Lover's Gaze

by Ki

Warning: the following story contains explicit m/m contents. Run as fast as you can if you CAN NOT tolerate homosexuality OR you are UNDER AGE.

Disclaimer: all hail the mighty Lucasworld !

Category: AU, angst , sex

Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan (of sorts)

Rating: R

Summary: well, this is the answer for the historical AU suggestion!

To: Ruth (thank you for sending the Renaissance bunny over) and Mre (for the historical AU suggestions).

Also to my beta Cleo: hehehe J

London, 1560, March 1st

The tall man walked silently down the Thames, wrapped in his own thoughts. He was powerfully-built, this tall man. He wore a simple rust-colored robe, marking him as an artisan. His long hair was greyish-brown, glistening silver under the English sun. Like a magnificent griffin straight out from the bestiary, he strode on confidently, ignoring the powdered fops gazing at him speculatively or the wharf-side doxies trying to invite him into their fleshy arms.

Some people avoided this tall man because he radiated a special kind of aura. One look at his piercing blue eyes and the on-looker would look away, ashamed. It was whispered among the groups of lads that those blue eyes could pick out your darkest secrets.

Or worse, those blue eyes would seek you out, consume you whole.

There were clearly some who considered this longhaired man a 'witch' but they dared not do. He was afterall an artist.

Now, those beguiling eyes stared resolutely into the distance. The tall man folded his arms across his broad chest and watched the flow of the mighty Thames, seeing bits and pieces of filth floating in it. There was a distinct stench but the Londoners had gotten used to the smell.

He smiled, the half-smile that had charmed the wives of many merchants and stirred lust in the loins of the young men who worked for him.

Early in the day, the Earl of Sussex had appeared unannounced to his workshop. In his pompous voice, he had curtly informed that he wanted to commission a statue. He wanted the statue to be done in two weeks' time. The Earl had magnificent gall indeed. Like a bristling porcupine, ready to attack.

The smile faded. He had to find a model for the statue. He would do a nude in the Grecian style. He grinned once more. Amongst the intelligentsia, humanism was taking hold and there was a frenzy of creativity gripping the artists and the poets. A beautiful nude in the form of a Greek warrior.

He rubbed his slightly-crooked nose ruefully.

"Master Jinn," a respectful boyish voice startled him and he turned with a reprimand on his lips. The voice belonged to young Galen who stood politely. His cheeks were stained a light pink. The lad's eyes shone though in obvious hero worship. Master Jinn. The strange artist with an Oriental name. Master Jinn. The tall blue-eyed man who was clearly not from the land of the Middle Kingdom.

"Yes, Galen? " Master Jinn's voice was deep, rumbling.

Galen stood to attention. "The models have arrived, sir. They are waiting for you."

Master Jinn smiled. Galen was one of his most gifted apprentices. The youth had a bright future. Already, he had learned how to sculpt various parts of the anatomy. "My thanks, lad. Now go and tell them I won't be long ... "

London, 1560, March 2nd

It was frustrating!

Master Jinn stood in his workshop, tossing down the rag in disgust. All the models had failed to meet his requirements. Damn. Damn. Damn.

For a moment, he stood, anger seething in his belly like a hive of hornets. Slowly, he let the Zen training flow through him. The blessed calmness returned.

Looking at the assorted items in his tiny workshop, Master Jinn settled down onto the floor, crossing his legs. There were half-formed statues of torsos and human figures. Paintings cluttered near the door, covered with white cloth. The fragrance of color paints filled his nose. Art was his mainstay. Art was his life.

He sighed. The models were all beautiful young men. Lovely bodies. All in the prime of their youth. But they lacked something.

Life. Energy. The very essence of Art.

His head throbbed dismally.

Master Jinn stood up, brushing his hands on his thighs. He needed to take a walk.

The afternoon sun had dipped lower in the horizon, turning the sky a light orange. Pigeons flew in huge flocks. The Thames was still covered with boats and water-taxis. There were still crowds of people walking about.

Master Jinn strode along, thinking about dire things concerning a furious patron named Earl John of Sussex.

His eyes caught something ---

In a flash, his large hand crushed down on a grimy arm. He stared into a defiant face, slightly disconcerted with the clear blue eyes. The smell of an unwashed body hit him but he held on grimly.

"Lemme go!" The voice belonged to a young man; there was a distinct Scottish burr.

"Not thinking about stealing ?" Master Jinn growled and the face turned ashen at the cold tone. It was the tone the apprentices at the workshop feared.

"Of course not!" More defiance. Master Jinn thought he was holding one of those lean hunting dogs used by the aristocrats. "Lemme go!"

Master Jinn did and the pickpocket backed off, unnerved by the man's full height. The artist gazed intently at the young man. Dressed in tattered clothes, dirty hose and looking grimy. Totally disreputable. A cur from the more seedy parts of London. Yet something caught Master Jinn's eyes. The young thief glared back ferociously, his stance one of 'flight or fight'.

"A proposition," Master Jinn said in his cool voice. "I am a sculptor and I am wondering if you would like to be my model."

"This musta a pox-ridden jest!" The anwering snarl was swift, the suspicion guttural.

"No, I am not jesting. You will be my model and in return, I will give you food."

The pickpocket turned away, staring at his shoes. The blue-eyed man standing in front of him radiated power of sorts. A sculptor? Bah? Probably a pox-covered whore-pimp! He glanced at the tall man looking solemnly back at him.

He made up his mind.

"I will follow ya," the young pickpocket said. "If you dare to lie to me, I will kill ya."

Master Jinn smiled at the bravado.

Galen saw the two men approach the workshop. The apprentice lifted an eyebrow. That man walking next to Master Jinn was ...was a thief.

"Galen," Master Jinn nodded. "Good, you are here. Bring this gentleman a basin of water and a rag." The pickpocket slunk in, looking at his new environment with a mixture of avarice and suspicion in his blue eyes.

"But sir ...?" Galen let his voice trail off uncertainly. The smell from the man standing next to him was unbearable. Good God, what had he been sleeping in? Someone's midden? The shores of the Thames? Mud with shit in it?

"Go and fetch the basin now," Master Jinn's tone was stubborn. Galen sighed. Master Jinn could be hard like some rock at times.

Soon, the apprentice brought back a basin of water and a piece of rag. He handed the items to the pickpocket who stared at them as if they were weapons.

"Go on," Master Jinn encouraged the pickpocket gently. "Wash your face. I want to see it."

Galen swallowed nervously.

The pickpocket took the rag, dipped into the water. Then, slowly, he began to wipe the grime off his face. Master Jinn stared. The feeling in his belly was akin to the joy he once felt during a beautiful sunrise. A delicate yet bold face fast replaced the grime. It was a face that could be sweet at times. It was a face that had frowned too much. He tried not to stare at the cleft in the young man's chin.

He tried not to stroke it.

London, 1560, March 3rd

Galen had managed to convince the pickpocket to wash his hair. There was a brief moment the apprentice thought that the thief would bolt out of the door in sheer panic. But, bless God, there was more common sense in the pickpocket's brains and he quietly assented, subjecting himself to a bath.

Now the thief sat drying his hair on the floor. Sunlight was streaming in, catching the copper strands and turning them to fire. The young thief had sandy-brown hair, Master Jinn mused sitting on his chair.

"What ya starin' at?" The Scottish burr was charming. The blue eyes pinned the sculptor down like a falcon staring at a field mouse. Master Jinn found himself speechless. Oh God, he was beautiful.

"Nothing," Master Jinn lied.

"Don't lie to me."

The tone coming from such a youth shocked Master Jinn. The lad before him might well be around his early twenties. But he sounded much older ...much much older. Something inside Master Jinn cried. Lost youth. Lost innocence. It was like watching someone else pull off the wings of a butterfly.

"I will be frank," Master Jinn said then. "You are beautiful."

A flicker of surprise. A quick turn of the head. "I am not beautiful," snarled the lad. He was actually blushing.

"You are," Master Jinn smiled. "I think I have found the right person. You will be my model."

Blue turning darker. " I see." The body language told Master Jinn that the lad was afraid. The shoulders were shaking.

"Don't be afraid," Master Jinn said gently. "I won't hurt you." He decided to test the fragile ... trust. "I am Master Jinn. But close friends call me Qui-Gon."

The sandy-brown head looked up quickly. "You have a strange name."

"Long story," Master Jinn said watching the lad squirm uncomfortably under his gaze. "How about yours?"

There was a brief silence. Then: "Ben. Ben Kenobi. Fools call me Obi-Wan."

To Master Jinn's ear, the name was foreign. Oriental. Like his. He recalled the Zen monk telling him about the island called Nippon. Master Jinn looked closer at the features. There were slight --- very slight ---, hints of Oriental blood in the face. But what could explain the Scottish burr?

"I will call you Ben," Master Jinn said softly. "Ben, do you mind removing your doublet?"

The glare was back.

"No, I won't hurt you. I need to see your body so that I can sculpt." Gently, kindly, not wanting to scare the young lad away.

Ben gave him a growl but he obeyed, pulling off the doublet.

Master Jinn looked at the bare torso with admiration. It was lean, muscled. Lightly-furred. The taut lean body was clearly the result of hard labor. The sinews in the arms fascinated him. As the young man moved, the muscles rippled.

"Beautiful ... "

"You keep sayin' that!"

"Because you are, Ben."

"Then do you want me to remove all now?" The words were biting. Challenging. Good God, he must have thought me a pimp of some sorts! Master Jinn was anxious. Without warning, Ben stripped off his hose and he stood as bare as the day he was born.

Master Jinn gulped down a hard lump in his throat. He found his own manhood stiffening.

"Satisfied, my lord?" The voice was half-teasing, half-cruel.

The longer he scrutinized the nude body in front of him, the more Master Jinn realized how attractive Ben was. Handsome. Very much so.

Master Jinn had long ago known that he was attracted to men. He had a few secretive flings with men he met during his wandering years. But sodomy was universally frowned upon. Didn't they kill Pier Gaverston horribly in England's bloody past?

His large hands held the chisel and the hammer as he diligently carved the outline of the nude. He belatedly realized that his hands were ...trembling. He confessed to himself that he was affected, strongly so, by Ben who posed with a slightly bored expression on his face. The young man was holding a wooden sword with his hand; he was supposed to look heroic, like Achilles or Hector.

The sculptor's gaze was transfixed to certain areas of Ben's body. The light dusting of hair around the groin area. The manhood nestled between the legs. He wondered idly how it would feel like for Ben when he cupped the balls in his hands.

And those lips. Nicely-formed. They would look more appealing if Ben'd pouted.

Those cheeks. Master Jinn's hands itched to stroke them.

He knew that Ben could sense his attraction. The lad did nothing to hide his amusement. The blue eyes flashed wickedly at him, daring him.

Master Jinn seriously doubted the Zen training would help him ease the persistent ache in his own loins now.

There was a knock and Galen peered in. "Sir, food has been prepared."

The tall blue-eyed man was almost glad for the interruption. The air in the workshop was getting a little too tense for his own liking.

London, 1560, March 3rd


Ben chewed the bread glumly, glaring at the quiet longhaired man who sat opposite him. He hated this place. It felt so enclosed, so different. Even the pale-skinned Galen looked so sickly.

He could feel the intense gaze of the older man gliding down his skin like a sheet of fire. He tried not to stare back. The longhaired man was strange. Bizarre. Powerfully built, yes. Master Jinn was a man of power but he controlled it somewhat like a man controlling a mastiff with a chain-leash.

No, he wasn't a pimp alright.

Maybe, he should steal some of the stuff in the workshop. Get some decent shillings with the loot.

He glanced at Master Jinn and he realized that he couldn't bring himself to do it. Growling, he swallowed the bread and finished the soup. He felt never so good with his belly filled.

"Leave us, Galen." Master Jinn's deep voice startled Ben and he darted a quick look at the tall man.

Galen shifted unhappily. "But sir ... "

"Stop your complaints," Master Jinn snapped and Galen visibly cringed. Then, the apprentice left, his shoulders slumped down with an air of resignation.

Once Galen had disappeared, the room filled instantly with something palpable. Ben became stock-still. The pickpocket in him cried out warnings. He could smell danger from a mile away. He could sense it now. It was crackling, like a live creature.

Master Jinn was looking at him.

Ben got to his feet. Oh Gawd, Master Jinn was big. Tall. He easily dwarfed Ben who only came up to his chin.

"Come to the workshop," Master Jinn said calmly. "We can talk there."

Ben shuddered at the tone of the man's voice. It was silky.

Master Jinn wanted him.

In the Biblical sense.

He squeezed his eyes shut. No! Distorted memories flashed through his youthful mind. Shadowy men, smelling of stale beer and vomit. His arse hurting like hell. The pain of humiliation. The hot tears pouring down the cheeks. The shame.

Good God, no! He swore to whatever god out there that he would soon stick a dagger into Master Jinn's belly if the man ...

"What's wrong?" The tone was kind. Gentle.

"Nuthin'!" Ben snarled.

The workshop was tinged faintly with white as the moonlight spilled through the window. The plaster-of-Paris statues glowed with a ghostly light. Shadows pooled here and there. Ben's senses prickled.

A hiss and Master Jinn lit the candle. The room was immediately illuminated.

Ben was ready to run. He would jump down the window if the need arose.

"Tell me about yourself," Master Jinn said softly.

"I am a thief, a cur and a whore-begotten son," Ben rattled off rebelliously. He tossed a glance at Master Jinn and he cursed a particularly abusive oath. The man wasn't even smiling! No, Master Jinn's face was earnest.

Ben found himself talking.

"My mother was raped by one of those pirates. Then, she gave birth to me and died. I was left to die but someone saved me. I lived in Glasgow for a while and then, I ran away to London."

Hot tears started to fall. Ben shook his head furiously.

"Someone gave me the name Ben ...But because of my ... father, I was ...given Kenobi as my last name if people really cared ...Children teased me about name ...called me ...cruel names ...They make me the source of their pox-ridden fun ... "

A warm hand rested on his shoulder, squeezed it gently. It was Master Jinn, nodding quietly.

"I share your pain," the deep voice was sympathetic. "I never knew my own parents myself."

Ben stared miserably at the master artist.

"I was abandoned, apparently at the doorstep of a Buddhist temple at Chang'an." Master Jinn continued on. "The monks there brought me in and fed me until I became older. I was the strange white-skinned child they found. The child with the color of the sky for his eyes. They gave me a name. Jinn. It means 'gold' because old T'sing-He told me that I was like precious gold to him."

All the names sounded strange to Ben. But he listened silently, captivated by the voice and the glistening grey hairs falling abundantly on Master Jinn's shoulders.

"I basically led a wandering life. I spent two years, learning Zen from the chief abbot at Fujiyama."

More strange names.

"That's why I can understand how you feel," the voice said, became quiet. Silence.

"You understand how I feel?" Ben felt the red-hot anger rise up like a striking serpent. "You understand how I feel ?!" He drew himself to his full height, trying to appear taller and braver.

He wanted to strike ----

But his hand was caught in the same eerie fashion like the first time (was that only two days ago?) he met the strange tall man.

Then warm lips crushed his own and he fought. Oh Gad, he fought. He kicked out with his legs, flailed his arms wildly. But the lips persisted, held on and parted his own. He could feel a hot moist tongue sliding in, caressing the insides of his own mouth.

He could feel hands, large callused hands, moving down the belly and gently clasping his balls. Sensations of pleasure shot through his body like lightning. Ben arched back, crying out . He wanted this man!

They began to peel off each other's clothing in a lust-driven frenzy. Then, Ben staggered back and gazed at Master Jinn's nude body.

It was magnificent. Wiry. Lean.

"Ben, you have captured my heart," the deep voice was now husky with desire. "The moment I saw you ... "

With his tongue, the sculptor began to trail a warm path down the younger man's belly. He began to tease him mercifully, causing the youth to whimper helplessly. Ben yelped as he felt a mouth envelop his manhood, sheathing with heat. Tears seeped through his closed eyelids as the sensations of both pain and pleasure jolted him on and on. He could feel himself hardening, feel as if he was going to burst. His head swarm, he bucked up and down.

Then, he came in a glorious sunburst of sensations.

Ben awoke in someone's arms. He stirred, feeling slightly sore. Moonlight caressed the arms around his waist. It was Master Jinn who was holding him.

He looked at the sleeping man next to him. It was a strong face. Noble. Majestic. But oddly sad. Ben felt something stir in his chest. It felt so sweet that it became painful, very painful.

The young man tried to recall what had exactly happened. He could still remember the orgasms that had gripped his entire body like wildfire. He could still see the heaving chest and the shining perspiration as the sculptor flipped him onto his front. The pain was there, the brief shocking pain. Then pleasure. No,wait. Master Jinn used something. Aromatic oil. Something fragrant. It eased the pain in his arse. Master Jinn was definitely more gentle than the toughs in the pubs. Gentle but very skillful indeed. The waves of intense pleasure that came with every single stroke, every single thrust, almost overwhelmed Ben.

"Let me love you," the older man had whispered to him.

The youth rested his head on the broad chest of the man he had only met for two days. There were tears in his eyes.

London, 1560, March 4th-12th

They spent the next eight days in a heady combination of lovemaking and art. In the mornings, Master Jinn would continue to sculpt the statue and admire the beautifully nude body of Ben with a lover's gaze. He would enjoy the way the morning sun coated the youthful skin with a special radiance, caress down the skin like a lover's hands, kiss the sandy-brown gold. He paid special attention to the torso and the lovely manhood, sculpting every detail into the marble.

As for Ben, the eight days had never been so enriching, so pleasurable. He would stand on the pedestal, allowing Master Jinn to look at his body. He would tease the older man, wriggling his arse like a brazen tart, and Master Jinn would laugh, mirth lighting up his blue eyes. He would sometimes grab a fruit and eat it in the presence of Master Jinn, knowing that the older man would watch him avidly, like a man thirsty for water.

At night, the two would fall into the bed, writhing together like a pair of mating porpoises, their skins glistening in the candlelight. Hands touched, stroked, tickled. Mouths would taste each other, savor flushed skin and cum. The lovemaking would carry on and on until the two men collapsed in sheer exhaustion. They would rest, cuddling each other, legs entwined. They would talk about London, Scotland and the mysterious Oriental bond they seemed to share. All the way, the normal sounds of London at night would create an almost magical background, weaving a tapestry of various noises.

London, 1560, March 14th

It was done.

The statue of the Greek warrior was finished. Master Jinn observed the complete work with a glow of artist's pride. The nude was all Ben. From the face right down to the feet. He reached out a hand and touched the cleft in the marble chin. He smiled.

A rustle alerted him and Ben stood there in the sunlight. Master Jinn marveled how quickly Ben had changed. Only a few days ago he was the scruffy dirty pickpocket, smudged face and all angry defiance. Now, he was wearing relatively clean garments. Dark blue doublet and light-brown hose. His face was now bereft of the grime; it was radiant, healthy and happy. Master Jinn liked the way he stood: a slight tilt of his hips.

There were running steps and Galen burst into the workshop. The young apprentice was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "The Earl of Sussex is here!"

Ben's face turned ashen, his happy face crumbling. He wanted to hide. Master Jinn held his arm reassuringly.

"Lemme go," Ben whispered. "At least let me watch you from a corner."

Master Jinn brushed the back of his hand on the soft velvety cheek of the youth. "Ben "

"Just lemme goh " The young man said, the distress making the Scottish burr more obvious. Master Jinn released his grip on the lad's arm and Ben scrambled to a shadowed corner where he shuddered.

Earl John of Sussex walked in, his wife right beside him. The nobleman was opulently dressed in the fashion of the time, foppish hat and puffy sleeves. The best of fabrics, probably from Spain. The lady was similarly garbed, her face pasty with cosmetics. She smiled a little, showing the brownish teeth.

"Ah, you have finished the statue. Well done." Earl John said gazing critically at the statue. "A Grecian nude. Ah."

Master Jinn nodded. He could still see Ben in the shadows.

"What magnificent physique. Beautiful face. What strength! Who is the remarkable youth?" The Earl said, placing a hand on the cool marble. Master Jinn frowned darkly. He couldn't imagine the pudgy hands on Ben's real body.

"A lad I found near the Thames," Master Jinn said and he could hear Ben's gasp. "He's actually in the workshop."

"Oh really?" The eyes of the earl gleamed ferally.

"Ben " Master Jinn called softly and the youth appeared, walking out slowly. The wary look was back on the youth's face.

Earl John of Sussex widened his mouth in an O of unabashed admiration. "So this is the charming lad who provided such inspiration." He reached out a hand to touch the face ---

Snarling like a cornered dog, Ben backed away and ran out.

There was a moment of silence. Then, Earl John laughed. "What a temper! I appreciate such spunk in lads!" His lady wife laughed with him. Master Jinn's smile only reached his lips. His heart was sinking. Ben!

The nobleman ordered the statue to be delivered to his estate as soon as possible. He gave the payment to Master Jinn and left, fetching his wife with him. In the quiet, Master Jinn could hear the clip-clop of the horses moving away.

Master Jinn held the bag of coins in his hand and he stared at the bag in disgust. He dropped it casually onto the floor and headed out, searching for Ben. As he ran around his small workshop, he could see the images of Ben in his mind. Ben laughing. Ben languid after sex. Shining skin and blue eyes that sparkled, spoke millions.

He found Ben sitting near the apprentices' room, hugging his knees close to his chest.

"Ben?" Master Jinn said, worried.

The eyes flashed at him. "I am not your catamite." Ben said coldly.

"I have to apologize."

"I hat' the way he looked at me!" The youth growled, eyes closing. "I'm not someone's whore!" He opened his eyes and fixed Master Jinn with a stern look. "I'm not your whore either'!"

Master Jinn felt every word embed itself painfully into his heart. He gathered Ben into his arms.

"No, you are not my whore," Master Jinn said softly, ruffling the sandy-brown hair with his hand. "No, you are not not at all." He lowered his head and claimed Ben's lips tenderly. It took a while but Ben finally relented, melting in his arms and kissing him back with a wild ferocity Master Jinn found oddly sweet.

The epilogue:

London, 1560, March 15th (early dawn)

Master Jinn could hear London stir in the early dawn light. The snorts and neighing of horses. The creaking of wooden carts. He listened to these reassuring noises, a smile forming on his face. His body felt immensely relaxed after the hours of lovemaking.

The bed felt empty.

Cold shock trickled down his back. Ben was gone.

A shadow flitted across the quiet London street. It paused at a corner, looking into the distance. It had merged perfectly with the patches of darkness. It held something in its hand.

It was a piece of marble.

As the shadow moved on, the morning light caught the faint line of tears on the face.

Author's note: Unfortunately due to the London fire of 1666, the identities of Master Jinn and Ben Kenobi could not traced.

The full story can be accessed at: