Obi White and the Seven Scarfs

by Tara T. <>

Archive: Master-Apprentice; others, please ask first

Category: Humor/Parody

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Silliness follows, and Obi White, in true fairy tale fashion, is incredibly naive.

Spoilers: none

Summary: Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest Padawan of them all?

Feedback: yes, please

Disclaimers: Qui and Obi belong to Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Acknowledgments: This is a blatant rip off of Minuet's Fractured Fairy Tale series, and she kindly gave me permission to go ahead with this. I thank her for the inspiration, and thanks to Minuet and TPod for their beta!

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young Padawan named Xanatos. From the time of his arrival at the Jedi Temple he was known as Xanatos Black because of his startling dark black hair. But perhaps this nickname was unfortunate, for as he matured some whispered behind his back that the color also represented the nature of his soul. For Xanatos Black had a dark side, one that he took care to hide from his master, the legendary Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon saw only his apprentice's skill as a student and a fighter, and did not see that Xanatos Black was impatient, overly proud, and quite vain.

And, once Xanatos Black had become an adult, Qui-Gon had also been unable to see his apprentice as a potential lover. But, sure of his own desirability, Xanatos Black had no doubt that that day would come.

And then so would his master.

Xanatos Black's vanity was fed by his most precious possession, a magic mirror that he had purchased off-world at a seedy black market operation run by a Hutt. (Actually, he got it for a song on eBay, but thought the black market story was more glamorous.) This mirror not only reflected Xanatos Black's beauty back to the narcissistic young man, it also told him of his pulchritude in verse when Xanatos Black would ask questions such as:

"Mirror Mirror on the wall Who's the loveliest Padawan of them all?" Or

"Mirror Mirror made of glass Which Padawan has the most luscious ass?" Or

"Mirror Mirror with frame of rock Which Padawan has the longest ..."

Well, you get the idea.

Every day the mirror faithfully responded:

*Among the Jedi, Hearty and Hale You're the Padawan they most want to nail!*

Then one morning the unthinkable happened. Xanatos Black went before the mirror and asked,

"Mirror Mirror, long and flat Which Padawan's butt do they all want to pat?"

*The truth I must speak, and please remain calm Beauteous Obi White has the cheeks they all wish to palm*

"Obi White!" Xanatos Black shrieked. "That little twit?

For Xanatos Black knew of Obi White, but he had never considered the namby-pamby little do-gooder to be much competition. From the time he had arrived at the Jedi Temple, he'd been known as "Obi White" because of the white blond color of his hair at the time. While it had now darkened to a reddish gold color, the name had stuck because of the goodness and purity of the young man's character

Now that the thought of it, Xanatos Black realized with horror, the snotty kid had grown up into an uncommonly pretty young man and was a more than competent student of the Jedi arts. Xanatos Black even recalled hearing some rumors that his own master should Obi White as an apprentice, and drop Xanatos Black.

"I will NOT allow this to happen!!!" seethed the furious Xanatos Black, his heart filling with rage. "I will DESTROY Obi White! I will BREAK him like a twig! I will ERASE all trace of his existence! I will ...." He paused, thought for a moment, and looked back at the mirror.

"You're sure this isn't just because I'm having a bad hair day?" he asked quizzically.

*Nope, sorry. While your hair's rather flat, and could use a good tease Tis Fair Obi's mouth that the Jedi most want to please*

"Just thought I'd check," Xanatos Black said, shrugging, before leaving to rid the Temple of his rival.

Later that day, unaware that any of this had happened, Obi White sat in the garden meditating. Well, he should have been meditating, but instead he was sitting and wishing once more that someone would take him as their Padawan. Obi White was well past the age when Padawans were normally chosen, but because he was such a favorite with all at the Temple, no one had had the heart to make him leave. For the past several years, the various masters had taken turns teaching him, calling him their pet Padawan.

Obi White sighed. The masters were really so kind. He knew it must be a hardship to take time out of their busy schedules to teach someone as unworthy as he. Yet it seemed whenever he turned around, a master would be there, offering to help him with his training. In the class room, in the library, in the gymnasium, lately even in the gymnasium's shower --- although Obi White wasn't quite sure what offers to wash his back had to do with the Force.

Still, it wasn't the same as having a master of his very own.

He looked up when a shadow crossed his face, and saw a man had walked up and stood next to him. Well, he thought it was a man, but it was hard to tell, as the man/woman's face was covered with a metal mask of some kind. Some might have thought this odd, but the kind hearted Obi White immediately surmised that the man/woman had had something happen to his/her face. He wondered if it was acne. Obi White immediately empathized, having once endured an entire week with a pimple marring the perfection of his own face.

"Hello, my name is Obi White. How may I help you?"

"My name is Boba Fett," said the stranger. Obi White noticed the other man, for his gender was established with his voice, was fingering his weapon. "Poor dear, he must be nervous," Obi White thought.

"I was just walking in the woods and saw a baby bird who had fallen out of its nest, and had broken its wing. I wasn't sure what to do, so I came to ask the Jedi. You were recommended as someone who could help the poor creature."

Obi White, well known for his love of small woodland creatures, was instantly alarmed. "Of course, I'll come with you Mr. Fett," he said as he rose and started to leave the garden. He paused when he noticed that Boba Fett had not moved. "Aren't you coming? I need you to show me where to find the poor bird."

"Let me get this straight," Boba Fett said. "A total stranger asks you to go miles out of your way to help a baby bird, and you just jump up and go help?"

"But, of course," Obi White said sincerely.

Boba Fett shrugged, and put his gun away, and started to lead the handsome young man out to the woods to meet his fate. He'd been sure that Xanatos Black had exaggerated the other man's gullibility and that he'd have to force him out of the temple by gunpoint. This guy was too good to be true. And he was soon going to be dead, the bounty hunter thought grimly.

However, by the time Boba Fett and Obi White were deep in the forest, Fett knew there was no way he could harm the adorable Jedi. Despite his genuine concern over the mythical bird, Obi White had taken the time to share several acne remedies with Boba Fett - Boba had never thought of using oatmeal as a facial scrub. Soon the hard bounty hunter, um, the *hardened* bounty hunter had fallen under the spell of kindness that Obi White wove where ever he went.

Nonetheless, he knew that he could not allow young Obi White to return to the temple. Xanatos Black had promised that dire things would befall Boba Fett if he failed in his mission, and he also knew that someone as trusting as Obi White would never be safe around Xanatos Black.

Boba Fett soon came up with a plan. After spending several hours watching Obi White walk around in circles, two things were clear. First, the young man had an ass that would tempt a saint. Second, Obi White had a terrible sense of direction, and on his own would never be able to find his way out of the woods and back to the Jedi Temple.

He wasn't sure just how he could get away from Obi White, when inspiration struck. He suggested a game of hide and seek to break the monotony of their "search." Obi White clapped his hands with delight. He loved games, and the masters often used them in his training. Their current favorite, "Who am I?" involved blind folding Obi White and having him use his hands and the living force to determine which master was which.

Obi White covered his eyes. Boba Fett took one last longing look at that pert little butt, and ran off. He later bought a hank of hair from a passing wookie, braided it and presented it to Xanatos Black, saying it was Obi White's. Xanatos Black accepted this as proof of the death of his rival.

Obi White in the meantime, had searched frantically for his new friend, finally giving up as night fell in the forest. Although he was frightened, his own good nature kept him from giving into despair. Tomorrow he would find someone to help him. People were *always* offering to help him.

The next morning, Obi White woke and began to walk around the forest and look for help. At last he came to a clearing, where he saw a small cottage. He cautiously approached it and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, he opened the door and called out a greeting. As there was still no response, Obi White entered the cottage, having to lower his head as he did so. The cottage was obviously made for someone very small, although the ceilings were a normal height.

Obi White looked about the cottage with interest. On one side there was a large room, furnished primarily with plush carpet and lots of colorful throw pillows. On the other was a kitchen. Since he was rather hungry, Obi White went there first, and seeing a loaf of bread on the table sat down to eat.

The table was set with seven tiny plates, with matching silverware and mugs.

Obi White wondered who lived in the cottage, and having finished his meal, decided to repay his absent hosts by fixing a meal. He had just finished when he heard a tapping sound, and a voice singing out, "Hi ho, Hi ho!...." The door opened, and Obi White saw a tiny little man staring back.

"Master Yoda" Obi White said uncertainly. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? My retreat this is. What are you doing here, Obi White?"

Obi White poured out his tale of woe to Master Yoda, while the Jedi master poured out some wine for the lovely young Padawan wannabe. Obi White finished and waited expectantly for the master to speak.

A few minutes passed and then Yoda said, "This has gone too long. A master you need, and a master you will have." To himself, he thought, "The boy needs a keeper, he does. And if he's taken, maybe the Jedi Council can get some work done. Too old, am I, to have to track them down in the gymnasium shower trying to use the Force to get the boy to drop his soap."

"Oh, thank you, Master Yoda! Does this mean we'll be returning to the Temple?"

"No, stay here you will. Your new master will come to you. Prepare you I shall."

"Thank you, Master Yoda. Ummm, Master Yoda, may I ask you something? You say this is your retreat. Why are there seven place settings? Do you have roommates?"

"No, but it is a place for privacy and friends who will come over tonight. Prying eyes, there are, at the Temple, if you know what I mean?"

Obi White looked confused for a moment, and then his face cleared. "Of course, Master Yoda. This is where you hold weekend seminars and workshops. Just last month, I heard Master Windu talking with Ki-Adi-Mundi about a group of knights who went to some kind of meeting outside the Temple. He seemed very impressed with one of the knights. I believe he said he'd never seen a light saber that large, and that the knight really knew how to use it. I naturally assumed that he'd attended some kind of seminar on sparring."

"When I'm a knight, I want a really large light saber, Master Yoda! One that really throbs and pulsates! And, I'll show it off to anyone who wants to see it!" Obi White declared happily.

The wise old master sighed deeply, "I better go make a few calls. Tonight's *seminar* canceled will be. Explain some things to you, it seems I must."

As Master Yoda walked off mumbling something about whether it was too late to cancel that case of lube he'd ordered, but Obi White really wasn't paying any attention. He'd just noticed that the Jedi Master was wearing five inch heels.

The following day back at the Temple, Xanatos Black was making an intimate little dinner for his master. He'd chosen the menu carefully, hoping his master would pick up on the hint that Xanatos Black would like a more intimate relationship: kielbasa sausages, corn on the cob, dill pickles, and, for dessert, chocolate covered bananas.

Qui-Gon Jinn soon entered the room, and Xanatos Black rose to greet him.

"Master Qui-Gon. I've fixed dinner for you. I hope you're hungry. I've certainly got something here I'd like you to wrap your mouth around."

"Not now, Xanatos Black," Qui-Gon said solemnly. "I'm afraid we must talk. I've just spoken to several members of the council, and I'm afraid that you've been expelled from the order."

"Expelled from the order! But, I've done nothing wrong," Xanatos Black proclaimed loudly.

"Don't lie to me, Xanatos Black. The council and I were willing to overlook your more minor transgressions. The overdue library books, the parking fines, the time you short sheeted Master Yoda's bed - although, now that I think of it, he didn't notice that for over a week. But we can't ignore this."

Qui-Gon held out a receipt that noted a large payment to Boba Fett from Xanatos Black for "Luring that little goody two shoes Obi White out into the woods and killing him in some particularly gruesome way. Dressing him up first as a pleasure slave discretionary."

Xanatos Black realized the futility of lying to his master, so he tried to look contrite. Qui-Gon said sadly, "Why did you do it, Xanatos Black? Why did you wish to harm Obi White? He's such a nice young man. He's studious, respectful of his elders, punctual, patriotic, and he has lovely eyes, a tight little ass, a pouty red mouth that could entice the most stalwart Jedi to the dark side...

Xanatos Black gave his master a knowing look. Qui-Gon paused, and then continued, "Yes, well, now I understand. But, why in the name of the Sith did you make out a receipt?"

"Tax purposes, Master. You always taught me to keep complete records of all expenditures. You said sloppy record keeping is indicative of sloth. And sloth leads to idleness, idleness leads to temptation, temptation leads to..."

"That's enough, Xanatos Black. I get it. I'm sorry, but I have no choice. You must pack your bags and leave."

"But, Master," Xanatos Black whined. "Can't we sit down and talk this over? Are you sure you wouldn't like an appetizer? Here, try a cocktail weenie."

"No. It is over, my former apprentice. And, I have no time for food. I've got to go out to Master Yoda's retreat. He wants me to consider taking Obi White as my apprentice, even though I've told him that I have no wish to take on another after my failure with you." Seeing the shock on his former Padawan's face, Qui-Gon nodded and said, "Yes, Xanatos Black. You failed. Obi White lives."

Qui-Gon left, but not before grabbing a couple of thick, warm, buttery bread sticks off of the table to eat on the road. An enraged Xanatos Black ran to his magic mirror to learn if what his master had said was true.

"Mirror Mirror, an answer you must give Does my rival Obi White still live?"

And the mirror responded:

*Yes, in a cabin small, near fields of clover Fair Obi White is still the one most want to bend over!*

Xanatos clenched his fists. "I just can't believe this!"

*Believe it - Obi's demeanor's so pure, yet so full of pluck! One can't help but wonder, what he'd be like to...*

"Alright, already!" Xanatos Black screamed. "I get it, I get it! Everyone wants him! Well, they're not going to have him, particularly not my master. I guess if I want this job done right, I'm going to have to do it myself."

Inspiration suddenly struck, and Xanatos Black grabbed a couple corn dogs off of the dinner table, and ran out of the room.

Xanatos Black had once been invited to a "seminar" at the retreat, and had learned of a shortcut, and was thus able to get to the small cottage ahead of his master. He pulled the hood of his Jedi robe up over his head and stooped over before knocking. Obi White opened the door, and said, "Hello, how may I help you?"

In a feeble voice, Xanatos Black answered. "Hello, I'm trying to raise money to send the Jedi Academy Marching Band to the Intergalactic finals at Theed. Would you like to buy a magazine subscription?"

"No thank you," Obi White said politely. "I already have subscriptions to "Sport's Illustrated," "Field and Stream," and "Cosmo," and those are the only magazines I read."

"Then, how about buying," Xanatos reached into the cloak and pulled out "a corn dog? It's for a good cause."

"Well, I am rather hungry. Master Yoda wouldn't let me have any supper. But, I'm afraid I don't have any money with me."

"For you, my pretty boy, I'll accept a promise of future payment."

Xanatos Black's eyes gleamed as Obi White took the corn dog, for he had dipped the inoffensive looking wiener in a deadly poison. Xanatos Black watched as Obi White opened his lovely mouth, and licked his lips with his luscious pink tongue in anticipation of his treat, and then blew on the corn dog gently to cool it down.

Xanatos Black gulped. He might have been evil, and cold of heart, but even he occasionally had to admit the truth. The mirror hadn't lied. This guy was *hot.*

It was a shame he had to die.

But, just as Obi White was about to take a bite out of the deadly dog, something struck at it and it was flung across the grass.

"Told you, I did," Master Yoda cried, wielding his cane like a saber. "No food before your performance! At your peak, you must be if Master Jinn is to take you as his Padawan learner. Now go back in. Practice you will!"

"And you," Yoda turned to Xanatos Black. "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but the Jedi Academy Marching Band isn't going to the Intergalactic Finals. Lost in the regional to the Tatooine School of Technology Marching Jawas, they did. Now leave!"

Xanatos Black turned to leave, but he vowed to return and finish the job he started. And to use that peephole in the gymnasium shower next time Obi White was there.

Sometime later Qui-Gon arrived at the cottage, determined not to give into Yoda's demand that he take Obi White as a Padawan. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so he went inside, bending down as he entered the dwelling. He called for Master Yoda, but again received no answer. Assuming that Yoda and Obi White had gone out, Qui-Gon sat down on some of the throw pillows, deciding to make himself comfortable.

It was then that he noticed a silk scarf lying on the floor next to him. He picked it up. There was something special about this scarf. It gave off some kind of *aura,* Qui-Gon thought. He brought it to his nose, and inhaled a rich, spicy scent. The Jedi master saw another scarf lying a little further off, and he went to retrieve it. He saw another.

By the time Qui-Gon reached the door of room in the back of the cottage, he had picked up six scarfs, all drenched with the same alluring smell and mystique. He pushed open the door.

There, lying fast asleep was Obi White. He was apparently naked with the exception of a seventh scarf draped artfully over his lap. Qui-Gon had never seen anything so lovely. Jinn had to know if he was real or an apparition, and he leaned over to give the young man a gentle kiss on the lips.

Obi White awoke with a start. "Oh dear, Master Jinn. I seem to have fallen asleep. Master Yoda wants me to perform the Kata of the Seven Scarfs for you tonight, and I find it quite tiring."

"Drat it all," Obi White went on unhappily. "I've messed everything up. Now you'll never take me as your Padawan learner."

"No, you're wrong, Obi White. I *will* take you. Uh, I mean as my Padawan, of course."

And the two Jedi left the cottage and returned to the Jedi Temple, where they lived happily ever after.

The end

P.S. Xanatos Black Lives!