
by Jarkai

Title: Omen
Author: Jarkai
Characters/Pairing: Obi-Wan / Qui-Gon
Prompt: 01 - Miracle of
Rating: General
Notes: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn belong to George Lucas and the Star Wars franchise. No profit was made from their use.
Summary: Obi-Wan realizes that sometimes it is better to be ignorant than informed.
Archive: MA only. Please let us know if this happens.

"Master, do you really believe..."

Cross-legged on the floor, Qui-Gon glanced up from his meal, a single eyebrow raised. "Why shouldn't I? Shmi Skywalker is an honorable woman."

Obi-Wan looked away quickly. His eyes narrowed when he caught sight of the dirty-faced child playing just out of earshot. "She is a slave. That does not always lead to the best choices."

"Slaves have choices on Tatooine? Astounding."

Obi-Wan sighed. His bottom lip might even have jutted forward, but he would never have admitted to pouting. He had genuine reason to be suspicious of Anakin, he reasoned. He wasn't acting irrationally stubborn. And he certainly wasn't acting heartbroken. He tucked his hands in the sleeves of his robes, hiding clenched fists. "There's no such thing as a virgin birth. Whoever the father is, he will return for the boy someday."

"The Force reclaims us all," Qui-Gon said, voice softer than before. He stared for a long moment at his tray, then set the rations aside. For the first time, Obi-Wan noticed the smudge that marked his Master's hawkish nose. He had not brushed his hair in several days--nor slept, apparently. The shadows beneath his eyes proved that.


"I won't leave you alone, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan's licked his lips. He tried to speak, to question his teacher, but couldn't. Whatever prophecy Qui-Gon had been consulting, Obi-Wan did not want to know the details of it.

Without warning, Qui-Gon rose, his blue eyes suddenly clear, intent. He clapped Obi-Wan on the shoulder. "Come. Perhaps you should stop glaring at Anakin and actually talk to him."