One Moment

by Amie LaRouche (

Archive: master_apprentice. Anyone else please ask -- I'd be truly astonished to hear from you.

Category: Point of View, Angst

Rating: PG

Spoilers: TPM

Summary: Obi-Wan reflects bitterly on that one, last moment with his Master.

Feedback: Any feedback is welcome at (

Disclaimers: None of the characters mentioned herein are mine -- they belong to George Lucas and LucasFilms. No infringement of copyright is intended. Obi-Wan just whispered a little something in my ear, and seemed to want me to write it down. Who am I to argue with a man carrying a lightsabre?

It would only have taken a moment, Master -- one moment to remember your Padawan...

But I was forgotten, wasn't I? You forgot me, left me behind the moment you found the boy. This boy, this prodigy of yours... I sense danger in him, Master, and fear -- and a terrible destiny.

One moment...

One moment to call me Padawan. One moment to say, "My Obi-Wan..."

But at the last, your thoughts were all of him. Or perhaps -- perhaps they were of your duty, your honour as a Knight. That was your way, always putting the mission before personal considerations. Which is as it should be, of course: as you taught me.

And yet... it would only have taken a moment.

I do not know when I will be able to forgive that. At the last I was left alone and more than alone, bereft even of the touch of your mind, my name on your lips.

I will train the boy, Master, as I swore I would. I will train him, and he will be a Jedi Knight; perhaps even the great Knight you saw in him, the prophesied One who will bring balance to the Force. Perhaps it will be so.

But how can I train him, I alone? How can I break through his fear, his pain -- his anger? How can I reach out to him, bond with him, mould his thoughts, when every sight of him brings you before me? When I can speak to him only as his Master (how strange that sounds!): as his Master, not as his friend...

The child has lost his mother, and lost one who -- in that too-brief time -- was a father to him, and more than father.

And I?

I have lost everything. In that one moment, everything.

How can I train the boy who took my beloved from me?

Oh, my Master -- my thoughts race around and around, and I come no closer to finding peace.

And at the last...

At the last, it comes to this:
It would only have taken a moment, to say my name.

~ fin ~