Lifestyles Past Principle 6

by FireCracker (


Litthsyss steals Obi away.

"Milord, you must stop this. It isn't good for the liver."

"Ssss. I'll worry about that later. This situation rankles me!!"

The Wurelin demon Boo'Boo stood in attendance as his lord, a certain snake called Chaos seethed and burned.

"Should I curl up and hide at ponderous pronouncements of fate?!" Litthsyss paced angrily. "Bah! I'll drag those crones across the path of infinity. Let their pathetic shrieks ring the universe!"

Boo'Boo poured his master some ablani wine. It was particularly strong.

"I still say this isn't good, Lord. The child is well cared for. Eventually he will rule here. You must be patient."

Litthsyss snatched the goblet. "Oh? Oban should be here now. But for certain...agreements, he would be."

The bear creature shook his head. "What's done is done, and eternity is long. Why this sudden frenzy?"

The snake god gulped his drink. "I held him."

Boo'Boo was silent a moment. "Milord is going soft."

He barely ducked as Litthsyss heaved the goblet at him. Have a care what you say to me in this matter, Wuerlin. I may have you beheaded.

The huge bear demon kneeled. "Do the deed then, but I speak the truth. Oban is but a baby. What would he do here? The sorceress raises him well until his destiny can be claimed."

Litthsyss glowered down at him. "Everyone thinks to control this situation except me. That will change."

"If so humble a person as myself may ask, what do you plan?"

Litthsyss looked off into space. "A raid."

A long and luminous form slinked through the dark forests of Dakkan. Grim in intent, dark in purpose, the creature slipped towards a glen where a band of sorcerers lived. In the deep of night he looked for the object of his desire, and found it.

Obi-Wan slept quietly, but sensed a presence. Sleepy eyes blinked open. He rolled on his side and peered outside the hut.

/Know him before./

The serpent lifted his head above the ground and watched. He spoke in silence.

"Gaff guff."

Obi-Wan crawled from his mother's side. Tallandra was soundly asleep, as were the others.

The serpent waited, tongue flicking in anticipation. Flaming eyes glowed in the dark.

The baby worked his way outside. Bubbling and clucking, he moved across the meadow under star lit skies.

The snake moved at him. In one swift motion the flat nose tapped the infant's forehead.


"sssss" /feel funny./

The darkchild, now transformed, hissed and coiled. A hatchling serpent of brightest crimson struck at the huge rainbow one.

Waves of unseen force assaulted the giant snake, driving him back. //By the pits, he has the power!//

/No hurt them!!/

Litthsyss lowered his head. //No, little one. The others only sleep.//


//Yes. Now come with me.//

No thicker than a flagpole, the small serpent coiled about the huge one, wrapped securely.

/Where go?/

//Home. You will see.//

/Already home./

//There is another. Come.//

Taking Obi-Wan in tow, Litthsyss slithered off and disappeared.

Llane was entertaining courtiers in the castle. A chubby demon in elaborate garb raced into the ballroom, interrupting the festivities.

The hel queen wasn't amused. "Popalock, I've warned you several times about these intrusions!"

The courtiers murmured amongst themselves in amusement. Their appearance varied widely, from human to inhuman. They sat at an ornate table full of delicacies

Gooalon laughed, swinging his drink. He was thickly built with pale green skin. Silver hair glimmered in a severe buzz cut.

"Take it easy on him, O Queen. Popalock just loves to burst in on people."

"The western districts are somewhat laid back, I know" Llane replied. "However, decorum will rule here today. Now what is it, Popalock!"

Popalock pulled his moustache. "Not in front of company-"

"You will say it here!"

Popalock shrugged. "Very well. Oban is here."

A beat of silence. Another courtier turned astonished eyes to the hel queen.

"Oban? Is that not Quogan's child?"

"Yes. What nonsense are you blabbering, Popalock!"

Popalock pushed his way to the table, nibbling an entrail. "It isn't nonsense, mistress. Didn't you know?"

Stunned, Llane had no immediate answer.

In a distant corner of Limbo, Litthsyss curled in the lake of contemplation, pondering his move. Obi-Wan lay quietly, coiled snug within. In a sinuous pile they rested on an island, isolated under dank and colored mists. Chaos sang to the small one, insuring his sleep.

"He did what?!!"

"True, o Queen. Soon word will spread throughout Hel."

Ekkaq smoothed her hair over horns. "So. Is a formal announcement to be made?"

Llane stood at the head of the table, addressing them all. "All of you partake of the castle and it's delights. I must take my leave and delve into this situation."

Ekkaq was persistent. "Give us word, Queen. All of Hel will know in a weeks' time."

Llane shook her head quickly. "No, for it complicates pacts that are in place. Oban's status is restricted information. Your discretion is advisable in this matter."

With a grand gesture she disappeared in a column of flame.

Popalock laughed. Too bad we'll miss the fun!

Litthsyss flicked his tongue slowly, tasting the air and sensing the quiet. Protectively he formed a mound about Obi-Wan. The small one slipped in and out of scaly loops, poking and squeezing his head between cable sized coils.

Litthsyss arched his head. Stop squirming, Obi. Be still.

Obi-Wan continued to slither in, out and about. /Play./

You need rest now.

/No rest. Play!/

Litthsyss burbled, amused. How could he get angry? Obi-Wan moved like quicksilver, sliding between his coils. A small flat head peeked out, tapping noses.


The baby snake coiled around the rainbow head, covering eyes and mouth.

//Crazy wa'bee. Now I can't see.//

/Not see?/ the small one whuffed, happy.

//No. Come down now and rest.//

/No sleepy. Play./

The great snake managed to poke his tongue out. //All right, then. Play.//

Loosing his hold, Obi-Wan crawled across his head and disappeared once more into a pile of coils. Litthsyss curled, puffing in quiet contentment.

They weren't alone.

The serpent lifted his head abruptly, feeling another presence. A dark shape took form in the swirling gloom, eyes aflame.

A black wolf rapidly closed, pacing along the water's edge. In one prodigious leap she reached the island.

Litthsyss balled himself up, lowering his head. "What brings thee here, sister. I would not be disturbed."

Llane snapped her jaws. "A likely story. What do you hold in coil?!"

"SSSS. Nothing. You came to dissstant Limbo to ask me thiss?"

Sharp fangs gleamed. "Perhaps I should have snake steak and eat my way to the middle."

Litthsyss hissed, showing his own cutlery. "'Tiss difficult to eat with broken ribsss. Come, dance with me and find out!"

You've stolen Obi-Wan!


Llane paced around him, sniffing. Litthsyss turned as she moved.

Stop covering him up. I know he's in there!

Litthsyss balled even tighter. He will sstay here.

Llane lunged. "Fool!!"

She found herself suspended in mid-leap. Litthsyss laughed.

Scumbag. You won't laugh with a chunk of tail missing!

/No hurt!!/

Llane managed to lower herself. "What?!"

Litthsyss uncoiled. A small scarlet snake popped up, head high. Emerald eyes shone brightly.

/No hurt./

Llane padded to Obi-Wan, amazed. //Did you do that?//

/You no hurt./

She touched her nose against him.


/Funny again./

Obi-Wan changed shape once more. A tiny wolf cub ran into Llane, bowling her over. She whuffed, startled by the force of impact. The cub squeezed between her forelegs.

Llane licked the ball of red fur. Little one, you shouldn't be here.

Litthsyss hissed softly. "You would still ssay that, even now?"

Yes. I...must.

"Liar" Litthsyss shifted. He seated himself on mossy rock.

Llane sat back on her haunches, thinking. Obi-Wan rubbed against her.

"Hold him, Llane."

No!! she changed to human form.

Obi-Wan whiffed, his small cold nose on her leg. /Warm./

"Little imp."

Impatient with her stubborness, Litthsyss picked Obi-Wan up.


A plump baby burbled in his arms. Llane looked at him and wilted.

"Hold him, idiot! Stop sitting there and staring" he all but shoved the baby into her arms.

Obi-Wan wrapped small arms about her neck, cuddling.

/Know, too. Pretty./

"Oh, Oban" her voice trailed off. She buried her face against him. Obi-Wan played with her hair.

"Null...he is beautiful. You didn't exaggerate."

Litthsyss softened. "Looking at him through a mystic crystal and seeing him up close are two different things."

She eyed the baby critically. "It was his power that stopped me. Amazing."

/Know you!/

Blue eyes went wide. So it seems, my precious one. You are full of surprises.

/Mommy, too./

Llane glanced at Litthsyss. "Force, his awareness is beyond belief."

He nodded. "It's as I told you."

"And his eyes are so green."

"Ssss. So true."

Obi-Wan squeezed in tight, clucking happily. He gummed her hand. Llane melted, kissing the round face tenderly.

Litthsyss watched in silence. He had a plan.


A young serpent looped about her throat like a necklace. Both gods laughed. Llane smiled as a forked tongue tickled her cheek.

"He has even less control over his shapes than his father."

Litthsyss pulled at the small tail. "I was thinking the same thing-"


Yipping happily a wolf cub ran around them both, tiny red tail upright like a flag.

Llane caught him once more. Litthsyss grinned slyly.

"I would agree that he should be returned."

The hel goddess stared in disbelief. "What?"

"I'll return him immediately. The pacts must be maintained."


Obi-Wan cooed as he regained human form. Llane clutched him tightly.

"I...perhaps not. Maybe there's a way we could keep him."

The snake god shook his head. "No, you were right. Too much is at stake. I'll have a servant return him to the mortal plane."

"You won't!"

"Wherefore, Lupin? Do you doubt your own resolve?"

Obi-Wan grew sleepy. He nestled in Llane's arms and attempted to suckle.

She gazed softly at him. "Our wa'bee isn't weaned."

Litthsyss snickered. "You're certainly well equipped."

Llane glared at him.

They sat upon the remote island for hours, discussing options. Obi-Wan played and slept between them.

/fun. stay./

"Perhaps I was wrong, Null."

"It hardly matters. Oban will stay with us."

The two gods jerked to attention suddenly. Someone was coming. Thick mists congealed and whipped wildly.

Litthsyss glared at the gloom. Who dares intrude upon the realm of Chaos?

Weird laughter mocked across the grim landscape. Litthsyss hurled a bolt of force into the ether.

Let the mists stand aside!

Darkness parted at his behest. Floating above the still lake were three very familiar forms.

The sisters of Fate.

Llane rolled her eyes. "These hags have a propensity for intrusion!"

"It will be short lived" Litthsyss raised his hand.

The blue goddesses moved closer, their olive cloaks lifting in the breeze. Debliss pointed.

"Hold, before you make a mistake."

You have the gall to threaten me in my own realm?

"Temper thy blood, Chaos" Urkuna chided. "You've brought the Slayer here. Art thou mad?!"

Litthsyss snarled. He is but a baby. What nonsense is this?

Urkuna gave a weird cackle, her thick jowls shaking. "Baby, indeed! Raw power such as his is safer on the mortal plane."

"That makes no sense" Llane supplied. Obi-Wan turned over in her lap.

"It does, wolf. Have you not noticed? In thy hellish proximity, how he changes from shape to shape?"

Llane and Litthsyss looked at each other.

"Coincidence" Litthsyss stated. "His father was much the same."

"'Tis no coincidence. His power will rage out of control here. You know the dangers of a neophyte primal. In this case Oban is acclimated to a more mundane existence."

"This pomposity bores me" Llane snapped. "Where is the calamity?"

Debliss snorted. She was the most attractive of the three. "It will pass, and not just affect thy realms. Your hands were full with Quogan, were they not? And he was raised here. It will be worse, much worse!"

Litthsyss glowered. "You'd best get to the point. I grow impatient."

"See then, what words will not convey!" Avarix boomed, pointing with a bony hand. A sheet of mist formed a panoramic view around them.

Stunned, Llane and Litthsyss observed scenes of random destruction throughout both Hel and Limbo, precipitated by Obi-Wans' lack of control. The landscape was ripped by bolts of force.

"This is...improbable" Llane still couldn't believe.

"Not so, Lupin" Avarix told her. "Already you've both witnessed his power. It is on an emotional level, and extremely dangerous. Exposure here will draw it out."

"He must return to the mortal plane and play out his destiny" Debliss added.

"You believe us unequipped to handle this?" Litthsyss charged. "Perhaps a grim lesson will teach thee."

"Stay thy hand, snake. Put not too much stock in strength" Debliss warned.

It's more than enough, witch Litthsyss hissed. Don't think to lecture me as if I were an idiot. These cirumstances you predict are controllable.

"How so? Oban is an infant. And though the soul of an immortal beats within, he has neither understanding or training. Power without knowledge is lethal."


"Litthsyss" Llane interrupted.

"You agree with them?!"

The Hel Queen paused. "There is merit to this threat."

"But Quogan was raised-"

"That was different. He was of age and transformed. Oban has been raised as a mortal infant."

"You would return him?!?"

"Not by choice" she glared at the goddesses.

"Be certain you speak the truth, hags. Else the Wolf will ravage the Nexus at her leisure. You know me!"

True enough, Llane. Get thee back to Hel, for there are matters that need your attention. We have given warning. Ignore it at your peril!

Obi-Wan opened sleepy eyes. He stared at the weird sisters.

/No like!/

A ring of pink fire encircled the goddesses, tightening them together in a noose.

"Treachery!!" Debliss shrieked.

Wind swirled with hurricane force, hurtling the Fates from sight. Screaming they faded into the gloom and disappeared.

Litthsyss and Llane were silent a moment. Obi-Wan sat up, clucking contentedly.

"I would be a fool to deny the evidence of my own eyes" the snake god said slowly.

Llane looked at her precocious grandson. "We could keep him here but at what cost to our realms? Containing his power would be a never ending chore."

"Aye. Our strength can't be spent in such futility. It would be at least twenty years before Oban would reach his majority. By then Hel and Limbo could well be in ruins."

Llane kissed the baby. "To think such a small one is capable of such chaos!"

"Why not? His father nearly destroyed everything once" Litthsyss reminded her.

Ice blue eyes flashed. "True. Where the dragon stalks, the serpent reaps in his wake."

Obi-Wan burbled and grinned, pulling her nose.

"Ow! Imp."

Litthsyss tickled the plump chin. Obi-Wan cooed. "True. Though it makes my soul heavy, he must be returned."

Llane sighed. "Perhaps my pacts serve a useful purpose after all. I must admit, I never believed them to influence Obans' fate."

The snake god sat crosslegged. "You cannot have pacts with the principle powers and not affect the chain of events. Not to mention the primals involved."


They answered as one. //You must go back, Obi.//

/no. want stay./

//One day. Not now.//

/when stay?/

//Later. Sleep now.//

The baby curled once more in Llane's lap. She passed her hand over his eyes.

"Let dreams fly and touch the sky, for thou art favored and chosen. Rest Oban, and return to the past."

Obi-Wan immediately fell asleep. Litthsyss kissed the small forehead.

"He will remember nothing?"


A pause. "I suppose there's no point in putting this off any longer."

Llane stood, cradling the baby. "We do it together, Null."

Litthsyss hooked her arm. "Come."

In silence, the two gods walked into the mists and disappeared.

A glade on the mortal plane stood suspended in time, and none could touch it. Still and motionless forms lay about in huts or by the river, asleep and unaware.

And hel came.

Silent as shadow a black wolf held the babe in her jaws, mouthing him like an egg. She approached Tallandra and lay the baby down.

A lick. Llane loves thee, little Oban.

Nearby coiled a great serpent, watching protectively.

Grace and peace to you, my wa'bee.

In quiet stealth the wolf rejoined the serpent. Flaming eyes gazed once more upon the small one. And then the serpent did speak.

Let time be sublime. Return lives dark and prime.

With a shuddering wrack, motion and life returned. In silence the dark gods returned to their eternal existence.

Tallandra stretched and rolled over. Her son was already awake.

"Well hello, bright eyes. Not sleepy?"

Obi-Wan giggled. /Hungry/ he buried his face against her.

The sorceress laughed, picking him up. "Come on. Time for a bath!"

The other Dakkari were already down by the water.

"Ah, mistress. A fine day!" Qazz was cheerful.

"Indeed. This one needs a good scrub, though" she indicated her son.

The group laughed. Tallandra undressed Obi and sponged the tender skin.

Obi-Wan burbled, enjoying the water and sunshine. Something felt funny, but he didn't know what it was. One day he would figure it all out.

But not now.