Photographs & Memories:
The Life and Times of Qui-Gon Jinn
January 3, 2000

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Rating: G

Spoilers: None

Summary: A series of "photographs" and "memories" that relate to Qui-Gon. Each segment is a stand-alone piece, and they are in no certain order.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

Author's Notes: These were inspired by the wonderful series "Snapshots: Obi-Wan Kenobi, This Is Your Life" done by Pumpkin. It is with her permission that I attempt a similar series about Qui-Gon's life. Pumpkin, thank you so much for allowing me to play in your sandbox.

"What is it, Master?" Qui-Gon asked from his kneeling position on the ground.

"Called a punthee, it is," answered the ancient Jedi Master.

"Is it harmful?" asked the boy, staring at the small furry creature.

"Harm you it will not, young Padawan," Yoda said. He poked it gently with his gimmer stick and it mewled softly in response. "Hurt this one is."

Qui-Gon watched as his old Master bent down and softly picked up the punthee, gathering it close to his chest while making comforting sounds to it.

"Scared this little one is. Much pain it has suffered. Tortured by children, then left to die, it was."

"How could you know that, Master?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Sense it, I do," he replied. "Quiet your mind and listen. Feel it you will."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and began to center himself, focusing on the creature in Yoda's arms. After a moment he felt a tremor of the Force and then felt a brief flash of pain and terror coming from the punthee, but nothing else.

"Felt something you did?" asked his Master.

"I'm not sure," the young boy responded, opening his eyes to look at Yoda. "For just a moment I felt a sense of its pain and terror, but nothing more."

"Strong in the Force you are, my Padawan. Hard to sense the lifeforce of others it is, even for Jedi. Able to you will be, though. More training you need. Help you I will."

"Thank-you," Qui-Gon said, rising to his feet. "Master, why did the children want to hurt the punthee? Do you think it was bothering them?"

His Master began shuffling away, leaning heavily on his gimmer stick. Qui-Gon easily matched his steps with that of the little troll. "Bothered the children it did not. Worthless the punthee was they thought. Saw its value they did not."

They walked in silence for a while as Qui-Gon thought about what Yoda said. The only sound was an occasional pathetic mewl from the injured punthee.

"What is its value, Master?" Qui-Gon finally asked.

"Hard to see the value of every lifeform it is. But know this, young Padawan, always much value there is. Respect and care for every living thing we must, even when obvious its purpose is not. Understand this you do?" He stopped, looking up at his young apprentice.

"I think so, Master Yoda," the boy answered, coming to a stop beside his Master. "Everything is created for a reason and even if I can't see the reason, that doesn't make it any less important."

"Forget this you should not."

"I won't forget, Master. I promise," Qui-Gon said earnestly. "May I carry the punthee?"

Yoda gently handed the wounded creature to the boy and watched with a satisfied smile as Qui-Gon brought the punthee up to his face and nuzzled softly in its fur.

"Can you heal it, Master?" he asked as he brought the creature to his chest.

"Heal it I can, yes, yes," his Master answered. "Heal it you can, too."

"Master?" he stared down at Yoda.

"Show you I will if learn this you want."

"Oh yes, Master," Qui-Gon answered eagerly.

Using their training bond, Yoda began showing his Padawan how to manipulate the Force in such a way as to be able to determine the extent of the punthee's injuries. He then patiently guided Qui-Gon's mind to further manipulate the Force into healing energy and helped him to send that energy into the body of the small creature.

"Healers we are not, but ease this small one's discomfort you did." Yoda said, once again beginning to shuffle away.

Qui-Gon was transfixed by what he'd just experienced. The punthee, obviously feeling better, was making a peculiar purring noise and trying to snuggle into Qui-Gon's tunics. The boy knew he'd just been given a very precious gift and he felt his heart constrict with love for his Master.

Yoda paused to glance back at the boy and knew he'd just witnessed the birth of a life-long love affair between his Padawan and every living creature. He grunted with satisfaction, knowing their quarters would soon be filled with all types of lost or injured lifeforms.
