My Little Pink PadaBunny

by Elektra Pendragon


Archive: Yes please on MA. Other places ask first.

Category: Humor/Parody, Holiday story.

Rating: G, light flirting

Spoilers: None

Summary: Obi-Wan faces the greatest test of his Jedi abilities, which involves pink fur and bunnyears.

Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to GL, story line belongs to me; cash not received nor asked.

Feedback: Talk dirty to me:

Author's Note: Partially inspired by Mac's first-line challenge "No one is going to believe we're lovers" but taken to a different level. In this universe, there is such a thing as Easter on Coruscant. Accompanying picture found at

"Qui-Gon, no one is going to believe I'm the Easter bunny," Obi-Wan whined as he tossed a long ear over his shoulder in much the same way he would have tossed his braid, had it not be covered by thick pink fur.

Qui-Gon Jinn repositioned the errant ear back over young Kenobi's head, manipulating the thin metal within so that it would stand up straight as any good bunnyear should. "They will believe it if you believe it, my Padawan. Feel the Force flowing within you and around you, and repeat to yourself 'I am the Easter Bunny. I am the Easter Bunny.'" Qui-Gon closed his eyes, breathing deeply while repeating the phrase over and over to his apprentice.

'This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done,' Obi repeated to himself in cadence to Qui's mantra. "I am the Easter--Master! I feel ridiculous! I can't go through with it."

Qui-Gon held one fuzzy-mitt covered hand in between his. "I wore the suit last year. This is something every Jedi must go through to be initiated into the Easter Jedi Celebrations." His wide grin spread wider. "Besides, I hear that it's Yoda's turn next year. Won't it be worth it just to see him in pink fur?"

Obi-Wan couldn't resist his master when he was smiling. "Yes, Master," he agreed, giggling sweetly. His eyes danced around the room at the thought of Yoda in the costume, his green skin contrasting horribly with the neon-pink of the traditional costume.

"Good." Qui-Gon tweaked his padawan's nose, foregoing the usual hair-mussing since it was hidden beneath the costume. "Now, pick up your basket of eggs and hop to it."

Obi-Wan groaned at the pun and bent down to scoop up his large basket of chocolate JediBunnies and brightly decorated Corellian eggs. As he stood, Obi squeaked at the feeling of someone pinching his fluffy-tailed butt. "Master!" he shouted, incredulous.

Jinn looked mischievous for a moment before returning to his infuriatingly calm-Master exterior. "It was crooked," he explained, his cheeks burning bright red.

Obi-Wan reached behind him, making sure the pompom was indeed on straight. With a quick hand to smooth back his ears, he got into position and began to hop towards the door, using his concentration to keep the basket of goodies from being jostled all over the floor. Qui-Gon watched the impressive display of reflexes, Force-strength, concentration, and youthful vigor for a few paces, then strode to catch up with him.

"You know, Padabunny," Qui-Gon ignored the unJedi glare from his apprentice at the nickname, "pink really is your color."

"Thank you, Master. And may I say, you make a terrific Bunny's Assistant. I've never seen a Master look so...manly in purple tights and butterfly wings."

Jinn adjusted the wings on his back; glitter cascaded off the gossamer fabric. Glitter also flaked off his hair, his beard, his face, his tights, and his entire purple spandex-covered body. He stiffened his chin and looked as regal as he could in the Spring Fairy costume. "We'll talk about this later, Padabunny."

"Yes, FairyMaster," Kenobi snickered behind a paw.