The Making of a Knight

by oddjob103 (

Archive: Master and Apprentice, the Nesting Place

Rating: PG

Category: Romance, AU, First Time

Pairing: Q/O

Fandom: SW:TPM

Series: No

Summary: Anakin gets the boys to wake up and smell the romance.

Warnings: BadAnakin does not make even a hint of an appearance. Amazingly enough, no sex this time. (I must be coming down with something)

Spoilers: No Qui death at the end of TPM. We venture into the AU-zone.

Feedback: Yes, please. 8)

Disclaimer: They are not my property. They belong to each other. *whap* Okay, they belong to Master Jedi Lucas. But, he doesn't play with them properly. They come to me and my fellow slashers for that. (Heh heh heh)

Qui-Gon gingerly made his way to the 'fresher in the quarters he shared with his Padawan. He still hadn't recovered from his fight with the Sith lord. The Sith had stabbed him through the shoulder just as Obi-Wan leapt out from the lowered force field. His Padawan distracted the Sith long enough for the two Jedi to dispatch him to chaos.

The Jedi Master felt grateful just to be alive. His death had been damn close.

"What are you doing?" the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi huffed behind him.

"I need to use the 'fresher."

Fussing like a mother bird with one hatchling, Obi-Wan slid easily under his Master's arm to help him balance.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon sighed, "I am not helpless."

"My Master, you are still recovering from the battle. Let me help you." Obi-Wan overrode any argument and helped Qui-Gon across the common room.

Anakin Skywalker watched the two men and smiled at the good-natured arguing. Obi-Wan no longer seemed to resent his presence. Qui-Gon, while still weak, was recovering quickly. For the first time in his young life, Anakin felt safe. He didn't care what the Jedi Council decided. He knew he would be Jedi.

"Enter, Obi-Wan Kenobi," Mace Windu intoned.

Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi entered the Council chambers with no hesitation or trepidation. He knew that today he would take his Trials. The presence of his Master and the full Council confirmed this.

Obi-Wan bowed respectfully to each Master and waited.

Yoda closed his eyes briefly. Obi-Wan felt his gentle mind touch and relaxed. He'd always enjoyed communing with the ancient Master.

"Kneel, Padawan Kenobi," Yoda said.

Obi-Wan felt a bit confused. What about his Trials?

"Decided the Council has. Completed your training you have. Your Trial Naboo was. A Jedi Knight you are."

Obi-Wan felt his Master move behind him. Then, he heard the distinctive sound of a lightsaber on low power. A brief tug at his braid was all the warning he received as the hair was severed.

"Rise, Knight Kenobi. Take your place among the Jedi," Qui-Gon spoke reverently. Only Obi-Wan and Yoda heard the quiet pride in his voice.

Obi-Wan stood and faced his former Master. He smiled brilliantly and impulsively hugged Qui-Gon as a wave of tolerant amusement rippled through the Council chambers.

Master Jinn reluctantly released his former student and turned to face the Council.

"Something to say have you?" Master Yoda asked softly, his eyes twinkling knowingly.

"My Master, I request that Anakin Skywalker be accepted as my Padawan." Qui-Gon smiled briefly at Obi-Wan. "I also ask that Obi-Wan be allowed to assist in his training."

The new Knight gaped at the older Jedi. He hadn't even suspected this! His Master wanted Obi-Wan to stay with him. He felt like yelling for joy.

Yoda's eyes crinkled in amusement. "Accept this assignment do you, Knight Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan bowed, slight embarrassment coloring his Force aura. "Yes, Master Yoda. I accept."

"Agree we do. To dangerous not to train Anakin it is. Your Padawan he is," Yoda said. "But watch closely we will. Give weekly reports you shall."

Qui-Gon sighed with relief. He'd expected another fight, especially because he asked for Obi-Wan's help. In fact, no one on the council seemed surprised by his request. Strange.

"May the Force be with you," Yoda dismissed them.

"Told you I did. Together they are," Yoda said to Mace.

One month later.

"Anakin, stop."

The Padawan stopped the kata obediently and sighed heavily. He couldn't yet shield his emotions and frustration seemed to be number-one at the moment.

Obi-Wan hid his smile. "You are trying too hard, Ani. Feel the Force around you, in you. Feel it guiding your movements. Relax and let your body move."

Anakin seemed to sway at the almost hypnotic tone in Obi-Wan's voice. He didn't yet realize the subtleties of Jedi Voice Manipulation.


This time he didn't think he just moved. His form looked a little shaky but his movements were precise. At the end of the kata, Anakin panted heavily and his astonished joy radiated from him like a beacon.

"Well done, Padawan," Qui-Gon said as he stood at the door of the training room.

"Thank you, Master." Anakin bowed respectfully. "I could see myself moving, could feel the Force directing me. It was fun!"

This time Obi-Wan allowed his smile to show.

Qui-Gon nodded. "It is a wonderful thing to commune with the Force. However, do not let your emotions run away with you."

Anakin looked puzzled for a moment. "But, Master, I thought only had to worry about negative emotions."

Patiently, Qui-Gon explained. "Any extreme emotion can lead to an imbalance. That is why you must find serenity. Fear and anger are tempered by understanding. Joy is tempered by knowledge. Control your emotions. Do not let them control you. Then peace will be yours and you can accomplish anything."

The boy's joy dimmed as he quietly digested this news. "I will do my best, Master."

"That is all we truly ask of you, Ani." Qui-Gon fondly caressed the blond head as he looked at Obi-Wan. "Now, go back to our quarters and start packing. We have a mission."

Quickly tamped down excitement rushed through Anakin as he bowed to his Masters then all but ran out the door.

"We?" Obi-Wan queried softly.

"The three of us, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon stated.

The younger man smiled brightly.

Obi-Wan kept track of his and Qui-Gon's Padawan as the boy asked the pilot endless questions. If it concerned flying or piloting Anakin possessed an immense hunger for that knowledge.

The Knight followed his former Master as they boarded the ship and he thought about their mission. They were to witness a marriage between two previously feuding clans on Iemfod Prime. Thinking of marriage, he let his eyes slide over the tall strong frame of Qui-Gon Jinn.

He'd fallen hard for his Master at fifteen. Of course Qui-Gon knew and gently deflected the teenager's interest without hurting his apprentice. Obi-Wan received the almost standard 'I'm-flattered-but-I'm-your-Master' speech. The then Padawan quietly accepted Qui-Gon's word and hid his love and attraction from that day forward.

Now he could never seem to find the right moment to approach the Jedi Master. Anakin and his training took up much of their time. But at least they spent that time together. Qui-Gon's voice brought him out of his reverie.

"Padawan, let the pilot do his job. We need to settle into our quarters."

"Yes, Master." Disappointed Anakin followed the two Jedi.

Once on the deck with the accommodations, Qui-Gon stopped in front of one door. "This is your room, Ani. Obi-Wan will be in the next and I will be two doors down."

Both Jedi felt the surprise and sudden worry emanating from the boy.

"Ani? What is wrong?" Qui-Gon asked, confused.

"Are you okay?" Anakin asked cautiously. "Are you mad at each other? You don't feel mad."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan exchanged startled looks.

The Knight asked, "What do you mean, Padawan?"

"Well, you have separate quarters. I thought you might have had a fight." Seeing the incomprehension on the older men's faces. Anakin screwed up his courage and asked, "Don't you want to sleep with each other anymore?"

Obi-Wan received the rare privilege of seeing Qui-Gon Jinn at a complete loss for words.

Anakin rushed on. "I mean you sleep together in the Temple. I thought you..."

He lowered his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Masters. It's really none of my business."

Obi-Wan reeled. Anakin thought they were lovers! He had yet to move to Knight quarters telling himself the Chosen One's training was more important. So naturally, he slept beside his Master giving Anakin the Padawan's room.

Qui-Gon finally managed to recover himself. "Padawan, my relationship with Obi-Wan, whatever its form, affects you. In general, it is your business. However, I believe you have misunderstood that relationship. We share the same bed because he has not moved to Knight's rooms yet. But Obi-Wan and I are not lovers."

"Well, why not?" Anakin asked quietly.

Obi-Wan paced his quarters. 'Why not?' Such a simple question. Did it have a simple answer?

There's only one way to find out, Kenobi. Ask him.

He shifted his body toward the door. The door chimed almost at the same moment.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal Qui-Gon.


"Yes, Master?"

Qui-Gon's mouth quirked. "I thought we moved beyond that. Padawan."

"So we have, Master," Obi-Wan teased.

"Obi-Wan, about what Anakin said..."

"Qui-Gon," the younger man interrupted then rushed to get everything out at once. "You do not have to say anything. I, however, have something to say to you. You told me when I was fifteen that you were flattered that I would get over you. Well, Master mine, I haven't. In short, I love you. I'm in love with you. I want you. I need you."

Silence reigned for a few moments.

"Thank the Force," Qui-Gon sighed.

Obi-Wan gaped at him. "You Really?"

"My Obi-Wan, I have meditated many hours on the inappropriateness of desiring one's underage Padawan. If I had thought for one second that becoming your lover would not have hindered your training, I would have taken what you offered then and to the Sith with the Council. But, I could not deny you the fulfillment of your potential. We are Jedi first."

Obi-Wan basked in his Master's loving gaze. "Yes, we are. But we are lovers second."

Qui-Gon chuckled. "We are not lovers yet, my Obi-Wan."

With a strong Force shove, the younger man tossed both of them across the room to the narrow bunk. "Let's rectify that oversight, shall we?"
