No, Master

by MonaR. (aka Mona Ramsey, aka Mona)

Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan

Series: No, way!

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: This is a *PARODY*. Please don't take offense at this bit of silliness ñ no way should it be taken at all seriously by anyone.

Archive: Yeah, sure. You want it? Why?

Notes: I don't use betas. :( Any mistakes are solely my fault and the fault of my *#^&@ spellcheck. ** is used for emphasis, // for thought. Any weird characters should be hunted down and killed.

Spoilers: Yeah, probably.

Summary: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, a quiet night in bed. . . No, wait, that's another story, sorry.

{Oh, this is terrible. I'm a long-time TPM writer, so I just couldn't resist poking a teeny bit of fun at some of the more - um, 'well-used' fanon conventions out there, all of which I'm *sure* I've done! I'm gonna get in *big* trouble.}

"No, Master"

by MonaR.


"Um?" Qui-Gon Jinn, broad-backed, firm-chested, he of the washboard stomach and elegantly graying hair pulled back into a neat ponytail - except for the little disheveled bit that let the casual observer know that he'd just been caught in a little rummpy-pumpy with his Paddlewan - cerulean/midnight/dreamscape/ocean-depths blue eyes slightly gazed over, one lip between his teeth, paused in mid-stroke. "Did you say something, Obi-Wan?"

"Uh, *yeth*," Obi-Wan answered - or, at least tried to, mashed as he was underneath a couple hundred pounds of solid muscle, *again*. "You think you could get off me for a minute? I'm cramping, here."

"Right *now*?"

"Only if you still want a *living* Padawan, Master."

Sighing, Qui-Gon shifted his weight, his enormous, blood-filled cock somewhat drooping in the face of his much-younger-but-not-quite-enough-for-a-big-squick-to-the-easily-disturbed and currently rather pissed-off lover. "Better?"

"Ask me when the blood rushes back to my extremities." Obi-Wan rolled over on his back, Padawan braid embedded in his chest. He pulled it out with a 'pop', reached for his own package, and waggled it - much like the infamous scene in 'Velvet Goldmine', minus the sparkles and the cheering masses. "You see this? This is *my* penis. It has a function. Anymore of this coming by rubbing myself into the mattress under you, and it will no longer have any skin on it. To paraphrase Darth Martha Stewart, that would be a Very *Bad* Thing."

"Is something wrong, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked, calmly. He always spoke calmly, even in the middle of a rigorous fuck, unless he was in a Dark-Side a/u, or it was alternate Tuesdays.

"How come I never get to be on top, huh? You've put on a couple of pounds since May, and I swear you're either getting taller, or I'm shrinking." Obi-Wan looked him up and down. "You on steroids, or something? I'm barely coming up to your armpit, these days, and I used to clear your shoulder, at least."

"I am your Maaster, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said placidly. "And I am bigger and stronger than you. But I am not an unreasonable man. You may be on top whenever you want."

"I want."

"Fine." Qui-Gon rolled over on his back, and waved to his young, beautiful, peach-skinned apprentice - eyes like the sea, lashes down to his nose, penis-waving and all. Still, he loved the little brat, and he had a great ass. "Climb on," he said, pointing to his big dick.

"Bite me."

"Fine," Qui-Gon said, evenly. "Where would you like?"

"You *know* what I mean. I want to ride you like a wild stallion, Qui-Gon, not climb on that flagpole again. My ass is so sore I can barely walk."

"When I am finished, then you may - Wait a minute, what did you just call me?" There was a tiny glimmer of anger in that question, but it was quickly dissipated by years - nay, *decades* - of Jedi training. Qui-Gon thought back to the first meditation Master Yoda had taught him, back when Qui-Gon was still so young the little sock-puppet almost came up to his waist, that mantra of great calming and unbreakable focus, and hummed it in his mind, /I love you, you love me - /

Obi-Wan had to think back. "Qui-Gon? It's your name, right? Qui-Gon Jinn?"

"You aren't allowed to call me anything but 'Master', and you know that."

"Oh, that is *such* a trip. Do you know that in fifty years I'm going to have my *own* second apprentice, and will I even get a 'Kenobi' from him? No. 'Obi-Wan'? I don't think so. He's going to call me 'Ben'. Snot-nosed punk kid."

"Perhaps you should discipline him."

Obi-Wan's eyes glazed over for a moment, then he shook his head. "Quit changing the subject. Besides, Luke has a brand on *his* ass that reads 'property of Han Solo'. Although, sometimes the name is crossed out and reads 'Wedge'. I believe Lando's got a bid in somewhere, too, and the entire Red and Gold Squadrons. But that's not the *point*," he whined.

"If he's your apprentice, Padawan, then he's *yours*, in every way. I'd suggest you deal with the interlopers accordingly."

"So what you're telling me is that you and Master Yoda - "

"No!" Qui-Gon looked aghast, yet unruffled. "*Ewwww*. How could you even suggest such a thing?"

"You said so yourself, not thirty seconds ago. 'If he's your apprentice, yada yada yada.' Yoda was your Master, so he must have had a good poke at you at some point." Obi-Wan's sky-blue/sea green/hazel/plaid eyes welled with sudden tears. "Unless - you were *lying* to me," he wailed, like a Padawan who's just been disappointed by his Master for the very first time, or Kathie Lee when she's faced with the sweatshop pictures from her clothing factories with a camera anywhere in the immediate vicinity.

"Oh, no, no," Qui-Gon said, pulling his little, tiny, minuscule, are-you-eating-enough Padawan close to his heaving chest, erect nipples perking as they were brushed by The Braid. "I just forgot, that's all," he said, with great tranquillity. "Don't cry."

"Okay," Obi-Wan said, shutting off the tears like a faucet. "So, are we going to do this, or what?"

"You don't still want to be on top, do you?" Qui-Gon asked, hopefully. But calm. Always calm. Like desert, like the sea - except, you know, when there's no storm on it, or a war, or a big podrace, or something. Just when it's calm.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Well, although you are *obviously* a raging bottom in *deep* denial, I suppose, just this onc-"

"Great," Qui-Gon said, his placid exterior betraying no disturbance. He grabbed Obi-Wan and started humping his leg.

Obi-Wan, sighing, moved into position, rubbing the bruise that was already starting to show on his thigh. Damn, he was never going to hear the end of it about that in the Padawans' weekly circle-jerk. He bounced up and down, a little bored, chanting, "Oh, yes, Master, like that, Master, do me, Master, harder, faster, deeper, Master." He yawned. "You about done, or what?"

"Almost - there - Obi-Wan - " Qui-Gon threw back his head, showing the elegant neck, the pulsing veins as he approached an earth-shattering, tidal-wave climax.

"Goody," Obi-Wan said, still bouncing without much enthusiasm. "I wuv you, Quisy."

"I love you, too Ob- " Qui-Gon, with great effort, stopped thrusting his hips up. "'Quisy'?"

"I thought it would be cute if I gave you a nickname," Obi-Wan said, with an enthusiastic smile. He was such an impetuous, leap-before-you-look, scamp of a Padawan. "*All* the Padawans are doing it. Didn't you have one for *your* Master?"

"Like what?" Qui-Gon asked, trying to suppress the un-Jedi-like fit of giggles he could feel welling up in his throat. "Yo-Yo?" He could feel forty-five/fifty-two/fifty-five/I don't know, sixty-something? years of Jedi training also in his throat, fighting the lightsaber duel of a lifetime with a Sithly fit of girlish giggles. The Jedi calm *had* to win. It *had* to! What would Obi-Wan think if he - if he - "Yo-Yo," he repeated, and then burst into a hysterical fit of laughter.

Obi-Wan, who had never seen a show of emotion from his Master, other than the tightly-reigned-brightly-flaming-and-yet-smoldering passion of their three-times-a-night fuck sessions, thought his 'Quisy' was having a fit. An *epileptic* fit. He jumped up and off his Master, managing to clear the bed and perform an intricate training maneuver that he normally shouldn't have been able to even attempt for another year/two years/six years/lifetime, before *nailing* the landing, legs straight and arms up in the air. "Yes!" he said, and then noticed that his Master appeared to still be having a fit. There was no time to go for an ubiquitous, mystical Jedi Healer, and besides, they were all in Master Yoda's bi-annual 'STDs and Your Padawan: the *Real* Dark Side of the Force' lecture. He ran for the bathroom, returned with a glass of water, and threw it on the writhing man.

Sputtering and yet unruffled, Qui-Gon asked, "What did you do that for?"

"You *scared* me, Quisy," Obi-Wan said. "You were shaking, and rolling, and there was this weird sound coming out of your mouth - "

"I was laughing," Qui-Gon said, dryly. And very calmly, too.

"Really? You can *do* that?" Obi-Wan looked at him with a mixture of stunned wonder and quiet awe. "You can do *anything*, can't you?"

"Anything except *come*," Qui-Gon said, with weary resignation. He was a Jedi, after all, and he didn't need sex, drugs, rock and roll. He had the Force. The Force was his friend. The Force gave all. There was no fear, no anger, no death, no passion - "Oh, screw it!" he yelled. "I just want to get off, okay? Is that too much to ask?"

Obi-Wan cowered in fear. "Don't hit me again!"

"Hit you? I've never hit you."

"Oh, yeah, that was an alternate reality. Never mind. Can I be on top, now?" Obi-Wan bounced up and down on his knees on the bed, The Braid bouncing along with him.

"Sure, whatever, why not?" Qui-Gon answered. "Back or stomach?"

"Back," Obi-Wan said. "Although it's much more uncomfortable for you, this *is* your first time being fucked, and I want to be able to kiss you and hug you and squeeze you and tell you how pretty you are to your face."

"And that's a good thing?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Yeah. You might think about trying that with *me*, once in a while. I *can* read your mind, but it wouldn't kill you to make with the compliments, you know."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. Okay, assume the position."

"Which is?" Qui-Gon asked, mystified and calm.

"Knees to your chest, and kiss your ass good-bye!" Obi-Wan grabbed his cock, gave it a final waggle for good measure, and started to push it in.

"Uh, *ow*!" Qui-Gon said, with heroic calm. "Lube, maybe?"

"Damn, I forgot. Never mind, I think there's some in the - "

Qui-Gon, realizing it was his *own* virgin ass on the line and lube was really necessary - preferably that nice, anesthetic kind they'd received as a present from the Queen/Senator/Evil Dictator of Fskjewr9hasdflknaghasduewytglag 3, the last time they were there on a Jedi Diplomatic Mission (TM) before running for their very lives, reached his hands and gathered the precious Force to him, using it as it was meant to be used ñ to get the lube in a hurry, when you didn't really feel like getting out of bed. He smiled as the bottle came forth from the bathroom, floating calmly through the air. /Who needs a replicator- transporter-other technobabble-cool-gadget when you've got the Force?/ he thought to himself. /The Force provides all./

Obi-Wan, meanwhile, had remembered the tube of gloppy stuff he'd snatched from Master Windu's private 'Pleasure Palace', the S/M club he ran on the side, in between glowering with Jedi-like menace on the Council, and lobbing pithy Offical Jedi Master 'May the Force Be With You's at people on the streets of Coruscant for nickels. The lube was in the drawer of the night-table, and he leaned over and grabbed it, popping back up just in time to -



When Obi-Wan awoke, he was on his back beside his Master, who was covered discreetly with the sheet, smoking a cigarette. Yeah, it was bad for his health, but what else are you going to do after doing the wild thing? Nicotine was the only thing with no specific prohibition in the Jedi Manual.

"Master?" Obi-Wan asked, sitting up in the bed. His head really hurt.

"Oh, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, putting the cigarette out. "That was *incredible*. It was perfect, beautiful - I swear, I actually passed out in the middle of it, and when I came to, you were *still* fucking me. I never knew it could be *like* that. It was - ethereal. The closest I've ever been to the Force."

Obi-Wan smiled a little, wishing he could *remember* the perfect moment. "So, can we do it again, then?"

"Oh, no," Qui-Gon said, quickly. "No, we agreed, remember, that that time was so *perfect* that we couldn't possibly ever match it. No, I think it should remain a beautiful, crystal memory, one that we will look on for years to come. Or, at least until I get hacked by the Sith."

"Well, I - "

"But I do remember *your* request, Padawan," Qui-Gon said. "I'm ready when you are." He threw back the sheet to reveal a raging hard-on.

Obi-Wan, still trying desperately to remember this perfect moment, sighed and said, "Yes, Master," climbing on the flagpole that was Qui-Gon Jinn and thinking of England. "Yes, Master, more Master," he chanted. Bits of memory were trying to flitter through his mind, but seemed to be pressed back by the familiar presence of their Master/Apprentice Bond (TM). "Harder, Master, deeper, Master." Finally, being the superior mental talent that he was, Obi-Wan managed to bitch-slap his Master's presence away from his mind, and stopped bouncing in horror as realization of what they'd done that night struck. "You *fraud*!" he shrieked. "I didn't even *touch* your ass! YOU KNOCKED ME OUT BRINGING THE LUBE WITH THE FORCE *AGAIN*, DIDN'T YOU?!?!?"

The End
