
by Tarnneth (TarnnethBF@yahoo.com)

Title: Outed
Author: Tarnneth
Archive: MW_EB and M_A if they'd take it
Pairing: Mace Windu/OMC (Pilot Seys Oisin)
Category: non Q/O (though they make a cameo appearance), Coming Out Day Fic Challenge, Hurt/Comfort, BDSM, Angst, Humor
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: well there is a lack of Qui/Obi sex; much as I love them they weren't the muses who asked for this one, possibly squicky anal play
Summary: A co-worker of Seys' finds out his and Mace's relationship. Homophobia, hurt feelings and love reaffirming sex follow. Pilot Seys Oisin is an original character from an adult TPM - RPG http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Master_Padawan.
Feedback: oh please do, tarnnethbf@yahoo.com
Disclaimer: Seys is mine (and Mace's) but Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Mace belong to the High Lord Lucas.
Dedication: you know who you are and thanks for the beta, SMOOOCH!

Seys Oisin stalked into the common room of the quarters he shared with his lover Mace Windu. Well, in truth the pilot didn't officially live there but it'd been so long since he'd slept in his own quarters that he may just as well. The Jedi Councilor's eyes followed the scowling Corellian over the top of the book he was reading.

Had been reading.

The sight of his beloved making an agitated path to the kitchen to pull a bottle from the cooler was much more compelling. Sighing, the Master set the book aside and moved into the kitchen. There were a great many stereotypes about Corellians. Supposedly, they were short-tempered, heavy drinkers who tended to gravitate toward occupations on the less then legal side of things. Well, at least Seys was honest.

Leaning against the wall with arms crossed, Mace watched as the redhead bolted down a glass of amber liquid and poured himself a second. A double by the look of it. That bottle of Whyren's Reserve Seys' father had sent would be gone very soon at this rate.

"Are we drinking our dinner tonight?"

Seys glowered at the man jutting his whiskered chin out. "Don't know about you but I am."

Damn him to the watery hells! How did anyone get off looking so desirable while being so haughty? Must be a Jedi thing. Triple cursed bastards with their smug smiles and holier then thou meddling! The whiskey, intended to calm jangled nerves, was relighting the fury he'd managed to contain during his journey from the hanger bay.

And Mace noticed it. Vague lust mixed with raw anger wafted off Seys like a cloying scent. Something was really wrong. With a few, careful steps the Jedi moved closer and wrapped his arms around the smaller man, nuzzling into his auburn curls.

"What's wrong my little one?"

Oh Force! It was impossible to be mad with that lovely body pressed up against his back. Definitely now that Mace was nipping at his earlobe. He sighed deeply and set down the glass. "It's that new mech I've been working with, Jorvis."

Mace had been hearing about him for a while. He was quieter then the other mechs in the hanger and hadn't made any strong connections. Being the amiable sort that he was, Seys had been making an effort to be friendly to the new man while they'd been working together on a project. "So I take it, your attempts at camaraderie weren't well received?"

He snorted. "That's an understatement! You see I'm a Sith-cursed catamite!" He spit it out the man's words with vehemence.

Mace's whole body stiffened. "What?"

Fists clenching, Seys turned in his lover's arms. He gave the dark, regal face a stern look. "It gets worse."

The Jedi Master doubted that assessment, but waited for Seys to continue.

"Wanna hear what you are?" The younger man said with a snarling grin.

"Tell me." Mace whispered the words preparing to release the impending anger into the Force.

"You are a sadistic pederast who uses his station to get into the pants of unsuspecting young men."

If the look on Seys face hadn't been so incensed, Mace might have laughed at the absurdity of it. The memory of their courtship and the shameless passion with which the young Corellian had pursued 'him' rose in his mind.

"He said that to you?"

"That and more."

Mace was a little shocked. In years of working with a hundred different cultures, a thousand different people, he'd encountered all kinds of intolerance. Prejudices about Force users, about non-Force users, about men and woman, about people of different skin color, appendage number, or reproductive manner. There were those who didn't like non-humans, non-humanoids, or even non-oxygen breathers. No, this was not the first time he'd dealt with narrow-mindedness. But really! In a time when inter-species dating was becoming commonplace, getting bent out of shape over two human males being together seemed ridiculous.

"What started all this?" Mace said while moving to put the bottle of whiskey away.

His lover gave him a dirty look, but didn't protest. Seys hoped upon the kitchen counter so that he was perched on its edge. "Jorvis and I had just finished working on the cooling system I was telling you about, in the bulk cruiser, and I invited him to the 'Rest to check out some of the music I have stored in the databanks."

The Pilot was a fanatic collector of music from all over the universe. The sound system on his little ship rivaled those in some of the most expensive dwellings on Coruscant.

"I was busy looking for some old discs I had and he wandered into my cabin."

"Nosey of him." Mace said leaning against the counter opposite Seys.

"I know, serves him right that he found that little vid we made, huh?" Every time he made the Jedi blush it surprised the Corellian. Skin that dark turning suddenly red was a sight indeed. Plus it was more then a little arousing.

"Which vid?" There was more than just a little alarm in Mace's voice.

"You know, the one where I'm tied to one of the support beams on the ship and you cut my uniform off with that knife I got you on Kashyyyk."

Oh yes, the knife. It had become Mace's favorite carving tool. Plus it was perfectly balanced for knife fighting which Seys had been trying to teach him. Really, a saber was more his style, but Seys had a certain fondness for cold metal blades.

"Is that the vid with the vibrating butt plug and the riding crop?" Mace tried to rid his voice of the panic ringing through his words.

Seys let out a bark of pained laughter. "Funny you should mention that, since that was exactly the part the vid was at when Jorvis accidentally turned the viewer on." There was that sexy blush on Mace's face again. "So anyway, I walked in to find him staring at the thing like it was a public execution. I tried to laugh it off but he freaked. Called us both all sorts of names and generally just acted like the biggest fuck-wit in the sector, mayhaps the Core Worlds."

Knowing his lover's temper like he did, Mace wondered if he shouldn't make sure the mech could still walk. "And what did you do?"

He didn't expect the man to look away like that; didn't expect the shame the rolled off him. "Nothing." He said, his voice a tense hush. "I just took it and told him to leave."

Mace moved forward, reaching up to catch the man's sharp chin in his hand and bring his face up. With his thumb he stroked the small patch of red whiskers there. He so loved that patch.

"Seys? Why do you care what this man thinks?"

Green eyes darkened and his face became more pinched and sour. Then lulled by the calloused thumb caressing him, he sighed. "I have to work with him."

"No you don't. Go to Hern, tell him what happened." Hern, the hanger Chief, treated Seys like a son. Mace had noticed the fatherly affection he displayed toward the pilot a number of times.

"True, officially, it was a verbal attack."

"And we both know the Temple's tolerance policy is on your side."

"The Republic Fleet's is, too." But Seys was still upset. He had to tell Mace about the "looks". "Even if I do file charges, it might not fix things. When I left the hanger, Jorvis was talking to a group of mechs and pilots. Some of them gave me this look, and I just don't like what they were thinking about me, or about you. I mean, it's one thing to not hide who you are, but it's quite another to have everyone you work with get all the gory details."

The Jedi pulled his lover into his arms and hugged him fiercely. "Seys? Don't hate me for asking this, but does this have anything to do with Kemmil's family?" The slight shudder told Mace what he wanted to know. Capitan Kemmil Van had been the first great love of Seys' life, but the Alderaanian's parents had never accepted the relationship. After Kemmil's death, Seys was denied knowledge of the location of his dead lover's grave.

"It all came back to me, Mace. All that pain I thought I'd gotten over. I have you now; it's stupid to still be aching over something that someone did years ago. But I just got scared suddenly that if I lost you, like I lost Kem, that people might react the same way. That people might dismiss what we have because we're both men, and you're older and a Jedi Council member." Anger played across the pilot's face. "The idea, that anyone could think I'm only here cause of your rank and what it could get me, it just pisses me off."

That same Jedi Council member rested his forehead against his beloveds. "I'm astounded that anyone could imagine I don't respect you, or wouldn't think of you as my equal."

Seys let a sheepish grin form on his lips. "Well, you are the top in most of our play."

For a moment Mace looked taken aback, but then his left eyebrow went up and that dark face took on its usual confident haughtiness. "But you like me there."

The pilot's grin became more roguish. "That's because I find it much easier to control things from below." With the finesse of a trained wrestler, or pleasure worker, the smaller man had slipped from Mace's embrace to rest on his knees. Clever hands had the Jedi's leggings down quick to revel a saber of a different kind.

"Gods, Seys.!" Was all Mace could manage as he felt part of himself drawn into the sweetest mouth he'd ever experienced. As the man pulled off the hardening cock to stroke his chin over the length, Mace was reminded again of just how much he loved that sole patch of facial hair. He dropped his eyes to watch the erotic show of his little pilot tickling the shaft with his whiskers. When that deft tongue flicked fast over his swelling head, Mace was forced to throw his arms back and brace on the counter behind him.

"Oh sooooo goooood. Yes Seys! Yessss."

In moments, Seys could feel strong hands tangling in his hair, begging him to take his lover deeply. Let it never be said that Pilot Seys Oisin was not a generous man. The now hard cock pushed against the back of his throat, making him delirious with his own passion. Few things he loved more in the universe then feeling Mace come in his mouth. Who gave a flying shit what anyone else thought? He loved Mace.

With slow, relentless sucks the Corellian drove his lover closer to oblivion. He was surprised though when Mace pushed him away.

"Please," Mace was panting, "I want something from you, Seys. I want to show you just how much I love and trust you."

The absolute lust the shone on Mace's face made the younger man's cock twitch in anticipation. "So, show me!"

"Are you sure Master Windu is expecting us, Master?" The Padawan gave the door of the quarters an unsure look. Muffled music was coming from inside. One of those orchestral pieces from the pilot's homeworld no doubt.

"Yes Obi-Wan, he and Seys invited us to dinner. Just give me a moment with the door." The long friendship he enjoyed with Mace over the years afforded Qui-Gon a few privileges, one of which was knowing the entry codes to his door. That music was most likely making it impossible to hear the chime.

"Ah-ha, that's got it!"

The door whooshed open and two different, but complimentary sounds came to the men standing outside the door. The Corellian National Symphonies performance of "The Pirate's Prize" and Mace's muffled grunts.

Master Windu was bound chest down to an ottoman in the center of the common room. He was biting a knot in a scarf that was also tied up around his head as a blindfold. Seys Oisin was kneeling on a pillow behind him, one of his hands wrapped around his member and the other . Qui-Gon stared in stunned silence at the image of the Corellian's wrist disappearing into his friend's rectum. The pilot's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open startled at the two Jedi standing in his lover's doorway.

Coming back to himself and applying a quick flick of the force, Qui-Gon turned the music off. Now a faint buzzing sound could be heard coming from somewhere between the pilot's legs. The Jedi Master tied to the piece of furniture made a muffled noise around the gag.

"Well, Mace it appears that our dinner tonight will have to be rescheduled."

At the sound of old friends voice, Mace let out a strange, embarrassed whimper. Obi-Wan's head turned to the side as he gaped at the sight before him. A funny look crossed his face and Qui-Gon gasped, stiffening suddenly. The tall Jedi Master shot the young man a curious look, and then turned quickly.

"Come, Obi-Wan." He purred at his Padawan, waving his hand to restart the music that had been playing. "I think they can manage without us for the evening."

The apprentice smiled wickedly and scurried after his Master mouthing a "Thank you!" to Seys as he went. After the door closed the Corellian succumb to a fit of laughter that made Mace shudder and turn a shade redder.

The End