The Mask of Evil

by Tristain VanDial

Archive: Yes


Rating: NC17 (Sex between two men)

Spoilers: None

Summary: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon consumate their relationship. Darth Maul plots to kill them.

Diclaimers: The characters of Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, etc, belong to George Lucas. No copyright infringement is intended. The story is mine, however.

The Mask of Evil

Chapter One -- "Revelation"

Florian looked at the stranger sitting alone at the far table. Something within her wouldn't allow her to take her eyes off the man. No matter where she was in the room, and no matter whom she was waiting on, his eyes always seemed to find her and hold her captive. Her skin began to crawl as if hundreds of Mavovian fire stingers were covering her body, their claw like pinchers pricking her unrelentingly.

"Watch it, you lummox!" shouted an irate patron whom she had just doused with the contents of a pitcher of ale.

"A thousand pardons," Florian muttered as she hastened to dry off the Vordan. Vordans were known for their nasty dispositions, and this one looked particularly unfriendly to her.

Extending one of its tentacles in her direction, the Vordan quickly wrapped it around Florian's neck, effectively blocking her air passage.

Gasping for breath, the hapless woman began to whimper. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the shadowy figure rise from his chair and make his way towards her. As unconsciousness began to wash over her, her attention was grabbed by a brilliant reddish light. A hum pierced the air, and the stench of cauterized flesh filled her nostrils. As the Vordan's tentacle released her, she sucked in air in great gulps. Looking at the Vordan, she clamped a hand over her mouth. Lying in two pieces on the floor, the Vordan's body looked to have been surgically halved. Entrails, oozing the black blood of his species, lay coiled around the dead creature. Florian felt the contents of her stomach rising into the back of her throat.

"Detestable creature," the figure said as it made its way back to its table.

Fighting the urge to regurgitate, Florian stumbled after the man. As she neared him, he turned and faced her. Eyes the color of the setting sun looked back at her. Lifting her hand towards the man's head, she removed the hood. As the material slid off hiss head, Florian looked on in astonishment. In all her journeys to the planets of the outer rim, she had never seen a creature such as this. Horns grew from his head, and his face was mottled in shades of red, outlined in black.

"What are you?" she asked.

"Chaos," answered the man as he tugged the hood back into place.

Obi-Wan looked out of the window portal of the star ship into the inky blackness of deep space. The pale light from millions of stars shone into his eyes. A sense of awe permeated his every thought as he allowed his gaze to take in the vastness of the universe.

Fingers raked through his hair. "Looking out into that magnificence gives you a feeling of humility, doesn't it Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon said as he pressed his body up tightly against the younger man's.

"A sense of wonderment," replied Obi-Wan, allowing his body to lean into his lover's.

Time seemed to stop as both Jedi looked out into the velvet tapestry of the cosmos. Obi-Wan broke the mood by turning and kissing the older Jedi.

"Ah Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon sighed into the younger man's ear. "To be here with you in my arms has given me a new appreciation for the mystery of life."

The young Jedi felt his lover's heart beating against his own. A feeling of completeness filled Obi-Wan that served to heighten his senses where the other man was concerned. It was as if the link that they already shared by virtue of being Jedi, had been intensified ten times over. The younger man tightened his arms around Qui-Gon and rested his head on the taller man's chest.

"Obi-Wan, when we arrive at the Jedi Temple, there will be many questions for us. Master Yoda will ask about the wisdom of our bonding. What will you say?"

Lifting his head in order for him to gaze into the older man's eyes, Obi-Wan answered, "We have always been as one. Before time was, you and I were destined to be. I've always known it, and so have you, Qui-Gon." Then taking the older Jedi's hand, he placed it over his heart. Placing his own on Qui-Gon's, he continued, "Feel, they beat as one. As for Master Yoda, he will understand. How can he not when he can see that we are one."

Qui-Gon brushed his lips across the younger man's forehead, "With that oneness comes a price, my love. Pray to the Force that neither one of us will ever have to pay it."

The cabin's communicator beeped to life, "A thousand pardons, Master Jedi, but we've received an urgent message from the authorities on the planet Denavor IV. It seems that a Jedi has killed a patron in a local bar . . ."

Interrupting, Qui-Gon asked, "Jedi, are they sure?"

"From the description, I'd say yes," the voice hummed through the device.

"Description?" Obi-Wan asked.

"An eye witness said that she saw the Jedi's light saber. She also gave a description . . ."

"Go on," Qui-Gon said as he released Obi-Wan from his embrace.

"Odd description," Obi-Wan said after the communicator fell silent. "I don't remember ever hearing a description of a Jedi with red mottled skin."

Qui-Gon stood quietly. As he was about to speak, he felt darkness touch him. "Obi-Wan did you . . ."

". . . What was that?" the young Jedi asked. "It felt as if the Force had suddenly lost its light."

A look of concern spread across Qui-Gon's face. "I fear that was the Darkside."

"Darkside, but how?"

"I think it best if we go to Denavor IV and find out for ourselves what happened," Qui-Gon said, his hands clenched into fists.

"But what about Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked.

"He and the Jedi Council will have to wait. I'll send them a message informing them of our plans." Then allowing his mouth to form a smile, the older Jedi added, "Besides, there is little hope of their dissuading me from being your bonded."

"Try no chance," Obi-Wan quickly augmented.

Placing a finger on the glowing touch pad of the communicator, Qui-Gon began to speak. "Captain, change course for Denavor IV. How long before we get there?"

"Three days, Master Jedi," came the captain's reply.

Removing his finger from the device, it fell silent. Looking over at his lover, Qui-Gon arched his eyebrows. "Three days. Whatever shall we do to keep ourselves entertained for three days?"

Obi-Wan pursed his lips momentarily, "I believe I have some ideas." Walking over to a small chest, he opened it. With a smile, he removed two vials that were filled with amber liquid, holding them up for Qui-Gon to see.

"I see," Qui-Gon said with a knowing look.

"Somehow, I knew these oils would come in handy one day," Obi-Wan said. Then walking over to the bedside table, he put them down. Turning to face the older Jedi, he loosened his tunic's bindings and removed it, exposing his nude body.

Qui-Gon sucked in his breath as he stared at the naked body of his lover in front of him. Quickly, his own clothing lay crumpled on the floor.

"These oils are supposed to make one's body more responsive to lovemaking. Shall we give them a try?" Obi-Wan asked, casting a longing look at Qui-Gon.

"Indeed, I think we should," Qui-Gon replied as he crossed over to the young Jedi. "One must always be in pursuit of knowledge," he added guiding his lover to the bed.

"Master, they are on their way," Darth Maul said to the shimmering holograph before him.

"Good, my apprentice. When they arrive, I want you to kill them both."

Bowing, Darth Maul replied, "It shall be as you command."

Obi-Wan reached over and picked up one of the crystal vials. As he uncorked one of the small containers, an exotic scent filled the room. The amber liquid within the tube sparkled like fine crystalline dust. Turning the vial downward, he allowed the thick liquid to drop onto the palm of his left hand. Where it landed, the skin began to tingle. Putting the container down, he rubbed his hands together, coating both with the yellowish fluid.

"And now, my love, allow me to massage you," the young Jedi said as he straddled the older man's body. Starting in the center of Qui-Gon's chest, Obi-Wan began to work the oil outward with sensuous strokes.

Allowing a soft moan of pleasure to escape from his lips, Qui-Gon closed his eyes, and allowed the sensation of the younger man's hands gliding over his naked body to drive him to new heights of pleasure. "I think you've had practice at this."

Obi-Wan lowered his mouth to the older Jedi's ear. "The only experience I have had is in my dreams." His hands made their way down Qui-Gon's stomach, and soon they were holding the fully erect manhood of the older man. Gently, Obi-Wan began to coat his lover's shaft with the fragrant oil. Where the amber liquid touched, a warm feeling of ecstasy remained behind.

"Obi-Wan," the older man whispered as he strained to keep from reaching climax, "allow me to pleasure you also."

The younger man picked up the vial and handed it to Qui-Gon. Soon, the older Jedi was massaging the body of Obi-Wan. Reaching down to the younger man's groin, Qui-Gon began to roll Obi-Wan's testicles in-between his fingers. Obi-Wan let out a whimper of rapture. Bending over the body of his lover, Qui-Gon began to kiss the length of Obi-Wan's body. As he neared the throbbing organ of his lover, he noticed how the clear liquid that leaked from its tip had pooled on the young man's abdomen. With his tongue, the older Jedi lapped it up. Then he took the tip of the younger man's penis into his mouth.

Obi-Wan arched his hips upward as the warm mouth of Qui-Gon engulfed him. Using his tongue to massage his young lover's organ, Qui-Gon continued to pleasure his mate.

"Arghhhhhhhh!" Obi-Wan shouted as he reached orgasm.

Qui-Gon felt the hot liquid erupting from his lover's shaft. It filled his mouth and he greedily swallowed it. He kept the younger man's organ prisoner in his mouth until it was completely flaccid.

"Qui-Gon, it is now my turn to pleasure you," Obi-Wan said as he raised himself from the bed. Pushing the older man down, he took Qui-Gon's shaft in his hand and began to stroke it. "I've got a different strategy for you," he grinned mischievously.

"And that would be?" the older Jedi asked.

Obi-Wan poured more of the amber oil into his hand and began to coat Qui-Gon's already hard erection. Then he reached in-between his own legs and began to coat his tight opening. Positioning himself over the older man's shaft, he guided it to his waiting hole. Slowly, he forced the tip of his lover's penis through the tight opening. As he felt it enter, Obi-Wan shivered.

Qui-Gon arched his hips upward as he felt his shaft entering Obi-Wan's body. As the tip of his cock slid in deeper, the older man thought he would burst. Soon, the young Jedi had buried Qui-Gon's erection fully inside of himself. Then, he began to raise his body upward. Just before the older man's cockhead could slip out, he lowered his body again. Soon both men had developed a rhythm. Each time Obi-Wan impaled himself on Qui-Gon, the older man would thrust upwards.

"Obi-Wan . . ."

"Yes, my love."

"I . . ." Qui-Gon began and stopped as he spewed his seed deep within the younger man.

Obi-Wan could feel his lover's organ pulsating deep within, and smiled.

Later as both men lay entwined in each other's arms, Qui-Gon said, "That oil is worth its weight in Republic Credits."

Obi-Wan nuzzled the older man's neck. "I have more, my love. Lots more."

The hooded figure watched as the space transport landed. Years of training made him reach for his light saber. "Soon, Jedi," he said, his voice laced with hatred.

As the two Jedi stepped out into the bright light of Denavor IV, they were momentarily blinded by the brilliance. The intensity of the light from the planet's twin suns took a lot of getting used to, especially when one had been in the confines of a starship for days. Suppressing the urge to sneeze, Obi-Wan closed his eyes momentarily.

"Too much light?" Qui-Gon asked amused. Then he added in a whisper so that only the young Jedi could hear, "If you hadn't spent so much time in bed, maybe . . ."

Not letting Qui-Gon finish, Obi-Wan replied softly, "Maybe I should spend more time in bed. What do you say to that?"

The older Jedi was about to reply when a contingent of droids and locals approached them.

"Master Jedis, welcome to Denavor IV. We are at your service," said a humanoid. "Let me introduce myself to you, I am Sez'al, chief security officer, of Denavor IV."

Both Jedi bowed. "I am Qui-Gon and this is Obi-Wan. Sez'al why have we been summoned?"

"We fear that a rogue Jedi has chosen our little planet to inhabit, master Jedi," Sez'al answered, his pale blue skin shining in the intense light.

"And what makes you think a Jedi is here?" Obi-Wan interjected.

"Who else uses a light saber?"

As Qui-Gon was about to ask another question, a disturbance in the Force caused him to hesitate. Turning to Obi-Wan, he asked, "Did you feel that?"

"Yes, something black and dangerous," the young Jedi replied, as instinct made him clutch his light saber.

"The Dark Side feels strong here," Qui-Gon said, every muscle of his body beginning to tense. Turning to Sez'al, he said, "Please, take us to the person that saw this Jedi."

"Of course, follow me," the constable said.

As the two Jedi followed Sez'al and the others, a pair of eyes watched them intently.

"They are here, Master," Darth Maul said into his communicator.

"Finally, the moment I have trained you for has arrived. You must act quickly. Kill the elder Jedi first. The younger one will be disoriented when his master is no more; that will allow you to end his life as well. You'll get only one chance, Darth Maul," the voice threatened.

"I live to serve only you, Master. Failure is not an option."

"Make sure it isn't. You'll get only one chance at these Jedi. Reveal yourself to them, and before they can react, end their miserable existences."

"I will make it so, my Master."

The communicator fell silent. Darth Maul began to make his way towards the Jedi, his face a mask of pure loathing.

The entourage stopped at the entrance to a public house. Sez'al pushed the door open and stepped to one side. Qui-Gon entered first, followed by Obi-Wan. Once inside, it took a full minute for their eyes to readjust to the dim light they suddenly found themselves in.

"This is where it happened," Sez'al said as he joined them. "And over there is the woman who claims to have seen the Jedi," he added pointing out Florian.

Quin-Gon crossed the room and soon stood in front of the old woman. "Tell me what it is you saw," he said.

Fear filled Florian. Backing away from the Qui-Gon, she did her best to put distance between them. With a slight wave of his hand, the Jedi manipulated the Force in such a way, that Florian was filled with peace.

"You're a Jedi too?" she asked.

"Yes," Qui-Gon answered. "So is Obi-Wan," he added, gesturing towards the young man. "We mean you no harm."

"I know," Florian said. "The other Jedi felt different. Hatred, yes that was it--hatred, is what I sensed coming from him. He only saved my life to insure your coming here."

Arching an eyebrow, Qui-Gon asked, "How do you know this?"

"I've always been able to pick up on things that others can't. I was told by a Betfora, that I have the ability to sense feelings. I think he called it empathy," she answered. Continuing, she offered, "He want's you dead."

"And you're sure of this?" the older Jedi asked already suspecting the answer.

"Yes, both you and other Jedi," she added, turning her gaze towards Obi-Wan.

"Why are you so certain that he is a Jedi?" Qui-Gon queried.

"Because the Force, the dark Force fills him."

The door to the tavern slammed open allowing the bright light of the outside to invade the interior. A hooded figure stood outlined in the entrance.

"Leave!" Qui-Gon shouted as he reached for his light saber.

At the same moment, Obi-Wan, feeling the presence of evil, did likewise. Amid shouts of panic, the patrons quickly sought cover wherever they could find it.

"Sith Lord," Qui-Gon said to Obi-Wan.

The younger Jedi had heard of the Sith, but they were extinct. The Jedi council had ended their reign of terror a millennia ago. "Surely, you are mistaken."

"No," Qui-Gon replied, the hum of his light saber cutting through the heavy blanket of silence that seemed to cover everything.

Darth Maul took a step into the tavern. Looking first at the younger Jedi and then the older one, he bowed. "Which of you is to die first?" he asked.

"Neither one of us," Qui-Gon answered as he lunged for the Sith.

As their light sabers contacted one another, sparks and acrid smoke tore through the air. Obi-Wan joined the fray. Even against two Jedi, the strength of the Sith was tremendous. He had been trained well in the Jedi arts.

With a slight turn of his body, Darth Maul catapulted over the two Jedi and landed behind them. Bringing his weapon down, he grazed the shoulder of Obi-Wan.

A groan of pain erupted from the younger Jedi. Before Darth Maul could strike again, Qui-Gon brought his light saber down with a resounding crash, effectively blocking the Sith Lord's blow. The force of the older Jedi's attack caused Darth Maul to fall backwards.

Seizing the initiative, Obi-Wan raced forwards. Raising his saber into the air, he brought it down towards the Sith Lord. Darth Maul pulled a table in front of him just as Obi-Wan's light saber stuck, sending pieces of the table flying around the room.

Having deflected the blow, Darth Maul leaped to his feet and continued his attack. Lunging for the young Jedi, he roared in pain as Qui-Gon's light saber sliced through his left arm, severing it at the elbow. As the mangled piece of arm fell to the floor, Darth Maul raced out the door and into the crowd outside. Both Jedi followed the Sith Lord, but as they made their way outside, no trace of the rogue Jedi could be found.

"Where did he go?" Obi-Wan asked panting.

"I'm not sure," the older Jedi answered. "But rest assured, he'll be back."

"Master, I will make them pay for what they did to me," Darth Maul vowed, as the medic drones attached the prosthesis on the remaining stump of his arm.

"You have failed me, Darth Maul," the emotionless voice of the Sith Master said. "Fail me again, and you'll pay with your life."

"I will not fail you again, Master."

"Make sure you don't," the dark Lord replied. "I will not tolerate weakness."

Watching the holographic image of his master fading from sight, Darth Maul winced as the mechanical arm was attached. "I will not fail you again, of that you can be sure."

End Chapter One

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