Photographs & Memories:
The Life and Times of Qui-Gon Jinn
January 1, 2002

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Rating: NC17

Category: PWP, H/C, Romance

Summary: A series of "photographs" and "memories" that relate to Qui-Gon. Each segment is a stand-alone piece, and they are in no certain order.

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

Notes: Happy New Year to one and all. 

Darkness had long since settled heavily over the small planet, yet the two Jedi walked on. It was almost as if by putting distance between them and the town they'd left earlier, they could put the unpleasantness behind them. Side by side they moved steadily eastward, heading towards the only town large enough to have a spaceport. Such as it was.

"We can stop whenever you'd like," Qui-Gon said, breaking the silence they'd shared for the past several hours.

"I'd like to keep going, if you don't mind."

"I'm as anxious to get to the spaceport as you are, Obi-Wan, but we do have a long journey ahead of us, and we will need to rest at some point."

Obi-Wan sighed softly, and stopped walking. "You're right of course, Master. I suppose this is as good a place as any to make camp."

Qui-Gon stopped as well, and took a long look around. They were following a dirt path that at present was winding its way through a sparsely populated forest. The sound of a stream could be heard gurgling quietly nearby. "You've picked a good place, Obi-Wan," he said, feeling his connection with the Living Force grow stronger.

"I'll find some brush for a fire, then," Obi-Wan said, as he began picking up some branches off the ground.

Qui-Gon walked over to a fallen log, and sat down on it. He pulled off his pack and pulled a few items out of it, and by the time Obi-Wan had gathered enough kindling to start a fire, Qui-Gon had their dinner ready.

Sitting next to each other on the log, they ate their simple meal of protein bars and dried strips of meat. The silence of the night was only broken by the crackling and popping of the fire, which now burned brightly before them.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" Qui-Gon asked, after they'd finished eating.

"Will you rub my shoulders while we talk?"

Qui-Gon chuckled softly, and then reached over to pull Obi-Wan close to him, hugging him tightly. He knew this mission had been especially tough on the younger man, and wanted to do whatever possible to help Obi-Wan release his negative feelings into the Force. The hug was returned, and then Obi-Wan moved to sit on the ground, between Qui-Gon's spread legs.

Qui-Gon began massaging Obi-Wan's neck and shoulders, the tightness there giving testament to just how disturbed his Padawan was. While he worked at the hard knots and tense muscles, he sent tendrils of comfort and understanding through the bond they shared.

"Mmm. Nice." Obi-Wan murmured, leaning back further into Qui-Gon's touch.

Qui-Gon chuckled again, and then leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss on the top of Obi-Wan's head. "Start talking or I stop rubbing," he threatened, only partially teasing.

"You are such a hard taskmaster," Obi-Wan sighed theatrically.

"Yes, I am," Qui-Gon agreed with a smile. "And you are stalling."

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, finding his center, and Qui-Gon continued to send him reassurance through their bond. He knew it was going to be tough for Obi-Wan to talk about what they had been asked to witness, but he also knew how important it was to get past it.

After a few minutes, Obi-Wan began to speak, his words at first coming slowly, haltingly, as he found his way through his jumbled emotions. Qui-Gon listened carefully, giving encouragement and guidance as needed, all the while rubbing the young man's shoulders and back.

Five years ago, when Obi-Wan was barely 16, he and Qui-Gon had been sent here to witness the marriage between the daughter and son of the planet's two warring rulers, the Bri'da and the Soreen. It truly bothered Obi-Wan when he learned that not only were the betrothed the same age as he was, but that they had never met each other until just days before the wedding.

While Qui-Gon spent time with the elders of the planet, helping to hammer out the last details of the marriage contract, Obi-Wan was asked to chaperone Rog, the Bri'da, and his future wife, Komer, the Soreen, as they got to know each other. During that time, a strong friendship was forged between the trio, and Obi-Wan came not only to understand the choices made by the young couple and their families, but to respect and admire them for it.

In the ensuing years, Obi-Wan stayed in close contact with Rog and Komer, and was even asked to officiate at the Welcoming Ceremony when their first child was born last year. Best of all, he was thrilled to be able to tell Qui-Gon that he sincerely believed the couple had grown to love each other deeply, and theirs was no longer a marriage of convenience.

So when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were called before the Council to receive the details of their next mission, it was quite a shock for Obi-Wan to hear that he had been personally requested by the Bri'da to oversee the dissolution of the marriage. Apparently, according to the information they'd been given, Rog suddenly decided he no longer wished to be married to Komer. No other details were given.

Upon their arrival, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were taken directly to meet with the Bri'da's Under Secretary. What they learned both angered and sickened them. Apparently, the marriage had been a ruse on the part of the Bri'da, with the sole purpose of producing a child. Once the infant was weaned, Rog had taken the child and left Komer. The reason? The Bri'da always believed they should rule the planet, and when it became obvious the Soreen would never give up their hold on the throne, the Bri'da came up with a plan. If the Bri'da could get their hands on something the Soreen held dear, the Soreen would then be more than willing to allow the Bri'da to rule the planet. There was nothing the Soreen placed a higher value on than their children, but the Bri'da would never stoop so low as to become common kidnappers. However, if there was a child that was part Bri'da and part Soreen, could anyone think badly of the Bri'da for wanting to raise the child as a full Bri'da?

On the other hand, if the Soreen would be willing to step down graciously, and allow the Bri'da their rightful place as the ruling family, then perhaps the Bri'da could see their way clear to allow the child to be returned to its mother.

"Why exactly were we called here?" Qui-Gon asked, his brow lowered in what Obi-Wan knew to be consternation bordering on anger. "We diverted from another mission when the Council received an urgent message requesting Obi-Wan's presence, but I see no crisis worthy of Jedi intervention."

The old Bri'da seemed amazed by the question. "It was your Padawan who helped ease the way for the marriage to begin with. We felt it was only right to offer him the honor of overseeing dissolution of the marriage and the crowning of the rightful rulers."

Obi-Wan had remained silent long enough. "An honor?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "What do you know of honor?"

"You are angry?" the Under Secretary asked, his surprise almost comical.

All Obi-Wan could do was stare at him, speechless. At that point Qui-Gon put his hand on Obi-Wan's arm, and all at once Obi-Wan become aware of his Master's inner battle with his own rage.

"Let's go, Padawan!"

"Go? But the ceremony . . ." sputtered the confused Under Secretary.

Obi-Wan hadn't moved. "The ceremony?" he spat out.

"It's not worth it, Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon warned. "Their race is not capable of understanding the repulsiveness of their actions." He gave Obi-Wan's arm a not so gentle tug. "Let's go. Now!"

The tone of his Master's voice was enough to snap Obi-Wan out of his near-shock, and with a final heated glare at the old Bri'da, he turned and followed Qui-Gon out of the room.

"Are we going to try to meet with the Soreen?" Obi-Wan asked as the Jedi made their way through the palace.

"No." Qui-Gon's answer was short and terse, and under normal circumstances, Obi-Wan would not have pushed. These were anything but normal circumstances.

"But Master, they took Komer's baby. They lied to us. To the Council!"

"I'm well aware of the deceitfulness used by the Bri'da, Padawan, and upon our return to Coruscant, the Council will be made aware of it as well. I'm certain the invitation extended to the Bri'da to join the Republic will be revoked."

"So, are we just going to leave without even trying to help the Soreen? To help Komer?"

Qui-Gon stopped and whirled around to face Obi-Wan. "What would you have us do, Obi-Wan?" he asked, his frustration growing by the minute. "We were not contacted by the Soreen. We were contacted by the Bri'da. You know the code as well as I do, in fact, you probably know it better. We cannot interfere. We cannot offer our help unless we are asked for it. We were not asked to help the Soreen. We can do nothing here."

He started to turn away, but something in Obi-Wan's face stopped him. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry Obi-Wan. I know you thought highly of both Komer and Rog, and this must be very difficult for you, but there really is nothing we can do here."

Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon, saw the pain and frustration on his Master's face and knew the words for the truth they were. With a heart-heavy sigh he nodded his understanding, swallowing back the tears that threatened to fall. "Let's go home, Master."

With a soft, sad smile, Qui-Gon turned and continued down the hallway, his Padawan right beside him. Knowing they would be refused transport back to the spaceport, they set out on foot, and were soon following a footpath through the woods that promised to be a shortcut. That had been this morning.

They sat together in silence for a long time after Obi-Wan finished talking, doing nothing more than staring into the fire as Qui-Gon continued to rub Obi-Wan's shoulders. It had been difficult, but Qui-Gon was pleased to note that his apprentice had finally managed to release all of his negative feelings into the Force. He was proud of Obi-Wan, and told him so.

"I'm glad you were here with me," Obi-Wan said quietly.

"Where else would I be?"

Obi-Wan chuckled softly, and then reached up and took Qui-Gon's hands in both of his own. He brought their joined hands down his chest, resting them over his heart. "I'm glad you are HERE with me."

Qui-Gon leaned forward and slid his arms around Obi-Wan. He hugged the younger man tightly. "Where else would I be?" he repeated tenderly. After a moment, he released Obi-Wan, sat up and stretched. "It will be dawn soon. I think we should try to get some rest before continuing on."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said getting to his feet, and Qui-Gon could hear the smile in the younger man's voice.

It only took a couple of minutes for them to bank the fire and spread their cloaks on the ground next to the log they'd been sitting on. They removed their boots and tunics, and were soon lying together, facing the dying fire, with Qui-Gon wrapped around Obi-Wan.

"Would you like to use my pack as a pillow?" Qui-Gon asked with his mouth very close to Obi-Wan's ear.

"No, your arm works perfectly." Obi-Wan snuggled deeper into Qui-Gon's embrace.

Qui-Gon smiled, knowing full well that even when offered a huge bed and pillows, Obi-Wan slept best in the exact same position he was currently in. On his side, with Qui-Gon wrapped around him from behind, using Qui-Gon's arm for a pillow. It was Qui-Gon's favorite position as well.

"There is one thing that is still bothering me," Obi-Wan said.

"I'm listening."

"I never got a sense that Rog was deceiving me about his feelings for Komer. How could I have missed something so obvious?"

"I don't necessarily believe that you were deceived, Obi-Wan."

"What do you mean?"

"Though I cannot know this for certain, I got the feeling that all was not as it would seem this time. Perhaps Rog was an unwitting participant in his family's treachery."

"Do you know something else?"

"Nothing more than we were told, Obi-Wan. But I have never known you to misread someone to that extent. And we know that neither the Bri'da or the Soreen have the mental capabilities to shield that type of dishonesty from even the barest of Force sensitive beings."

"I wish we could know for sure," Obi-Wan said sadly.

Qui-Gon gave Obi-Wan a gentle squeeze, sending reassurance and love through their bond. "I had already planned to request a full investigation in our report to the Council, Obi-Wan. Applying for help from the Republic under false pretenses is a serious offense, and one the Council does not take lightly."

Obi-Wan was silent for a time, and when he finally spoke again, his voice was quiet, pained. "They seemed to be so in love, Qui-Gon. It makes me think . . ." he trailed off.

"What, my love? What is it that burdens you so?"

"I love you so much, Qui-Gon. I couldn't imagine life without you."

"Oh, my Obi-Wan. You are the most important thing in my life. Nothing will ever change that."

Obi-Wan turned over so that he was facing Qui-Gon. "Nothing better ever change that!" he said fiercely.

Qui-Gon could feel how much Obi-Wan needed to be reassured, could sense it through their bond as well as see it in the young man's face. He was more than willing to give him all the reassurance Obi-Wan might need to get through this.

"I love you, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said. "You are the love of my life, but so much more. You are my life. You are the first thing I think of upon waking, and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. Each breath I draw is made all the sweeter because you share the same air with me. And no matter where I lie my head, if you are by my side, I am home."

"My Qui-Gon. Ever the poet," Obi-Wan said softly.

Qui-Gon chuckled. "You do that to me Obi-Wan. You always have."

"Then kiss me, my beautiful poet," Obi-Wan said, his voice cracking with emotion.

Qui-Gon leaned forward and tenderly kissed Obi-Wan, allowing all the love and admiration he had for his apprentice to flow easily through their bond. Obi-Wan whimpered softly, a sound that tore at Qui-Gon's heart, and he held the young man even closer, deepening their kiss.

With a soft moan, Obi-Wan opened his lips, an invitation Qui-Gon could never refuse, and with a moan of his own, Qui-Gon slipped his tongue into the warm, welcoming cavern of Obi-Wan's mouth. They held each other tightly, lips pressed together as their tongues moved slowly, languidly in and out of each other's mouths. As they kissed, they could feel their bond opening up further, growing stronger, as it did each time they made love.

After a while, Qui-Gon broke the kiss and pulled back slightly. "There's something I want you to see," he whispered.

"I don't want to see anything but you making love to me, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said, thrusting his hips against Qui-Gon's.

Qui-Gon smiled, his face barely visible in the darkness. Ignoring Obi-Wan's suggestive movements, he continued, "Turn over and watch the sunrise with me."

Obi-Wan tried to catch Qui-Gon's lips with his own. "I've seen enough of your sunrises, Master," he pouted. "I just want you to make love to me, now."

"Patience, my own," Qui-Gon chuckled, keeping his mouth just out of Obi-Wan's reach. "Turn over and I'll make love to you while we watch the sun rise."

"You drive such a hard bargain," Obi-Wan laughed and then surged upward, giving Qui-Gon a quick, hard kiss. "But I wouldn't have it any other way," he said, as he rolled over and pulled off his leggings.

Qui-Gon sat up, removed his own leggings, and then pulled a small vial of oil from one of the many pouches on his utility belt. He moved back to his earlier position, his body cradling Obi-Wan's smaller frame, and he marveled, once again, how perfectly they fit together.

The fire was nearly out, save for a few dying embers, and the night was almost an inky black. One of the oddities of this planet was that the moon was almost never visible, and the darkness of the night was nearly complete. This, along with the fact that the planet's atmosphere was filled with an odd mixture of particles and chemicals, made for incredible sunrises, as Qui-Gon had been fortunate enough to experience during their visit five years ago. According to the data on this planet, this morning's sunrise was supposed to be spectacular.

"Have you ever seen a night this dark, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon's voice was deep, but soft, his lips caressing Obi-Wan's ear when he spoke.

"It is very dark," Obi-Wan agreed, shivering slightly as Qui-Gon's warm breath tickled his ear.

"Focus on the darkness, my love. On the darkness and my voice. Can you do that?"

"Only you can turn lovemaking into a lesson," Obi-Wan sighed theatrically.

"Perhaps you are looking at it backwards," Qui-Gon chuckled as he pushed his leg between Obi-Wan's.

"Oh yes, Master. I much prefer it when you turn a lesson into lovemaking," Obi-Wan teased. "But to be honest, I am happiest when you skip the lesson part altogether, and get right down to the important business of lovemaking."

Qui-Gon gave Obi-Wan's ear a playful nip, while at the same time, he slid his hand over Obi-Wan's hip, his fingers softly brushing against the young man's erection. "If you want me to do something about this," he whispered huskily as he ran his fingers lightly up and down Obi-Wan's shaft, "then I suggest you pay attention."

Obi-Wan groaned and tried to push up into his Master's teasing touch. "As you can see, part of me is already paying attention."

"That part of you is always very attentive, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, giving Obi-Wan's penis a quick squeeze before starting to pull away.

Obi-Wan grabbed Qui-Gon's hand, keeping it in place. "You have my full attention, Master!"

"Such a clever student, I have," Qui-Gon chuckled. "But I no longer feel like being your teacher."

"No, right now you really do feel more like my lover than my teacher," Obi-Wan said, pushing himself back against Qui-Gon's erection, eliciting a soft gasp from his Master.

"Obi-Wan," he groaned, as the young man continued to writhe against him. "Force, but you tempt me beyond what a man should be tempted."

"Then take what is yours, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said, his voice husky and deep. He found the vial in Qui-Gon's hand and took it from him. With a flick of his thumb, he opened it and quickly poured a small amount of the thick, amber liquid into his hand. "I want you so badly." He slid his leg behind Qui-Gon's thigh, opening himself wide. With a soft grunt, he reached between his legs and easily found Qui-Gon's length.

"Yes!" Qui-Gon hissed when Obi-Wan slid his oil-slick palm up and down Qui-Gon's shaft. He wrapped his own hand around Obi-Wan's erection, matching the younger man's strokes. "Oh, yes!" he groaned loudly, as Obi-Wan began to push backwards, impaling himself on Qui-Gon's hardness.

Qui-Gon forced himself to remain still, allowing Obi-Wan a chance to adjust to having his Master buried deep within him. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Obi-Wan's ear. "I love you," he murmured softly.

Obi-Wan shivered slightly, then turned his face towards Qui-Gon, his mouth seeking that of his Master's. "Love you," he gasped, just as his lips met Qui-Gon's. Their position did not lend itself to a long, sweet kiss, but it was enough. For now. He broke the kiss and began to slowly rock his hips, back and forth.

Qui-Gon's lips slid over Obi-Wan's cheek and back to his ear. "Open your eyes, Obi-Wan," he said quietly. "Watch the sunrise with me." He continued to stroke Obi-Wan's shaft, his movements soft and slow, matching the pace Obi-Wan was setting with his gentle rocking motions.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes and looked into the night sky. The fire had burned completely out, making the darkness complete. For a moment it felt as if he were floating in the black night, with only Qui-Gon as his anchor. His anchor, his Master, his lover. Moving with him, inside of him, around him, and his heart was filled with love and peace.

"Do you see it?" Qui-Gon whispered, and Obi-Wan looked and after a moment he realized he could see it. The blackness of the night sky was now being split by streaks of dark blue and purple.

They watched together as the streaks became wider, eating up the darkness before their very eyes. They continued to move together, slowly, allowing their love for one another to flow easily through the bond they shared.

Suddenly the sky seemed to come alive, the purples and blues streaking and swirling together as the planet's sun breached the horizon. It was an incredible sight, the blackness of the night seemingly almost to be devoured by the colors spreading outward from the rising sun.

Obi-Wan stopped moving, his entire focus on the dawn exploding across the night sky.

"Look at it, my love," Qui-Gon murmured against Obi-Wan's ear. He shifted slightly, just enough to be able to continue moving slowly in and out of Obi-Wan's body. "From utter darkness has come such beauty."

"Amazing," Obi-Wan sighed softly.

"So beautiful," Qui-Gon whispered, his lips now trailing soft kisses down Obi-Wan's face.

"Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan moaned, as the older man found that special place, just under his ear, and began to kiss and lick at it.

"That is what you do to me, my Obi-Wan. You take the emptiness within my soul and fill it with your beautiful light." Qui-Gon was moving faster, pushing deeper, his hand on Obi-Wan's hardness speeding up to match the pace he was setting with his hips.

Obi-Wan groaned loudly, the sound coming from deep within his body.

"You are my sunrise, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon' whispered hoarsely. "With you in my life there is no darkness that I cannot find my way through."

"Master!" Obi-Wan gasped as his body bucked hard against Qui-Gon's.

Qui-Gon nipped and licked at the skin on Obi-Wan's throat. "Come for me, my beautiful Obi-Wan," he murmured huskily.

"Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan cried out, his seed bathing Qui-Gon's hand in hot pulses. "Love you!"

"Yes!" Qui-Gon gasped as Obi-Wan's body contracted tightly around him. It was enough. With a long, deep groan, Qui-Gon followed Obi-Wan over the edge, just as the last of the colors disappeared from the sky, leaving normal daylight in its wake.

Out of the darkness there was beauty. Out of the pain there was love.
