Photographs & Memories:
The Life and Times of Qui-Gon Jinn
January 17, 2000

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Rating: G

Category: POV

Spoilers: None

Summary: A series of "photographs" and "memories" that relate to Qui-Gon. Each segment is a stand-alone piece, and they are in no certain order.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

Author's Notes: These were inspired by the wonderful series "Snapshots: Obi-Wan Kenobi, This Is Your Life" done by Pumpkin. It is with her permission that I attempt a similar series about Qui-Gon's life. Pumpkin, thank you so much for allowing me to play in your sandbox.

Excerpt from Digital Diary
Date: First Month, Seventeenth Day, Tenth Hour
Name: Junai Provet
Age: 10

Begin Excerpt:

The Jedi came yesterday. Maman told me they were coming. She didn't know when they would come. Maman says they are here to help Poppy figure out a way to make peace with the Edis. That would be a good thing. I hope they can do it. Maman said they will stay with us for a while. That's a good thing too.

There are two of them. One is very strange. Maman said I am to call him Master Yoda. He is shorter than me and is green. All over. He has large, pointy ears with funny white hair sticking out in the strangest of places. And, he only has three fingers on each hand. I think he must be very old. Maybe even 75. He leans on an old twisted stick when he walks. And he talks very funny. It made me giggle when I heard him but then Poppy gave me "that" look and it wasn't funny any more.

The other Jedi is not short. He is not green. I don't think he talks funny, but it's hard to tell for sure because he doesn't talk much. He is very tall. Maman says even for a human boy he is tall. He has very pretty blue eyes. His hair is a little strange, though. It is dark brown and cut short. Except for a small braid on one side. He is very thin which makes it easy to see his muscles. I like looking at him.

Maman says he is the little green guy's student. Master Yoda called him a Pad-o-whand. I thought that was his name at first but when I asked him later he said his name was Qui-Gon. I made him spell it for me so I would get it right when I wrote about him.

Qui-Gon. Even his name is handsome. I asked him how old he was and he said he was 13. He is only three years older than me, but he acts like a grown-up. One thing I know for sure, he sure loves the little green guy. I can tell by how he is always doing whatever his Master asks without being told a second time. I heard his Master tell him he was a very good Pad-o-whand, so his Master must care about him a lot too.

Last night, after third-meal, Qui-Gon asked Poppy if he could help him take care of our livestock. Poppy was happy to have the help, I could tell. I always go with Poppy to tend the stock, even though I can't help very much. Of course I went last night.

Poppy told Qui-Gon what to do and he only had to tell him once. Qui-Gon must be very smart because he didn't have to ask Poppy how to do any of the tasks Poppy gave him.

While we were in the barn, one of the milk taans started making a horrible noise. I ran over to where Poppy was standing and saw the taan down on her knees. Poppy's face was white. He told me to get Maman and to tell her the taan was trying to birth a calf and there was something wrong. I ran as fast as I could. Maman left to fetch the Livestock Healer and I ran back to the barn.

When I got back to the barn the taan was still crying but not as loud as before. Qui-Gon was standing with Poppy and I could hear Poppy telling him that the taan would die and so would the calf if they couldn't do something. But she is so big and so mean and Poppy told him it would be worse because she was in so much pain.

Qui-Gon told Poppy he thought he could help the taan. I know Poppy tried to talk him out of it, but soon Qui-Gon was climbing over the gate and walking towards the taan. I don't think he had ever seen one before, because if he did, he wouldn't have ever got in the cage. Even if the taan was feeling well.

I stood next to Poppy watching Qui-Gon through the gate. Qui-Gon was speaking softly as he went up to the taan. I couldn't understand the words he was saying, but Maman told me later he was probably speaking in Basic, whatever that is. She said it was the main language of the planet that he comes from. Where the Jedi Temple is.

Anyway, he was talking softly to the taan and just walked right up to her. She snorted a few times and that made me really nervous. Then after a few minutes, the most amazing thing happened. He actually started petting the taan. I didn't know whether to hold my breath, close my eyes or both. I was sure he was about to lose his arm. But I kept watching. I guess I kept breathing too. The taan was making a pathetic grunting noise and I thought about the calf she couldn't birth. Even if she was mean I felt sorry for her.

Qui-Gon kept right on talking softly to her, running his large hands over her back and sides. Pretty soon that calf just slid right on out. I don't know who was more surprised, Poppy or the taan. But Qui-Gon sure wasn't. After a little while he had the taan up and tending to her new calf. He started to walk away from the taan when she let out a soft whicker. He turned back to her and she nuzzled him softly. I looked up at Poppy. Poppy looked down at me. I'm pretty sure my eyes were as wide as his was.

When Poppy tried to thank Qui-Gon, he just ducked his head and acted like it was not a big deal. Then he went to finish some of the chores Poppy had given him.

When the Healer came he took one look at that calf and told Poppy the calf was too big and there was no way the taan could have birthed it. He said that even if the taan had birthed that big old calf that she would have been all ripped up, but she wasn't. Poppy tried to tell the Healer about what Qui-Gon had done, but I could tell the Healer didn't believe him.

Maman says the Jedi will probably be here for a while. At least until they can help Poppy make peace. She said they were having a tough time, though. All I know is they probably are only letting the little green guy do all the talking. I bet if they let Qui-Gon talk there would have been peace the first day.

Tonight I heard the little green guy tell Qui-Gon that tomorrow after they finished at Poppy's work, he wanted Qui-Gon to practice some katas. I don't know what that is, but I sure hope I get a chance to watch.

End Excerpt