
by SlashyDrgn
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Archive: Yes to Master & Apprentice and The Nesting Place

Rating: G-ish

Warnings: some angst, but is just thoughts, small spoilers for the Jedi Apprentice Books - kinda

Summary: Qui-Gon and a quiet night of contemplation

Disclaimer: For some reason they aren't mine, but I promise to play nice and put 'em back where I found em. Naturally they belong to George Lucas - though he's meaner to 'em than I am <g>

Feedback: yes please

Padawan a simple enough word in itself. An apprentice, a Jedi in training. He has been that. This young man has been that and so much more. Years, we have been together and I can only hope that it will stay that way. I wonder if he knows how many times there have been nights like this. Nights where I find myself unable to sleep, and begin to meditate, only then wanting to check on him. How many nights have I stood watch over him, even when he was just a young boy. Of course then it was to make sure my new apprentice was alright. There has always been a cloudiness in my mind when I try to foresee what the future holds for us. All I can see for sure is what I already know in my heart, he is special, much more so than I or anyone can imagine.

Now - now however there is another reason to watch him. It is the one time I can do so unguarded. Both of us, that way. I am able to admire the man my Padawan has become. To take a small delight in the way he flows together. I like the way he is more at angles than myself. A more of a defined look to him. But it most of all it is here that he is at ease, there is no sign of the man who wishes to please me at all costs. Not knowing that I could honestly be no prouder of him than I am now. And he is not hiding the feelings I know he has, and that he does not know I return.

Over the years I could no sooner stop myself from loving him than I could have rejected him as my Padawan. I tried in both instances and have failed in both. Though honestly I can no longer call either a failing now. Neither call them that nor believe that it could be such. There was and is such an honesty in my young one, a refreshing look at the small wonders that I had become jaded on when he first arrived in my life. He was able to teach a master to look again with awe and wonder. Just another sign of how special this man, my Padawan has become. All I can ask is that I may do him the same service in the arts of the Force, that he as given me in the arts of life.

The time, the time has not been right. He is my Padawan after all, and that above all must come first. Soon though, that much I know, that much I can see. And then perhaps we can both be awake at night - not sleeping but for other reasons. But for now I am content, I am willing to stay with my nightly watches. Perhaps after this trip - when we return from the troubled world of Naboo, perhaps then the time will be right.