Lifestyles: Past Principle

by FireCracker (

Pairing Q/O
A/U - Dark Drama

The Fates warn about the birth of Qui-Gon.

A cloaked and cowled goddess walked through the mists bearing a special burden. Her labor had been difficult, but it was of no consequence. For swaddled in her arms lay the heir to a dark kingdom as vast and timeless as eternity itself. The denizens of the dank mists fled at her approach, for none dared face her. Tall and strong she strode, carrying the small bundle towards the castle of their master.

Litthsyss anxiously awaited the appearance of Llane and the little one. He paced about in his castle, lost in thought. His blue velveteen robe billowed out as he moved.

Mad witch. You actually managed to dupe the Guardian. Now he has married you, and I must play second fiddle in this farce. I should never have agreed to that damnable pact. Now my own word binds me, lest the subjugation of heaven be undone.

Silent feet entered his private chambers. "Greetings, my Null. Turn and behold the new King."

Litthsyss spun, startled. "Llane. I didn't hear you at first."

The hel goddess smiled, extending the bundle. Litthsyss walked toward her, taking the baby in his arms. Gray green eyes blazed in wonderment as he pulled away the small cowl. Crystal blue eyes looked up at him fearlessly, surrounded by a cascade of brown hair. Tiny fangs peeked from the plump lips. The high cheeks were ruddy. Litthsyss stared, his soul afire.

"Llane...he is beautiful."

Strong hands traced along the delicate features. The hel queen edged closer, watching him. "He has your cheekbones, my Null."

Litthsyss cradled the baby, nuzzling. "Sssss. And your eyes, dear Llane. Such hair, for one so tiny."

Without warning the infant growled, biting Litthsyss on the nose with needle teeth.


Llane laughed. Litthsyss rubbed his nose. "So fierce. Well does his blood run hot with hel."

Llane beamed with pride."Watch, he will shift shapes."

No sooner had she spoken when the infant turned into a miniature dragon. Litthsyss laughed, delighted. "My little Ssaurian!"

The tiny thing blew a stream of fire. Llane pulled the tail. "Watch what happens now."

Another shift. The dragon changed into a wolf cub with gleaming golden fur. Litthsyss stroked and petted the small head, purring ."Llane. I don't know if I can keep the silence."

The hel queen's eyes widened in fear. "You must, Litthsyss. For I am gone too far in my plan now. Besides, I love the Guardian!"

"Bah!!" Litthsyss hissed. "You think you love him."

Llane was irritated. "You presume my feelings?"

Granite eyes flashed. "Each time you profess his love you come to me" he grabbed her with his free arm, pulling her into a voracious kiss.

//Perhaps you do love him...//


//But not the way you love me.//

//Damn you!//

The two dark gods clutched each other with the infant pressed inbetween.

Llane pulled off, gasping. "Stop it, Null. I'm married to the Guardian."

Litthsyss snorted, handsome features flush with heat. "More pretense, Lupin?" he looked softly at the baby again.

"You will stay here in my castle a few days, both of you."

The Hel queen stood back in surprise. "I cannot, you know that! What explanation could I possibly give Eblu'Aranhe?!"

Litthsyss cuddled the child once more. Tiny hands swiped at him, grabbing a finger. "Think of a lie, witch. You're good at it."

Llane glared at him. "Mind thy tongue Chaos, lest it be bitten off. Still am I Queen of Hel."

Litthsyss pressed into her while holding the baby. "There is everything between us, Llane. Do you wish me to abide by the pact? Stay!"

The dark goddess faltered. " force my hand here?"

The snake god nodded, nuzzling his face along the infant. Qui-Gon cooed.

"Before Quogan is given away, I would hold and feel him. And not even you will deny me here. I am adamant."

Llane gave a wounded smile. "So I see. His temper is worthy of yours, you know."

The handsome god glowered under heavy eyebrows. "What of the Council. Were you followed?"

Llane sat at the edge of the thronebed. "No one was foolish enough to try anything so obvious, but-" blue eyes glittered in uncertainty.

Litthsyss continued to coddle Qui-Gon, who curled tightly against him. "You think they suspect the truth?"

The dark goddess pulled her cowl back. "I told them it was your right to see the child as guardian and ancestor. On the surface they seemed to accept my explanation."

Litthsyss watched Qui-Gon shift into a small dragon again. A tiny forked tongue teased his neck.

//Little fireblower. Be still, wa'bee.// "But?" he sat next to her.

She sighed. "They gave an all hail, but there was lingering discontent. Skumm, D'Generit and Muckluck made the most veiled references about how I could overturn the dictates of Providence."

Litthsyss observed her closely. "Beware, sister. You know of their treachery. I've told thee time and again that despite your rule they ever seek weaknesses to exploit."

Llane sighed, pulling the baby dragon by the tail. "Perhaps. But I don't wish to argue about it, Litthsyss. I am weary right now."

Litthsyss kissed her. Qui-Gon changed into a wolfling again. Both gods laughed as the cub attempted to lick them.

Gray green eyes blazed with fire. "SSssss. This little one tries to tell us something."

Llane smiled softly, stroking the fine and masculine face. "I've missed thee, Null. Why don't you let your hair grow long again?"

"Sssss. And trip over it continuously? Nay, I think not."

Llane ran her fingers through red blonde waves. "It was so beautiful, like a cascading waterfall."

Litthsyss smirked. "Suitable for a mermaid I suppose. Were it not for a retarding spell it would trail near the floor."

Llane stretched out on the bed, eyeing the infants' mane. "My own hair is long enough, but his grows like yours."

Litthsyss lay the baby in between them. "Something else grows right now. Come here" muscled arms reached for her.

They made love feverishly over the next few hours, accounting for every moment. Llane looked over at a velvet pallet next to the thronebed. Her raven tresses were disheveled.

"Oh, look. He still sleeps. And so tighty curled!"

Litthsyss smiled, holding her from behind. "A miracle, considering all the noise we've made" he laughed again.

Llane settled back into his embrace. They observed the ball of golden fur. Delicate ears were flat against the small head, nose quivering in sleep.

Litthsyss whispered in the hel queens' ear. "I think he is dreaming."

She turned into full lips. "I think so" she paused regretfully. "We must return soon."

Litthsyss looked at her hard. "How do you propose to carry your deception to heaven? Bad enough he married you by false form, but what happens to your realm in the meantime!"

Llane looked at him pleadingly. "I need your help. If you can temporarily take hel souls into Limbo-"

He shook her. "Don't push me, woman. Bad enough I must play this game with Qui-Gon. I'll not compromise my realm as well. This is your scheme, not mine. Live with it!"

Blue eyes blazed. "But I do this for our son..."

A column of bluish fire erupted in the imperial chamber. The Fates had arrived.

Litthsyss sat up, fangs gleaming. "Hags, you dare? None intrude on the palace of Chaos!"

Llane pulled blankets up about herself. Her face was wild. "This had better be of import, weird ones. Or I'll send thee home with serious burns!"

Debliss spoke first, pointing. We bring warning to thee both. Beware the dragon, lest he be thy undoing.

"I see nearly as much as you" Litthsyss cracked. "And I fear no pronouncements from withered crones. Begone!"

Ha! Avarix cackled. Know this then, serpent. Thy activities have brought war with the Guardians from here on out.

"How so?!" Llane was intriuged despite her anger.

Never again will tentative peace hold with the Guardians. For that one there she pointed at the small ball of fur, is the Destroyer, and all will turn aside from his path. Fools! Thy plans with the Guardian will be undone. And with the arrival of such abomination, the stars themselves will shake! It will cost thee the most, Hel Queen.

Llane snarled. "Perhaps the Devourer can eliminate such a fate by eliminating fate" she moved at them heedless of her nudity, claws lengthening.

Urkuna laughed madly. Don't blame us for your lust. You were both warned prior to this, yet persisted. Now the creature exists, and all...all will pay! For he too will beget!

Litthsyss roared, tensing to spring as muscles flexed. He blasted the sisters with fire as they shrieked in pain.

"Chaos has a warning, as well. Call my son an abomination again and I will tie thee with dark dog gut and drag thee across eternity"

Avarix hissed in agony. Worm! We won't forget this!

"See that you don't. Begone, while you still have your skin!"

The weird ones disappeared in a flash of grey smoke. Llane collapsed on the bed. Litthsyss held her against his rippling chest.

"Could it be true? What if we've brought our own doom about?"

Granite eyes were clear. Full lips traced along her cheekbones. "What is doom to such as we?"

Llane glanced at the sleeping Qui-Gon. "Such a great destiny for one so small."

"He will grow. I sense he will be strong of height and body."

Llane gave a wicked grin. "Much like his father, then."

Litthsyss ran his hands over milky skin. "Come" he eyed her darkly. "Back in this bed. I'll wear thee out for the Guardian."

"Oh, the worm turns?" Llane teased as Litthsyss pulled her down.

And from his pallet the wolfling gave a little grin, blue eyes bright.