A Modest Explanation

by Rose

Title: A Modest Explanation
Author: Rose
Archive: Master and Apprentice, and wherever you'd like
Rating: PG, nothing spicy... yet
Category: Romance, slight angst, Qui/Obi, Series
Warnings: No death, merely fluffy love... if you don't agree with the aspect of a relationship between the two, why exactly are you here?
Disclaimer: Uhhh duh, I do not own these characters, nor do I wish to incur the wrath of Lucas upon my weary soul. I am merely borrowing them for a moment. I promise they will be returned in the condition with which they were lent. Nor did I intend any copy right infringements on Jack Johnson's part.

Feedback: Would be loverly. Let me know if you are actually interested in me continuing or not.

Summary: After proposing, Obi-Wan fills in the gaps

Author's Note: This is a continuation of the "modest" series. More will follow, don't worry. There are flashbacks in this one, but i think i broke it up sufficiently for you. By the way, i borrowed some dialogue from the Jedi Apprentice book #2. I haven't heard from the books in so long, that i thought i'd refresh your memories.

Obi-Wan was overwhelmed. Qui-Gon had cradled his head between his hands as he declared his love and now their lips were pressed together, the first taste of love. Though a chaste kiss, it was the most passionate he had experienced in his short life. So much was spoken in that tiny gesture, more than words could ever express. With the basic pressure of two pairs of lips, Obi-Wan saw just how much he was loved and cherished in his master's eyes. When they broke apart, they gazed deep into each other's eyes. With his hands still on Obi-Wan's cheeks, Qui-Gon brought him forward until their foreheads touched. They gazed deep into each other's eyes; saw the passion and longing flash beneath their depths. Qui-Gon pulled him in for another tender kiss.

"Mmm I could get used to that you know." Obi-Wan all but purred into his master's lips. Qui-Gon chuckled and started to drop his hands, when he realized they were quite sticky from the champagne. He looked up at Obi-Wan who laughed outright. Qui-Gon tilted his padawan's head to the side and placed a kiss upon his sticky cheek, savoring the mixture of champagne plus his natural essence. It was a taste too intoxicating to quench. He asked between kisses:

"Mmm... where did you... come up... with that... creative... mmm... proposal?" Obi-Wan was hard-pressed to answer. He had been drifting in a sweet sea of caresses until he realized he had been asked a question. What was the question? Something about proposal...? Oh!

"Uhh proposal, oh yes, the champagne. I actually, uhh... oh that's nice," Qui-Gon had traveled with his lips to just beneath his ear. He murmured into his ear, causing a shiver to run down Obi-Wan's spine.

"You were saying about the champagne...?" Obi-Wan gulped and nodded his head. Valiantly, he fought to clear his muddied mind.

"Yes... about the glasses. I, uh, I only just thought of it after our, uh, sparring session today." At his words, Qui-Gon leaned back to stare into stormy green eyes.

"You only thought of all this," gesturing with his left hand, "after our sparring session? Obi-Wan are you sure...?" Obi-Wan nodded his head and broke in quickly.

"Don't misunderstand me, my master. I have been mulling over this for quite sometime. I only determined that the time was right today. While you were on your back with my lightsaber pointed at your neck, I felt pride, but at the same instant, complete and utter despair. I realized that my time with you is short, both as a student and as humans in this lifetime."

"Oh Obi-Wan, you know there is no death-"

"Only force, yes I know. But the force is a lonely companion. I knew I couldn't wait any longer. And after my amazing day, it seemed the perfect ending. As I pulled you up from the training mat and you fixed your pride-filled eyes upon mine, my mind raced as to what I should do. I already had the rings; I just needed a way to ask you. After dinner, I saw the champagne on the counter and the idea struck me like Yoda's walking stick. "

"Wait, you already had the rings?" Obi-Wan nodded. "How long?" Obi-Wan reached into one of the compartments on his belt and pulled out a similar ring. He lifted Qui-Gon's left hand and placed the ring in his palm.

"Do you remember the mission to Paldeern?" Qui-Gon nodded. "Well it all started on our final day there...

[Flashback] Paldeern, 7 years ago

"This is the final day of the talks. We won't be doing anything significant, just obtaining signatures to all the treaties. You have worked hard, padawan, and deserve a day off. Please, enjoy yourself today. I will join you for the celebration in the main hall this evening."

"Yes my master. Thank you." With a fond smile, he left the room, his long robe billowing behind him.

The day off? Well this is a rare occasion indeed! Now what shall I do with myself? I remembered back to the first day we set foot on the planet; we had passed the most interesting market. A few of the vendors had piqued my interest, but of course we had no time for frivolous shopping. Well it just so happens that today I do! I grabbed a piece of fruit from the bowl on the table and headed to the market.

On arriving, I took a deep breath of the scents of fresh vegetables, meats, fruits and other smells overtaking me. The market was bustling with life as customers haggled with the vendors. I wasn't looking for anything in particular. I was merely soaking in the living Force that rolled off the place in waves. My wanderings brought me to a tiny stand in a shaded alcove. I do not know why I stopped there; something seemed to have drawn me to the table. To my surprise, it was a jewelry artisan. My eyes drifted over the many offerings and finally rested upon the old woman's behind the table. She was fanning herself with a faded, ratty fan and smiled a big toothy grin at me.

"What ye be looking for boy? Anything in particular?" I shook my head at her and started to back away when she held something out to me. It was a tiny package wrapped in the softest silk.

"Ye might not be looking for anything now, but me thinks ye will be needing this in the future." With that she cackled marvelously while I carefully unwrapped the silk. Inside laid two perfect rings (in our sizes I might add). Their culture has many symbols for life, one being eternity. The rings were thin strands of silver, interwoven and looped together so that no one can tell where they begin and end.

I was so enraptured by their beauty, that when I looked up, she disappeared. Her booth was empty, almost as if it had never been used. I ran up and down the market searching for the old woman, but she was gone. I looked back down to my hand holding the rings and suddenly realized why they captured my attention so. I had already known I wanted to spend my life with you, and there in my hand lay the objects that would bind us together for all eternity.

I placed the rings carefully in a secret compartment on my belt and returned to the embassy. I found my master waiting for me in our rooms. When he asked me if I did anything interesting that day, I blushed furiously and bolted for my room. He never mentioned my behavior and the rest of the mission passed quickly...


"I never did find the old woman, though I looked for her during our remaining time on the planet. I still am not quite sure what led me to her booth, but I suspect it was a subtle force and fate mixture." Qui-Gon chuckled at that.

"The force works in mysterious ways Obi-Wan." He paused to examine his ring again. Indeed, he could not find the beginning or the end. "It is quite beautiful, my love." He took the extra ring from his palm and reached for Obi-Wan's left hand. "But it would look even more beautiful on your slender finger." And he slid the ring on his ring finger. Obi-Wan examined his hand for a moment and returned his gaze back to Qui-Gon.

"I never thought this day would come. I carried those rings for many years, waiting for the right moment. The Force seemed to be whispering in my ear all day." Qui-Gon placed Obi-Wan's hand in his own, brought it to his lips and kissed the new addition to his hand.

"How long have you known?" his eyes searching his student's, "How long have you known your heart?"

"Since the moment I laid eyes on you, my master. You came to watch our group spar one day and I felt a tug in the Force. I had just won the match against one of my year mates, and when I looked up, I found you staring at me from across the room. I didn't quite understand at the time, but the Force tug seemed to have come from you. I knew at that moment that we were meant to be together."

"But, you were only 11. Ghods... 11!" Obi-Wan hung his head sheepishly.

"Yes that is a bit young, but the Force was leading me to you. Who was I to deny the willing of the Force? It broke my heart when you rejected me and I was sent to Bandomeer." Qui-Gon's hands tightened on Obi-Wan's at the memory. "That was where I made the decision that altered both of our lives...

[Flashback] Bandomeer, 12 years ago

Deep in the mines, we struggled to get out of the room Xanatos had locked us into. We both brought the Force to bear upon the door, but nothing worked. I suddenly saw the weight of the situation. We were both going to die, as well as thousands of miners above us. Qui-Gon's death was unacceptable to me, so I did the only thing that seemed rational at the time.

"There's only one thing to do. I can get us out of here. I'm the one who can." I grasped the transmitter to the electro-collar and placed my body against the transparisteel door. Closing my eyes I centered myself in the Force and prepared to accept my fate.

Qui-Gon was frantic, fear flashing in his eyes, "No! You won't survive the blast! There must be another way!" He reached out to grab the transmitter from my hands. I would not permit it. Even if the man did not think me worthy of his padawan, I would gladly die for him so that he may save other lives.

"There is no other way, and you know it. Think of the many who will lose their lives. Think of Bandomeer. Our mission to protect it. If I don't do this, we fail." I stared determinedly into his haunted eyes.

"No padawan. I won't allow you!" He looked around frantically, saying to himself, "There must be another way." I calmly waited for him to give up his fruitless search and take cover. As I mulled over my impending death, I had no regrets. I had done my best, training to be a Jedi, and I couldn't think of anything I'd do differently. I knew I was to be with this man for the rest of my life, that without him, my life held little meaning. In my mind, the situation was quite plain to see.

Qui-Gon interrupted my musings exclaiming, "I found it!" and I sighed in relief when the door behind me slid open. He rushed over to me and wrapped me in a tight embrace. When he released me, there was a twinkle in his eyes. "I knew there was another way out." He ruffled my hair and continued, "Come padawan. We're not finished yet!"...


Qui-Gon shivered and pulled his apprentice into the same tight embrace. They held each other for a while till Qui-Gon whispered, "I would have stopped you from dying for me." Obi-Wan pulled back slightly and smiled.

"You would not have been able to, Master," echoing those words spoken so many years ago. Qui-Gon sighed in defeat and leaned back against the bench, bringing Obi-Wan to lean his back against his chest. Once settled, Qui-Gon wrapped his arms around his love tightly and placed a kiss upon his head.

There the pair remained; content to bask in the loving aura that permeated from them. Obi-Wan was brought back to the world, however when slumber pulled at his awareness. A passing starship gained his attention and he was surprised to discover the moon high in the night sky. While staring at the white orb, he wondered the sun was only setting when we came out here, so now it's- He gasped and turned back to Qui-Gon.

"Master! We've been out here-" Qui-Gon chuckled.

"Yes I know my love. Perhaps we should turn in for the night?" Obi-Wan gazed up at him shyly.

"As long as `turning in' includes sharing a bed with you...?" unabashed love and hope shone out from his eyes. Qui-Gon smiled.

"Till the rest of time my love." Qui-Gon placed his hand at the back of Obi-Wan's neck and pulled him in for another tender kiss.