Master of Force

by lucee (

Archive: master_apprentice, anyone else please ask!
Category: AU, Hurt/Comfort, Non-Con
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-con, Underage - Anakin is 17
Pairings: Anikin/Obi, Qui/Obi
Summary: Takes place in an AU setting where Anakin and Obi-Wan are both Qui-Gons padawans
Feedback: Be gentle - but yes!

"Master, do you feel the unease?" Obi-Wan asks quietly. They are standing inside of the diplomatic chambers on the planet of Ansonia. Obi-Wan steals a glance at his master. Qui-Gon stands tall, his brows knit in concentration he turns to Obi-Wan and Anakin motioning with his hand for them to remain quiet. The two padawans obey, staring silently at their master. Try as they may, sometimes it is impossible for them to anticipate Qui-Gon's next move. Padawans they are and not yet as wizened in the Force as their Master.

"The stairs behind you." Anakin blurts, but before he has uttered the words his master has his weapon trained at the staircase. The padawans draw their light sabers flanking their master as he approaches the armed Ansonian that is now descends the stairs.

"T'ree, you hide well." Qui-Gon says smiling. It was him – the man that had attacked them two days ago as they came off the ship. Obi-Wan feels waves of unrest flooding his mind and he opens himself up to it, ready to receive whatever message it held.

"Hide? I came to YOU." The man sneers, his hand reaching behind. His other hand holds his blaster shakily.

"Detonator, Master!" Obi-Wan calls sensing the device far before the man is able to locate it in his cloak. Qui-Gon slices his saber against the man's shoulder, disarming him.

"I sense it in his left lower pocket, Master." Obi-Wan says moving to pin the injured Ansonian to the ground. He holds his saber against the man's neck, rendering him immobile. Only a fool would struggle against a Jedi with a light saber pressed to their neck.

"Padawan, steady." Qui-Gon gives him a small smile as he gingerly reaches in the man's left pocket. He nods approvingly at Obi-Wan as his hand emerges bearing the detonator. "Nicely done."

Qui-Gon studies the device, paling when he realizes that it is on a timer. He turns the unit over and discovers they have no less than 4 minutes to disarm it. He would have to call up a force suggestion to slow it-

"What in Sith's hell?" Qui-Gon murmurs as the unit's lights go black. Was it some kind of a trick?

"I've disarmed it, Master." Anakin says proudly, drawing himself up to his full height. For his seventeen years he was already a tall boy. He takes his place next to nineteen year old Obi-Wan, clasping his hands in front of him.

"You've disarmed it..." Qui-Gon raises his eyebrows at the boy. His grasp of the force was lethal for such a young padawan. Qui-Gon had taken him on late – only having had him as his padawan since the booy was twelve. Though the boy was considered too old by far, Qui-Gon had persevered recognizing his potential even before the council did. But to the padawan's disadvantage as he hadn't had the benefit of the years of temperment training that Obi-Wan had been privy to as he had been at the temple since he was in the crιche.

Brilliant and powerful, Anakin had a habit of displaying pride much more often than was warranted for a Jedi. It was dangerous and had to be reeled in. Yet, in light of the miracle he had just pulled off Qui-Gon was having great difficulty reprimanding him. The boy had single handedly disarmed a complex Ansonian detonator using his Force powers alone.

"Nicely done, Ani." Obi-Wan grins sweetly, ever the gracious, humble padawan. He bows at his fellow padawan, earning a proud smile from his master.

"It is you that deserves the praise, padawan Kenobi." Anakin says, his slightly envious tone belying his gracious words. "We wouldn't have even known of the detonator if it had not been for you."

"It seems that your Master is hardly needed in these missions anymore." Qui-Gon chuckles cuffing the growling Ansonian. He hauls the man up, marching him to the holding cells.

"Master! You are needed – always!" Obi-Wan says eaggerly. The padawans follow behind their master dutifully, their hands tucked in their cloaks. Qui-Gon stifles a smile as he hands his prisoner over to the cell guard. Obi-Wan had an innocent quality about him that proved very valuable to the Order. He was unbiased and therefore his sensory grasp of the force was usually one hundred percent correct. A rarity even among Jedi.

"You will find the detonator T'ree intended to use to blow up your city in his left pocket. It has been disarmed by my padawan." Qui-Gon nods to the city official who emerges from the guard booth. "My guess is that he has just disappointed some very important rebellion officials."

"Master Jinn, the city- the explosives we must find them and send a team to disarm them." The official says, relief on his pale face. "We don't want an accidental explosion after all you've done to save the city."

"They are stored in the basement of the Trade compound. Under a pallet of mercury tablets." Obi-Wan says, his eyes foggy. He pales, his concentration fierce. "There is another cache of explosives on the ship port – stored under the south dock."

Qui-Gon puts a hand on his trembling padawan's shoulder, steadying him. "You are pale, young one. Sit down." He eases Obi-Wan into the guard's chair gently. He had seen his apprentice overexert himself like this countless times and it always ended up the same. The boy would be drained for a few hours, wanting only to sleep. His thorough and intense use of the force still wiped him out at his young age.

"You have done well, padawan." Qui-Gon says ruffling his spiky hair tenderly. "But I require that you rest now."

"I will deploy the team to disarm the explosives, then." The councilman says hesitantly. "I only hope that they are going to be familiar enough that my team can do something with them."

"Master, I will look after Obi-Wan if you would like to assist Councilman Lee." Anakin says putting a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder, oblivious to the blush that rises to the young padawan's cheeks.

"Thank you, Anakin." Qui-Gon nods. Despite being younger in years, in many ways Anakin was much older than Obi-Wan. He had a worldly confidence that surpassed that of his wide-eyed counterpart. Much of it had to do with his prior life as a slave on Tatooine. It had hardened him and much to Qui-Gon's dismay, jaded him a little as well. But there was so much good in the boy and potential, that it would be worth the extra effort to rid him of all it.

"Anakin-" Obi-Wan says feeling a ripple of concentration vibrate through him. It was Anakin's force. His hand grips him tighter, eyes closed Anakin is unaware of his strength.

"Take me to them, Councilman Lee." Anakin says suddenly. He steps forward his proud body taut with purpose. "I know how to disarm them."

"You do?" Councilman Lee asks incredulously. Qui-Gon closes his eyes, focusing for a moment. He allows his force to travel down their bond, embracing Anakin's mind and it's knowledge. He feels it – the ability is there.

"He knows how." Qui-Gon agrees nodding gravely. Anakin's eyes focus on his master, suddenly remembering his position.

"Master, may I assist the Councilman?" He asks bowing his head slightly.

"Yes, padawan." Qui-Gon agrees, his eyes on Obi-Wan who is beginning to struggle a bit in his seat.

"The second cache has twice as much explosive encased in it than the other..." He says his voice faltering. "Someone has bbeen near it – they are waiting." He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes with worry. He felt every bit of pain suddenly, all the tension and the anger. The people were anxious and afraid.

"They are fearful." He whispers his eyes wild and afraid. "Master –"

"Alright padawan..." Qui-Gon soothes touching the pale facee gently. "It's alright." He was more than a little concerned. His padawan was an intuitive in addition to being a Jedi. He felt so much more than anyone else did. He absorbed it all, using it as a tool to decipher what was happening or going to happen. But the price at times seemed too great. It took so much out of his little one.

"Master? I will go with the councilman and his team... I wwill buzz in if anything's amiss." Anakin says smoothing a hand over Obi-Wan's forehead.

"No, I will go with you." Qui-Gon says firmly. He wasn't about to let his young apprentice lead himself and others into a potentially dangerous situation alone. "Remain here while I deliver Obi-Wan to the healer's bay."

"Master – I don't need..." Obi-Wan protests his humhumiliation evident as his master picks him up in his strong arms. "Please!"

"Padawan I don't want to hear any arguments." Qui-Gon says sternly as he carries Obi-Wan inside the ship. "You know how you react to using your intuitive powers. You must sleep!"

"Yes, Master." The boy says, too tired to fight. He lays his head against his master's shoulder, the tension leaving his slender body. Qui-Gon smiles, his padawan was so much smaller than he and Anakin. His strength was compacted into his body rather than sprawling in the gangly fashion of himself and his other padawan.

"Healer, please make sure he stays in the bunk." Qui-Gon says tucking a blanket around his little one's chin. The healer nods, her body scanner in hand. She would give the boy the once over for good measure, Qui-Gon knows.

"Master?" Obi-Wan's tremulous voice is slightly muffled by the blankets. His big gray eyes plead with his master. Qui-Gon leans over the youth, touching his cheek gently.

"Yes, padawan?"

"I'm sorry I got worn out again." He says, his cheeks burning. The fact that Anakin was able to accompany his master on the remainder of their mission did not escape his notice. He felt inferior and as if he were a burden.

"You are inferior to no one, padawan." Qui-Gon says reading his unprotected thoughts through their bond. "You have done exceptionally well today. You made this mission a success."

"Thank you, master." Obi-Wan says hesitantly. "And Master?" His face colors, mortified as usual at what he was trying to request.

He was such a baby still and it tore at Qui-Gon's heartstrings. Qui-Gon smiles gently at him, putting him at ease.

"I love you very much, padawan." He says, kissing his padawan on the head. He watches the sweet face, flood with warmth and satisfaction. He needed to be told, Qui-Gon had determined that very early on in the boys life.

"I love you too master!" He blushes throwing his arms around his master's neck. Qui-Gon chuckles softly, returning his embrace happily. Obi-Wan was such an affectionate child. He and Anakin couldn't be more different. Anakin accepted affection hesitantly, almost unsure if it was something he should trust. Qui-Gon was trying to work through it with him but his life as a slave had taught him to distrust the human touch.

"Alright now, little one." Qui-Gon straightens up. "To sleep with you. If you feel anything else, use your commlink. Otherwise – sleep!" He orders smiling as his apprentices eyelids droop heavily. The boy would be out before he reached the guard booth.

/Settle, Anakin/ Qui-Gon cautions his young apprentice as they climb under the south dock of the ship port. He didn't want the adrenaline that he felt in his padawan's veins to cause him to be skittish and jump to any foolish acts of bravado.

/Yes Master, I know eyes and ears./ Anakin takes a deep breath centering himself as they come upon a large strong box.

/And Force, young one./ Qui-Gon adds, smiling as he uses the force to unlock the steel box. The deployment team gingerly lifts the lid, stepping back collectively as the cache of destructive devices are exposed.

"They are live." One of the guardsmen says stating the obvious. Qui-Gon nods at Anakin motioning the men back so his apprentice can work. Anakin takes his stance, closing his eyes. Qui-Gon feels him sink into a deep meditative state, his mind focused singly on his task. He is as sharp and honed as if he had been a Jedi for years.

/Good, padawan./ Qui-Gon reassures him through their bond, giving him room to expand his efforts. He follows along with his apprentice, oblivious to the amount of time that has passed. The men were leaning against the dock supports now, waiting out what was becoming a lengthy process. They had no idea what was happening inside the two Jedi minds. All they knew was they were to wait.

/Master!/ Anakin starts, jerking out of his meditation.

/Settle, Anakin. Go back – do not act./ Qui-Gon opens his eyees to see one of the guardsmen pulling his blaster out of his belt. In his other hand he held a second detonator. He looked from side to side, assessing the feasibility of success as he revealed his true identity. He was a member of the rebellion, Qui-Gon sensed it in him strongly.

/But Master! He-/ Anakin's force flutters through Qui-Gon anxiously. He was getting charged and was ready to go off.

/I know, padawan, but you must settle. You concentrate on disarming the explosives, I will handle him./ His order is final but yet he feels the surge of testosterone flooding their bond anyway.

"Master! Master – there is another detonator!" Obi--Wan's voice is desperate as he runs towards them. All eyes turn to the distraction and Anakin takes his chance to spring. He lunges at the traitor, drawing his saber. The guardsman fires at him and then at Qui-Gon, his blaster blazing.

Qui-Gon draws his saber, silently cursing both his willful padawans. He positions himself to deflect any further fire, looking over his shoulder at his apprentices who were already covering his back.

/We must make him retreat – the detonator../ His face is stern as hhe deflects the blaster fire now aimed at killing them. If they had only listened to him, they wouldn't be in a rain of blaster fire right now.

/I've got the detonator, Master/ Anakin stills his mind, ignoring his master's displeasure. He would do what he came to do.

"Master- watch out!" Obi-Wan yelps as another round of fire sails at him. Qui-Gon deflects it again but manages to be grazed on his upper arm. He sucks in the burning pain, moving to the right as the guardsman tries to aim again.

Obi-Wan takes the lapse in the man's concentration and moves on it. He swiftly rushes from the rear bringing his light saber down gracefully on the man's arm. The blaster clatters to the floor as does the guardsman. Obi-Wan kneels checking over the man's injury.

"Force lock, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon says clutching his throbbing arm.

Obi-Wan effectively immobilizes the groaning man, rendering him in a stasis. Then he rushes to his master's side, his hands gently examining Qui-Gon's wound.

"Master! You're hurt." He exclaims his eyes worried. Qui-Gon grips the tired boy by the shoulders.

"You were told to stay back at the ship." He says sternly. He sees the tears spring to the padawan's eyes immediately. He knew he was wrong. Qui-Gon stifles the urge to comfort his tenderhearted padawan. He had to stay firm with Obi-Wan, despite those sad gray eyes.

"Yes Master." He bows his head.

"I got it Master- now all the explosives have been disarmed." Anakin says triumphantly. He stops his crowing when he sees the look in his master's eyes.

"And you." Qui-Gon points a finger at him. "You were told specifically NOT to act."

"But master!" Anakin protests, his adolescent whine emerging. The tone grates on Qui-Gon and he turns on his heel facing both of them directly.

"Back to the ship with both of you." He orders, his emotions boiling under his serene surface. "Stay in your bunks until I get back. Is that understood?"

"Yes Master." Obi-Wan says tearfully, his chin trembling in an effort to keep the tears at bay.

"Yes Master." Anakin says flatly.

Qui-Gon watches them retreat, Anakin finding his place behind Obi-Wan. They are furiously communicating to each other along the bond. Qui-Gon can sense their dialogue as keenly as if they were speaking out loud. They were contemplating the extent of their master's anger.

/Shields, padawans!/ Qui-Gon reprimands. /I have work to do./ He follows them along their bond until he feels both of them at rest in their bunks. Then he raises his shields leaving just enough room to feel their movement. He would have to meditate on his way back to the ship. Releasing some of this anger to the force would be necessary or he would put them both thru the transport wall. They had jeopardized the mission with their impulsiveness and refusal to obey. They would be punished but right now he had to set his mind to the task at hand. There was a prisoner to bring to the holding cells and enough explosives to blow up an entire city lying around that needed containing.

When Qui-Gon finally returns to the ship he finds both teenagers soundly asleep in their bunks. Obi-Wan's face is stained with tears and he is curled around Dauhge, his ancient teddy bear, which he normally tried desperately to hide from Anakin. Anakin teased him mercilessly about needing the toy despite the number of times Qui-Gon had chastised him for it. Poor little Obi-Wan took a lot from the younger padawan. He tried so valiantly to remain above the antagonistic maneuvers but more often than not he ended up reacting. Qui-Gon's heart clenches when he realizes that the boy had his thumb in his mouth again. He bends down, taking the thumb gently from his lips. Then he kisses his padawan's wet cheek, tucking him in. He did not need to wake up to be punished. There would be plenty of time for that in the morning when they were home.

Qui-Gon retrieves Anakin's blanket from the carpet. The boy slept violently sometimes, kicking and moaning in his sleep. Qui-Gon had taken to putting a force suggestion on him when his sleep became so volatile. He couldn't stand to see him so distraught even in sleep. No doubt the day's events coupled with his master's anger with him had led to a particular vicious sleep. Qui-Gon ached to think he hadn't been here to gentle him out of it. He covers the boy, his hand resting on the angular plane of his jaw. He deposits a soft kiss on his cheek feeling his eyes flutter open.

"Master?" Anakin whispers. Qui-Gon strokes his face reassuringly trying to soothe the panic emanating from the boy.

"Shhh, padawan go back to sleep." Qui-Gon orders tenderly. Anakin sleepily nuzzles his face into his master's big hand, drifting off effortlessly. Only in sleep did his padawan accept affection so easily. That and when he was truly distressed. Then he wanted his master close to him. Qui-Gon took what he could get with his impulsive apprentice. He steps back and takes a last look at his two padawans. They looked deceptively angelic while they slept.


"No- Anakin." Qui-Gon snatches the cushion from his padawan's hands. "You will sit on your chairs as normal. Consider it part of your punishment." His two padawans face each other, standing hesitantly in front of the dining table. Their faces reveal the grudges both still held against the other.

"I do not wish to hear such words being exchanged between the two of you again." Qui-Gon says firmly. "You are padawans of the same Order. Of the same Master and I do expect you to act as such."

"Yes Master." Anakin says bowing his head. Obi-Wan, however stares at his master with his mouth open. He seemed to be lost in thought.

"Obi-Wan! Do you disagree with my wishes?" Qui-Gon asks sharply. Obi-Wan blinks, shaking his head. Twin spots of color burn on his cheeks as he lowers his eyes.

"No Master – I mean yes I agree master." His padawan stammmers, again worrying the full lower lip with his teeth. Qui-Gon cannot stop himself from touching the shamed little face gently. The boy captured him effortlessly and sadly it was only getting worse the older he got and the more beautiful he became.

"Excellent." Qui-Gon smiles stroking his cheek gently. He turns to Anakin, momentarily shocked to see his padawan's face twisted in what he could only call envy. His padawan was still angry at Obi-Wan. There was a slight but natural rivalry between the two boys and Qui-Gon reminded himself to be equal in all things where they were concerned. Even the slightest touch.

"Now." Qui-Gon says his hand now holding Anakin's face as well. "I believe you both need to apologize to each other."

The boys faced each other, their eyes weary. They circled each other as if preparing for sparring – their bodies belying their emotions. They viewed each other as competition instead of fellow Jedi. This would have to be rectified. Qui-Gon rubbed his temples tiredly, wondering again how he had been blessed with two such hellions.

"Boys." He commands.

"Anakin, I am sorry for saying that stuff to you. None of it is true." Obi-Wan, of course, went first. His gray eyes flick to his master for approval and Qui-Gon nods approvingly. He was a good boy.

"I as well, Obi." Anakin sighs, his anger depleting. "I acted out of anger and pride and I apologize for it." Qui-Gon beams his approval at his youngest padawan.

"Well said, Anakin." He nods. In so many ways Anakin seemed so much older than his little Obi-Wan. It left Qui-Gon feeling wary of the accelerated growth. It shouldn't be so fast – but he knew thaat Anakin's case was unprecedented. Never before had their been one with so many midichlorian's – with so much of the force gifted uponn him. His aura alone was swirling with force energy. The boy would have to be handled carefully.

Qui-Gon tensed at the thought. He had to admit, it was difficult to bond with Anakin. His cockiness and arrogance he used as a shield, an effective one at that. It made instructing him as well as bonding with him a challenge. He reminded himself that Obi-Wan was a different kind of padawan. Highly skilled, genuine and beautiful to a fault, he possessed a place within Qui-Gon's heart that no other had ever obtained. Qui-Gon reluctantly admitted it to himself not too long ago. He had long since accepted the fact that Obi-Wan had an undying crush on him but the embarrassing fact that he himself harbored an unrequited love for his padawan stayed in the depths of his denial only until lately.

Qui-Gon had fought with the knowledge, determined to be sure that it didn't affect the way he raised either of his impressionable padawans. But with a padawan as highly sensitive and affectionate as his little one was, it was getting harder day by day. Still, he was determined that nothing appear out of the ordinary to anyone but himself.

"Master, I know I'm hungry and I can only guess that my fellow padawan is also.." Anakin grins his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "So unless you have anymore wisdom to bestow upon us, can we eat?"

"Brat, you may." Qui-Gon laughs sitting down finally to enjoy a meal at home.

Qui-Gon sits on the sofa his eyes straining at the data pad clutched in his hands. He had been over the notes on their next proposed mission twice and still he couldn't absorb it's entirety. It had been a tiring couple of days. Between getting both boys settled back into their training routines and making numerous council meetings, he was left with his mind frayed.

His padawans had been behaving themselves since their strapping. Not surprisingly. Qui-Gon doubted that they wanted a repeat of the punishment. Obi-Wan had been immersing himself in his katas and sparring, honing his considerable skills further. Qui-Gon had made a point of sitting in on his practices, watching his progress.

Anakin on the other hand had been struggling to complete a physics project that had been due a day before they left for their last mission. Qui-Gon had forbidden the boy any extra curricular activity until he had turned his project in. Of course he had made sure he was present to help the frustrated padawan.

Those activities abound, he had been hard pressed to find any time for himself. He was tired, weary really. His eyes drooped intermittently and he took a desperate sip of the Courascant brandy he had treated himself to.

/Obi-Wan?/ Qui-Gon feels his apprentice keenly through their bond. He was upset – more than that he was terrified.

"Master! Master... They were shooting at us – at yt you and they hit you but- but-" Obi-Wan rushes towards his master, his eyes still foggy from sleep. He was clad only in a loose fitting pair of sleep pants, his hair standing on end. His gray eyes were wide with fear and pain. Pain was emanating through their bond, searing Qui-Gon.

"Padawan!" Qui-Gon puts a calming hand on his hip, steadying him. "Padawan... Calm down, calm..." His padawaawan's eyes focus on his face greedily drinking him in. His smaller hands reach out grabbing onto Qui-Gon's tunics. His fingers rub unconsciously at his master's chest. He was throbbing like an open wound, his face bruised with emotion.

"They killed you – they didn't just hit your shoulder! TThey killed you master and it was all my fault. My fault and I couldn't help you!" His normally impish face dissolves into despair, succumbing to his grief.

"Obi-Wan, it was a dream." Qui-Gon soothes, drawing a surprised breath as his padawan crawls on to his lap. He draws his arms around the slight shaking body, pressing his lips to the silky head. "Padawan you must calm down, it was a dream."

"Killed you, you died! Master, I can't let it happen. I have to go back and make it right – I have to make it right!" Obi-Wan shiifts to face his master, wrapping his legs around his waist. His arms grip the larger man and Qui-Gon can feel his body trembling against his.

"Sweetheart, stop..." Qui-Gon murmurs taking his wet littlee face in his large hands. "I'm alive sitting right in front of you. Look at me, wake up and look at me." His little one had absorbed too much terror and pain from the dream. Qui-Gon was surprised he hadn't sensed it. But he had been dozing in and out himself, making a clear connection impossible. Qui-Gon knew that as an intuitive his little padawan absolutely soaked up pain from all sources. He had to talk to the mind healers about training the little padawan to use his shields in regards to his intuitive powers.

The stronger his powers were getting the more of a toll it was taking on Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon could see it in his face, the impressions – the images of the vibrations he was receiving. It was more than Qui-Gon could stand to see. His sensitive little soul was suffering and Qui-Gon could do nothing for him.

"M-Master, I don't want you to die!" Obi-Wan sobs helplessly. "I can't, I can't let it happen. Quigee, Obi afraid..."; He howls inconsolably, Qui-Gon's hands soaked with his tears. His despair tears at Qui-Gon, holding his heart in a death grip. He was of pure innocence, sweet and honest – his light a pure blinding white that at times brought Qui-Gon to his knees. He ached and throbbed in Qui-Gon's arms, his need so great it threatened to overcome them both.

"I didn't die, Obi..." Qui-Gon says calmly. "Babby, hush..." He pulls the little body close to him again, cradling his head in his large hands.

"Mmmm!" He moans struggling to pull away from Qui-Gon. He grips his master's face in his hands, his eyes wrought with pain. "Master, you don't understand! My failing in the dream – it is tellingg of what is to come! Don't you see? I will fail you and it will cost you your life! It will be my misstep that causes your death!" He sobs gripping Qui-Gon's face with surprising strength.

"Obi-Wan, you must calm down! I don't believe-" Qui-Gon stops, his breath frozen as Obi-Wan pulls his face closer to his own.

"I can't let this happen! I would die! Master I would die..." Obi-Wan sobs, his eyes suddenly flooding with an indescribable emotion. "I love you, Master! I love you so much."

"I love you too padawan." Qui-Gon says, his mind still.

"No, Master you don't understand!" Obi-Wan cries, his hands pulling Qui-Gon's face even closer. "I love you! I want you to... I want you to have me, to be my first... I want you to love me..."

"Padawan..." Qui-Gon gasps realizing now that the emotion iin Obi-Wan's endless eyes was that of desire.

"I would die for you master... I would give my life if it meant I could be yours for one night." Qui-Gon's breath is stolen from him. His padawan was the most beautiful being he had ever seen and there was no more denying his true feelings. He loved Obi-Wan like no other, worshipped him in a way that was proving much too hard to hide.

"Please..." Obi-Wan whispers, his lips parted in a silent bbeg. He held his breath as his master's mouth takes possession of his. The strong tongue slides into his mouth, exploring and claiming. Obi-Wan instinctively presses his groin against his master's hips.

"" Qui-Gon gasps kissing him again, this time slow and passionate. "You are so damn sweet."

Anakin stifles the primal growl that bubbles up from the depths of his belly. He had awoken to Obi-Wan's sobs, his concern had grown as the cries grew louder more urgent. He had come out to find and comfort his fellow padawan only to stumble upon this – this betrayal.

Obi-Wan's helpless little slut act had won him the coveted affections of his master. His stoic, strong master had fallen for the little whelp's trap. Anakin was disappointed – greatly disappointed. He expected his master to know who was the one worthy of his affections. It was he- he that deserved the place besides his great master. But Obi-Wan had been smart. He had gotten there first. Anakin had been watching him and he knew that the power of that lithe body and sweet face were unstoppable. His own aching desire to make the rule the little padawan and make him cry was only overpowered by his desire to win his rightful place in his master's bed.

Now his master was kissing the pouting lips like he was drowning in them. Anakin had to do something and he had to do it fast. He takes a few steps backwards, reaching out with the force for the door to his room. He summons his energy and slams the door shut nosily.

"Anakin." Qui-Gon whispers pulling away from Obi-Wan's soft mouth. "It's Anakin." Obi-Wan slides off his lap, his little face stunned. Qui-Gon gets up slowly, his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder in an effort to reassure him. He felt confused, foggy with desire and he knew he needed to clear his head.

"Master? Master, Obi-Wan?" Anakin stumbles into the room, his face puffy with sleep. "I heard Obi-Wan." He blinks at his master and Obi-Wan.

"Anakin," Qui-Gon says calmly. "I'm sorry you were woken up. Obi-Wan had a nightmare."

"Again? Obi..." Anakin says sympathetically. Hee steps forward taking Obi-Wan's arm. "Master, I'll take him back to bed."

"It's alright padawan." Qui-Gon nearly chokes. "I will settle him in myself. Off to bed with you." He smiles planting a kiss on Anakin's cheek. He gives him a little pat as he reluctantly heads back to his room. He manages to leave his door halfway open, stalling their progress further.

"Come, little one let me tuck you in." Qui-Gon whispers picking his trembling padawan up in his arms. He had no idea how to proceed. None at all. All he knew was that Anakin was in his room with the door open and that alone was cause for prudence.

"Master?" Obi-Wan says anxiously as his master tucks him into his narrow bed. "I – I-"

"Baby, shhh." He quiets him, depositing a tiny kiss to his protesting lips. "It's alright, I promise. I love you and I want you to sleep."

"I want to sleep with you Master..."Obi-Wan begs, pressing his body against Qui-Gon's. "Please."

"Padawan." Qui-Gon whispers, his breath leaving him. His beautiful padawan was begging to be taken to his bed. Begging. And he had no choice but to say no.

"Master, I'll be good and quiet and I'll love you." His eyes shine with a clarity that Qui-Gon hadn't even seen. His little padawan knew exactly what he wanted.

"If only it were that easy, a'shera." Qui-Gon says noting the blush that rises to his padawan's cheeks at the extremely intimate term of endearment. "But I fear tonight is not a wise night for anything to take place between us."

"Master! You're just going to pretend –" Qui-Gon siilences him with a kiss to his trembling mouth.

"I couldn't pretend even if I wanted to." He says slowly. "You have gotten under my skin, a'shera." He says truthfully. Obi-Wan sighs tearfully, closing his eyes as his master kisses him again. It would have to be enough.

"I will be in regular contact." Qui-Gon says, his face serious. He folds his things methodically, packing only the bare necessities. "Do not hesitate to contact me if there are any problems."

"Qui-Gon, I believe I can handle your boys." Adi Gallia says indulgently. "I have handled much worse."

"They can be a handful, Adi." Qui-Gon warns, his hands pausing on a sleep shirt of Obi-Wan's that the padawan had discarded in the hallway this morning. Without looking up he folds it carefully and tucks it into his bag. He would keep it close to him.

"Perhaps the best thing would be for me to take Anakin and Adi to take Obi-Wan." Mace says, rubbing his chin with his long fingers.

"No." Qui-Gon says resolutely. "It's bad enough that they cannot come with me. I will not separate them, it will only upset them further."

"They are Jedi, Qui-Gon they realize their life involves absences..." Mace argues gently.

"They are boys, Mace. Jedi or not." Qui-Gon's anger was bristling. The council had spoken on his going back to Ansonia alone. Meeting with the new leaders of the rebellion was something that had to be done very carefully and with no distractions. Qui-Gon recognized that the council was reprimanding him for his lack of control over his little ones on their last mission. This time there were to be no mistakes.

The council also knew very well that they were punishing the padawans by insisting they stay behind. They lived for missions and their sadness was keenly felt throughout the temple. Qui-Gon despised the fact that this was happening. In his eyes he had already punished his padawans and this added restriction was cruel. The boys were taking it hard. Anakin lashed out angrily at the council. Qui-Gon was just grateful that it had been in the privacy of their quarters. The boy was volatile and getting worse with every altercation he had with the council. Qui-Gon vowed that he would start setting a better example for the boy.

Obi-Wan was predictably taking the situation much worse. His pride was bruised. This was the first time he had ever been left behind and he was devastated. He pleaded with his master, tearfully to let him go. It had killed Qui-Gon to have to deny him. The intimacy that had transpired the night of his bad dreams had only made the separation that much harder for the padawan to bear. For Qui-Gon as well.

"Why do I bother arguing with you, old friend?" Mace smiles. "I know who's stubbornness will win out. It's never me."

"Try to remember that next time." Qui-Gon says pain stabbing his chest as he picks Dauhge up off the floor. Obi-Wan had been carrying around his old teddy bear the night before while he was nervously following his master around, pleading with him to let him come along.

"Qui-Gon, it will be alright." Adi says smiling warmly at him. "You will be gone three days at the most."

"Yes." Qui-Gon sighs, picking up his bag. Obi-Wan sat in the living room, waiting for the inevitable separation from his beloved master. His head was bowed and his eyes already welling up with tears. It was a harsh slap in the face to all three of them, this enforced separation.

"Padawan," Qui-Gon smiles tucking the teddy bear on Obi-Wan's lap. Obi-Wan clutches it to him automatically, his lower lip trembling. He looked like such a baby, so lost and afraid.

"Now, you stop that..." Qui-Gon says gruffly. He pullls his little one up by his hand and embraces him. "Your master will be back before you know it." He closes his eyes pressing his lips to the silky head. He is all too aware of the eyes on him, watching his movements. He wants to kiss his padawan in the worst way but knows it's impossible.

"Will you be a good boy for Master Gallia?" He smiles wiping the child's tears.

"Yes, Master." Brave little voice.

"Attend to your training and be sure you help Anakin with his bio homework." Qui-Gon says gently releasing the boy. Obi-Wan stands there looking cast adrift, clutching Dauhge in one hand.

"Yes, Master." His eyes dart to the hallway where Anakin has appeared. His face is shadowed in repressed anger and sadness. The two boys couldn't process their emotions more differently.

"Ani, come here." Qui-Gon says softly. The padawan crosses the room quickly, stopping short of hurling himself into his master's arms. Instead he looks up at him, anger bubbling beneath his skin.

"I would like you to call me on the commlink and check in." Qui-Gon instructs, his hand on Anakin's shoulder. "I need to know that you are doing alright."

"Yes Master, I will." The boy says quietly. He bites his lower lip staring up at his master anxiously. "Master?"

"Yes, padawan."

"I hope you're not gone long. Please." He says gritting his teeth. Qui-Gon smoothes a hand over his hair. Being by his master's side was his most fervent wish as a padawan and Qui-Gon could certainly remember the feeling. It pained him to leave his eager padawan behind. Especially at the tail end of a mission both boys had given their souls to.

"A week at the most, padawan." Qui-Gon says gently. "Tend to your studies, young one. I will be most anxious to see your progress when I return." He pulls the stiff body to him, waiting until he feels Anakin sinking into him. He would teach the child yet how to accept affection.

"But Master! You said only a day or two..." Obi-Wan yyelps fingering Dauhge's frayed ears. His eyes are tearful again, this time with panic. "You can't stay away for a week! You promised we would only be alone for a short time."

Qui-Gon pulls away from Anakin, not noticing the enraged look that had blossomed on his younger padawan's face. "Obi-Wan, a week is a short time. And you will not be alone."

"No it's not!" Obi-Wan cries, shaking his head. "You said a day or two... What if something happens?"

"Padawan..." Qui-Gon soothes him. "You'll be finne. Master Gallia and Master Windu are more than capable of handling anything that comes up."

"No- NO! Not that! You... what if something happens to YOU." He yells, his face flushed and tearful. His body is shaking and he turns Dauhge around and around in his hands, finding the tiniest bit of comfort from the familiar toy.

"Little one, hush!" Master Gallia soothes looking worriedly at Qui-Gon. "Nothing is going to happen to your master."

"Nobody knows that! I feel something bad – I feel it! You can't tell me I don't feel it." Obi-Wan cries, his face turning pale now. "I see blood... and pain! There's pain!"

"Padawan, it's alright." Qui-Gon says, his heart in his throat. He reaches out to touch his shaking padawan.

"SHUT UP!" Anakin yells at Obi-Wan, his face twisted in anger and disgust. "Why can't you just SHUT UP? We're NOT going! Don't you get it? SO JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING LITTLE MOUTH!" He pushes Obi-Wan away from his master, his posture bordering on rage.

"GIVE ME THAT STUPID FUCKING BEAR!" Anakin rips Dauhge from Obi-Wan's stunned hands and throws him out of the open window. "NOW you're ALONE!"

Obi-Wan's stands there staring at his master with his mouth open. His hands remain in front of him as if he were still holding his bear. Qui-Gon closes his eyes briefly. Forcing himself to count to ten. When he opens his eyes, he finds that Obi-Wan's big gray eyes have filled with about a thousand gallons of the saddest tears he had ever seen.

"Dauhge." Obi-Wan mouths the word, suddenly covering his face with his hands sobbing as if his heart were breaking. "My bear ... master..." His body shakes with sobs, drawing Qui-Gon to him like a magnet. He folds the devastated boy into his robes, holding him close.

"My b-bear, master..." The muffled cries rip into Qui-Gon's soul and he wonders how he was ever going to bring himself to leave. He shields the boy with his robes, keeping him safe from all harm.

"Anakin." Qui-Gon says sharply. "You WILL go get that bear and you WILL do it NOW."

"Yes Master." Anakin grumbles slamming out of their quarters. They were up five stories, it would cause the padawan a bit of embarrassment to be seen carrying the teddy bear back up to their quarters. Qui-Gon almost smiled at the thought of his angry padawan with Obi-Wan's teddy bear. Almost. But the shuddering little body wrapped in his robes reminded him that there was nothing at all to smile about. Anakin had hurt his feelings badly. Qui-Gon could feel it acutely. He didn't have to be an intuitive to know just how much it had cost Obi-Wan.

"Come now." Qui-Gon soothes sitting on the sofa, Obi-Wan cradled in his lap. He lets the boy cry, his eyes silently communicating with Mace and Adi. They knew of Obi-Wan's nightmares. Qui-Gon had told them while he was packing. He had to. They had to be prepared for how upset his tender intuitive became when the dreams struck him.

"Hush, my little one..." Qui-Gon soothes, kissing his wet cheeks gently. "It will be alright, I promise you." He says trying to sound believable. He knew his little one's anxiety stemmed from so much more than this mission. Their new intimacy had clouded things, making it impossible to sort out any emotions.

"Would you...excuse us for a moment?" Qui-Gon picks up Obi-Wan, not looking at them as he takes his padawan into the bedroom. He slides the door shut, still holding the boy close.

"Now, a'shera look at me." Qui-Gon orders taking his chin in hand, tilting it up. "I am sorry Anakin did that to you – to Dauhge. I am certain he isn't angry at you, love. He is angry at me for leaving you both behind."

"No, Master... He h-h-hates me." Obi-Wan cries. "He thinks I'm w-w-weak."

"Child, he does not think you're weak." Qui-Gon sighs. "You've never had a sibling – no Jedi ever has had to live with one. But let me assure you that this rivalry between you and Anakin is normal! The emotion you perceive to be hate is competitive envy. That is all. Anakin loves you."

"Master, I love you." His face is now a hair's breadth away form Qui-Gon. "Please don't leave me like this..."

"Baby, hush." He pleads this time. "You will be alright. I will call in everyday and talk to you. But I have to go, you know this." The words tear him apart but he knows they are the truth.

"Y-yes Master." Head bowing, he lets his tears drip onto Qui-Gon's hands.

"May I ask one favor of you?" Qui-Gon's voice is barely a whisper. He tilts Obi-Wan's face up to his.

"Master, anything."

"A kiss please, a'shera." He smiles as Obi-Wan's eyes grow wide. Beautiful lips, part barely a sigh escaping.

"Yes." Obi-Wan presses his mouth to Qui-Gon's, this time his tongue claiming his master's mouth passionately. Qui-Gon takes his face in his hands, guiding the kiss but not controlling it. He lets Obi-Wan pursue his mouth, enjoying the feel of his padawan's control.

"Master-" Obi-Wan gasps pulling away as the door to the bedroom slides open. Qui-Gon drops his hands from his padawan's flushed face automatically.

"Your bear." Anakin's voice is irritated. He pauses in the doorway for a moment, observing them. Qui-Gon feels his face becoming as flushed as Obi-Wan's. Anakin hadn't seen them kiss but by the way he was looking at them it seemed he saw or at least sensed something.

He stalks over to them, dropping the bear in Obi-Wan's hands. "There." He throws over his shoulder as he walks out of the room again. Just like that. His anger and arrogance thrown in his master's face, begging for a response.

"He's muddy." Obi-Wan says in a stunned little voice. Qui-Gon looks down at Dauhge and finds that indeed half the bear was covered in mud. Qui-Gon had to wonder if the bear had fallen in the mud or if Anakin dragged him through it.

"Perhaps Master Gallia will wash him for you." Qui-Gon says tenderly. He failed to understand why Anakin just couldn't let Obi-Wan have the bear without torment. It was all the padawan had left of his mother or his home world. As Anakin held on to the anger that tethered him to his home world, so did Obi-Wan hang on to Dauhge.

"Come now," Qui-Gon scoots his padawan off his lap and takes him back into the living area. He finds Anakin slouching on the sofa a look of utter disgust on his face. Adi and Mace were sitting at the dining table in silence, watching the emotions play out on the boys face.

"Anakin, stand up please." Qui-Gon orders, Obi-Wan still clutching onto his hand. "I would like to speak to you."

"I know what you're going to say – so why bother?" Anakinn mumbles under his breath. He stands defiantly in front of Qui-Gon, his arms folded across his chest.

"Excuse me?" Qui-Gon asks sharply. He would not allow the boy to get away with such disrespect, regardless of the root of his anger.


"You will address me with proper respect, padawan." Qui-Gon says raising his voice slightly. The focuses his icy gaze at his now shrinking padawan. "I am your Master and you WILL treat me as such. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master." Anakin says, his voice slightly less sure.

"I do not wish to know what drove you to behave the way you did today." Qui-Gon says, his eyes reducing his padawan to a puddle of insecurity. "I have no interest in knowing why – I only have interest in hearing you apologize to Obi-Wan for the way you treated him."

"Yes, master." Anakin turns to Obi-Wan who is still trying to hide himself behind his master's robes. "Obi, I am sorry for taking out my anger on you and ...your bear." He pauses, a tiny smilee on his face.

"I acted out of rage and was not in control as a Jedi should be. I behaved poorly and you suffered as a result. I hope you will accept my apology because I am truly sorry." His sincerity was genuine, his eyes were full of regret when he looked upon little Obi-Wan clutching his muddy bear.

"Ok, Anakin." Obi-Wan says hesitantly. He pushes himself closer to his master again, trying to lose his smaller body in the folds of his robe. Qui-Gon strokes Obi-Wan's back reassuringly.

"Anakin, you are grounded for the extent of my mission." Qui-Gon says sternly. "You will go to classes and training. You will be allowed to spar with Obi-Wan. But above that, you are to remain in Master Gallia's quarters."

"Yes Master." Anakin says, gritting his teeth.

"Furthermore, you will deliver a ten page report to me on the translation of the Jedi respect matrix by the time I return." Qui-Gon's eyes remain icy. He sees his padawan hunching more and more with each word. His master's displeasure was effecting him greatly. Qui-Gon was too angry with him to soothe his discomfort. The padawan had acted badly and now he had to pay the price.

"Yes Master." Anakin says, his face now pale. He bows his head and clasps his hands in front of him, repentant.

"Very well then, I will be off." Qui-Gon looks down at Obi-Wan, clearing the lump that had gathered in his throat. "Little one, be a good boy." He allows his padawan to hold onto him for a minute and then gently extricates himself, handing Obi-Wan off to Master Gallia.

"Anakin." Qui-Gon nods his head at the boy. "Please behave." He picks up his bag, he turns to leave but not before noticing the crestfallen look on Anakin's face. Steeling himself he bows to Mace and Adi before walking out the door. He hears Obi-Wan's quiet cries as he walks down the hallway to the transport bay.

"Master! Master wait-"

Anakin. Qui-Gon turns around slowly, not prepared for the impact of his gangly padawan's body colliding with his. Arms wrap around him, squeezing tight.

"I'm sorry! Master I am so sorry." He cries into Qui-Gon's tunics. "Please don't leave being mad at me! I'm sorry..."

"Ani..." Qui-Gon says allowing himself the luxury of a smille. "You're forgiven." He sighs, his padawan's relief flooding him. Anakin could take anything but his master's displeasure in him.

"I wanted to go with you, master." Qui-Gon chuckles at the return of Anakin's adolescent whine. He strokes the padawan's face soothingly.

"I know, padawan. I wanted you to come with me as well."

"I'm sorry, Master. Sorry that you have to go alone."

"It will be alright, Ani." Qui-Gon says giving him a kiss on the forehead. "You will be alright. I will be back sooner rather than later so you better get going on that translation." He smiles at his padawan's protest, hugging him quickly. "I must go, padawan. Back to our quarters with you."

"Yes Master." This time he is smiling as he trots away from his master. Qui-Gon can still feel his relief as he boards the transport to Ansonia. He only hoped it would be enough to carry his padawan through his absence.

"Keep your chin up, Anakin!" Mace shouts clapping his hands twice. He leans against the walls in the training room. Anakin and Obi-Wan are sparring, angrily so. Each padawan seemed to be fighting for more than just a win in the practice ring. Mace didn't mind it so much, he felt that a little competition did wonders for one's technique. Besides there was no better place for the warring padawans to burn off their anger at each other.

Obi-Wan forces Anakin back, his saber like an extension of his arm. He lashes forward, effortlessly countering each move Anakin delivers. It is as if he can anticipate his fellow padawan's plans before they materialize. He cuts his saber low, slicing against Anakin's side shot.

Anakin grunts, his frustration driving him faster. He parries Obi-Wan, slicing his saber towards the boy's chest. Obi-Wan counterstrikes gracefully, his face set in grim determination. No emotions evident as he fought his rival. He was getting to be more and more like Qui-Gon Jinn everyday. The thought further incensed Anakin – if anyone was to be Qui-Gon's perfect prodigy it would be him! He struck low, whirling in a show of acrobatics away from Obi-Wan's glowing saber. Turning quickly he leveled a blow shoulder high at the calm padawan.

Obi-Wan grabs onto the force, sending himself somersaulting backwards in a graceful, controlled maneuver that not only allows him to evade Anakin's strike but also puts him in the perfect position to deliver a throat pin that effectively ends the match.

"Well done, Obi-Wan." Anakin says bowing, his dark eyes stormy. "I will have to sharpen my counter attacks and then ask for a rematch."

"Gladly, Anakin." Obi-Wan smiles wiping a bead of sweat from his upper lip. He tries to hide his pleasure at having bested Anakin who only a day ago had behaved so mercilessly towards him. And Dauhge.

"Excellent match, padawans." Mace Windu says a hand on both their shoulders. "Your master would be proud of you both. Obi-Wan, you've progressed well." He nods approvingly at the beaming boy.

"Anakin your performance today has proven you have much drive for the defensive as well as the offensive. Keep up the good work and you two will be at a stalemate in the ring." Master Windu compliments walking the padawans back to Master Gallia's quarters.

"Ah, I see I am one `fresher short for." Master Gallia smiles ushering the sweating padawans inside. Anakin smiles mischievously at them, darting past Obi-Wan to get to the `fresher first.

"Anakin!" Adi admonishes, shaking her head at his playfulness. "No wonder your poor master is going gray."

"Master? Could I shower at my quarters?" Obi-Wan asks eagerly. He greatly needed to be in Qui-Gon's house once again – if only to feeel his presence. "I need to grab my data pad and holovids for school anyway."

"Alright, padawan but do not dawdle too long." Adi says indulgently. She returns to the kitchen where she was attempting yet again to prepare enough food for the evening meal to satisfy two growing padawans.

Obi-Wan runs through the halls, despite the fact that he'd been warned against it countless times, he was too anxious to get home to care. His heart races as he approaches their quarters. He punches in the code, pressing his finger tip to the security reader. The cool metal doors slide open welcomingly and as he steps inside he is flooded by Qui-Gon's force imprint. It nearly brings him to his knees it's so strong.

He stumbles into his master's room turning on the small lamp by the bed. Standing in the middle of the room, he inhales deeply. Qui-Gon had never really addressed what had happened between them. Obi-Wan had a feeling the older man wanted to put it off until he knew how he wanted to proceed. He picks up a leather tie from Qui-Gon's dresser. His master used them religiously to bind his hair back.

Obi-Wan shudders at the thought of putting his hands through that flowing hair. His master's lips had touched his. Not only touched his lips but demanded them as a favor. His possession of Obi-Wan was incomplete and left the padawan aching with need and a sadness that was hard to contain. He had channeled it in the practice ring today, making Anakin his desire that he needed to defeat. Too bad it hadn't worked.

He stares at himself in the mirror, moving as if in a trance. His tunics came off first, slowly revealing the fatigued muscles still gleaming with sweat. He traces his chest, then nipples imagining it were his master's hand. Kicking his boots off hastily, he pulls his pants down slowly over his slender hips. Qui-Gon would touch him like this- would undress him exactly like this. He unconsciously reaches across their bond, transmitting waves of frustrated desire to his master.

Naked he stands in front of the mirror, his eyes wide at his own image. Qui-Gon said he was beautiful. Even Anakin said he was beautiful. But was he? How could he be beautiful when he had these perverted thoughts about his master in his head? He draws his commlink from his tunics, smiling as he calls up his master.

"Padawan?" Qui-Gon's voice is clear over the connection, it's depth bringing Obi-Wan to a full, raging erection. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." Obi-Wan breathes suddenly a puddle of nerves. He touches himself lightly, stroking just enough to make him gasp.

"What's going on, Obi-Wan?" His master's voice was formal and somewhat strained.

"What are you doing, Master?" Obi-Wan asks slyly. He squeezes his shaft, actually wanting to come while on the commlink with his master.

"I am at a meeting with the Ansonian ambassadors, padawan." Qui-Gon says sternly. "The question is what are you doing? Your shields seem to be ...leaking."

His words bring immediate shame to Obi-Wan. Did his master know he was standing in his bedroom touching himself? How could he have let that slip through his shields?

"I'm sorry, Master – I am!" Obi-Wan says, tears springing to his eyes. He hears his master sighing as a rustle of movement accompanies him. Suddenly they are alone, shut away.

"Padawan, where are you?" Qui-Gon asks, his voice softening. Obi-Wan slumps in relief as he realizes that his master had no idea what he was doing.

"I am at our quarters, Master." Obi-Wan says in a tiny voice. He lets his hand drift back down between his legs.

"You are supposed to be at Master Gallia's." Qui-Gon admonishes. "Why are you home? And where is Anakin?"

"We just finished sparring, Master." Obi-Wan says brightly. "I defeated Anakin, counter move – throat pin! Master Windu was officiating... He saw it."

"Good job, Padawan." Qui-Gon praises him. "But that still doesn't explain what you're doing at home."

"I came home to shower, Master. Anakin beat me to the shower at Master Gallia's and she said I could use the `fresher here."

"Ah, I see." Qui-Gon chuckles softly. "Well then, perhaps you had better get ready for your shower so I can resume my meeting."

"I am ready, Master." Obi-Wan says shyly. He swallows hard, touching himself again. "Actually, I am naked." He hears Qui-Gon's low groan across the commlink and he sucks in his breath.

"You are ruining me, baby." Qui-Gon says in a low, deep voice. The thought of his padawan, bare in their quarters all alone was too enticing for him to bear.

"I miss you master." Obi-Wan says plaintively. "I want you home."

"I want to be home." Qui-Gon says in a mere whisper. "With you."

"Master..." Obi-Wan murmurs, his hand stroking faster now. "I miss you so much."

"I know, a'shera." Qui-Gon stops talking and Obi-Wan can hear discussion in the background. He waits, his hand halted on his cock. He needed his master's voice to get him there.

"A'shera, I must go." Qui-Gon says gently. "I will contact you this evening, love." As he clicks off, Obi-Wan yelps in pain. The separation was acute as was his pent up sexual energy. He could only do something about one of the issues.

He goes to Qui-Gon's closet, grabbing hold of one of his robes. Holding it to his face he inhales deeply. It was Qui-Gon's clean scent all the way. He moans burying his face into it – his erection bursting now. There was release to be had.

Obi-Wan drapes the cloak over his master's bed, laying his naked body on it. On his back, he bends his knees bracing himself. He turns his head to the side, feeling his master's cloak against his cheek. This is all he needs. His hand begins stroking, even at first but when the images enter his mind he begins moving in earnest. His master's big hands pinning him to the bed, forcing his mouth open with his tongue.

Those same hands, the ones that captured so many of Obi-Wan's fantasies, spreading him open – preparing him to be entered. He always felt so small and helpless against his master. It was a feeling that utterly swept him away. How would it be when Qui-Gon did finally claim him? It would hurt, yes but the pain was the greatest part of being claimed. And Obi-Wan was more than ready.

He sucks in his breath sharply, pumping his fist fast now. His eyes closed and his head thrown back, he could almost pretend that it were Qui-Gon's hands pleasuring him – Qui-Gon's hands pinching his nipples... He was so close...

Anakin's mouth breaks into a wicked grin as he watches Obi-Wan stroking himself on their master's bed. On their master's cloak... The padawan was a certain beauty and in the throes of passion he effected Anakin like never before. The angelic little whore had the body of a highly paid courtesan and the fighting skills of a Sith lord. Anakin shook his head at the unfairness of it all. No wonder Qui-Gon wasn't trying to deter his silly helpless act of seduction. The little slut didn't even have the wiles to be ashamed of himself.

Anakin could make him ashamed... Anakin could make him blush with terror and shame – could make him beg Anakin not to tell his dirty secret. Beg. He wanted the little whore to beg him. He would tear him down, having first possession of that tight, sinful little body. Make him nothing but a used toy – and then... Then Anakin could take his rightful place next to Qui-Gon. A rush of dark energy floods his veins and he knows they can become what the whisper in his ear has been telling him of. There was a tool to bring them closer and it was writhing on Qui-Gon's bed.

Anakin smiles as he pads closer to Obi-Wan. He was breathtaking and in a few minutes he would be crying those beautiful tears. All because of him. He had heard his destiny through the winds and he knew – he knew it would be strong and great and he wanted nothing more than to share it with his Master. Getting rid of this little bitch would be easy... The rest was the challenge.

"Padawan you naughty boy..." Anakin says teasingly. HHe places a hand on Obi-Wan's knee, spreading him wider. "Whatever would Master Jinn say if he knew you were...masturbating on his cloak?.... In his bed!"

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan yelps trying desperately to sit up. Anakin puts a hand on his chest, shoving him back down. His force was throbbing inside of him and he knew – he knew he was too strong for Obi-Wan now.

"LIE DOWN!" Anakin yells sending a force bolt through him for good measure. Obi-Wan's body arches off the bed with the impact, leaving him stunned and weak.

"Anakin, please just let me up! I'm –" His hands shhake as he pulls Qui-Gon's big cloak around his body. He cannot bring himself to look at the younger padawan he was so ashamed. How had this happened? How?

"You're shields are for shit, Obi." Anakin grins evilly. He leans his tall frame over Obi-Wan's prone body, prying the cloak from his fists. He peels it away from him, revealing the smooth, honeyed body that captivated his mind.

"Anakin, don't! DON'T!" Obi-Wan struggles against his hands, trying to shield himself from his touch. "DON'T do that!" He yelps when Anakin's large hands grab onto his tender nipples. Mortified, he squeezes his eyes shut and summons all of his force ability.

"What? Wh- what's happening to me? What have you done?" Obi-Wan screams, coming up completely empty. No force. No life down the training bond. Nothing.

"It's temporary, Obi. Don't fret." Anakin says reaching in Qui-Gon's last dresser drawer. He pulls out a metal collar, swinging it around his finger dangerously. "This however will last as long as I want it to."

Obi-Wan scrambles backwards on the bed, painfully aware of his naked and vulnerable state. He had to get away. He couldn't let Anakin-

"Gods you look gorgeous submissively collared." Anakin sighs snapping the force inhibiting collar around Obi-Wan's trembling neck. "You were made to be dominated."

"No- take it off! TAKE IT OFF OF ME!" Obi-Wan screams, ripping at the collar with desperate fingers. His eyes meet Anakin's seeing what he intended. He was going to break him – take his virginity and leave him as nothing.

"You should lie back and enjoy this, Obi-Wan. I know I will." Anakin pins Obi-Wan to the bed using only the force. "Yes.. Go ahead and squirm little slut. I am your master now and I want you to say it- say you'll obey your master."

"You are NOT my master." The little face so defiant, so full of anger. Anakin was itching to make him cry.

"Yes I am." His blow catches the little Jedi off guard and he yelps as his lip is split open. Anakin hits him again, this time catching him under his right eye. Do not defy me again, little boy. Anakin smiles, his warning in his eyes only.

"Do you think I won't tell? You'll be thrown out of the temple – forever! You'll be just like Xanatos!" Obi-Wan says touching the blood on his lip. He sits up, surprised that Anakin wasn't pinning him down anymore.

"I think you had better rethink that, padawan Kenobi." Anakin sighs fishing around in Qui-Gon's closet. He pulls a sash from one of Qui-Gon's robes. "I was thinking more of you being cast out of the temple... But mainly Qui-Gon being thrown out of the Order."

"For what? You threaten with nothing to back you up – you are a silly CHILD, Anakin!" Obi-Wan gathers his anger and stands up, clutching his master's robe to him. He covers his body, garnering strength from hiding his vulnerability. He tilts his chin up, squaring off. He had to prove that he wasn't afraid, even if he was quaking on the inside.

"Nothing? I'd hardly call what you and Qui-Gon have been engaging in, nothing."

"We haven't –"

"I've seen you kissing, Obi-Wan. I've heard your thoughts ... I've heard his... Do you know what they do to a master who abuses his padawan? They strip him of his light saber and throw him to the outlanders. And for you? Dirt farming with the Agricorps."

"You're full of it, Anakin- lying! I'm not that naive!" Obi-Wan says, but the doubt is in his gray eyes. "You are the one who's getting thrown out."

"Now, now little Jedi..." Anakin says dropping the robe froom Obi-Wan's body with a force suggestion. "Your perverse masturbation fantasy has given me some ideas as to what I'd like to do with your little body."

Obi-Wan lets out a yelp of outrage as he is thrown on his stomach on the floor. Anakin straddles him from behind, yanking his wrists behind his back. He binds them together tightly, giving his exposed ass a sharp slap before hauling him to his knees.

"Open your mouth." Anakin orders. Obi-Wan shakes his head defiantly and is slapped again.

"Open your mouth now." Anakin says tightly. When Obi-Wan refuses, Anakin grabs him by his padawan braid, yanking back hard. Obi-Wan's mouth opens with a gasp of pain and Anakin lays a white tablet on his tongue. He forcibly holds the padawan's jaws shut as the pill dissolves.

"There now, was that so hard?" Anakin asks sitting on the bed. He drags the smaller padawan into his lap easily, thrusting his hand between his legs. Obi-Wan jumps, unused to being touched by anyone. He is aware that his senses were rapidly deteriorating. No force feeling. No intuitive vibrations. He was defenseless.

"What was that?" Obi-Wan says, his body quickly becoming limp. Waves of pressure were coursing through him – Anakin.. Anakin was using the force to enhance whatever drug he had given him.

"Sin-x, sweet one."

"Wha- what? That's b-banned! It's ill-illegal." Obi-Wan's tongue is thick with intoxication and suddenly he's gripped by a wave of heat and abandon like he's never felt before. The drug was a common one amongst the city clubbers. They took it because it made them uninhibited and wild – existing on another plane of reality. It was also extremely dangerous if misused. Jedi were forbidden illegal substances of any kind. No exceptions. He would get kicked out of the Temple for this.

"Oh look at you..." Anakin says lightly touching Obi-Wan's now erect penis. "So nice... I knew you would be beautiful but I had no idea how beautiful." Obi-Wan squirms, coming back to the mortifying fact that he was naked in Anakin's lap. He felt Anakin's hand under him, grasping his bare cheeks.

"You want to be fucked, don't you little Obi-Wan? You've been begging for it for months now... Your master has even noticed it, hasn't he? Do you think it's fair that you push him into fucking you? He could have anyone he wants... The only reason he wants you is because you're a virgin and that is exciting to him."

"No! SHUT UP! You – you FUCK!" Obi-Wan screamms in alarm as his body refuses to struggle, refuses to protest when Anakin's finger finds his most private opening. He is impaled by Anakin's finger, first one... then two. He is being finger fucked for the first time and it wasn't at all how he had imagined it would happen. Tears spring to his shame filled eyes as he feels his hips bucking against Anakin's hand. Why was this happening? He despised Anakin for doing this- he wanted nothing to do with him!

"Yes, just like that...Move your hips, good little boy..." Anakin coos as Obi-Wan thrusts against him. "You are enjoying this aren't you? You want me to fuck you – take you like the bitch slut you are..."

"No – NO! STOP – PLEASE STOP THIS.." Obi-Wa-Wan cries out, his voice hoarse. His mind is still fighting desperately for control but his body doesn't want to obey. He blushes from head to toe as he moves up and down with Anakin's hand, throwing his head back in pleasure.

"I think you're enjoying this too much, little boy." Anakin growls turning to bite his arched neck savagely. Obi-Wan screams in shock as blood drips from his wound. Anakin laughs, his erection pressing on Obi-Wan's rear.

"Kneel." Obi-Wan protests loudly as he sinks to his knees. He was obeying Anakin's every command. He deserved to be cast out – deserved to be a farmer. He spreads his knees farther apart, exposing himself further. He sees the request in Anakin's eyes and he responds automatically.

"First." Anakin crouches low, biting one of Obi-Wan's erect nipples. He does the same to the other nipple, eliciting a long groan from the padawan. "Next." He grabs the back of Obi-Wan's neck drawing him into a violent kiss, his tongue the aggressor. He deposits more bites along the silky neck and chest, leaving little purple bleeding welts along his perfect skin.

"You d-d-don't! Don't do to m-me." His speech is now beyond his control. His mind knows this must stop but he is unable to put together any parts of his body. He was lost.

"Oh, baby... You don't have any idea what's about to go wrong inn your life, do you?" He slaps Obi-Wan's ass, hard causing him to pitch face first onto the carpet. Anakin draws him up so his shoulders are resting on the floor and his ass is raised in the air. He reaches between the boy's slim thighs, pulling on his hard cock. Obi-Wan half groans, half sobs as the younger padawan begins stroking his cock with one hand and fucking him with his fingers. He was bound, helpless and aroused – against his will. Against his will...

"You're tiny Obi... Do you know how small you are? I should have known just by those little hips you have but this... This is going too be a pleasure! You will be so tight for me and so hard to break in but I will do it... Yes I will do it." Anakin pulls his pants down to his knees, unleashing his large, erect penis.

Obi-Wan sobs in shame as he finds himself thrusting his bottom towards Anakin, begging him to shove his cock deep inside of him. This couldn't be happening – he never wanted this! He gasps as Anakin's fingers spread his cheeks wide – examining him intimately..

"No – Ani... NO." He squirms, screaming again as An Anakin sinks his teeth into the soft flesh of his inner thigh. His large hand twists his testicles roughly making him paralyzed with pain. It is that moment that Anakin pushes into him, knocking the breath out of him with his violent thrusts. No lubricant, no tender words and no waiting for his muscles to adapt. This was about power and domination. Anakin wanted to hurt him.

"Fuck...YEAH...Oh...Sith!" Anakin growls tearinearing Obi-Wan's virginity from him with each brutal thrust. Obi-Wan can do nothing but cry – sob his heart out into the carpet. He knows he is bleeding, he can feel the tissue tearing. His wounds were beyond repair and too deep to be healed. His tight muscles burned under Anakin's considerable erection, he was sustaining serious damage... He knew.

"I'm your master! I'M YOUR MASTER! SAY IT-" Anakin commands slamming his hips against Obi-Wan's bottom. Obi-Wan chokes back a sob, feeling the room spinning in front of him.

"My master- Anakin..." He sobs incoherently. "Yoou're my m-m-master." He is battered raw and bloody until finally Anakin bursts inside of him.

"Oh little boy." He gasps pulling out abruptly. "You were sensational." He gets up, retrieving a holo-cam from the bedside table.

"Do not MOVE." He instructs standing behind Obi-Wan who is still face down on the carpet, hands bound behind his back. His legs are spread wide, his bottom thrust in the air lewdly dripping with semen and blood. He hears the snapping of the camera as Anakin records his handiwork for the future. He positions Obi-Wan cruelly, putting him in the most degrading poses he could dream up.

"These will sell so well among the other padawans." Anakin muses. "Do you know how many of them would kill to fuck you like this? You are the one they all talk about." He shoves a finger inside Obi-Wan's torn rectum making him cry louder.

"Now, I master you for the rest of your days." His next thrust is brutal and Obi-Wan screams in pain. "You will do as I say, WON'T YOU?"

"Y-yes! Yes." Obi-Wan sobs, his sweet face crumbling.

"Yes WHAT?" Anakin growls pinching the skin of Obi-Wan's perfect flank between his forefinger and thumb. "Yes What? He increases the pressure until Obi-Wan is screaming in pain. "YES WHAT??"

"Yes MASTER!" Obi-Wan begs, his mind submitting along with his body. He was nothing now – nothing but the piece of ass that belonged to Anakin Skywalker. His lot in life had been cast for him. His potential now a distant memory. He feels his life force pooling deep at the pit of his stomach where it stays – dormant and unused.

Anakin pinches him, watching the blood blister that is forming before his very eyes. The smaller boy squirms and cries like the baby his is, the pain too great now for him to endure. Anakin delights in his surrender, taking picture after picture of his submission.

"Turn over." Anakin orders, kicking at Obi-Wan's tender rear with the toe of his boot. Obi-Wan obeys immediately, turning painfully onto his back. His big gray eyes plead silently with his new master, begging him to stop.

"Spread your legs, little Jedi." Anakin kicks his legs apart roughly. "You belong to me now, tell me that you know this." He kneels down fishing something from his pocket. He leans over Obi-Wan's frightened face.

"Tell your master to whom you belong." Anakin repeats pressing his thumb over the cleft in Obi-Wan's chin.

"I belong to y-you m-master." Obi-Wan whimpers as his master's hands pinch at his small nipples. He bites his lower lip, worry apparent on his sweet face.

"Good." Anakin smiles darkly. He holds up a thin metal chip and a flame torch. "Let there be NO mistaking to whom you belong." He begins heating the chip, holding it in the flame until it glows orange. Obi-Wan begins panting in fright, his chest rising and falling fast. His skin turns pale and cold sweat beads on his forehead. Anakin was going to burn him – he was going to Force brand him, tag him for life as his property. He would now be marked with Anakin's force signature. Marked as his slave.

"No, Anakin! Please NO! DON'T DO THIS! DON'T BURN ME! D-DON'T HURT OBI!" He sobs struggling against his bonds.

"You WILL call me MASTER!" Anakin roars, his eyes burning with rage. He backhands the smaller padawan across his cheek, sending his head cracking against the floor.

"Y-Yes Master." Obi-Wan sobs, his eyes wide with terror as Anakin holds up the now glowing chip. "M-Master don't h-hurt Obi ... p-please d-d-don't hurt Obi."

"SHUT UP." Anakin orders throwing a force lock on the squirming boy. Now immobilized, all Obi-Wan can do is follow his master with his terrified eyes.

"This WILL hurt little boy...Make no mistake." He grins wickedly tracing a finger at a spot low on Obi-Wan's flat abdomen. "Here...This beautiful spot is perfect for my Force signature." With a leering smile Anakin presses the molten chip to Obi-Wan's perfect skin, embedding it deeply.

Obi-Wan's scream is contained by Anakin's hand, which is clamped across his mouth. He sobs under the restraint, his body shaking with pain. He smells his flesh burning – melting under the chip.

"Ohhh, yes... Little boy, it's so beautiful..." Anakin sighs pressing harder.

Obi-Wan's eyes flutter shut as Anakin brands him again. His body contracts in shock and pain, all his control gone. He gags violently as nausea overcomes him. The pain was radiating through his small frame, burning so hot it was white cold. He moans a shamed sob as he loses control of his bladder.

"Bad boy... BAD!" Anakin scolds slapping his little slaves face. "Jedi have more CONTROL than this, Obi-Wan! JEDI do not PISS themselves!" He drives his point home, brutally pulling Obi-Wan up by his padawan braid. The braid that Qui-Gon braided and re-braided so lovingly throughout his life. He cries harder at the thought of his Qui-Gon. He would never be loved like that again.

He is hauled by his braid into the fresher – his hair feeling like it was being torn from his skull. "Clean yourself you pathetic little boy."

"Did you boys have a good sparring session?" Adi asks setting a plate in front of both boys. Her eyes set on little Kenobi who was uncharacteristically withdrawn. He was very pale and seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"Yes we did, Master." Anakin smiles digging into his meal with relish. Obi-Wan sits staring at the food, his mouth twitching.

"Young one?" Master Gallia presses a hand to his forehead gently. "Are you alright?" Her kindness almost undoes Obi-Wan and he must turn his head to keep from crying. She had no idea how much pain he was in, both mentally and physically.

"I-I'm fine Master." Obi-Wan says in a tiny voice. He cannot bring himself to even pretend to eat.

"You are not hungry, sweetheart?" Adi asks, her eyes examining him for clues to his distress. Anakin turns to the older padawan taking his slender wrist in his large hand. He squeezes, just hard enough to make the boy wince slightly.

"You will eat, Obi-Wan." He says in a near growl. He quickly forces a caring smile, his eyes flicking to Adi's puzzled face.

"Y-Yes Mas- Anakin." Obi-Wan blushes bowing his head. He picks up his fork and begins eating tentatively. Adi's brows knit in confusion. She had never seen the boys behave so oddly. They had to be shielding something – but what? They hadn't been out off her sight long enough to get into trouble.

"Does your face hurt, Obi-Wan?" Adi asks touching her fingers to a couple red bruises the boy had obtained during practice.

"No master, I am fine." The automatic, frightened answer came fluidly. Adi had no choice but to accept his words.

"Ani, why don't you tell me what you've gotten done on your bio project." Adi says, anxious to focus tension anyplace else but on poor Obi-Wan. She watches him discreetly as Anakin prattles on about his progress. Perhaps Qui-Gon had been right, the boys were a handful.

"Fetch my sleep pants, Obi-Wan." Anakin puts his hands on his hips watching through narrowed eyes as Obi-Wan hurries to deliver the pants to him. His head is bowed and his eyes are still filled with a deep shame that wasn't going to disappear anytime soon.

"Alright." Anakin nods at the floor. Obi-Wan obediently sinks onto his knees, keeping his head down and hands clasped in his lap. He dares not to look at Anakin changes, lest he enrages his master somehow. His hand strays under the waistband of his sleep pants, touching the oozing wound that throbs on his abdomen.

"Stop." Anakin snatches his wrist, pulling his hand up. "Do not touch. Haven't I told you not to touch?"

"N-no master." Obi-Wan says truthfully, his lower lip trembling.

"Then I am telling you now. Do NOT touch." He sits on his bed, picking up his book of the Code. Obi-Wan scoots dutifully towards him, kneeling with his body pressed against one of Anakin's long legs. He maintains his cowed pose, head bowed and hands clasped in his lap. He continues to kneel silently as Anakin reads.

"Boys? Oh-" Adi says stopping suddenly. Anakin is reading with Obi-Wan kneeling by his feet. The boy was positioned in what could only be described as a submissive pose. But why? What was going on? Their dynamics had suddenly changed leaving Adi with a distinct feeling of unease. Was Anakin manipulating the smaller boy somehow? The way Obi-Wan had unquestioningly obeyed Anakin at the dinner table and even afterwards Anakin discreetly ordered the padawan through washing the dishes with a command that wasn't innate. Were they involved somehow?

Did Qui-Gon neglect to mention..? Or perhaps he didn't know...She would have a discussion with their master this evening. Maybe she was blowing this whole thing out of proportion. After all, she did not know how the youths behaved towards one another at rest in their own quarters.

"Padawans." Adi says her hand resting on the top of Obi-Wan's head. "It is time for bed. Come, little one." She takes Obi-Wan by the hand, ignoring the sharp look Anakin fixes on the pale boy.

"There we go, padawan." She turns down his narrow bed, patting it gently. "Give me a kiss, sweetheart." She is momentarily stunned when he hurls himself into her arms. She automatically wraps her arms around the shaking little body, holding him tightly. He was distressed, that much was clear.

"Padawan," She whispers in his ear softly. "What is troubling you?"

"He's tired, Master." Anakin says nonchalantly as he turns down his own bed. "It's been a long day." He yawns settling under the covers.

"Padawan?" Master Gallia prods Obi-Wan gently.

"I am tired Master." Obi-Wan admits. "And I – I miss Qui-Gon."

"Ah, so that's it." She smiles, her pretty face relieved. "I was afraid you were ill."

"No, Master." Obi-Wan says closing his eyes.

"Don't worry, young one... You will see your master soon." She kisses his forehead.

"And you, padawan... I want no more stalling on the paper your mmaster requires from you." She smiles pressing a kiss to Anakin's brow. As she slides their door shut she hears silence, satisfied she retires to her room.

"Qui-Gon, I had hoped to hear from you last night." Adi says wearily.

"What's wrong Adi?" Qui-Gon's smooth voice is clear over the link. "Are the boys alright? I tried to reach out through the bond to them but they are shielding furiously."

"Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan has gotten in some serious trouble."

"What? Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon says in disbelief. His little padawan got into mischief, yes but serious trouble? That was more in Anakin's league.

"It seems he stole a considerable sum of money from the padawan fund." Adi says rubbing her temples. The little boy had almost been resigned to getting caught. No surprise just tears. Adi had tried to be stern with him but ended up allowing him to crawl into her lap. He was just so distraught.

To make matters worse she had heard Anakin berating him late in the night. The little padawan was sobbing and pleading, his words hard to understand through the walls. When Adi thought she heard a slap being delivered she went to their room immediately. She knocked twice before cracking the door open. Obi-Wan was lying on his bed on his stomach, his face buried in the comforter. He was crying. Anakin was standing over him, his hand hovering above the boy's bottom. He quickly lowered it to Obi-Wan's back, stroking soothingly.

"Obi-Wan!" Adi kneeled next to him, shooting a look at Anakin. "Sweetheart, are you alright?"

"He feels badly about the stupid stunt he pulled today, Master." Anakin said sharply. His words made the little padawan cry harder.

"Anakin! Please – go into the living room." She hisssed shooing him away.

"Little padawan..." Adi had soothed, pulling him onto her kknee. "Did Anakin hit you? Did he – I heard what sounded like a slap. Did he slap you?" He shook his head, sobbing into her shoulder. She soothed him best she could, waiting until his sobs turned to sniffles.

"My tummy hurts, Master." He had said clutching at his flat stomach. Adi had put a hand under his sleep pants, laying it flat against his abdomen. She had channeled all her healing power into the boy, soothing his pain. He eventually drooped against her, sleeping soundly. But long after both boys were sleeping she had remained awake, trying to imagine what was happening to the padawans.

"Impossible! Obi-Wan knows better than to steal." Qui-Gon's voice is rigid with anger.

"The credits were found on him, Qui-Gon."

"He knows better – there is no way he did this." Qui-Gon insists.

"Qui-Gon he admitted to it." Adi says sadly. "He insulted the guards who brought him to me – he almost drew his light saber on them Qui!" She pauses taking a deep breath.

"There's something else, Qui-Gon." She sighs. "There's something not right about the way the padawans are behaving with each other. It's almost as if Anakin is dominating the little one somehow."

"Dominating him? What do you mean?"

"I don't know, Qui-Gon it's probably nothing but it just seems that Anakin tells Obi-Wan exactly what to do and the little one – he is obeying."

"Adi- let me speak with my padawan." Qui-Gon says tensely. He hears Adi calling the boy and the shuffle of his hesitant walk as he approaches the commlink.


"Master..." Obi-Wan yelps.

"What happened, padawan? What is going on?"

"Master, I got caught stealing credits from the padawan fund." Not, the fact that he stole but the fact that he got caught.

"Stealing? Obi-Wan... Why would you do this? Why?" Qui-Gon's voice was grave and wrought with pain.

"Because I could, Master." Obi-Wan's voice turns cold, his anger emanating through the commlink. "What does it matter? The stupid fund got their money back."

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon barks. "You have violated the Jedi code – a code you KNOW like the back of your hand. How is it possible that you think stealing is ok? What about insulting your elders?"

"The code? All you can think about is the code? FUCK the code – Master!" He yells. Adi's eyes are wide with surprise. She had never heard the padawan speak to his master like that. She had the feeling the padawan was angry about more than the code. He wouldn't survive it unscathed.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon growls, his voice deadly. "You will remain in Master Gallia's quarters until tonight when I come home." He would go home tonight no matter what transpired at the afternoon meeting. He would work towards a final resolution but regardless, he would be back to deal with his padawan by sundown.

"Adi, I cannot thank you enough." Qui-Gon says squeezing her shoulder. "I know this has been more than you bargained for and I am very sorry."

"Qui-Gon, I love your boys as if they were my own padawans. It is no hardship." She says, her face pinched in concern. "Just please sort the little one out. He is going through something serious, this I can sense."

"Where are they, Adi?" Qui-Gon says his heart aching. "Obi-Wan has a punishment coming that I'd rather not put off, for his sake."

"For his sake, of course." Adi smiles teasingly.

"Master! Master!" Obi-Wan forgets himself momentarily running through the dining hall straight into his master's big arms. He latches on, inhaling the tall man's scent. "Master – I mmissed you so much... I missed you." He glances over his shoulder, cowering when he sees Anakin behind him.

"Master, welcome back." Anakin says warmly. He grins as Qui-Gon strokes his head. "I am so glad you are back."

"Padawans, I have missed you both as well." Qui-Gon says allowing his little one to hold onto him tightly.

"Master are you going to have dinner with us?" Anakin asks gesturing to the tray he had set down.

"Ani, you sit down and finish your dinner." Qui-Gon says gently. "I need to speak to Obi-Wan back at our quarters." Obi-Wan tenses in his arms and Qui-Gon strokes his back reassuringly. He was going to punish his little one but he wasn't a monster. Obi-Wan didn't need to fear him so much. It was the council he was concerned about. They had told Qui-Gon in no uncertain terms that his padawan would have to appear before them for punishment and evaluation. They would make their decision as to what to do with the little boy after they assessed him.

"Come, little one." Qui-Gon says herding the little padawan along.

"Obi-Wan, take off your cloak and come here." Qui-Gon says trying to forget the child's disrespect the last time they spoke. The boy kneels in front of his master, his face bowed.

"Padawan, we need to discuss your breach of the code." Qui-Gon says tilting the child's chin up. "I have spoken to Master Brea and she has told me that you never bothered to deny what you did. You not only stole the money outright but you did so blatantly almost ensuring you would get caught."

"I was careless." Obi-Wan says defiantly. "I didn't think, obviously."

"Obi-Wan! Do you honestly think the only problem is that you got caught? After all that you've been taught? All that you've been shown about the ways of the universe? What in the world did you need the credits for padawan?"

"It doesn't matter – I did it and now the council will punish me – perhaps even dispel me." Obi-Wan says his face a sneer. It was so un-Obi-Wan that Qui-Gon had to stop for a moment. There was something wrong.

"But first I will punish you, Obi-Wan." He says softly. He commands his padawan to stand using only his eyes. The boy moves stiffly, pain evident in his bruised face.

"Pants down, over my knee." He orders stonily. How was it possibly that this was the same padawan he had been kissing only days ago? The now angry defiant young man standing before him had nothing left of his tenderhearted padawan. What had happened? He waits as Obi-Wan angrily pulls his pants to his knees, awkwardly splaying himself over his master's lap.

"You must know why you are being spanked." Qui-Gon says closing his eyes as he delivers the first slap. He cannot bring himself to look at the boy just yet.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO! Master – s-top.. STOP! I HURT- OBI H-HURTTS!" His voice is a blood curdling scream shocking Qui-Gon into halting mid-spank. He looks down at the boy's rear suddenly and feels his heart stop.

"Padawan? Padawan..." Qui-Gon whispers, unable to breeathe. Obi-Wan's perfect little buttocks were marred with a huge purple blood blister – it looked like he had been pinched...Brutally. His eyes examine further to find bite marks on the inside of the boy's thighs and bruises on his slender back.

"What happened to you? Who did this?" He hisses peering closer at Obi-Wan's bottom. Dried blood – there was dried blood in the cleft of his little ass. Qui-Gon's stomach turns and he fears he is about to be sick. He forces calm and gently spreads the trembling boy's cheeks.

"Sith-! Obi-Wan... What – WHO?" He chokes bacback a sob as he surveys the damage to his beloved padawan. "Obi-Wan WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" He yells startling the poor boy. He pulls him off his lap, standing him on his feet abruptly. Wordlessly he removes every last piece of clothing from the padawan's shaking body.

" what happened to you?" He cries as he traces aa finger over a horrid bite mark on the silky neck. "Baby please ... just tell me who?" He stops, his fingers hovering above a blistered raised wound low on his padawan's abdomen. His mouth drops open as he realizes just what it was... Obi-Wan had been embedded with a Force stamp. Qui-Gon now knew who had raped and beaten Obi-Wan.

"Anakin..." He gasps in disbelief. "His Force signature –"

"Master don't... You can't tell." Obi-Wan begs, his little face consumed by fear. "It was – it was my f-f-fault." Qui-Gon steels himself, taking his padawan's wrists in his hands.

"How could it be your fault? How, padawan? You tell me how being taken against your will could ever be your fault!" Qui-Gon asks his voice icy. Obi-Wan bites his lower lip until it bleeds, his body trembling. He stares at Qui-Gon with gray eyes full of doubt. His master had left him alone – alone to be brutalized.

"I don't know – I-"

"Tell me right now!" Qui-Gon demands bracing himself against the side table. His hand lands on a stack of holo-cards, knocking them to the floor. Qui-Gon turns to look as they lazily float to the carpet. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was on each and every one. They were pictures. He releases his padawan to pick them up.

"Oh – Master nooo. Don't – don't look" Obi-bi-Wan yelps trying to snatch the photos from his hands.

"KNEEL." Qui-Gon's voice possesses an anger that normally does not inhabit him. His mortified little padawan sinks to his knees, carefully resting his injured bottom on his heels. He covers his eyes, unable to watch as Qui-Gon views his degradation.

"Obi..." Qui-Gon's voice is choked with pain as he stares in disbelief at the images of his formerly innocent padawan trussed and spread for the camera. A finger penetrates the crying boy, showing the extent of the damage done to Obi-Wan's anus. His hands bound tightly behind his back, his rear propped in the air the next picture captures the humiliation on Obi-Wan's face. The tears of shame that streak his honeyed cheeks.

"Where did these come from?" Qui-Gon whispers, holding his head in his hands. "Where?"

"He took them." Obi-Wan cries.

"Who?" Qui-Gon asks feeling his stomach turn as he flips to a shot of his little one lying wantonly on his back, his knees spread wide. His face showed his distress, his sheer wish that he were dead and gone. The knowledge lodges itself in Qui-Gon's soul and he knows he will never forgive himself. His padawan would have chosen death over the debasement he had suffered while Qui-Gon was off on his mission. He had failed his padawans. Both of them.

"My m-m-master." Obi-Wan stammers hesitantly, his mind now a confused jumble of events.

"Your master? I'm your master – I didn't – I nevnever..." Qui-Gon is at a complete loss for words. How could his padawan think for a moment that he took these perverse pictures?

"Yes, his Master." Anakin's voice sends a chill through Qui-Gon's body. He hadn't been prepared to deal with his younger padawan so soon.

"I am his master." Qui-Gon says standing. He eyes his padawan, scanning him for signs of distress or disturbances.

"Not anymore." Anakin says smiling evilly. "It is I who now masters him." He snaps his head at Obi-Wan, his eyes beckoning him. Obi-Wan whimpers, automatically scooting to kneel at Anakin's feet.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon hisses. "You have one master and that is me. You will listen to me only, now heel to my feet. NOW." He yells aware that he has lost his Jedi calm but the sight of his little one kneeling subserviently at Anakin's feet was the last straw. He waits while Obi-Wan crawls to him, kneeling obediently. He looks up at his master as if he were a true slave who was about to be beaten. Qui-Gon's heart lurches... What was he doing? He bends over, lifting the shaking padawan up into his arms. He envelopes the boy in his cloak, shielding him from Anakin's leering eyes.

"We could send him back and forth between us all night if it is what you wish." Anakin says his eyes now fixed coldly on his master. "But it will not change who has truly mastered him ... who possessed him. You have always wanted to know what it felt like to be inside that cute little body, haven't you? I know you have Master... I've seen it in your eyes..."

"Shut up." Qui-Gon snaps pressing a large hand to Obi-Wan's ear, hoping to block out Anakin's hurtful words. "You will pay for this Anakin – Why? Why did you do this? What reason would you have to do this?" He hisses, his heart twisting when he realizes there was nothing left of his former padawan. Something had happened to Anakin. He was gone.

"You should ask Obi-Wan, Master." He spits the word, his face locked in a mocking glare. "Ask him what he was doing that provoked me to take him.. Because he is a tease, you know- he practically begged me to fuck him because YOU wouldn't."

"Anakin-" Qui-Gon shakes his head pressing his hand tightly to Obi-Wan's exposed ear.

"He's a whore, Master." Anakin says easily. "A horny little slut who couldn't wait to be fucked - He's no Jedi! Look at him. He's a vessel to be used and kept for amusement!"

"Shut your MOUTH." Qui-Gon orders in a dangerous voice. He shifts his hand to support his padawan's bottom, feeling him flinch as he does so.

"Ask him then, Master. Ask him why he was naked masturbating on top of your cloak – in your bed. He wanted it –was begging for it. He was acting like the little slut that he truly is."

"Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon's voice is a question as he tilts his padawan's red face away from his chest. The devastating shame he sees there is enough for him to know... Anakin had caught his little one pleasuring himself. The fact that his padawan had used his cloak to feel closer to him only made Qui-Gon ache more. "Oh baby... don't..." He whispers as his little one dissolves into sobs of despair.

"He may as well be a female pleasure slave for all the worth he is to us as Jedi..." Anakin's dark eyes sparkle with a dark plan that he only hints at. "I will allow you to keep him, Master as long as it doesn't interfere with our joining."

Qui-Gon stays silent, his arms now rocking the crying little bundle. His love for his little one had never been this strong. Qui-Gon can feel it bubbling up inside of him, threatening to take over his every emotion. It was potentially dangerous – this overwhelming need to protect. He felt capable of something he wasn't supposed to be capable of. Murder driven by passion. The murder of his padawan.

"You feel the darkness in you...It frightens you does it? Darkness leads to power." He pauses savoring the look of shock on his usually unflappable master's face. "Think about it Qui-Gon... We two are the strongest in the Order – our powers limitless. You know of my powers... You know I am stronger than any other. Together we caan form a union so powerful no one will be able to stop us."

"You are deluded my young padawan." Qui-Gon says swallowing his shock. "Jedi do not rape.. Jedi do not hurt someone who is at a disadvantage. Jedi do NOT brand micro-chips bearing their Force signatures into the skin of their conquests."

"He needed taming, Master." Anakin says his face wryly amused. "You've seen it yourself. My chip serves to remind him who tamed him... Who his true master is."

"I am his true MASTER." Qui-Gon growls patting his little one's bottom soothingly. He knows Obi-Wan can feel his anger and was absorbing it like a lunar sponge. "Me and nobody else." He is painfully aware of the possessiveness creeping into his voice.

"He knows to whom he belongs." Anakin says quietly. "He knows who had the force to claim him first."

"Claim him? You raped him and scarred his helpless body. You stole his innocence." Qui-Gon hisses. "You have violated every part of the Jedi code."

"I will rewrite the code." Anakin says arrogantly. "You and I master – we will do it together. You have wasted your energies letting this little slut tease you. You have allowed him to cloud your vision from seeing who you really should be joined with." His burning eyes find Qui-Gon, beaming his desire to his master.

"You overlooked me, my master. Over and over again." He breathes. "Always turning to the helpless little whore who's only concern is what is between his legs. You never saw what was right in front of you – in me. I am your destiny my master. IIt is a directive sent down from the highest Order that we be together."

Anakin wanted to take over the universe. He wanted his master for himself to rule with him, to join with him. He had been warned of a syndrome such as this taking over his apprentice. The extraordinary flood of midichlorians flooding his system at adolescence. The amount in the boy's bloodstream was unprecedented. Nobody knew how he would react when the full brunt of it hit him.

But this violence... This savagery he had imposed on Obi-Wan. It had to be more than the midichlorians. Even more than the raw jealousy he felt for Obi-Wan. His younger padawan was headstrong and arrogant but he was not, by nature a vicious person.

"You are not that strong." Qui-Gon says closing his eyes. He gathers his strength and immobilizes his unsuspecting padawan in a force lock. He feels Anakin struggling to counter act the lock. It takes all of his will to keep the boy immobilized. His eyes fixed on Anakin's face, twisted with his thwarted plea for his master's allegiance. He was fighting the lock with all his might but his master had learned far more that was of importance than midichlorians could give. He had learned control. Salvaging his padawans was something he had to try and do. He had to summon the healers. For the sake of both of his padawans.

"Master?" Obi-Wan's voice was hoarse from crying. He was enduring an alarming amount of poking and prodding from the healers. Qui-Gon had steadfastly refused to leave his side. The padawan needed his master now more than ever before. He truly seemed to believe that he was at fault for Anakin's actions. He believed that he was a whore. Anakin had played on that – played on the boy's guilt for desiring his master's touch. Qui-Gon should have to him about it in more depth before he had to leave. He should have demanded the time. He had instead, left Obi-Wan out there like an open wound throbbing with guilt and desire.

"Padawan?" Qui-Gon puts a large hand on his sweaty brow. His padawan was again, suffering the indignity of lying bare with his bottom raised. His little face reflected the extent of his suffering. His whole body was now flushed a deep red and he was fighting against the intrusion of the healer's fingers.

"Master I cannot do this. I cannot go through this again. Not again!" He yelps, hissing tearfully as the healer probes him deeper. "Please stop make it stop. Make it stop master!"

"Little one, you are being cared for by the healer. This isn't at all the same –" He stops as the healer is tossed effortlessly backwards. She tumbles to the floor, her face stunned.

"Obi-Wan!" The healer admonishes brushing herself off. "This isn't going to solve anything!"

"I didn't – it wasn't me." Obi-Wan looks shyly at his master. "Master?"

"Anakin." Qui-Gon groans slamming his own shields up around Obi-Wan. Anakin had penetrated Obi-Wan's weak shields. He had heard the plea and answered it as Obi-Wan's master. This had to stop. They couldn't go on pulling Obi-Wan between them like a rag doll. He was Obi-Wan's only master regardless of the delusions his younger padawan had.

"Wider, young one." The healer nudges his trembling thighs apart, gently beginning her examination once again. Qui-Gon sighs clutching his padawan's hand. The length of this night kept growing.

"I wanted you so bad, my master and I missed you. I couldn't help it.. I just wanted to be closer to you." Obi-Wan stammers through his unnecessary explanation, his face burning with shame. He sits up carefully, testing the pain on his bottom. "I told you I was naked, I just didn't say where."

Qui-Gon smiles slowly, his little padawan looked so tiny propped up on his master's big bed. Qui-Gon had demanded that he be allowed to take his little one home and care for him himself. Obi-Wan squirms under his master's gaze, his embarrassment exquisite. Qui-Gon takes a deep breath, picturing the scene that Anakin had walked in on... How he wished it were him that had caught Obi-Wan and not his padawan.

"The fact that you were pleasuring yourself on my bed while atop of my cloak brings me to my knees with arousal, little one." He says laying a big hand on top of Obi-Wan's chest. "It's what happened on this bed afterwards that pains me."

"I'm sorry master."

"You have nothing to be sorry for!" Qui-Gon says sharply. He sees the pain flood his little one's gray eyes and he feels regret instantly.

"I stole, I broke the code." Obi-Wan says bowing his head. His tears spill down his cheeks at an alarming rate. Qui-Gon sits next to him, using his thumb to smooth away the tears.

"I wanted the council to cast me out of the Order, Master."

"Why? Why would you ever want that?" Qui-Gon whispers enveloping his small hand in his large one.

"So I wouldn't have to see the pain and disappointment on your face. I am used... A whore to be used over and over. Tortured until I could take it no more and threw myself off the temple rooftop. I told you I saw pain and blood... I was just wrong about whose blood and pain it would be." His face is wise with anguish as if he could see his fate clearly.

"Obi-Wan you have misjudged me." Qui-Gon says gently. "You forgot that my love for you is stronger than anything in this universe. Stronger than Anakin...Stronger than distance and much stronger than any code." His eyes are awash with tenderness and he floods their bond with his emotions. Obi-Wan gasps as the vibrations flow through him.

/I want to be claimed by you./

/You will be, a'shera. You will be.../ Qui-Gon tips his padawan's face up, kissing his waiting mouth. /You will never again forget who your true master is./

"Master – I am sorry about that. Anakin he-" He stoops, ashamed of his weakness.

"He dominated you."

"Yes, he overpowered me." He says rubbing the raised wound on his abdomen. "I have the scars to prove it."

"Yes," Qui-Gon says huskily. "We will need to fix that." He pulls the waist band of Obi-Wan's sleep pants down to his thighs. His fingers lightly tracing the raised letters, he meets his padawan's heated gaze.

"Master? What will happen to Ani?" He sees his master wince at the nickname. Brutal the pain of losing Anakin was to both of them.

"He will remain in the occupational rehabilitation ward for treatment and evaluation." Qui-Gon's eyes cloud with pain. He had been to see his youngest apprentice three times already and only once did the mind healers let him in. It had been a traumatic visit – more so for Qui-Gon than Anakin. The boy didn't regisster his presence. He was wrapped up in communications with another plane of his own mind. His dark eyes fighting with an unseen opponent. The healers only knew a dark force suggestion had been sent to the boy but they knew not from where. The objective now was to find out if it could be removed and if Anakin could be salvaged to the Jedi.

Qui-Gon had sat holding the boy's limp hands, channeling his healing to him. He had met a mind vast and open with no peaks or valleys. Just flat desolate plains. Anakin wasn't there. It had taken every last bit of Qui-Gon's strength to leave that day and the only reason he had the strength to do so was because he knew his little one needed him. After he left, Anakin had flown into a rage so intense that he had to be forcibly restrained and sedated. The healers had told him that he couldn't enter the boy's room until he stabilized. It had left Qui-Gon with a feeling of such utter failure and despair that he had no where to channel it. Or so he thought.

Obi-Wan's gray eyes regard him with limitless trust and adoration. Qui-Gon leans over blowing softly on the wound. He kisses it ever so gently, allowing his lips to linger on the raised skin.

"I want very much to fix this Force signature for you." He says, his mouth dry. His heart is beating in throat. He was Obi-Wan's master. He was Obi-Wan's future bond mate. He alone. Forcing a calm he didn't feel, he takes a deep breath and looks steadily at his apprentice. He was about to do something that would bind the two of them together –

"Irrevocably." Obi-Wan finishes his thought for him, a soft smile on his lips. He sighs lying back, his posture relaxed. "Please, Master."

Qui-Gon looks at him one last time before unclipping his lightsaber from his belt. He passes his hand over the low spot on his padawan's abdomen, making the skin a pool of softness. Then he ignites his saber aiding himself with the force.

"Padawan?" He whispers, his blade hovering above Obi-Wan's sweet body.

"Master, please." Obi-Wan begs, his eyes fixed on his master's face as he lowers his blade to his tender skin. Obi-Wan yelps, biting his lower lip to keep from crying out again. His master moves the glowing blade across his skin skillfully as if he had done this a thousand times.

"I am done, padawan." Qui-Gon says bidding his little one to look. Obi-Wan looks down, his breath stolen from him. The chip now glowed with the warmth of Qui-Gon's own Force signature, now obliterating any trace of Anakin's ownership. He was marked as his master's now.

"Thank you, Master." Obi-Wan breathes, his eyes welling in tears. Qui-Gon cocks his head back, studying his work.

"You are so beautiful... So, so beautiful." Qui-Gon says inn awe. His hand strokes his padawan's now erect penis. "So needy, aren't you?"

"I only need you, my master." Obi-Wan says holding his breath as his master's mouth sucks him in. He groans, his head thrown back in ecstasy as Qui-Gon takes him deeper. His tongue caresses the length of his shaft, lips tightening around him. He raises his hips, his masters hand supporting him. His rhythm quickens and he knows that he will not last much longer.

"Oh- OH..." He gasps, feeling Qui-Gon's eyes on him. He feels his body lighting up from the inside, a glow strong within him. He is warm – intensely so and as his orgasm hits it almost sees as though a glow were sparking off of him.

"Master!" He yells as he comes down Qui-Gon's throat. Qui-Gon's hands grip his hips, rubbing his skin gently.

"Your skin..." Qui-Gon whispers. "You're gorgeouus." He had been levitating. Obi-Wan laughs giddily as he realizes what had taken place.

"Padawan, are you alright?"

"I'm more than alright, Master..." Obi-Wan giggles noting tthe smug look on his master's face. Oh, well he had the right to be smug. After all it isn't every day that you made your padawan ignite from an orgasm.

"Master, if that is what you can do to me with just your mouth... Can you imagine?" He trails off, his eyes eager. Qui-Gon closes his eyes, his breath catching in his chest.

"I can't, my love." Qui-Gon smiles kissing him sweetly. "We have plenty of time to find out though..."
