The Master's Musings - Who Am I? - February 7, 2002

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Category: PWP

Rating: PGish?

Spoilers: None

Pairing: Q/O

Summary: A series of short snippets, all from Qui-Gon's POV, focusing on his love for Obi-Wan, and their relationship.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

This one hasn't been betad - you've been warned.

I love him with all that I am. Loving him, and being loved by him, defines me in ways nothing else in my life ever has.

Who am I, then?

I am a Jedi Knight, a true Guardian of Peace. I've spent my entire life following the code and listening to the Force. I am good at what I do. This is not a boast, but a simple fact. I've been told I am one of the best negotiators the Order has ever seen. I am also one of the best sabersman of my time.

These things did not happen by chance. I don't believe the Force randomly chose me and gifted me with these abilities. I have worked hard to become who I am.

But the Order is filled with many Jedi who have incredible talents. I am one of thousands. Tens of thousands, even.

Who am I, then?

I was the Padawan of Master Yoda, who is surely one of the greatest Jedi of all time. I may have been the last Knight he raised up, but I was by no means the first.

I have been a Master to three Padawans, and am still a Master to one. I lost a Padawan to the dark side, and while that certainly has had an effect on who I am, many Padawans have made the decision to leave the Order, a sad thing, to be sure, but not an uncommon one.

Who am I, then?

I am the lifemate of one Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Force has seen fit to gift me with a soul-bond to this incredible young man. I don't know why I was chosen, for truly I have done nothing so spectacular in my life as to deserve this. To deserve being loved by him. To know we will be together, through all of this life and beyond.

How is it, that the one thing that truly defines me, is something I had no control over?

I am not a better Jedi because he loves me. I am not a better man because he loves me. And yet his love for me defines me, holds me together, makes even the simplest of things pleasurable. I will never take a moment of his love for granted.

So, who am I, then? I am a man who has had the good fortune to realize the true meaning of happiness. Being in love and being loved by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
