
by Azarad ( )

Rating: PG

Catagory: Pre-slash

Series: The Education of Padawan Kenobi

Archive: M_A, please

Feedback: always appreciated.

Disclaimer: I did not invent Q&O. GL did. Pat his back when you see him and tell him how much we like his Galaxy Far Far Away!

Note: Inspired by dinner at a Chinese buffet where a huge statue of Buddha sat by the exit.

It was nearly midnight in the city of Oolai, the capitol of Silbar, which boasted a mild climate, mid-level technology and a philosophy of gentle hedonism. The restaurant in the fashionable quarter was one of those non-stop buffets with food to the local tastes. Therefore, despite the hour, the place had plenty of well-dressed diners including a Jedi Master and his young, fidgeting Padawan, finally freed from the day's diplomatic proceedings.

"I thought you were hungry, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, glancing up at the squirming boy in his charge who seemed all questing eyes illuminated by the soft candle glow from the center of their table.

"Oh, I am hungry, Master," Obi-Wan whispered, his gaze darting around the large room, eyes sparkling like the crystal and his lips as red as the local wine they drank.

Looking down his crooked nose, Qui-Gon instructed, "Then close your mouth and chew your food, my Apprentice."

Obi-Wan glanced at his Master and nodded. He looked down at his plate and moved items about with the sharpened stick he'd been given as an eating utensil. He speared what he hoped was a vegetable. He inspected it for scales, eyelashes, and remnants of skin. Then, he heard his Master tapping his forefinger against the tabletop. Swallowing first, the youngster popped the mysterious morsel into his mouth and chewed.

It wasn't too bad, crunchy and slightly sweet. Something harmless and tasty for once. It neither moved about in his mouth nor did it catch in his throat as he swallowed it. A rare thing on this planet.

More finger tapping from his Master. Obi-Wan made it plain that he was searching for a similar tidbit. He speared it and filled his mouth. Then, more patrons at the door caught his eye. He craned his neck nearly tipping back his chair. They were at it again.

With his customary patience, Master Qui-Gon picked up a square of folded cloth and patted his mouth. He leaned toward the young man seated across from him. The Master sighed. He looked very tired.

With great composure, Master Jinn explained, "We are guests on this planet, my Apprentice. Everyone in this room knows we represent the Jedi. And this, Obi-Wan, is a very fine restaurant. Please, be more careful concerning your behavior."

"I am sorry, Master," Obi-Wan said batting his eyes. Then, adding an innocent smile, he said, "I suppose we should get out more."

Master Jinn tilted his head and gave the youngster the baleful single-eyed glare of a draigon about to peck at its helpless prey.

Obi-Wan swung around in his chair and pointed again. "There, at the desk," he burst out. "Have you never seen such strange behavior? I can't help looking."

His Master sighed and asked, "What is so odd, Obi-Wan?"

"Well, when the people go to the clerk to check out, I see them touching the statues near the exit. I've been watching and usually a female touches the male representative while males touch the female likeness. Then, for no reason, a male touches the statue of his own sex. And sometimes, it's the way they touch. They fondle the statue's breasts and grope about in... well, not a very polite manner."

"And you find this strange?" Qui-Gon said, just before taking another bite of his dinner selection.

"Don't you, Master?" Obi-Wan asked, waiting with his jaw hanging open for the sage advice of his mentor.

Qui-Gon swallowed his mouthful and intoned the oft-used warning, "It is not a Padawan's place to question his Master."

"I'm sorry, my Master," Obi-Wan replied with true sincerity, lowering his eyes in respect. Then impishly he looked up and added, "I suppose I should be eating and not worrying about local customs. Probably related to fertility anyway. Not something I need to worry about, right?"

Master Jinn looked over at him and said, "I don't know, Obi-Wan. Are you worried about your fertility?"

"No, Master," Obi-Wan said, catching the ghost of a grin on his Master's handsome features.

"Then nourish yourself and observe without staring."

"So, it's okay to watch?"

"Jedi excel at covert observation," Qui-Gon explained while selecting a morsel to eat and stabbing it. "Simply improve your technique to conform with courtesy. Then, formulate your hypothesis afterward."

"You already know why they touch the statues, don't you?"

"You are not permitted to question me, my Padawan. Observe carefully, and tell me what you hypothesize. And by all means, chew your food with your mouth closed."

Obi-Wan sipped his wine and kept his eye discretely upon the exit. Couple after couple fondled the statues and giggled, walking out hand in hand. Once in a while, a pair of young men stroked the male statue. They too, laughed and left together. Obi-Wan observed a pair of young women who paid their bill and casually cupped the firm breast of the female statue. They also, exited arm in arm.

Obi-Wan frowned. He looked at his Master calmly eating. For the millionth time, Obi-Wan observed the wide, strong shoulders under the soft robes. He traced the line of the jaw under his Master's beard, down his exposed throat to the first folds of fabric. Obi-Wan imagined his Master's wide, muscled chest, the slim waist and the curve of his powerful back. Suddenly Obi-Wan wanted to fondle the male statue too.

Qui-Gon must have felt his ardor through their training bond. He glanced up and asked, "Have you drawn conclusions from your observations, my Padawan?"

"Uh? Oh, not quite yet, Master," Obi-Wan muttered sipping the wine that had to be the reason for the warmth of his blood.

The meal ended with a dish of iced kualui berries, one of Obi-Wan's favorites and not a native dish. Qui-Gon had asked a waiter if they had them and the man said he would find some. Obi-Wan wondered at the rare treat. Was it a reward for good behavior? Obi-Wan decided not to lick his dish. Instead, he poured the sweet juice into his wine glass and drank it down in a silent toast to his incredibly subtle Master.

A look of satisfaction graced his Master's calm features and after a few moments the Jedi pair got up and walked to the desk. Qui-Gon transferred the appropriate number of credits for the meal and Obi-Wan took a closer look at the male statue. Of its own accord, his hand grazed the alabaster chest, down the rippling stone abdomen to the magnificently carved member lying at the juncture of the statue's legs.

Then, Obi-Wan snatched his hand away. He stared round-eyed at the work of art. Then he heard the warble of laughter from the rest of the diners in the room. His face blazed. He turned to his Master.

"It twitched, Master," Obi-Wan whispered.

Master Jinn placed his hand on his young Padawan's shoulder. He nodded his appreciation to the clerk and steered his young companion toward door. Out of the corner of his eye, Obi-Wan clearly saw that his Master ran two fingers over the wide chest of the male statue. Then, inexplicably, the crowd voiced polite cheers.

"What was that all about, Master?" Obi-Wan asked, once they were outside.

"I think the crowd was pleased by your preference, my Padawan."

A huge grin grew slowly across Obi-Wan's face. It matched the one gracing his Master's mouth. With joy and abandon, they embraced on the street to the soft applause of discreet onlookers.