Dark Lifestyles: Secret Moments 2

by FireCracker (KLee624820@aol.com)

A/U - Insights

Qui-Gon and Litthsyss clash.

Obi-Wan felt deliciously weary. Stretched out and half asleep across the bed, he lazily turned his head against satin pillows. A typical summer thunderstorm rocked the skies. Wild light and shadow illuminated the bedroom.

He enjoyed the sounds of rain and thunder. Clear droplets slipped down the huge window on the opposite wall, creating a panoramic display.

Obi-Wan shifted again, purple satin sliding across his skin. He smiled in the dark.

/Father's been gone quite awhile. I told him don't wait so late to feed. Now he's probably caught in the storm./

The muscled physique curled in languid comfort. Jade eyes began to close.

Don't sleep yet, kry'ka.

Obi-Wan jolted to a sitting position. "What?"

A towering figure stood against the storm crashed window, his shadow long on the plush carpet. Blue eyes glowed weirdly under cloak and cowl.

"I hoped you would still be awake."

Obi-Wan yawned, showing impressive cutlery. "I am a bit sleepy, but mostly fatigued. Better now that you're back, father. Did you feed well?"

A pause. "Yes." the figure edged near the bed.

"I ached for thee. Methinks I will slip in alongside" cloak and cowl fell away from the powerful form.

Obi-Wan admired the muscled body, sculpted in stark illumination from the storm.

He reached out. " I'm cold."

Seconds later he held the big body close. Qui-Gon nuzzled, inhaling his scent.

"You are many things but 'cold' isn't one of them."

Obi-Wan smiled in the dark as he curled in tightly. Those same blue eyes bored into him again. He began to feel bleary.

"You stare so, father."

Blue eyes shone. "I can't help myself. Your beauty glows in the deep light. And those eyes are the color of Vegredis stone. Precious and rare."

Obi-Wan blushed in the near dark.

Qui-Gon smiled softly, leaning forward. Hot eyes roamed low as his tongue slid out.

Obi-Wan looked up dazedly. Eyelids drooped as his limbs grew heavy.

Rasping tongue lapped and teased his chest, taunting the cleft. Moist lips pulled plump nipples, smacking quietly.

"Akk" Obi-Wan clenched in delight as the mouth worked him. Sculpted hands scrabbled in the long mane mindlessly. Tangled strands fanned across the bed.

Silken lips moved up along his throat, suckling his chin. Obi-Wan had a vague sense that something was wrong but didn't care. Sharp teeth touched the hot pulse...

"Oh, yes."

He lay entranced, tingling in anticipation. The spiky head tilted aside.

"Snake!!" a booming voice roared.

Qui-Gon looked up, startled. Another cloaked figure stood by the window.

"What are you doing here. Begone!" weird eyes blazed in annoyance.

"I arrived in time it would appear. Explain yourself!"

Groggy, Obi-Wan stared in disbelief. He struggled to a sitting position.

"What??" cold shock shook him.

He was seeing double. The second figure pulled his hood back. It was Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan stared down the 'Qui-Gon' at his bedside. The eyes were not-so-blue now. "What is this?!" he demanded.

'Qui-Gon' pointed at the other one. "Ask him. He interrupted."


Qui-Gon moved forward, snarling. "Game over. Return to Limbo, father. You've gone too far this time!"

'Qui-Gon' shifted. Litthsyss gave a twisted smile.

"Not far enough. Oban will return to Limbo with me."

Qui-Gon cracked his fangs. "Like hel. Go or I will move you."

Obi-Wan struggled to focus his mind. He felt the familiar disorientation.

"I can't trust you!" he shouted at Litthsyss.

Gray green eyes were soft on him. "Of course you can. Return with me to the castle. Gently will I convince thee with fire."

Obi-Wan found himself staring, unable to concentrate. His father bolted between them, blocking his vision.

"We have never tested each other since my maturity" Qui-Gon growled. "Force the issue here and we will. Obi-Wan is my mate. Begone!"

Litthsyss stood off a little, laughing. "Chaos dares all. Even the dragon cannot dismiss me out of turn." he glanced at his grandson again.

Obi-Wan returned the stare once more. Qui-Gon pushed his head away.

"Don't look at his eyes! Stay, Ssarpati. Chaos seeks to bind. You are serpent as well! Resist the enchant."

Litthsyss roared. "That won't work, I'll see to it."

Qui-Gon moved at him. Lightning crashed outside, a precursor to his mood.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes momentarily, regaining his inner balance. He spoke in tones of ice.

As Chaos weaves, so the Slayer evades. Dance, dance on. My soul will be free!

"Clever, Oban. Well blocked" Litthsyss replied grudgingly. "Still, I will not be outdone-"

"You will be tossed out!" Qui-Gon snarled.

Emerald eyes snapped open. Obi-Wan turned sharply at them both.

"I told you. My terms or no terms. Go, for Limbo awaits. This night is for my beloved."

Litthsyss gave him a sultry look. The full mouth pouted in seduction.

"So you say. Yet, you were ever so close to going with me."

"You tricked me!"

That wicked tongue was out again. The handsome features glowed.

"Damn near had you, too."

Qui-Gon launched himself at his father. A heavy blow across the face knocked Litthsyss against a far wall. The snake god sprawled in the rubble his collision caused.

He stayed down on purpose. White fangs flashed. "Why, Quogan. Such lack of respect. You're beginning to piss me off."

Qui-Gon stood over him. "Good. Maybe you'll learn not all pleasures are ripe for the plundering."

"I'm not a possession!!" Obi-Wan piped up from the bed. "I told you. No fighting!"

"Too late" Litthsyss punched his son in the nuts, a low blow. Qui-Gon howled, falling back across the bed.

You muthafukghir!" he hissed in pain.

Obi-Wan sprung to his feet, wobbly. "Get out, while you have the chance."

Litthsyss gestured. "This will be concluded elsewhere."

He and Qui-Gon disappeared in a clap of thunder.

"Wait!!" Obi-Wan shouted uselessly. They were gone.

The storm within the storm.

Two gods appeared under violent night skies in a secluded wood.

Litthsyss made another gesture. "I am done with mortal garb. Let my own royal raiment appear" his hel lord attire reformed.

"Your call, father" Qui-Gon stood in his dragon regalia.

They regarded each other a moment. Flaming eyes spoke volumes in silence.

Soft snarl.

"I'm not accustomed to losing."

"Nor am I."

"Obi-Wan...is mine."

"I think not. You both are mine. It is moot."

"I'll waste no more words, serpent. Your greed precedes everything."

"Even you cannot stop me."

Blue eyes glowed. "No??" Qui-Gon launched himself once more, drop kicking Litthsyss in his broad chest. The snake god went flying.

Pressing his advantage, he bounded into the air at his opponent. He held his elder in a headlock as they crashed to earth.

"Now" Qui-Gon hissed in his ear. "Return to Limbo. Go now, and I will forget this incident."

Litthsyss roared. "Here's my answer" Powerful arms reached back, flipping Qui-Gon forward onto the ground. He stood over his son, pointing.

"Even you are not strong enough to hold me in such a manner."

"That has yet to be determined!" Qui-Gon blasted him with a blue bolt of force. Once again Litthsyss went spiraling into the air, colliding with a tree. The impact sent both god and forestry down with a deafening crash.

Rage burned in the stone eyes now. Litthsyss crawled out from underneath the massive trunk, now splintered.

"Love hurts. You will see."

With impossible speed he somersaulted several times and smashed his fists over broad shoulders. Qui-Gon dropped like a stone, stunned.

Litthsyss turned away. He stared into the storm, eyes aglow. "And now, let there be no more delay. Oban will go with-"

Red rage fueled Qui-Gons' motion. Feeling returned to his numb arms.

"You'll claim nothing!!" he kicked his elder as he moved off. Litthsyss went sailing into a nearby lake.

Qui-Gon staggered to his feet. His shoulders still tingled.


Fire blew through his nose. Smoke erupted from both ears as he snarled.

The lake bubbled. Dark, roiling water took on an unnatural red hue, brighter than molten lava.

Qui-Gon stood back as a towering snake burst from the surface, hissing in a deafening tone. Lightning cracked the atmosphere. Boiling phlegm erupted from serpentine jaws.

Qui-Gon barely dodged a stream of mystic poison. The toxic fluid struck the ground, dissolving it and leaving a huge crater.

He shifted, gaining size and length. A fearsome dragon with scales of molten gold faced the challenge. Fine he was to look at, lissome and well porportioned, neither too chunky nor too serpentine. Translucent wings beat the air savagely as the barbed tail struck the ground. Taking to the night sky, Qui-Gon flew above his father.

"Stop it, stop it. You're making me dizzy!" the big snake whined, trying to turn and protect his head.

"Good!!" the dragon roared, swooping low. Red claws gripped the flat head, lifting the serpent from the lake.

The huge reptile twisted and turned to no avail. A long tail attempted to sweep up and slap the dragon.

Qui-Gon anticipated the move. He released Litthsyss as he struck. Overbalanced, the huge serpent fell and landed on his head, breaking the ground open.

Hissing and swearing, the snake god flapped his tail insanely from the cracked ground. He was stuck tight.

"No fair, no fair. You cheated! I'm the greatest-"

Perplexed, the dragon stayed suspended in flight. Something here is odd.

The scaly tail continued to flail out of the ground. "You're no good. I'll get you, that's for sure!"


Obi-Wan suddenly appeared, dressed in his hel lord garb. Emerald eyes blazed in the dark as his braid spun in anger.

"What goes here. I told you no fighting!"

The dragon lowered slowly to the ground. "The fighting is over, Obi-Wan. But something here isn't-"


The ground exploded around them both. Obi-Wan barely flew from the path of boulder sized debris that sprayed in every direction.

A huge chunk of rock clanged off the dragons' head. Enraged, he blasted Litthsyss with helfire as the snake god broke free of his prison to attack.

>From his vantage point in the air, Obi-Wan fired a green-black bolt of force between them, knocking both combatants down.

"I meant what I said. Both of you! Cool it."

Litthsyss suddenly coiled insanely. Looping and unlooping his long form, the serpent bobbed his head in wild directions.

"Shut up, you little twit. You get on my nerves. Who do you think you are, anyway?! Now everything is ruined!"

Obi-Wan stared, stunned. "What??"

Qui-Gon likewise was taken aback. He shifted to human shape.

"Something wrong with your spirit form, Litthsyss?!"

Litthsyss never answered him. Hissing wildly now, he continued to shriek.

"Can't hold it. Can't hold it!!"

A shearing sound split the air as a purple vortex burst through the night. Hard crystal formed about the huge snake, encasing him even as his jaws snapped in rage.

Obi-Wan flew over for a closer look. Litthsyss was enclosed in impenetrable glasslike rock.

"But...who would have the power to do this?!" Obi-Wan stammered, tapping the hard surface.

"Father, did you?"

Qui-Gon flew up also. "No. Something here is off, Obi-Wan. Father wasn't acting like himself. I have no explanation."

There is a reason, my fine ones.

They spun. Standing between trees, stark and striking stood Llane. She wore an understated satin robe of deepest green. Milky skin glowed unnaturally in the dark, ice blue eyes keen.

"Grandmother!" Obi-Wan alighted down.

Qui-Gon joined him. Llane glided in their direction. Her midnight tresses slipped through the air like silken strands.

"Thee are both well, I see."

Qui-Gon pecked her lips. "You are lovely as ever. Does our problem bring you to the mortal sphere?"

The she devil glanced at her grandson. Slender fingers ruffled the spiky hair in affection.

"Aye. My fair prince is fine?"

Obi-Wan hugged her tightly. Her curves were unreal. "To be certain. But this situation regarding grandfather is a strange one."

Llane stood back, regarding him. She smiled, ruddy lips full under high cheekbones.

"That isn't your grandfather."


Qui-Gon stood alertly, eyes wide. He stared again at the encased serpent.

"No wonder! I doubted my senses. Yet, because of his desire for Obi-Wan-"

"You assumed he was a bit deranged" Llane supplied. She glanced over casually at the imposter.

Obi-Wan stared in curiosity also. "But if not grandfather, then who??"

"Observe, both of you" she pointed and intoned.

Begone false sense, reveal the god Pestilence!

Red flame crashed about the crystal. The huge serpent withered and shriveled to near nothing, then took on a familiar shape. A fox faced demon lord glowered, fists clenched in rage. Bared fangs greeted his captors.

Obi-Wan glared. "Muckluck!!"

Llane walked over to the crystal, taunting. "Fool. Did you think I wouldn't catch up with you? Your penance isn't done!"

Qui-Gon came up alongside her. "He was to remain in Bloodfang Lake?"

"Yes. Him I trust least of all on the Council, next to Stoankold."

Obi-Wan made a face at the demon lord. "I don't get it. What was he trying to accomplish?"

"He wanted to annoy and anger you. Misery loves company, kry'ka."

Obi-Wan gave a finger sign to Muckluck. The demon lord pounded away uselessly from within his prison.

"I'll visit. Perhaps I'll drop a few fire scorpions in there to keep you company."

Inhuman eyes went wide.

Llane and Qui-Gon laughed. Another sound. A huge bolt of lighting struck the ground, illuminating the dark meadow in an eerie flash.

An imposing figure stepped from it. Litthsyss. Stone green eyes flashed in anger.

Obi-Wans' braid went straight into the air. "That's some entrance, grandfather."

Those same eyes were soft on his grandson. "Perfect for terrorizing mortals. I love drama. Not to mention chaos."

Obi-Wan nudged his father. "Now that sounds more like it."

Qui-Gon grinned. "It would seem so. Hail, father. You know of this?"

"Some, but not all. Muckluck has a talent for escaping his fate."

"He couldn't escape me" Llane stated. "I suspected he would flee out of Hel entirely."

Litthsyss glowered at the trapped Darklord. "Dog faced clod. You dared impersonate me?!"

Muckluck desperately attempted to speak from within his prison.

Litthsyss closed on the huge crystal. "Save it. I should burn you right now."

"He's all yours" Llane waved a dismissal. "But when you're done, please return him to Hel. I have a special reception waiting."

Muckluck howled inside the stone, shaking his head wildly.

"Lovely" Litthsyss smiled savagely. He snapped his fingers. Muckluck and his prison of crystal disappeared.

Litthsyss approached his kin. "Now that the unpleasantries are out of the way..."

Obi-Wans' braid kinked into a zig zag. Litthsyss laughed, pulling it straight.

"First up, then down." he tugged his sons' braid next.

Llane squeezed between them all, not to be ignored.

"How now, woman."

"Time for cheap tricks. All of you, change shape."

"Loose witch. You're ridiculous. And these moods change more often than the wind."

"You're a fine one to talk, father."

"Stay out of this, Quogan."

"I think not. Perhaps we should all play."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this."

"Why not, Obi-Wan? Don't you want to?" Llane eased into his side.

Obi-Wan lifted her back a little. "I would prowl with you all another day. For now, I would take my beloved home."

Llane clearly was disappointed. "Oh well. It was just a thought" she eyed her son. Qui-Gon lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Stand off. I know that look, mother."

A slim hand stroked the cleft in his chest. "I would admire your comely body. Up close!" she smiled seductively.

"Horny harlot. Do you think of nothing else?"

Llane squeezed his buttocks. Qui-Gon yelped in surprise.

"Well, all the noise woke me from my beauty sleep in hel. It's the least you can do."

"I don't think so!"

"Do you like this?" she exposed a healthy thigh. The three males stared.

"I don't know about you two" Litthsyss said, "but methinks a return to Limbo is most wise. Else there may be another darklord in the making."

Llane put her nose up. "There is enough, Null. And keep your hands to yourself for once!"

Obi-Wan laughed. "Oh brother."

"No, not nearly enough" Litthsyss moved at her, his arms out. "Come, Lupin. Let's pop out a few."

Llane stepped away. "Sleazy worm. Stand off!!" blue eyes flashed.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan cracked up.

"Mother, don't you like a challenge?!"

"Aye" Litthsyss curled his tongue out. "To my chambers. Come. We'll make a thousand dragons and conquer the universe!"

Llane nearly backed into Obi-Wan. "Fool!!"

"A meal for my senses. Bedtime, juicy one. Time to get busy!"

The snake god grabbed her. Shrieking, Llane dissolved in his arms. Seconds later Litthsyss held empty air.

"Damn. There goes a month of fun."

Qui-Gon nearly hurt himself laughing. "I must say father, you certainly seem to get to her!"

Litthsyss was smug. "I always have."

Obi-Wan snickered. "Were you really serious? Would I have uncles and aunts?"

"We broke enough beds making your father" the snake god grinned. "However, it would be unlikely."

Obi-Wan frowned. "But you're both vigorous and healthy. Why didn't you have more children?"

Litthsyss ruffled his hair in affection. "Immortal genetics. The higher the level of power, the less progency. However, the offspring from such unions are far more potent."

"But you aren't sterile?"

"No. Neither is Llane. But the fertility cycle for immortals is geometric with their power of essence. For us it occured once" he looked at Qui-Gon with meaning.

"So you both had to be equally fertile at the same time?"

"Yes. In any case, it was one hel of a night."

Qui-Gon roared. "Ha. Now there's a mental picture!"

Obi-Wan chuckled. "I would imagine. But I noticed something else."

Stone green eyes sparkled. "That figures."

"The lower creatures of hel seem to be the most numerous..."

"They are. The inverse order applies for them. They can produce multiple generations in a few centuries. However, their offspring are much muted in essence and power."

"As compared with us."

"Of course. Quality over quantity. I don't make slugs and pugworms. My blood produced two kings. What comparison is there? Should I litter the universe with garbage?"

"My thanks, father" Qui-Gon replied, eyes aglow. "My soul surges with pride to be called your son."

Obi-Wan felt a sudden flush as well. "You...are very eloquent, grandfather."

Litthsyss pecked his son on the cheek. He looked at Obi-Wan again.

"And now are your questions finished?"

Obi-Wan smiled, seeing his reflection dancing in granite green eyes. "I suppose so" he felt warm all of a sudden. His thin braid curled into a long corkscrew.

Litthsyss pulled it straight. "This tells the story. Out with it. Your other question, firebrand?"

"Muckluck imitated you surprisingly well. Too much so, in fact."

"I was deceived also" Qui-Gon supplied.

Litthsyss smiled. The full lips curved slightly. "All darklords share some aspect. He boosted his abilities with spells, but eventually the differences would be noticed."

"No wonder he withstood my strength" Qui-Gon was thoughtful. "Of course, as dragon I became suspicious. Chaos seemed too clumsy a serpent all of a sudden."

The snake god chuckled. "You were already concluding something was wrong. In any case, the idiot couldn't duplicate my...finer points" he looked at his grandson again.

Obi-Wan couldn't tear his eyes away. Litthsyss was marvelous to look at.

Qui-Gon coughed pointedly. "We should be returning home now."

"Of course" the snake god smiled softly at Obi-Wan once more. "Muckluck will be detained in Limbo for awhile. You could exact revenge at your leisure."

"Assuming there would be time" Qui-Gon nearly stepped between them. He gripped his sons' hand. Hard.


"Obi-Wan! Come."

"Don't order me around."

"I'm not-"

"You don't trust me" Litthsyss smiled strangely. "Why? I'm no threat. Oban has made it quite clear you are his beloved. Is that not so?"

A pause. "True" Obi-Wan managed.

Litthsyss was enchanting, fine features shaded in the moonlight. The storm had long since ceased. Long fingers stroked Obi-Wans' face, slipping through the spiky hair. The thin braid waved slowly as he returned his grandsires' gaze.

"That will be quite enough" Qui-Gon pulled his son back, tugging the braid down. "Go home, father. It's been a pleasant evening."

"I'm in a good mood tonight, Quogan" Litthsyss told his son. "Commanding me is useless. Oban makes his own decisions."

Obi-Wan held his eyes. "Yes. But this night is for my beloved, grandfather."

Litthsyss was too close. Obi-Wan felt his cock pulse. A surge of heat peaked his nipples.

The snake god tipped his chin up. "And the others?"

Obi-Wan forced his mind and body into a state of calm. "Others?"

"Other nights. An immortal has many."

"Many that have been decided!" Qui-Gon put in.

Obi-Wan gently moved the hand away. "You know, Null. We spoke of it in the castle" emerald eyes were low. The thin braid looped into a knot.

"I'll not hear this talk!" Qui-Gon roared, pulling the hair straight a second time.

Litthsyss backed up slowly, almost gliding in motion. "Then remember, Ssarparti. Until then."

He disappeared as he moved off.

Fare you well, children. Ever does Chaos guard.

The darklords stood alone in the woods as the mind voice echoed and faded.

Qui-Gon sighed. "Who could guard us against him?"

Obi-Wan hugged his father. "Stop being so stiffnecked. Besides, I have other plans this night" green eyes smouldered under red lashes.

Qui-Gon melted, grabbing him into a greedy kiss.

//Methinks this may be the best part of this mad night.//

They made love under the stars. The twin moons of Urus were bright as they curled in content under a cocoon of blankets. Wild creatures roared and chirped in the night. The meadow was fragrant with wild blooms, heady and sensual.

Obi-Wan tasted a thick neck. "Mmm."

Qui-Gon sighed in bliss as his lover sipped him. "Yesss. Oh, that's good" he was lightheaded and dizzy. His body shook with pleasure.

Ruby lips pulled out. "SSsssSS. Delicious. Now are you still jealous?"

Qui-Gon looked at his son languidly. He felt too good to care. His nipples tingled. "About what?"


"Ssssss. I don't know. Ask me another day."

Obi-Wan grinned, pulling leaves and twigs from the ridiculous train of hair. It fanned across them onto the grass.

"I suppose I'll need a definitive answer" Obi-Wan licked his lips. He slid down under the blankets.

"Snekt. What are you doing down...OH!!" Qui-Gon jolted up. Fang points teased his cock tip as hot tongue lapped it.

Qui-Gon groaned as fingers shot up his ass. The big body bucked once more, nails lengthening in lust. Obi-Wan pumped him hard with his other hand.

"SSSSs. Yes, dammit!!" he bounced mindlessly as knuckles teased his hot hole. A pointed nail poked a delicate spot. Fire stabbed up his spine.

Obi-Wan sucked hard, fine jaws hollowing and pulling the thick shaft. Wet fingers slipped out, squeezing the heavy sacs. Thick cream dribbled from his lips.

Qui-Gon arched, heaving and slick. The leonine features twisted in pleasure as the thick thighs quivered with need. Obi-Wan slapped his nipples, tracing them with fire.

He ached as well. Fire pounded his body and skin, pulsing through his throat. Fangs bared as he pulled long legs open. His lover drained even as he plowed inside.

They rocked and roared, frightening wild game for miles around. Not that they cared. Pleasure and sensation exploded as they climaxed, bursting nerves in a nimbus of red.

"SSssss" Obi-Wan collapsed over his love. His cock still pulsed, engorged. He was stuck tight.

Qui-Gon lay sprawled with Obi-Wan atop him. His eyes wouldn't focus.

"Nnnmth, aghk, uhh..."

//Sith, I can barely think.//

/You're...better off than me. I've got a blinding headache./

Long fingers traced the smooth forehead. The pain eased.


"Much. Thanks" Obi-Wan struggled to pull out.

"Sss. Easy" Qui-Gon moaned.

Soft kiss. "I'll wait" he stretched atop his love again. They cuddled. Obi-Wan pulled the mat of hair around them as they nestled in the grass.

Qui-Gon inhaled. "The woods are wild tonight. 'Tis a pleasing aroma."

Obi-Wan krinkled his nose. "Not as wild as thee. How fares my love now?"

Qui-Gon nuzzled. "Warm. Happy." Long strands tousled about his face in a sexy tangle.

Obi-Wan purred in bliss. The goatee tickled under his jaw.

/Now are you still jealous? You didn't answer my question./

Blue eyes were on him. "Maybe. I'm no fool, Obi-Wan. I see the looks that pass between you two."

A pause. "Where am I now?"

Grin. "In my arms."

"And where have I always returned?"

Broad smile. "To me."

The spiky head tucked in. "All right then. Enough."

Qui-Gons' eyes began to close. "Still, you are serpent."

Obi-Wan peppered his face with kisses. "Go to sleep already!"

"Mmm" muscled arms crushed him close. He was out seconds later.

Obi-Wan lay against him, his soul content. Eyelids drooped. Insects buzzed noisily in the background.

A lazy yawn. It was warm, very warm...

Fire. Suddenly, the forest was ablaze. Obi-Wan looked down. He was alone.


Qui-Gon was gone. Obi-Wan stood, staring at the flames.

Madness. What means this scene?

He began to run. The flames tickled his bare body. It was pleasant.


Faster he went, braid whipping wildly. Powerful muscles flexed, straining in bold relief.


Obi-Wan froze. The fire speaks to me!


Shoots of flame coalesced into a winding form. Faster and faster the fire danced about him, circling in. The air was purplish and murky, a stark contrast to the brilliant red nimbus. Obi-Wan stood still, his fine body sculpted in evil light.

Slowly, slowly. Heat raced across his skin, pricks of white hot sensation firing his cock and nipples. Balls ached, massaged by warmth. He closed his eyes and kissed the feeling...

His mouth was full. Slinking, slithering fire slid down his throat, bursting through his skin.

Obi-Wan screamed his pleasure, an inhuman sound. Fire erupted from his cock tip. He roared and came a second time, collapsing into the flames. They caught him, nestling his fall. Obi-Wan sank into the conflaguration.

On his back, in ecstacy. Hips grinding slowly in the grass. Sensuous lips parted. Reaching up, to touch...


Hot lips a match for his own. Wet tongue that plowed his mouth.

Hunger, raw hunger.

Flames shaping, potent form. A god, glamorous and beautiful.


Perfect strength, well matched. Rippling muscle. Matchless eyes.


Hair of red tone, like the fire. Hot skin like silk. He was crushed under the onslaught. Love and lust danced in counterpoint.

I...I cannot think.

The eyes. Those eyes. I am ever in thy thoughts.

Dry throat as hot lips suckled his neck. Damn...damn you, grandfather. I won't be a slave.

Serpents are ever slaves. Slaves to love. Slaves to lust.

Emerald eyes rolled back in delight. Ghods...

The silky voice was at his jaw. You are in my blood, and I am thine.

He is gorgeous.

You are lovely.

Obi-Wan smiled, his body wracked with delicious shivers. Lashes fanned low as his tongue curled out.

More. Love me.

The fabulous body covered him, held his tight. The handsome face leaned in, ravished his throat. Blood boiled over.

They erupted into flame, collapsing into the dark.

Sweet poison...

Obi-Wan jolted to a sitting position. He sweated heavily. The spiky hair was rakish and damp. His muscled chest glistened and heaved. His groin was tight with heat.

/Force. What just happened? Did I dream, or was it real?/

He looked down. Qui-Gon slept quietly, regal features soft and relaxed. The outrageous mane of hair spread across the grass, loaded with leaves and sticks again. He was curled tightly under a blanket.

Obi-Wan smiled briefly. Strange.Whatever happened didn't seem to disturb him.

He looked about the meadow. Moonlight shone through the trees, creating gentle beams.

And then his breath caught.

Stepping slowly through a moonbeam was Litthsyss. He was nude. Red blonde waves shimmered and sparkled. Stone green eyes were clear and stark against the night.

Obi-Wan stared, mouth parted. /No./

Slow smile. //Yes.//

/You...did we?!/

//Kry'ka...need ask?//

Obi-Wan glanced briefly at his father once more. /He didn't awaken./

//We made love on the astral plane. A gentle spell insured his rest.//

Obi-Wan touched his neck impulsively. It throbbed a hot pulse.

/Did you bite me again?/

Litthsyss smiled with perfect fangs.

/Snake. Cheat!! You didn't wait.../

Black lashes fluttered. //Do you find me attractive?//

/Stop it!! Someday I'll repay the favor, Null./

//I hoped you would say that. Until later, wa'bee.//

The perfect body turned. Obi-Wan got an eyeful of rippling back and lush buttocks. His cock popped high in response.

/Sith. Down, damn you!/ he held himself.

Litthsyss slipped into the moonbeams and was gone.

Obi-Wan heaved again, forcing his breathing to calm. He slid under the blanket and held Qui-Gon tightly. His body trembled.

It's going to be a long night.

Exhausted, he fell into a light sleep.

Qui-Gon opened an eye. "Serpents" he murmured to himself. "Fire boils their brains."