
by Pumpkin (

Author's webpage:

Archive: yes to m_a and my page only

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Anakin

Warnings: Underage

Feedback is always appreciated

Spoilers: None

Summary: Anakin and Obi-Wan prepare for another mission

Disclaimers: Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm

Notes: I have several stories that appeared in the chan zine "Beginnings" that time out today. If you want more info about the zine or want to see the lovely pictures that appeared in it, it can be found at

Obi-Wan sat at his terminal, watching as his padawan finished packing their belongings. He had just finished his report to the council, sending a copy directly to them as well as filing a second copy in his own personal logs. They would not be returning to the temple; their transport was scheduled to take them to their next assignment. The Jedi were spread too thin, with little hope for improvement unless things began to change. Obi-Wan had once again added his suggestion that someone be assigned to the task of flushing out the missing Sith Lord to the bottom of his report, though he doubted the council would pay it any more attention than they had in the past.

Anakin's grumbling broke him from his reverie and he looked up to find the boy beneath the bed, just his booted legs sticking out. A muffled "gotcha" preceded awkward wriggling and then Anakin was standing by the bed, his hair and tunic sporting dust, waving a joules counter triumphantly in the air before slipping it into his pack.

Obi-Wan chuckled and moved to his padawan's side to brush at the dust on the boy's tunic. "You know," he said conversationally, "a little judicious application of the Force could have saved you a change of clothes."

"My master doesn't like it when I use the Force frivolously," answered the boy with an unrepentant grin.

"I would imagine he might have allowed it this once," replied Obi-Wan as he moved his ministrations to the boy's hair, running his fingers through the short length to rid it of the dust.

"When did you become so tall?" he asked as he brushed through the hair one last time and then followed Anakin's braid down his chest. It hardly seemed that long ago that Anakin had enjoyed a growth spurt that had brought them eye to eye and now the boy was taller than him and quite possibly not yet done growing.

Anakin shrugged, eyes warm and hopeful as he gazed at Obi-Wan.

"This isn't going to come off without a wash," decided Obi-Wan as he batted once again at the dirt on Anakin's tunic. "You'll have to change."

"Yes, Master."

Obi-Wan let his hands drop to the boy's belt, deftly undoing it and tossing it on top of Anakin's pack. The sash followed quickly and then he was parting Anakin's tunics, pushing them from the slender shoulders that had yet to fulfill their promise of breadth. Obi-Wan let his fingers trace gently over Anakin's skin, enjoying the familiar shapes and contours.

Anakin moaned softly, letting his head fall back and Obi-Wan leaned forward, unable to resist tasting the bared throat. Anakin's hands came up to tangle in the fall of Obi-Wan's hair, holding him close even as he asked "Is there enough time, Master?"

Obi-Wan smiled, pleased that Anakin hadn't let his pleasure and desire overcome his duty. "As long as we don't get too carried away," he said softly, letting his words carry his breath over the wet patch his tongue had left behind. Anakin shivered and his hands tightened briefly in Obi-Wan's hair.

"Master," he whispered softly and Obi-Wan heard the emotions in the word, knew it meant please and I love you and I am yours. Letting his lips move to the small hollow at the front of Anakin's throat, he nuzzled gently and then bit the soft flesh, tearing a surprised cry from his padawan, the vibration of the sound tickling against Obi-Wan's lips. He soothed the hurt, lapping at it with his tongue before fastening his lips and sucking vigorously, bringing the blood to the surface. He could feel Anakin's lust -- a hard surge in the Force.

"You're marking me," Anakin whispered.

Obi-Wan answered, not removing his mouth from the boy's neck, letting the affirmative rumble up from his chest and add to the stimulation against the sensitive round of flesh he was toying with.


This time Obi-Wan did stop sucking, though he kept his attention focused on the mark he was leaving, licking at it between words. "Do you want me to stop?"


Obi-Wan closed his lips once more over the red flesh, worrying it between his teeth. Anakin moaned, hands cradling Obi-Wan's head against him. His grip changed and Obi-Wan felt him tug gently. Looping his hands loosely around his padawan's waist, Obi-Wan looked at him. He raised one eyebrow in the manner he'd learned from Qui-Gon, knowing from his own time as an apprentice how annoying it was.

"Everyone's going to see if you mark me there," Anakin explained softly.

"You haven't read the briefing material on Intok Prime, have you?"

Anakin flushed and fixed his gaze across the room. "No, Master."

"You'll have to catch up while on our way -- make sure you pay special attention to the cultural file. If young people aren't marked they are considered available for saljy -- a casual sexual relationship -- or goijy -- a permanent sexual relationship."

"So this," said Anakin, touching the circle at his throat, "is literally your mark on me."


"Do you think it's dark enough, Master?"

Obi-Wan laughed. "We'll have to make sure that it is," he said softly, returning to his task of bringing out the passion mark on his padawan's throat. Anakin murmured and pressed his body close. Obi-Wan could feel that he was already hard and his hips moved urgently. Obi-Wan put one arm around his padawan's back, the other he let slide down Anakin's chest, stopping to rub the small point of the boy's nipple until Anakin moaned.

Still sucking and tonguing the spot at Anakin's neck, Obi-Wan trailed his free hand down the lightly muscled chest, dipping his fingers, each in turn, into the indentation of Anakin's navel. Anakin's hands were wandering restlessly along his back, diving into his hair and clutching at his belt.

Another loud moan tore from his padawan's throat as Obi-Wan began to tease the hard ridge of flesh behind the ties of Anakin's leggings. He opened them one handed, letting gravity catch the leggings and pull them down to the top of Anakin's boots, while he took the boy's erection in hand and pumped it lightly.

"Yes, Master," gasped Anakin, his hips moving, trying to speed Obi-Wan's loose rhythm. Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Anakin's shaft, using his thumb to rub across the head. His own eyes were tightly closed as he sucked and stroked, concentrating on the way Anakin's pleasure coloured the Force.

As Anakin's hands settled on his hips and gripped them tightly, Obi-Wan increased the pressure of his mouth over the delicate skin of Anakin's throat and he tightened his hold of the boy's penis. Crying out, Anakin came, hot fluid spreading along Obi-Wan's hand. The boy collapsed forward, but Obi-Wan was ready, braced to cradle his padawan's body as the tremors passed through him.

Tongue dragging over the newly marked skin, Obi-Wan grinned as a new set of shudders moved through Anakin's body.

"Master," said Anakin softly, hands fumbling toward Obi-Wan's groin. He stopped his padawan, placing a last kiss in the juncture of his throat. " Sh, Anakin. I'm fine. And we need to be going if we're going to make our transport."

"But you didn't..."

"I don't need to. Your pleasure has charged the Force around us and I feel wonderful."

"Really?" asked Anakin shyly.

"Yes, really. Now go get some clean clothes on, we have a mission."

"Yes, Master."

Obi-Wan was smiling as he went back to the desk and closed down the terminal. The smile grew wider as he watched his padawan fumble into his clothes, slowly covering the slim body from view.

In short order Anakin was dressed and had hefted both their packs. "I'm ready, Master."

"Then lets go."

Obi-Wan settled his own cloak around his shoulders and strode from the room, his padawan falling in a step behind and to his left.
