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Chapter X

"Obi-Wan ? Obi-Wan ?....Gods ! What's he done to you ?"

Slowly, reluctantly, Obi-Wan forced his eyes open. He found himself looking into Nezan's concerned brown gaze. The Doctor was running his hand back and forth through his hair, obviously agitated about something. It took Obi-Wan a moment to realise the 'something' was him.

"Ne..nez.." His throat was hoarse from screaming.

"Ssh..ssh. Here take this." Nezan held a cup up for him. Obi-Wan eyed it suspiciously. "It's alright, it's just water. I got it myself." Obi-Wan allowed Nezan to assist him, sipping the cool water gratefully.

However after only a couple of mouthfuls he couldn't take any more. "E-enough." Nezan looked worried, but set the cup back down on the shelf. "Wh-where is..he...?" Obi-Wan rasped.

"Sending a communicay to the Hutts."Obi-Wan tried to sit up; the movement sent waves of pain through his abused body and he gasped. Nezan was there in an instant, steadying him - gently pushing him back down. "Easy, easy." The Doctor frowned, Obi-Wan followed his troubled gaze to the blood stained sheets between his legs. Obi-Wan felt fresh shame flood his face and he turned away. Nezan's voice was soft, understanding. "Hey. I meant what I said. There's no shame in survival. We-we", the Doctor stumbled a little, "we all do what we have to."

Obi-Wan turned back to face Nezan, gray-green eyes strangely pale and lifeless. "I...I do not think...I can s-survive this..."

Nezan fixed him with a sharp look, "Yes you can, and you will. He needs you remember ?" Nezan knew it was unfair - to make the youth feel responsible for the older Jedi, but his gut instinct told him this was the way to go - perhaps the only thing that would keep Obi-Wan alive. Sure enough there was a glimmer of 'something' in those crystalline eyes, and he felt his stomach unknot a little.

"'ve s-spoken to..him..?" Nezan winced at the rough, rasped words - recognizing a voice broken through screaming.

"Yeah. He..he's agreed to go with the plan." - Well it was more or less the truth.

"D-does ?" Nezan didn't answer; the Doctor glanced away, and then back. Obi-Wan smiled - soft, bitter, tinged with sadness. "He doesn't. Does he ?"

Nezan shook his head, " exactly.." Obi-Wan's breath hitched sharply; Nezan continued hastily, "Look he remembered Padawan - that's you right ? !" Obi-Wan's deadened gaze showed a flicker of interest. Frantically Nezan wracked his memory for anything else the older Jedi might have said that could help."I shows his memory is coming back...and he said he felt something !"

"F-felt..something ?"

"Yes ! For you. He said when he saw you he felt something !" Nezan waved his hands to show he wasn't sure what the Jedi meant either. However it seemed to be enough; Obi-Wan had a strange expression on his face, but at least it wasn't the alarming deadness that had been there a moment before. Time to press on with the plan. "Listen, R-Rigel," Nezan's tongue caught on the name when Obi-Wan flinched, "Er..Well he was a bit concerned when you wouldn't wake up." Obi-Wan looked at him questioningly, "Well..I passed out..when...when..."

"I r-remember." Obi-Wan replied coldly.

"Yeah, right." Nezan shifted uncomfortably. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Anyway it shouldn't take much to convince him you need some tests. Hell knows - you look sick enough." He rubbed his hand back and forth through his hair again, feeling increasingly discomforted beneath Obi-Wan's steady gaze. "Look I want you to know..I...I..." His voice trailed off - he just didn't not what to say.

Obi-Wan's expression shifted slightly. Nezan leapt up pacing. "Gods ! I hate this. I hate it ! I hate that...that..."

"Monster." Obi-Wan's soft whisper broke through his venting.

"Yeah," Nezan added quietly. "He is." The Doctor rubbed at his eyes wearily. "Look. I have to go talk to him. We'll be arriving at Tattooine in a few hours." He sat back down on the edge of the bed. "I...I need to have a look at you. Just to check..." Nezan broke off miserably - he did hate this. It made him sick to the depths of his stomach. He was grateful when Obi-Wan simply nodded, rolling over onto his side, facing away. With shaking hands, Nezan examined the youth; feeling his own anger burning fiercely as he beheld the torn and bleeding flesh. It wasn't the first rape victim he had treated - Hell he had witnessed such savagery many times on this vessel; but something about this young man had touched him very personally. It was more than another vicious assault - it was the defilement of something intrinsically pure and good; something powerful being corrupted and used.

Nezan unscrewed a small jar; he kept his voice pitched low and gentle. "Obi-Wan ? I'm going to touch you alright ? I need to put something on..this..." Obi-Wan shuddered, and then gave a terse nod. Nezan felt the young man tense up as he gently smoothed the lotion onto the raw skin. "It's alright. Nearly done. Just a minute more." He kept up the soothing litany as he worked; keeping Obi-Wan grounded in the moment. "There. Done." Obi-Wan rolled back over, still trembling. The young man's skin had felt like ice. Nezan put the lid back on the jar and gave Obi-Wan's fore-arm a gentle squeeze. "I'll be back soon. Alright ?" The young Jedi nodded.

Sighing, Nezan moved away - painfully conscious of Obi-Wan's bleak gaze fixed upon him as he stepped through the doorway.

Chapter XI

Rigel had been surprisingly easy to persuade. Even after what he had said to Obi-Wan, Nezan had expected a little more effort on his part - and a little more reluctance on the scavenger's - before he would be permitted to take Obi-Wan to the lab. However Rigel had relented almost immediately, and Nezan was unsettled to release the scavenger was 'concerned' for Obi-Wan. Deeply troubled, Nezan was relieved to be excused, and wasted no time in retrieving the young Jedi from Rigel's quarters.

Rigel had sent one guard to escort them through the ship, Nezan had expected that. He wasn't concerned - the guard would be unlikely to report anything to Rigel. The scavenger's men went out of their way to avoid their volatile and unpredictable captain - better to report nothing, than to relay something which might displease him.

Obi-Wan had been given some clothing to make the journey. Soft, simply cut trousers and an open shirt in brilliant red - making his pale skin seem almost translucent. The youth walked slowly, and with obvious discomfort. Nezan offered his arm and, after a slight hesitation, Obi-Wan accepted it, leaning on the young Doctor heavily - a testament to his weary, ravaged state. In this way they made steady, if somewhat awkward progress through the ship's narrow passageways. Obi-Wan was breathing heavily, his face glistening with perspiration, as Nezan keyed in the door sequence.

Once inside Nezan steered Obi-Wan towards the examination table, and assisted him onto it. Obi-Wan declined to lie down, instead perching on the edge - bare feet barely touching the floor - looking very young and lost. Nezan pushed the guard outside, muttering something about needing room to move. It was an acceptable excuse, the room was small and filled with a motley assortment of equipment - much of it positively antiquated.

Nezan turned back to Obi-Wan. "Right, that's phase one sorted. Now to see about getting your 'master' up here."

Obi-Wan frowned, "Nezan d-don't...don't endanger y-yourself."

Nezan snorted. "I live in danger ! This whole ship is riddled with it. I eat, sleep and dream danger !" He grinned. "Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing." Obi-Wan nodded in uneasy acceptance, and Nezan left.

As he wandered down the corridor he muttered to himself..... .....Nezan - W h at t h e H e l l a r e y o u d o i n g ? !

Chapter XII

Nezan hovered anxiously around the corridors for a bit, keeping well out of sight. He waited until the shuttle - carrying Rigel and his accompaniment - left for the surface, before making his way to the slave deck.

He was thankful that Qui-Gon hadn't been assigned any duties yet - it made the Jedi easy to find. Nezan bluffed the guard into opening up the holding pen. The Jedi was on his feet immediately, Nezan jumped a little - these Jedi moved fast. "Bind his hands." he barked the order to the hesitant guard. Qui-Gon frowned and Nezan silently willed the Jedi to understand what was going on. It seemed the older man did when he stepped forward and allowed the guard to place the binders around his wrists.

"Do'ya want his legs shackled too ?"

"W-what ? Oh. No, that will be sufficient." The guard shot the Doctor a suspicious look. Nezan thought fast. "These damn creatures are slow enough." That seemed to satisfy the guard, who gave a brief, nasty laugh before moving away. Nezan risked leaning in low to whisper to Qui-Gon. "Just walk beside me and keep your head down. Try-" he shrugged, "Try to look a little cowed." The Jedi responded immediately, casting his eyes to the floor, hunching forward - almost seeming to shrivel before Nezan's eyes. Until, instead of a tall and dignified Jedi, there stood a meek and beaten slave. Nezan was impressed. Raising his voice for the benefit of the guard outside, he gave Qui-Gon a swift shove, "Come on scum. Move !" The Jedi stumbled, quite convincingly Nezan thought, and then stepped forward. Nezan followed.

"Watch him." The guard warned Nezan as they passed, "He's still got a bit of fight in him, and Rigel wants him keeping alive." The guard smiled, revealing sharp yellowed teeth. "At least for now."

Nezan shot the guard a quick nod of understanding, before pushing Qui-Gon forward roughly, and making a hasty exit.

Nezan practically ran back to the lab, slowing only when another slave or scavenger came into view. He felt exposed and vulnerable out in the passageways. He was anxious to get this over with. The sooner the Jedi was back in his pen, the sooner he could start breathing again.

Qui-Gon remained silent until they reached the lab. Nezan wasn't surprised to find that the guard who had been stationed outside had slouched off somewhere. Probably getting drunk in the galley Nezan keyed in the door sequence, cursing when his fingers miss-typed and he had to start again. The Jedi's low voice made him jump.

"Is Obi-Wan inside ?"

"Uh ? Oh-yeah."

"Could you," the Jedi paused holding up his hands, "Could you please remove these ?"

Nezan hadn't planned to. Not because he mistrusted the Jedi - well not exactly - but because it would raise too many questions if someone else were to see. However he was unable to resist the quiet sorrow in the Jedi's request, and he nodded. "Sure." Qui-Gon smiled at him gratefully, and Nezan felt absurdly pleased. He slipped the binders off quickly, and finished keying in the last number. He stepped back as the door slid open; however Qui-Gon hung back too - the noble face betraying the man's bewildered anguish. Nezan gave the Jedi a quick smile of encouragement, motioning the older man to enter. Drawing in a deep breath, the Jedi shed all traces of his 'slave persona' and stepped through the doorway. Nezan followed, locking the door behind them.

Chapter XIII

Since there was no where in the room to move to in order to give the Jedi some privacy - Nezan tried to slip unobtrusively into the corner by the door. Inadvertently this meant stepping out from behind the older Jedi, giving him a clear view of Obi-Wan's face.

Nezan couldn't have looked away then if he'd wanted to.

The young man seemed to change before his eyes - it was like watching carved marble come to life. Still the same pinched white face, but now the pale eyes appeared almost luminescent. Obi-Wan slipped off the examination couch - his legs still weak the young man stumbled. Nezan moved forwards at once, but the older Jedi was already there; the man's arms reaching out to gently grasp Obi-Wan's shoulders. Nezan could see the shudder that passed through the young man's frame at the contact, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly shifted - charged with a sense of expectant urgency.

Nezan knew he should turn away now, but he was caught fast.

Qui-Gon stood perfectly still, his gaze transfixed upon the youth trembling beneath his hands. He stared, hardly daring to draw breath, as slowly Obi-Wan reached out; slender white fingers skirting across the bruises upon his cheek - the lightest of touches, like the gossamer of cobwebs. Qui-Gon let out a slow shaky breath, the hand stilled. An agonized moment as he feared the youth would shy away. Then the fingers continued their delicate exploration; whispering over brows and lashes, trailing down his cheeks - stroking his beard with a sweet reverence. Qui-Gon was sure his heart stopped as the fingers moved away, and came back to hover over his lips. He closed his eyes as they touched him; fighting down an almost overpowering urge to reach out and taste that milky pale skin.

Qui-Gon opened his eyes when the fingers drew away. He stared at the young man before him, "You-you know me...Don't you ?" His voice trembled with the force of his emotions. Eyes shimmering with tears, the young man nodded. Qui-Gon felt as though his heart was being ripped out through his chest. "I-I'm sorry," he shook his head, feeling his own eyes burn with the sharp sting of tears. "I'm s-sorry. I don't know you...I-" His breath caught as the young man's hand moved up to cup his face; a sudden fierce determination blazing in those incredible eyes.

"You will." The hand pressed against his cheek shook, "You will" Qui-Gon froze as Obi-Wan pulled him closer - drawing Qui-Gon's face downwards as the youth tilted his up to meet him.

Qui-Gon gasped at the first brush of those lips, opening his own instinctively even as Obi-Wan's tongue darted out seeking entrance. Qui-Gon granted it willingly, his hands moving up of their own volition to cradle the young man's head. He moaned in pleasure as he felt the young man's response - strong fingers sliding up into his hair. Desire leapt through his body, and he pulled the young man to him almost roughly; feeling a heady rush as Obi-Wan pressed hard against him. Lips and tongues thrust against each other, drinking in the bitter-sweet taste of desperate longing.

Unnoticed in the corner Nezan stared - at the most painfully erotic sight he had ever witnessed. He blinked suddenly, and suffused with shame and sadness he turned to face the wall. He didn't see the older Jedi hand's move down to slip inside the open shirt, or the way Qui-Gon stiffened as his fingers encountered cold metal. Nor was Nezan witness to Obi-Wan's sudden withdrawal - the youth stepping back, arms wrapping around his chest protectively.

However, as the young man hung his head, Qui-Gon gently cupped the stubborn chin and drew Obi-Wan's face up again - placing a tender kiss upon startled lips. Qui-Gon smiled at the young man, who managed a shaky response. The atmosphere had changed again, the fierce desperation dissolving into a gentler muted desire.

Nezan seemed to sense the change in mood, or perhaps he just felt time was pressing on. Whatever the reason, the young Doctor approached the two Jedi. Nezan didn't say anything, he didn't need to, Qui-Gon nodded to him, understanding - it was time to say goodbye.

Obi-Wan understood too, that much was clear - the young man's face twisted as he fought to contain his grief.

Nezan watched as the older Jedi reached out to touch Obi-Wan's cheek, the thumb brushing away a spilt tear. The act undid Obi-Wan's brittle composure and the youth all but threw himself against Qui-Gon, who wrapped his arms around the smaller man - battling not to lose his own fragile control. "Sssh. Obi-Wan. It will be alright." Qui-Gon kissed the soft red-gold spikes; his voice tight with barely restrained emotion. "I promise you. It will be alright."

Nezan found he wanted to believe the Jedi's words almost as much as Obi-Wan did.

Finally the older Jedi drew back. Cupping Obi-Wan's face with long elegant fingers, Qui-Gon kissed the young man's lips once, and then his forehead - a gentle benediction. Dark blue eyes stared into pale gray-green, a silent communication seemed to pass between them. Then Qui-Gon released the youth and turned away, pushing past Nezan blindly. The Doctor spared a brief glance at Obi-Wan - who stood as if frozen - before he hurried to open the door. Qui-Gon staggered out, and Nezan barely had time to close and lock it before he had to rush off after the rapidly departing Jedi.

Thankfully he caught up with the older man before the first turn in the passageway, by which time Qui-Gon seemed to have come back to his senses. "You-you should put these back on."

The Jedi glanced at him wordlessly, then stopped. Lifting up his arms to allow Nezan to snap the binders around his wrists. Nezan had barely finished when the Jedi spoke. "I need to remember."

"W-what ?"

"I have to get my memory back." The Jedi's voice was thick with emotion

"I-I told you it's coming back-"

"No !" The Jedi interrupted him sharply. "I need to get it back now!".

Nezan glanced around them nervously, the passageway was deserted but he lowered his voice to a frantic whisper anyway. "It will come back, but it will take time-"

"Is there nothing you can give me ?" Nezan hesitated a fraction to long. The Jedi looked at him intently. "There is something ?"

"No!-Yes, but it's way too risky." Nezan tried to shove the Jedi forwards - but it was like pushing a wall. He gave up and stood, exasperated, staring up at the Jedi. "Look, we get caught here, we'll both probably end up dead." Qui-Gon regarded him thoughtfully, and then began to walk on. Nezan released the breath he'd been holding, and stepped up to keep pace.

"You will tell me what it is."

Oh, so they were still on that topic - "There's no point."

"I need to remember him." The Jedi's voice held a faint edge of desperation.

Nezan sighed Ah. So that was it. "Look, I really want to help-"

The Jedi interrupted, the soft voice strained with sorrow."It is killing me. It is killing us"

Normally Nezan would have put that sort of line down to histrionics, but something in the Jedi's tone rang with a deep, and very worrying sincerity. Nezan didn't know much about Jedi, but he did know they were not like other creatures - could the older man be right ? - could the Jedi die from this ? Nezan stopped, rubbing his hand back and forth through his hair fiercely. Qui-Gon walked ahead a few paces and then stopped too.

Nezan met Qui-Gon's gaze with his own frustrated look. " Alright. I do have something, but it works by stimulating the neural conductors-" He stopped. "Do you know anything about how the mind works ?"

The Jedi actually looked slightly amused. "A little."

"Well then you'll know that by stimulating certain receptors - specifically those keyed towards memories - you could, and I mean could get your memory back." Nezan's eyes narrowed. "Or you could go hopelessly mad from the overload."

Qui-Gon seemed to weigh up what Nezan was saying carefully, before asking - "What are the chances of that happening ?"

Nezan sighed. "Truthfully ? I don't know. It depends entirely on how the individual reacts to the serum." He tugged at his hair, agitated.

Qui-Gon studied his bound wrists for a moment in silence; then he looked back at Nezan. "I will take the risk."

Nezan felt unaccountably angry, "You will ? Oh well great !" The Doctor's voice dripped with sarcasm. "And what about Obi-Wan ? What happens to him if you die ? !" He stabbed his finger at the Jedi, who stood still and silent beneath the Doctor's tirade.

Nezan was a little taken aback when Qui-Gon fairly snarled his reply. "Obi-Wan is dying ! We...The shock...being disconnected from the''s..." The Jedi's voice broke struggling to explain something which could never be truly understood by any non-Force sensitive. He fixed Nezan with a steady gaze, dark blue eyes muddied with pain and suffering. "We will die, Nezan."

Turning round to face the wall Nezan hit it, emitting a strangled sound of frustration. He spun back round to face Qui-Gon. "Alright !" He knelt down and unfastened a compartment on his lower trouser leg; muttering angrily the whole time. Nezan withdrew a small vial containing a brackish coloured liquid.

"Do you carry all your medical supplies around with you ?" Qui-Gon's voice held the faintest trace of suspicion.

Nezan shot him a wry look. "Pretty much. This is a scavenger ship." The Jedi seemed to accept this. Nezan shook his head - Jedi ! Demanding and suspicious He held the vial out to Qui-Gon, who took it; examining the contents in the poor light. Nezan explained. "It takes effect very quickly. You'll probably feel a bit disorientated. Some say the memories come back like dreams, others indicate it's more of a hallucinogenic experience. Either way it probably won't be very pleasant." Nezan touched the Jedi's arm gently to get his full attention. "You have to remember that they are only memories. If you start believing what you see is real-"

The Jedi finished the sentence for him."-I'll go mad."

Nezan nodded glumly. "Either that or comatose. Still you want to be a dribbling wreck that's your choice." The Doctor's attempt to appear unconcerned in no way fooled Qui-Gon, who lay his hand upon the young man's shoulder.

"Whatever the outcome, Obi-Wan and I are indebted to you. If-if..." The Jedi swallowed heavily. "If I am...incapacitated. Please-" dark blues eyes turned upon Nezan beseechingly- "Please look after...look after..." Qui-Gon couldn't continue.

Nezan took pity on him, his anger melting away. "Don't worry, I'll look out for Obi-Wan". Qui-Gon gave him a look equal parts gratitude and despair. Then the tall Jedi turned away, and set off again towards the slave quarters. Feeling suddenly tired - trapped by his uncertainty - Nezan followed.

Chapter XIV

Qui-Gon sat upon the cold, damp floor of the slave pen. The tiny vial felt strangely warm against his palm. Hylas had already bedded down to sleep. The Lycinian seemed perturbed by Qui-Gon's absence, but asked no questions - for which Qui-Gon was profoundly grateful. Though he trusted Hylas to a degree, he felt safer sharing this secret with no-one else.

He waited until the slender Lycinian's breathing became relaxed and even, signalling as deep a sleep as any slave would dare, then he snapped the top off the vial.

Obi-Wan Qui-Gon could not tear his thoughts from the young man who had kissed him which such passionate longing.

Qui-Gon downed the liquid in one swift motion - he had to know who this green-eyed incubus was to him.

The liquid was surprisingly sweet. Qui-Gon swirled his tongue around his mouth, securing every last drop. Then he sat back, head resting against the wall, and waited.

He did not have long. As Nezan had predicted, the serum took hold almost immediately. Qui-Gon winced as a dull ribbon of pain wrapped itself around his forehead...tightening...squeezing. Voices echoed around him, images drifting with them - a small creature with a gnarled, wizened face....a beautiful woman in flowing robes....a tall, ebony skinned man with worried eyes. Much to learn have you......Yes Master......Do or do not......Your Padawan he will be..... Padawan.....Code forbids the taking of another....Obi-Wan....

"Obi-Wan !" Gray-green eyes burned into him, bright with pain and disbelief. No ! Obi-Wan forgive me ! Forgive me ! Qui-Gon scrambled to his feet, pushing back against the wall - clinging to it for support. He stared around the room wildly.

Another figure crouched low in the shadows.

"H-Hylas ?" Qui-Gon peered forward. His gaze dropped to the where Hylas still lay curled up in sleep. Qui-Gon gaze shot back to the corner of the room. The figure lifted it's head, standing slowly. Clothed in black, it's face concealed beneath a deep hood.

"W-who ? What are y-you ?" Qui-Gon whispered. Black gloved hands drew back the hood, and Qui-Gon gasped. "N-no !"

Eyes like twin suns glowed - orbs of orange fire - in a vaguely human face. Skin savagely decorated in red and black - the latter melting into the shadows, making the head appear skull like. Horns sprouted out from the forehead, forming a discoloured ivory crown.

Qui-Gon's heart pounded as though it would tear through his chest...His chest ?....An image assaulted him....This creature twirling, stabbing, snarling....Stabbing ?.....A sudden sharp pain splintering through his body, ripping outwards...The stench of burning flesh -His own....Staring into tormented gray-green much pain....Falling, the world tilting sideways.........Nooooo!

Obi-Wan...My love..

Qui-Gon stood, eyes closed, breathing heavily. Slowly he forced his eyes opened, and flinched back from the fierce visage now only a breath away. "N-no. You're're dead." The creature only grinned, revealing jagged decaying teeth. Qui-Gon shook his head, trying to clear it. "Y o u a r e d e a d", he hissed through gritted teeth.

Nezan's words came back to him - You have to remember that they are only memories. If you start believing what you see is real-

"I will go mad," Qui-Gon whispered softly. He raised his head, meeting the creatures nightmarish gaze without flinching. He didn't speak - he didn't need to - this 'creature' didn't exist. For an agonizing moment the tableau remained unchanged. Then, like a person stepping into a thick mist, the creature slowly faded...It's body....the grinning face...the eyes alight with malice....

Finally it disappeared altogether.

Shaking, Qui-Gon sank down to the floor - resting his head upon his knees. Suddenly he looked up, eyes wide with wonder, and then unspeakable sorrow. //Obi-Wan !//


Chapter XV

Obi-Wan had seemed almost catatonic as Nezan led the youth back to Rigel's quarters. The Doctor continued to speak to the Jedi in soft anxious tones, but Obi-Wan remained unresponsive - eyes frighteningly blank.

Nezan was still torturing himself over giving Qui-Gon the Tredesa serum. Stupid ! - his mind screamed, However seeing Obi-Wan like this.....Well, it made him wonder about what the older Jedi had said about 'dying from shock'. Nezan knew virtually nothing about the Force, all he did know was that it was some sort of 'universal energy' that so-called 'Force-sensitives' could feel, and channel if properly trained. How could not feeling it kill you ? He was a Doctor, science and medicine were fully within the realms of his comprehension - but this ? - it was like some ancient 'magic'. Nezan didn't mind admitting he was 'spooked' by it, and something told him Rigel was too. Certainly the scavenger had seemed pretty eager that the slave collars were one hundred percent functional. It was the closest Nezan had ever seen Rigel come to being 'nervous', and it had scared the Hell out of him

He wished he knew more about these Jedi - unfortunately one didn't remember, and the other....Nezan looked at Obi-Wan sadly...Well Obi-Wan didn't really seem up to a prolonged 'question and answer' session.

Nezan left Obi-Wan curled up on the scavenger's huge bed. The blood stained sheets had been removed, but the scent of sex was still heavy in the air. Nezan felt sickened by it. He hesitated in the open doorway. The Jedi's soft whisper startled him.

"Go on, I-I'll be alright." Obi-wan turned toward him and Nezan was filled with a sudden murderous rage - seeing that pale listless gaze devoid of life or hope.

He nodded tersely, not trusting himself to speak, and stepped through the doorway.

Alone in the corridor Nezan stood, hands clenched into tight fists; crushed beneath the weight of his own helplessness. Nezan shook his head, trying to clear the angry haze from his mind. Forget it Nezan - You've done everything you can. You c a n ' t help them. Relaxing his hands, he wiped them across his face; before turning sharply and striding back to his own quarters.

Inside Rigel's room Obi-Wan lay, apparently staring at the mirror above his head, but he didn't see his own reflection - his gaze was cast inwards. Whether his eyes were open or closed made little difference to Obi-Wan, since all he could see was Qui-Gon. He could still feel his Master's arms around him...hear the soft sounds of desire the older man had made ...taste him...smell him...It was the sweetest torture Obi-Wan had ever known.

He wrapped the memories around him and - exhausted and aching -Obi-Wan let them lull him into sleep.

Obi-Wan was sure he was still dreaming when he heard it -

//Obi-Wan !//

He stirred slowly, something felt different. His mind and body still sluggish with sleep and shock, it was a moment before Obi-Wan realised what it was.......The Bond

The brittleness had gone, now the Bond link sang with renewed energy and life. An unbreakable nexus binding him to....

//M-Master ?//

The emotions which soared through the link made him catch his breath, suddenly he was laughing, crying - reduced to a state of near hysteria - but this time through joyful amazement.

Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon, really truly feel him...and it was the most wonderful thing he had ever known.

Eventually he calmed, soothed by his Master's presence - the soft reassuring caress of Qui-Gon's mind brushing against his own. Qui-Gon murmured to him constantly as his emotions steadied themselves. //Sssh my Padawan. My Obi-Wan....I am here....I am here my love.// Obi-Wan let his Master's soothing litany wash over him. Only when Qui-Gon pushed against the barrier he had built around his abuse, did Obi-Wan withdraw a little. //Obi-Wan ?//

Obi-Wan knew Qui-Gon was requesting admittance to these scarred memories. He tensed //I-I can't..please....please...//

//Sssh it's alright Obi-Wan. It's alright.//

Obi-Wan whimpered with relief as he felt Qui-Gon move away from the mental barrier - sending out a wave of love and reassurance as he did so. Obi-Wan clung to it desperately, wanting more than anything to believe his Master's wordless reassurances.

Still cocooned in Qui-Gon's presence, Obi-Wan didn't hear the door slide open. Nor did he notice the figure who entered - until they stood beside the bed.

"Well little one, I confess I am wounded by your betrayal."

Chapter XVI

"W-what ?" Obi-Wan was amazed he could even speak. He knew Qui-Gon had detected his shock when he felt the older man's concern. Obi-Wan slammed down his shields and faced Rigel alone.

"Nezan. Now his betrayal was perhaps to be expected, but you my little one." Rigel sat down beside Obi-Wan, gently cupping the young man's chin - "I hoped better of you." Obi-Wan stiffened in pain as the scavenger's fingers suddenly dug into his flesh. Rigel drew closer, laying his cheek against Obi-Wan, whispering softly. "You know you will have to be punished. Don't you little one ?" Rigel pulled back, releasing Obi-Wan. In the next breath he slapped the youth across the face.

Obi-Wan's head snapped back with the force of the blow. He was still dazed when Rigel lifted him off the bed and began dragging him toward the door. As they entered the passageway, Obi-Wan came-to a little and began to struggle. Rigel simply backhanded him again before swinging Obi-Wan up across his shoulder.

When he set Obi-Wan back onto his feet they were in the galley.

Most of the crew were absent; a handful milled around the edges of the room. Obi-Wan stood swaying slightly; he blinked sharply as he felt the unmistakable signature of his Master approaching.

Rigel dragged Obi-Wan up to the table, and more-or-less threw the youth into a chair. Then the scavenger turned back to face the doorway - just as two crew man entered with Qui-Gon.

"Ah good. I am so pleased you have agreed to join us." Rigel's voice rang around the room. Qui-Gon stiffened, but otherwise remained impassive; studiously avoiding looking at Obi-Wan. His eyes followed the scavenger who walked purposely toward the youth. Grabbing a handful of Obi-Wan's hair, Rigel wrenched the young man's head back savagely. Qui-Gon felt a black rage swell within him as he beheld the scarlet hand prints marking his Padawan's pale skin.

Rigel smirked with satisfaction at Qui-Gon's reaction to the abuse. "Yes. I am afraid my little one has disappointed me. I will punish him properly later." The scavenger lingered over the words. "He will soon learn to be more obedient." Rigel looked at Qui-Gon coldly. "I have no need of your obedience." He released Obi-Wan, and stalked toward the older Jedi. "Your suffering will be sufficient."

Qui-Gon didn't so much as flicker an eyelid as the scavenger circled him.

"Prepare him !" Rigel snapped; obviously irritated by Qui-Gon's calm demeanour. The two crew man who had entered with Qui-Gon hurried forward, and without further preamble, hastily stripped the Jedi of his clothes. Qui-Gon neither helped nor hindered their efforts; standing motionless as they pulled or cut away his clothing. When finally the Jedi stood naked, they led Qui-Gon over to the far wall. Attached to it was a metal frame fitted with several leather straps. Qui-Gon shook aside their hands, stepping up to the contraption fearlessly, raising his arms into position.

"N-no !" Obi-Wan sobbed hoarsely

//It will be alright Obi-Wan.// Obi-Wan fell silent. The young man had lowered his mental shields, and Qui-Gon could feel the fear his Padawan felt for him. //Courage, Padawan.//

//Y-yes Master...// - all of Obi-Wan's anguish contained in one simple sentence.

The crew men wasted no time in fastening the leather straps, buckling each one tightly - securing Qui-Gon by each wrist, and ankle - another stretched across the backs of his thighs. The last was fastened around his neck - pressing the slave collar deep into his flesh.

Qui-Gon drew a deep breath in readiness.

Rigel stepped up to the frame. "Well Jedi let us see if you bear your pain as well as your apprentice." The scavenger stepped back; from the corner of his eye Qui-Gon watched the man unfurl a heavy rope whip - shaking free the knotted thongs.

The first stroke stole the breath from his lungs, the second made his muscles twitch and tense in anticipation. The third blow split the skin across his the fifth he could feel the blood coursing down his back.

Sweat ran into his eyes - blinding him - trickling into raw open welts. The rough rope edges of the whip caught on the torn strips of skin, tearing them, widening the lacerations. Qui-Gon struggled to contain the agony - his back a sheet of flame. He concentrated on his breathing, maintaining a regular rhythm to counteract the blows.

Qui-Gon could hear Obi-Wan moaning - "" - over and over; a desperate, plaintive chant. His Padawan's soft voice was his anchor, and Qui-Gon held on to it fiercely; letting it drown out the crack of the whip, and Rigel's grunts of exertion.

By the final blow Qui-Gon's whole body was shaking uncontrollably - his muscles spasming in violent protest. Untied, trembling limbs refused to obey and Qui-Gon fell heavily to the floor. Pain lanced through him - wild spikes of heat and agony. Qui-Gon gritted his teeth against a cry, a dull moan escaping his compressed lips. Movement was unbearable - stretching his flayed skin, splitting it.

Through eyes blurred with sweat and unshed tears he saw Obi-Wan start forward. //N-no....Obi-Wan...//

//M-master !//

Qui-Gon murmured softly; feeling Obi-Wan's distress almost as acutely as his own. //B-be still...Padawan// Silently, Qui-Gon willed Obi-Wan to obey his entreaty; he did not wish Rigel's madness directed toward his Bond mate.

Obi-Wan sank back into the chair, hands gripping the arms, white knuckles showing. Qui-Gon barely had time to breathe his relief - two crew men seized him, ignoring his sudden sharp gasp. Lifting him up, they dragged him across the room, throwing him down at Rigel's feet. Qui-Gon lay still a moment, cheek pressed against the cool floor. Drawing in a shuddering breath, he raised his head a little - just enough to meet the scavenger's cold, unblinking gaze.

Rigel sneered at him. "The 'all-powerful Jedi'," the scavenger snorted, "Just another snivelling wretch at my feet." Qui-Gon said nothing, simply staring at his captor; dark blue eyes calm and composed despite the agony swirling in them. Rigel glowered. "Still, I would hate it to be said I ill-treated my property." The scavenger walked over to the table, picking up a bottle. "Alas, our good 'Doctor' is somewhat....indisposed," Rigel snickered nastily. "My own medical expertise is, I fear, somewhat lacking in finesse. However, I have heard that 'alcohol' is good for most aliments."

The scavenger removed the stopper almost casually, moving back to stand over Qui-Gon. However, as Rigel tipped the bottle slowly, the scavenger suddenly stopped - a strange, sly smile twisting his face.

In one swift movement Rigel stepped back to the table. Grabbing Obi-Wan, the scavenger hauled the youth out of the chair; dragging him forward to stand beside Qui-Gon. Still smiling Rigel thrust the ale bottle into Obi-Wan's trembling hands. "Pour !"

Eyes wide in horrified understanding, Obi-Wan shook his head vehemently. "N-no !"

Rigel's mouth tightened, he motioned a crew man forward. "Do it ! Or he dies now !" At a look from the scavenger, the crew man unholstered his blaster and aimed it at Qui-Gon's head.

Despairingly, Obi-Wan looked at Qui-Gon. His Master sent him a look of understanding....and forgiveness. Tears flowing silently down his cheeks, Obi-Wan began to tilt the bottle downwards.

Rigel stopped him. "Slowly little one, and mind you do not miss." The cold voice was laced with warning; Rigel's expression one of vicious delight, as he nodded for Obi-Wan to continue.

The first gasp was simply the shock of cold liquid upon warm skin. Then, as the ale continued to pour across his tortured back, Qui-Gon hissed in pain - white hot agony burning through his body. His head arched back, as he sucked in air; desperately holding back his cries. Hands clawed at the ground, then curled into fists - nails digging into palms - slicing into the calloused pads.

Suddenly the pain was easing.......

Confused, Qui-Gon lay, breathing raggedly. Then he realised the reason.....

Obi-Wan was using their Bond link to draw off some of the pain. Too weak to shield against it Qui-Gon cried out for his Padawan to stop //No ! Obi-Wan !// Knowing even as he did so, it was too late.

Weakened from his own ordeals, Obi-Wan was unable to sustain his efforts; but young man refused to let go. Qui-Gon cried out in anguish as he felt his Bond mate slipping away from him, //Obi-Wan !//.


Obi-Wan's eyes rolled back, and the young man dropped to the ground beside his Master. The bottle rolling away from lifeless fingers.

A moment of chaos followed as Qui-Gon tried to crawl towards his Padawan. Rigel had already knelt down beside the youth. The scavenger barked a brief order, and Qui-Gon found himself violently dragged to his feet and pulled away. He struggled uselessly - the last sight before the shadows caught him was of Obi-Wan. The youth's stark white face cradled gently in the scavenger's lap.

Chapter XVII

Qui-Gon came-to as he was being pushed through the door of the slave pen. His blurred gaze took in Hylas - crouched beside another figure stretched out on the floor. Then he was dropped roughly, and everything went black.

When he came to again, he was laid on his front. Someone - presumably Hylas - had draped a rough scrap of blanket across the lower half of his body. Qui-Gon turned his face a little, hissing as the slight movement pulled at the welts on his back. He found himself looking into the concerned eyes of the Lycinian, and the pain-dulled gaze of Nezan.

The young Doctor was, like Qui-Gon, stretched out on his front. Unlike Qui-Gon he was only naked from the waist up, but his back was savagely torn from the whip - bloody criss-crosses slicing the Doctor's lean torso.

Qui-Gon swallowed several times before he could speak. "I-I am truly sorry my friend."

Nezan made a dismissive sound, which became a gasp of pain as it jarred his body. Qui-Gon's eyes narrowed in sorrow and concern. "D-don't worry..about it..." Nezan broke off coughing. He gave Qui-Gon a wry look. " than..I... thought." He started coughing again.

Hylas tutted anxiously; he was attempting to bind the worst of the Doctor's wounds with strips from his own tattered clothing. "Be still." the Lycinian snapped.

Nezan chuckled hoarsely, a hollow painful sound. "Y-yes.... D o c t o r The Lycinian ignored the young man's sarcasm, working diligently. Nezan turned his attention back to Qui-Gon. "Obi-Wan ?" The Doctor's voice was sharp with concern.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes briefly in anguish. When he opened them, Nezan was staring at him in panic. "I-I don't know...He collapsed-"

"Rigel flogged him ? !" Nezan's expression was one of horrified disbelief.

Qui-Gon shook his head, then winced. "No. He...he was trying to ease my pain." Nezan looked confused, but Qui-Gon was too weary to explain. " was too much for him. " He gave a small choked sob. "I told him to stop...." For a moment Qui-Gon's eyes shone with the love he felt for his young Bond mate. "He always was stubborn."

"Hmph...w-wonder who..he got..that from ?"

Qui-Gon looked at the Doctor in surprise, then laughed weakly. "I-I never thought. Perhaps you are right..."

"Maybe. Unless all J-Jedi are like you.....?"

This seemed to amuse Qui-Gon too. " I don't think so. I believe I am considered...something of a...b-bad example."

"I can't think..why." Nezan remarked dryly.

Qui-Gon sobered quickly. "They are right," he whispered softly. "I led Obi-Wan to this."

Nezan frowned, even Hylas paused and looked at the Jedi, but it was Nezan who spoke. "You..d-didn't crash...?"

"No. We did, but I....I chose to leave Coruscant. I chose that ship."

"You didn't know was going to c-crash." Nezan pointed out reasonably.


"I's..also..your f-fault some...some psychotic s-scavenger...came along...? !" Nezan's anger proved too much of a strain, and the young Doctor broke into a fit of wheezing coughing.

The Lycinian lay slender, small boned hands upon the Doctor's trembling arms, stroking them soothingly.. "Please...Please. You must not excite yourself."

Nezan spat out words between painful rasping breaths. "Don't..don't worry...ex-excited thing...I...feel..."

Qui-Gon gritted his teeth, and rolled over onto his side; slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position. Hylas rushed over, fluttering around him in obvious distress. Qui-Gon leaned back a little, his whole back screamed in protest; he could feel fresh rivulets of blood running down his skin. Nezan, still breathing raggedly, was already following suit. Hylas hissed his displeasure, emitting nervous little clicks as he hovered between them.

It was a moment or two before either of them could speak. Nezan broke the silence. "W-what now ?"

"We escape." Qui-Gon spoke with quiet conviction.

Nezan laughed bitterly. "Of..of course. Why d-didn't...I think...of that ?"

Qui-Gon was quite used to the Doctor's sarcasm by now and simply ignored it. "Is there anyone else on board who might help us ?"


Hylas silently echoed the Doctor's reply, shaking his head vigorously.

"Then we will have to manage alone."

Nezan 'hmphed', but was already moving - slowly...painfully. "Well least..I..I can do..something about t-these.." Nezan tugged on the slave collar around his neck.

Qui-Gon frowned, and then watched in puzzled interest, as Nezan began to poke around inside his mouth. After a moment or two the Doctor made an muffled "Ah." of success; pulling hard on 'something.' Withdrawing his hand he held his open palm out to the others. Hylas gave a little gasp of wonder. It was a miniature electronic device.

Nezan clipped it to his slave collar, and touched a small switch; a tiny red light lit up and the device began to make a soft humming noise. "It'll take a little while." he explained.

"Ingenious." Qui-Gon remarked.

"Well didn't think I ..I was going t-to..risk getting one of..these things p-put on me...and able to remove it ?"

"It might," Qui-Gon drew in a deep breath, "It might have saved us both a lot of 'trouble' if you had shown me this earlier." He was trying hard to control the bitterness he felt.

"How ? !" Nezan asked incredulous, The Doctor had picked up on Qui-Gon's muted anger, and responded with a burst of his own. "Oh yes the Force," Nezan's voice dripped sarcasm. "Well forgive me if I..I didn't want to put my l-life in the hands of...of some hokey religion !" The Doctor's face twisted into a pain-filled grimace as he began coughing again. Qui-Gon moved forwards, catching the young man just as he slid sideways.

"You don't know much about Jedi do you ?" Was all the Jedi Master said.

Nezan looked up at him, smiling weakly. "So..s-suprise me..."

Qui-Gon smiled too, his anger gone. "I might." The light changed to green and the humming stopped.

Nezan cheered weakly, "Free at last." he muttered. Qui-Gon shook his head in exasperated fondness for the Doctor's bravado. Removing the device from Nezan's slave collar, he found the slender metal band had split open. Qui-Gon removed it gently, and motioned the Lycinian to come forward. Somewhat apprehensively, Hylas let Qui-Gon fit the device to his collar. A short time later, amber eyes widened in wonder as the collar was removed.

Qui-Gon wasted no time fixing the device to his own slave band. However when the green light flickered on his head snapped up - dark blue eyes blazing with cerulean fire. Heedless of the pain Qui-Gon arched his back, arms flung out - fingers stretched, as the Force surged through his body. Illuminating his senses, igniting every fibre of his being into an ecstasy of reawakened awareness.

"Are you alright ?"

Qui-Gon blinked, he was laid out on his side; his head resting on Hylas' lap. He sat up slowly, staring around the room as though he had never seen it before. "Hey ?" Nezan's concerned voice broke through his reverie.

"I'm fine. How long was I unconscious ?"

Nezan looked uneasy. "Not long, and you weren't unconscious exactly...more..." the Doctor shrugged - "catatonic."

"The Force." Qui-Gon said simply.

"Oh. Right." Nezan didn't look any happier.

Qui-Gon tried to explain. "My mind and body were simply readjusting to being reconnected to the Force." He drew away from Hylas a little, smiling reassuringly at the Lycinian. Sitting up he adopted a meditative pose as best he could and closed his eyes.

"Hey !" Nezan's concerned cry made him look up.

"It is alright Nezan, " Qui-Gon intoned softly. "I..I need to centre myself in order to heal."

"Heal ?" Nezan looked faintly incredulous. Qui-Gon just smiled and closed his eyes again.

His Force abilities were still not fully aligned with either his mind or his body, and his poor physical state made it more difficult. However Qui-Gon was able to channel enough Force energy into the welts on his back to heal the minor ones, and close the deeper cuts sufficiently for him to move without discomfort. "Incredible !" The Doctor's voice reflected his awe. Qui-Gon moved to the young man's side.

"If I may ?" He indicated Nezan's own injuries.

Nezan nodded, "Go ahead." Slowly the tight lines of pain upon Nezan's face began to fade. Qui-Gon released a short breath of effort, and sat back. Nezan gripped Qui-Gon's hand tightly for an instant. "Thank you." Releasing the Jedi the Doctor looked away quickly, obviously a little overcome - and uncomfortable with it.

Qui-Gon smiled,"You are welcome my friend." Standing on somewhat shaky legs he walked over to the door. "Now let us see if we can get out of here." Qui-Gon had been unable to contact Obi-Wan either through their Bond link, or with the Force. He could still feel his Padawan's presence but it seemed terrifyingly fragile. With everything passing moment, Qui-Gon grew more desperate to reach his Bond mate.

This time there was no sarcastic rejoinder from Nezan, the young Doctor merely stood up and stumbled over to join him, Hylas close on his heels. Qui-Gon examined the locking device silently. Nezan crouched down beside him, and wordlessly held out his hand to the Jedi. Qui-Gon paused from his appraisal, and after a moments thought handed the Doctor the tiny electrical device. Nezan took it carefully - positioning it between his thumb and forefinger; as the others watched curiously, he pressed a minute button on its uppermost side. A soft whirring sound, like insects wings, and a minuscule antenna appeared. Nezan began scanning the lock with it.

"An ingenious device.".

Nezan responded to the Jedi's statement with a barely discernible - "Thanks."

"You designed it ?" Qui-Gon guessed.

Nezan nodded, still intent upon his task. "One of my better ideas."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow, "A Doctor ?"

Nezan glanced across hesitantly at Hylas, then stuck out his free hand toward Qui-Gon, "Emil Nezan Tessimond. Science officer, Cykros Special Forces."

Qui-Gon shook the proffered hand, acknowledging the 'formal introduction'. "May I ask why you are here ?"

"Why not," Nezan responded, dryly. He continued to work as he explained. "Rigel is a middleman for some weapons dealers. They've been supplying the criminal elements of my world with some very fancy hardware - turning petty squabbles into minor wars. The government is losing control." His mouth tightened grimly. "I was sent to see if I could trace the weapons back to their source. I picked up Rigel's trail easy enough, but his contacts have proven a little more tricky-" Nezan fell silent as the device in his hand stopped 'whirring'. He stood up. "It's open."

The Doctor glanced at Qui-Gon, who was clothed only in the scrap of blanket wound around his waist. "Maybe I should go first ?"

"There are two crew men outside, " Qui-Gon cautioned.

"How ?-" Nezan stopped, "Never mind. Alright, we'll go together." He turned to Hylas. "You'd better stay back." The Lycinian looked only too happy to comply. Nezan put his hand upon the door release, and glanced at Qui-Gon sharply - "Ready ?" Qui-Gon nodded. Nezan silently mouthed three, two, one - and flung the door open.

The crew man outside spun around in surprise, "Wha-?" He never finished - Nezan hit him twice - and the man crumpled to the ground. His companion didn't waste time with words, simply drawing his blaster. Qui-Gon raised his hand, and the crew man flew back, striking the wall...rebounding off it...Finally slumping forward unconscious.

Hylas peered out of the slave pen fearfully.

Nezan shot the Jedi a quick grin. "Nicely done." The Doctor looked down at the man at his feet. "Well this one's the better dresser, but that one looks more your size," he nodded his head toward the other crew man. Qui-Gon was already stripping the unconscious man of his shirt and trousers - Hylas crept forward to help. Nezan gathered up the weapons, taking a blaster for himself and handing the other to Qui-Gon; who shook his head and indicated Nezan should give it to Hylas.

Clothed, the Jedi turned to face Nezan. "I must find Obi-Wan."

Nezan nodded, "He'll be in Rigel's quarters."

"Where are they?"

"Next deck up, third door from the end. We'll have to hurry, it won't take them long to figure out something is wrong."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No. You and Hylas get to the shuttle. I will find Obi-Wan."

Nezan hesitated, and then relented. "Alright. The shuttle dock is on this level. Take the second passageway when you leave Rigel's quarters and follow it down." He shared a look with Qui-Gon. "Good luck my friend."

"And you." Qui-Gon stared around at the other slave pens.

Nezan's mouth tightened. "The slaves are scattered through the ship, we'll never locate them all, and I only have one of these, " he held up the device. "We take anyone off ship wearing a collar and boom". Nezan mimed an explosion as he handed the device to Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon's eyes darkened in sorrow, but he reluctantly conceded the Doctor was right. As he turned to go Nezan caught his arm. "Listen, this is important - you can't kill Rigel." Qui-Gon frowned. Nezan explained hastily. "Look, no-one would like to see that bastard dead more than me, but you kill him and this whole ship goes up. " Now he had the Jedi's full attention. "Rigel's no fool, insane but no fool. He doesn't trust anyone. He has some kind of 'implant', if he dies it triggers the ship's self-destruct."

"Are you certain of this ?"

Nezan laughed coldly. "Oh absolutely. Rigel makes those sort of things very clear to new recruits."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Very well. You and Hylas had better get going." The Doctor wasted no more time - beckoning to the slender Lycinian, Nezan moved out, sparing Qui-Gon one last look before he left.

Chapter XVIII

Qui-Gon moved swiftly through the ship - the silent passageways eerily deserted. He encountered only one, slightly inebriated crew man; who's alcohol-muddled mind was easily swayed with the slightest touch of the Force, allowing the Jedi to pass by unchallenged.

Moments later Qui-Gon stood outside Rigel's quarters. He could sense only one, very faint presence within the room - a Force signature he knew as well as his own. Nezan's device made short work of the lock; the door slid open with a soft 'snick', and Qui-Gon stepped inside.

The stench of Darkness almost overwhelmed him; the cluttered room imbued with Rigel's foul and tainted spirit. Qui-Gon's gaze fell upon the bed, and the frighteningly still form of his Padawan.

Astonishingly pale beneath the harsh lighting, the only sign that Obi-Wan lived was in the barest rise and fall of his chest. Qui-Gon crouched down beside the bed, tears burning behind his eyes as he beheld his lover's ravished form. Obi-Wan's marble white skin was mottled with bitemarks and bruises; the deep red shirt had fallen open, revealing the silver rings piercing the youth's nipples. Qui-Gon felt his stomach knot in rage and anguish. He brushed a trembling hand across his Padawan's cheek; the skin beneath his fingers was cold as ice. Obi-Wan's hair had grown a little, wispy tendrils gently curling around his ears. Qui-Gon traced one red-gold whorl lovingly. "Obi-Wan ?" He stared intently at his Padawan's pinched drawn face. //Obi-Wan ?//.

The smallest of sighs, long lashes fluttered upwards and pale gray-green eyes slowly focused on him. Shock....disbelief.... and then - //M-Master..?// With a cry Obi-Wan threw his arms around Qui-Gon, clutching him with a fierceness that would have been painful had there been any real strength behind in those trembling limbs. Qui-Gon returned the embrace in full, wrapping his own shaking arms around his Bond mate; drawing Obi-Wan even closer. "Obi-Wan My love..." Qui-Gon pulled back reluctantly. "We have to get to the shuttle." He snapped the device onto Obi-Wan's slave collar. "It will deactivate your collar," he explained in response to Obi-Wan's questioning look.

Obi-Wan's fingers traced Qui-Gon's bare throat in open wonder, and then returned to touch the metal band around his own."H-how long ?" The young man's voice was painful to hear - the once rounded, cultured tones reduced to a harsh, rasping whisper.

Qui-Gon smiled tenderly, reaching up to tuck Obi-Wan's braid behind his ear. "Not long my love." He stood, holding his hands out to assist Obi-Wan. "We must hurry."


"Is probably already on the shuttle." Qui-Gon finished quickly. Obi-Wan accepted Qui-Gon's assistance, and allowed the older Jedi to pull him to his feet. The youth swayed unsteadily, and Qui-Gon placed an arm around him at once; his face creased with concern.

Obi-Wan offered him a faint smile. "I-I'm alright. I just haven't been eating much." That was a desperate understatement. Qui-Gon felt ill as he realised just how much weight his Padawan had lost. Strong, sleek muscle seemed to have been whittled away, leaving little more than skin stretched taut across fragile bones.

Qui-Gon kept an arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders as he led the youth away from the bed. They had barely gone three paces when Qui-Gon stopped. Obi-Wan stared at him, concerned.

The Jedi Master turned to face the doorway, and Obi-Wan made a small sound of distress.

Pale blue eye glittering with insane fury, Rigel stood before them. With a bellow of rage the scavenger charged, barrelling into the Jedi. Obi-Wan was knocked aside, while Qui-Gon was driven backwards - crashing to the floor - his head slamming against the metal deck. Dazed, he barely had time to draw a breath as the scavenger's hands closed around his throat.

Lost in a disorientated haze, Qui-Gon reached up blindly; his fingers sinking into Rigel's neck, wrapping around the thickly corded muscles - squeezing, choking. All his hate, all his anger for this monster, swelling up - a rising tide drowning his reason.

Obi-Wan lay where he'd been thrown, staring in horror at the tableau before him. His eyes darted around him frantically - until his gaze fell upon the metal case beneath the bed. With a sob of effort, he reached for it - flinging it open as he dragged it towards him. Fingers grappled with the contents; finally grasping a sharp, slender object.

With an inhuman howl, Obi-Wan flung himself forwards; drawing his arm back he thrust the needle into the back of the scavenger's neck. With all the power of his rage he drove the point downwards; his face twisted into a mask of murderous determination. The slender needle sank deep into Rigel's flesh, still Obi-Wan pushed - until he felt its passage ease a little - and he knew the point had been driven clean through the scavenger's throat. Only then did Obi-Wan let go, sinking back - the last of his strength spent.

Qui-Gon felt the hands around his throat twitch, their hold loosening slightly. His mind reasserted itself, and with a powerful Force shove he sent the scavenger flying backwards.

Rigel struck the far wall; the scavenger's expression one of startled amazement. The impact drove the metal spike all the way through - the slender barb obscenely coated with blood and tissue. For an instant Rigel hung as though suspended; then slowly the scavenger slid down the cabin wall, leaving a scarlet trail in his wake. He hit the floor and slumped forwards - both eyes now blind and lifeless.

Confused, Qui-Gon stared at the scavenger, and then turned to look at Obi-Wan. The young man's expression was part disbelief, part shock, and part savage delight

Snapping back to full awareness, Qui-Gon scrambled to his feet and quickly stepped over to his Padawan. Pulling the youth upright, he half carried Obi-Wan to the door.

Obi-Wan was struggling to make shaky limbs obey this sudden burst of speed. "W-what ?-"

"The ship is set to self destruct."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened in horror.

Chapter XIX

Qui-Gon watched Obi-Wan closely; the young man had - if possible- grown even paler; breathing in short, irregular gasps. Stubborn to the last, Obi-Wan resisted any attempt to be carried; managing to keep pace with Qui-Gon despite his obvious distress. Two crew men emerged from a doorway as they passed - Qui-Gon struck one hard in the face, knocking him unconscious. The Jedi Master turned, to find Obi-Wan had flung himself against the other man, sending them both crashing to the floor where they lay struggling.

Obi-Wan was attacking without skill or reason, biting and clawing like an animal. Qui-Gon tried to lift his Padawan aside, only to have Obi-Wan lash out at him mindlessly. //Obi-Wan !// The figure in his arms went abruptly limp. Qui-Gon gently moved the youth aside, and turned his attention to the crew man, who was trying to stand. The Force drove the man back down to the deck - cracking his skull.

Qui-Gon helped Obi-Wan to his feet; disturbed when the young man refused to meet his worried gaze. They had reached the end of the passage when the lights flickered; in the next instant they were completely extinguished - plunging the passageway into total darkness. Qui-Gon tensed, as Obi-Wan suddenly sagged against him. The Jedi Master clutched at his Padawan instinctively - just in time to prevent Obi-Wan pitching forward onto the cold metal deck.

Obi-Wan was a deadweight in Qui-Gon's arms; a sliver blue nimbus dancing around his limp body. Qui-Gon lowered the youth to the deck, gently removing the broken halves of the split slave collar, and pocketing Nezan's device. Qui-Gon waited anxiously, painfully aware that precious moments were passing by - time they could ill-afford. He could sense the rising tide of panic and confusion, as slaves and crew blundered about in the darkness.

Obi-Wan's eyes suddenly snapped open - shining orbs of silver fire. The strange Force glow faded quickly, and Obi-Wan lurched to his feet, knocking Qui-Gon aside.

"Easy Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon made no attempt to touch the wild-eyed youth, who stood, back against the wall - tensed and ready to fight or flee. "Your slave collar is deactivated Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon spoke gently, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice. Obi-Wan needed to accept the Force energy surging through his body, or the young man would slip into psychic shock.

At the sound of Qui-Gon's voice, Obi-Wan blinked rapidly; glancing around him as though emerging from a dream. "Q-Qui-Gon ?"

Qui-Gon sighed in relief. "Are you alright Obi-Wan ?"

The young man nodded hesitantly, "Y-yes...Master...."

"Come Padawan, the shuttle is this way." His vision unimpeded by the darkness, Qui-Gon watched Obi-Wan in concern as the young man shakily pushed himself away from the wall. "Can you walk Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan's - "Yes Master" - was slightly more assertive this time. However the young man made no protest when Qui-Gon took his arm, supporting him as they stepped over the unconscious crew men and hurried down the passageway.

As they entered the shuttle bay someone shone a spot light into their faces; as they threw up their arms to shield their eyes it swung away, and Nezan shouted out a greeting. The Doctor was hovering anxiously beside the shuttle, blaster in one hand, flashlight in the other. Blood was streaming down the side of his face, from a fresh cut just above his left eye.

"We ran into a little trouble." Nezan explained, waving away their concern. "And we can expect a lot more any moment. Once the crew figure out what's going on, this shuttle will be a very popular destination !"

Qui-Gon was already running up the boarding ramp, Obi-Wan following less than a breath behind. Nezan sealed the shuttle door shut behind them, setting down the flashlight. "We have another problem. Rigel is dead I gather ?" The question was more-or-less rhetorical, and Qui-Gon responded with an impatient look. Nezan ran his free hand back and forth through his hair. "Well, he was smarter than I thought. The self destruct triggered a shut down in the shuttle. We've got most of the systems up and running but-"

Qui-Gon interrupted. "Do we have power to the main engines ? !"

"Yes, but-" Nezan was cut-off again as Qui-Gon moved past him to the cockpit. Obi-Wan was already sliding into the pilot's seat. "Look !" Nezan's voice rose in agitation. "We don't have auto-navigation. We can't go anywhere !"

Qui-Gon was watching his Padawan, who paused from flicking switches to look up at his Master. Something unspoken passed between them, and then Qui-Gon nodded and took the co-pilot's seat beside his apprentice. The Jedi Master glanced back at Nezan who stood in the cockpit doorway, pulling at his hair. Hylas had appeared behind him, looking equally upset.

"It's alright Nezan." The Jedi's voice was calm.

Nezan was anything but. The Doctor stared at Obi-Wan in disbelief, before turning back to Qui-Gon. "You can't mean to fly us out manually ! You''re crazy !"

Qui-Gon frowned. "Sit down Nezan." The tone was mild, but firm. Nezan responded with the automatic obedience of one used to following orders and sank into the seat by the useless navigation console. Hylas, slipped into the seat beside him, the chair dwarfing the Lycinian's tiny frame.

Nezan leaned in toward Qui-Gon. "Can he really do this ?" Qui-Gon merely nodded in response to the Doctor's anxious whisper. Nezan decided to qualify his question. "I mean, is he up to it ?" Qui-Gon's silence was answer enough. Nezan sat back, looking faintly ill. "That's what I thought."

Qui-Gon felt angry. He knew Obi-Wan was, under normal circumstances, more than capable of flying an unfamiliar craft out of a tiny shuttle bay. However the ship was half-crippled and Obi-Wan ?.....His Padawan sat, face perfectly serene, totally composed. However it was the young man's eyes which frightened Qui-Gon - they were cold and expressionless, with none of the fire which usually burned in their gray-green depths. Somehow, Obi-Wan had managed to raise his shields and was maintaining them fiercely. Qui-Gon couldn't detect anything through their Bond link, but he could see the Force rippling around his Padawan as the youth drew on its power. The patterns seemed strangely distorted. Qui-Gon shivered. He glanced at Nezan. "Perhaps you should fasten yourself in ?"

"Sure. Safety first" Despite the sarcasm, Nezan did as the Jedi Master suggested, first reaching over to assist Hylas, then buckling himself in.

A powerful shudder rocked the ship. The tremor reverberated through the shuttle, making its landing supports groan and screech. The craft began to tilt sideways......

"Now ! Obi-Wan !" Qui-Gon's had barely issued the command when the shuttle shot forward, powering through the bay at full throttle. Hylas squeaked and flung his hands up in front of his face. Nezan might have been praying; the Doctor's lips were moving silently, his eyes fixed straight ahead. Qui-Gon focused on his Padawan, feeling the Force waves cushioning the shuttle as Obi-Wan used the energy to propel them forward, manoeuvring the craft with a speed and skill far beyond normal human capabilities.

The mouth of the shuttle bay loomed up before them....

Qui-Gon tensed; they were not going to make it.

The explosion ripped through the scavenger's ship, sending the shuttle spinning as the blast buffeted the tiny craft. Qui-Gon could feel Obi-Wan using the Force to bring them back under control. The Jedi Master focused on shielding the shuttle as the erupting energy threatened to tear their craft apart.

As the shuttle raced through the flying debris, a swirling cloud of orange flame overtook them, bursting across the viewscreen, enveloping them in an expanding fireball. Nezan shouted, throwing up his arms instinctively, Hylas closed his eyes tightly and even Qui-Gon felt himself pull back. Only Obi-Wan stared ahead impassively, the reflected flames dancing in his pale green eyes - bathing his face in an eery red glow.

They were flying blind, without viewscreen or instruments. Qui-Gon could feel Obi-Wan using the Force to guide them, steering away from the hurtling chunks of debris.

Suddenly they were free, the silence of space sweeping forward to catch them as they emerged from the chaos. Obi-Wan slowed the engines. Hylas cautiously opened his eyes, Nezan sagged in his seat. The Doctor glanced over to the Lycinian. "Exciting huh ?" - the casual words could not conceal the tremor in his voice.

Qui-Gon unbuckled himself from the co-pilot's seat and moved over to release Obi-Wan. The young man suddenly collapsed forwards, almost sliding out of his seat. "Obi-Wan !" At Qui-Gon's cry of alarm, Nezan was on his feet assisting the older Jedi, who gently lifted Obi-Wan out of the pilot's seat. Qui-Gon drew his semi-conscious Padawan into his arms. He turned to Nezan "Can-?"

"I've got it." The Doctor was already climbing into the pilot seat. "Sure you don't need any help ?" Nezan's gaze was concerned.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No. Thank you." Cradling Obi-Wan carefully against his chest, he carried the youth back through the shuttle. There were a handful of bunks in a small room off the main corridor. Qui-Gon gently lay Obi-Wan onto one of them, and closed the door.

Chapter XX

Qui-Gon turned back to face his Padawan, his eye caught a glimpse of silver and his gaze was drawn toward the young man's chest. The Jedi Master's mouth tightened. Softly, Qui-Gon crouched down on the floor beside his lover and with trembling fingers he lifted the edges of the silk shirt aside. He felt a wave of revulsion and disgust so overpowering it almost choked him. "Obi-Wan ?" Qui-Gon stroked the young man's cheek gently, frowning at the icy cold skin //Obi-Wan ?//.

Pale eyes focused on him slowly, and Qui-Gon was disturbed by the lack of emotion in their semi-lucid gaze. Gray-green eyes, once warmed with flecks of gold now glittered like polished gemstones - cold and hard. "Obi-Wan....I...." The words stuck in his throat, but Obi-Wan understood and nodded dully. Using the Force to assist his shaking hands, and to soothe his Padawan's abused flesh, Qui-Gon carefully removed the sliver hoops and slender chain. He clenched them in his fist for a moment, feeling the cold metal twist and bend in his grasp; then with a sound of disgust he threw them across the room.

Qui-Gon watched them skitter across the metal floor before returning his gaze to Obi-Wan. The young man had curled up on his side, knees drawn up protectively against his chest. Qui-Gon felt his grief rise up to choke him. "Oh my love....." His voice broke, and he lowered his head, dragging in a deep shuddering breath.

When he looked up Obi-Wan was still staring at him, his Padawan's features might have been cut from stone for all the life they held. Qui-Gon stroked Obi-Wan's cheek sadly. "We must talk my love..." He stopped as he felt Obi-Wan flinch. A wave of fear, shame and panic rushed forth from the young man, rolling over Qui-Gon before it was ruthlessly crushed behind Obi-Wan's mental shield. Qui-Gon felt his chest tighten as he tracked a single tear down his Padawan's white cheek. //Sssh. It's alright my love. Not now...Not now...//

Qui-Gon circled his arms around his Padawan and held the youth until Obi-Wan stopped trembling. Once he had, Qui-Gon drew back a little. "Can I stay ?" Obi-Wan gave him a shaky nod and shuffled back, making room on the narrow cot for Qui-Gon to lie down. Gingerly, Qui-Gon took the place his Padawan had offered him, feeling the young man tense as their bodies brushed together. He held himself perfectly still until he felt Obi-Wan move forward a little, then he pulled him closer. Again the youth froze, before slowly relaxing into the embrace and nestling against him. Reaching out Qui-Gon snagged the corner of a blanket, drawing it up he tucked it around his Padawan

Qui-Gon knew he should get up and assist Nezan, but he was exhausted, and it seemed like a lifetime since he had held his Bond mate in his arms. He placed a tender kiss against the young man's temple and closed his eyes.

A thousand broken images assaulted him, chasing him through restless dreams............

How could he guide Obi-Wan back from this?


Obi-Wan could sense his lover's emotional turmoil. Qui-Gon seemed set in sorrow; deep lines of suffering and exhaustion etched into the Master's face. Obi-Wan ached to reach out and comfort his Bond mate, but his fear held him back.

His own emotions warred within him - anger, hatred, fear and wretched despair - as a churning mass of bitter, seething fury snaked inside his soul. Obi-Wan fought to contain it, sealing it behind a mental barrier he battled fiercely to maintain.

To reach out, to try to feel....anything, was to chance losing his fragile control - and to risk unleashing the darkness inside him. So instead he lay entombed inside a prison of his own making, trapped within a cold unfeeling shell.

Obi-Wan knew now that more than his body had been violated. It was as though Rigel had reached inside and ripped out the very essence of his soul, leaving behind this empty unfeeling husk.

The Padawan who had felt safe and content beside his Master....The Bond mate who had delighted in giving and receiving pleasure...The young man who had simply felt the warmth of Qui-Gon's arms around him....... He no longer existed.

Everything seemed irrevocably altered.

Hot tears of loss and longing coursed down his cold cheeks. Their scalding heat did nothing to thaw the ice around his heart.
