Maiden's Heart

by Obiphil (

Archive : Yes to Master and Apprentice, QGJDL, QJEB and SWAL.

Category : AU, lighthearted

Rating : PG

Pairing : Q/O and Armidala's handmaidens

Summary : Armidala's handmaidens have a crush on Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Little do they know the dashing duo are..well, at their slumber party, they find out something about the boys to their dismay.

Disclaimer : George Lucas owns everything and everyone in this story. Can't forgive him for what he did to my beloved Master on TPM, though. I did the story purely for fun and my all consuming love for Qui-Gon Jinn. I wrote and display this story absolutely for free.

Spoilers : TPM. Armidala has 5 handmaidens. I use only 4 for the purpose of this story, Sache, Eirtae, Yane and Sabe (Armidala's double, story told from her POV.)

Feedback : yes, please but only if you have something constructive to say. If you want to tell me I am no Lilith Sedai, Ann Carr or Destina Fortunato, don't bother, I already know.

Many thanks : to Betty for her unfailing support. To Louisa, Anita, Angelina and Arthur for telling me stuff that's completely untrue but fantastic to hear. And to Barbara whose kind and generous feedback gives me strength to scrape on.

Warning : attempts at humour may be considered feeble, in which case courtesy laugh would be appreciated.

I glare into the vanity. Exasperation boiling inside me.

The girl in it glares back.

Oval face, big round eyes, fine sloping eyebrows, full curvy lips, straight well bodied nose, recalcitrant chin... a face that's a dead ringer of Queen Armidala, especially when it's buried under an impenetrable layer of anemic facial dressing complete with beauty dots and chastity mark.

It's my face, the face of Sabe, the Queen's handmaiden. But right now, I have very little love for it. No, I positively loath it!

It cost me a fantastic night out with two unbelievably handsome Jedi.

All because of some random genetic workings 16 years ago that gave me a face people have difficulty telling apart from that of the Queen's.

That and my stars. I suppose they must have been criscrossing in the Nubian sky like crazy of late.

How else could you explain the timing that sucks incredibly.......

My streak of bad luck began two moons back, when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan asked to visit Naboo a year and a half after they literally liberated the planet from the Trade Federation.

It couldn't have happened at a more inconvenient time.

Well, they didn't exactly "asked". It was more like a deferred acceptance of offer. For Armidala had already invited them for a visit to commemorate the first anniversary of the liberation of Naboo. The Master and Padawan declined politely stating that their assignments clashed with the date. The truth, we figured, must have been that the Jedi knew how big a hero they were in Naboo, and they feared that any visit falling on what in effect was the second national day of the planet would turn into a single-minded hero worshipping affair for the two.

Those Jedi, always so modest and self-effacing.

They waited for another half a year before taking up on the Queens' invitation for a vacation on Naboo. They very specifically requested that their visit be kept strictly private. No fanfare, no celebration, no welcoming party, no public knowledge. In fact, no one outside of the Queen and the handmaidens were to know about their stay on the planet.

The "nos" were the easy part to say yes to. It's the timing of their visit that put Armidala in a tight spot.

Don't get her wrong. She'd love to have them over. She wouldn't have invited them for the first anniversary in the first place if she hadn't. From what I saw and heard, Armidala's very fond of the two Jedi quite apart from the fact that they're the saviour of her people and her land in every sense of the word. That's hardly surprising considering the adventure and the fierce battles those three have been through together.

But the problem is the Queen is swamped with work. She has been since the Trade Federation was defeated. And for that matter, we all have been.

Naboo was ravaged by the invasion. The Queen has been frantically trying to rebuild the planet's economy. That means incessant negotiations over trade agreements with 100 worlds and star systems at the last count. What it means is that hardly has one delegation left the planet on the closing of a trade agreement on which the ink is still wet, another has landed at the space dock awaiting greeting by the Queen and/or her handmaidens. Armidala had stopped all trade talks for a week to mark the first anniversary of Naboo's liberation. She felt that the monumental occasion was justification enough to break for a week without incurring resentment from the people of Naboo who had become jumpy about getting the economy back on its feet. That would have been a perfect time for the Jedi to come visit. But as it turned out, the Jedi skipped the occasion and the window of opportunity was gone.

Now the Jedi decided to accept the invitation finally and the Queen and us are up to our necks with much hated yet needed trade efforts.

Of course, for the Queen to say no is quite out of the question. How do you do that to two persons who gave you your life, your people and your planet, especially when one of them almost died in the course of doing so. No way. If they want to come visit at a time when you have to do forty things before breakfast, you'd still have to say " fantastic, can't wait!"

That's exactly what the Queen did.

I was there by her side when Master Qui-Gon Jinn 's holoprojection came on. He wanted to know if the Queen's invitation for a visit was still on. He and his Padawan were receptive to an offer.

Armidala turned her charm on high and beamed the regal smile at the Jedi Master. " You know you and Jedi Kenobi are always welcome here, Master Jinn. Your visit will do us great pleasure and honour," in her velvety voice she said. Consummate liar, I'm proud of you, Padme. I remember thinking to myself. Her performance drew a big wide grin from the stately Jedi Master. He said in his deep silky voice " very well, it's our honour and pleasure to accept your gracious hospitality, your highness." Armidala beamed her smile a notch further up and said, " I look forward to showing the many wonders of Naboo to you and your Padawan." She said it with such a straight face that I had to choke back a laughter.

No sooner was the holoprojection off did Armidala slump heavily into a beaten wearied heap. The impact of her slump caused her elaborate hairpiece to slip and almost fall off her head. I bent over with hysterical laughter. She shot me a dirty look and then gave in to serious pouting obviously fretting over the impending disaster ---- the Jedi were coming, how on Naboo could she find the time to properly entertain them?

But us handmaidens didn't share her grim pessimism. In fact, we were ecstatic! The four of us had a big big crush on the two Jedi. We have been reduced to dewy- eyed teens ever since the devastatingly handsome duo showed up on Naboo and single-handedly rescued the planet from the bad guys.

Armidala once chided us gently for giving in to fantasies worthy only of impressionable school girls. But what could we have done? Those two burst into our lives light sabres humming in their grips, long flowing mane and padawan braid flying in battles, so valiant, noble, dashing and graceful. And when they threw in their Jedi serenity and that unbelievable package of the physical----they're so damn handsome, one ruggedly, the other dreamily, one exudes aristocratic magnificence, the other youthful exuberance, and their bodies, trim and fit, muscular and athletic----- we didn't stand a chance at all.

If you ask me, Armidala herself has got a thing for Master Jinn. When she looks at him, her eyes mist up just that teeny tiny bit and her nostrils flare minutely. Then you'd know there's a little something plucking away at her heartstring, if you're discerning and know her well enough, that is, like me, her double. She's a fine one to be talking about not having fantasies, huh.

Anyway, the four of us fairly combusted spontaneously on learning about the visit of the Jedi.

Eirtae was the most pathetic. She screamed at the top of her voice for like ten minutes straight, her hands grabbing her hair in tight clenches and her head swinging left and right at maddening speed. Poor Eirtae, she just totally lost it. Sache had to slap her hard to get her out of her misery. Eirtae moons after Obi-Wan Kenobi so badly that she's been doing a drawing each day of the young Jedi Knight for the last year or so. One walks into her chamber, one'd think one is in the official Hall of Obi- Wan Kenobi's likeness. So many drawings, all plastered across the walls.

Sache's scarcely better. She had a serious thing going on with Captain Panaka before meeting Master Jinn. Afterwards, she became a whole different person and promptly relegated Panaka to standby status. She once said, rather shamelessly in my opinion, that she'd gladly give her right arm for the right to sink her hands into the luxuriant mane of Master Jinn and be tickled by his regal silken beard. Yeah, yeah, who wouldn't? But she'll have to take a number and stand in line, if there's anything I can do about it, that is. For I also have a life threatening crush on the big stately Jedi Master. He's everything I've ever wanted in a man. It's fortunate that unlike Sache, I had no Captain Panaka in my life to brush aside, otherwise I would just have to be as thoughtless as her and proceed to break a heart. How can any man hold a candle to such a galactic hunk of a Jedi Master in Qui-Gon Jinn?

Both Sache and I cried our eyes out when we heard that Master Jinn was seriously injured in the battle with the Sith and was fighting for his life in the ICU. It was a measure of our love for the Jedi Master that we went sleepless for three days keeping a prayer vigil in Sache's chamber. That was real close and highly distressing. Thank the Gods everything turned out fine.

Lucky for Sache and I, Yane, like Eirtae, has her eyes on the younger Jedi. Always the quiet and unassuming one, she basically goes deep and keeps her smoldering passion for Jedi Kenobi far below the surface, but not always successful. Whenever the topic of conversation shifts to Kenobi, and Eirtae pipes up on how she worships the young God, his cutey Padawan braid, his bewitching sea-green eyes, his thin sensuous lips, his lean and hard body, you'd see Yane's eyes come alight, her hands clenching up or grabbing whatever is nearby, her body inclining slightly forward, her face schooled into total and undivided attention---that's how and when her bountiful adoration for the Jedi dream boy is given away.

Watch out Eirtae, you've got company.

The bad thing is, in spite of our being hopelessly smitten over the two Jedi, we know preciously little about them. We only spent fleeting moments with them on board the Royal Nubian Cruiser on our way to Coruscant, Tatooine and then back home. Armidala was the one with them most of the time. The rest of us only got to tag along watching and drooling on the side.

When Master Jinn was on Tatooine finding parts to repair the damaged Cruiser, leaving only the younger Jedi on board, Yane and Eirtae practically climbed over each other to throw themselves at him. Yane's usual quiet and reserved demeanor totally thrown to the winds. There were acting like a pair of moon struck, love crazed kids, tarty and flirtatious. So unashamedly obvious and transparent. But then, they would say to me, "look who's talking". True, if Master Jinn had been the one in range instead, I am certain Sirte and I would have been equally pathetic and desperate, to say it bluntly. No, worse! At least I would have thought up half a dozen things that would pale what Yane and Eirtae did. Sadly for them, Master Jinn was back on board with the parts rather quickly and everyone was caught up in work again. Whatever Eirtae and Yane tried to start with the young Jedi was unceremoniously overtaken by events. In any case, Jedi Kenobi didn't return anything more than polite acknowledgement to their brazen overtures.

Jedi abstinence. That's what we put it down to.

So Yane and Eirtae tried to make first base but didn't quite get there. Sache and I didn't even get that far.

It's easy, therefore to imagine how much we looked forward to their visit this time. We're incredibly excited and flattered that they acceded to include us in the small group that would be privy with the knowledge of their visit. It would be the first real opportunity to get close to them, to know them better and above all, put on display like mad our fabulously charming personalities as if our lives depended on it.

But as our stars would have it, on top of the usual never ending trade talks with half a dozen trade partners at any one time, a trade dispute had to break out with our neighbouring star system, Rooauqu just before the Jedi were due to arrive. The Rooauquians knew how desperate we are in getting our economy going again and picked the moment to start a trade squabble with us. A hastily called trade summit fell exactly on the same 2 weeks of the Jedi's stay. Needless to say, the Queen had to immerse herself in the trade negotiations every single day not least because the Rooauqu system was only the second largest trade partner of Naboo. Meanwhile, the four of us had to work our socks off to keep the delegates and their entourage fed, lodged, and entertained. That's a full time job and totally blew our two dream weeks with the Jedi into a billion pieces---together with our hearts.

The Jedi Master and Padawan were most understanding.

" Worry not, your highness, my Padawan and I will be completely fine on our own. You did plenty for us already offering such fantastic accommodation and hospitality. To tell the truth, we could use a little privacy and exploring the many wonders of Naboo on our own only adds to the fun." The big Jedi Master said sincerely at the Naboo Palace after Armidala explained with a vast amount of guilt that she and her handmaidens would not be available to play hostesses as often as they'd have liked to.

Gods, he's so ruggedly handsome. I lost myself in his deep serene voice for a long long while. All that time I did nothing but stared at his broad magnificent presence, my toes all curled up as I drank in the masculine planes and angles of his face. Then I caught Sache's eyes growing a bit red. That snapped me out of my reverie. Oh yeah, there goes our yearned for great times with the dashing pair. The collective groan from the four of us was almost audible, our bitter disappointment thick and palpable in the air.

The Jedi kept to their words down to a "T". They found their way around the Palace and the city all on their own. They basically kept to themselves all the time. All that was granted to us were brief glimpses of them when we passed each other in the hallway and pleasantries and small talks exchanged then. They couldn't have been more gracious and understanding guests to a work strapped host, if only their host wasn't pulling their hair out in total frustration for the missed opportunity of getting near them.

It's a good thing that all through their stay, we were so caught up in work that we had little time to grieve over our snatched away opportunities. In fact, the four of us and the Queen hardly even saw one another during the trying two weeks each struggling to keep up with our punishing work schedule.

Just like that, the two precious weeks quickly passed. The trade talks finally wound down and the Jedi were packing up to leave in 2 days.

Final night. Farewell party. The last chance! Proximity to our heroes at long last. A wonderful night out with two to-die-for men whose mere presence quickens our pulse and shortens our breath.

And my stars crossed again. This time they exploded into a fiery supernova.

The worst part was, my stars were the only ones that crossed. The others' were working in perfect order.

Two farewell banquets fell on the same night. Armidala opted to entertain the Jedi having been overwhelmed by her guilt of neglecting them so far. Who else then to take the Queen's place in hosting the banquet to send the Rooauquian delegates off on a successfully concluded trade agreement.

Poor Sabe, who else? All the girls got to have a night to remember. All except Sabe who had to work.

When Armidala broke the horrible news to me. She put on her most disarming smile and piled on her charm. "I'll make it up to you, sweet Sabe. You know I've been neglecting the Jedi. I have to spend some time with them before they go. But I have to keep the Rooauquians happy, too. You are the only one who can do it for me. You know that. You'll do it, won't you, sweetie? It's a good thing the reptilean Rooauquians are poor in eyesight and keen in smell. You just put on my fragrance liberally and they won't notice a thing."

An order phrased like a question.

What could I say? She's the Queen, although I did have a burning urge to yell at her, " make it up to me? How? Unless you lock me up in a bed chamber with Master Jinn and throw away the key." But I knew better and bit it down. Teeth gritting and jaw clenching, I managed a curt "yes, my Queen", then hastily lowered my head so Armidala wouldn't catch the tears collecting fast in my eyes.

So here I am sitting in front of the vanity totally bitter and fuming. It's so unfair. The girls got two hunky Jedi while I was stuck with a bunch of half blind reptileans.

It's two in the morning. I look out into the courtyard. The shattered hulk of the Trade Federation tank destroyed by Captain Panaka's speeder glittered ethereally under the Nubian moon. Because it's the first shot from our side and the first enemy casualty, Armidala decided to leave the hulk in the courtyard as a monument of Naboo's liberation.

On the other side of the courtyard is the Jedi's bed chamber.

This minute it's dark. The next, its light goes on.

I watch with complete indifference. Well, it's about time you called it a night. I trust you had a blast with the girls. I mutter under my breath.

I swing back to face the vanity and take out a large jombom ball to wipe off the sticky stuffy make up with harsh angry strokes, each of them signifying my boundless frustration and my silent scream at the gross injustice that my luck has dealt me.

The only way the blasted evening could get any worse is for half a dozen Sith Lords to storm into my bedchamber and kidnap me for their love slave.

Come to think of it, that might not be such a bad idea. Beats sitting here sulking and wallowing in thick, lukewarm and slimy slush of self pity.

My door chime goes on. That startles me. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

Then I realize it's the girls. They must be feeling sorry for star-crossed Sabe and come to offer their consolation, or worse, they want to parade the dream night they had in front of miserable deprived Sabe. Either way a no win scenario awaits me.

"Come on in, you guys." I say listlessly.

The door swishes open to reveal my three lucky siblings.

The glow on their faces sends a dagger clean through my heart. I suppose I can't blame them. Spending a fabulous night with two stunningly handsome Jedi does tend to do that to you.

"We brought you your favourite munchies and drinks." Eirtae waves a large pack of merrot chips and a bottle of preppa cider in front of me before planting herself on a cushion just beside the vanity.

"We really feel bad about tonight. We thought we dropped by to cheer you up. How are you doing?" Sache tries hard to sound sympathetic but is apparently too happy to do anything but smirk. She sails across the room and sits on my bed cross legged, her steps brisk and cheerful.

Hate that!

Yane is more thoughtful and classy. She sits down next to me and drapes her arm around my shoulder, giving me a loving, gentle squeeze.

I look at her with gratitude. I can't very well be a sour loser now. It's not their fault anyway. Besides, I do miss them. It's like I haven't seen or talked to them in weeks. It's been ages since we had our last slumber party. And..much as I find it painful, part of me does yearn to know more about the two Jedi, especially my beloved Master Jinn.

" I guess I have to be the bigger person here and beg you to fill me in on the glorious night that you had. Alright, girls, DO TELL, but I'd appreciate it if you would try not to sound too cheerful. The wounds are still fresh and raw." I can hear the edge of bitterness and resignation in my voice. But that's as big as I can go.

The three of them exchange amused glances, hold back for like three seconds as a gesture of kindness and understanding before piping up almost at the same time.

It's Sache who snatches the floor. " Well, we first went downtown to a place that served Coruscant dishes. Master Jinn said he missed his homecooking. He has a big appetite. Boy, can he put away food. Two portions of stewed aooli with dandenum leaf. I figure that's what it takes to keep that large powerful body going. Kenobi said stewed aooli was his favourite dish. There's something about the way Master Jinn eats that's so deliciously sexy," Sache rambles on oblivious to the fact that she's practically drooling at the corners of her mouth. " And then we hit the nightclub, Explosion and danced the rest of the night away. Those two can really dance. Fast and slow, brisk and formal, they can do it all. It must be a part of Jedi training. I had two dances with Master Jinn. One fast, one slow. He's so strong. He lifted me like I weighed absolutely nothing and twirled me with ease. When he held me close with his strong arms---so close his musky manly smell filled my nostrils, I almost passed out." Sache rolls her eyes and giggles like a brainless bimbo.

"It's amazing how...."

"But the highlight of the night was the kata dance Master Jinn and Jedi Kenobi did together." Obviously not happy that Sache has been monopolizing the floor and keeping the narration from her Jedi Kenobi so far, Eirtae cuts in with sheer brute force, leaving Sache dangling in mid air.

"Jedi Kenobi first did two dances each with Yane and I. You should have seen Yane, she's all blushing and shy and awkward and not knowing where to place her hands." Eirtae 's trying to be funny but Yane is not amused at all.

"Yeah, like you're a fine specimen of poise and grace until you went boneless around him, missed your step and almost maimed him by crushing his toe." Yane's venom is typical of those who are usually shy and quiet but can turn instantly lethal when their pride is hurt.

I try to picture that and burst out laughing. Sache's hearty laughter echoing mine.

"I did no such thing." Eirtae protests, all indignant.

"You did too. He hobbled for ten minutes after you're done." Yane insists non- chalantly.

"Hey, easy girls, let's get on with the story." I break them apart.

Still glaring at Yane, Eirtae goes on, "anyway, Jedi Kenobi was in such a good mood after the dances that he offered to do a pair kata dance with Master Jinn for our enjoyment. Wow, thirty seconds into their dance, the whole nightclub stopped and watched. They were so fantastic people dropped their chins and stared. A large circle of space was cleared out on the dance floor for them. Kenobi flipped and flopped, twisted and turned like this with so much dexterity and grace. He moved so lightning fast that we had difficulty following his moves." Eirtae gestures zealously with her hands mimicking the fast and furious movements of the Jedi.

"What about Master Jinn, you said it was a pair dance." I want to picture how my object of infatuation fares in such a breathtaking scene.

" He was just as unbelievable." Sache chimes in, boundless admiration overflowing. "Half of the time, he matched the atheletic moves of his Padawan with incredible agility, the other half, he acted as his anchor, positioning himself at the right spot and the right time to give Kenobi a tug or shove or something so that he could be sent on another flying leap. The final move was absolutely house shattering. Master Jinn did a dizzying axial spin on one leg while Kenobi launched himself across the room in a elegant flying curve and landed right in front of his Master who stopped his spin at exactly the same instant and drew Kenobi into his embrace. Those two, weren't they in synch! They broke the house into thunderous applause." Sache finishes recounting with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, the intensity of even the memory of that amazing display catching up with her.

The room falls silent for a while, the three of them evidently relishing the mind blowing sight while I try to put the searing narration into images. Gods, that must have been quite some show. Yet, there's something about that last scene that sticks a little in my mind. I can't quite put my fingers on it. But before I can dwell on it, Eirtae speaks and gets me distracted.

"They didn't even break out a sweat after that. It blows my mind to think of how incredibly strong those Jedi are." Look of incredulity written all over her face.

I am pretty sure when Eirtae said " incredibly strong", she was thinking of much more than just Kenobi's strength in doing the kata dance.

" Looks like you caught the show of your life. But did you get to talk to them and know them better." Actually, it's me who wants to know them better. The only way for me to do so is vicariously now.

" Master Jinn is the strong silent type. I guess it's to be expected. But he radiates warmth and caring serenity, not forbidding or harsh or anything in spite of his rugged gruffy looks. And when he does speak, he cracks you up. His oneliners are killers. He has a dry sense of humour. He laughs a good laugh, too. O, when he chuckles in that fatherly way, my knees wobble badly. I didn't get to talk to him too much with all the eating and dancing going on. Not that I mind, I was too busy staring at him and drinking him in anyway. Wow, those soulful deep blue eyes, you know how he's about to tell a joke and r. He was picked up by the Jedi and brought to Coruscant. Master Jinn took him in after their shared adventure on Bandomeer and he's been his Padawan ever since. He really worships Master Jinn, you know. He keeps saying 'Master says this', 'Master says that'. And when he talks about Master Jinn, his face lights up all the way. You two aren't the only ones who make Master Jinn your hero." Eirtae's obviously proud of the loyalty and devotion of her heartthrob.

Yane has gone into some sort of a pensive mood of late. Her eyes clouded somewhat as if something has started her thinking. I try to draw her back into our conversation.

" Yane, you've been awfully quiet for a while. Didn't you get your heart to heart with your dream boy?"

Yane takes a while to answer my question. When she finally does, she speaks slowly and hesitantly, her eyes and voice both faraway. " What? O, yes, I did, yes. what did we talk about, O yes, we somehow got to talking about the scariest moments in our lifes. He said it was when his Master was fighting for his life in the ICU, when things could have gone either way. He said if his Master hadn't made it, he would have been right behind him. He said there's no way he could have survived his Master."

Yane is definitely onto something and is ponderous about it. I am beginning to have an inkling what having heard what she said.

" Wow, heavy, those two really are close, aren't they?" Sache exclaims stunned by the depth of emotion emanating from Kenobi's charged and intense proclamation.

" Want to hear something straight from the gutter?" Sensing the sombre mood gathering over the slumber party, Eirtae jumps in for the rescue.

" I once caught them naked!" Eirtae drops the bombshell with glee, a huge triumphant smirk quirking up the corners of her mouth.

" No! Get out!" The three of us shriek in unison. Yane is so astounded that she reflexively jerks up from her seat and spills her cider

" Spill it right this minute, you'd better not be kidding or I'll kill you!" I hiss vehemently missing the pun on the spilled juice altogether.

" We all will, twice. NOW TALK!" Sache bellows.

Knowing that she has us eating out of her hands at least for the next ten minutes, Eirtae takes her time.

" Temper, temper, that'll get you no where. Let's see some manners here, girls."

" You sly little tease, let's get her, ladies." Sache spits out her exasperation as she hurls herself at Eirtae and pushes her on the carpeted floor, then straddling her. Yane and I take the cue and join in a fraction of a second later. Pretty soon, Yane's deft fingers have Eirtae giggling and squirming convulsively as she is tickled without mercy.

" Alright, alright, I'll tell..I'll tell.." Eirtae screams for forgiveness in between gasps for breath.

Finally having caught it, Eirtae relates what happened half excitedly and half mischievously.

" It was exactly a week ago. Very late in the night, around midnight. I got so keyed up from work I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk in the East Garden to clear my mind. I wandered deep into the woods, past the clearing, all the way to the fringe of the Palace compound, you know, where Lake Pmpi is. There, I saw them.." Eirtae's words trail off for maximum suspense before yielding the heart of the secret,

"skinny dipping."

" Huuh!" We suck in our breath.

" You mean they were..." I ask haltingly, disbelieving.

" Yup, butt naked, both of them."

" Did you see....everything?" I swallow hard.

" Perfectly, the moon was full, the night was clear."

" And.." Yane's tone is menacing.

Aware that she'd meet with a fate far worse than just being tickled if she strings us along like this much longer, Eirtae volunteers the rest of the story.

" What a pair of gods they are. Kenobi is built like a dancer, long lean graceful muscles all over. And his butts, so firm and round, bring them on and I'll sink my teeth into them. Master Jinn is a muscle god, towering, broad, thick thighs and deep deep chest. All powerful. For the information of those of you who're into bodily hair, they both have smooth chests. But their hair is luxuriant where it should be. And yes, fairy tales do come true, they both are very well endowed, very well indeed."

Silence befalls the room again as the three of us are totally busy converting Eirtae's protrayal into erotic images. The picture I form in my mind makes me blush and sends heat coursing through my body.

" Like how well?" Sache asks with a straight face, her eyes dancing naughtily, though.

" You're so bad." I giggle and throw a pillow at her. That cracks the room up.

" But girls, there's more." Eirtae says with enthusiasm.

" What!" We yell at her hating her plenty already for her damn good luck.

" You know what's most beautiful about those two on the night I saw them? After they're done swimming, they got up and they toweled each other off. Master Jinn did Kenobi first. He was so gentle and tender with Kenobi as if he's the most precious thing in his eyes. Kenobi just leaned in, eyes closing and enjoyed the ministriations totally. Then Kenobi did Master Jinn. He was equally loving and tender. You should look at the way he dried Master Jinn's hair. Master Jinn was sitting on the lawn cross legged, Kenobi took his hair into his hands, then gently rubbed it dry with long slow strokes, almost reverently, taking great care and time. It was an unbelievably sexy sight when two powerful men acted so gentle and affectionate around each other. I didn't stay on after that cos I thought I peeped long enough and anymore of that I was liable to get caught." Eirtae finishes her narration with a soft voice completely mesmerized by her sensual and romantic memories.

But not me.

Midway through her story, a small light bulb went off in my head with a click.

Ahhhh, the pair kata dance, Kenobi's proclamation, now this. I get it.

I search the room. Sache doesn't have a clue. She has been turned into jelly by Eirtae's story, looking dazed and very much in love.

They both can be so thick.

Then I exchange a glance with Yane. Right away, I see myself in the mirror. She knows. Yane and I have always been the brain of the group. So that's what she has been pensive and ponderous about.

I move my lips to send silently, " are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Yane nods ever so slightly and gives me a deep meaningful look. A wry smile tugs at her pretty mouth.

The door chime rings at this time.

"Come in, it' s open."

" What are you doing up, Padme?" Yane says in surprise.

The door opens to Queen Armidala. Only now she's in her casual garb. And when she is, she's Padme, one of us, regular participant of the handmaidens' slumber party, not Armidala, not the Queen. It's schizophrenic. But we are so used to the dual roles that we don't even think about it as we switch from one mode to another.

" You're so loud. I couldn't sleep. I thought I came down to see if I should join you or hose you down." Padme says with fake indignation.

" Eirtae has the most incredible story to tell. She saw the Jedi naked!" Sache says excitedly.

" Ah, I see you're still going all wild over the Jedi. Well, I hate to burst your bubbles. But girls, listen, those two are as taken as a three day old meal." Padme says.

The exclamation "what! Who?" comes only from two of us. Sache and Eirtae are the very picture of shocked, wide-eyed bewilderment.

"They are IN LOVE with each other. They have been lovers for a year now. They're here on what's like their pre-honeymoon. They said Naboo brought them fond memories in spite of what happened. They were prompted to reveal their love for each other after the battle with the Sith because it reminded them of how fickle life could be. They plan to enter into a lifebond after they are back on Coruscant where Kenobi's trial to knighthood is imminent. They shared all this with me just a while ago. By the way we're all invited to Coruscant to witness their lifebond ceremony." Despite the smile on her face, there's a hollow ring to Padme's words. That tells me a little something is broken inside her, too.

After a long long stretch of silence, Yane finally says with a sigh, her eyes turning sad and dreamy, " you have to hand it to them. They do make an exceptionally handsome pair."

We all fall speechless for another long while as each of us struggles to come to terms with shattered dreams and hearts.

" I wonder if Panaka will take me back." All of a sudden Sache mutters worriedly.

We crack up at how infuriatingly pragmatic and adaptable she can be.

" And you know what's the best thing that comes out of of all this? We'll see Eirtae's walls again! Isn't that great?!" I wisecrack then totally give in to a fit of uncontrollable giggle.

Our boisterous laughter rolls down the hallway, spilling into the courtyard, past the Jedi's bed chamber, finally dissipating into the cool Nubian night.
