The Master's Musings - Ambush - December 14, 2001

by Mali Wane ( )

Archive: MA, any others just ask, I probably won't say no

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Category: PWP

Rating: NC17

Spoilers: None

Pairing: Q/O

Summary: A series of short snippets, all from Qui-Gon's POV, focusing on his love for Obi-Wan, and their relationship.

Disclaimer: These beautiful boys aren't mine, they belong to George. I'm just playing with them for a bit. I promise to put them back when I'm done. Don't sue - I've got no money. I've spent it all on seeing TPM way too many times and buying SW toys and feeding my Liam obsession.

Feedback: Oh yes, please. Good, bad or indifferent.

This one hasn't been betad - you've been warned.

I love him. What a relief it is to be able to admit it now, if only to myself. How I long for the day when I can freely speak of my love for him. To him. I know he harbors strong feelings for me also, as he's never been very good at shielding from me. Lately I've begun to wonder if he is not intentionally allowing even more of his thoughts and desires to flow through our bond.

Yesterday as we knelt side by side during out afternoon meditation, he was thinking about me. About what he wanted to do to me. And about what he wanted me to do to him. As his Master, I should've quickly put a stop to his mental wanderings . . . as the object of his fantasy, I could not. Whether or not it was intentional, I don't know, but he was allowing me full access to his thoughts.

With a start, I realized he actually WAS meditating. On me. More specifically, he was meditating on my hands and how they would feel sliding against his naked skin. How well they would cradle his skull while we kissed. How perfectly they would curve around his hips, holding him in place while I thrust eagerly into him.

Our meditation ended far too soon, or so I thought.

Alone in our rooms last night, we were separated only by a wall. By a wall and by years of Jedi code forbidding a sexual relationship between a Master and Padawan, unless and until permission is granted by the Council. We laid there, each of us, wanting, needing.

I knew what he is doing. He made no effort to shield his emotions as he pleasured himself. Though I didn't know exactly what he was fantasizing about, I allowed myself to believe he was thinking of me. Of us. I used that mental image as I took my shaft in my hand and quickly brought myself to completion. I followed him over the edge, his name on my lips as I spilled my seed.

Soon, I think, he will come to me, make his desires known, and together we will formally petition the Council. Until that time, we only have our fantasies to comfort us during the long lonely nights. So many delicious fantasies. Each of which I am anxious to explore with him. Soon, I hope.
