

"I admit that I was rather surprised that the Dark Lords of the Sith went in for kids' entertainment."

"Pobi-Wan, believe me when I say this is about as far away from entertainment as I can imagine. Placing a small child in a room with these things is sure to produce an uncommon amount of fear. And we know where fear leads, don't we?"

"How could I forget?"

The barman returned with a plate piled high with small circular brown slices of what looked like toast. Each was decorated with a bright yellow smiley face. Placing the plate down carefully, he turned and scuttled to the other end of the bar. Qui-Gon stared at the toast, stared at his Padawan, then in an ill-advised manoeuvre designed to attract the barman's attention, completed a magnificent backflip off his stool and landed in a heap at Obi-Wan's feet.


"What is it now?" Qui-Gon clung to the remnants of his patience. Clawing at the bar with his hands...err...paws; he managed to climb back onto his stool.

"Where's your tutu?"

Qui-Gon turned on his Padawan, lost his footing and made another swan dive onto the bar, this time into a puddle of something that at least smelt alcoholic. Jedi were not supposed to indulge while on missions, but if he didn't do something soon, someone was going to have to die. Horribly. "I left it in my handbag," he gurgled, "along with your scooter." He steadfastly ignored Obi-Wan's giggle.

"And your handbag would be where?"

Too tired to think of a resourceful bending of the truth, Qui-Gon settled for the most obvious. "I lost it."

"But, Master," Obi-Wan protested, "without your comely tutu, you're naked."

"Naked! I'm wearing half a ton of fluffy, how can I possibly be naked?" Obi-Wan grabbed the back of this costume and levered him back into a semblance of a sitting position. With the sulkiest dignity he could muster, Qui-Gon refused to thank him. Perhaps he could petition the Council to add the function of seater to the Padawan job description.

"Underneath all of that, you're naked."

"Says who? I never leave home without my standard issue Jedi underwear." Qui-Gon thought for a moment. "You mean you're..."

"Going commando? Well, things were starting to chafe a little. If you only let me wear silk like I wanted!"

"May the Code preserve us! Then, you are, in fact, just as naked - more naked than I."

Obi-Wan shook his large head. His circular antenna wiggled in a provocative manner and Qui-Gon did his Jedi best to not consider whether two could fit into one of the ridiculous outfits. Maybe if they stood very close together.

"Tinky always wore a tutu. It's a statement of his sexuality."

"You do realise that the more humiliated I am, the harder it is going to be on you!"

Before Obi-Wan could answer, another of the Tubby species sauntered into the bar, this one dressed in green and wearing a delectable black and white spotted hat. It waved enthusiastically in their direction. "Master Jinn!" it called loudly. Everyone in the bar turned around and stared. In lieu of answer, Qui-Gon sent a force wave in the creature's direction, knocking him off his feet and slamming him not too gently against the wall. That was much better. Now he knew why so many Jedi had descended to the Dark Side. Considering what he had to contend with on an almost daily basis: missing Chosen Ones, sycophantic droids, sarcastic Padawans and cumbersome costumes; he was surprised he hadn't surrendered years ago.


"Yes, Master."

"Would you be so kind as to assist DipC 3PO? I would do it myself, but the chances of walking there and back without falling on my cushioned ass are less than the chances of yours not being sore in the morning."

"Yes, Master."

Not daring to turn around, lest he fall over again, Qui-Gon picked up a slice of toast. It was still slightly warm and cooked exactly as he liked it with a hint of hardness on the surface. Carefully, he sniffed it, held it up to the light and probed it with his Force-given poison checking abilities. His Padawan's cooking skills (or lack thereof) had ensured he became an expert in avoiding food poisoning.

Lost in the swirling hues of the yellow decoration, he did not realise Obi-Wan was talking to him until a red paw began to wave before his face. The movement was as mesmerising as it was clumsy. Qui-Gon wondered if he was developing another strange kink - aside from the unfortunate lace experiment. How was he to know that Obi-Wan was allergic to something as delicate as black spangled lace? The poor lad had complained of the rash for weeks, not to mention cutting off all privileges. On the up side, at least no one in the bar was about to challenge his rights to Padawan territory whilst Obi-Wan looked so much like a fluffy chipmunk who should be captured, caged and nuzzled.

Qui-Gon watched with some respect for Obi-Wan's diplomacy as he turned to assist DipC 3PO settle onto a stool. Obi-Wan positioned himself between the two of them. He must have felt Qui-Gon's control fleeing the scene of the crime.

"Look what DipC found!" Obi-Wan held a large red handbag out to his master. He placed a red fur covered hand over his mouth and sniggered as the experienced Jedi Master nestled the bag into the crook of one arm. Qui-Gon had hoped that he had managed to lose it, but trust his over- achieving sidekicks to foil his plan.

Qui-Gon looked down at his nice red handbag. Strangely, it comforted him. The weight of its multifarious contents carried him to the edges of his sanity. There was only one other thing that did this to him, one other sight, that of Obi-Wan nestled in his arms in the wee hours of the morning. The soft snore, the feel of the braid wrapped around one finger, the scent of sweat and passion drying on coveted flesh.

But this was not the time for such thoughts. "Why must these creatures act so stupidly?" he asked in a drastic and somewhat desperate change of thought.

"I think it is something to do with the restricted gene pool. There are only four in every colony and inter-species breeding is," Obi-Wan looked down at the distinct lack of reproductive organs, "not very likely."

Nope. That was not working. Obi-Wan was practically purring. "Have some toast," Qui-Gon suggested while he considered the multifarious methods of shutting him up.

"Thanks." Obi-Wan took a slice and stuffed the entire thing through the mouth in his costume. A sharp crackle and toast and hand re-emerged with only a small missing piece bearing witness to the tasting. "Master, that is horrible. Just like the warm bread you force me to cook for you."

"I like it better that way." He thought it best not to mention that he did not trust Obi-Wan to do anything else. As far as Obi-Wan was concerned, there were only two shades of toast: underdone and charcoal. The latter usually brought sirens, sundry Jedi Knights wielding fire extinguishers and disgruntled looks from Master Yoda. Then there was that diplomatic incident on Zelos II with the spatula and the pastry chef. Qui-Gon shook his head. A fine Jedi Knight Obi-Wan would undoubtedly make, just as long as someone diverted him permanently from the kitchen.

"I do not see why I cannot be Dipsy," Qui-Gon said, his tone uncharacteristically petulant. "I can manage the waving. This droid appears to be auditioning for royalty." He fixed his gaze on the costumed C3PO who was struggling to fend off the advances of the newly arrived Laa Laa Binks.

"It's impossible, Master," Obi-Wan smirked. "It clearly states in the handbook -section 3 anatomy, sub-section 12 - that Tinky Jinnky is the biggest, not to mention clumsiest, Tubby. Who are we to go against years of tradition and precedence?"

"Tradition?" Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow. No one could see it, but the sentiment was there.

"These things are important to growing children. If Anakin sees through our disguise too early the Sith may notice."

"Jar Jar is taller than me," Qui-Gon suggested.

"But, Master, you are so much...bigger."

Qui-Gon sighed. "I said you were not to call me Master."

"Why ever not?"

"Someone might recognise me!"

"I doubt it...Jar Jar has more dignity and authority than you do at the moment. Besides, I thought you liked it when I call you that."

Qui-Gon had had enough, enough of the intense heated discomfort of the costume, of Obi-Wan's dulcet tones and especially of the way that Jar Jar was flirting outrageously with his property. The Jedi in him knew it was unreasonable to think of his Padawan as one of his assets; the rest of him (which was gradually increasing in size) was considering ripping the red costume off Obi-Wan right then and there. The mystery of him secluded within a mountain of fake fur and plastic was more exciting than if he had been stretched naked over the bar. Well, perhaps. He felt strange. He wanted to giggle, eat, sleep and ravage his lover simultaneously.

"Time for bed, Pobi," Qui-Gon said. He slid off his stool, missed his footing and collapsed across Obi-Wan's lap. The stool creaked at the weight of the two Jedi and their excessive costumes. He was surprised to feel his Padawan's hands moving beneath his stomach to tug at his arm. "How many times have I told you, Pobi?" Qui-Gon squeaked, "not in public." For some reason Obi-Wan's costume was shimmering in the dank air, merging with the rainbow array of sound waves; coupling with the bright light of the Force which tumbled around his body.

"I'm simply trying to reach your handbag, Mas...Tinky Jinnky."

"Do or do not, there is no try." Qui-Gon mumbled and fell heavily onto the floor, laughing hysterically at his feeble Yoda impression. There was a vague impression of frustration emanating from Obi-Wan, followed by the sounds of a scooter being forcibly removed from a small bag with the inner dimensions of the ship of a galactic time traveller. Qui-Gon squealed when a wheel rolled over his foot.

"Sorry," Obi-Wan whispered with not quite enough conviction.

Qui-Gon was vaguely aware that strong arms were picking him up and levering him onto the scooter. "Hang on to me," Obi-Wan ordered. Qui-Gon stared as Obi-Wan used one leg to propel them; the other planted firmly in the centre of the scooter with most of Qui-Gon wrapped around it.

"Oh, yes, Sir! " Qui-Gon was suddenly overtaken by a moment of bursting happiness. His legs trembled, he picked up his handbag, his mind wavered in the eddies of the Force. There was only one appropriate reaction. He opened his mouth and sang.

"Jeditubbies, Jeditubbies," Qui-Gon roared at the top of his lungs. He ignored the dozen impolite requests for him to shut up and the fact that he was so far off-key that search parties were being sent out. He clung tighter to Obi-Wan's padded shoulders. Following the difficult negotiation of several disgruntled music lovers, the two Jedi made it to the relative safety of the corridor leading to their room. Somewhere in the distance, Qui-Gon's illuminated senses witnessed their current lame ducks following close behind. Yet, he barely acknowledged it when Jar Jar's large orange ball bounced off of his head.

"This is so unbecoming of our Order, Master," Obi-Wan complained.

"Shut up and sing," Qui-Gon reprimanded. "By the way...your antenna is crooked. I told you to adjust it before we left.

"Next time, Master, I vote we throw a blanket over our lightsabres and leave our robes in the closet, rather than do this." Obi-Wan was finding it particularly difficult to manoeuvre his scooter in the close confines of the corridor.

"Nonsense. Red becomes you." Qui-Gon's mind surfaced from the murk and wondered why he was merely clinging meekly to his Padawan's back. Shifting his weight in a way that should be second nature, but was several times removed to a Jedi covered in padding and carrying a handbag; Qui-Gon toppled off the scooter. In a blur of red and purple he wrestled Obi-Wan to the ground with him. When he felt the hard floor tumbling beneath his back, he rolled over atop Obi-Wan. The heads of their costumes clashed in retribution. "Are you questioning my decisions, Padawan?" he asked, ignoring the frantic struggling as Obi- Wan tried to escape entanglement.

"No, Master."

"Good," Qui-Gon giggled. He wondered where that had come from. Most of the giggling, laughter and general fun were rounded up by Obi-Wan, placed in regulation Jedi knapsacks and stored safely under the bed. He could not remember why, but the concept of the Jedi Master having unadulterated fun had always given Obi-Wan a severe case of the willies.

"Master Kenobi!" C3PO said from what seemed like miles above them. Qui- Gon tried resolutely to hide his entire body beneath the arms of the man holding him, but for some reason the "if I can't see him then he can't see me" defence was not working. He only just heard the muffled grunt coming from beneath him and offered little resistance when Obi-Wan wriggled upright and pulled him to his feet. Vaguely aware of the existence of the corridor, the dull red lights and the presence of one very warm, confined and exasperated Padawan, Qui-Gon leaned heavily against the wall.

"What seems to be the problem?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice quiet. Qui-Gon knew that tone of old. It sang of restrained beasts and taut emotion. It tasted of a man one swing of an ancient weapon away from murder.

"Master Kenobi! Your cranial protrusion is askew."

"What?" Obi-Wan snapped. Qui-Gon listened with delight. Heat crawled along his fingertips and nestled quietly behind his eyes. It waited with the slyness of the galaxy itself. Obi-Wan always promised the most when in such temper. But how best to get him to the barriers of his discipline quickly? A good sulk was several shades beneath Qui-Gon, but his skin hummed with need, every beat of his ample heart caressed the tautness from his muscles. He reached out to Obi-Wan's mind. The contact was clumsier than intended and he felt rather than saw Obi-Wan turn to him in confused concern. Instead of reassurance, Qui-Gon flooded Obi- Wan's mind with heat and desperation and molten gold so bright that he took a physical step backward.

"Master Kenobi!" The two Jedi jumped in synchronised fervour at the intrusion of the mechanical voice.

"Your antenna, Pobi." Qui-Gon muttered almost to himself. The circle on the spike was certainly more attractive when standing firmly to attention. "I told you to adjust it. But, do you ever listen to me? No, I am only the Master..."

"Meesa help," Jar Jar Binks' tongue shot out and steadied it.

For the first time, Qui-Gon noticed how annoying the creature was. He had tolerated him easily enough before, but that had been the dignified, controlled Qui-Gon who would never have allowed Obi-Wan to talk him into wearing this costume, had never eaten the Tubby toast and definitely was not sliding down the wall. The new Qui-Gon would happily slaughter the next creature to come between him and his Padawan.

"Thank you, Laa Laa," Obi-Wan said through what sounded like clenched teeth.

Qui-Gon stumbled to his feet and yanked hard on Jar Jar's tongue until it snapped away from Obi-Wan's costume. Coiling it around one hand, he pulled the Gungan towards him. "Keep your filthy paws off of my Padawan."

Jar Jar made a quiet frightened noise.

"Master," Obi-Wan demanded, "let him go!"

"For you, my sweet Padawan, anything. Your wish is my command." Qui-Gon hoped Obi-Wan's next command would be more interesting. He released Jar Jar so suddenly that the Gungan fell backward into the costumed droid.

Somewhere at the edge of darkened vision, Qui-Gon was aware of Jar Jar shouting "Time for Telebybyes", wrapping his slightly bruised tongue around C3PO and ushering the shocked, embarrassed and soon not to be quite so repressed droid into a room.

Qui-Gon moved slowly down the corridor hugging the wall with every step. Nearing the door to his and Obi-Wan's room he stumbled for the umpteenth time since he had donned the stupid costume. Before he fell, the strength of the Force carried him upright, guided by the presence of his loyal companion. He wondered why such assistance had not been forthcoming earlier.

"Master!" Obi-Wan asked. "Are you ill?"

"I do not believe so," Qui-Gon said, "although there is a distinct fuzziness to the air this evening." He hiccuped and giggled before throwing his arms around Obi-Wan's padded shoulders.

"Did you drink or eat anything when I was not looking?" Obi-Wan asked suspiciously as he fumbled with the lock on the door. "You know that you are not supposed to drink. It rarely agrees with you."

"Ah...it...the toast was very agreeable." He grunted as Obi-Wan shifted his weight and opened the door. "My Obi. My sweet, delicious Obi!"

"Oh no, not again." Obi-Wan half dragged Qui-Gon through the doorway and slammed the heavy wood closed behind them. Qui-Gon tripped and landed heavily on the floor. He rolled over and stared up at Obi-Wan who was leaning against the door.

Qui-Gon crawled across the floor and up his Padawan's legs.

"Master, please. Don't do this. I'm exhausted."

"I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan!"

"Driving that scooter is not as easy as it seems." He made a feeble attempt to escape Qui-Gon's clutches. However, Qui-Gon was not to be put off so easily and brought Obi-Wan crashing to the ground. His need blossomed with every breath of the man trapped beneath him. He tried to use the Force to rub against Obi-Wan, but the loss of control only left them both panting and demanding more than either could give without the glory of physical contact.

"At least take your costume off! This is...I mean it is..." Obi-Wan swallowed his words as Qui-Gon used his strength and passion and songs of innocence and the body electric to devour his lover's will. His cock throbbed at the driven presence only this one being out of billions could instil in him. Qui-Gon cried, the need to touch, nibble, suck and flourish alongside his lover pained him. The exquisite agony of temptation, of daring to feel the ecstasy flitting through Obi-Wan's veins was all consuming. A night of slow Force led exploration was irrelevant. The physical was somehow more genuine than secreting himself within his other half's mind. There was no other choice but to tear the costume away and continue through Obi-Wan's skin if necessary. Touching flesh was all-important. It was the only thing that mattered.

Qui-Gon clawed at the inside of his costume. Unable to get a purchase on the material, he allowed his frustrated screams to flow towards his Padawan, the one he coveted more than the Force itself.

"Master? What is it?" Obi-Wan flipped him over and straddled the heavily padded man.

"The damn thing will not come off. I think the fastening is stuck."

"Use the Force, Master. It is, after all, our raison d'etre."

"Hmmm..." Qui-Gon marvelled at the colour of Obi-Wan's speech as he watched its path from the mouth of the beast until it surrounded him with a comforting embrace. He concentrated on the Force flowing inches beyond the grasp of his dazed control. He thought about Obi-Wan's face and the obstacle to soft lips and heated breath. Something moved. Suddenly, a lamp flew across the room and bounced off Obi-Wan's head. "Oops!"

"Let me try."

Qui-Gon waited, feeling the strength flooding from the man holding him down. Whatever had scolded his view must have seeped through to Obi-Wan for a mirror whirled around the room and smashed against the wall. A barely comprehensible 'damn' and Qui-Gon almost cried when Obi-Wan clambered to his feet.

A distinct hum and a flash of blue light later and Obi-Wan stood before him, his costume shredded on the floor and bed, the torso section coming to rest on a chair. His skin glistened. His eyes blazed. His erection jutted at an unseemly angle. Qui-Gon studied him like a navigator might study a star chart.

"I have to ask. Where exactly were you keeping your lightsabre?"

"It's a big costume, Master." Obi-Wan grinned. "Lots of places to hide."

A few more swings with the deftness Qui-Gon had only ever seen in this particular specimen and the headpiece to his costume fell at his feet. He let himself be smothered in the sight before him, a panting - not to mention pantless - vision of resplendent youth. He made a mental note to discover the recipe for that Tubby toast. He swayed as his mind threatened to give way to the desire bundling behind his eyes, threatening to burst forth and consume them both. To his eyes, Obi-Wan was glowing, a pale aura shimmering around his body, outlining his precious bones, fleshing out his torso as a beacon on the edge of the dusk sweeping through Qui-Gon's rapidly retreating mind.

"The rest of it?"

"I think it suits you, Sir," Obi-Wan leered. "Leave it on." He stepped closer and pulled the tie from his Master's hair so it fell across his shoulders. It slipped across his face, obscuring his vision, framing his face in the way Qui-Gon knew drove Obi-Wan insane.

Qui-Gon had to admit his sweet, scrumptious, trembling Padawan had a point - not to m disturbances in the force?" Qui-Gon kissed his throat and sucked gently on the pale flesh before continuing with a thorough exploration of the remainder of his lover's exquisite form. "What happened to not losing control?"

Qui-Gon's head emerged from behind Obi-Wan's knee. He crept slowly up his lover, an unusually predatory gleam in his eyes. "Do not concern yourself with such things." He dipped his tongue between Obi- Wan's lips eliciting a radiant shiver which even Qui-Gon felt in his toes.

"Eh-oooohhhh," Qui-Gon managed before the flickering universe overtook his soul and he lapsed into heated limbo around a mouthful of prime Padawan.

Qui-Gon lapped at Obi-Wan's cock, tenderly at first before alternately sucking, biting, licking and teasing, swallowing until his training and discipline were swept away, until some part of him that was still rational realised just how loud Obi-Wan's groans were and how tightly the nimble fingers were wound in his hair.

Yet, this was far too easy; this was not justice for the many humiliations of the day. Qui-Gon released the contorting creature Obi- Wan had become and struggled to his feet. He wanted something more. Something different. Something new.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Obi-Wan screamed. "Get back here now."

Qui-Gon stared down at his Padawan and grinned at the fury of wild urgency. He noticed every curve, every twinge of anger in his darkening eyes, the trembling hand that crawled towards his cock. Qui-Gon bent and swatted the hand away.

"Padawan Kenobi. It is not your place to make demands or use such foul language." Qui-Gon hiccuped. Suddenly, he knew what he had to do. He had to punish the Padawan.

"Master, please." Qui-Gon watched as Obi-Wan tried every trick in his very large book. He ticked them off one by one. There was the pouting, sulking, fluttering, whimpering, jiggling, not to mention the writhing. He grabbed Obi-Wan's right foot and licked the underside. Obi-Wan shuddered and tried to wrap his legs around him.

"You realise I have to castigate you. The Code requires it."


"Let me see. We have several counts of felony Master humiliation. Add to that a dozen or so minor charges; losing my lightsabre, losing our clothes, whammying innocent Teletubbies, refusing to assist your Master undress, the destruction of private property, bringing the dignity of the Jedi into disrepute, refusing to play ball with an ambassador from another species." He punctuated each word with a stabbing tongue to the sole of Obi-Wan's seriously ticklish foot.


"Yes, Ambassador Jar Jar."

"Oh, Ambassador Jar Jar." Obi-Wan reached up and placed his other foot on Qui-Gon's shoulder. He shifted to the edge of the bed. "So, punish me."

"I fear that may be difficult in this costume."

"Let me help, Master." Obi-Wan launched himself off the bed, landed atop Qui-Gon and started to rip at the fabric with his bare hands.

"No. You've caused enough damage today." He was not about to admit that he was starting to like the feel of the fabric or the way it rubbed against his sensitised skin.

Several moments of frantic wrestling later and Qui-Gon was sitting on the floor, his back against the bed; a struggling Padawan stretched across his lap. Dressed only in a fine sheen of sweat, Obi-Wan was as exquisite as ever. Qui-Gon traced the outline of his shoulders with one hand, the upturned buttocks with the other. Obi-Wan fought valiantly, frustration pouring from his mind, threatening to envelop Qui-Gon's tender grip on his sanity.

One heavy slap to Obi-Wan's ass and a harder than usual cock slipped into the space between Qui-Gon's thighs. He stared at the vivid red mark, at the imprint of his authority upon his Padawan's skin. He traced the borders with one finger, dragged his tongue across the damaged edges, enjoying the ripples beneath the surface, the soft sighs - the power. This slip of dominance should have frightened them both, but far from cowering in fear, Obi-Wan was utilising every inch of his body in the quest for more. It had never been quite like this before.


Qui-Gon raised his hand.

Suddenly, Qui-Gon's costume began to shimmy and a flash of light erupted from the AV unit across his stomach against which the side of Obi-Wan's reddening ass was pressed. A jolt sped trough Qui-Gon's nerves, flexing and snapping into his Padawan. Obi-Wan began to arch his hips, driving himself between Qui-Gon's covered thighs.

"Not so fast, my Padawan." Qui-Gon pushed down hard on Obi-Wan's ass, stilling his frantic movements.

A strangely familiar voice spoke out, seeming to emanate from the costume itself.

"Hmmm...wrong number, I must have."

Momentarily lost in the flood of pleasure he did not recognise the voice until it was gone. It couldn't be, could it? His hand stilled inches away from Obi-Wan, who grabbed at the edge of the bed, tearing a blanket and scratching at the floor.

"Don't stop...don't ever stop."

Shrugging off the feeling that they were not quite alone, Qui-Gon trailed a finger alone Obi-Wan's spine. Reaching the pert ass he dragged his hand through the crack and pushed inside. Obi-Wan squealed and arched his back, alternately driving himself hard against his Master's hand then pushing into his lap. Qui-Gon bent his head, allowing his hair to brush against Obi-Wan's skin as his own cock throbbed with the weight of his lover. Licking the small of the back spread before him, he bit down hard and worried the skin, before sinking his teeth into a shimmering cheek.

Qui-Gon seemed wired to his Padawan's mind. He was no longer an entity in his own right, but merely a subset of Obi-Wan's consciousness. No one existed but them; even the galaxy slowed its inquisitive expansion and watched, forging creative ferns of twilight in the space behind the eyes. One man being teased into nothingness, the other rocking and grinding against the suit which separated flesh from flesh. Lights flickered in the ambient ether as two Jedi souls soared, harder and faster and closer and sweeter.

Just as release beckoned, a familiar voice filled the room.

"Excuse please. Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, I search for."

Qui-Gon froze in mid bite, silently offering up a prayer to anyone who might be listening that he was indeed hallucinating. Too late, he remembered about the communication devices built into the stomachs of the costumes. His head snapped up to see the remnants of Obi-Wan's costume. The section with the audio video apparatus had fallen on a chair, exactly opposite the two Jedi. Later, Qui-Gon would have sworn his heart stopped for the agonising moment in which his eyes locked with a short green figure who was swathed in a dark robe.

"Master," Obi-Wan hissed between gasps and the desperate jerking of his hips, "now is not the time for your Yoda impression." There was nothing like the image of an 800-year-old Council member to instil frigidity in even the most reckless of Jedi.

"Ah, there you are, Qui-Gon. Normally contact the Padawan directly, I would not, but your communicator showed only a large hillock, possibly a sand dune."

Qui-Gon imagined Yoda's line of vision. It swept over his tussled hair and his mouthful of Padawan ass, moving swiftly to Obi-Wan's face resplendent with desire. He thought he saw the small figure gulp and pull his cloak tight around himself. Was that a deeper shade of green he was turning? It was going to take a whole lot of meditation to wheedle his way out of this one. Where was his nice big robe when he needed it?

Obi-Wan looked over his shoulder at Qui-Gon, then over at the small screen and the flickering image of the one creature all Jedi were in awe of. Obi-Wan yelped and tried to get up, but only succeeded in impaling himself further. Qui-Gon smiled in spite of himself.

Yoda's eyes widened. "Treat your Padawan like this always, do you?"

"He requires frequent punishing...err...that is disciplining." He held tighter to Obi-Wan who was trying to crawl under the bed. If he had to face Master Yoda, then so would Obi-Wan. Or at least his ass would.

"Recent experience of Padawan training, have I not." Yoda frowned. "This being in the handbook, I remember not."

"I agree this is unorthodox."

"Known for unorthodoxy, you certainly are." Yoda lowered his eyes to Obi-Wan's ass. "Naked must Padawan Kenobi be his discipline to receive?"

"I find his response is more satisfactory this way."

Qui-Gon smiled weakly and looked Yoda in the eye. For his efforts, he received a glance indicating that Yoda was not going to dignify the sight of two such revered Jedi rutting in a cheap hotel with any form of recognition. Qui-Gon desperately hoped that the communicator was not set to record.

"Secured the Skywalker boy yet, have you?"

"No, my Master."

"Been busy, have you?"


"Fingers in Kenobi's ass, have you?"

Qui-Gon pulled his hand free so fast that Obi-Wan squealed. "No, my Master." He was going to protest it was a trick of the light, but the look on the small green face persuaded him otherwise. Being caught screwing your Padawan was bad enough, lying about it was tantamount to blasphemy.

"Demonstrate your unusual technique in the Jedi Temple, you will."

"What? No, I mean that will not be necessary."

"Deny your brethren the benefits of your experience, would you?" Yoda's right ear drooped.

"This probably wouldn't work on any other trainees."

"Your decision, this is not. Speak again when Padawan Kenobi less naughty is, we shall."

The image faded and the screen went dead. Qui-Gon's heart sank into his Tubby boots. He was never going to live this one down. Obi-Wan could probably shoulder the indignity, but not him - not the rebellious, defiant Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

"I fear my humiliation is complete." Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan who seemed to be trying to merge with the hideous green and cream carpet.

"Yours!" Obi-Wan covered his head with his arms. "What about me?"

"You're only a Padawan. I'm a Master. I have a certain reputation to uphold."

"Master Yoda will not make you...discipline me in front of the other Jedi will he?" Qui-Gon could not tell whether he was smiling in hysteria or terror.

"For the sake of your sweet little ass, let us hope not."

"What are you going to do with me?" Obi-Wan's eyes shone, catching Qui- Gon in their glare.

Qui-Gon pushed Obi-Wan off his lap, secretly enjoying the lost expression on the young face - part embarrassment, mostly carnality. His control somewhat returned, Qui-Gon tugged at the back of his costume. He sighed with satisfaction as the fabric came apart in his hands. He shrugged the costume and his underwear onto the floor. The air cooled his skin as it breathed for the first time in hours.

"Master?" The younger man's eyes glimmered with hope and need, mesmerising him until he fell into their embrace and the remainder of Obi-Wan's body faded into the background.

"Padawan, I'm going to give you the discipline you deserve."
