So Much For The Negotiations

by Susan Anthony (

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon

Archive: Master_Apprentice and anyone else, just ask

Category: Humor, Pre-Slash

Rating: G

Spoilers: none for Star Wars anyway

Summary: Never leave implements of distraction just lying about the countryside.

Feedback: Very welcome.

Notes: I was just reading along, minding my own business, when this scene popped into my mind and demanded to be written. There's more story here, I know and one day I might write it.

Warnings: wear sunscreen.

"Master, I'm sorry but you've always taught me to use whatever weapon comes to hand." The padawan looked a bit sheepish as he stood before his master. He held his hands together and hidden in the sleeves of his brown robe as he watched his usually serene master pace the length of the large room. In the three years he had been Master Jinn's padawan, Obi-Wan had never seen the man pace.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn glanced at his student and then rubbed his forehead as if he felt a headache coming on. And, indeed he did. "I understand that, my padawan, just as I know you meant no harm. Your actions certainly incited victory for the King's faction." The older Jedi groaned under his breath. "Or should I say, former King."

Obi-Wan blushed as he glanced at the gleaming circlet of gold the rowdy victorious knights had insisted he wear. Now it lay almost accusingly on the velvet seat of the large throne that dominated the room. "Surely we can do something to convince them to pick someone else, Master," Obi-Wan began in a worried tone. "I mean, just think of what the Council will say!"

Qui-Gon froze in his tracks and felt a full body shudder wind through his tall frame. Oh gods. He hadn't considered the Council yet. He turned to his apprentice and approached him slowly.

"Obi-Wan, my dear apprentice, my most favorite padawan," he began hopefully as he took his student's shoulders. "I don't suppose you tried to stick the sword back into the stone, did you?"
