Needs of the Many

by RavenD <>

Archive: master_apprentice, World of Pretty Boys, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page:

Category: POV

Rating: G

Warnings: none

Spoilers: none

Summary: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon take a Force-sensitive child for the Temple

Notes: Mystique betaed, babied and made sure this little one was ready for the light of day. Thank you, thank you. All mistakes are mine.

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: I don't have enough to pay attention. Lucas owns everything.

I was sleeping. Mam said to nap, that her head was hurting and Sel wouldn't go down and she needed a minute, so I laid down on my little bed and rested my eyes. I heard somebody knocking at the door and it woke me up and I creeped to the edge of the bed. My bed is the best because it's next to Mam's dressing glass and I can peek out by the door.

Mam opened the door and there were two men standing there. The big one was hairy-faced and taller than a giant. He was very frowny, too and Mam looked mad.

I heard them talking for a while, real low and quiet and then Mam yelled, "You want what?"

I picked up my head and looked. The men were in the house, the big one up to the ceiling. Mam was holding the baby and the baby was crying. Mam looked like she did when I broke the window in her bedroom playing kitchi ball with Lem and Mas.

The big one bent down. "She is a special child. A rare child. Strong in the Force. We will take her to the Temple in Coruscant where she can be trained!"

"Trained? Where? What Temple? This is my child, you can't walk in here and take my child!" Mam's voice was loud and scary.

The littler one came closer to Mam. "She will be well-fed, trained to be Jedi. She will serve the galaxy well."

Mam held the baby harder. Sel was getting very mad. "Jedi? I've heard of you! Religious zealots tramping through the universe, making your will known. I'll have none of it."

The hairy giant made a sound like a bladder letting out air. "Little mother, she will be trained to use her gifts, to use the Force. We will care for her, protect her from those who cannot understand her, who would use her."

Mam raised her chin. "And who will love her?"

"She will never be alone. She will grow up with her peers, in joy and light."

"Who will love her?"

"She will have a master who cares for her, trains her, shares her life."

"Who will love her, Jedi?"

The little one spoke again. "Little Mother, she will be fulfilling her purpose."

"Let me understand this, you unemotional, sanctimonious flesh-droids. You want to take my baby into that big mechanical world with no trees, no real life. You're going to leave her in a big room full of children who don't know her, don't know her past, her people. You want to raise her up without me, without her Da and sister, so that she can serve the galactic senate and kill people before snatching more babies? And this is supposed to fulfil some PURPOSE!"

Mam's face was turning red, really red. Those men better be careful. I've seen Da leave the house to sleep outside for faces a lot less mad.

"We fight for defense onl..."

"No. She's my baby girl. No one can love her, care for her like I can. She has a family, people who love her. Here. Now. You can't have her."

The giant man looked down at Mam with a sad face. "I'm sorry, Little Mother. This child is important to us. We WILL take her."

Mam screamed and turned to run. I was scared and couldn't move, not even a little. The little one grabbed her arm hard and she dropped Baby Sel. The baby didn't fall; she floated there for a second before the little one grabbed her. Mam went to grab Sel from the little Jedi, but he turned away from her.

The baby screamed for a moment and then the Jedi touched her and she stopped.

The giant turned Mam, looked into her eyes. "You have done a great thing. You have given us your child willingly and will not mourn."

Mam's face went all sleepy and her voice was wrong when she said what he'd said. They sat her down on a chair and the giant said, "Sleep."

"Master? Should I get the child's things?"

The giant sighed, "Yes, Padawan, and quickly."

The little Jedi looked at the giant as he handed my baby sister over. "Master, why..."

"Obi-Wan, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. We give them peace when we go. And we care for their children."

"Did my mother?..."

The giant scrunched up his eyebrows. "The child's things, Padawan. Now."

The little one started into the room and I could move. I crawled under the bed and pretended I was a rock. My tummy was trembly. The brown boots walked all around and left.

When I came out, Baby Sel was gone with the Jedi. No holos, no clothes, no little toys. I found a white changing cloth underneath my pillow. Mam just sat in the chair. She didn't even move when I crawled in her lap and talked to her. I cried and shut the door so the animals wouldn't come in. She slept until Da came home. They talked and talked and then Da took a long walk. When he came home, dinner was on the table.

No one ever said anything about the baby.

I hold the changing cloth in my hands when I'm sleeping. I'm hoping that the Jedi won't come back, take me away, make me disappear into a place with no trees and no Mam.

Please. I'll be very, very good.