Love of a Different Type (1/5)

by Dormask84 ( )

Archive: Master and Apprentice, anyone else just ask first please : )

Category: Alternative Universe, Romance

Rating: G

Warning: Not as yet. I assure you, it will become Q/O eventually.

Spoilers: This totally ignores Jedi apprentice and Phantom Menace.

Summary: Obi-wan was raised by a different Master and meets Qui-Gon after he has being knighted. Another story where Qui-Gon wasn't Obi-wan's Master and they get together? Maybe not, beware, all may not be as it seems.

Feedback: Sure, send it over.

Qui-Gon Jinn, the legendary Jedi Knight and Master diplomat and warrior walked through the large main temple gardens deep in thought. His eyes admired the lush beauty of the vibrant greenery and bright flowers and his ears listened to the faint trickle of water, the rustle of leaves and the many sounds of small creatures allowed to run loose within the gardens, everything from tiny Des butterflies to the tiny Anilk finch, the minuscule Cerf fish to the small tree climbing mammals like the Squirm. He glanced up as a glint of sunlight flashed down through the canopy above and let a small smile cross his face as the faint sound of a small waterfall murmured into his ears. He could hear something else too, but it took him a little longer to recognise it.

Someone was crying nearby. Turning his head to the sound not often heard in the gardens, he began to make his way to where the sound came from. He search soon uncovered a young knight, head bowed in his hands, crying softly under the shade of a tall tree. Qui-Gon paused only a moment to take in the knight, the short hair of reddish blond hair revealed one quite new to his Knight title, before making his way over to the young man weeping under the tree.

The knight jerked his head back as he sensed Qui-Gon's approach, though the knight should of noticed him long before he'd gotten this close the man. It spoke the knight's current lack of centre and lack of focus in the force. Emotions ruling over all other things. Qui-Gon found himself staring at a pair of tear swamped, misty green eyes, and an angular face with high cheek bones with tear tracks running down them.

Wanting to help and offer some possible comfort to this knight. Qui-Gon crouched down to see how he could offer some assistance, lowering to a more equal level as the Knight wiped tears from his mist green eyes.

'I'm sorry.' The young voice croaked out softly.

'You have nothing to apologise to me for.' Qui-Gon assured softly.

'I let my control slip and my emotions to overcome me.'

'Sometimes emotions are beyond even a Jedi's control'. Qui-Gon said simply, not judging, just letting the knight know it was all right to cry sometimes.

'I, my boyfriend went on a mission, not his first solo but he's disappeared. I haven't heard from him in a week. I'm worried.' Fresh tears welled in the green eyes and the knight wiped them away, sniffling slightly. Qui-Gon's face gentled, this at least he knew something about, could sympathised with.

'One of the hardest things of having a Jedi lover, when they go on a mission, is the not knowing if they will come back.' He said as gently as possible.

'It was all right when we were still padawans, I knew his Master would look out for him. The first time he went on a mission, he was knighted before I, that was hard. But this is the first time he's being overdue and no one knows what's happened to him.' The young voice trembled slightly. 'No matter how many times it happens, it never gets any easier.' Qui-Gon said sympathetically.

'It's happened to you?' The knight looked at him.

'More times then I want to think about. A Master is no less indestructible then a padawan or knight. When your lover is still a padawan you have some comfort in knowing the Master will look out for him or her, but when your lover is that Master, putting him or herself at risk for their padawan, it is not so easy. Especially when the padawan is young and inexperienced.' Qui-Gon told him.

'I never thought it like that before.' The knight said thoughtfully. 'I guess it would be hard. Travis, my boyfriend, and I haven't being actual lovers yet, I only got knighted a month ago.' The knight fingered his closely cropped hair. 'He was gone before that happened.'

'I'm sure you will be. You have to stay positive and keep hoping. He will come back.' Qui-Gon said as confidently as possible, having no true idea how good a knight this Travis might be.

'I hope so, I don't know what I'd do if he didn't.' The knight said softly, struggling to hold back tears.

'There is little to do but grieve awhile, then find a way to move on.' Qui-Gon said kindly.

'I, I've lost friends before, but never anyone close.' The knight said hesitantly.

'Then consider yourself lucky, for not all reach knighthood without a close loss.'

'I know.' Was all the knight said, a pause hang in the air.

'What do you hope for, what future plans do you have for when he comes back?' Qui-Gon asked after a moment.

'Travis has his eye on one of the students, wants to take her as his padawan, so far the council hasn't let him. They say he hasn't proven he can be suitably responsible to handle both himself and a padawan and a mission as yet. Which didn't rub well with him.'

A slight flicker of a wry smile crossed the knights face.

Qui-Gon nodded. 'The council has a reason for waiting awhile after a padawan becomes a knight before allowing them to take a padawan of their own.'

The knight looked at him a moment. 'You know why?' It wasn't so much a question as the knight sensed he knew the answer. Qui-Gon took a breath and nodded.

'I was only a new padawan myself, in my first year when the rule came into affect. A knight, as new as you are, was allowed to take a padawan named Samson. The knight had being a well balanced and mature padawan with a very good track record. His former Master and him were one of the best teams at the time and the knight scored one of the best results in the trails for awhile. So the council saw little reason why the new knight, only having being on a couple solo missions, should not be allowed to have a padawan.' Qui-Gon paused.

'Tell me what happened?' The knight encouraged softly. Qui-Gon gave a nod and willed himself calm, memories of that time threatening to overwhelm him a moment.

'It was only supposed to be a fairly simple mission, a renewal of an old treaty for a group that had lived peacefully together for over a hundred years. But apparently not everyone was happy with the treaty agreed upon. A small group had banded together was against the treaty. Fights broke out, a few scuffles not much more but it is a Jedi's duty to find what the problem was and try to fix it so all were satisfied with the result, or at least come to some agreement. The terrorists resented the Jedi's intervention and fuelled their anger rather then dispelling it, whether that was the knights fault or not is still not entirely known. But the fact of the matter is the terrorist kidnapped the padawan and held him captive, threatening to kill the boy and the fact of the matter is that the knight was not skilled enough to handle such a deadly situation and deal with the terrorists or rescue his padawan. Both the young knight and his padawan were killed by the terrorists and a war now wages on that planet, thousands die everyday because a knight did not know what to do.'

The knight before him looked at him a long moment and nodded slowly.

'That does explain why the council is weary of allowing new knights to have padawans. If I tell Travis I know he would understand too. Not only did a knight and padawan die, but a war started that could have easily being averted.'

'The council agreed that a knight should be able to handle at least one dangerous mission alone before being allowed a padawan.' Qui-Gon nodded. 'The success of the mission isn't so much in the light, but how the knight conducted him or herself will determine if he or she can handle the extra responsibility of a padawan.'

'So if Travis proves his ability to handle this mission he could gain his wish to take a padawan?' The knight looked at him.

'If the council thinks he conducts himself well, then yes.' Qui-Gon nodded.

'If he comes back.' The knight murmured softly.

'The council will have a master looking for him if he is in more trouble then he can handle.'

'Is the reason for sending Masters to newly made knights encountering difficulties in missions the same as the one for not allowing new knights padawans?'

The knight asked him.

'No, there is a slightly different reason behind that one.' Qui-Gon told him. The knight offered a slight smile.

'I get the feeling you know the reason behind that one too.'

Qui-Gon rubbed his bent nose.

'I am the reason behind that rule.'

'Really?' The knight looked at him surprised. 'I thought the rule had being in placed for a long time.'

'Thank you for helping me feel my age.' Qui-Gon said wryly.

'No, That isn't want I meant at all. You can't be much more then forty, that means the rule must have only being around for maybe fifteen years. I just thought it might of being longer then that. Will you tell me what happened?' The knight asked curiously.

'It isn't much of a story.' Qui-Gon said non-committed.

'Please, it's almost lunch, can I offer you some as a payment for your tale?' Misty green eyes pleaded.

'Make it my treat. I remember what a new knights version of a meal is after all.' Qui-Gon rose and offered his hand. The knight paused then gripped his large hand firmly in his own and rose to his own feet. Qui-Gon was slightly surprised to find the young man slightly smaller then himself, though was quite well built.

'All right.' The young man agreed.

Qui-Gon took the knight to his quarters, pausing in hesitation only a moment before keying the door open and stepping inside, the knight not far behind.

Qui-Gon nodded as he viewed his small quarters over. He'd recently tided the place up and it had enough of a personal touch to make it homely. He made his way to his small but functional kitchen and begin preparing a small meal, watching the knight glance over his few personal items with mild interest.

'He is very beautiful.' Qui-Gon looked up to see the knight admiring a painting done some months ago of himself and of Ruben.

'It's of Ruben and me. A friend painted that.' He said softly, not offering the knight any more information, unwilling the embark upon painful memories at this stage. Ruben had died a week after the painting was finished, it had being eight months since his lover, his love had died and still he grieved for the gentle man he'd known. He turned as Ruben's dog wondered out, having probably slept on his bed and awakened by the stranger in his quarters.

The huge black dog walked up to the knight cautiously, sniffing guardedly.

'Who's this?' The knight offered his hand to the black dog, sending unthreatening, peaceful images to the dog, which seemed satisfied and went to curl up in his basket.

'That's Rex, Ruben's dog.' Qui-Gon said simply, finishing up the meal. He brought the two plates forward to the table. 'Come sit down.'

'Smells and looks nice.' The knight sat down at his table.

'My master and none of my padawans could cook. I learned in sheer self defence.' Qui-Gon smiled.

'I know what's that is like, Travis can't cook, but he can be very appreciative of my cooking skills.' Qui-Gon smiled slightly, if a touch painfully as he remembered how very appreciative Ruben had being of his cooking.

'I thought you said you hadn't being lovers yet?' He said with a slight grin.

The knight blushed deeply. 'Not quite that appreciative.' Qui-Gon allowed a slight chuckle.

'I'm sure that will change. It is a very good reason to cook a special meal for someone you love.' Qui-Gon glanced a moment at the painting of Ruben and himself.

'Like Ruben?' The knight looked at him. Qui-Gon sighed. He'd hoped the knight wouldn't notice.

'Yes, like Ruben. Still I believe I promised you a reason for why the council will send a master if a new knight is encountering too much difficulty in his first few missions.'

'So you did.' The knight took a bite and raised his eyebrows in surprise. 'This is good.'

'Thank you.' Qui-Gon nodded. 'I suppose the place to start is the mission, my first to be exact. I was about twenty four and just a knight.'

'That's pretty young. I'm twenty five and I'm considered young for a knight.'

'Yes, most become knights between twenty six and twenty eight, only a few come before or after that. I'd won the padawans lightsaber duels two months before, I was well known to be closely connected to the living force and I'd managed to encourage two disputing planets to trade between each other almost entirely by myself as my Master had fallen unexpectedly ill, I was one of best padawans the order had for many years, overcoming many obstacles over my time as a padawan. So the council decided to hand over a more difficult mission then they would normally not consider for a new and quite young knight. On the surface it seemed not much more then a bickering between two opposing political parties arguing over rights to land and taxes. But it come apparent even to me, as young as inexperienced as I still was, something more was going on. But I didn't realise I was in a mission way over my head and abilities until it was almost too late.

'It started with the sudden death of three important political figures which didn't take me long to deduce was actually poisonings, but I didn't discover who was behind it until much too late when a third smaller political party, which unknowingly resented the two higher parties for their power over the planet, exploded a thermal bomb during a gathering for two other parties to resolve their bickering. I was knocked unconscious by the blast and when I woke up again the third party had taken over the planet and I was locked it a high security cell with a force collar, broken ribs and collar bone plus a broken nose.' Qui-Gon rubbed his bent nose again.

'I was totally unable to discover a way to escape. It was a fortnight before my Master hunted me out and I'd received neither food or water in the entire time and was locked up from the force unable to help or heal myself. I was in the healers for six weeks afterwards. My Master had not being pleased that I was placed in such risk and left to cope in an increasingly dangerous mission alone without receiving assistance. Nor was my Master happy that I was sent a more difficult mission as young and inexperienced as I was and the rule for a Master being sent to help a new knight in trouble has being in place since.'

'I can see why my first solo mission was a very simple and almost a boring one, despite having a good track record myself.' The knight nodded. 'A Jedi has to deal with tedious and well as dangerous missions over time. No matter what type you get, each one is a learning experience and learning to conduct a mission completely on your own is a very important lesson to learn and step to overcome for any new knight. Learning to be independent is considered more important then having a new knight placed on the front line so to speak.'

'It is hard not having a Master who makes the ultimate decision or someone to bounce ideas off and talk to. I look back on the first mission and see all the little details I missed out on and didn't see before.'

'You know of them now though, and will pay attention to those missed details next time.' Qui-Gon countered. 'A Jedi's life is not one without mistakes. Even a Master like me makes mistakes.'

The knight smiled slightly. 'That's a relief. As a padawan, you always get the perception that knights and Masters are perfect, I think that delusions has gone out the window now.'

'No one is perfect, no one can ever be completely without fault and if someone was I'm sure someone would find fault with that.'

The knight looked startled then laughed, a surprised, delightful laugh.

'Someone would, wouldn't they. It seems a no win situation. What do you suggest in such a situation?'

'Me? Well since I can't be perfect, I just do the best I can and rely on the force to guide me. That's all any knight can do. Just be yourself and do what you can.'

The knight nodded seriously. 'I can do that, being a knight doesn't seem so impossible when you put it like that.'

'Most padawans think that once they become knights, the worst is over and they can sit back a bit. But the truth is you keep learning, keep trying to become better, keep striving to be the best you can be and help as much as you're capable of helping.' Qui-Gon told the knight.

'In that case I still have a long way to go before I reach something near the same legendary status of someone like Master Jinn.'

Qui-Gon hurriedly covered his surprise.

'Who knows, you might be closer then you think.' He murmured quickly. The knight offered a smile.

'Thank you for thinking so, and thank you for lunch.' The knight rose from the table and bowed. Qui-Gon returned the gesture.

'If you feel the need to talk to someone, you know where my quarters are.'

'I'll do that.' The knight smiled and then departed from him quarters.

Qui-Gon allowed himself to sink back in his chair, looking up at the painting of his deceased lover with a sad, wishful statement feeling suddenly lonely as he stroked Rex's black head as the dog butted his hand.

'You missed him to, don't you boy.' Qui-Gon murmured, massaging the thick, furry neck. He then picked up the two plates.

'At least Ruben would do the dishes.' Qui-Gon murmured as he headed to the sink.

Two days later Obi-wan woke up at the sound of a persistent beeping and reluctantly cracked his eyes upon and glared at the chrono which told him it was only 5 in the morning. He lifted his head to find the source of the beeping and saw he had a message. Normally he'd have his communicator turned off but since Travis disappeared he'd left it on. Hoping it would be a message from his missing boyfriend, he got up and opened the message.

Dear Knight Kenobi,

Just informing you Knight Deru has being successfully found and in good health both mentally and physically. Knight Deru shall be arriving in on Coruscant in a week.

Master Cer'mith.

Obi-wan breathed out a huge sigh of relief, he worried as to the reason why Travis didn't or couldn't write to him himself, but he at least knew know Travis was safe, and coming home. Feeling lighter and happier then he'd had for a long time, he wanted to announce the good news to someone. Except most of his friends were away from the temple right now. With a sudden thought, Obi-wan thought he might pay a courtesy visit to the Master who was so nice to him after having found him crying in the gardens. It had being good to talk to someone. The Master had a right to know that it turned out well, that Travis was all right. Obi-wan quickly got dress and found his way to the quarters the Master had taken him to two days ago and keyed the buzzer. He heard a couple barks and smiled as he remembered the large black dog called Rex. The Master telling him the dog belonged to his own lover Ruben. At least Obi-wan assumed Ruben was the Masters lover, the painting he'd seen and the expressions and tone the Master had used when talking about Ruben made it likely.

The door opened and Obi-wan found himself looking at naked, powerful chest and loose sleeping trousers that sat low on large masculine hips. He flushed slightly and looked up at the obviously sleep tussled Master with untamed light chestnut hair framing the gentle, calm, noble face of the Jedi Master he'd met shortly two days ago. The black dog Rex beside him, seeming to recognise him.

'Oh I'm sorry, maybe I should come back later.' Obi-wan blurted.

'No, come right on in, It was time I was up anyway.'

The Master stepped back and indicated he come in. Obi-wan did so a little reluctantly. 'It's not really all that important.' He offered lamely.

'That's fine, go right ahead and sit down. I'll just grab a tunic, would you like some coffee?' Obi-wan reluctantly sat on a lounge as the Jedi Master disappeared into a room.

'I, that would be nice, thank you.' He was here know, he might as well sit it through.

A few moments later the Jedi Master was back with two mugs and wearing a tunic. 'Here.' Obi-wan took the mug offered to him.

'Thank you.' He smiled as Rex sniffed his boots before lying down in a large basket to one side. The Master sitting on the couch across from him.

'You look better then last time I saw you, what did you come to tell me?' The Master prompted softly. 'I got a message not very long ago saying Travis had being found and was coming back. I didn't really have anyone else to tell, most of my friends are on missions. I'm sorry to have bothered you at such an hour.' Obi-wan apologised.

'It's no bother at all, I'm happy for you. It is not easy when someone you love goes missing.' The Masters dark eyes looked up at the painting of himself with his lover Ruben.

'No, it was such a relief to know he was at least all right and was coming home. I had to tell someone my piece of good news.'

'You've improved my day, that's for sure.' The Master smiled slightly.

Obi-wan looked up at the painting of the Master with his lover Ruben.

'Tell me about your lover Ruben, how you met him, what's he like?' He asked curiously. He heard a startled breath and turned back to the Master seated across from him, but the face revealed nothing. Obi-wan guessed it was just an unexpected question and nothing more.

'We met at a function the councilor was holding for his closest associates.'

'He considers you one of his closest associates?' Obi-wan asked startled.

'Since he invited me, I imagine so.' The Master gave a slightly wry smile. 'It was a rather brief meeting but even know I remember it quite well. We took an immediate liking to each other and in moments were chatting away as if we'd know each other for years.'

A fond smile crossed the Masters lips. 'It was three months before we saw each other again, quite by chance. I was on a break between missions and his padawan required to attend an exam and we spotted each other at the common dining room at lunch. Things quickly picked off where they had stopped and then went further.' The Master's cheeks pinked slightly as he said this and Obi-wan had to smile. It was somehow comforting to know that even Masters were susceptible to love and to blushing.

'It wasn't long before both he and Rex moved in here, though Rex insisted on sleeping in bed with us. It was quite a shock to wake up that first morning to something warm and large sprawled along side me and something wet and moist lapping at my chest to open my eyes and find I'd just being incredibly aroused by a dog.' An ironic smile twitched on the Masters face.

Obi-wan's eyes went wide in surprise and in an instant he burst out in gales of laughter. Laughing so hard he soon had a stitch in his side. He tried to get a holds of himself, but no sooner would he start to calm down did the thought of it broke him out in uncontrollable laughter again. Finally he managed to get a hold of himself, though his lips kept twitching, threatening to start again as the Master watched him with a mildly amused statement on his face.

'It wasn't very funny to me at the time, though Ruben seemed to think it was.' Obi-wan's lips twitched as a chuckle escaped.

'Lets just say I'm glad neither me nor Travis has pets.' He tried to smother his smile.

'I'm just more cautious to what I wake up to in the mornings.' The deep blue eyes sparkled with inner humour. Obi-wan choked a moment but managed not to laugh.

'I can understand why.'

'So what about you and Travis? How did you met and such?' The Mastered turned the tables on to him. Obi-wan took a deep breath, smiling slightly a he remembered.

'It was about five months ago when two Masters were needed with padawans for a particularly dangerous and potentially hazardous mission.'

'The Samyhl mission?' The Master asked intently. Obi-wan nodded.

'Yes, that's the one.' The Master nodded suitably impressed.

'That was one very nice piece of work, no wonder your stifling at the basic missions given to new knights.'

'It's not so bad, Travis finds it a bit more stifling then I do I think. But then he has being a knight for longer. Like you said, it is for us to find our feet in solo situations.'

'So both your Master, you and Travis's Master and Travis went to deal with the situation yes?'

Obi-wan nodded. 'Sparks were flying the moment we met. The mission only seemed to enhance that. Between missions and knighting ceremonies, it's being a little hit and miss when we could see each other, but we are very close. I for one have fallen head over heels in love. It was a bit of surprise at the time though. I've only very rarely found men attractive, but there is something about Travis I can't ignore and it draws me right on in.'

'You're not normally into men?' The Master asked surprised.

'Well no, a few crushes sure but not outwardly attracted. What about you? How long were you attracted to men, or was Ruben a first for you too.'

'No, I've known I was attracted to men since I was a least eleven if not sooner. My master took me as padawan knowing I was homosexual.'

'That soon?' Obi-wan tried not to choke on his coffee.

'Oh yes, that soon.' The Master nodded seriously. 'The youngest the temple had had for some time. Some, like me, do figure it out very early. It is a little rare but it doesn't take that long for others to start deciding their sexuality as well.'

'Was it hard, I mean the younger padawans can be quite ignorant and not very supportive towards differences sometimes?'

'My year mates grew up with me the way I was, they got quite use to it and rarely gave me any trouble, In fact they were very supportive toward my early decision. My teacher was wonderful, to me and to explaining it to my year mates. My Master was very understanding and didn't seem to mind some of the more extensive stunts I pulled too much.' The Masters dark eyes glittered warm humour as he remembered his past.

'What kind of stunts?' Obi-wan asked with a curious smile and anticipation. Qui-Gon's eyes crinkled slightly as he grinned.

'When I became a padawan, one of the first friends I developed was to a younger padawan called Clive. We fast became best friends. One of the older boys, Jordan was his name, use to pick on Clive because he was so small and clumsy. Clive wasn't a warrior but he was very smart if a little shy at the time, that changed though. But I felt the need to protect my new friend from Jordan. So I pulled him to one side, for even at my young age I was already taller then most and quickly becoming top of my saber class and stronger then ordinary. I said a few little things and even resorted to a threat the quickly quieted him. My teacher was very suspicious at the suddenly quite and nicer Jordan and asked him why. He told her that he'd promised me he'd stop teasing the others, and then she asked Jordan how I'd managed to convince him to do that. So Jordan reluctantly admitted I'd told him that if he didn't stop teasing others that I'd kiss him in full view of a female padawan he was trying to catch the eye of and I'd tell her he was actually gay and I'd also told him that if he kept doing it, I'd make it so that he was gay and would never be interested in females ever again. Which was definitely enough to stop his teasing.'

Obi-wan gave a short laugh. 'What did the teacher think of that?'

'She made me admit there was actual way I could cause someone to be gay to Jordan but she couldn't make me remove the threat that I'd kiss him and tell his female friend he was gay.' Qui-Gon smiled. 'I must admit to being a rather mischievous padawan, in some trouble or other. I'm not exactly to sure how convinced Jordan was that I couldn't make him gay, since there was a second padawan, same age as Jordan who was becoming every bit as interested in me and I was interested in him'. The Masters blue eyes sparkled a moment but an old pain hovered behind the obviously happy memory.

'What happened?' Obi-wan asked gently.

'We became very close, it wasn't long before we were dating and officially recognised among padawans as being together, as being each others boyfriend and certainly gave plenty for both our Master to worry about. I was only about thirteen after all and he wasn't much older. We never really got the chance to take it any further then a few hidden kisses though.' The blue eyes became almost purple as remembered pain flickered in the Master. Obi-wan waited as the pained eyes looked at him a moment. A tongue moistened those lips, before the Master seemed to gather himself. 'The padawans name, my first boyfriend, was Samson.'

Obi-wan went pale as he remember the story from two days before of the new knight and his padawan Samson who'd being killed because of the new knights lack of expertise on the field. 'When I felt his death, I woke up screaming, my Master didn't know what was wrong until the next day when the news came. It was a long time before I recovered.' Obi-wan swallowed and gathered the large hand of the Master in his own hands.

'I understand.' Was he said, was all he needed to say. The Master nodded.

'I know, only one who has gone through the terror of not knowing if someone loved will return could understand.'

'You made me lunch a couple days ago to cheer me up, now it's my turn. Am I allowed to raid your kitchen in the search of breakfast?' Obi-wan offered a comforting smile to the Master.

'Let me help.' The Master began to rise.

'You stay right here.' Obi-wan pushed the Master firmly back onto the couch. 'I will make breakfast.'

Quickly finding the Master had all the necessary ingredients for pancakes, he whipped up a batch and quickly cooked a good amount for two Jedi. He came out with the two plates to find the Master going through the Lohmin kata at extra slow speed. The powerful and obviously well trained Master moved through the motions with practised ease that Obi-wan had yet to accomplish for this kata. A serene calm and peace seemed to radiate from the Master and the elegant face was smooth and gentled by the relaxing Kata.

'Breakfast?' He called. The long eyelashes fluttered open.

'Humm, pancakes, It's being awhile since I've had them.' The Master straightened from his position and moved over to sit at the couch again. The Master took a tentative bite and raised a noble eyebrow.

'Very nice, I'm sure Travis is going to be extremely appreciative of your cooking when he returns.' Obi-wan looked up surprised and then blushed. He'd actually forgotten about his absent boyfriend while spending time with this admittedly handsome Master.

He quickly realised he'd gotten himself in a rather awkward situation. He was attracted more then he should be toward the Master and his boyfriend would be back in a weeks time. He looked down as Rex, the black dog nudged the Masters large scarred, callused hands, long fingers scratching at the black ears and suddenly remembered this Master had a lover of his own. He felt his chest tighten with almost pain, no, this relationship could never go further then what it was now.

'I guess so.' He murmured hurriedly.

'I know so, I should give you my recipe for my cherry chocolate sauce to make sure of it. A few cherries, a bit of whipped cream, a willing body and you have all the necessary items for a very interesting night.' Obi-wan looked at the powerful body of the Master and had no doubt this man's lover had plenty of interesting nights.

'I'll try it sometime.' Was the only response Obi-wan could think so. Though he wasn't too sure who he wanted to try the idea out on, his boyfriend or this Master.

Oh this was just impossible, he had Travis and the Master had his Ruben and he had best be satisfied with that.

'Now I'm embarrassing you, I'm sorry.' The Master said smoothly.

'No, no, it's all right. I'm just not very use to such, directness.' Obi-wan said quickly.

'One of my faults, I've never being exactly shy of who or what I am.' The Master offered with a slight smile.

'I don't mind. It's almost, refreshing to talk to someone who's so open and straight forward. Jedi's are often so wrapped up in sounding diplomatic and wise they often neglect just going ahead and saying what they want to say straight off.' Obi-wan smiled wryly.

'So true, it gets even worst when they're on the council.'

Obi-wan looked at his empty plate almost regretfully.

'Well I suppose I ought to move on. I have to met a friend for saber practise in a moment.' Obi-wan rose regretfully. The Master rose as well.

'It's being nice to talk to you. You know where to come if you want to talk or looking for a meal.' The Master smiled warmly.

'Thank you, for everything.' Obi-wan bowed and stepped outside the Masters quarters, he grinned foolishly for some corridors before realising he still didn't know the Masters name. He swore venomously at moment before realising it was a good excuse to pay a call on the Jedi at some time. Then remembered Travis and decided it might be better to not call upon the Master, seeing the Master would only confuse his feelings towards his boyfriend even more.

A week had gone by and Qui-Gon was walking up the hall to his quarters after a sparring round with his old friend Dessie.

'What has being up with you this last week Qui?' She asked him. 'Sometimes your lighter of spirit then I've seen for sometime and other times you seem twice as down as normal, you're focus today was completely shot. I know you still mourn for Ruben but you are going to have to let it go. It's being eight months.

'I loved Ruben too, we all miss him, but he is gone.' Dessie told him.

'I know Dessie.'

'Masters wait.' Qui-Gon turned and was surprised to see it was the knight he'd met just over a week ago.

The misty green eyes looked troubled as the young man with reddish blond hair came to stand before him.

'I'm sorry to bother you.' The green eyes looked up at him pleadingly, obviously upset about something.

'Its no bother.' Qui-Gon quickly assured. The young knight looked up with those cloudy green eyes, biting his bottom lip a moment in uncertainty.

'I, it's about Travis.' Obi-wan looked toward Dessie hesitantly.

'Your boyfriend, isn't he suppose to be back by now?' Qui-Gon asked.

'He got back a moment ago.' The misty green eyes filled up with tears as the young knight bit his lip anxiously. Obviously very upset. Qui-Gon shifted slightly and saw a older knight looking toward them curiously.

'Let's go in my quarters.' Qui-Gon said quickly and moved down quickly to his door.

'Qui-Gon, what about...'

'Just give me a moment Dessie, would you mind waiting outside?'

'All right Qui-Gon, I'll wait out here.' Dessie sighed and rolled her eyes.

'Thanks Dessie.' Qui-Gon opened the door and indicated the knight go in, which the knight did. The door slid behind him and he looked to the knight pacing slightly before him.

'I'm sorry but I had to come talk to someone.' Green eyes looked at him pleadingly.

'I don't mind, you have nothing to apologise for. Why don't you tell me what happened?' Qui-Gon soothed gently.

'I, it's just that, you know how much I looked forward to seeing Travis home again. I've being worried nuts over his disappearance. I had to go and met him at the spaceports and seeing him again...' Relief and wonder and love shone out of those misted green greens and Qui-Gon's heart missed a beat, he took a breath to concur the pain of knowing that love wasn't for him. 'It was like falling in love all over again, I'd almost thought I'd forgotten how much he meant to me.' Anguished eyes brimmed with tears as a bottom lip trembled and Qui-Gon hungered to capture that lip and kiss the tears away. He gave his head a slight shake, he couldn't do this, not again.

He most recent loss of Ruben still caused him to break down in tears at odd moments. There truly could not be a man more generous of heart then Ruben and he could not afford to open his heart again, he'd lost so much, so many. Not just Ruben but the men who'd come before him. Men he'd loved and lost. Qui-Gon was almost as famous for his extensive bad tract record with losing lovers by some means, mainly death, as he was for his skills on the field and his maverick ways and stubborn, rebellious streak. 'All of what he meant to me came rushing back to me as he stepped down that ramp. I, I guess it overwhelmed me and I rushed forward to greet him.' The knight choked back a sob as his eyes threaten to spill tears. 'He, he shoved me away, told me to go away, leave him alone. He was so angry and so cold.' The knight shivered slightly. 'He pushed himself past me, wouldn't even look back, I, it was such a shock. He isn't usually like that, not at all.' The knight was quite visibly trembling by this point, struggling to control his feelings.

Qui-Gon paused thoughtfully a moment.

'All right, let me try to put this in perspective for you. I've had a few lovers over time, each of them different in their own ways, and I know myself. There have being missions I or my lovers have being on which were extremely taxing. Try to imagine what it would be like to come back from the temple exhausted from working overtime and working extra hard to make up for lost time or tricky negotiations, or having to hide and run constantly for maybe over a week with out hardy any sleep or food. Your cold and wet and incredibly hungry and frustrated, furious with yourself for being unable to resolve the issue, embarrassed and angry that someone had to come and rescue you from the mess you'd managed to create.

'You are grubby, smelly and sweaty, the worst mood you can think off and I personally have come home with a black thunder cloud ready to strike anyone who gets in my road, whether they be lovers or otherwise. You come back home knowing the first thing you have to do is go forth to the Council and explain for the next tedious three hours what exactly went wrong over and over again and the only thing you feel like doing is curling up in some convenient spot on the floor and fall asleep for the next week or having a really long warm shower or bath. The last thing possible you want to deal with is an enthusiastic lover rushing to greet you at the door.' Qui-Gon said calmly, projecting that calm to the upset knight.

The knight took a long breath, gathering control and calm before nodding slightly. 'I can imagine that and I can easily imagine Travis acting out after strenuous mission as his last must of being. It makes sense now. I guess I was thinking to much of how I felt to take how he would be feeling into consideration and felt hurt when he didn't return mine. Thank you for helping me find some perspective, I'll remember to do that in the future.' Eyes shone warmly as the knight smiled gratefully.

'Have a nice warm scented bubble bath ready for him and give him a massage. He will either start falling asleep or you'll end up having sex in the tub. If he falls asleep lift him out, with the force if necessary and put him in bed. He'll either recuperate enough to want sex or fall asleep. If he falls asleep, have him wake in with a dimmed room, a few candles, incense and you waiting with a warm meal in something a little provocative. Straddle him and feed him dinner yourself, that should get things moving and as a last resort, or for second rounds...' Qui-Gon held up a finger indicating he wanted the knight to wait there a moment, he went into the kitchen and took out a jar of cherry chocolate sauce he'd made earlier trying to convince himself he'd done simply on a whim, rather then fantasying about the green eyed and rusty haired knight.

He brought it back and presented it to the knight with a slight bow and soft smile. 'A jar of my cherry chocolate sauce, lather a bit of this around and have some fun. If this doesn't work, nothing will.' Qui-Gon. The knights cheeks flushed slighted and the green eyed hazed slightly in tempting erotic desire. Qui-Gon sucked in a breath and cooled his sudden rising arousal as the knight slowly took the jar.

'Thank you, Qui-Gon?' The knight looked up at him questioning. Qui-Gon suddenly realised he hadn't told the knight his name and the young knight must of heard Dessie speak it. He smiled and nodded, opening the door behind him.

'Go and transform your boyfriend into a lover.' He smiled the knight blushed and looked away a moment as he stepped out the door, Qui-Gon joining him. The knight bowed slightly.

'Thanks again Qui-Gon.' The knight turned heeled and Qui-Gon watched the backside of the young man walk away from him.

'Qui-Gon?' He turned in surprised and his ears reddened slightly as he realised Dessie was staring at him with a thoughtful statement. A slight amused smile crossed her lips. 'You're attracted to him.' Her grey eyes twinkled slightly.

'No.' Qui-Gon snapped slightly in denial. Dessie just rose her eyebrow. 'All right, so I am.' Qui-Gon scowled in defeat. 'Not that that matters much, unless you didn't hear, he has a boyfriend which he plans ton be lovers with.' Dessie's face softened and she nodded.

'Come on, the others will be waiting for us by now. It's not very often we're all together at the same moment.'


More is on the way, Maybe. Could take awhile.