
by TJ (

Archive: Yes to M-A

Pair: Q/O

Category: H/C, Angst, First-Time, Challenge

Rating: NC-17 (for sex and violence)

Feedback: Please!!

Warnings: Violence!! Lots and lots of violence. Also some NON-CONSENSUAL stuff. Please be warned.

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan go to the planet Veygra to help with an old problem and find their master-apprentice bond sorely tested.

The full moon peaked out from behind the sparse clouds casting a shimmering light on the ancient glade. The gently blowing wind rustled the leafy branches of the trees and the tranquil melody they created drifted throughout, hypnotic and soothing. The aroma from the hyacinth blossoms was almost intoxicating in its strength as it floated on the evening breeze. A young eladu, sleek brown fur shining in the moonlight, moved into the peaceful clearing. The lush grass silenced her graceful footfalls as she grazed on the surround foliage.

Slowly, the soft wind died down, filling the area with an unnatural silence. The young eladu stopped its careful journey, then sprinted away, its short white tail raised high in alarm. A steady rumbling sound began somewhere deep underground, slowly raising in volume, as something seemed to force its way up from the bowels of the planet. The ground began to vibrate, rustling the tree branches together once more and sending the small residents of the glade scurrying for cover. As the rumbling grew to a crescendo, a loud cracking like a clap of thunder, shattered the night and a small fissure appeared in the once smooth ground. Slowly, the wind began again as acrid smoke wafted up from the newly formed crevice. And as the clouds moved to cover the moon once more, a single word floated on the breeze.


Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi walked down the ramp of the Druhan, the small craft that had brought them from Coruscant, grateful to once more be on solid ground. It had been a rather harrowing flight as the small craft seemed to be plagued by all manner of mechanical difficulties, some quite severe. The two Jedi had decided to seek other means of transport back to Coruscant once their mission was complete. They had endured quite enough of the Druhan.

They had come to Veygra at the request of the Veygran government. Something very disturbing was happening on their planet, something they were a bit unwilling to discuss over a long distance. Due to this, the two Jedi found themselves wondering exactly what it was they were to do here on this rather peaceful planet.

And peaceful Veygra was. Or at least it had been according to all the records back at the Temple. They had not had any sort of civil dispute in several hundred years. They also had a sizeable military presence, making outside disputes few and far between as well. But something was wrong now. It was a very worried High Minister who had contacted the Jedi for help.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan gazed about the small space dock as they waited for their government escort to arrive. They scanned the crowds of people in the area, looking for the High Minister. For some reason, all of the young people seemed to be dressed up as different creatures. Obi-Wan made a mental note to ask the High Minister about the seemingly strange custom. After a minute of searching Obi-Wan spotted the man quietly making his way toward them. He touched his master lightly on the arm and directed Qui-Gon's attention to the approaching man.

'Welcome, Honored Jedi,' the High Minister said when he reached them. He bowed low, as was the custom of his people. 'I am High Minister Calvin.'

'I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi,' Qui-Gon said as he and Obi-Wan bowed to the High Minister. 'We have come to help you.'

'Thank you. We are much in need, Master Jedi. But please, let us not speak of it here. I have a transport waiting to take us to the Chancellery.' With that, the High Minister turned and began making his way back through the crowds. Obi-Wan cast a quick glance at his master, but there was as much confusion on Qui-Gon's face as his own.

The two men quickly followed Calvin to the transport and were quickly on their way to the Chancellery building. The High Minister did not speak as they rode through the streets and the Jedi took their lead from him. Obi-Wan could feel the unease that poured off of the man. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and he was sure his master could feel it as well.

It took very little time to reach their destination. As they exited the transport, they were surprised by the number of growing, living things that seemed to thrive even in the heart of the city. It was quite a contrast to the stark lifelessness of Coruscant.

Calvin quickly led them inside the building and to his private offices. He waited for the Jedi to enter then closed the door behind them, locking it. He then moved swiftly around to his desk and sat down, motioning for the two men to sit as well.

'Again, let me thank you for coming,' he began once they were all seated.

'You are quite welcome, High Minister,' Qui-Gon said smoothly. 'But perhaps you could tell us why we are here?'

'You are here because the Pretazeneu has returned,' he stated, then went on to explain. 'The Pretazeneu is an' evil spirit' if you will. It is millennia old and has been banished for centuries."

"Yet you say it has returned," Qui-Gon prompted when the man fell silent.

"Yes," he replied. "Two weeks ago, during the beginning of our Samhain festival, there was a realignment of our moons and sun. This realignment of the heavens, during this particular time, released the Pretazeneu. It is now free to reek death and destruction on our planet once more."

"So you wish our help in destroying this spirit?" Obi-Wan ventured.

"No. There is no way to destroy the Pretazeneu. The most that can be done is to imprison it once more. And that must be done before it breeds."

"Breeds?" Qui-Gon asked, liking this less and less.

"Yes. Once the Pretazeneu is free it can choose a host and breed. I believe you Jedi are familiar with its offspring. You call them Sith."

The two Jedi barely managed to keep the surprise off of their faces. Surely this man was mistaken. But then again, so little was known about the Sith. It was entirely possible that a centuries old spirit was responsible for their origins.

"If the Pretazeneu is looking to breed, how will it attempt to do this?" Obi-Wan asked, hoping to find a weakness they could exploit.

"It will look for a young man of great beauty. Strong both physically and mentally. If he is a Force user, so much the better."

"A man?" Qui-Gon broke in, surprised.

"Yes. It will take possession of the man's body and use him to sire his offspring. It will impregnate a female and in but a single lunar cycle, she will give birth to a Sith spirit. Once that happens, the Pretazeneu will find another female to impregnate and the cycle will repeat itself."

"How many offspring can this thing produce?" Qui-Gon asked, suddenly wishing his padawan was anywhere but here right now.


"Does the female survive giving birth?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No. She does not."

"I sense there is more," Qui-Gon said. He noticed the High Minister hesitate for a moment.

"While the Pretazeneu is within the host body, it will attempt all manner of evil. The control over the host body is complete, yet the host remains aware of all that he is being forced to do. Or that he is allowing to be done to him. I must tell you, Mater Jinn, had I known of your apprentice I would have recommended he not come."

"What's done is done." Qui-Gon said, thinking the same thing himself. "There is no time to bring in another team. And I assure you, my apprentice is more than capable of taking care of himself. Now, you say it gives birth to a Sith spirit? Can you explain what you mean?"

"Just what I said," Calvin replied. "The woman gives birth to the spirit and then the spirit seeks out a host body. That is how the Sith are born."

"Is this single creature then responsible for all of the Sith?" Obi-Wan could not keep the incredulity from his voice.

"Were that it were so," Calvin answered. "There are others of its kind on various planets scattered about the galaxy. Each creates Sith spirits in its own way. Each has its own name. That name, by the way, is very important. Only if you know its true name, can you hope to imprison it."

"Forgive me, High Minister, but exactly how are we to assist you?" Qui-Gon asked. It seemed as though, dangerous as it was, these people had things well in hand.

"We can not bind the spirit," Calvin replied. "Only a Jedi can do that. And only during the Equinox which takes place in six days. It was a Jedi pair that imprisoned it 600 years ago. It must be Jedi that imprison it now."

"Can you tell us more of what happened back then?" Qui-Gon prompted.

"Yes," Calvin hesitated again. "But it is not a pretty story."

"We need all of the information we can get," Obi-Wan put in. The High Minister looked at the young Jedi apprentice for long moments before speaking again.

"Very well. Six hundred years ago the Pretazeneu was freed. A Jedi master and his apprentice were here at the time, on personal business I believe. The records are a bit vague about that. At the time, everyone was completely unaware of the danger. Until the Pretazeneu took the apprentice as it's host. Over a score of Sith spirits were born. There was more death and destruction during those twenty-three months than in our entire history. What the Pretazeneu did not cause, the Sith did. Finally, the Jedi master was able to free his apprentice and imprison the spirit once more."

"What happened to the apprentice?" Obi-Wan asked, needing to know.

"It was too much for him. The things he had done, people he had tortured, especially his own master. He could not live with it. So he did not. In the end, he hung himself. His master found him in their rooms." Calvin could see the pain and fear in the younger man's eyes. But he could be nothing but honest to the two Jedi before him.

"His... his own master?" Obi-Wan managed, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes," Calvin continued, understanding that the young man needed to know. "He captured his master and tortured him continually over a three day period. The Jedi knew how to defeat the creature but had to wait until the Equinox. In that time, he was abused mentally, physically, and... sexually. All the while, his apprentice was aware of what he was being forced to do. He... he removed his master's eyes and three of the fingers from his left hand. The creature repeatedly beat and raped him, sometimes letting the apprentice come back fully into his body to feel his master writhing in pain around him. He even removed one of the man's testicles and forced him to consume it."

A strangled sound forced its way from Obi-Wan's throat causing Calvin to fall silent. Qui-Gon whipped around to face his padawan. The color had drained almost completely from the young man's face and he was shaking. Quickly, Qui-Gon moved to pull his distraught padawan into his arms. After a moment, the shaking subsided and he pulled back to look at the younger man. Obi-Wan offered a faint smile, both reassurance and apology.

"Forgive me, High Minister," Obi-Wan said once Qui-Gon had returned to his seat. "The image you painted was... distressing."

"No apology is necessary, young Jedi," Calvin replied sincerely, then looked pointedly at Qui-Gon. "I understand."

"Does this creature have anything to do with why the young people were all in disguise?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes, actually," Calvin responded, surprised the Jedi had made the connection. "It dates back to when the Pretazeneu got free. It was looking for a host. So the people decided that if they did not look like a likely candidate, the beast would pass them by. It has since become something of a tradition. Even though most people have no idea of its origins."

"The people do not know that the Pretazeneu has been released?" Qui-Gon questioned.

"No. Only a handful of people even know of its existence. To inform the populace would be to inspire panic, if we were believed at all."

"I must agree with you there," Qui-Gon said. "Now, how do we go about finding this thing and stopping it?"

"First, we must find it. With your Force capabilities, that should not be a problem. Second, we must try to bind it, to keep it where it is until the Equinox is upon us. Then, at that time, it can be banished once more."

"Is this what the first two Jedi tried to do?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes," Calvin replied. "But things went wrong. The beast took possession of the apprentice and, well, you know what happened from there."

"Do you have any suggestions on where we should begin our search?" Qui-Gon asked, wanting to get away from the current conversation. He did not care for the effect it was having on his padawan at all.

"Yes. There is a glade. Come, I will take you there." With that the High Minister rose and led the two Jedi from the room.

There was a transport awaiting them when they walked outside. Both men were surprised when the High Minister himself moved sit in the pilot's seat. He saw the look on their faces and hastened to reassure them.

"I think it best if as few people are exposed to this as possible. Do you not agree?"

"Agreed," Qui-Gon replied as he and his apprentice entered the vehicle. Within minutes there were on the outskirts of the city, then leaving it far behind. The farther they traveled away from the metropolis the more lush and verdant the area became. The planet of Veygra truly was a beautiful peaceful planet. The Jedi master just hoped he and his apprentice could keep it that way.

For his part, Obi-Wan sat silently beside his master and watched the scenery go by. On the outside he was the picture of serenity, but beneath his calm facade his emotions were in turmoil. He could not seem to get the picture out of his head of his master, bound and gagged with blood running down his face from what used to be his eyes. The mental image, in and of itself, was quite bad enough. But when coupled with the image of a laughing, blood-covered Obi-Wan, it became almost unbearable.

Qui-Gon glanced at his apprentice. Obi-Wan had his shields up, effectively blocking his master from his thoughts, but Qui-Gon had spent years learning the young man's body language. Even without the bond he could see that Obi-Wan was deeply troubled. And Qui-Gon had a pretty good idea about what was troubling him. He made up his mind to speak to the young man tonight about it and turned his attention back to the mission at hand.

Although there were some within the Order who were, he himself was not prone to precognition. Yet he had a very bad feeling about this mission. For the first time, Qui-Gon found himself considering sending his padawan back to Coruscant while he took care of things here. And he would do just that if he thought he actually had a prayer of getting the man to go. Sometimes his young apprentice could be quite stubborn. Especially if he thought his master might be in danger.

A short while later they arrived at the glade. Calvin led them to the spot where the Pretazeneu had arisen. The small fissure seemed innocuous enough. Except for the black smoke that still seeped from it. An eerie silence surrounded this place, almost as if every living creature in the area had fled.

"Come, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, breaking the heavy silence. "Let us see if we can track this beast."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied. He moved to stand on the opposite side of the crevice from Qui-Gon and knelt. Qui-Gon did the same and both men opened themselves to the Force, searching for the darkness that had come from this place.

They spent hours there, searching. Several times they thought they had found it, only to have the presence slip away. Apparently six hundred years had made the creature wary. It was not going to be easy to find.

Exhausted, they finally broke off the search. It would do not good to find the thing if they were too weary to confront it. They would resume their search first thing in the morning. Hopefully they would have better luck then.

After a brief stop back at his office, the High Minister drove them to his personal estate. He thought it best if the Jedi stayed there. The fewer interactions they had with others, even government officials, the better. He quickly showed them to their adjoining rooms then excused himself. There were certain preparations that needed to be made, should the Jedi fail. He told his staff to bring the two men food, then bid them good day.

Once Calvin excused himself, Obi-Wan took a moment to look around their quarters. The two rooms were huge, each with its own bathing facilities. But the thing that brought a smile to the tired padawan's face was the decadently large bed in the center of each room. Obi-Wan loved his master fiercely, but if he woke up one more time to an elbow in his back, he thought he might throttle the man.

"Well, Padawan," Qui-Gon said as he walked into Obi-Wan's room. "It doesn't look like we'll have to share a bed on this mission."

"Thank the Force," Obi-Wan replied, a glint of humor in his tired eyes.

"Padawan, you do not enjoy sharing a bed with me? The legendary Qui-Gon Jinn?" he asked in mock indignation.

"I would not mind it, my Master, if you would actually - share - the bed with me. I do, however, grow weary of being beaten upon in the middle of the night."

Before Qui-Gon could reply, a servant girl arrived with their dinner. Obi-Wan just smiled as he took the tray from the girl, happy to have gotten the last word in for once. The two men made short work of the meal. The earlier work had left them particularly drained. Once finished, the each moved to prepare for bed. They would need all the rest they could get before hunting the creature again tomorrow.

"Have you need of anything, Master?" Obi-Wan asked, stepping into Qui-Gon's room. He had just come from bathing and his hair was still damp and glistening. Qui-Gon, too, was freshly bathed and sat working a comb through his long hair.

"I would like to speak with you, Padawan," he said as he finished with his hair and turned to face Obi-Wan.

"Yes, Master," he replied. He walked in and sat down on the edge of Qui-Gon's bed, waiting for his master to begin.

"You were troubled earlier today, by what the High Minister said," Qui-Gon began.

"Yes, Master. You must admit, it was a very... gruesome... picture he described."

"And again, on the way to the site. You closed your mind to me. I would like to know what you were thinking." Obi-Wan turned his gaze toward the window, unable for the moment to look into his master's eyes. The silence stretched on and Qui-Gon began to grow concerned when Obi- Wan finally spoke.

"I can understand why he did it," he said softly, still looking out of the window.

"Why who did what?" Qui-Gon asked, confused.

"The apprentice, why he killed himself," Obi-Wan replied and paused again before taking a deep breath. "I do not believe I could have lived with myself either, knowing that I hurt the one person who means more to me than my own soul."

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon said sharply. "Do not say such a thing! Do you not realize that I feel the same? That you mean so very much to me as well? I do not know how I would endure the knowledge that you took your own life to redress a wrong done to me that you had not control over. I fear it would destroy me."

At last, Obi-Wan turned to look at his master. Unshed tears glistened in his eyes, threatening to overflow. Without a word, they reached out to one another and touched their hands together. Each man both giving and receiving comfort and strength at the same time. Qui-Gon vowed to himself that they would get through this mission and then he and his apprentice were going to sit down and have a talk about the status of their relationship. A very long talk. And hopefully one that was interrupted by lots and lots of kissing.

The Pretazeneu drifted slowly back into the glade. It could still feel the Force signatures of the two Jedi. The Force was strong in them. Especially the young one. It considered taking the boy as its host, but six hundred years had made it wary. It would wait and see what developed. Perhaps it would find another Force-user to be its host. And if not, there was always the boy. Tomorrow would be soon enough to decide. For now, it would rest and grow stronger.

The next morning found the two Jedi back in the small glade. Once again they knelt on either side of the crevice to begin their search. Almost immediately they could tell that something was different. The creature had been here again. They could feel the taint of it, cold and dark, slithering around them.

Qui-Gon felt a stab of apprehension as he and Obi-Wan began their search. All at once, he had the overwhelming desire to grab his apprentice and run from this place, leaving the Veygrans to their fate. With an effort, he shook the feeling off. They had work to do here. He could no more abandon these people than he could sit back and watch as score upon score of Sith were born.

Obi-Wan could feel his master's tension. He knew that Qui-Gon was worried about him but was unsure what, if anything, he could do to help. Just as he was about to reach out to the other man, Qui-Gon took a deep breath and seemed to get himself under control. With a last glance at his master, Obi-Wan let his concerns fall away and began the arduous task of searching for the creature.

Hour after hour they searched through the Force for any sign of the creature's aura. Grimly, they kept on as fatigue began to eat at them. The dark, cold aura of the creature should stand out strongly amidst the otherwise bright Force of the planet and its peoples. But it did not. The creature had learned how to shield itself well.

Again, the two Jedi were forced to abandon their search. Again, they had come up empty-handed. The High Minister said nothing as he drove them back to his estate but the Jedi could see the worry etched into his features. Qui-Gon felt an answering worry in himself, though he refused to let it show. It had become quite obvious that this creature would not be found unless it chose to be. He only hoped that as the time of the Equinox drew closer, it would make a mistake.

They retired to their rooms with Calvin bidding them good day. A servant brought their dinner again and neither man spoke as they sought to replenish the energies they had expended.

Freshly bathed, Obi-Wan made his way to his master's room once more. He stopped just inside the doorway. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. His master was kneeling on the floor, his head thrown back and eyes closed in meditation. His hair was still damp as was the softly glistening hair on his chest. His master had foregone his usual dress and was clad only in his sleep pants.

Obi-Wan felt his face flush as he took in his master's lean torso. The sculpted muscles on Qui-Gon's chest were lightly dusted with soft curls, more than a few of which were graying. His stomach was flat and smooth, hardened by years of physical training. Obi-Wan let his eyes wander farther down and gazed at the line of dark hair than ran downward from Qui-Gon's navel to disappear beneath his pants. The young apprentice blushed fiercely as he imagined just what that trail of hair led to.

Qui-Gon was confused. He had felt his apprentice start to enter the room, then stop suddenly. Through the Force he had noticed Obi-Wan's increased breathing and pulse rate, but the young man gave no indication as to what he was reacting to. Concern won out over confusion as he felt Obi-Wan's pulse increase yet again. Rousing himself fully, Qui-Gon raised his head and looked into the eyes of his furiously blushing apprentice.

"Obi-Wan, is something wrong?" he asked mildly. The young man's distress was clear to see even if the cause was not.

"N... no, Master," he stammered, wishing the floor would open and swallow him. "I am sorry to have disturbed you." He turned to leave but his master's voice prevented it.

"Wait, Padawan," Qui-Gon called as he rose from his knees. He closed the distance between them in two swift strides. Obi-Wan could feel the heat of the other man's body behind him. It did nothing to help quell the intense desire he suddenly found himself feeling.

Gently, Qui-Gon turned him around until they were face to face, or as close to it as they could get considering their differences in stature. He stared hard at his padawan, taking in the flushed face and rapidly racing pulse. The boy looked scared to death and Qui-Gon had no clue as to why.

Obi-Wan could feel his master's breath on his face as he looked into the man's deep blue eyes. More than anything, he wanted to reach up and caress that face, pulling it down until he could taste those soft full lips with his own. He began to shake as he reached out with one trembling hand and touched his master's face. By the Force, how he wanted this man!

Qui-Gon's concern tripled as his apprentice began to shake. What in the world had frightened the boy so? The Jedi master tightened his grip on his padawan's arms as Obi-Wan reached out a tentative hand and caressed his cheek.

"Obi-Wan, Padawan, please. Tell me what is wrong?" Qui-Gon implored.

All at once, it was as if his body had decided to take action where his mind refused. He caressed Qui-Gon's cheek again, then moved his hand until it rested at the back of his master's neck. Slowly, giving his master every chance to pull away if this was not what he wanted, Obi-Wan pulled the man toward him. Ever so carefully, he pressed his lips to his master's and brushed the barest tip of this tongue along those beautiful lips.

Qui-Gon was in a daze as Obi-Wan pulled him forward into their first, speculative kiss.i-Gon's hands on his head, holding him still so that his master could ravage his mouth more easily.

They stayed like that for long minutes, devouring each other, committing every taste and touch to memory and feeding their love and lust back and forth across their link. At last, they had to stop. Qui-Gon pulled back and they both stood holding one another and breathing harshly.

Obi-Wan began to feel a bit self-conscious as Qui-Gon held him tightly. He was achingly hard and more than a little embarrassed about it. Qui-Gon could feel his padawan's feelings through their link and looked down. Obi-Wan had his face turned away, but Qui-Gon could still see the faint tinge of red.

"Obi-Wan, look at me," he said softly. Reluctantly, his apprentice brought his face up to look at his master. The shame that burned in his eyes gripped Qui-Gon's heart.

"What is wrong, my Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked, trying not to let any of his fear come through.

"I... I seem to be... um... a bit more excited... about this than you," he said, his face going even more red.

"More excited?" Qui-Gon repeated, confused. Then realization dawned. With a sly smile, he reached down and grasped Obi-Wan's erection in his hand. "Is this what you mean?"

Obi-Wan let out a sound very reminiscent to a squeak as Qui-Gon touched him. His master's hand felt so good, he had to stop himself from arching forward. Smiling still, Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan's hand and brought it down until it came into contact with his own straining flesh. He could not hold back a small hiss of pleasure as his padawan's hand fondled his flesh, the thin sleep pants making a very flimsy barrier.

"Force, Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan exclaimed as he squeezed his master's cock lightly. Qui-Gon hissed again and thrust his hips forward into Obi-Wan's hand. Well, two could play at that game, he thought as he gently squeezed his apprentice in return. The boy moaned, biting his lip to keep from crying out and thrust forward himself.

They kissed again, hot and hungry, as they continued to fondle and squeeze each other, edging closer and closer to climax. And when Obi-Wan used his thumb to trace the head of Qui-Gon's cloth-covered cock, the Jedi master thrust forward again and came, shouting his climax into Obi-Wan's mouth as they kissed.

The knowledge that he had just made his master come, coupled with the wet pulses on his hand were enough to send Obi-Wan tumbling over the edge, too. Trembling, he would have slid down the door frame if Qui-Gon had not held him up. Qui-Gon kissed him tenderly until the worst of the post-orgasm tremors had passed.

"Come, Obi-Wan," he said as he pulled back and took his lover's hand. "Tonight, we share a bed."

Morning came bright and early for the two Jedi. They had indeed shared a bed, but done nothing more than kiss. Obi-Wan, for all his eagerness, wanted to take things slowly. Their relationship meant too much to him to rush into anything, even if it was something they both wanted. Qui-Gon had respected his wishes, content simply to be able to hold the man he had fallen in love with. It was not all that he wanted, but he was nothing if not a patient man. He could wait. And Obi-Wan was right, their relationship - was - too important to risk.

They managed to be up and dressed before a servant arrived with breakfast. They even took the time to make Obi-Wan's bed look slept in. It would not do to offend anyone and Qui-Gon was not sure just what the Veygran people's feelings were toward same-sex relationships.

Once again, High Minister Calvin took them to the glade. He was beginning to have his doubts that the creature could be found this way, but they had little else to go on. It seemed the Pretazeneu was keeping a low profile until it was ready to begin its rampage of destruction. He watched as the two Jedi knelt once again, admiring their tenacity if nothing else. They would not give up until they found this creature and eliminated the threat. He just hoped the price would not be as high as it had been for their predecessors. Reaching out with the Force, they began to hunt again. This time, however, they were changing tactics. Time was running short. They had to find this creature now. So, rather than each of them scouring a separate area, they were combining their efforts and hunting together. It would force them to cover a smaller area but it would also allow them a much more thorough investigation of said area. Qui-Gon hoped the more intensive search would yield some results.

Hours went by again before they found any trace of the creature. It was the barest tendril of darkness, but it was the same aura as the glade. Without hesitation, they followed it, their combined powers allowing them to track it where alone they would have failed.

Closer and closer they came. The darkness led them down twists and turns, trying desperately to dislodge the two. It was an exhausting search, but finally they had tracked the beast. It stood before them, a huge black swirling mass of energy. Jagged red streaks ran through it as it shifted before their eyes.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan readied themselves for battle. All they had to do was bind the beast so that it could be held here until the time of the Equinox. As Qui-Gon made ready to speak the Words of Binding, the beast seemed to reach out toward them.

"As you wish it, Jedi," the amorphous cloud spoke. Qui-Gon had a moment to consider the warning before the beast surged toward Obi-Wan.

"NO!" Qui-Gon screamed as the blackness enveloped his apprentice but it was too little too late. He watched in horror as the dark thing flowed into Obi-Wan.

All at once, Qui-Gon found himself back in the glade. He felt his insides twist as the young man collapsed and began to convulse as he fought the creature. But a Jedi apprentice barely a quarter century old was no match for a millennia old evil.

Qui-Gon moved to his side and touched his padawan's trembling shoulders. He hoped to add his strength to Obi-Wan's. Maybe together they could force the thing back out of him. As quickly as the convulsions started, they ceased. Obi-Wan lay quiet and unmoving on the soft ground.

"Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon said softly, the shallow rise and fall if his apprentice's chest the only sign of life in the young man.

"Mas... master," Obi-Wan began as he slowly sat up cradling his head. "What... what happened?"

"The creature tried..." Qui-Gon's reply was cut off as the butt of Obi-Wan's lightsaber slammed into his face. His last thought before slipping into unconsciousness was that he had not warned the High Minister.

"Stay back, High Minister," Obi-Wan said convincingly. "The Pretazeneu has taken over Master Jinn."

"What?" he whispered as he rushed over to the fallen Jedi master.

"You are a fool," the creature said softly as it ignited Obi-Wan's weapon. The High Minister turned toward the voice that could not belong to the young man and stared into fathomless black eyes. He never saw the blade as it took his head from his shoulders.

Qui-Gon awoke to a pounding in his head and a burning pain in his shoulders. He quickly surmised that the pain in his head was due to the blow he had taken, the pain in his shoulders to the fact that he hung from his wrists. Slowly, so as not to cause anymore pain, he looked at his surroundings. He appeared to be in a dungeon of some sort. Various implements of torture adorned the place and the walls in some areas were stained permanently red. He was nude, his arms bound by two ropes attached to bolts in the ceiling. His legs were secured in a similar fashion about six inches off the ground causing him to form a rather obscene X.

"Well, look who decided to wake up," he heard Obi-Wan say from somewhere out of his field of vision. "Glad you could join us, Qui-Gon. This will be so much more fun if you're awake."

Qui-Gon tried to call upon the Force, but it was as if he was being blocked. He suspected that he was. He felt his apprentice move up behind him and forced himself to remain calm. He tried not to flinch as the creature possessing Obi-Wan ran its hands over his body, touching him gently, almost reverently. First his shoulders, then trailing down his back until it came to his ass. Ever so softly it touched and caressed Qui-Gon, moving up closer to rub more fully against him. It carefully pulled his cheeks apart and let a single finger tickle the opening to the Jedi's body.

Qui-Gon tensed. He had expected pain, not this gentle touching. It was too easy to imagine it was his Obi-Wan touching him like this rather than the creature. He fought not to respond as the creature stroked his anus, not entering him, merely caressing the ring of muscle. It was no use. His body began to betray him as his mind pictured his apprentice touching him so intimately.

The caresses stopped as abruptly as they started. The creature moved around to stand before him and smirked at the erection that jutted out from between his legs. It reached out and took the hard phallus in its hand and began to stroke, enjoying the small sounds of denial that escaped from the master's lips.

The creature continued to stroke him, moving faster, pushing him toward completion even as Qui-Gon fought to resist. He told himself it was not Obi-Wan that was touching him, not his beloved but some foul abomination wearing his body. The creature sensed when the Jedi was about to come and turned his face up to meet the man's eyes. Qui-Gon recoiled at the shining black orbs that now replaced the once beautiful green eyes. Even that was not enough to stop his impending orgasm and he screamed as emotions clashed within him. And as the first jet of semen pulsed from his cock, the creature leaned forward and covered it with his mouth, swallowing as the hot cum filled him.

"Very tasty, my Master," it said in Obi-Wan's sweet lilting voice. Qui-Gon recoiled even further, trying to get away from the thing before him. The creature reached out and ran its hand gently over Qui-Gon's flank. The muscles trembled under its touch, strained to the point of pain from the harsh ropes.

"Come now, Qui-Gon," it said tauntingly. "I've seen inside your head. To have the boy swallowing your cock has been one of your most treasured fantasies for years now."

"Not... not like this," Qui-Gon gritted out.

"Well, if you were so adverse to it, why'd you come?"

Qui-Gon turned his face away in shame and refused to answer. He knew the creature was just goading him, but the words rang true. If he had known it was against Obi-Wan's will, why had he responded?

"I know you want to fuck him," the creature continued. "You want to see him on his hands and knees with your cock disappearing inside his ass. I can do that, you know. Just bend over and let you take him, let you rut in his body. Would you like that, Master Jedi?"

"No!" Qui-Gon cried out, horrified at what this thing before him was suggesting. But even as he said the word, he knew he had made a mistake. He had just given the creature something more to use against him.

"Perhaps later," it said as it moved back out of Qui-Gon's sight. "Right now, I want to hear you scream."

The Jedi master breathed a small sigh of relief. This he could take. He welcomed the pain he knew was coming. Anything was better than being forced to rape his own padawan.

The first bite of the laser whip took him by surprise. He knew immediately what it was although he had only seen one used once before. His back felt like it was engulfed in liquid fire as the creature laid into him.

The first stroke was agony, cutting deeply into him. The second was more pain than he had ever experienced before. He could feel the blood running down his back. By the third stroke, he realized the creature was keeping him conscious and probably would for the entire beating. At the fifth stroke he finally screamed, long and loud, his body convulsing in pain.

The creature waited, allowing the scream to end and the Jedi's body to still once more before lashing out again with the whip. Again Qui-Gon's scream echoed throughout the room and his body twisted and heaved trying desperately to cope with the agonizing torment.

After each stroke, the creature waited. Each time it took longer and longer for the Jedi to still. By the nineth stroke, Qui-Gon could only whimper. The creature lashed out a final time with the whip then threw it to the ground. Without another word, it turned and walked from the room leaving Qui-Gon writhing helplessly in pain.

It was long hours before the painful tremors finally stopped. His hands and arms had long since gone numb from bearing his weight. His shoulders remained a mass of wretched agony with even the slightest movement sending bolts of pain screaming through him.

Qui-Gon tried to concentrate, to center and calm himself for the ordeal he knew was coming. But the pain, coupled with his concern for Obi-Wan were destined to thwart him. Three days, he told himself. All he had to do was hold on for three more days. Then the Ritual could be completed and the creature imprisoned once more. All he had to do was live that long. Right now, he had serious doubts.

Sometime during the night he must have fallen asleep, because the Jedi master now found himself being rudely awakened by a bucket of icy water being thrown in his face. He licked his lips greedily, trying to bring some of the precious moisture into his parched and aching throat. The heavy taste of salt stopped him. There would be no respite there.

He opened his bleary eyes in time to see the creature move around behind him. Even so, he was ill prepared for the bucket of salt water that hit his back. A scream he did not believe himself capable of tore from his lungs as the cold salted water hit his raw flesh. He could almost feel the salt sizzling into his wounds.

"Good morning, Master," the creature said as it walked back around to face him. "I trust you had a good night's sleep."

Qui-Gon kept silent, or as silent as he could with his breath coming in harsh panting gasps. He tried in vain to accept the pain that was flooding him. He had twisted when the water hit his back and his shoulders were crying out in protest once more.

"Not too talkative today, Qui-Gon?" it prompted. "Perhaps if I were to lower you to the floor you would feel more like conversing. Would you like that, Master? Would you like me to ease you down and take some of the strain off of your arms for a bit?"

Qui-Gon regarded it warily. He knew it was probably a trick to further demoralize him, but he did not care. What he cared about right now was the permanent damage he feared he would suffer if he stayed like this much longer. And he had three more days to live through.

"Yes," he said simply.

"Say 'please'," came the smug reply.

"Please," he repeated. He tried to keep the small flush of shame from his face, but he failed.

"Very nice, my Master," it said as it moved over to a pulley set into the far wall. Slowly, Qui-Gon was lowered to the ground until he could rest on his feet. "Soon, I'll have you begging on your knees, calling me that."

He wanted to deny the words, but dared not. He did not want to do anything right now to anger the creature unnecessarily. And he was not altogether sure that this thing could not somehow manage what it boasted.

Qui-Gon felt a stab of pain as the pressure was finally relieved from his arms then blessed relief. They were still stretched over his head but they no longer bore his weight at all. He wondered what such a kindness would cost him. He had a feeling he would soon find out.

The creature secured the pulley once more. Qui-Gon could not help but stiffen in apprehension at its approach. It came up behind him and the master waited for his back to be further mutilated but nothing came. The creature merely examined him then moved around to face him.

"Your back looks quite bad," it said conversationally. "At least he salt will help against infection. We wouldn't want you to succumb to anything as ordinary as an infection now would we?"

Once more Qui-Gon refused to comment. His back still stung from the earlier abuse but if he remained still the pain lessened to something close to bearable.

"You know," the creature said softly as it moved up to caress Qui-Gon's face. "I brought you down so we could talk. If you refuse to talk I might as well just hoist you back up."

Qui-Gon stared at the thing before him, going to great lengths to look into the thing's eyes. It was easier not to see Obi-Wan if he concentrated on those black, soulless eyes.

"What... would you like... to talk about?" he grated out, his throat still sore from the screams the creature had wrung from him.

"Better," it said. "Shall we talk about know how long your precious little Obi-Wan has lusted after you, old man? Or how about the first time he let a man fuck him and pretended it was you? He's still in here, you know. Raging to get out. Only he never will. How long do you think he can watch himself torture you before he goes completely insane?"

"I don't know," Qui-Gon answered honestly.

"Neither do I," the thing replied. "Won't it be fun to find out? Don't worry, though, I'll let you know when it happens. When he's nothing but a gibbering idiot, I'll let him come back to you for a little while. Would you like that, Master Jedi?"

"I would be grateful for any time in Obi-Wan's presence," came the soft reply. Qui-Gon tried to thrust the image the creature had created for him out of his mind, but it was an all too real possibility.

"Your voice doesn't sound too good, old man."

"I'm afraid I may have stressed it some yesterday." The droll reply caused the thing to burst into laughter. Laughter that sounded entirely too much like Obi-Wan's. It made the hair on the back of Qui-Gon's neck stand up.

"Would you like some water?" it asked, Obi-Wan's own sweet smile playing at its lips.

"Yes," Qui-Gon replied, then added a hesitant "Please."

"Oh, you do learn quickly, Master Jedi," it said, inordinately pleased with itself. "But you will have to kneel."

"I can not."

"Hmmm... Very well, I shall lower you enough to kneel but you will keep your arms raised over your head at all times. If you are very good and do exactly as I say, I may even allow you to lower them for a bit."

With that the creature returned to the pulley in the wall and began to slacken the rope holding Qui-Gon's arms. The Jedi master considered trying to escape, but he was still bound hand and foot. Besides which, he was right where he needed to be. All he had to do was endure.

Carefully, he knelt on the hard stone, wincing as the movement made the pain in his back and shoulders flare to life again. Once the pulley was secured again, the creature moved back to the center of the room. It carried a small cup in its hands.

The cup was brought delicately to Qui-Gon's lips and tipped forward. The Jedi had a moment to consider if perhaps it was not water being offered him before the cool liquid rushed into his mouth. The blessed sensation of cool clean water on his parched and abused throat was wondrous. The creature made him drink slowly but in no time at all the small cup was emptied.

"Would you like more, my Master?" the creature beseeched as it moved the cup away from Qui-Gon's lips.

"Yes," he replied, his voice less strained than it was before.

"Very well," came the now familiar reply. But instead of moving to refill the cup, the creature pulled a long, black scarf from its pocket. Reaching forward, it secured the scarf around Qui-Gon's head, blinding him.

"Why... why are you doing this?" Qui-Gon asked, fear gripping him tightly. He did not like being blindfolded under the best of circumstances, let alone now.

"Because I can," it replied. "Now hold your mouth open and tip your head back. And I warn you, if you refuse, I will pry your mouth open and wedge it that way. The choice is yours."

Qui-Gon hesitated but a moment before doing as the creature said. He had no doubt that it would carry out its threat. Better to conserve what small amount of energy he had rather than waste it on foolish rebellion.

The first splash of warm liquid was in his mouth and down his throat before Qui-Gon realized that it was urine. He threw his head forward, spitting the substance from his mouth. The creature roared with laughter as it watched Qui-Gon try to rid himself of the foul taste.

Still laughing, it removed the blindfold and wrapped its hand in Qui-Gon's long hair. It pulled him upright in order to see into the Jedi's eyes. It gloried in the hatred it saw burning there. Never loosening its grip, it moved closer until Qui-Gon could feel its fetid breath on his cheek.

"You will kneel here with your mouth open and drink my piss like a good boy. And you will thank me for allowing you to do so. Do you understand me, Jedi?" it growled in his face.

"And if I do not?" Qui-Gon asked, trying desperately to rein in his temper.

"Then I will let my pet Wookies take turns at your boy," it smiled as it said this, forcing a picture into Qui-Gon's mind of a bound Obi-Wan being used.

"He would not live through it," the Jedi master reasoned. "You would be throwing away your host body."

"Oh, you would be surprised how much damage I can heal. Rest assured, the host body would survive."

And Qui-Gon knew without a doubt that the creature would do just what it said. It would probably even allow Obi-Wan's mind to come back to the fore, forcing the young man to feel the agony of being raped.

Forcing his revulsion to the back of his mind, the Jedi master opened his mouth. The creature released the grip on his hair and stood up, aiming his penis at the awaiting mouth. Qui-Gon closed his eyes then, unwilling to watch his own defilement.

"No, Master. Eyes open. I want you to watch."

Qui-Gon did as he was bid, opening his eyes to stare up into the face he loved with all of his heart. The warm stream of urine splashed across his face before finding its mark. He soon found his mouth filled with hot, salty fluid and forced himself to swallow.

"Very good, Qui-Gon," it said once the last of its waste had been eliminated. "Now, thank me."

"Thank you for... allowing me... to drink from you," he said.

Qui-Gon felt more shamed than he had ever felt in his entire life. Even the laser whip was preferable to this, this degradation of his soul. At this point three days might as well be three decades. There was no way he could endure that long. Not and remain sane. But what choice did he have? He may be willing to leave the Veygrans to their fate, Force help him, but what would happen to his padawan should he fail?

"You do that well," it said, regarding him for a moment before an evil smile lit up its face.

"Thank you."

"Seeing you like, on your knees with my piss running down your face, is rather stimulating." Qui-Gon watched as it reached down to touch the erection forming between its legs. He had endured unwanted touches before, he told himself, he just wished this one was not wearing the face of his own padawan.

As expected, the creature moved forward and pulled its hard cock from its pants. Qui-Gon forced himself to remain still as it brushed the tip against his closed lips. He thought about biting the offending phallus off before it could do anymore damage to either of them, but quickly cast that thought away. It would be Obi-Wan who would suffer then. Providing the young man lived that long.

"Open," the creature commanded, pressing harder against those closed lips. But Qui-Gon would not. He knew his apprentice well, knew what he would be able to live with and what he would not. He had no delusions that he could outlast the creature, but he would hold out as long as he could.

"I said open," it repeated, its voice low and menacing. "You think to save him from raping his master. You think that it will make a difference somehow. It will not. You will never free him. I will take all I want from you and then I will kill you. Slowly. And you will beg me for death before it is over. Now, OPEN. YOUR. MOUTH."

Qui-Gon remained steadfastly silent. Some small part of his mind asked if perhaps this was not the wisest course of action, but he ignored it. It was too late to back down now. If he did, the creature would know he was cowed.

"Very well," the familiar reply once more. The creature tucked its hard cock back into its pants. It looked about the room for a moment, then moved to the side, toward a low table filled with various implements of torture.

It came back carrying two things - a Force pike and a pair of small vices. Qui-Gon stiffened as the creature threw down the pike in front of him and disappeared behind him with the vices. He knew what the damnable pike was for, but had no idea what the miniature vices could be used for. He quickly found out as the creature lifted his left foot and attatched one of the vices to his big toe.

The creature tightened the vice slowly. It wanted the Jedi to know what was coming and that he was powerless to do anything about it. Not a word was spoken as the clamp squeezed mercilessly. The toe began to turn red, then purple and finally black. It was almost at the bursting point when the creature stopped and dropped the foot.

Qui-Gon screamed as his foot bounced off the stone floor, the vibrations sending pain lancing through his body. He had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out again when the creature picked up his other foot. With the Force as his ally, he could withstand even the most heinous of tortures. But the Force was no longer his ally, not here, and he wondered how much more he could take before he began to beg.

The creature repeated the same process, slowly tightening the vice until the flesh was ready to give, then dropping it to the stone floor. Qui-Gon screamed again, thrashing helplessly in pain. The creature waited for him to still before moving back into his line of sight and picking up the Force pike.

Qui-Gon shook his head in denial, trying desperately to keep from begging for mercy. By the look in the thing's black eyes, he doubted if he would receive any. He had denied it, rebelled against its orders, and now he would pay the price.

The creature locked eyes with him for a moment, then touched the pike to his side. Raw, animalistic pain shot through his body and he screamed again, arching to get away. Another touch, this one to his right nipple and agony exploded in his chest. Another touch to his thigh and his body was literally convusling again, as it had the night before.

Through it all, Qui-Gon screamed and thrashed but stubbornly refused to beg. Until it touched the pike to his flaccid penis. The Jedi master screamed until his voice broke, his body going rigid in shock. Darkness swam before his eyes, but he could feel the creature keeping him conscious.

"Please," he rasped out. "No more. Please." He began to sob then, great wracking sobs that tore his soul to shreds as they tore their way out of his body. "Please. Please. No more, please."

"Shhh," the creature crooned softly as it dropped the pike and reached out to caress the trembling head. "Hush now. No more. It's over."

And the soft-spoken words, said in Obi-Wan's gentle voice made him sob harder. The creature knelt down in front of him and pulled his head onto its shoulder. Qui-Gon wanted to pull back from the false comfort but did not have the strength. Finally, the sobs tapered off and his body stilled once more. The creature held him for a moment longer, then stood again.

Locking eyes with the Jedi once more, the beast undid its pants and freed its hard cock again. It leaned forward until the tip brushed against the Jedi's lips, never breaking eye contact with the man.

"Open," it said softly.

Qui-Gon hesitated a fraction of a second before opening his nt. With the thing's cock filling his entire mouth, he was forced to breath on the out-strokes. And as the thing increased its tempo, that was becoming harder and harder to manage. The wild thought that the creature intended to kill him, suffocate him on its cock ran unbidden through his head.

Suddenly, the creature cried out and thrust hard, pulling Qui-Gon's head forward at the same time. The combined pressure succeeded in ramming the hard phallus into the Jedi's abused throat. His throat muscles spasmed furiously around the blunt shaft as the thing finally came, spurting its semen deep inside him.

The creature waited until its cock had gone soft before pulling it from Qui-Gon's mouth. Using a handful of the bound man's hair, it wiped itself clean before tucking it away. Qui-Gon could feel the wetness in his hair from where the creature had wiped its cock dry and felt a wave of revulsion. Grimly, he braced himself, refusing to give into the sick despair he felt.

"I have some errands that need to be attended to," the thing said as it walked toward the door. "I shall return in a few hours. Perhaps we shall play some more then."

Qui-Gon said nothing as it watched the thing leave. He was more than grateful for the respite. It would give him time to get himself together, or try to anyway. He needed to be centered if he was going to save his padawan.

"Since you pleasured me so nicely with your mouth, my Master, I am going to leave you down," it said as it reached the door. "If you do anything to try and get away, you will regret it. I have no qualms about removing your feet to keep you from running."

At the mention of his feet, Qui-Gon remembered the vices clamped to his feet. Everything hurt so much it was getting hard to distinguish one pain from the next. As it was he doubted if he could walk on them. If the clamps stayed on much longer, he might lose the toes altogether. When the time came, he would have to be able to move. That knowledge gave him courage.

"What... what about... my feet?" he grated out, his tortured throat protesting greatly.

"What about them?"

"The clamps. Please?" Qui-Gon felt shame color his face again, but pushed it away ruthlessly.

"Please, what?" the creature prompted.

"Please... please, may I have the clamps removed?" Qui-Gon asked, not sure what the thing wanted him to say.

"Please, may I have the clamps removed, WHAT?" it asked again, stressing the last. He understood then and tears came to his eyes as he realized he was about to rip his soul to shreds again.

"Please, Master?" he said softly.

"The worst betrayals are always the betrayals of self, are they not?" the creature murmured as it walked back over to him. "This WILL hurt."

Qui-Gon could not contain his screams, or what would have been screams had his throat been able to make more than small tormented sounds, as the clamps were removed. It stood looking at him for long moments afterward, the expression on its face unreadable, as if it were studying some interesting new bug it had found.

"Would you like some more water?" it asked finally as it tossed the clamps away.

"Yes, please," Qui-Gon replied.

"Please, what?" it asked again.

Qui-Gon stared at the creature. He knew what it wanted him to say. But he could not, just could not do it. Not again. It hurt too much. Ripped away pieces of his heart and soul and he did not know how much more he could stand to lose. Trembling, he turned his face away, unable to do what it wanted.

"It's alright. You don't have to say it again. Not yet," it murmured gently, then reached out to caress the Jedi's face, tipping it upward.

The small silver cup was brought carefully to his lips again. He braced himself for the salty taste of urine, but was rewarded with cool, sweet water instead. When he had finished the small cup again, the creature set it aside and walked away without a word, leaving the Jedi to kneel on the cold stone floor alone.

Qui-Gon knew it could be minutes, hours or days before the creature returned for him, although he doubted if it would be the last. He tried to calm himself, find his center, but it was difficult. His entire body throbbed in pain. The remnants of his soul shuddered in remembered humiliation. But he pushed on regardless. He had no choice. If he failed it would mean more than his own life. If he failed Obi-Wan would spend the rest of his days trapped inside his own body.

The thought of Obi-Wan imprisoned in his own flesh, forced to commit atrocity after atrocity shook the Jedi master. He would not allow that to happen. Not to his padawan. That simple vow lent him strength and purpose. Slowly, he began to calm. He reached inward, seeking his center, concentrating on his love for his padawan. He would not fail.

It was hours before the creature returned to the dungeon. It had secured several females for breeding. In but a few short days it would begin to spawn. Then the galaxy would feel fear the likes of which it never had before as scores of Sith were born. But for now, it would wait. And enjoy its simple pleasures.

"I am back, my pet," it said as it walked into the room where Qui-Gon was held. "Did you miss me?"

"I see you no longer refer to me as Master," he commented, sensing that the thing wanted conversation again. But for the life of him he could not figure out why.

"No," it replied as it went to the wall and released the pulley holding his arms. "Now you call me that."

Qui-Gon felt the tension on the rope slacken but made no move to lower his arms. To do so without permission would only get him tortured again. He had a feeling that was going to happen anyway, but he had been wrong with this thing before. He could afford no more mistakes.

"You may lower your arms, my pet," it said and moved over to help him do just that. Qui-Gon bit his lip bloody but managed not to scream as the creature forced his stiffened arms down to his sides. "Well done, pet."

"Thank you," he replied, purposely leaving off the title it wanted him to use. But the creature seemed to take no mind of the insignificant rebellion.

"Tell me, pet, have you ever been stretched on a rack?" it asked, its voice as conversational as if it had asked if he had ever used a blaster.

"No," Qui-Gon replied thickly. His shoulders still throbbed painfully from almost a day of being stretched over his head. He could imagine how much agony being racked now would be. He wondered how much he would be able to take before the creature had him begging again.

He felt fear stirring deep in the pit of his stomach and tried to calm himself again. He had spent hours finding his center and he hung onto it frantically. He had to remain calm.

The creature watched him struggle with his emotions. It could see the fear in his eyes at the mention of the rack. It watched the calm measured breathing of the Jedi as he fought to hold onto his control, to not give into the fear coiling like a snake in his belly. It was quite surprised that the Jedi was doing as well as he was after everything he had been through. Perhaps it was time to step things up a bit.

"Would you like to know what I've been doing?" it asked, changing tactics.

"No, I do not believe I do," Qui-Gon answered truthfully. He really did not want to know what Obi-Wan had been made to suffer through.

"I have aquired the first of my brood mares," it said, ignoring Qui-Gon's answer. "I won't need them until the day after tomorrow, but it never hurts to be prepared. Isn't that what you used to say to me, pet?"

Qui-Gon just stared at the thing before him. It was already preparing to create its army of Sith. Force help him, he could not fail.

"Of course, even if I can not impregnate them yet," it continued. "I can still enjoy them. Perhaps I will bring one down here for us to share. Would you like that, my pet?"

"NO!" Qui-Gon spat out angrily.

"Then I suggest you keep me sufficiently entertained, lest I seek my entertainment elsewhere." With that the creature dropped to its knees in front of the Jedi and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Qui-Gon tried not to struggle as the creature thrust its tongue into his mouth. The flavor of Obi-Wan exploded around him and he found himself inordinately grateful that the thing kept its eyes open.

As it kissed him, the creature reached down and began to caress Qui-Gon's limp phallus. He could not stop the small whimper of denial that escaped into the creature's mouth as he felt himself begin to respond.

Qui-Gon struggled with himself, but he could not seem to stop his body's reactions. It was too much - the constant pain, the random humiliations and acts of kindness - he just could not fight it. He felt his cock swell to full hardness and hated himself for it even as he thrust forward, into the thing's hand.

"Yesss..." it hissed as the Jedi responded. Finally it pulled its mouth away. It smiled at the sound of protest from the broken contact.

Still smiling, it leaned down and took Qui-Gon's hard cock deep into its mouth. Qui-Gon cried out as the sudden sensation overwhelmed him. Not thinking, he reached out and wrapped his hands in the thing's short spikey hair, curling one hand possessively around the long padawan braid.

Almost broken, the creature thought to itself as the Jedi held its head in place and began to thrust. It ran its tongue over the sensitive head and was rewarded with a deep thrust. Qui-Gon was now holding its head in place as he fucked its mouth.

Suddenly, the head in his hands began to struggle, trying to pull back. But Qui-Gon was too close to coming and refused to let go. He thrust in to the hilt one last time and shouted as he came, his cum pumping deep into the thing's throat.

Qui-Gon slowly released the head in his hands, wondering if he would be punished for what he had done. It seemed to be what the thing had wanted of him but shame burned in him none the less.

Qui-Gon was surprised when the creature did not raise up right away. It seemed to be gasping for breath, almost struggling. At last, its breathing back under control, it raised its head to look into the man's eyes. The tear-filled green eyes that looked back at him with a mixture of hurt and understanding were more than his rather fragile psyche could take.

"No... no, no, no, no, no," he wailed, realizing that it was not the creature he had just used, but his own apprentice. Bile rose in his throat and he turned his head and began to wretch.

Once his stomach stopped convulsing, he turned back to face his apprentice once more. But the black eyes that greeted him told him the creature was in residence once more.

"Oh my pet, forcing yourself on your own padawan. Not very Jedi, if I do say so myself," it taunted. "But don't worry. I'm sure little Obi-Wan understands. Besides, it's not as if he'd ever refuse you. You could bend him over and fuck him until he screamed and he'd just say 'Thank you, Master'."

"No, please," Qui-Gon whispered the pain and shame of what he had done almost overwhelming him.

"Tell me, pet, was little Obi-Wan a good cock sucker?" The horror reflected back in Qui-Gon's eyes made the thing throw back its head and laugh. It had almost forgotten how much fun breaking a man's will could be. Especially a man as strong as Qui-Gon Jinn.

It stood again and walked toward the door. Time to leave the Jedi alone with his thoughts. His own guilt and shame would do more damage than anything else right now.

The creature did not return that night and Qui-Gon fell into a fitful slumber. With the ropes slackened, he was able to lay down on the cold floor, taking the weight off of his abused knees. Everything hurt, but nothing as much as the knowledge that it was his padawan he had forced himself on. In his dreams, he kept seeing Obi-Wan's tear-filled green eyes staring at him, the unspoken 'why' clear to see.

The creature walked into the room and watched the Jedi sleep. The soft moans coming from the man giving evidence that his sleep was anything but restful. It smiled down at him, it was so close. Before this day was over, it would have this man kneeling at its feet, its slave for eternity.

Shaking itself out of its musings, the creature moved to the table against the far wall. It looked over the assortment of pain-giving devices. Thoughtfully, it selected the Force pike, a pair of small clamps with sharp teeth, and a long thin rod. As quietly as it could, it made its way back over to the sleeping Jedi.

It spread the items carefully out around it, making sure Qui-Gon would be able to see them when he awoke. The thing watched him for a moment more before touching the Force pike to Qui-Gon's testicles.

Qui-Gon screamed as white-hot pain shot through him. His body jerked and spasmed, tugging hard on the ropes binding him, as he struggled not to go into shock. For long moments after the pike was removed his body still trembled. There was a wild, panicked look in the Jedi's eyes that had not been there before. The creature gloried in it, knowing it would not be much longer.

"Good morning, pet," it said as Qui-Gon continued to shake, small moaning sounds coming from his lips. "I trust you had a good night's sleep."

Qui-Gon did not reply as he struggled for control. The creature smirked at him and the Jedi master found himself wanting nothing more than to beat that smirk off of its face, regardless of the damage it did to Obi-Wan. He ruthlessly pushed that thought from his mind almost as quickly as it had formed. He would not injure his innocent padawan in the hopes of getting revenge on the creature.

"Come, come. Up on your knees," the creature said as it began to lightly touch him with the Force pike. He bit his lip to keep from screaming again and got to his knees as quickly as he could. He caught sight of the items the creature had laid out and a shudder ran through him. Taking a deep breath, he tried to find his center and calm his mind.

"Remember when I asked you about the rack yesterday?" it said once he had gained his knees.

"Yes," Qui-Gon replied as the Force pike was brought toward his face.

"I think I would like to see you stretched on it today," it said, its face mere inches from Qui-Gon's. "Now I am going to untie the ropes holding you in place. You will then walk over to the rack and lie down upon it. If you do not obey or make any attempt at escape, I will make you regret it. And then I will make you watch as I stretch one of the women in your place. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," he replied softly. What else could he say?

"Very good, pet." It moved behind him then and began to undo the ropes. Once Qui-Gon was freed, it motioned for him to do as he was told. Without a word, the Jedi clumsily got to his feet and moved toward the rack. He cast a glance at the creature then steeled himself to lay down upon the torture device.

The creature waited until Qui-Gon had followed his orders before gathering up the other items and following. He laid the things he would be using out on a nearby table then went to secure the Jedi's hands and feet.

Just moving his arms above his head again caused Qui-Gon's shoulders to ache. He had no doubts that this particular torture would be one of the most hellish yet. And he had no idea how the other things the creature had brought with it were to be used. He figured he would find out soon enough.

Once secured, the creature drew up the slack until the Jedi's arms and legs were pulled taunt. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearably painful. It then moved to the table and brought back the two teethed clamps. It laid them down on the man's bare stomach then began to gently fondle his right nipple until it was stiff and peaked. Reaching down, it took one of the clamps and fastened it onto the small nub. Qui-Gon arched his back as the steel teeth bit into his tender flesh. He could not supress a moan of pain as the monster began to tighten the clamp. By the time the thing was done, blood ran from the abused flesh. Satisfied, the creature moved to the other nipple and repeated the process.

Finished, it stood back to admire its handiwork. Blood ran in small rivulets from both nipples as the clamps bit down relentlessly. Taking a step forward, the creature lightly tapped the right clamp. Qui-Gon moaned as the vibrations sent a wave of fresh pain through him.

Moving back to the head of the rack, the creature started turning the wheel, drawing the ropes tighter. Sweat beaded on the Jedi's forehead as he was stretched, the pain in his shoulders turning to agony. The joints at his hips, knees, and elbows all quickly joined his shoulders as his body was slowly pulled apart.

He was stretched so taunt that, by the time the creature stopped, the only part of him that remained on the rack's wooden surface was his ass. His breath was coming in shallow gasps. Even breathing caused him pain as his body was all but suspended. Tears ran unheeded from his eyes as he fought to control himself, to not give in to the never ending pain.

Qui-Gon had to bite back a sob as the creature turned the wheel again. He wondered for a moment if the fiend meant to pull him in two, but quickly cast it away. That would be far too easy. It continued stretching him until, at last, he was completely suspended. Only then did it move back around to look into the eyes of its victim.

It stared at him for long minutes, watching as he moaned in pain, feeding on his terror of what was still to come. Silently it retrieved the long rod from the table and without preamble brought it crashing down on his tormented nipples.

Qui-Gon screamed at the jarring impact, dark spots dancing before his eyes. The creature waited for a moment, then brought the rod down again, this time across his soft stomach. The blow was hard enough to draw blood, and flecks of it splattered about as the creature drew back its arm. Another blow, to his nipples again, and Qui-Gon convulsed, his body bucking and heaving.

The thing just watched as he shook with pain. Lines of fire burned across his stomach and chest. He could feel blood running down his body to pool around him. He locked eyes with the monster, needed to concentrate on those black eyes rather than Obi-Wan's delicate face. Without breaking eye contact, the creature drew its arm back again and brought the rod whistling down. The blow landed true and it was a moment before his body even recognized the pain as the rod laid open a stripe on his groin and his flaccid penis.

Qui-Gon screamed, high and shrill, as his penis grew rock hard from the terrible blow. He had reached his breaking point and he began to sob as his mind gave in.

"Please, please, no more," he begged as he writhed against the pain. "Please, Master. Please. No more."

The creature watched him for long moments, delighting in the broken, pleading man stretched before it. It had done what it had promised. And now, it would have him. But first, one last humiliation.

It moved to his head and Qui-Gon tried to shrink back from it, still begging for mercy. It reached out a hand and wrapped it in his hair, pulling his head forward. It leaned down then and kissed him, thrusting its tongue deeply inside. Qui-Gon held his mouth open, allowing the creature access. Happy with the man's response, the beast brought the bloodied rod up to his face.

"Kiss it, my pet," it said softly. And Qui-Gon did, tasting his own blood and flesh on the vile thing. A shiver of revulsion ran through him as the beast cast the rod away and licked the blood from his lips.

It moved to the wheel once more and began to loosen the tension. Qui-Gon felt himself slowly sinking back onto the rack's wooden surface. He continued to sob as the pain threatened to drive him mad.

"Aren't you going to thank me, pet?" it asked as it untied his hands and feet.

"Th... thank... thank you," Qui-Gon managed to reply.

"Almost, pet. Do you really need another taste of the rack to get it right?"

"Thank... thank you, Master," he said in defeat.

"Closer, pet. I'll give you one last chance. If you get it wrong this time, we start all over again." Qui-Gon began to panic. He did not know what this thing wanted him to say. Then it dawned on him. Fresh tears stung his eyes as he gave his final reply.

"Thank you, my Master."

"Excellent, pet. Excellent. That is how you will address me from now on. Understood?" At it spoke, it began to undress.

"Yes, my Master," Qui-Gon replied.

"Now there is one more thing you must do for me, pet," it said. It was completely naked now and its hard cock jutted forward in anticipation. "Will you do one more thing for me, my pet?"

"Yes, my Master."

"Good answer, pet. Now, I want you to stand up and lean over the rack. Then reach back and spread your lovely cheeks for me and beg me, oh so prettily, to come and fuck you like the whore you are."

Qui-Gon did not reply, but moved to obey instead. He got slowly up from the rack and tried to stand. He had to grab on to keep from falling as his hips and knees buckled under the strain. Carefully, he turned his back to the creature and leaned forward until his head and shoulders lay on the rack's surface. Then he reached back and spread his cheeks apart, giving the thing behind him an unobstructed view of the opening to his body.

"Please, my Master," he began haltingly. "Come and... and fuck me. Come and fuck me like... like the... the whore I am. Please, my Master."

"Oh, you can do better than that, pet. Make me think you want it," the thing instructed, enjoying the sight before it. For what could be more enjoyable than the sight of such a proud Jedi master, broken and sobbing, begging to be raped.

"Please, my Master," Qui-Gon began again. "I want you to take me. I want to... to feel your... your cock inside me, fucking me. Please, my Master, come and fuck me. Come and... shove your cock inside me. Come and make me... make me yours."

"Yesss..." the thing hissed as it moved up behind him. With one brutal shoved it buried its hard cock inside the Jedi. Qui-Gon cried out at the rough penetration. He could feel the tight ring of muscle tear and warm blood run down his leg.

It thrust into him hard and fast, slamming in to the hilt on each stroke. The things hands gripped his hips hard enough to bruise and pulled him back each time it shoved forward. Without slowing, the creature released his hips and leaned over his back. With its hands free it reached around and grasped Qui-Gon's abused penis in one and one of the nipple clamps in the other.

Qui-Gon howled as the thing began to jerk and pull on both the clamp and his penis at the same time. It was too much. Buffeted by pain from source upon source, he gave in and retreated deep into his mind desperate to retain what sanity he could. Sobs tore their way out of him again as the creature used his body without relent. Blood ran from everywhere the thing touched him.

With a final shout, the thing rammed forward and came, shooting deep inside the sobbing man. It had wanted Qui-Gon to come as well, but realized he probably could not after the blow his cock had taken. It held itself inside the man until it started to go soft then pulled out.

Qui-Gon collapsed in a heap on the floor, shaking uncontrollably. The beast ignored him until it had dressed then turned back to look at its handiwork. Victory was always sweet. But now it had work to do.

"Come, pet. Time to get up," it said as it moved toward him.

Qui-Gon tried to get to his feet, only to fall back down again, his body refusing to obey his commands. Almost gently, the creature reached down and pulled him to his feet. It walked him over to a far corner of the room where a small cot lay. It laid him down on his back then rolled him onto his side, facing the wall. Qui-Gon felt it pull his arms behind his back but made no protest as he felt it binding him once more.

"I suppose I could leave you unbound now," the thing said as it worked. "It's not like you're going to go anywhere. But I enjoy the sight of you in chains." Qui-Gon said nothing as it finished its work and pulled a rough blanket up over his body.

"Now, I have to go and prepare," it said as it stood once more. "You just rest here until I come for you again. It probably won't be until tomorrow, though."

"Yes, my Master," Qui-Gon replied softly.

"Do you need anything before I go?" it asked. The Jedi came close to laughing at this sudden bout of tenderness on the part of the thing.

"The clamps, my Master?" he asked as humbly as he could. "Please."

"You would like them off, my pet?" it asked, seeming to think over the request.

"Yes, please, my Master. They hurt... so much."

"Very well. But on one condition," it said and paused. "Call me Obi-Wan, just once."

"No." Qui-Gon said, his voice more sure than it had been in a long while. He would die before he would do that. His padawan was still in there somewhere, forced to see and hear all that went on. He would never address this abomination by his padawan's name. He knew it was foolish to refuse, but he would not do that to Obi-Wan.

"I see there is still some fight left in you after all, old man. I will release the clamps anyway. If I do not they will probably fall off, taking your nipples with them and I prefer you more or less intact for now." With that the creature reached down and ripped both clamps from Qui-Gon's body. The Jedi jerked at the pain, then finally, mercifully, passed out.

When Qui-Gon awoke he had no idea how much time had passed, but he knew it was the next day. The Equinox was upon them. He had made it. Somehow he had made it, with his sanity more or less intact. Now all he had to do was speak the Words of Binding and this whole nightmare would be over. He hoped.

"Ah, my pet, you have awakened," it said once it noticed he was awake. "I was hoping you would wake up in time to see this."

While he was unconscious, it had brought the captured women into the room and chained them to the wall. Though naked and scared, they appeared to be unharmed. The creature left them and walked over to Qui-Gon's cot.

Bending down, it covered the Jedi's mouth with its own and kissed him deeply. Qui-Gon opened his mouth, allowing the creature its desired access. A small moan of pain escaped him as the thing ran its hands over his abused body, taking care to caress his nipples and penis. Regretfully it broke the kiss and began to untie him. Once freed, it motioned for Qui-Gon to follow.

His stiff and sore body protested loudly, but Qui-Gon forced himself to follow the creature. He would have to act soon. His body was deteriorating rapidly. It had been over a day since he had water and three since he had food. He could not hold out much longer.

He waited until the creature was on the other side of the room, as far from the three captive women as he judged the thing was likely to get, before he began the incantation. Force help him, if he got this wrong. He would not get a second chance. With that thought, he began.

Ix tak nii beu, Pretazeneu.
Ix tak nii beu, Pretazeneu.
Tak li mash ney.
Priin tag zey deu.
Ix tak nii beu, Pretazeneu.

"NO!" the thing screeched and rushed at him. But something seemed to hold it back. It was only for a few seconds, but it was enough. Even as it reached him, Qui-Gon spat out the last of the Words and the creature screamed in impotent rage.

Qui-Gon watched as the dark swirling mass surged out of Obi-Wan's body before disappearing. He saw his padawan's green eyes replace the black orbs of the creature and felt the band around his heart loosen. Now all he had to do was get them all out of here.

Somehow he managed to free the women, find clothing for them all and get them safely back to the High Minister's estate. Shortly after the creature released him, Obi-Wa was not doing too well either.

But while his was a case of physical abuse and malnutrition, Obi-Wan was in far worse shape. His psyche had suffered terrible wounds and the young man had, unable to cope, had hidden deep within himself. Now it was up to the three masters to try and find him.

They spent days on Veygra trying to reach the young apprentice. Yoda and Mace worked together at first, with Qui-Gon joining them as soon as he was able. He used their bond to try and rouse his padawan, but it was as if when the creature left, it took Obi-Wan with it. But Qui-Gon knew that was not the case. He had seen recognition in those eyes, in the moments after the creature departed. He knew Obi-Wan was still in there somewhere and he was determined to find him.

Mace and Yoda were not so sure. They were beginning to doubt if the young man would ever recover. The thought that he might still be trapped somewhere in his own mind occurred to them, but they refrained from mentioning it to Qui-Gon just yet. The man was still recovering from his own trauma.

In the long hours he spent healing, in between their sessions with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon told them what happened. He left out no detail for fear it could be the one thing to help them get through to Obi-Wan. Besides, he needed to tell it, to get it out in the open so he could heal. He had endured so much, come dangerously close to breaking, but he had held on. Only the knowledge that if the creature won, Obi-Wan would be lost forever kept him going. It was his determination to be with his love again that saw him through and that same determination would see them together again. He refused to believe any other possibility.

Finally, Master Yoda suggested they return to Coruscant. Obi-Wan was not getting any better here. Perhaps familiar surroundings would help, as well as the Temple healers. Qui-Gon agreed. There was too much death here, too many horrific memories. They needed to go home.

The healers wanted Obi-Wan to stay in the infirmary. Qui-Gon refused. Obi-Wan's place was by his side and that is where he would remain. The healers had argued that, in his current state, Obi-Wan would need almost constant care. Qui-Gon had stubbornly assured them that he was more than capable of tending to the needs of his padawan.

However, the Jedi master was more than a little nervous as he brought Obi-Wan back to their quarters. He hoped the familiar surroundings would help him to get through to the young man. Seeing his padawan like this, there but not, was worse than anything the creature had done to him. All he had to do was make Obi-Wan realize that.

His silent apprentice followed him obediently as Qui-Gon walked inside and into his bedchamber. He hesitated in the doorway, seemingly unsure if he should enter this private room or not. Qui-Gon bit down on his pain and casually motioned him inside.

"Why don't you lie down, Padawan," he said as he turned back the covers on his bed. "And I'll go see about bringing us both a little something to eat."

Obi-Wan hesitated again, then climbed into his master's bed. Qui-Gon had to turn his head to hide his smile. It was the first time that Obi-Wan had hesitated to follow a direct order from his master. It was a small thing, but it was proof that his Obi-Wan was still in there. Somewhere.

Qui-Gon knew he had a difficult road ahead. He was still healing himself, in both mind and body, but he would not abandon his padawan. He knew there was no guarantee that Obi-Wan would ever recover. He had come to as much peace with that knowledge as he guessed he ever would. But he would not abandon hope. He had spoken to Master Yoda at length on the subject, making it clear that he would care for his padawan for the rest of his days if necessary.

Yoda had not been happy with it, but he had accepted it. He promised that Qui-Gon would have all of the resources of the Temple at his disposal. The healers were to come and meet with them both daily until Yoda himself told them otherwise. Qui-Gon had resisted that at first, but his master had changed his mind with a single question.

"And to Obi-Wan what will happen, if succumb to this you do?" the ancient master had asked. It was all that needed to be said.

That first night, Qui-Gon helped him get into his sleep pants after they ate, then laid down beside him. It felt so good to have Obi-Wan back in his arms that he was unable to stop the tears.

"Oh, Padawan," Qui-Gon whispered. "I never got to tell you this. We had only that one night together. I should have told you then, but I didn't want to frighten you. I... I love you, Obi."

Qui-Gon fell silent then. There was so much he wanted to say to the young man in his arms. So many things he wanted to tell him. But he had to be cautious. He would honor Obi-Wan's desire to take things slowly. He drifted off to sleep thinking of all the things he wanted to say to his apprentice and hoping he would get the chance.

The healers came bright and early the next morning. Qui-Gon ignored the disapproving look he got when they realized the two men had shared a bed. Healer Trann sat down in the chair in the bedroom while Healer Va'Sal asked Qui-Gon to join her in the common room. The Jedi master was loath to leave Obi-Wan, but did as he was bid. The sooner they got this over with the sooner he could rejoin his lover.

"Come, Master Jinn," Va'Sal admonished softly as she sat down across from him. "Surely you must see the necessity of these sessions."

"Forgive me," Qui-Gon replied. "I do see their necessity. I just find myself loath to be apart from him, even for the briefest of moments."

"I understand," she replied, her gentle orange eyes shining compassion. "But you must also understand that this is for Obi-Wan as well. Perhaps you could put aside your desire for a short while."

"Of course," he said guiltily. "I did not mean..."

"I know. Your concern for him is great. As it should be. But you must also be concerned for yourself. You have suffered a great deal, gone through more in a half-week than most do in a lifetime. Give yourself the attention you should, lest he pay for it later."

Qui-Gon looked up sharply, his face tight. How dare this woman sit here and tell him that he might be a danger to his padawan! The kind understanding he saw in her eyes dissipated his anger almost instantly. There was no accusation, only concern.

"Perhaps we should talk about Obi-Wan first," she said. "You had him sleep with you last night?"

"Yes," he replied.

"You thought this wise?" she asked, her voice conveying neither doubt nor agreement.

"Yes," he confirmed. He then went on to explain about their night together on Veygra. "I did not want him to think that I no longer wished him for my lover."

"You still wish to have a sexual relationship with him?" Va'Sal asked, her voice remaining infuriatingly neutral.

"Yes," came the solid reply. "Nothing has changed between us. At least not for me. I still love him. I still want him. I refuse to let what the creature did destroy what we had, what we could still have."

"You do realize that if you told him to have sex with you, in the mental state he is in right now, he would. Whether he wanted to or not." Her orange eyes grew sharper at this.

"Yes," he practically hissed, his temper getting the best of him. "I know that if I turned him onto his belly I could fuck him and he'd never say a word, just lay there and take it. Do you truly believe me monster enough to rape my own padawan?"

"He raped you," she retorted softly.

"NO! He did not!" Qui-Gon knew he was shouting but did not care. "It may have looked like Obi-Wan and it may have sounded like Obi-Wan, but IT WAS NOT OBI-WAN!"

Before Va'Sal could reply, Trann came out of the bedroom. Qui-Gon was on his feet and headed toward the door before the man could speak.

"What is it?" he demanded angrily.

"Perhaps it would be best if you joined us," he said, but Qui-Gon was already moving past him.

As soon as Obi-Wan saw him, he lunged forward and landed on his knees at Qui-Gon's feet. The young man's arms shot out to wrap around his master's waist and he buried his head in the man's stomach. Qui-Gon reached down and caressed the trembling shoulders as his apprentice held him tightly.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"He began to get distressed as soon as you left the room," the healer began. "Apparently he can still sense your emotions through your bond. The more agitated you became the more upset he did."

"I think that will enough for today," Va'Sal said. "We will speak with Master Yoda and decide the best course for your therapy. We will meet with you again tomorrow."

"All right," Qui-Gon said, his attention firmly focused on his apprentice.

"Would you like us to give him a sedative before we leave?" Trann asked.

"No," Qui-Gon refused. "I will tend to him myself."

Knowing a dismissal when they heard one, the two healers left the Jedi's quarters. They needed to speak with Yoda. Hopefully between the three of them, they could figure out what to do.

Master Yoda found Mace Windu waiting for him when he returned to his rooms. He had spoken at length with the healers. It was decided that for now, they would council the two together. Perhaps when the boy was better, they would be able to deal with the master's pain.

"It was too easy, wasn't it," Mace said as Yoda settled himself in his chair.

"Um. Yes," Yoda replied. "Still here, the beast is. Hiding."

"Does Qui-Gon suspect?" Mace asked, his concern for his friend evident.

"No," Yoda said flatly. "Thinks the boy free, he does."

"What can we do?" Mace asked, the need to do something, anything, burning in him.

"Wait." Yoda advised. "When stronger the boy is, act we will. But soon, it must be."

"Do you truly believe Kenobi can withstand it?" There was no doubt what Mace believed.

"He must," Yoda said softly. "Or lose them both, we will."

"I will prepare the healers," Mace said and took his leave of the diminuitive master.

Qui-Gon managed to get Obi-Wan up from his knees and back into bed. The young man had not wanted to release him. Only after Qui-Gon had assured him that he would stay with him, would join him on the bed, did Obi-Wan relent.

The Jedi master removed his boots and moved to lie beside his apprentice. As soon as he was stretched out, Obi-Wan curled into his side. Qui-Gon adjusted the young man's head so it lay on his chest, tucked just under his chin. Qui-Gon felt tears sting his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of his love's solid warmth. He had been so afraid of losing the young man. Ruefully, he realized he should probably speak to the healers about that the next time they came.

"Oh, Precious One," Qui-Gon breathed. "How I love you."

Obi-Wan snuggled the tiniest bit closer at the words and Qui-Gon felt his heart soar. Slowly, he was getting through.

"Are you still awake, my Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked after a minute. A slight shift of the young man's head indicated he was. "There are some things I want to say to you. Things you need to hear. Things I desperately need you to believe. Can you do that for me, my Precious One? Can you listen to what I have to say and try to believe it?"

Qui-Gon waited for Obi-Wan to give some sign that he understood. Qui-Gon was about to prompt him for an answer when the slight nod came again. Taking a deep breath, the Jedi master began to speak.

"It was not your fault, love," he began and felt Obi-Wan tense in his arms almost immediately. "It was my own. I failed to see the danger. Even warned though I was, I failed to see the danger you were in. I did not realize how fast the thing could move, how quickly it could... could take possession. I am so sorry, love. I failed you so terribly. I failed us both."

Qui-Gon grew silent. Obi-Wan was rigid in his arms. Gently, he stroked the young man's back, soothing. As much as Obi-Wan needed to hear these words, Qui-Gon needed to say them even more. The guilt had been gnawing at him day and night. He prayed to whatever being might be listening that his failure would not cost him his Obi-Wan.

"What you must remember, above all else, my Precious One, is that it was not you," Qui-Gon continued. "It. Was. Not. You. It may have worn your body, but it was never you."

Obi-Wan began to tremble in his arms, trying to move away from the man holding him. But Qui-Gon would have none of it. He held his apprentice tight. The more Obi-Wan struggled to move away, the more Qui-Gon pulled him closer, until he lay atop his master's chest with strong arms holding him in place.

"I may have called it master," Qui-Gon said as he looked deep into anguished green eyes. "But I never called it Obi-Wan."

Tears began to flow from those pain-filled green eyes to rain down on Qui-Gon's chest. Obi-Wan had stopped struggling as sobs began to work their way up from the depths of his tortured soul. Qui-Gon felt his own tears forming as he held his shattered padawan.

An eternity later, Obi-Wan's sobs began to taper off. Qui-Gon continued to hold him, stroking his hair, rubbing his back, soothing and calming the young man in any way he could. And through it all, he poured his love through their link, letting Obi-Wan see just how much his old master needed him to come back.

"Better?" Qui-Gon asked once the last of the tears had stopped. A brief nod against his damp chest was the only reply, but Qui-Gon took heart in it. It was a much stronger, if still non-verbal, reply than he had been getting before.

Gripping Obi-Wan tightly, Qui-Gon rolled them onto their sides. He moved back just a bit, enough so he could look at his apprentice's face but still keep as much of the full body contact as possible. The soft green eyes were red and puffy from crying and tear tracks stained the too pale face, but to Qui-Gon it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. So lost was he in cataloging the beloved face before him that he was taken by complete surprise when Obi-Wan leaned forward and kissed him.

It was a chaste kiss really, just the barest brushing of lips. But it was enough to make the older man inhale sharply and freeze. Seeming to take Qui-Gon's lack of refusal for consent, Obi-Wan leaned forward again, this time running the barest tip of tongue over his master's closed lips.

Qui-Gon moaned at the feel of that soft wet tongue, a bolt of raw desire spiking through him. With an effort, he took his padawan's shoulders and moved him gently back. Qui-Gon could see the pain of his rejection as the green eyes filled with tears once more.

"No, my Precious One," he said quickly. "Never think I do not want you. I do and quite badly. But you are not yet yourself. And I can not take the chance that this is just to please me, or to somehow make amends for that which was not your fault."

Obi-Wan tried to turn his face away, but Qui-Gon would not allow it. Reaching down, he took one of Obi-Wan's hands and guided it to his rock hard penis. He had not lied when he said he wanted this.

"I do want this, beloved," he continued as Obi-Wan's eyes grew wide with understanding. "But not at your expense. Never at your expense."

He pulled the young man's hand away and wrapped his arms around him once more. He pulled him closer until Obi-Wan's face was buried in his chest again. Obi-Wan held his master back just as tightly. And for the first time since this nightmare began, Obi-Wan sent a feeling across their link.

Qui-Gon almost choked as he felt the faintest tendril of love slide along their bond. It was so much more than he thought he would ever have again. He silently thanked the Force and whoever else might be listening for the incredible strength of the man in his arms. Emotionally exhausted, the two fell asleep together, wrapped in each other's arms.

The two men slept the rest of the day and through the night. When they awoke, they were still as they had lain down. Qui-Gon laughed at the rumpled state of their clothing. He wondered what the healers would have to say about that when they arrived.

He did not have long to wait as the soft chime of the door broke into his thoughts. Obi-Wan had begun to rouse and with a nod, Qui-Gon went to answer the door. The two healers walked in, followed by Mace, Yoda and Master Go-Sha'en.

"What's going on?" Qui-Gon asked, dispensing with the niceties.

"Come to see your apprentice, we have," Yoda said firmly.

"He's still in bed," Qui-Gon replied not liking this at all.

"Show us to him, you will," Yoda stated. With a slight bow, Qui-Gon turned and led them into his bedchamber. If they were surprised that Obi-Wan was spending his nights in his master's bed, they had the good graces not to show it.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said softly, "you have visitors."

"Bind him," Mace said and Master Go-Sha'en moved to obey. However, he quickly found his way blocked by a snarling man with a light saber in his hand.

"The hell you will," Qui-Gon hissed at them. His blue eyes turning stormy with anger.

"Do this, we must, my Padawan," Yoda said softly. "Free, the boy is not."

"No," Qui-Gon said in denial. He had spoken the Words. His padawan was free. He had seen the thing leave Obi-Wan's body with his own eyes.

"Hiding the creature is," Yoda continued. "Growing stronger. To escape, it seeks."

"No," Qui-Gon denied again, but his light saber lowered just the same. He had always trusted Yoda. He trusted his former master with his life. Now it appeared he would have to trust him with Obi-Wan's as well.

"Weak it is right now," Yoda pushed on, seeing Qui-Gon waver. "Destroy it, we can. Free, your apprentice will be."

"But alive, my apprentice will be not," Qui-Gon spat out vehemently, his anger and futility making him shake.

"Know that, we do not," Yoda replied, ignoring the man's taunt. "A chance, he has. But hurry, we must. Stronger, the creature grows. Soon, lost forever will the boy be."

Qui-Gon powered his saber down and threw it aside. It crashed into the far wall but he paid it no mind. If Obi-Wan lived, he could repair it. If not, he would have no further need of the weapon. He looked into the eyes of his master then and saw compassion. Turning to Master Go-Sha'en, he took the restraints from the man without a word then turned to face his wide-eyed padawan.

"Obi-Wan..." he began, unsure what to say.

Obi-Wan looked at him for a moment, then moved to the center of the large bed. Never taking his eyes off Qui-Gon, he lay down and pointed his hands and feet toward the four corners of the bed. Tears stung Qui-Gon's eyes as he moved to bind his apprentice.

Mace Windu wondered at the wisdom of allowing Qui-Gon to take part in these proceedings as he watched the man restrain his apprentice. He could see the pain in his eyes as he carefully bound each appendage. This was not going to be easy and there was no guarantee that the boy would survive.

Once Obi-Wan was secured, Qui-Gon stepped back with the others. He could see the fear on his padawan's face and wanted nothing more than to soothe it away. He wondered how much more his young lover could endure before he finally shattered completely.

"It is time," Mace said, breaking Qui-Gon out of his thoughts.

"What must we do?" Qui-Gon asked, his eyes never leaving Obi-Wan's.

"We will sit surrounding the bed. Then we use the Force to bring the creature out of hiding and banish it," Mace replied succinctly.

"And Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked. When Mace looked away from him, he knew. "You know he can't survive this. You know it's going to kill him."

"Know this, we do not," Yoda cut in.

"I will not allow this!" Qui-Gon roared as he moved to stand between his apprentice and these seeking to harm him.

All at once, Qui-Gon stopped and whirled to look at his padawan. A single thought had traveled along their link. //I would rather die than have this thing inside me anymore.//

"Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon trailed off, unable to continue.

//There is no death. There is the Force.//

"All right, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said reluctantly. "But hear this, my Precious One. On my honor, I pledge myself to you. Wither thou goest, I will follow. There is no death. There is the Force."

"Qui-Gon," Mace said, not liking what he was hearing at all.

"Let us begin," Qui-Gon replied. One way or the other, they would be free of this creature. Then he and Obi-Wan could be together.

It was three days before they were able to make any headway. Three days of watching as Obi-Wan grew weaker and weaker. Three days of the creature taunting him with the things it had done to him. Three days of it promising to make the rack seem like a warm up when it got its hands on him again.

Qui-Gon ignored it all. The others tried to as well, but it was difficult. Before they had only Qui-Gon's verbal rendition of what had occurred. Now, they had a full visual display as the creature fed them images of what it had done, what it had forced the Jedi to do in order to survive.

Hot tears ran down Mace's face as he watched his friend suffer on the rack. But the worst was watching his rape. He felt anger suffuse him and redoubled his efforts against the thing. He would not allow this creature to torment this man again. Either of these men.

By dawn of the third day, it changed tactics and they knew they were getting closer. Agonized green eyes replaced those horrible black orbs as Obi-Wan gazed directly at his master. Qui-Gon willed himself not to respond. That was not yet his apprentice lying there.

"Master, please," it begged in Obi-Wan's voice. A voice that now echoed pain and fear. "It hurts so much. Help me. Please, Master."

Qui-Gon willed himself not to respond, not to react. But it was hard. It was so very hard. He felt a wave of support directed at him and turned to see Mace Windu's concerned eyes. With the barest nod, he thanked the man then turned his attention back to the creature.

"Hear me, Jedi," the creature panted at Qui-Gon when the man did not respond. "Destroy me and you destroy him as well. I will shred his mind as I leave, my last gift to you."

"Then I will send us both to the Force and end our pain," Qui-Gon replied calmly. He would fight for Obi-Wan to the end, but as the days wore on he had little hope left that his apprentice would survive. Only the knowledge that Obi-Wan would rather die than be host to this thing any longer kept him going. He would not fail his padawan again, even if all he could offer was a clean, quick death.

On the fourth day, they could see it wavering. They were so very close now. It had changed tactics yet again. Now forcing Qui-Gon, and the others, to watch images of Obi-Wan being tortured and abused at his master's hand. Qui-Gon watched as every torture and humiliation the creature had put him through was visited on the image of Obi-Wan. Only by forcing himself to repeat 'It is not real. It did not happen.' over and over was the Jedi master able to remain calm.

The others quietly marveled at the strength of the man. The creature had sensed he was the weak link amongst them and was concentrating its efforts on breaking him. What the thing failed to realize was that where his padawan was concerned, Qui-Gon Jinn may bend, but he would never break.

By the end of the fourth day, the creature knew it was beaten. It could not hope to hold on much longer. It would make good its threat to rend apart the boy's mind and take comfort in the fact that it had destroyed two Jedi if nothing else. But it had one trick left, one last gambit.

"I can give him back to you," it said quietly. "He would have control over himself. He would be whole again. And he would never age, as long as I remained inside him. He could be your beautiful young lover for eternity. And I can keep you from aging as well. You would never have to know the pain of becoming a burden to him, of watching him cast you aside in favor of another, younger lover."

"No," Qui-Gon said softly. But oh how his heart yearned for what this damnable thing offered him.

"Then watch as I tear his mind and soul apart!" The creature let out a howl and they watched helplessly as Obi-Wan began to writhe. His eyes were wild with pain. They could feel his terror as the creature sought to do as much damage as it could before being cast out.

The Jedi brought the Force to bear on it, trying to help the struggling young man. As he watched his lover screaming in pain, some small part of Qui-Gon broke and he doubted if he would have the heart to fix it, regardless of how this turned out.

As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Obi-Wan's struggles ceased and he lay unmoving on the bed, his chest rising and falling shallowly. The healers started to move toward him, but Yoda held up a small green hand, stopping them. He concentrated on the boy, searching for any trace of the creature. Satisfied that they had managed to banish the thing once more, he dropped his hand and the two healers rushed forward.

The boy was alive, they could tell that much at least. He was weak and dehydrated but that appeared to be all that was physically wrong with him. His mind, however, was a different matter. The sparkling green eyes were now dull and lifeless as if no consciousness remained. As gently as they could, they probed his mind trying to find some small trace of him. But there was nothing. Apparently the creature had made good on its threat and destroyed the boy's mind as it left.

Qui-Gon watched as the healers examined his apprentice. He did not move from where he sat. He did not need to see the rise and fall of Obi-Wan's chest to know he still lived. He could tell that much from their bond. He could also tell that something was not right. He reached along their bond hoping to contact the other man but all he found was a great expanse of nothingness. Not even a trace of Obi-Wan remained.

Qui-Gon felt another small thing inside him break and realized it was hope. There was no hope. Now all that remained was duty. He slammed his shields into place quickly. He doubted if he had anyone fooled, but if they knew what he planned to do, they would try to stop him. He really did not want it to come to sabers between him and Mace.

"Leave us," Qui-Gon said quietly. As they moved to obey his wishes, only Yoda spoke up.

"Free, the boy is now," the ancient master said, offering what small amount of comfort he could.

"Get. Out." The venom in that reply took the master by surprise, but he said nothing as he turned to follow the others out of the room.

Only when they were gone, did Qui-Gon stand. He went first to the door, engaging the privacy lock. They would have to override it if they wanted to get in and that would take some time. Next he went to his apprentice and began to carefully remove the restraints.

Obi-Wan's wrists and ankles were raw and bleeding from fighting for so long. Qui-Gon rubbed them tenderly, using the Force to help heal the small wounds. If only he could heal the wounds on the young man's soul as easily.

Once healed, he slowly undressed his padawan and tucked the naked man under the blankets. He, too, got undressed and joined his lover. He got as comfortable as he could, then pulled the unresisting form into his arms until they lay as they had all those nights ago.

Qui-Gon slept fitfully. Dreams plagued him. Dreams in which his padawan was tortured endlessly while he was forced to watch. Dreams where the light never again shown in Obi-Wan's eyes. Dreams where he remained fo I truly did not think I would ever love like this. I thank you for that, my love. Even if we had much too brief a time together."

Qui-Gon had to stop. He could no longer contain his tears. He longed to rage to the fates that it was not fair. He recognized the futility in that and struggled to regain his composure. This would not help Obi-Wan. And he had to try.

"We will be together, beloved. I promise you that," he began again. "If I can not reach you, I will send us both on our way. I find I do not fear death as much as I fear life without you in it to guide me."

Qui-Gon paused. He had felt the slightest shift from Obi-Wan at his words. He prayed to any being that would listen that he had not imagined it. He believed his apprentice was still in there somewhere. All he had to do was reach him again.

"Do you remember what I told you on Veygra?" he asked. "We were in my room and you were telling me that you understood why the apprentice had killed himself. I told you then that I thought it would destroy me if you did something like that. I was right."

Qui-Gon paused again. He tried to get his tears under control once more and finally gave up. He let them roll down his temples as he bit down on a sob. He would not come apart completely. His padawan needed him.

"This... this half life you've been driven to, it tears me apart inside," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "Know this, my Precious One, I will keep my word to you. Wither thou goest, I will follow. There is no death. There is the Force."

Qui-Gon moved Obi-Wan off of him then and stood. He made sure his padawan was comfortable, tucking the blanket around his lax body. Obi-Wan's eyes never left him as he dressed and moved over to his desk. He picked up a data pad and began to type. A few minutes later, he stopped and turned back to the bed.

"I can not kill you myself," he said softly. "But I have left instructions for Mace. I will see he gets this pad and he will know what to do. He will come and give you a small vial to drink. Do not fear. It will be painless. And I will be waiting for you on the other side."

Without another word, Qui-Gon picked up his lightsaber from where he had thrown it. The housing was broken. It was useless. He dropped it back onto the floor and went to retrieve Obi-Wan's. He started to walk out, but turned back to look into the eyes of his lover one last time.

"If you have need of me, I will be in the gardens. Ensuring that my body follows my heart's desires."

Qui-Gon came to his usual spot in the gardens and knelt. He laid Obi-Wan's lightsaber down in front of him and set the data pad off to the side where he would not fall on it. He trusted Mace to carry out his last request, knowing the man would see it as an act of mercy rather than murder.

The Jedi master began to meditate, preparing himself. He recalled to mind every happy moment with Obi-Wan. He went over them in detail. He savored the look in his apprentice's eyes when he laughed, the way the sun glinted off his hair giving it a golden cast, the play of lean hard muscles as he performed a kata. With tears in his eyes, Qui-Gon reached down and picked up his padawan's lightsaber.

Obi-Wan was lost. He had known the creature was going to try to destroy him so he had done the only thing he could think of. He had hidden. But now he could not find his way back. And, if he were to be honest with himself, he was not sure he wanted to go back. It was peaceful here. There were no monsters chasing him, trying to devour his soul here.

But something nagged at him. Something was not right. He could feel a sense of foreboding, of danger. Tentatively he reached out, seeking the source of the disturbance. As he reached out, images began to filter through to him. Qui-Gon holding him. Qui-Gon talking softly to him. Qui-Gon picking up his lightsaber and going to the gardens.

//Nooooo!// came the mental wail as Obi-Wan realized what his master was about to do. All at once, he found himself back. He was shaky and weak, but he was back. Now all he had to do was get to Qui-Gon before it was too late.

He tried to reach out to the man across their bond, but got no reply. He knew his master still lived, so either he was too weak or the man was in deep meditation. Any other time, Obi-Wan would still have been able to reach him, but his master was not expecting to hear from him.

With a groan, the young man threw back the blanket and climbed to his feet. He almost collapsed as his legs refused to bear his weight, but he held on. Grabbing one of his master's robes, he wrapped it around his naked body and headed for the door.

It seemed to take forever as he made his way slowly across the Temple. He had to told onto the wall for support as he pushed onward. He stumbled painfully, but forced himself back up again. The Temple floor was like ice on his bare feet, but he did not care. At last he made it to the gardens.

He knew his master would be in his private spot. It was well secluded and would give him the privacy needed. Obi-Wan made his way there as quickly as he could. The sense that he was out of time driving him forward even as his body cried out to rest.

The image that greeted him when he stepped into the small area that was his master's almost stopped his heart. Qui-Gon knelt on the soft grass, tears running unchecked down his face as he held Obi-Wan's own lightsaber to his breast. Obi-Wan watched as his master moved his hand to activate the blade. In two swift strides, the young apprentice was by his side, reaching out to cover his master's hand with his own.

Qui-Gon's eyes flew open as he felt a hand cover his own. Startled blue eyes met green and he stared, uncomprehending, at his padawan. He had been so lost in his meditation he had not even felt it when his apprentice grew near.

Obi-Wan took his lightsaber from suddenly nerveless fingers and, in one quick motion, brought it slamming down on the data pad. Qui-Gon started at the sudden, violent action then watched as his apprentice destroyed the small device completely. A sob escaped him and he jerked Obi-Wan to him roughly. His arms wrapped around the younger man tightly and he was surprised when he felt the young man return the embrace. For long moments, they stayed like that, holding and being held. Finally, Qui-Gon pulled back and looked at his apprentice. The green eyes, though still shuttered, were no longer vacant.

They stayed in the garden together for awhile longer. Each was reluctant to release the other. When his knees began to protest quite loudly, Qui-Gon let go and made his way rather stiffly to his feet. He offered his hand to Obi-Wan and the young man took it silently. Qui-Gon was becoming a bit disturbed by his padawan's refusal to communicate, but he pushed it aside. Obi-Wan just needed time to heal. They both needed time to heal.

Holding his love's hand firmly in his own, Qui-Gon led them out of the garden. Their first stop was at Master Yoda's. Qui-Gon wanted to let his master know that Obi-Wan was recovering and to discuss the role the healers were to play.

Yoda was surprised when his former padawan showed up at his door. He was even more surprised to see the man's apprentice with him. He had truly believed they had lost the boy, as had the others. He was quite pleased to see they had not. The boy was stronger than he thought. Or perhaps he just had something worth coming back to.

Qui-Gon quietly informed his master of all that had happened, even telling him of his decision to become one with the Force in order to be with his apprentice.

"Apparently my apprentice had other ideas," Qui-Gon said with a smile.

"Glad I am of that," Yoda responded. "Lose you, I do not want."

"You have not, my Master," Qui-Gon replied. "Will you inform the others that Obi-Wan is recovering?"

"Yes. Yes. Inform them, I will," Yoda replied. "Glad to hear this, Mace will be."

"Could you ask him to come by our quarters this evening?" Qui-Gon asked upon hearing Mace's name. "There are some things I'd like to say to him face to face."

"Yes. Tell him, I will. To see you, healers will come as well."

"They may see me, if they wish," Qui-Gon said. "But they will not see Obi-Wan. They may examine him, but they will not try to council him."

"Wise, this is not," Yoda said with a frown.

"They may council me, in Obi-Wan's presence," Qui-Gon stated firmly. "I will council Obi-Wan myself. Until he is better, until he is ready to face what all has happened."

"Hmmm. What say you to this, Obi-Wan?" Yoda asked, turning his attention to the young man for the first time.

Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Qui-Gon's hand and looked to his master. Qui-Gon understood the silent question in his eyes.

"I am sorry, my Master," Qui-Gon apologized. "Obi-Wan does not wish to speak yet. In time he will, I am sure of it. But for now, he does not wish to and I will honor that wish."

"Good, this is not," Yoda said thoughtfully.

"I know," Qui-Gon replied before turning to Obi-Wan. "Precious One, how do you wish to do this? Do you wish to do it my way or Master Yoda's?"

Obi-Wan looked back and forth between the two Jedi masters. He knew they both wanted what was best for him. He was awed that Qui-Gon left the decision up to him, that his master still trusted him enough to decide his own fate. That same trust made the decision. He trusted Qui-Gon above all others. His master always knew what was best for him. He would follow Qui-Gon's wishes on this. Without making a sound, the young Jedi moved closer to his master, wrapping his free hand around the man's biceps.

"Very well," Yoda intoned. He was not happy with the answer but he was pleased that the young man was able to answer at all. "But monitored closely, his progress will be. As long as no worse he becomes, to you he will be left."

"Thank you, my Master," Qui-Gon said, bowing low. "Now, if you will excuse us, I'd like to get Obi-Wan back to our quarters. He's barely on his feet as it is."

"Go. Yes."

Qui-Gon bowed once more to his master then turned to leave. He paused as he felt a slight resistance from Obi-Wan. He turned to look at his padawan and felt tears sting his eyes as he watched the young man bow to Yoda before turning to follow his master.

"Welcome back, young one," Yoda whispered as the door closed behind them.

Qui-Gon walked Obi-Wan back to their quarters as quickly as he could. By the time they got there, he was all but carrying the younger man. He escorted his apprentice straight to the bedchamber, wanting to get him tucked back into bed as soon as possible. Qui-Gon straightened the covers on the bed then went to help Obi-Wan undress. He was surprised to find that the young man was naked beneath his robe.

"You've been barefoot this whole time?" Qui-Gon asked, upset more with himself for not noticing than Obi-Wan. He pulled his now shivering padawan onto the big bed and tucked the covers around him. He sat himself down at the end of the bed and began to rub the blanket covered feet, hoping to warm them. Even through the blanket he could feel how cold they were.

"You should have alerted me, Padawan," Qui-Gon admonished gently. He had decided that he would treat Obi-Wan as close to normal as possible. That included scolding him when he did something foolish.

Obi-Wan made an abortive movement with his feet, but Qui-Gon held onto them. He turned around on the bed and looked at his padawan. Obi-Wan looked away from him, not wanting to meet the man's eyes.

"Obi-Wan, look at me," Qui-Gon said and waited for the young man to comply. "I know you do not wish to speak. I will respect that wish for now. For Now. But you must alert me, in some way, when there is something wrong. Even something as little as your feet being cold. Promise me you will do that."

Qui-Gon waited, looking at his apprentice, watching the play of emotions over the other man's face. Finally, Obi-Wan nodded his agreement. It was enough. Qui-Gon would trust the young man to keep his word.

All too soon, the door chimed. Qui-Gon knew it was the healers. He had meant what he said to Yoda. He would allow them to physically examine Obi-Wan but that was all. He would tend to his padawan's care and needs. Besides that, he figured the healers were going to have enough on their hands trying to help him deal with everything that had happened without having to worry about Obi-Wan as well.

Healers Trann and Va'Sal were waiting outside the door when Qui-Gon answered. He smiled at their rather apprehensive looks and welcomed them inside. He could not help but notice that the two seemed a bit unsure of him and wondered if that was due to their first session, the banishment, or Yoda's talk with them. He suspected it was all of the above.

"Please, have a seat," Qui-Gon said as he walked them into the common room. "Just let me check on Obi-Wan and I'll be with you."

"We would like to examine your apprentice," Healer Trann said.

"If he feels up to it, that is," Va'Sal quickly put in.

"I would prefer if you waited until tomorrow, but I will ask Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied as he headed toward the bedchamber.

"He is speaking?" Trann asked, the surprise in his voice evident.

"No," Qui-Gon answered. "But that does not mean he is incapable of making his wishes known. And those wishes will be respected." The tone of his voice left little room for argument. The two healers waited while Qui-Gon went to speak with Obi-Wan. A moment later he emerged and motioned for them to join him.

"Obi-Wan has consented to being examined," Qui-Gon said, a trace of humor in his voice. "I believe he rather wishes to get it over with."

"Quite understandable," Va'Sal commented.

The two healers stepped up to the bed and Trann reached down to draw the blanket away. He was shocked to find the young man was completely naked. His brown eyes fixed on Qui-Gon with something akin to disgust.

"You do not even allow him clothing," he disdained only to find himself suddenly flung against the far wall of the room. Qui-Gon's eyes turned dark and stormy as he regarded the healer.

"As I mentioned earlier, Obi-Wan is quite capable of making his wishes known. Apparently he no longer wishes you anywhere near him." The acid in those words cut deeply, but Trann would not be put off.

"You take advantage of your position, Master Jinn," the healer sneered.

A deep growling sound interrupted Qui-Gon's retort. The three Jedi turned toward the sound only to find it coming from Obi-Wan. The young man's green eyes were narrow slits as he looked at the healer he held pinned to the wall.

"No, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon whispered soothingly. "Let him go. He is no threat to us."

Obi-Wan looked to his master and saw only calm reassurance in the man's eyes. Reluctantly, he released the force hold he had on the healer. The small growling noise, however, did not cease.

"Get him out of here," Qui-Gon instructed Va'Sal, but she was already moving to do so. He sat down on the bed, ignoring the looks from Trann and pulled his apprentice into his arms. Obi-Wan was stiff but allowed himself to be held. Qui-Gon pulled the blanket back up over him, lest he get chilled again, and held him in his arms. He rubbed lazy circles into his back until the growl began to fade. Only when it was gone altogether did he stop.

"That one will not set foot back in here again, Padawan. I promise you that," Qui-Gon said softly. Obi-Wan eased a bit at those words. Qui-Gon continued to hold him as he waited for Yoda to arrive. He had no doubt that the healers had gone directly to his master, but that was as it should be. Neither he nor Obi-Wan had done anything wrong and he would see to it that Healer Trann never came near Obi-Wan again.

The door chimed again and Qui-Gon got up to answer it. Obi-Wan gripped him hard around the waist, not wanting him to go. Qui-Gon quietly disentangled him and went to answer the door. As he had guessed, it was Yoda, along with Mace, Healer Va'Sal, and Master Healer Tarsis. Qui-Gon ushered them inside and motioned for them to follow him into the bedchamber.

Obi-Wan had lain back down and covered himself with the blanket. He began to growl again when he saw Va'Sal, but Qui-Gon quickly corrected him.

"No, Obi-Wan," he said. "Healer Va'Sal is not our enemy. Trann is not here. There is no threat." The young apprentice looked at his master for a moment, then stilled doing his best to relax.

"If my presence is a bother to you, Obi-Wan, I will leave and another may take my place," Va'Sal said to the young man. "I wish only to help you and your master. Healer Trann's views are not my own."

Obi-Wan looked at the woman for long moments. He stared at her soft orange eyes and saw only compassion and a sincere desire to help. He looked to Qui-Gon and nodded then held out his hand toward her. She hesitated but a moment before walking forward to take his hand in her own.

"There are things we need to discuss," the Master Healer broke in. "Perhaps we should move to the other room."

"All right," Qui-Gon said. "If you would be so kind as to wait for me there, I will assist my padawan in dressing and we will join you."

"Do you not think it best to leave him out of this discussion?" Master Tarsis asked, surprised by Qui-Gon's desire to have his padawan present.

"Obi-Wan, do you wish to take part in this discussion?" Qui-Gon asked. "After all, it directly concerns you." The young man nodded once, his eyes narrowing at the thought of not being allowed to take part in this.

"Then we shall await you in the other room, gentlemen," Va'Sal said effectively ending the debate. The Master Healer might take her to task for it later, but he would not do so here and that was all she cared about at the moment.

Five minutes later, master and apprentice joined their guests in the common room. Two spots had been left on the couch for them and Qui-Gon smiled his thanks. They sat down side by side and waited for the inquisition to begin.

"Healer Trann has made some very serious accusations," Master Tarsis began.

"Of that, I have no doubt," Qui-Gon replied dryly.

"He claims you are forcing your apprentice into your bed against his will. That you refuse him clothing, forcing him to remain naked in your presence. Is this true?" Tarsis asked.

"No," Qui-Gon answered, his jaw clenching as he bit down on his anger. This man was not his enemy, he told himself. He is merely concerned for my padawan. I should be grateful.

"So your apprentice does not share your bed?" Tarsis continued.

"Yes, Obi-Wan shares my bed. And yes, he does so without clothing," Qui-Gon said. "But he does NOT do so against his will."

"Can you be sure of that, Master Jinn?" Tarsis questioned as gently as he could. He did not think this man was intentionally abusing his padawan, but considering the boy's fragile emotional state, he had to make sure.

"Yes, I can," Qui-Gon answered. "But ask him yourself if you doubt my word." The healer had hoped to avoid this. He did not want to put the young man through a grueling cross examination, but his master seemed determined. The healer had little choice.

"Obi-Wan, do you share your master's bed of your own free will?" Tarsis asked, blunt and to the point.

A vigorous nod was the reply. The healer seemed skeptical and was about to protest when Qui-Gon cut him off.

"He chooses not to speak at this time," Qui-Gon said firmly. "It is his choice and we will honor it. You will accept his answers in the form he chooses to give them to you or you may leave."

"Accept them, we will," Yoda put in when the healer turned to the ancient master for help.

"Very well," Tarsis said. "I see I have little choice in the matter. Does your master force you to go naked in his presence?"

An angry shake of the head was the reply. The soft growling sound began again and Qui-Gon reached out to soothe the young man as best he could. Obi-Wan definitely did not like it when people accused his master of inappropriate behavior.

"Easy, Padawan," Qui-Gon said when the growling continued. "He is not our enemy. He only seeks to ensure I do you no harm." Hostile green eyes flashed to Qui-Gon screaming at the injustice of anyone accusing his master of doing him harm.

"One last question?" Tarsis prompted. He waited for the young man to nod his consent before continuing. "Why did you use the Force against Healer Trann?"

Obi-Wan looked to Qui-Gon, his eyes still angry. But in that look Qui-Gon could see his apprentice's answer. Taking a deep breath, Qui-Gon answered for him.

"Because he attacked me," he said.

"He attacked you?" Tarsis repeated, confused.

"Yes," Qui-Gon replied. "He attacked my relationship with my padawan. He accused me of improper conduct. Obi-Wan took that accusation as an attack on me and interceded."

"Is this truly your answer, Obi-Wan?" Tarsis asked. A single curt nod was the only reply.

"Are you satisfied now?" Qui-Gon asked, more than a little irritated by the entire proceedings.

"Yes," the master replied. "It would seem your padawan is there of his own free will. I sensed no coercion on your part and Healer Va'Sal informed me that you were in a relationship prior to all of this. I see no reason to believe that you are forcing your apprentice into anything he does not want."

"Good," Qui-Gon said. He was glad that was done with. He knew Yoda and Mace would have stood for him if it had come down to it. He was just glad it had not.

"Accept Healer Va'Sal, you will, Obi-Wan?" Yoda asked.

Obi-Wan nodded again. His master trusted this one. He would trust her as well.

"What say you, Qui-Gon?" Yoda questioned.

"Healer Va'Sal has been most helpful," he said. "I would appreciate it if she would continue to work with us. But I will not allow Healer Trann back in these quarters under any circumstances."

"Agreed," Tarsis put in as he stood to leave. "I will speak with him myself. He will be instructed not to come near either you or your apprentice. He will also be instructed not to speak of any of the things that have gone on here."

"Thank you, Master Tarsis," Qui-Gon said sincerely as he stood and bowed to the healer. Both men were surprised when Obi-Wan stood and bowed, too.

Healer Va'Sal took her leave of them as well, leaving the two alone with Yoda and Mace. Qui-Gon could feel the fatigue radiating off of his padawan and longed to tuck them both into bed for the night. But there were things he still needed to discuss with the two masters.

"Obi-Wan, why don't you go back to bed while I talk with Mace and Yoda?" Qui-Gon suggested. The glare he got in reply showed him exactly what his apprentice thought of that idea.

"Why don't you stretch out on the couch while your master fixes you something to eat?" Mace suggested as he bit back a laugh. Obi-Wan looked to the dark-skinned master and the briefest smile flitted across his face before he nodded and moved to lay down.

Qui-Gon shook his head and headed to the kitchen to fix his apprentice something to eat, muttering something under his breath about ganging up on him. Mace and Yoda both laughed, knowing Obi-Wan needed no help when it came to getting Qui-Gon Jinn to do exactly what he wanted.

"Come far you have, young one," Yoda said to Obi-Wan. "Farther still, you have to go. Far to go, your master has, too."

"He still had to deal with his own pain, Obi-Wan," Mace put in. "But do not fear, we will be there for him. And for you."

Qui-Gon came back a short while with steaming soup and bread for his padawan. Obi-Wan had eaten precious little in the last few days so Qui-Gon thought it best to start with light foods. Qui-Gon helped Obi-Wan to eat then settled him back onto the couch to rest. The three men talked of unimportant things as Obi-Wan drifted in and out of sleep. They could not help but smile as Qui-Gon's eyes kept drifting back to the couch to check on the young man. It would be a long time before the Jedi master felt confident enough to allow his padawan out of his sight.

A few hours later, Yoda took his leave, telling his former padawan he would see him tomorrow. Qui-Gon bid him goodnight and rejoined Mace. There were things he wanted to say to the other master, but for some reason he found himself unable to begin.

"Yoda said you wanted to talk to me," Mace said, giving Qui-Gon the opening.

"Yes," Qui-Gon said. "I wanted to thank you. And to apologize."

"No need for either," Mace said, knowing what his friend was referring to.

"Yes, there is. I know it wasn't easy for you. You truly believed he would not survive. And I didn't make it any easier. I'm sorry for that," Qui-Gon said. He fell silent for a moment, remembering that horrible time.

"I also wanted to thank you for doing what you knew was right. And for the support you gave me. When that thing offered... well, I was more than a little tempted," Qui-Gon trailed off again, his eyes going distant with remembrance.

"I know," Mace said. "And I don't blame you. If I had been in your place, I don't know if I'd have had the strength to refuse."

"I didn't," Qui-Gon replied. "If not for you... Force help me, I would have..."

"I know," Mace said again. "It's over now. Let it go, my friend. You have enough to worry about right now as it is."

"Have I ever told you that you have a gift for understatement?" Qui-Gon remarked drolly.

"Are you sure you don't have me confused with Master Yoda?" Mace came back and both men laughed.

Healer Va'Sal came each morning just after breakfast at Qui-Gon's request. He wanted as much uninterrupted time with Obi-Was as possible. As Va'Sal had suggested before, they started with how Qui-Gon was dealing with what had been done to Obi-Wan. She knew the man had a great deal of his own pain to come to grips with but she let that rest for now. First, let him accept and deal with his padawan's pain. Only then could he effectively deal with his own.

The worst was the man's sense of guilt over what happened. Being the Jedi master that he was, he blamed himself for not realizing the danger Obi-Wan was in. The entire time he had been held captive he had been terrified of failing, terrified of not being able to free his apprentice. And terrified of how Obi-Wan was going to deal with everything he was made witness to.

Va'Sal quickly found out, that while Qui-Gon would readily talk about the physical pain he suffered, he tended to clam up when it came to the humiliations. He refused to even think about the rape.

"You have to talk about it, Qui-Gon," she said calmly.

"No, I do not," he argued stubbornly.

"And just how do you expect to help Obi-Wan with these issues if you refuse to even think about them, let alone discuss them?" she asked, pushing the issue. He had run from this long enough.

"What do you want from me!" he demanded angrily. Va'Sal forced herself not to smile at his outburst. Finally, she was getting through.

"I want you to sit down and talk to me," the healer said gently. "I want you to tell me what you felt inside then, what you feel inside now, and what you want to feel when this is all over."

"Fine!" Qui-Gon practically shouted as he threw himself into the nearest chair. He was glad Yoda had taken Obi-Wan to the gardens today. The young man did not need to see his master like this.

"Talk to me, Qui-Gon," Va'Sal prompted.

"You want to hear how I felt? You want to hear how I felt with his piss running down my face? Or how about when he forced it down my throat then made me thank him?" he hisgged, bleeding wounds. I do not believe I have ever felt so hopeless in my life."

"And how do you feel now?" Va'Sal asked when he fell silent.

"Right now? Like I've been trampled by a tauntaun," he snorted. "I don't... I don't think I know HOW I feel right now. I feel hope. Hope that Obi will recover. Hope that I'll recover, that we'll get back to where we were before."

"Do you still feel helpless? Beaten?" she queried.

"Beaten? No," he answered firmly. "It came close, closer than anyone or anything ever has before, but it didn't beat me. And don't think I don't know that I only have Obi-Wan to thank for that. As for helpless, that depends on what we're talking about. Where Obi's concerned, I still feel a bit helpless, like I can't reach him, won't be able to help him heal from this."

"Understandable," she said. "I feel much the same myself, where you're concerned."

Qui-Gon's head came up sharply and blue eyes locked onto orange. The same tender compassion from their first session together was reflected back. But a new determination shown as well along with some small amount of affection.

"Do you really think you can? Help me... us... heal from this?" he asked, finally giving voice to one of his deepest fears of late.

"Yes, I do," she answered simply and he felt the vice on his heart lessen just a bit.

"Yoda would not be pleased at my inability to deal with my fears," Qui-Gon mused.

"Master Yoda has never been raped and tortured. Nor has he been forced to watch his beloved padawan being abused," Va'Sal stated flatly. She had the utmost respect for Master Yoda, but if he expected this man to feel no residual fear or anger over this, then he was in for quite a disappointment.

"Fear leads to anger..." Qui-Gon began only to be abruptly cut off.

"Bugger that!" Va'Sal's voice almost angry. "Your fear is natural, as is your anger and even your hate where the creature is concerned. And none of them are going to lead you anywhere near the Dark Side."

"I try not to think about it," Qui-Gon whispered, seemingly to himself. His face was turned away, staring intently at the wall. Va'Sal had come to notice that the particularly painful confessions given this way. She did not push. In time, he would look her in the eye as he spoke.

"Try not to think about what?" she asked.

"Any of it really," he said. "I get... upset. Obi feels it through our bond and he gets upset. So, I try not to think about it."

"Maybe you should try explaining it to him instead," she offered. "Let him know what it is you're thinking about and why you're upset."

"I tried that. He still blames himself, doesn't understand how I can not see him as the one that... hurt... me. Whenever I bring it up, he starts to withdraw." Va'Sal could see how difficult this was on the Jedi master. He was trying to heal himself while at the same time trying desperately to heal his padawan.

"Perhaps I could have a talk with him," Va'Sal suggested. "Explain to him that you - need - to think about what happened so you can make your peace with it. Let him know that you truly do not blame him, that it's not all just pretty words said to make him feel better."

"I don't know," Qui-Gon said. "After Trann..."

"How about if you're nearby?" she asked. "Close enough so he can feel you, but out of sight? Master Yoda could accompany me as well. I know Obi-Wan feels safe in his presence."

"I'm willing to try. But if he starts to get agitated..."

"Qui-Gon, he's going to get agitated. There's no way around that. But I am a trained healer and Master Yoda will be with me as well. If he starts to get too agitated, I'll stop," she promised.

"All right," he agreed. "Perhaps it will help. I doubt if it will hurt any."

"Excellent," she said with a smile. "We've made some real progress today."

"That must be why I feel so drained," he said dryly.

"Very funny, Master Jinn," came the reply. "When did you want me to talk to Obi-Wan?"

"Why not get it over with," he said. "When Yoda brings him back, I'll just step out for a few minutes."

"Very well," she agreed and paused. "You know, Qui-Gon, for all we've talked about today, you still avoided the whole issue of the rape."

"I know," he said. "Give me a little longer, Va. Okay?"

"Of course. Just as long as you understand that we ARE going to talk about it." Orange eyes clashed with blue and Qui-Gon realized that she would not let this rest, not let him rest, until they had talked it through. The healer in her would take no chance on leaving this wound to fester.

"Now," she continued. "When they get back, I suggest you explain to Obi that Yoda and I wish to speak with him. I'll bring Master Yoda up to speed. You can wait just outside the door, that way he can still feel your presence but won't know if you're in ear-shot or not."

"Sounds good," he said.

"Here comes the hard part. I don't want you to come back into the room unless Yoda or I direct you to," she instructed. "Can you do that?"

"If I have to," he replied as honestly as he could. "I won't like it, but I think I can manage."

Their conversation was interrupted by the door opening. Yoda and Obi-Wan walked slowly into the room. Obi-Wan smiled at his master and the healer then moved to Qui-Gon's side. The Jedi master quickly rose and engulfed his apprentice in a tight hug.

Releasing the other man, Qui-Gon led him over to the other side of the room, leaving Va'Sal and Yoda alone to talk. Qui-Gon explained that the healer wanted to talk to Obi alone for a few minutes and that he would be right back. The look of fear that flitted across his padawan's face tugged at Qui-Gon's heart but he squelched his sympathy. He assured the young man that Master Yoda would be with him and Obi-Wan relaxed. It looked like his padawan trusted the ancient master quite a bit.

While Qui-Gon talked to Obi-Wan, Va'Sal brought Yoda up to date on the situation. She explained Qui-Gon's inability to talk with Obi-Wan about what happened and her intention to let the young man know that this was hurting his master. She firmly believed that once the apprentice learned that his master well and truly did not blame him for any of what happened, his anxiety about discussing it would lessen.

Master Yoda listened to the healer's plan, nodding here and there as she spoke. It was a good plan, though the danger was great. For all of his strength, the boy was still fragile. Very carefully, would they have to tread.

Qui-Gon walked Obi-Wan over to the couch and sat him down beside Master Yoda. Obi-Wan gripped his hand tightly before letting his master go. He knew Qui-Gon wanted him to do this, to try and be strong. He hated being such a burden to the other man, so frightened and needy all the time. And he knew Qui-Gon could feel his emotions through their bond.

The fact that he could feel that his master was still near, even if not present, helped to relax the young man further. The closer his master was, the sooner they could be together again. These days, Obi-Wan lived simply to be in his master's presence. The nights where he lay curled up along Qui-Gon's side, wrapped around the older man, were like a soothing balm to the shredded remnants of his soul.

Va'Sal and Yoda waited and watched while the young apprentice forced himself to relax. The healer wanted to ask what it was he was thinking of that brought such a look of serenity to his face, but decided now was not the time. With a last look to Yoda, the healer spoke.

"I wanted to talk to you about your master, Obi-Wan," she began. The young man immediately tensed, his eyes narrowing and Va'Sal hastened to reassure him. "It's nothing bad, really. Nothing he or you have done wrong."

"Listen, you must," Yoda said gently and lay a small green hand on the young man's knee. The simple gesture of affection calmed him and he relaxed again.

"Qui-Gon needs your help," she said, knowing full well that there was nothing this man would not do for his master. "He's having a difficult time with talking about some of the things the creature did to him. He tells me that whenever he tries to work through them you tend to become upset so he stops."

Obi-Wan looked away. It was true. Whenever Qui-Gon thought about what happened on Veygra, Obi-Wan became more and more agitated until Qui-Gon stopped. He just could not stand his master remembering what the creature had forced him to do.

"That's the problem, you see," she continued. "He had to think about it, has to work through it, if he's ever going to heal. I know you want him to get past this. I know you want him to heal, to be the man he was again. Only you can help him do that, Obi-Wan. Only you."

Yoda watched, almost biting his tongue to remain silent. Obi-Wan grew more and more agitated as Va'Sal spoke. Her words were having quite an effect on the young man. And not a good one.

"Do you know the thing that hurts him the most?" she asked. She waited until his eyes met hers again.

"It's the fact that you don't believe him," she answered. "You don't believe him when he says that he never saw you, only the creature. It tears his heart out to know you blame yourself, to know that you think he could have ever mistaken that abomination for his own padawan."

Obi-Wan was openly crying now and Va'Sal could feel Qui-Gon begging for her to stop. Yoda looked to the healer but she shook her head no. She rushed on quickly, knowing Qui-Gon was only a heartbeat away from coming back inside, agreement be damned.

"Do you remember what he told you, Obi-Wan?" she asked quietly. "Do you remember what he said to you when he held you, before the Banishment? He said, 'I may have called it master, but I never called it Obi-Wan.'"

//Master!// Obi-Wan cried into their bond as he began to sob. Great wracking sobs tore their way out of his body. Yoda and Va'Sal immediately threw up shields to try to contain the overwhelming pain that flowed outward from the young man before them.

A brief moment later and Qui-Gon was there pulling his trembling padawan into his arms. He stroked Obi-Wan's back and felt tears fill his own eyes at the depths of the young man's pain. He berated himself for listening to Va'Sal. He had known better than to let anyone near his Precious One.

//I believe you now, Master.//

Qui-Gon froze. He had put Obi-Wan's first frantic cry down as pure panic. But the soft voice in his head was anything but frantic now. Tear-filled green eyes looked up into astonished blue ones. This was the first Obi-Wan had "spoken" since this nightmare began.

"Oh, Precious One," Qui-Gon breathed as tears ran down his own face. "I have so missed the sound of your thoughts."

Yoda and Va'Sal understood then. Obi-Wan had spoken to Qui-Gon with his mind. Another step had been taken. Va'Sal felt her own eyes fill with tears and quickly blinked them away. It was very difficult not to get caught up in all the emotions swirling around these two. Even Yoda seemed a bit affected by it all.

//Va'Sal says you need to work through what... what was done... to you. That I'm making it worse.//

"No, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said quickly. "You could never make it worse. You are the only thing that keeps me going some days. But Va'Sal does believe that for me to truly heal, to truly put this behind me, I have to come to terms with what transpired."

//I can not help what I feel when you remember what I... what was done. But I will do my best. You must do as the healer advises. She has helped you much already.//

"I have no wish to cause you pain. You have had more than your share of it and I will not be party to causing you more." Qui-Gon continued to speak out loud. He hoped by doing so he would encourage Obi-Wan to as well. And this way, he did not have to relay the entire conversation to his master and the healer. They should be able to piece it together from his end of things.

//More than anything, Master, I want you to be well. I want you to be whole again. Even more than I want to be whole again myself. If I must bear a little pain in order for you to heal, then I welcome it.//

"Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon began but he could already see this battle was lost.

//Please, Qui-Gon. I believe it will help me as well. I... I...//

"What, love?"

//I want so badly to have back what we had, what we were beginning to have. I love you. That has not changed, nor will it ever. But...//

"But?" Qui-Gon prompted again.

//But I despair that we will ever be lovers. I know you love me. But I do not see how you could ever want me to touch you, how you could find my touch as anything other than abhorrent.//

"Don't you EVER say that to me again!" Qui-Gon shouted. His eyes had gone so dark they almost appeared black. Obi-Wan could see the anger in his eyes even as he felt it radiating through their bond.

"Qui-Gon!" Va'Sal cried out, jumping to her feet. The Jedi master's sudden angry outburst frightened her.

"And what said he to anger you so?" Yoda asked calmly, never moving from his seat on the couch. Obi-Wan tried to turn his face away from Qui-Gon's but the man's strong grip on his chin prevented it.

"You say you believe me," Qui-Gon said to Obi-Wan, ignoring Yoda's question. "That you believe that I saw only the creature. Yet you turn around and tell me I should find your touch abhorrent!"

Obi-Wan began to tremble as Qui-Gon held him. He had made his master so angry and he did not mean to. Qui-Gon was so good to him, took care of him, loved him. He was all Obi-Wan had left. He did not know what he would do if Qui-Gon cast him away.

The young man's fears traveled easily across their bond and Qui-Gon reeled under the force of them. He could feel his padawan shaking in his arms. Obi-Wan's fear and panic quickly drove most of the anger from the man and Qui-Gon once again began to soothe his apprentice.

"This is not going well at all," Qui-Gon muttered as he sent feelings of peace and love across their bond.

"On the contrary," Va'Sal said, a small smile playing at her lips. "Things are going quite well."

"Go we will now," Yoda said as he got up from the couch. "Talk you should. Understand your fears you must."

"Yes, Master," Qui-Gon said.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Va'Sal said as she followed Yoda to the door.

"Thank you," Qui-Gon replied.

Another month passed before Qui-Gon could bring himself to talk about the rape. He and Va'Sal spend two weeks discussing it. In detail. He came to realize that the thing that hurt him the most was not the shameful begging he had been forced to do. It was the fact that this act was being taken from them. Even if it was not Obi-Wan, it still hurt to have the gift he would have given to his padawan ripped from them.

Obi-Wan continued to improve during this time. He was coming to terms with what he had been forced to watch. He had thought his master broken by the creature and that had wounded him more than anything else. To see his master, broken and begging for mercy, knowing none would come was devastating to the young man. But slowly, he accepted it. He came to realize he was wrong. His master had not broken, though he had come dangerously close. Obi-Wan vowed that he would protect this man for the rest of his life, and beyond if he could manage it.

The one thing that frustrated him the most was his master's refusal to let their relationship evolve any further. He could tell the man wanted to, just as Qui-Gon could tell that he himself longed for more. The night time cuddling was wonderful, and they were more than affectionate with one another, but Qui-Gon refused to let it go beyond kissing. And not very deep kissing at that. Finally, frustrated beyond belief by yet another dream of his master, Obi-Wan challenged him.

//Why?// he demanded, his thought-voice surly.

"Why what, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked, knowing full well what his apprentice meant. He had felt the man's arousal while he dreamt and had a good idea where this was going. Maybe it was time.

//Why will you not allow our relationship to progress?//

"As I told you before, Obi-Wan, I will not do this at your expense," Qui-Gon answered. Obi-Wan just stared at him. Was he serious? How in all the hells could he think this would be at his - expense - ?

//WHAT are you talking about?// he practically shouted into their bond.

"When you can come to me, well and whole, then I will consider it," Qui-Gon said firmly, his face set. "Not before."

//I am!//

"Do you not realize how badly I long to hear your voice? How much I miss it? How I despair that I will never hear it again? Do you?" Qui-Gon asked softly, his voice suddenly very tired.

Obi-Wan understood what Qui-Gon was saying then. He would not even consider deepening their relationship until Obi-Wan spoke. It was his last defense, the last wall he hid behind. And Qui-Gon knew it. The Jedi master was leaving the decision to him. What was more important to him - his shield or their love?

"M... Ma... Mas... ter?" Obi-Wan stammered. His mouth seemed thick and clumsily as if it did not remember how to make the word after months of disuse.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes at the sound he thought he would never hear again. His heart sang as the last band loosened and fell away allowing it to beat fully for the first time in what seemed like forever. The Jedi master opened his arms and his apprentice almost flew into them. They held each other as their tears came yet again. Both men wondered if there would ever come a time when they did not cry at the drop of a hat.

"Say it again, Precious One," Qui-Gon beseeched.

"Mas... ter..." Obi-Wan whispered. "Love.... you."

"And I you, my Precious One," he replied as he leaned his head down and sealed his mouth over his lover's.

Obi-Wan arched up into the kiss and was startled to feel Qui-Gon's tongue gently brush against his lips. He opened them and was rewarded by the feel of that same tongue stroking his own as it explored his mouth. With a strangled shout, Obi-Wan thrust his hips against Qui-Gon and came, the orgasm taking him so by surprise he would have collapsed if his lover had not held him up.

Qui-Gon felt his lover's climax and gripped the younger man tightly. He felt Obi-Wan's legs start to buckle and used the Force to help hold him upright. He swallowed the cries of pleasure as he continued to drink in the taste of his lover. Oh how he had longed for this!

Reluctantly, the need for air forced them apart. Obi-Wan blushed, rather ashamed of his lack of control, but Qui-Gon merely smiled and sent a cresting wave of reassurance along their bond.

"A beautiful young lover that comes from my kisses alone," he teased. "What a boost to an old man's ego you are."

"Not... old..." Obi-Wan rasped out.

"No more," Qui-Gon said, covering his lips with his fingers. "Let your voice rest a bit."

//First you want me to talk. Now you don't. I do so wish you would make up your mind, my Master.//

"Brat," Qui-Gon laughed. He stroked Obi-Wan's cheek and the other man leaned into the caress. "I remember you wanted to take things slowly, my Precious One. I would still like to."

//As you wish, Qui-Gon. I understand your wish to make sure I will have no regrets. Let me assure you now. You are the other half of my soul. So long as we are together, I will have no regrets.//

"Oh, Precious One..."

//However, I would like to get out of these, um, sticky leggings.//

"All right," Qui-Gon laughed. "Why don't you go clean up, then join me in the bedroom."

//I thought you wanted to take things slowly?//

"I do," he laughed again. "I thought we might lie together for a bit."

//I would like that.//

Obi-Wan stood and walked to the fresher to clean up. Qui-Gon watched him go, finally allowing himself to see just watch the man's body move. He had refused himself this simple pleasure while Obi-Wan was recovering. It was too easy to take advantage, too easy to overstep the boundaries of what was right. But not anymore. Now he could look all he wanted. And touch. And taste. And...

They lay in the bed, naked, Qui-Gon on his back and Obi-Wan curled around him. The young man rested his head on his master's chest. Slowly, he began to run his hand over the vast expanse of chest and stomach before him. It felt so good, so right, to touch his master this way. It was as if the last tear in his soul was finally mending.

Qui-Gon felt his body start to respond. His first instinct was to squelch his desire, but he realized he no longer had to. With a sigh, he let the feelings wash over him.

The Jedi master's cock began to harden as Obi-Wan brushed his hand over then man's flat stomach. He let his fingers brush just the top of the nest of dark curls before moving upward again. Qui-Gon moaned as that hand caressed first one nipple then the other until they were stiff peaks on his chest.

"I thought... thought we were... were taking things, um, slowly," Qui-Gon managed just before Obi-Wan bent his head down and took one swollen peak into his mouth. Qui-Gon moaned and began to writhe as the young man suckled gently.

//Don't you think we've wasted enough time? I want you. I want to make love to you. I want to feel you inside me, hot and hard and real.//

"Yesss..." Qui-Gon hissed. His desire to take things slowly vanishing. He tried to push Obi-Wan off of him some, to allow him to reach the other man better, but was stopped.

//Not this time. This first time, let me make love to you, Qui-Gon. Let me take away every hateful act that thing did.//

"Yes, my Precious One," he said.

Obi-Wan raised up on his elbow and looked down into the face of the man he loved. Passion-filled blue eyes gazed back at him. The love shining in those eyes threatened to undo him and he quickly looked away, taking in the sight of Qui-Gon's body, naked and aroused, instead. And what a sight it was. Spread out on his back, body flushed with desire, proud cock straining with need, it was a feast for his eyes.

He indulged himself for a moment before rolling away from his lover to kneel on the bed. He motioned for Qui-Gon to move to the center and waited for him to comply. Obi-Wan's own cock was hard now and he watched as his master eyed him appreciatively.

Once Qui-Gon was settled on his back once more, Obi-Wan moved to kneel beside him. He slowly brought his lips down and kissed his lover deeply. This time, Qui-Gon held back, letting Obi-Wan take the lead. He was rewarded by the feel of the man's soft tongue thrusting into his mouth, stroking his own.

Obi-Wan spent long minutes kissing his master, mapping the other man's mouth, drinking in the taste of him. He ruthlessly ignored his own arousal. He would not rush this. No matter how much his body screamed for release, he would not rush this. This would be their first time and he was determined to make it as perfect for Qui-Gon as possible.

Qui-Gon moaned into the scalding mouth fastened to his. The soft, delicate stroking of tongue on tongue was driving him insane. Was the boy going to spend the entire night just kissing him? He ached to pull Obi down and ravish him, but he restrained himself. This was for his lover, too. And if his lover wanted to drive him to the edge of sanity with his kisses alone, Qui-Gon would let him.

At last, Obi-Wan broke away from his lover's mouth and began to move downward. Qui-Gon cried out at the sudden loss, but the cry quickly turned to a groan of pleasure as that talented mouth fastened onto his neck, then trailed lazily down to his chest. He could not keep himself from arching into the touch as Obi clampled his mouth over one sensitive nipple while bringing his hand up to pinch and caress the other.

Obi-Wan kept up his assault on Qui-Gon's chest until he felt the pleasure slide toward pain. Reluctantly, he pulled away and began to rain kisses down upon the man's stomach. With deliberate care, he kissed, licked, and nipped his way across the tight muscles.

Qui-Gon was emitting an almost constant moaning sound. Obi-Wan smiled as he continued his downward journey. Qui-Gon inhaled sharply and his body went rigid as Obi-Wan began to lave his navel. No one had ever done that to him before and the sensation alone almost made him come.

"Pad... padawan... Obi... please!" Qui-Gon groaned, his head thrashing from side to side in an effort not to come, not to disappoint his love.

//Perhaps we should take the edge off for you, beloved.//

Qui-Gon registered the voice in his head a split second before Obi-Wan's mouth descended on his cock. The Jedi master screamed as that hot wet mouth covered the head of his hard and leaking penis. He bucked up hard, thrusting deeply into the young man's mouth. Obi-Wan gripped his hips and forced the man back down onto the bed.

Holding Qui-Gon down, Obi-Wan began to suck. He moved his mouth quickly up and down the throbbing shaft. He could taste the pre-cum that flowed from the head and thought he had never tasted anything sweeter. He pulled back until only the head remained inside his mouth then swirled his tongue around it before sinking back down quickly. Qui-Gon tried to thrust upward again, but Obi-Wan held him in place.

All too soon, it was over. Qui-Gon cried out his release as he came inside his padawan's mouth. Obi-Wan swallowed as fast as he could, doing his best to keep the salty fluid from escaping. He held his master's cock in his mouth until it began to go soft. Only then did he release it to gently lick away the drops that had slipped from his mouth.

Satisfied his master was clean, Obi-Wan moved back up to lay beside him. Qui-Gon pulled him close and kissed him deeply, savoring the taste of his cum in his lover's mouth. Qui-Gon released him and Obi-Wan settled down beside him, his head on his master's chest once more. Qui-Gon gave a contented sigh and smiled as he felt his young love's own arousal poking him in the thigh.

"What about you?" Qui-Gon asked softly.

//It will keep.//


//It will keep, beloved. Rest now. We have time.//

"Yes, my Precious One," Qui-Gon said as he drifted toward sleep. "We have all the time in the universe."


to be continued...