
by Ki Slash

Homepage url: http://www.geocities.com/deathsquadder/fandom.html.

Archive: yes, M_A archive, personal homepage.

Series: none.

Warning(s): Character death?

Pairings: Q/O.

Categories: a/us, angst, romance.

Summary: I am playing my hand at 'flash' fiction (writing with 100 words). These segments are all fragments, snatches of words and images.

Rating: G to R.

Opalescent Moon

"Why does the moon shine, Master"

"It shines because of the sun's light," the Jedi Master smiled at his young apprentice, at the eyes that reminded him of green jade.

"I see."

The fire flickered in the burner and the wind whispered like gentle caresses. They stood watching the stars, admiring the moon. It hung in the sky like a white sphere, gleaming, opalescent. Somewhere, they could hear the mournful piping of some night bird, drifting across the valley.


"Yes, Master." The eyes twinkled with response. A half-smile, a crescent moon.

"Come here so that I can kiss you."

Opalescent Dream

"Master, please..."

He could still remember the voice. Soft, vulnerable.

"Master, please..."

The fingers playing across his body like an expert zither-artist. The tongue moistening his tight nipples, adding to the agony and pleasure.

"Master, please..."

The fire running across his body, live flames crackling down his limbs. Consuming him whole. Then, he fell gloriously and there were hands supporting him as he tumbled head first from the wave.


And the voice whispered into his ear, a soft golden song. Hands danced across his torso, his eyes.

Master Jinn woke suddenly, recalling Obi-Wan's funeral as if it was yesterday.

Opalescent Flight

They flew across the bronze-tinged water, their artificial wings strapped on their backs. Wind pulled back their hair, causing goose pimples to rise up on bare skin. Obi-Wan laughed and extended a hand to his teacher, Qui-Gon. Their fingers made contact...held for a few blessed seconds before Obi-Wan let go, laughing once more. The cold air invigorated his lungs, refreshed his soul. He enjoyed flying, even though with the False Wings. The ambassador had given them as a gift, extolling the virtue of flight.

"Don't fly too close to the sun," Qui-Gon had cautioned him sternly.

But he didn't listen.
