Mirror World

by Alex Brown ( alexbrown01@hotmail.com )

Pairing: Q/O

Summary: QGJ encounters a presence on a newly joined planet.

Category: AU, drama

Rating: PG-13, not much is happening

Disclaimer: They're not mine, though I would have no objection to an Obi of my own. George Lucas owns the Jedi. I only own my computer, some posters and a rat and the characters in this fic you don't recognise.

Part 1

Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn left Coruscant while being on odds with Council. They thought he should. Shouldn't he be the one to determine when he was ready? But a mission came up and so a chance to escape the 'suggestions' of the Council.

The Queen of Raçol and her associates welcomed him. The little group waiting for him existed of handmaiden and close advisors to the Queen. In the next days they would tell Qui-Gon the situation on the planet. But first they would lead him to the castle.

As they walked through the hallways, Qui-Gon Jinn sensed something. Something here was wrong. He definitely had a bad feeling about this mission. But because he knew the significance of this mission he didn't say anything. The mission came first. He could ask about the presence he felt later.

They lead him to his quarters. They were nice and spacious. Large enough to do some minor katas in the morning. They left him here to unpack. He was told diner was in two hours in the main dining room. There were enough servants who could help him out with directions. And he was left alone. Unpacking was soon done. Thus he decided to scan his surroundings.

Finally he arrived on a balcony overseeing the main area of the castle. On the wall there was a large mirror. But there was something strange to it. It didn't reflect. It did show someone, but it wasn't him.

It was a young man, maybe a year or twenty-one, twenty-two. His auburn hair fell down to his shoulders. Blue grey eyes looked out of a pale face. He had a sad feeling over him.

Qui-Gon put his hands against the mirror. The young man approached him and mimicked his gesture. When their hands touched, Qui-Gon heard something. Very softly. It could have been a 'Help me!' He wasn't sure if he really heard it or if it was his imagination. The reflection disappears and Master Jinn turns around noticing it's dinnertime.

He walks back, until he spots a servant. The handmaiden directs him to the diner room. The others are already there. They frown upon him. If the Jedi can't be on time for diner, what will he do during the negotiations? If the Raçols valued something, it was punctuality. He sensed their unease with him and tried to explain why he was late. The queen hushed him. Food was more important, he could explain later.

After the diner was over Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Queen. "I'm sorry I was late. I was uh, distracted. While I was walking through the castle I noticed a mirror and I decided to go and see. What I expected to see, but didn't was my reflection. What I did saw was a young man."

The queen paled. "What did he look like?"

He told her everything he saw. She got on her feet and walked to a cabinet. She pulled one of the drawers open and picked out a book. It contained the picture of every family members from the last three centuries. And the description of the young man rang a bell.

"Is this the one you saw?" At is nod she continued. "This is Benjali. He lived over a century ago. He was the heir to the throne. But one day he was gone. They searched for him for days, but they couldn't find him. He wasn't at any of his usually hideouts. He had a history of running away. Normally he returned after a few days. But after two weeks he still hadn't come back. No one knows what happened to him.

"But there are stories, legends if you want to call them that. One describes him as 'Obi-Wan', what means as much as the Unifying One or Beloved. They claim he died and went to the other side while still being here. I saw him as well in the mirror, but no one else saw him. I tried to get rid of the mirror but nothing worked, so it's still here. That is the reason why I moved my rooms from there to the west wing."

"How did he get in the mirror? Is it possible for him to leave it? Or is he stuck in the mirror?"

"I never saw him outside the mirror. Strange if you regard him as a ghost. I never heard of one condemned to such a small part."

Part 2

Once again Benjali walked towards the mirror. He knew it wasn't a real mirror. It would not reflect him. But it would show him the castle and its inhabitants. He had lived there for so long now, sometimes he couldn't even remember the days he was out there himself. How he longed to be out there. Free from the mirror, free. He wanted to see the sky again. But all he could see was the Great Hall.

He could remember playing hide and seek there as a kid, going from one room to the other. He had to smile despite himself when thinking of the old days.

When first locked in the mirror he could not see or be seen by other people. In the years to follow he had tried and tried. He became able to see the Great Hall. People hardly saw him or pretended they didn't and just moved on. Afraid others would think they were crazy, seeing things. He also heard them if they were close enough. What he never learned though was talking to people.

Hearing them had given him something to do. He wondered a lot about the situation of his Kingdom.

Not everything he heard brought him pleasure. It hurt him when his family walked past the great mirror, seeing their sad faces. They spoke about him a lot at first. 'He just run away again' His cousin had said. 'He always does that. He likes scaring you. You know that.' His father, the King would reply that 'he may have done that several times, it never lasted for more than a few days. And now it had been over a month.' After a while they stopped talking about him.

After a year of being trapped in the mirror I was finally spotted for the first time. It was my old nurse, Myra who saw me. 'Benjali' She shouted and ran away. A few moments later she returned with the Queen. 'I saw 'im. 'Is in the mirror.' Everyone thought she finally gone crazy. They all had expected that to happen after my disappearance. I wanted to yell at them.

"No, she's not crazy. I am in the mirror. Oh, please look."

But they walked away and Myra was sent to the kitchens. She came back to me every week. She spoke to me. She told me how my parents were doing and that my favourite pet, Yesh, had died. She was a Weta and came to my middle. We used to run through the high grass and in the forest next to the castle. But she would never run again. I would never hear her whistle again.

One day I was waiting for her to show up, but she never came. She had died the night before. It'd made me real sad. Myrta was the one who raised me. I've seen her more often than I've seen my mother. She was the one who comforted me when I fell or lectured me when I got in a fight. And now she was the only one talking to me. Even though the servants thought she was crazy. I would miss her.

Myra had told everyone she'd seen me, also outside the castle. With the passing of the years her stories became part of the many myths and legends around the Kingdom. Some versions were absolutely ridiculous. I'd been playing with magic and it backfired on me. Well, I liked magic and tried it sometimes, but I was careful and it never backfired at me. But other stories were much closer to the mark. They told about me being captured or killed by Medor. But the reason wasn't what the people thought it was.

Medor wanted to marry me. Normally I would not have a lot a problems with that. I knew I would have to marry soon and with my people it doesn't matter if it's with a bloke or a gal. In a same-sex relationship you can always adopt an heir, or appoint someone you wish to succeed you. But this guy, he gave me the creeps.

When I saw him for the very first time I thought he was very attractive. Shoulder-length golden hair and the most remarkable golden eyes. He wore a dark blue tunic over black pants. But when he came closer he gave me the shivers. He looked cold. Even with all the warm colouring. His eyes were as hard as the eyes of the Ltahi, a predator that lay in ambush to catch their prey.

My parents weren't too fond of him either. But it was more important that he had money. We, the Kenobi's, had our title and our Kingdom, but we didn't have money. And the ruling of a Kingdom and a castle cost rather a few Dactaries, called after the first known King. While the House of Medor, Quantil had not much of a title, they had no land, but they were very rich. So a combination of our two houses could make us both happy. We got the money we needed, they the land they so wanted.

All right, if it was important for my country I would do it. But more and more I realised this bonding wasn't going to make me happy. I would be miserable. I was left alone with Medor for a few days, so we could get to know each other. He was flattering me and everything was as it was supposed to be with an admirer.

But he started to slip. He had plans for my Kingdom. The people had to work harder; we had to mine. We could be rich. I thought it reeked of slavery. Us Kenobis have always prided ourselves that there was no slavery on Raçol.

So I told him no. And hell broke loose.

After Myra people didn't let on they had seen me. They feared others might think them crazy, seeing things. So I started hiding, I only came to the mirror when it was night. I slept in the daytime. I've seen a lot of interesting things then. I usually knew who slept with whom and who'd stolen the duchess' jewellery.

After many years I decided to came out during the daytime again. I was just more careful about being seen. The mirror shows me the outside all the time, but not always me to the outside. They have to look straight at it to see me. And even then the won't see my surroundings, only me.

Children used to spot me sooner than adults. Just as Myra had done before them, they spoke to me. This time it was about what they'd done that day and why the grown-ups were upset with them. They never told their parents about seeing me. Or they believed it to be an innocent fantasy-friend their child was having. And when they grew up, the children forgot about me. Their own children came to see me. It made me sad to see everyone grow up, old and die.

After more than a century after I was imprisoned I was spotted very shortly by one of the princesses. She walked away from the mirror, shaking her head, not believing what she saw.

A week later she was crowned Queen. She followed the same rules, as her ancestors had done and our people lived in peace and prosperity. She had changed only one thing; she wanted more relations with other planets. So they wanted a treaty. Although it was only a formal recognition of an existing situation, both the planets wanted a Jedi to attend.

I had heard of the Jedi. Of course, which member of what royal family hadn't? I didn't think they would show up. They would have other, more important things to do than witness the signing of a treaty. But a Jedi did came to the castle. He was tall and looked kind. He had piercing blue eyes, and his long hair was brown mingled with some grey. He looked absolutely stunning. When he came to the mirror I just had to show myself. I thought to myself 'Don't go away' over and over as a mantra. He didn't go. Indeed he came closer and put his hands on the mirror, I mimicked his gesture. 'Maybe he could help me.'

For the first time I had the feeling I was heard. He had heard 'help me' I'm sure of it.

Part 3

Qui-Gon Jinn had to admit at least to himself that the young man in the mirror intrigued him. Now he knew who it was, he wondered what the man was doing there end how he got there in the first place. Was the young man a ghost? Well, that was a possibility, but not very likely, while he was bound to the mirror. At least according to the Queen, but who knew the powers of the young man.

He tried to sleep, but instead thought about the voice. He thought he had heard it, but the longer he thought about it, the more sure he was that he hadn't heard, but 'felt' it. The voice was inside his head.

He knew it was possible for people to hear each other in their minds. That was nothing new.

He had been able to speak with his Master thusly and also with his former Padawan. But for both relationships he had worked very hard to achieve that kind of communication. Never before he had heard of people being able to speak in another's mind while not knowing the other thoroughly. And now, with this stranger, it had worked instantly.

Maybe Benjali was raised by Jedi. Never before had he heard of people capable of mind speech while untrained. Sometimes Jedi retired end went to teach children of sovereigns. This could help them think more clearly and so rule better. Some of the children could have had force-sense, but their families couldn't give them to the Jedi, because they were very important for their country or even planets as an heir. In Benjali's case it would be country. There were several Kingdoms on this planet. And the Kenobi-regime was one of them. He could contact the Council to found out if a Jedi had taught here. Yes, he would do that in the morning. Finally he fell asleep.


The light falling through his window and on his face woke him up. It was still early, but he decided to get up any way. It was still a few hours until the talks would start. This would be enough time to find out more about the young man. First of all he sent a message to Mace.

Mace always liked the history of the Jedi and could be found in their archives when he wasn't in the Council Chambers. So if someone could find this out, it was his old friend Mace.

When he had done this he went to find the book the Queen had used for identification of Benjali. In it there would be more information about who he was. He found it was still where she had left it on the table. He picked it up. It was an old book. The pages had faded to a yellowish white, but the letters were still very clear. It felt strange to Qui-Gon to actually hold a book. The Jedi used data pads and their really old documents were on scrolls. He enjoyed the feel of paper in his fingers for a second and opened it.

The book held all Kenobis who ever ruled and their family until a century ago. Which was why Benjali was in the last chapters of the book. There were endearing pictures of him from when he was a child. Other pictures showed his mischievous nature more. Qui-Gon read about Benjali and his antics and then there was no more information about him. Benjali had just vanished. At first no one reacted, for he had disappeared several times before on what he had called an 'adventure'. But after a while they realised Benjali wasn't coming back and they mourned their loss. He had just celebrated his 21st birthday. Raçol had lost her popular Crown Prince.

And popular he had been. The people had started to call him Obi-Wan, meaning the Unifying One. He was going to make peace with the surrounding Kingdoms. He already started negotiations with them and they were advancing with great speed. The other meaning of Obi-Wan was beloved. He had made a lot of friends in his life. Poets in his time had used him to symbolise everything good and pure. Yes, he had been full of mischief but he had a good heart. After he had vanished one of them even wrote a book about his adventures.

After a while people forgot about their beloved Prince. The King died and another Kenobi took over. A cousin of Benjali. She stopped the peace talks with the neighbouring states, but the work done by Benjali stood as a fort. There grew a silent agreement between the countries. They left each other alone to each contentment.

"Ah, Master Jinn, we had no idea were you were. You are requested in the State Hall. If you would follow me" A servant had found him. He had no idea it was time for the talks already. He had been reading for two hours and then some. He pulled himself on his feet and followed the girl to the State Hall.

The State Hall was situated in the left wing of the castle. It was a very large room. On the longest wall it had a tapestry picturing the family tree. The one picturing Benjali did no justice to the original. Slowly, he averted his eyes. He had to concentrate now. He was here for business. No matter how intriguing this mystery was.

During the talks his minds wandered several times. He never had so much difficulty concentrating on always boring talks. But never before had he seen someone like Benjali. Mystery and Beauty in one. He admitted to himself that that might be the reason he wanted to know everything about Benjali. He was strongly attracted by the young man.

Fortunately the Raçols didn't notice he wasn't paying attention. He really had no need being there. They could have done everything without him.

After the talks there was mid meal. It was very pleasant. The representatives of the kingdoms sat on one table as if the were life-long friends. It was like a feast. Qui-Gon could hardly wait until it was over.

When it ended Qui-Gon excused himself to the Queen and went to his quarters. He was hoping for a message from Mace. And his data pad was blinking. He had a new post. It was from Mace indeed, but not with the information he wanted. Mace wasn't on Coruscant at the moment and had no means to find out what Qui-Gon wanted. He could only tell that there had been Jedi tutors in that part of the universe at the time, but couldn't say for sure if one was stationed on Raçol. Disappointed Qui-Gon closed the post.

He got on his feet and walked through the castle. Once again he was being drawn towards the Mirror. This time there was no reflection at all. No reflection of him, but the mirror also didn't show Benjali. He kept waiting. Finally he saw a shimmer. He could make out Benjali but then it disappeared again.

Then it was time to join the others in the State Hall again. This time he concentrated on the talks. Everything went fine. There were hardly any arguments between the representatives. Again he wondered why he was here. He clearly wasn't needed. He suddenly thought that that was the reason the Council had send him here. So he wouldn't have to do anything, he wouldn't be in danger and they would know where he was. Meaning they were still in control of him.

After the talks and the evening meal he had again time for himself. He decided it was time for his meditations. He hadn't done them this morning because he was too curious about Benjali. He cursed himself. He should not be thinking about the young man. It swept him off his feet. And he needed his grounding.

His katas following his failed meditations weren't as smooth as they used to be. Frustrated he stopped early and went to bed. Hoping the colour-changing eyes would let him rest.

Part 4

He was having a hard time. It felt like he was recently put in the mirror, not over a century ago. He couldn't lay still. If he finally lay fine, he had to turn. After the first decade he had no problem sleeping. But now he found he couldn't sleep. And he knew the reason.

It was the Jedi. What was his name? Qui-Gon Jinn. He was attracted to the other man. He had never felt quite like this before. Sure he had had lovers, but none of them kept him from sleeping. Well, they did, but not when they weren't there. He longed for the Jedi to come to the mirror and feared it at the same time.

Finally he fell asleep. But even his dreams contained the face of a certain Jedi.

He woke early in the morning. He didn't feel that well. He was never a morning person. Deciding he didn't have to get up he stayed in bed for a while longer. That was the worst of being inside the mirror. There was nothing to do. The irony of it all.

He used to ran away for a few days when he didn't want to do anything. He took Yesh with him. Then together they would run through the fields and forest living of what the forest provided them. After a few days he could take his responsibilities again and act like a proper Crown Prince.

But now he was forced to do nothing. That was something completely different. What he wouldn't give now for being able to witness the talks in person or have one of these Diplomacy lessons he used to hate so much.

He knew the talks would start any minute. He looked out the mirror. There was no one there. He had hoped the Jedi would come and visit him. He was the first adult in years that saw him. And didn't shake his head and moved on. The man had even heard him.

An hour later he saw the Jedi following one of the many female servants to the left wing. They were probably going to the State Hall. The Jedi was here to witness the talks. One of the reasons he wanted out the mirror. Now.

Despite himself he had to laugh a little. His tutors, one of which had some Jedi training, but hadn't become a Knight, had told him time and again he had to be patient. He hated to wait for anything. He thought he had learned to be patient, being stuck here for over a century. Guess he was wrong.

He started to dream. He had become very good at fantasising. There wasn't anything to do for him. He had no paper. He had only his mind and a pendant. In it there was a picture of himself as a kid and a picture of his parents. He opened the sterling pendant with the Kenobi weapon and looked at his parents.

His father, Duran, balding and beginning to grey. Benjali smiled. His father always claimed it was because of him. A bit heavier than he should be. No one would say they were family. Except for the eyes. He had real Kenobi eyes. Normally they would be a mixture of greys and blues. They would show every emotion the owner of the eyes felt. They could go from laughing to cold in no time flat. It made them easy to read, even by their enemies.

He looked much more like his mother, Feia. Her hair was a bit more reddish, but as the light fell right his was that colour as well. His face was the male version of hers. By seeing them together one would immediately spot the relation. But her eyes were a dark indigo blue. They were always kind.

Kind eyes. Just like the eyes of Qui-Gon Jinn.

He was roused from his thoughts when he heard the group of representatives enter the main hall. He could see them now. Qui-Gon Jinn was with them. About half an hour later Qui-Gon came to the mirror. Suddenly Benjali didn't know what to do. Show himself or not. He felt so insecure. He decided to let himself seen by the Jedi. No, he didn't after all.

He saw Qui-Gon walking away from the mirror and cursed himself for being a coward.

Later that day he caught another glimpse of the Jedi Master, when he was leaving to his room after evening meal. This time he didn't walk past the mirror. That evening Benjali went to bed feeling very disappointed.

Part 5

Waking up early the next morning he knew he had to pass the mirror again today. Even if it was out of his way. He just had to see it, or rather him. But first he would meditate. He had to be completely grounded when meeting the young man in the mirror. Benjali swept him off his feet.

After his meditations there was no time for him to visit Benjali. He had to witness the negotiations between the kingdoms in the State Hall.

This evening, after diner, the negotiations were a lot harder than they had been on the first. In a way Qui-Gon was happy about this development. Finally he had something to do instead of just sit there and be decorative. He calmed the representative of Gardena, a further away situated kingdom, with a few words. And that was it.

But even this was soon over. The trouble had been a minor misunderstanding. For once Qui-Gon wished for these people to show some aggression. Anger may lead to the Dark Side, but giving in too much to other people's wishes didn't get you anywhere.

Only close to midnight did he have a chance to go to the mirror. He stood in front of the mirror and touched its surface. He thought *Please, show yourself, Benjali* //Benjali//

Finally a reaction. The reflection of the mirror changed from reflecting him to the young man again. A smile lit up Benjali's face. Qui-Gon began to smile as well. //Hello//

//Hello. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn//

He put his hands against the mirror's surface. On the other side Benjali did the same. His hands were a lot bigger than the Crown Prince's. They dipped into the mirror and enclosed the hands of the younger man.

He stepped closer to the mirror; he wanted to be closer to Benjali, but the mirror did hold. He wished he could stay there, but he needed his rest. Tomorrow would start very early. So he had to return to his quarters, leaving the young man behind.

He had just heard the news. There would be another representative joining their negotiations. They had forgotten to tell him. The new one hadn't had time before to join. But he was important for he was very rich. And money meant power. At the start he didn't see any unfamiliar faces.

The negotiations were already commenced when the man entered the State Hall. Apart from being late, the man attracted more attention. He had golden hair and eyes. The moment Qui-Gon saw him; he knew that unlike the Raçols, this was a man who knew what he wanted. And would do anything to get it.

He didn't like the man. It was only a feeling, but still, it was there. After years of experience he had learned that those feelings were right most of the time. He decided to keep a close eye on the man.

The newcomer hardly participated in the talks. He just watched and listened. Most people would think he wasn't interested in them, but Qui-Gon could tell different. Under the relaxed posture of the man, the gold-coloured eyes watched everything intently.

The representative from Klo invited him to a after-party. She was a small woman, with blue-green eyes. She was the youngest of all the participants. A month ago she had her twenty-first birthday and was elected for her keen mind. She had been really nervous about the talks. The future of Klo depended on it. So in a way it depended on her.

Qui-Gon sensed her nervousness and sent her some sense of approval that made her relax a bit. He had heard that the newcomer had accepted the invitation and did the same thing. The Kloa was happy most of them would come. It would be in her quarters on the fourth floor.

Qui-Gon felt it was the right thing to do. That it was important to stick around the golden-eyed man. But he regretted this would mean he couldn't go and see Benjali.

The festivities didn't entail much. There was food, drink and music. The Kloa woman was a good host. She had taken care of this little get together. She just loved to socialise and what was better than this. Qui-Gon talked to her for a while about her homeland. Her royal family was close related to the Kenobi House and worked well together. She had been at the castle many times before. She told him she had eyes for one of the young nobleman who lived at the Kenobi Castle. This explained why her quarters were rather large.

He started to fell tired and checked his chrono. And looked again. That wasn't possible. It was already past midnight. He left saying his goodbyes and thanks to his hostess.

He went straight to his quarters and put on his sleeping clothes. He fell asleep rapidly. But he was disturbed by dreams in which a man with golden hair put a young man in a mirror.

Part 6

He had been waiting all day for the Jedi to show up, but he didn't came. He started to think he had scared him away. He stood before the mirror for the best part of the day. There was enough going on. But the people didn't interest him much. He wanted to see Him.

It was only very late that he sensed presence in front of the mirror. //Benjali//. The Jedi.

He stepped back a bit, startled that he heard the voice in his mind. Remembering he had done the same to the Jedi in their first meeting he stepped forward, enabling Qui-Gon to see him. The Jedi answered his smile and greeted him. //Hello. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn// He was thankful that he knew the man's name.

When the Jedi Master put his large hands on the mirror, he put his against them. This time their hands really touched. It almost seemed if the mirror had disappeared with their touch.

He saw the Jedi trying to get closer to him, but the older man was stopped by the cold, hard surface of the mirror.

The next day he kept looking for Qui-Gon to show up. He knew he would. But then he saw *him*. It couldn't be. It was impossible him. He should be dead by now. Maybe it was a descendant. Somehow though he knew it was him.

The man he saw had golden hair and golden eyes. It was Medor. He stood in front of the mirror. "Hello, Benjali. You haven't changed a bit over the last century. Did you enjoy being locked up?"

"Medor, let me out."

He should have known it wouldn't have an effect on the older man. Medor just started to laugh at him. "Oh, I'm not going to release you, you still haven't paid your debt."

"My debt? What debt?" he honestly couldn't think up something for which he owed Medor.

"You had the nerve to tell me, Medor, no. I won't take no for an answer. You humiliated me. I had to leave *your* kingdom, what should have been mine, because of your rejection."

"Please Medor, please." He knew he was begging, but beyond caring.

"Uh-uh, Benjali. You stay there. I have business to attend to." And with that he turned around. Soon he was out of Benjali's view.

The visit of Medor had unnerved Benjali very much. Although he knew Medor was a wizard he never thought that Medor might still be alive. He thought he had died like everybody else.

And he knew the evil wizard would have nothing good on his mind. He would use the peaceful negotiations for his own use, taking over the kingdom. Benjali had to stop it.

But how?


He could speak with Qui-Gon. If the man came back to him. No not if, when. For he knew the Jedi Master would come. And then he would warn him for Medor. He would tell everything. And then Qui-Gon would know and would be able to stop Medor, whatever his plans might be. After all he was a Jedi Master.

The appearance of Medor had changed a few things. He was no longer sure that Qui-Gon would meet him tonight. He would try and prevent Medor from knowing he was able to speak with the Jedi Master. Maybe it would be better if they didn't see each other tonight.

He didn't know what to do.

After a few moments he decided to tell Qui-Gon if he came, but that he was fine with it if he didn't show up. *Liar, it wouldn't be fine if he didn't show. You want him to come. *. He shook his head and got on his feet to do some exercises. It helped him to calm down and think. It would all be fine.

After his exercises he went to bed. He was haunted by nightmares. He could clearly see the look on Medor's face the moment he locked him behind the mirror's surface. The anger and malice of the man were there to be seen. He woke a couple of time that night.

The last dream he had wasn't that bad. In fact it was real good. He was saved from the mirror. The Jedi Master freed him and they kissed.

Part 7

He entered the castle and looked around. It had been a long time since was here. A very long time. Over a century he had spent a few weeks here. Until the little brat decided to reject him. Him, Medor.

Well, he got back for it. If the boy thought he was to good for him, he would make sure no one would get him.

He had decided against just killing the lad. He hated getting his hands dirty. Besides it would give too much trouble. How could he dispose of the body? Could he make them believe some servant had killed their beloved prince? People might start to suspect him. He knew the prince disappeared every now and then. He could use that for his advantage. So he decided to make him vanish. But this time Benjali wouldn't return from his escapades. No, he would be gone forever.

He spotted the mirror in the hallway and decided to use his magical powers to put the boy in there. It had been done before and had proven very satisfactory.

He would be on time for the negotiations, but couldn't resist passing the mirror on his way there. It would be fun looking at it knowing it inhabited Benjali.

He hadn't expected the prince's image to appear. That had never happened to the other one. Maybe it was because the boy had some powers of himself. He had to smile. If he had, they weren't enough to break free from the mirror. So it didn't matter.

"Hello, Benjali. You haven't changed a bit over the last century. Did you enjoy being locked up?"

"Medor, let me out."

The wizard laughed about it. Right, he was freeing the little bastard. No way. Him. "Oh, I'm not going to release you, you still haven't paid your debt."

"My debt? What debt?"

Medor stepped a bit closer to the mirror and hissed, "You had the nerve to tell me, Medor, no. I won't take no for an answer. You humiliated me. I had to leave *your* kingdom, what should have been mine, because of your rejection."

"Please Medor, please." the man had to laugh about the pleading prince.

"Uh-uh, Benjali. You stay there. I have business to attend to." Medor turned his back to the mirror.

The talks had already started. He would be late, but he didn't mind it. It would only mean attention. Attention was always good. People always reacted well on his appearance. It might help him in the 'negotiations'.

He sat down in one of the chairs on the right side of the State Hall. Then he spotted a man dressed differently from the rest of them. No bright colours or soft fabrics. No, this man wore cream-coloured rough clothing. Then he saw something hanging from the belt of the man. A lightsaber. So he was a Jedi.

He realized he had too be more careful than he had initially thought. A Jedi might pick up his 'tricks' and then it might not work out.

He hardly spoke a word. First he wanted to see the general thoughts of the representatives. Besides it made it possible for him to sense the weaknesses of the people involved.

The woman from Hetha was greedy; she would do a lot for money. Not necessarily money for her kingdom. For her would do just fine. The representative of Feiia had a few sordid secrets. Medor knew blackmail could be very convenient.

He just sat back and relaxed. The negotiators almost forgot about him, but he kept a close eye on all of them. The only one he couldn't get an image of was the Jedi. That was understandable. He would be shielding. And Medor didn't try as hard. He didn't want the Jedi to notice him.

After the talks he was approached by the young Kloa for attending a little get together in her chambers. He said he'd love to come. He did, people would relax and be even more easily read. Sensing her insecurity, he planned on complementing him, thus blinding her for his purposes.

He socialised some at the party, but not much. He had danced a few songs. That night he slept well. He had loved to see the face of the Prince again. His powers had grown over the years. Maybe he could get to him now. Benjali would be his.

Part 8

He woke up screaming, shouting in the dark. The sweat was standing on his skin.

Did the young golden-haired man have anything to do with the disappearance of Benjali so many years ago? No, he couldn't be. That wasn't possible, was it? No man could live for this long. Qui-Gon knew of longer-living species, like Yoda, but he didn't know any humanoid species that reached more than a century while looking if he was thirty something.

But in his dreams the young man locked Benjali in the mirror.

He decided it was just as well to get up. He wouldn't be able to catch more sleep this night. He needed to talk to Benjali.

Half an hour later he was standing in front of the mirror. He was hoping he would get to see the younger man. //Benjali? Are you awake? //

The only response was a very soft //hmm//.

Qui-Gon thought for a while if he should let the young prince sleep. //Benjali. Wake up. //

//Yes, Qui-Gon? //

The Jedi Master smiled. Benjali's voice was still very soft and definitely sleepy.

Slowly the image of Benjali appeared on the surface of the mirror. A definitely sleepy Benjali. His hair was tousled, his eyes still half lidded. It made him look even younger than he normally did.

*I have to ask him now* //A new negotiator has joined us. Have you seen him? Do you know him? //

//How do you know? Yes. I've seen him before. He was the one who locked me up in here. I always thought he died years ago. I wanted to tell you yesterday, but you didn't come. So I couldn't tell you. // Qui-Gon flinched because of the slight accusation that had slipped into the voice.

//I tried to come, but I couldn't. I'm sorry, Ben, but I'm here now. // He was glad to see the beloved smile re-appear on the face in front of him.

Footsteps. Qui-Gon turned around. No one would be up at this time of day. It wasn't even dawn. //I have to go Ben. Someone's coming. I will return. //

Before he left, he quickly pressed a kiss onto the mirror.

He returned to his room to wait there until the break of dawn.

Part 9

Benjali was very happy at the moment. At long last Qui-Gon had freed him from his prison. He had no idea how the older man had managed that. But who cared. He was free.

And the even better part was that he was in the man's arms feeling his lips on his own. He thought he could hear someone call him from a great distance. It was a very soft voice //Benjali? Are you awake? //

He hadn't thought he was dreaming everything as so real. But if he was he didn't want to wake up. But the voice was persistent. Calling him to wake up. Suddenly he realised it was Qui-Gon calling him.

//Yes, Qui-Gon? // He knew his voice sounded sleepy, but he was still half-caught up in his lovely dream.

He tried to wake up more. It was hard. Until Qui-Gon asked him about Medor. He was right awake then. He had wanted to tell the Jedi Master about him the day before. But although he had promised, Qui-Gon hadn't visited him. There was nothing he could do to keep the accusation out of his voice. He knew Qui-Gon had noticed it.

//I tried, but I couldn't. I'm sorry Ben// He couldn't stop the smile. He couldn't be mad at the older man.

He saw Qui-Gon turning away from the mirror. It was as if he had heard something. He was right. //I have to go, Ben. Someone's coming. I will return. // He rose his right arm to touch the spot Qui-Gon had kissed. With a little fantasy he could imagine the warmth of the spot.

He was able to see Medor again who had just rounded the corner. It was good Medor hadn't seen Qui-Gon in front of the mirror. Thankfully Medor didn't stop in front of the mirror, but he walked past it. Not before giving a short sneer at Benjali. It gave him the shivers. He knew Medor was up to no good.

Part 10

He woke up feeling better than he had in a while. It had felt very good to see that Benjali was still his after all these years. He hadn't known before it would last this long. It might have taken fifty years, but he thought the prince would have died then. It hadn't happened. On the contrary. Benjali hadn't even changed.

Benjali's still lingering presence in the castle enabled Medor to get even more revenge. Now Benjali would have to see how Medor took over Raçol after all these years and there was nothing he could do about it. A rather unpleasant smile spread over his face.

He had a plan for taking over the kingdom. First he would disgrace the Jedi who was attending the talks. That would get him removed from Raçol. And when the Jedi had left, it was be just a matter of time before the planet was his.

First he would begin with bribing some of the guards. He had noticed many years ago that most people would follow you; you only had to pay them enough.

The guards had to attack the Jedi. Medor knew the Jedi would win the fight, but proof would be given that the Jedi Master had attacked the guards without a reason. That would be enough to get a vote of no confidence.

Deep in thought he rounded the corner. He had arrived again at the mirror. He knew his smile was still on his face. Benjali would know he was up to something. Medor enjoyed thinking of the anxiety of Benjali, knowing the younger man wouldn't be able to stop him.

He walked past the mirror towards the mess hall; here some of the guards not on duty were having a light meal. He watched them all intently. It was easy to pick the ones who would be assets to him in his cause.

One of the suitable guards left the mess hall; Medor followed him. The guard was muttering about the sorry state of the castle. The work was little, but so was the pay cheque. Medor's smile widened. He was right. This guard was ripe to pick.

He followed the guard all the way over the courtyard to the quarters of the guards. The guards had all their own room. it was only small and scarcely decorated, but it was a place of their own. The guard entered one of the rooms. Medor knocked on the door.

"Yes. Come in."

Medor entered the room. "I heard you weren't satisfied with your financial situation at the moment. Do you care to change that?"

The guard became wary of the other man. "Are you offering?"

"Yes, what I propose is this..."

Part 11

It was time again for Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to leave his assigned rooms. He had to attend the talks. After his last conversation with Benjali he wanted to keep an eye on the new negotiator, Medor. Both of them knew the golden-haired man was up to no good.

He left his quarters a bit early so he would have time to walk past the mirror and greet Benjali. It would be very quiet there as most people involved in the talks were already in State Hall or were using a different hallway to get there.

He stood in front of the mirror when he heard people coming his way. He sensed something was wrong. Four guards rounded the corner. He greeted them. They grunted something back. Qui-Gon was surprised, never before had the guards even been rude to him.

Then the guards suddenly attacked him. He just had enough time to reach for his lightsaber, but the guards were very quick. They had circled him in no time. He considered calling for help, but at first decided against it for it was unlikely there were people close enough. Then he saw movement on his left hand and he called out. The guards scattered away leaving the Jedi Master lying on the floor. He hadn't seen what happened to the guards, as he was hit unconscious by one of them.

When he came to he though he was dreaming.

Still locked up in his prison Benjali heard Qui-Gon call out. He turned to face the surface of the mirror, wanting to see what was happening. What he saw shocked him. Guards were attacking his love, Qui-Gon. Instantly he knew Medor was behind all this. But he didn't think about that man, all he could think of was being with Qui-Gon. And save him from injury.

He ran forwards not even thinking he couldn't leave the mirror. But then, suddenly after more than hundred years he was free of it. He ran towards Qui-Gon and dropped on his knees next to the unconscious man. He checked the older man quickly for injuries. He had a cut in his right arm. Remembering what his tutors had told him long ago about healing he concentrated. Slowly the wound closed and faded until he hardly could see it. When he couldn't find any other injuries he cradled his head in his lap.

Slowly Qui-Gon came round. He blinked upon awakening as if he could not believe his eyes. "B-Benjali, is that you?"

Qui-Gon was very curious to know how Benjali had finally escaped the mirror he had been trapped inside of after all these years. Benjali explained to him that he didn't even think about escaping, he just wanted to be with Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon had known Benjali had a strong force signature, but only now they were together it was clear how strong it was. The young man would have made one fine Knight if he had been trained for it.

He took the young prince to his rooms. The talks just had to wait; he would contact the queen when he reached them that he was going to be a bit late. "Benjali, I want you to stay here. I'll be back at 13th chime."

Getting Benjali a drink he got up again and left the room to attend the talks as he planned this morning.

Part 12

Arrived at the talks Qui-Gon explained to the representatives of the several kingdoms how he had come to being late. He told them about the attacking guards. He didn't tell them however about his suspicion who was behind the attack.

A murmur started. Guards who were attacking their own people. How could it be? Why was there an attack and who was behind it? Panic was spreading. No one knew if he or she was next.

Suddenly silence dropped over the State Hall. They were all staring at the entrance of the Hall. In it there was a young man. He was unknown to all except for three people in the Hall. Qui-Gon kept quiet although the Jedi Master tried to think about reasons why people just wouldn't listen to him. The Queen of Raçol paled when she recognised her old relative, but seemed unable to find any words to greet him. But the third, Medor, was that much surprised by Benjali's entrance he couldn't stop himself. "This cannot be. I locked you up."

"Medor, I finally managed to escape. I only could make it out because of Master Jinn here." Although he was very happy to be free, he didn't want anyone; let alone Medor, know how he felt about the Jedi Master. "He called out and I was close enough to help him against the guards. The guards YOU hired to get rid of Qui-Gon. So you could take over Raçol, like you tried a century ago."

Most of the representatives looked at Benjali like one looked at a crazed man. It was impossible to live this long. There might be people who could, but not their people? And if they did, they would show it.

Benjali slowly approached Medor. Medor backed away. He turned to his guards, calling on them to capture the man once more.

The guards did as they were told. But when the tried to leave with their captive they were stopped by the voice of the queen. "Stop, where do you think you're going? If he is to be a prisoner, then he will be mine. I have heard nothing to condone an arrest."

Medor thought his actions would not be questioned. "This man is dangerous, Majesty. He sees conspiracies everywhere. I was forced to imprison him before."

"I have seen him before, you know. He was indeed imprisoned... in a mirror. Here, in this castle. I can't remember you being in this castle. If you were the one to imprison him, you're dangerous, not him."

Medor paled when she had stated to speak. She couldn't have seen him, could she? .

Raising her voice so every representative could hear her "Master Jinn is the only one here that has no personal interest in this affair. Will you hear him and bow to his wishes?" She turned towards the Jedi Master who had remained silent. "Master Jedi, what do you think about this situation? They will listen to a Jedi."

As he was asked he told everything he knew connecting Medor. He told them he suspected the gold-haired man was behind the attack. Then one guard stepped forward. It was not one of the attackers. "He might be right. I saw the other man "pointing at Medor" in our wing."

The queen called the guard and ordered him to imprison Medor. Two others helped the guard. Medor was furious. As her was led past Benjali he hissed. "You won't get away with this. You'll pay. I will return."

Qui-Gon was happy when they walked slowly back to his room. It was over. Everything was going to be fine. He was going to ask Benjali to go with him to Coruscant. He could only hope he would indeed join him.

Benjali turned to him. "Qui, before you leave Raçol, can we go see the mirror?"

Qui-Gon pulled the other man closer to him. "Of course, we can. Shall we walk past it now?"

So they went to the mirror. Unlike last times the surface did indeed reflect who was standing in front of it. Benjali looked at it saying "bye", before he turned towards Qui-Gon. He pulled the taller man's head a bit down, so he could kiss him. Letting go a smile bloomed on his face.

"Let's go."

Qui-Gon was happy to follow.


Qui-Gon Jinn was looking at his sleeping lover next to him. Last night had been incredible. Not that much had happened. They had kissed, but nothing more. It had been enough. Until then it hadn't been possible to do that. And there would be many other nights for them together.

He was hoping Benjali would return with him to Coruscant. Together they could decide what Benjali would do there. Thinking back on the healed cut on his arm, he thought maybe someone was willing to learn him more about healing.

He stopped thinking about it, remembering he used to tell his apprentices to live in the moment, that was exactly what he planned to do.

He pressed a kiss to Benjali's temple. "You truly are Obi-Wan."