Theme and Timbre: Prima volta

by RavenD (

Archive: master_apprentice, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page:

Category: PWP

Series: Part of the "Theme and Timbre" Series

Rating: R

Pairing: Q/O, O/Other

Warnings None

Spoilers: none

Summary: First times.

Notes: Many thanks to Liz and Smitty (look, no sipping!) for the beta. As always, my thanks to Mystique for knowing what I wanted to say.

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

Prima volta - played the first time

I know he's waiting for me, patient, but full of desire. I hadn't expected this to happen, not yet. Maybe not for a long while. There are questions of appropriate relationships, rank. Issues I should meditate on.

I was going to wait, wait until I was sure of his feelings. Sure of my own.

I was going to wait, but he bent down as we were walking and he kissed me softly and simply said, "I want you, if you'll have me."

I should have used patience. I should have waited. I should have done any number of very solid, steady, reasonable things.

I took his hand and brought him home.

Now he's in my bed, waiting for me. Hard for me. Wanting me.

The thought makes me shiver.

I stand before my bedroom door, heart and body bared beneath this short robe.

My nervousness surprises me. I am no child. I have not been a shy virgin in many years.

If I'm honest, I don't remember being particularly shy at all, really.

My virginity, on the other hand, I gave that away gladly, freely. I dropped it into hands that caressed me, stroked me until I screamed. I will never forget the hot cavern of his mouth, wrapped tight around me, drawing my seed into his body.

As we learned each other, I was inundated by smells and tastes. I could have drowned in the sea of flesh before me. Leaving my inexperience behind was removing an old tunic, worn so long it had been forgotten.

I learned so much that first night. His skin was not the smooth, unmarred flesh that poets speak of. There were scars, dimples, rough areas that delighted my hands, intrigued my lips.

I learned the power of pleasure. I learned to long for his gasps, his moans, the arching of his body begging me for more.

I learned what it was to be surrounded by flesh, grasped so tightly that I couldn't catch my breath. In truth, I believe it took me days to remember how to take a simple breath.

I learned the satisfaction of falling asleep wrapped naked and satiated in my lover's arm.

Of course, I also learned that hair and semen are a troublesome combination after a few hours, the wet spot gets really cold and trying to extricate your braid from underneath your sleeping master's shoulder is a bit of a challenge.

"Obi? What are you chuckling about?" I look up from my memories and open the door. A pair of dark eyes laugh at me. He is smiling, hoping to share the joke. His skin gleams in the soft light; he looks warm.

I move to the bed, straddling his bare hips. "Nothing really. Just a bit nervous."

Bail grins and wraps his arms around me, proving that his skin is warm and I wonder where his rough edges are. "Nervous? "

My hands trail down his spine. "Mmm. It's been a while, that's all."

He drops a kiss to my jaw and his scent fills my nose. "Just perfect for a first time, then."

"Yes," I whisper, turning my head to run my tongue along his bottom lip. "It is."

The End