Marauders in the Stars

by Jera (

Title: Marauders in the Stars

Author: Jera,

Rating: G

Setting: Pre TPM

Archive: Yes please

Disclaimer: All hail the mighty Lucas, all fanfic writers are broke and we're only playing

Feedback: Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, get the idea?? I'm on the MA list not the main list so any comments please make them privately, cheers

Part One

Obi-Wan gave a mental sigh and tried to reinforce his outwardly serene appearance. They were to appear before the Council yet again. True the last mission had been an unmitigated disaster and they had barely escaped with their skins intact which is more than usual he reminded himself. But it was hardly their fault both sides had decided that two Jedi who had come to mediate the peace talks were to blame for a war that was several decades old. He thought they had followed the Code to the letter this time as well. He felt a gentle tug on his braid and quickly re-centred himself realising they had been called. His Master gave him a searching glance but did not inquire into his lapse. They had been sent on mission after mission recently and they had been promised some time to catch up on Obi-Wan's training.

Obi-Wan did not let his thoughts wander as he listened to his Master recount the events of their assignment, most mission summaries were given to the Council as written reports but theirs always seemed to require his Master's personal explanations. Once he had finished Qui-Gon awaited any questions he would have to answer. Qui-Gon felt a slight ripple of surprise from Obi-Wan when Master Yoda said, "Satisfactory, your conclusion is. Handled the situation well you did."
Mace Windu then joined in, "Your request for a hiatus from missions, however, cannot be granted at the moment. We have another mission for you. Recently there has been a significant increase in pirate activities in the Talm Cluster. The government there has requested our aid in finding evidence of who is carrying out the attacks. As the Cluster is near the Outer Rim it is possible the Hutts are involved but you will need to gather evidence for the Senate."
"Are we authorised to halt any illegal activity we discover?" Qui-Gon asked, choosing his words carefully. Even though this matter appeared internal to the Talm Cluster no doubt the Republic Senate had taken an interest but demanded more evidence before action. Always more evidence and less action it seemed to Qui-Gon.
Master Yoda sighed, "If in danger you find yourselves, protect yourselves you must."
"However the Senate merely wishes evidence to be gathered," Master Windu warned.
"I understand," Qui-Gon's tone betrayed his opinions all too clearly.
"There will be a transport ship available tomorrow. May the Force be with you, " Mace Windu concluded.
"May the Force be with you, " Qui-Gon echoed as he and Obi-Wan bowed to the Council.

Qui-Gon was the first to speak once they had left the Council chambers, "Well Padawan, since we have only until tomorrow we will train this afternoon. I suggest meditation until then."
"Yes Master," Obi-Wan paused before continuing. "Master, when do you think we will get a break?"
"I do not know, Padawan. The Jedi have been unusually busy of late. There is no point in letting it concern us further."
"Yes Master."
So it was that a few hours later they were working in one of the practise rooms in the Temple. Qui-Gon watched as Obi-Wan went through one of the exercises, calling out further instructions as he saw necessary. They were interrupted by a friendly voice, "Why Qui-Gon! This is a surprise!"
Qui-Gon turned at the voice and replied with a smile to the man who had called out, "Indeed it is Dra'el. Carry on Obi-Wan," he told his apprentice as he walked over to his old friend.

"I didn't think you'd returned from Maltha yet, Qui-Gon. I heard what happened, are you both unharmed?"
"Our transport landed last night, and yes, for once we are both uninjured. Are you staying long?"
"No, Taya and I ship out this evening. We're heading to Alderaan, an old friend invited us to the Tabal reception," Dra'el grinned.
"Always the lucky one, we head out to the Talm Cluster tomorrow. Where is your Padawan anyway?"
"Oh, Taya's finishing up packing. We are looking forward to the break, it has extremely been busy lately."
"I know, we were expecting a break too. Force willing our evidence gathering should not take to long," Qui-Gon said with a grimace.
"Maybe I'll see you when you return, Qui-Gon. May the Force be with you," his friend said sincerely.
"And with you," Qui-Gon smiled at his friend.

Four days later they came out of hyperspace at aT'ak, the largest planet in the Talm Cluster. Obi-Wan looked up as Qui-Gon entered the tiny cockpit, "We've just received authorisation to land, Master." Qui-Gon nodded in reply and sat in the co-pilot's chair. With four days on this tiny ship behind them, they were both looking forward to being out in the open again. It did not take long for Obi-Wan to land the craft and they were immediately escorted to the main Government building. Once inside they were greeted by a tall humanoid, "Welcome, honourable Jedi. I am Sren Ilek, Prime Minister of aT'ak. We are grateful for any assistance in these troubled times." His voice was soft and yet his words carried a note of authority.
Qui-Gon answered him, "I am Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my Padawan apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. We are glad to be of service. Perhaps we could begin our investigation by examining any data that has already been discovered."

Following three days of hard work the Jedi had covered every trail of evidence that they could find. None of the ships which were taken by the pirates had been found, nor their crews. There did not appear to be any pattern to which ships were hijacked, although both Jedi had gone over the cargo manifests several times. Qui-Gon returned, from the Minister's Office, to the rooms that had been provided for them to find Obi-Wan staring at a data pad. Upon hearing his Master enter he dropped the pad onto several others scattered on the table and turned to face the elder man.
"Master, I've gone over everything again but there's nothing. Why don't we go on one of the cargo ships around the Cluster and see the route for ourselves?"
Qui-Gon agreed readily. It would help to see the route the ships were taking and he was of the opinion that it was unlikely their ship would be taken. Since they had arrived no more ships had been taken, the pirates apparently did not wish to take on the Jedi. If nothing else it would give them a small break from poring over the same evidence.

They found a cargo ship that was leaving aT'ak that evening. The ship was large but built to require a crew of only five. They would travel to aR'al, aE'na and aO'no before returning to aT'ak. It was a busy route often used by merchants and the majority of the pirate attacks had taken place along this path. The journey between aT'ak and aR'al was uneventful although Obi-Wan had made firm friends with the ship's engineer when the two had fixed a problem developing in the main engine and completed repairs on some support systems. They were almost halfway to aE'na when trouble struck. Alarms started ringing as several ships came out of hyperspace near the cargo vessel. The Jedi could do nothing before a wave of something hit them. Qui-Gon could feel the Force screaming danger and his last view was of Obi-Wan crumpling to the deck beside him as he sank into unconsciousness.

Qui-Gon groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. His head hurt more than he had thought possible. He tried to feel out with the force and with a jolt realised he could feel nothing, something was totally blocking him. Slowly he sat up, swallowing as a wave of nausea washed over him. His concern increased as he saw Obi-Wan lying next to him. He was relieved to see that his apprentice appeared uninjured. "Obi-Wan?" he questioned gently. He was rewarded with a groan and a muttered, "What happened, I can't feel the Force?" the last in a rather panicked voice as Obi-Wan attempted to sit up.
"I don't know," Qui-Gon replied, reaching out a hand to his Padawan. "But something is cutting us off from the Force and judging by our surroundings I would say the pirates decided that the cease-fire was over."
They had been placed in a small room without any furniture. The only sign of a door was a crack along one wall and there was an air-vent set into the ceiling. "Master, what do you think they used to knock us out like that?" "I do not know, although it will be important to find that out. We need to find out how they are blocking the Force to report to the Council, which necessitates our escape"
They both stood up gingerly to examine their cell in greater detail. Whoever the pirates were they were certainly very efficient. The only possible weakness was the air vent. "Climb onto my shoulders, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon instructed the smaller man, "see if you can remove the grate." "Yes Master," came the reply and a moment later Qui-Gon staggered slightly with the extra weight, unable to bring the Force to aid him. Obi-Wan settled himself quickly and began to work at the grate with his fingers, attempting to work one edge free. Soon his efforts were rewarded as one side of the grate came away from the ceiling with an audible crack. The rest of the grate, however, stubbornly remained in place in spite of his actions. When Qui-Gon stumbled a little after Obi-Wan tried a violent tug he was struck with an idea. "Master, if you drop me, my weight might be enough to pull this thing free."
"Very well. Ready Padawan?"
Obi-Wan grunted his acquiescence and curled his fingers tighter around the edge of the grate. Qui-Gon let go and the sudden increase in pressure proved too much as the grate came away from the ceiling. Qui-Gon was able to turn in time in order to prevent the grate from falling on his apprentice. By now it was obvious that their activities were not being monitored for despite all the noise they had made no guards had come to investigate.

They stared at the hole they had made. "I think I can get fit through there, Master," Obi-Wan said, a touch of doubt creeping into his voice.
"But I most certainly cannot. See if you can find a way out but be very careful," Qui-Gon cautioned his apprentice
"Yes Master."
With Qui-Gon's help Obi-Wan managed to climb into the small tunnel. He was only just able to fit into the small ventilation shaft and moving through them was a painful exercise. At each junction he carefully noted which way he turned and was careful to move silently. He peered through each grate he came upon, seeing rough-clothed humans in each room. At another grate he overheard a conversation which piqued his interest.
". never have taken the Jedi." Obi-Wan could just see the speaker, a short, brawny looking human with black hair.
"What choice did we have?" We have already gone this far for Sidious. We cannot refuse him now." This speaker was taller, but equally rough-looking. A third voice broke in. "We've contacted Coruscant."
Obi-Wan stifled a gasp as the hologram flickered into view. Even without the Force he could sense something, dark, about the person. He could not see the being's face through the dark cloak that he wore. "You have the Jedi?" questioned the hologram without preamble.
"Yes, my Lord," the taller human spoke. "What do you want us to do with them?"
"Kill the older one, but bring the younger one to me."
"How are we supposed to kill him?" the shorter human said incredulously. The hologram's next words were underlined with black menace, "As long as they are within the disruptor field their force abilities are useless. Killing him will be a simple matter, but if you will fail I will be MOST displeased. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, of course my Lord," the two humans spoke hurriedly.

Obi-Wan silently crept on, his mind reeling from what he had heard. He had to get out of here and free his Master before it was too late. Crawling on a little further he finally came upon a grate which opened into an empty room. Fortunately this grate was not that secure and without too much difficulty he was able to remove it. Dropping to the floor he quickly stretched out his muscles in relief before taking in his surroundings. The room was completely bare, and looked as if no one had ever used it. The door opened into a deserted, dark corridor. Noiselessly Obi-Wan began his journey back to the cell. He was able to move without detection and finally he came upon two pirates guarding the entrance to a corridor, he hoped he had returned to the right place and began to plan a strategy of attack.

Suddenly a voice called to the guards and one walked off out of Obi-Wan's view. When he heard a door click, he took his chance. Moving silently and swiftly, as befitted his years of Jedi training he moved towards the remaining guard. Before the burly man realised what was going on Obi-Wan kicked him twice, once to the solar plexus and once to the head. The man dropped like a stone and Obi-Wan quickly seized his weapons and the key strip to open the cell door.

There were only a few rooms down this corridor and only one was locked. As Obi-Wan had hoped the door slid back to reveal his Master. "Master", Obi-Wan whispered in relief. He tried to calmly tell his Master what he had seen and heard. "While I was going through the ventilation shaft, I saw the leaders of this group, they are working for someone called Lord Sidious and he ordered you killed!" Obi-Wan's voice rose on his last words.
"Hush, Padawan", Qui-Gon warned. "Did you see our sabres?"
"No Master", the younger man shook his head, "but the guard had these". He held out a blaster rifle and pistol and a vibroblade. Qui-Gon gazed at them for a second and then took the blaster pistol and the vibroblade. "Come on" , he gestured towards the door, "we haven't much time".

The moved noiselessly through the dank corridors, expecting at every turn to either see a group of pirate or hear an alarm signalling their escape. Just as they were about to turn into a hallway which looked well maintained in comparison to those they had travelled though they heard footsteps. They pressed themselves against the wall and waited for the owner of the steps to turn the corner. As he did Qui-Gon caught him and placed the vibroblade so the man could feel it thrumming against his neck, using the other hand to cover the man's mouth before he could make a sound.

"Now, my friend", Qui-Gon spoke in a cold, menacing tone. "You are going to answer some questions. If you answer incorrectly or if you make a bad move you'll be very, very sorry. Understand?" To emphasise this point Qui-Gon moved the blade slightly closer to the man's neck. Swallowing convulsively the man nodded slightly and Qui-Gon dropped his hand.
"First you can tell us where the hangar bay is". Obi-Wan began, stalking in front of the man, his voice threatening.
"T, th through the corridor I just came from", the man stammered, his terror evident.
"Good. Now who are your leaders?"
"Hal Res and Calin Tor. But they are taking orders form someone else. I don't know who, I swear!"
"And what are your orders?"
"I don't know, I'm just a mechanic, I work on the ships that's all. I'm only one step above the slaves. Please don't kill me, I don't know anything", The man was almost crying, begging for his life.

The Jedi shared a hard look but came to an immediate decision. They rapidly gagged and bound the man with strips from his own clothing and placed him behind the door of the empty, open room they had just passed. Just as they turned the bend into the newer corridor a klaxon began to sound. It had a tinny quality and was loud, yet both Jedi continued walking only slightly hastening their steps. Both, however, were inwardly relieved when the siren sounded just five times before clicking off. Then they could see the hangar bay, there were dozens of ships and many mechanics and pirates moving around. They ducked out of sight as two men passed by. "We could have used some of the parts from that cargo ship", one said. He continued, "and we could have used the crew, they got out the easy way, a quick blaster shot is nothing like.." The men continued out of earshot of the two Jedi. Obi-Wan looked with heavy eyes at his equally sombre Master. They only had a second to share in mutual grief for the loss of live before they had to continue their escape.

Obi-Wan pointed to a modified YT-1300 Corellian light freighter that was sitting near the exit of the hanger and appeared to have relatively few personal around it. Qui-Gon nodded and the two set off towards their goal, moving quietly between the battered machinery, trying to stay out of sight.

They made it to the freighter without incident and quickly checked the freighter to see how many modifications from standard had been made. The ship had enhanced weaponry, scanners and shields but, happy that everything was in working order, they strapped themselves in the cockpit, Obi-Wan taking pilot and Qui-Gon as his co-pilot. Obi-Wan turned to the elder man before powering up, "Master, our sabres.."
"Both switch on only with an application of the Force, Padawan. Our main objective is getting out and reporting this to the Council. As soon as we turn the engines on we are going to have trouble, are you ready?" Obi-Wan nodded mutely and with a quick piece of work, overrode the security lockouts and switched the engines on. They heard a loud roar, which subsided into a steady thrum that could not overwhelm the sudden cries from the other occupants of the hanger bay.

There was a small jolt and then the freighter rose into the air and turned smoothly towards the blue sky under Obi-Wan's expert hands. Only a few of the pirates had time to take pot-shots at them before they were out into the open air, but both knew there would be strong pursuit. They headed swiftly out of the atmosphere, yet as they passed through the final barrier into space both gasped and Obi-Wan nearly lost control of the ship. All at once the Force returned to them at full strength. They sighed in relief as its familiar touch graced them once more. Simultaneously they reached along their training bond, restoring it to full strength, each sharing the other's relief and delight

As Qui-Gon checked the nav computer Obi-Wan looked at the scanners. It was as they had feared. "Master!" he called out. "We're under heavy pursuit at least three of them are going to be here before we can go into hyperspace". "Take the port quad laser cannon", was his Master's curt reply. They transferred controls and then Obi-Wan dashed to the gun. He quickly strapped himself in and powered it up. As the pursuing ships loomed nearer he felt his Master's voice through their reopened training bond //Stay calm Obi-Wan, disabling shots only. I'll keep them in your sights//
//Yes Master// he replied as he readied himself for the attack.

The three pursuing ships were larger than the freighter, two were painted gunmetal grey, the other a dark green. Their names - Annihilator, Arangren and Viper Storm, although unimaginative, were well suited to the ships that bore them. The three split up, trying to circle the freighter and cut off her escape.

The assault was soon launched but Qui-Gon's excellent piloting kept the attackers within reach of Obi-Wan and his pin point accuracy meant that two of the ships were quickly disable. Just as another wave of ships was about to converge upon them Qui-Gon summoned his Padawan back to the cockpit and within moments of him strapping in Qui-Gon took them into hyperspace, heading back to aT'ak.

Obi-Wan put the freighter on autopilot and both Jedi unstrapped. They had found that their communications were out, the antenna dish having been shot off during their escape.
"Master, I took the co-ordinates of the planet but by the time we could get back with reinforcements, the pirates will be long gone", the younger Jedi sighed.
"At least we escaped. Whoever they were they have managed to cut off the Force from an entire planet. That information will be important. Can we effect any repairs to the Comm unit before we reach a'Tak?"
"We should be able to have real space communication ability in about an hour, Master."
"Very well. After that we'll get some rest, it will take us a few hours to reach a'Tak."
Working efficiently as a team the Jedi stripped away the damaged wires and components and made what repairs they could. When they decided that no more could be done they tidied up the mess and collapsed in the freighter's lounge.

Once he had gotten his breath back Obi-Wan prowled to investigate the store cabinets. Not finding what he wanted Obi-Wan hunted through the rest of the ship. A while later he returned to the lounge and slumped into one of the chairs.
"No food?" Qui-Gon inquired.
"None. Next time can't we steal something with food in it?"
"Of course, we should have asked the pirates to supply us before we left", Qui-Gon said dryly.
Obi-Wan grinned at him and stretched out. By mutual agreement they both dropped into light meditation trances, concentrating on recovering their centres in the Force, and allowing themselves the rest they sorely needed.

Eventually they dropped out of hyperspace and approached a'Tak. They managed to patch a communication line through to the Government building. They stated their identities and eventually came face to face with the Prime Minister Sren Ilek. He spoke first as a smile broke his face, "I am happy to see you honourable Jedi. When your ship disappeared we feared the worst. Do you bring any of our crews with you?"
"I believe it would be best if we carried this conversation on face to face" , Qui-Gon said sombrely.
"Of course", the Prime Minister agreed, the smile falling from his face, "A landing pad will be made ready".
Obi-Wan quickly landed the battered freighter and they left the craft and were escorted to a small conference room.

Sren Ilek waited inside and he motioned the two Jedi to their seats. "Please tell me everything", he requested.
Qui-Gon spoke quietly, "We were almost halfway to aE'na when the pirates struck. They had a devise which rendered everyone unconscious. When we woke up myself and Obi-Wan were alone in a cell. We managed to escape and we have the co-ordinates of the planet they were using as a base". He paused and went on gravely, "I am sorry but as we were escaping we overheard a conversation, which indicated that the Captain and crew of the cargo ship were killed and the craft destroyed".
The Prime Minister closed his eyes as he processed the tragic news. "I will need to inform their families", he said slowly. "It also means that the other crews are most likely dead. Is there anything you require Master Jinn?"
"I need to speak to the Jedi Council as soon as possible, there are affairs in this business which affect the Jedi as well".
"That will be arranged immediately Master Jinn".

The Prime Minister left to perform his sad task and the Jedi were escorted to a communications room. Within a short time they were standing before the Council. Master and Padawan bowed and it was Mace Windu who spoke first. "Greetings Master Jinn, Padawan Kenobi. I'm sure you have much to report". Qui-Gon gave them the facts calmly, allowing his Padawan to report about his escape and the conversation he had overheard. Once they had finished the Council member began to ask questions. The Council conferred quickly and then Mace Windu spoke once more. "This matter now directly concerns the Jedi, Master Jinn. We ask that you attempt to find the pirates, and discover both the weapon they used and the technology behind the 'interdictor field'. Any links to this Lord Sidious must also be investigated. May the Force be with you".
The Jedi bowed and moments later the images of the Council wavered and disappeared.
"Well that was brief", Obi-Wan commented quietly.
"Indeed", was Qui-Gon's only reply, but Obi-Wan could see the small line of worry creasing his forehead.

They had soon arranged for one of the few military ships serving the Talm Cluster to take them back to the pirates' lair and within a few hours they were back in hyperspace. The two quietly relaxed in the cramped quarters they had been given, eating a scanty meal.
"Master", Obi-Wan paused, unsure how to continue. The older man merely looked at him, waiting for the question to be phrased, "Why, why do you think the Council was so short with us? It just didn't seem right".
"Right, Padawan?"
Obi-Wan struggled to find the words he wanted. "It seemed like they were, I don't know they seemed concerned about the Interdictor field and everything else, but they, I don't know. Something just felt wrong".
Qui-Gon sighed and replied, "I know, I felt something too, something 'wrong' .. But there is nothing we can do about it now. We do not have much room in here but there is enough for some practise of the 'movement katas'".
Obi-Wan groaned slightly but rose to help his Master move the furniture out of the way. The 'movement katas' required complete control over one's body, each part of the katas requiring the smallest of muscle movements. They were hard work but also very relaxing, as one had to let go of all other concerns to concentrate on each movement.

When they arrived at the planet they found it deserted. The pirates had left, apparently taking their force shield with them for neither Jedi lost their sense of the Force as they passed through the atmosphere. With the help of the ship's crew they conducted a through search of the pirate base, finding little, until Obi-Wan stumbled upon some computer banks which had been abandoned in the pirates hurry to leave. The apprentice returned to the ship with the banks and began the task of extracting information from them while his Master continued with the search.

He was deeply absorbed in his work and jumped slightly when he heard a low voice behind him, "Padawan?" He turned and smiled at his Master. "I was beginning to wonder if you were planning on returning to the present at all, Padawan. Have you been able to retrieve anything?"
"I think so, Master. The data should be coming up on the screen, now", he finished, smiling as the computer terminal's screen, which he had hooked the bank up to, began to scroll with information. "It doesn't appear to be anything very useful", Obi-Wan muttered, more to himself than his Master. Qui-Gon smiled as he watched the younger man reabsorb himself in his work, absently flicking his braid back over his shoulder as it slipped in the way. He went to find something for them to eat as he suspected they would be in for a long haul whilst Obi-Wan trawled through the information.

He was incorrect in his estimation, however, for when he returned Obi-Wan was beaming at the screen and humming quietly. He turned as his Master re-entered the room and flashed a grin at him, "Got something", he said simply and stood into the navigation database to check. "On the outer rim, Dranan", he clarified and looking at his Master and added, "Our next port of call?"
"Probably", was the reply. "What do you know about Dranan?"
Obi-Wan folded his arms into his sleeves and bit his lip as he tried to remember what he could have heard about the planet. At length he ventured, "It's a small planet, about half way between Kessel and Tatooine. Controlled by the Hutts and known for allowing companies to do whatever they want without worrying about legal or moral laws".
"Well done", Qui-Gon said approvingly. "We'll catch a transport from a'Tak. In the meantime see if you can recover anything else from the computer". He heard a murmured, "Yes, Master", before Obi-Wan went back to working with the computer.

Two days later they were aboard a passenger transport vessel, heading toward Dranan. They had left Prime Minister Ilek assuring them that if they ever required help in their search for the pirates they only had to ask. Unfortunately Obi-Wan had been unable to pull anything else of use from the computer bank and now they were following the slimmest of leads. Qui-Gon was worried, both about the planet they were heading towards and the Council's actions. The meeting had been uncharacteristically short and Qui-Gon simply could not recall the last time Master Yoda had not said anything at all to him. The Council's seeming lack of concern over the loss of their lightsabres also bothered Qui-Gon. He could feel that something was wrong, yet he could not pinpoint it. Sighing, he cleared his mind. These thoughts would not help him, he must concentrate on the moment.

The two Jedi disembarked the transport with their robes drawn around them and their faces covered. The inhabitants would not welcome Jedi, the defenders of peace, to their planet. Qui-Gon walked with long strides, his apprentice at his shoulder, towards one of the less reputable districts of Tab Dor, the main port on Dranan. They found a hotel, ready to accept credits without asking questions, and the Jedi left most of their scant possessions in their room before leaving again. Obi-Wan was the first to break their silence. "Where are we going, Master?" he inquired softly as he followed the other's steps.
The Jedi Master managed a small smile for his apprentice, "To find a bar, Obi-Wan. This place is full of pirates, for the right inducement someone will have heard of Hal Res, Calin Tor or Lord Sidious. That one should be a good a starting place as any", he added and changed his direction toward a spacer's bar.

The outside appearance of the bar was shabby and tacky and the inside was no better. A small band was playing loud music in one corner, skilfully dodging all the objects thrown at them without breaking their tune. It was dimly lit, with sheltered alcoves that allowed all manner of business to take place, and the cloud of smoke gathered near the ceiling was almost animate in appearance. The two Jedi took a seat at a table to survey those around them. A waiter soon appeared next to them, it's nasal voice giving it indeterminate sex, "Whaddya want?"
Qui-Gon pulled his hood back and allowed his gaze to settle on the creature, "We'll have two Dranan ales".
Within moments the creature returned with the dark drinks and inquired whether they wished for anything else.
"Actually we are looking for information", he said calmly, "do you know where we can find some?"
The creature chittered softly before answering, "Information has it's price, mister. Are you prepared to pay?"
"If the information is what we are looking for, the informant will be well rewarded".
Something resembling a smile appeared and the creature took a seat at the table. "What do you wish to know?"
"I have three names, Hal Res, Calin Tor and Lord Sidious, I want information on them and any activity connected to them on Dranan".
The creature touched two of its limbs together. "Three people, difficult information to find. Very expensive, a down-payment would be needed".
Qui-Gon gestured slightly with one hand, keeping his voice steady, "A down-payment is not needed. You will find the information for us".
The creature blinked its eyes and dazedly spoke, "You don't need to pay anything now. I will have the information for you tomorrow".
"Good. We will return here tomorrow at sixth hour. Be warned", Qui-Gon gestured towards Obi-Wan who had not removed his hood. "My companion prefers discretion. If anyone hears of our request he will be most displeased, understood?" To emphasise the point Obi-Wan moved his cloak slightly so that the creature could see the blaster, one of the weapons the Jedi had borrowed from the a'Tak authorities as a temporary replacement for their lightsabres. The creature stared at the weapon before agreeing quickly and the Jedi left it a few credits for the drinks before leaving.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath when they left the tavern. "What happens now?" "We wait", his Master replied. "We will return tomorrow to see if he has any information". With that the pair turned back toward their accommodation.

Master and Padawan returned to the bar just before sixth hour. Their informant from the night before was there, sitting at a booth in one dark corner; he gestured a greeting at them as they entered. The Jedi strode over and assumed places on either side of him. Qui-Gon began the conversation, his tone brusque, "What have you found?" Enough Force laid onto the words to ensure the creature answered without preamble.

Their informant blinked dazedly at them and commenced, "On Sidious there is nothing, only dark rumours surround his name, rumours that anyone who finds him will die. Of Hal Res and Calin Tor there is more. They lead the Star Marauders. They got turfed from one of their bases only a few days ago. Since then they have dropped out of sight, only one lead to them left. Yagan Enterprises, crops up with their names, based on Dranan. Big company, good security, and talk of connections in high places. People who mess with them don't live long and I live long". The creature shook off the Force applied to him and returned his attention to the thing that concerned him most. "But what about my money? Those were not easy names to find. Big information, short time, cost high".

In response Qui-Gon threw a bag onto the table. "The credit chip is there, be glad for what you are given". The deep threat in his words was clear and the creature decided that pressing the issue was too unhealthy an option to take.

At the moment Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood to leave a group of drunken spacers moved past their booth. One of the throng crashed against Obi-Wan and the pair clattered to the ground. The spacer, a brawny human with a long scar across his face, took exception to the fall, and as he got to his feet he yelled, belligerently although somewhat incoherently, "Wah the hell d'ye think ye duin, ye moron?"
Obi-Wan managed to apologise calmly but within seconds the group had surrounded the Jedi. The rest of the patrons quickly gathered round, eager to watch the fight, and at the back of the room, bets were already being made.
Qui-Gon spoke to the group, trying to calm them down, "We don't want to fight, it was an accident". He cautiously applied the Force to his words but the drunken men surrounding them were not appeased.

It was the man with the scarred face who threw the first punch. He took a wild swing toward Obi-Wan. The Padawan evaded the arm easily, grabbing it as he did so and using the man's own momentum to force him to the ground. Both Jedi quickly slipped out of the cloaks to leave their limbs unhindered. Neither attempted to draw the blasters they had, knowing that if they did so the brawl would escalate into a blood bath. A pair of the group came forward next. The first attacked Qui-Gon, two of its four arms attempting to strike the Master. The other went for Obi-Wan, using the bottle in his hand as a weapon, but within seconds they were lying unconscious. The rest, however, then drew vibroblades.

It was five against two and in the background the betting became more intense. Qui-Gon eluded the first jab of one blade and, twisting swiftly, grabbed the man's arm. A moment later the bone snapped and the man fell to the floor screaming in pain. The remaining four attacked as one. Moving together Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan switched positions, the younger using his Master's body as a platform to spin out a kick which caught one attacker in the head, the elder punching out, catching his opponent on the temple. Then it was two on two and a moment later the Jedi stood together, encompassed by unconscious bodies. When no one else came forward to assault them, the Jedi calmly picked up their cloaks and left the bar, leaving its inhabitants to pay or collect their bets.

They headed towards their hotel and Qui-Gon glanced at his apprentice in time to see him wince as his arm was knocked by a passer-by. Qui-Gon stifled a sigh, Obi-Wan had been his Padawan for years but he still had a habit of concealing any injury for as long as possible. He felt a slight flash of pain come across their bond before Obi-Wan reinforced his shielding. He kept his tone light, hoping that for once Obi-Wan would admit immediately, "Any injuries, Padawan?"
"Nothing really, Master. My hand took a slight knock that's all". Obi-Wan had learned long ago that outright denial was not a sensible option. Qui-Gon sighed out-loud and manoeuvred himself so that the injury would not come into contact with anymore pedestrians.

Once they reached their room the Master motioned towards a chair. His Padawan shot him a rather mutinous look before sitting. Qui-Gon gently rolled the sleeve up and examined the injury beneath, at least one broken bone in the hand maybe as many as three. Obi-Wan sensed the direction his thoughts were taking and interrupted them quickly, "I can heal it, Master". "As you well know that is not the point", Qui-Gon replied, allowing some of his frustration to creep in. "I recall you taking Master Carel's class on unarmed defence, what were her words?"
Obi-Wan quickly cleared his mind and recited the words which had been drilled into his head. "Be careful where you decide to hit someone. Anything you do designed to break one of your opponent's bones is just as liable to break one of your own if you're not extremely careful".
Qui-Gon waited in silence. Finally his apprentice continued. "I damaged it when I punched the last spacer. It was a move I didn't need to do, I should have thought of something more sensible".
Qui-Gon looked at him pointedly before continuing gently, "Is this the last time or are you going to need a more permanent lesson Obi-Wan?"
The younger man looked at his hand before saying ruefully, "I think this was enough, Master. I'll tell you next time", he paused as a sudden thought struck him, "That's why you never had your nose straightened isn't it? As a more permanent reminder?"
"It is, Padawan". Before Obi-Wan could question further he held up a finger. "The important thing now is to heal your hand. Then we can track down Yagan Enterprises. I know you can heal it on your own, Padawan, but it will be quicker and require less energy if the two of us heal it.

Less than an hour later the two emerged from their healing trance. Obi-Wan massaged his hand gently, "It's still a bit sore, a more permanent reminder I guess". He smiled lopsidedly, "And the story behind your nose.?"
"Is not one we have time for at the moment", his Master finished, his stern tone betrayed by the answering smile in his eyes. "We will check out an information booth first and see what we can find out about Yagan Enterprises. Then we'll see the best way to find out their connection to the Star Marauders."
He stood up gracefully and put his outer robe on, Obi-Wan followed and the two left their rooms. They had soon found a public information booth in a shopping sector. As they began their search they were bombarded with offers advertising everything that was illegal within the Republic's bounds. At length information began scrolling up. There was very little, the machine rendered little more than that the company involved itself in 'technological research', its products would only be available to those with a great deal of money and an address for some of the company's offices.

The buildings they were directed to were in a prosperous part of Tab Dor. It was a white, glistening, business complex, the only sign of its more seedy origins were the numerous armed security guards and droids and the security cameras marring the lush background. The Jedi viewed the complex carefully, noting any possible signs of weakness. "Well", the younger man commenced, "we won't get in there looking like this, Master".
"No, we won't. Our first entry requires something more refined".
"And our second?"
"More equipment". The two smiled quickly, an agreed plan already in their minds before returning to the shops

As they changed their outfits they changed their personas. Qui-Gon became a businessman, a high-class crook, his expensive-looking clothes, and the haughty look on his face denoting him as a man who knew he had wealth. Beside him Obi-Wan became his bodyguard. The simple black clothes and visible weaponry, as well as the deadly look on his face made others step out of their way as they walked back to the business complex. The guards at the gate were polite and in short order they were being led toward a building, which proudly proclaimed Yagan Enterprises in bold lettering. At the door the only thing required of them was the removal of Obi-Wan's weaponry. He protested at first but after a curt order from his Master two blasters were handed over reluctantly to the guards.

Soon they were ushered into a spacious office and a man rose to meet them, his smile polite but business-like. "I am Kane Dannel. My apologies for the delay in seeing you Mr.?"
"Jaren D'or".
"Mr D'or. We normally see people by appointment".
"I understand. I, however, prefer doing my business without records".
"But of course, and how does that business concern us?"
"I have certain, aspirations, about working within the Republic. Nevertheless I do not wish to end up with a lightsaber through my body. I hear you develop weapons that can take on even the Jedi, that is what I am interested in". The Jedi Master was taking a chance and both Jedi were inwardly tensed, waiting to defend themselves if their bluff was proved wrong.
Kane Dannel blinked once, "Such information is dangerous", he began, his tone menacing.
In return he was granted only a smile and, "or very profitable", as an answer.
"Indeed. Perhaps you would like to return tomorrow, and we can discuss a mutually beneficial arrangement?"
"It would be a pleasure".
The two exchanged handshakes and the Jedi departed, Obi-Wan being reunited with his weapons as they left.

"Your opinion, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked as they replaced their outer robes and lost themselves in the crowd.
"They have information, it seems probable that they know what caused our loss of the Force on that planet. That building would not be easy to gain unwanted entry into".
"But?" the elder pressed.
Obi-Wan stayed silent as he contemplated the question. "Their security cameras could be breached. The main concern would be distracting the guards and droids and any hidden traps they have".
"True, but I feel it will be necessary. They will already be checking the name Jaren D'or, when they do not find information to support my claims they will not be so welcoming the next time we appear".
"This evening before their suspicions can be raised. Come, we must prepare".
Two hours after the sun had set two figures emerged from the shadows, their faces hidden beneath the hoods of their robes. The taller led the way, moving swiftly and silently toward the business complex. At the last corner before their target became visible the two paused, concealing themselves in the shadows to see without being seen.
//Yes, Padawan?//
//There's a blind spot between those two security cameras. I can use it to get close enough to dismantle the system temporarily//
//I'll distract the guards, be careful Padawan//

Qui-Gon felt an exasperated //Yes, Master// come through their bond before the smaller man moved off, staying low and trying to keep to the shadows. Qui-Gon concentrated on the guards. There were six guards on this side of the complex as well as numerous droids. Obi-Wan would need them out of the way to complete his task. Reaching out calmly the Jedi Master knocked over a stack of boxes lying on the other side of the plaza. They clattered noisily to the ground and two of the guards moved carefully to investigate, the light of Dranan's two moons reflecting off the blasters they carried. Suddenly Qui-Gon heard a voice call out and spun round, only to see a group of drunken spacers turn into the plaza. Seeing the guards the drunks began to yell out insults and one threw an empty bottle toward one of them. Within moments the remaining guards were ducking several more missiles and started to aim their weapons towards the drunken crowd.

Qui-Gon sat back in the shadows, splitting his attention between his Padawan and the mob on the other side of the plaza. Obi-Wan was crouched behind one of the cameras, working on its circuits. As he watched, Obi-Wan straightened and replaced the cover on the camera. //It's done, Master. I'm not sure how long it will last though//. There was a pause, as Qui-Gon started moving quietly toward him. Then the mental voice continued with a laugh //And how did you manage to persuade our friends from the bar to aid us here?//
//Easily. I simply had to offer them an opportunity for a fight that they could win. Now, come on the doors should not take long to breach//

With the equipment they had purchased earlier the two made short work of the door's locking mechanism and soon were moving stealthily through the darkened corridors.
//Where do we start, Master// Obi-Wan continued their mental conversation, deeming it safer to keep any noise down to a minimum.
//The most important people usually reside at the top or bottom of a building, and I would say that risking Jedi intervention is fairly important//
//Shall we split up?//
//No. We'll investigate the top floor first and work down//

They headed toward the emergency stairs they had seen on their previous visit. The cameras that they saw were lifeless and nothing recorded their movements as they ascended to the top of the building. Much of the space was given to a lavish reception area in front of the lift. The Jedi headed toward the office door behind it. Here security was increased, the door was locked and required both an aural identification and a hand print. Obi-Wan knelt and hunted through his pack until he found another of the pieces of 'equipment' the Jedi had purchased earlier. He placed one part on the hand print scanner and with a touch it whirred to life. Another he held up against the speaker. With some deft manipulation the device hummed quietly and the door to the office slid open.
He returned the device to his pack and was about to enter the office when his Master placed a warning hand on his shoulder. //Careful, Padawan. Scan the room first//
Obi-Wan reached out to the Force and saw the rays that criss-crossed the room, a last precaution against intruders. He was glad of the dark for it hid his blush. //Oops, look before I leap. The control device is here//
//Can you override it?//
//It's nothing like the others I've done before, however.//
There was a sharp hiss and a flash of light and then Qui-Gon saw that the beams had disappeared. //Congratulations, Padawan. I'll check the cabinets while you check the computer//

The locks on the cabinet were easy to overcome and he began to check the data pads within. They contained details of illegal activities that Yagan Enterprises clearly did not want to risk placing on an open computer terminal. Soon Obi-Wan flicked off the computer with a sigh of disgust and moved to the cabinets. He then felt a surge of elation along their link as Obi-Wan checked the first data pad he came across. //It's on this one, Master. Records of links with the Star Marauders, records of experimental work..//
//Well done. I'll copy the information, you can search for any more pads with information as you seem to be having more luck than I//
Within 15 minutes the Jedi had all the information they could find. //Time to leave I think, Padawan// Qui-Gon sent and the two retraced their steps, a sudden urgency from the Force causing them to quicken their step. They were on the stairs were a blaring alarm sounded and suddenly they were flooded with light.

The Jedi blinked quickly as the light dazzled them and then saw that the security cameras had come back to life. "Where now?" Obi-Wan asked, the need for silence gone.
"Not the main entrance. Follow me".
Qui-Gon led the way from the stairs they were on to the third floor. They could hear guards and droids moving below them. Qui-Gon gestured at the lift doors and they slid open. He took hold of the ladder running up the wall and swung into the shaft. //No cameras// he replied to his Padawan's unspoken question. The two climbed rapidly, and within minutes had reached the top floor. Qui-Gon, however continued climbing and soon was right under the grating that covered the shaft from the machinery above. Using one hand he removed some of the explosives they had purchased from his belt and placed them around the grid. Obi-Wan retreated a few rungs and as he lit the fuse Qui-Gon followed him, ducking away from the muted explosion. He clambered out of the shaft and then extended an arm to help his Padawan up. They exited from the machinery casing and looked around them. The plaza was bathed in light and they could hear the drone of speeders who were heading toward the building.

The best escape route was from a building on the edge of the plaza. The gap was wide but the two jumped it with ease, Obi-Wan somersaulting as he made the jump. By the time the speeders had arrived the Jedi had disappeared into the night.