Lifestyles Of The Dark And Famous 3

by FireCracker

submission dated 9-28-99

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Drama, Angst

Warning: Companion to Dark Secrets of the Mind

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are hunted by a Vampyre slayer.

"Father, your hair is ridiculous."

Obi-Wan was combing the untamed mass, working the snarls out.

Qui-Gon yawned. "I thought you liked it."

His son frowned. "I do. But if it gets much longer you'll be tripping over it."

Qui-Gon reached back, pulling Obi-Wan into a quick kiss. "I've cut it back three times this month. It just grows so fast now."

Obi-Wan poured conditioner over Qui-Gon's head, massaging it into the scalp. "Huh. Well I'll just trim off a few inches. At least that will get it above your rear end!"

Another lazy yawn. "You fuss too much, my Obi."

They were sprawled, relaxed on their oversized bed. Purple satin sheets rippled over their muscled forms.

Obi-Wan clipped the end strands, evening them up. "That's better, I think. At least now when we hunt, you won't go falling down."

A news announcement blared on the viewscreen.

"On the health front. Officials grow increasingly concerned about the anemia epidemic that has continued over the last few months. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, and headaches-"

The two vampyres watched intently.

"-And in severe cases, periods of unconsciousness. The instances of this malady are increasing daily, particularly in the outer districts. Mayor Tropopo is having all cases documented and placed on file at the Medical Institute downtown. Most cases have been accompanied by significant blood loss, which continues to baffle the medical community. And now for our on the spot reporters at some of the major hospital centers-"

Transmission transfer. A scene in a medical ward.

"This is Jirri Opopoplus, and I'm live from the Taydus Hospital Center. As you can see from our camera view, several patients here are complaining of mysterious weakness and exhaustion. They are currently being examined-"

Obi-Wan tugged Qui-Gon's hair. "Father, if they make a connection-"

"Shh! Wait a minute-"

"-results are inconclusive. Experts are considering the possibility of an ecological or environmental problem-"

Another tug. "They'll send out field people now."

"Obi-Wan, you are too skittish" Qui-Gon admonished him.

"Preliminary data does show unusual insect infestations this time of year. One theory is that the insects are spreading a malaria type virus, giving symptoms of anemia. However, the large volume of blood loss has yet to be truly explained. Officials will begin taking samples this week. The EPA will cooperate with all medical staffs in this manner. Back to you..."

Qui-Gon clicked the channel select, switching to a movie.

"Hmm. A concern, but as long as we take care..."

Obi-Wan leaned forward. Pushing the hair mass aside, he bit the side of Qui-Gon's neck.

"Will you listen. If medical staff and environmental people are stumbling about searching for their 'anemia' mystery, our movements will be restricted."

Qui-Gon purred, flashing fangs. "Do that again" he sighed.

Small snarl. "Aren't you concerned?"

Qui-Gon's eyes half closed. "Ssss. We will adjust our movements. Bite me again. Now."

He looked at Obi-Wan wantonly, sliding his tongue out.

Their blood always ran hot. It didn't take much inducement, anyway. Eyes flashing, Obi-Wan began to nip and bite along the planing muscles of the wide back. Sliding down a bit, the younger vampyre dragged fangs down the spine, toward the muscled buttocks.

"RRrrrr. Good" he growled, raking long nails along the thick thighs. A hot tongue lapped inside the cleft.

"Hrrargh" Qui-Gon arched his head back, delighting in the sensations. He began to wiggle his hips back and forth enticingly.

Obi-Wan felt his body tighten, his balls ache. A throbbing erection bounced freely below.

"You are mine, grrrr"... wetting his hand with his own pre-cum, he fisted his lover.

Qui-Gon roared, fangs bared wide. He bucked and humped over the slicked hand. Obi-Wan watched Qui-Gon heave with lidded eyes as he twisted his hand faster and deeper, raking buttocks with the other one. Then reaching underneath, he yanked on the heavy sacs.


It was too much. Jerking wildly, Qui-Gon unloaded a thick stream everywhere. Obi-Wan didn't wait for him to finish. Snatching his wet hand free, he plowed inside the plundered opening, coming himself as Qui-Gon was nearly done. As he hammered inside, Qui-Gon came a second time, striking satin sheets with heavy cream.

Obi-Wan bit the side of the strong neck, tasting a small gush. They both stiffened, trembling.

Obi-Wan purred. "Oh, oh yesss." he stroked the long mane. Qui-Gon groaned, panted. They were both covered with sweat.

"Hssss. So delicious. Can't get enough..."

They collapsed face down into sheets wet from their loving.

//My precious one.// echoed through Obi-Wan's mind before he blacked out.

The evening sun filtered through the bedroom windows, striking purplish orange rays of brilliance across their faces. Obi-Wan blinked, looking about blearily.


Then he smiled softly, watching Qui-Gon sleep. The fine features bore a slightly smug expression. Obi-Wan pulled on the soft lips, lifting them back and forth over the long teeth. It was a silly impulse that he often indulged in when his lover wasn't awake.

Then he decided to play idly with the thick nipples. Amazed at how pliant and soft they were, he flicked a moist tongue over them.

Suddenly, Qui-Gon wasn't asleep. The blazing eyes looked weirdly luminous in the waning day's glow.

"Snrrrlllll..." deep growl.

Before Obi-Wan could say or do anything...


A heavy hand smacked across his head, causing him to fall off the bed and land on the floor.

Qui-Gon laughed, peering over the edge of the bed at him.

Obi-Wan snarled a little. "Not...funny, father."

Wide yawn. "On the contrary, I think it's hilarious. Now get up."

Obi-Wan bounded up, landing on the taller vampyre. He pinned the muscled arms back.

"Hrrarrrh. Laugh at this, then" he flashed a menacing smile.

"Hmm. Clearly, I'm at your mercy" Qui-Gon whipped a long leg out from underneath his son, breaking the leverage. Just as he rolled up on top-


Obi-Wan connected a shot to the wide chest. They both rolled off the edge of the bed this time.

Laughing, as it were. "Well met!" Qui-Gon shouted.

Obi-Wan grinned. "I know a few tricks myself."

"I see. I'd best be careful, then."

They held each other in comfortable silence, sitting next to the bed on the floor. Watching as the last remnants of the sun slowly disappeared.

Our time, now. Obi Wan thought.

"Yesss, my son" Qui-Gon acknowledged, the need growing.

Obi-Wan held him tightly. The thirst was pounding in his throat now. He looked into the nightblue eyes. Qui-Gon kissed his forehead.

No words were needed. It was time. Silently and swiftly they dressed, hastily putting on simple shirts and work pants.

They went towards the window.

"The night calls, father!" Obi-Wan was joyous.

Qui-Gon was just as enthusiastic. "We ride it, then. Come!"

And with that, they bounded out into open space...

...and flew through the forest.

"Rarrgh! No one anywhere, camping or hiking" Obi-Wan shouted in the wind.

Qui-Gon's impossible mane flew everywhere. "We'll have to risk going towards the city."

They changed direction, heading for the skyline.

A tall lean figure stood several hundred feet below, observing their every move. Watching coolly the flying figures in the sky.

Unbelievable. Never have I seen vampyre fly in such a manner. Their power levels are unlike anything I have ever experienced. I must find out more. Only then can these creatures be stopped.

Pulling his cloak about his shoulders, the figure disappeared into the wood.

The vampyres approached the city, veering toward a small park.

//Over here, Obi-Wan. I don't see any traffic about.//

/The bike path, father. It's more secluded./

They landed near the roughhewn trail.

"Hsssss. Nothing nearby" Qui-Gon looked about, eyes flashing.


"What was that!" Obi-Wan shouted.

"I don't-"


The two vampyres transformed into mist, seeping amongst the shrubbery.


A heavyset man with dusty brown hair stumbled along the trail, firing a projectile gun wildly into the air.


"Got another one o' them suckers!"

The wisps of fog coalesced into two figures, a few feet away.

"What's he shooting at?" Obi-Wan wanted to know.

"The idiot" Qui-Gon hissed. "He's firing at bird nests. It's so dark, he can't even see what he's aiming at. It's a miracle he hasn't shot someone."

Obi-Wan peered through the bushes, eyeing the man hungrily. "Hrarrgh. Look at the size of him. He's well big enough..."

Qui-Gon licked his fangs. "My thoughts exactly..."

They moved forward slowly. The man was still waving his gun about, shouting and bellowing.


Another shot missed Obi-Wan barely, striking a nearby tree.

/Enough!/ Obi-Wan sprang at him through the air.

"Wha-FREAK!!" the huge man backed up, pointing his weapon at the young vampyre.

"Stay back, man. I know how to use this."

Obi-Wan stalked closer. "I don't care."

The man shook. "I'll shoot, I swear..."

Qui-Gon materialized behind him, silently.

"Hssss. Look at me, fool" Obi-Wan was almost on top of him.

The man fired. Several times. His eyes grew round.

"What-what are you, man?! I know I shot-"

Eyes eerie in the dark. "Drop the weapon."

The gun clattered to the ground. Despite the man's size, Obi-Wan dragged him to the ground. Qui-Gon looked about first.

Obi-Wan was already feeding. Qui-Gon dropped down, tearing away a pant leg and sinking his fangs into a chunky leg.

After a few minutes, Obi-Wan stood first. He tugged on Qui-Gon's braid.

"Father, are you not yet done? Come, the night is still young."

"Rrrrg. So impatient" Qui-Gon turned around briefly, then stood. He looked down at their victim, who was pale and unconscious.

"Let our friend explain his behavior to the authorities. When he wakes up, that is" mocking laughter.

Obi-Wan slid into his arms. "Ssss. Come, Qui-Gon" he tugged him along.

Qui-Gon nuzzled him. "What is your wish this fine night?"

Eyes wild, dilated. "Let's go to the lake. There's a full moon tonite, and the water is-"

Qui-Gon kissed him softly. "Hmm. Sounds...delicious."

They left their victim where he lay, clothing torn, weapon on the ground, without so much as looking back.

Obi-Wan pulled Qui-Gon into a deep and fevered kiss.

/Love me!/

Qui-Gon reluctantly pulled back a bit. Lips stuck. "If you keep kissing me like this, we won't make it to the lake."

Obi-Wan eyed him hotly. "Race you" he took off on foot, suddenly.

Qui-Gon chased, with long strides //I'll always catch you!//

/You'd better!!/ Obi-Wan tossed off his shirt as he ran. The voluptuous form teased Qui-Gon in the moonlight.

"Hrarrgh!" Qui-Gon roared. "Come here, Obi-Wan!"

With a touch of force Obi-Wan tore his pants off as he ran. "You'll have to get it first!"

Qui-Gon dived at him. They were near the lake, now. The longer body fell on top of the shorter one. They toppled into the water.

"No fair" Obi-Wan spluttered, laughing. "You're still dressed."

Qui-Gon nipped along the silky neck. "Do something about it, then."

Panting, eyes closed, Obi-Wan tore off his lovers' shirt. They were standing in about four feet of water.

"Yessss. Hurry!"

Obi-Wan dived underneath the surface, loosening and yanking down Qui-Gon's pants. He kicked them free.

Strong hands reached underwater, dragging Obi-Wan up. They embraced tightly, slick bodies pressed.

Hot tongues flicked across one another, pushing and teasing.

"Mmm. Taste...good" Qui-Gon murmured, crushing Obi-Wan to his chest.

Gasping, out of control, the young vampyre attempted to pull free. "Let-let me taste you..." he rasped. Qui-Gon reluctantly loosed his hold.

Obi-Wan slid down, pressing kisses on the muscled chest and stomach as he edged below the water. He grabbed Qui-Gon's thick erection, stroking it with both hands, rolling palms over the shaft while underwater.

The combination of sensations drove Qui-Gon to the edge. Hot mouth pulling on the velvet head, then blowing cool water on it. Qui-Gons' hips jerked up.

Nuzzling his head down into the crotch, Obi-Wan gently fanged the heavy sacs. Fingers slid up into the tight opening, pumping slowly. He bit down between the sacs, nipping up along the shaft.

Qui-Gon couldn't take anymore. His thighs twitched and pulled, his hips snatched back and forth. Legs splayed wildly in the water. Growling thickly in his throat, he snatched Obi-Wan out of the water, turning him around...

...and immediately plunged into him from behind. Arms tightly around his lover, lifting him up in the water. Obi-Wan's erection bobbed just above the surface.

Qui-Gon pushed into him hard and fast. Freeing one hand, he raked across the bronzed chest, plucking the fat nipples slicked with water.

"AAAaarhhh, yesss..." Obi-Wan's head fell back as his body tightened. Buoyed by the water, his legs spread out in front.

Qui-Gon was nearly done, pumping him and splashing all over the place. He slid his free hand down, yanking on the lush balls.

Obi-Wan cried out, body jerking with pleasure, arms and legs flailing wildly. He fired out in an arch over the water.

Qui-Gon groaned and shook, flooding him underneath. He reached out, catching the last of his lover's thick stream, tasting it. Exhausted and satisfied, Obi-Wan slowly regained his legs under him, standing back to chest. Qui-Gon stroked him gently, hands sliding over the wet body gleaming in the moonlight.

//A night made for loving// Qui-Gon bit the side of Obi-Wan's neck, sucking on a small gush.

They shivered, almost blanking out from the exquisite sensation of the love bite. Obi-Wan closed his eyes, wrapping the muscled arms about him tighter.

"So very nice" he sighed contentedly.

Qui-Gon lay back in the water, pulling his lover on top. Floating, they watched the moon in the starlit sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Not as beautiful as you."

Gentle smile across the spiky hair. "Flatterer."

They drifted awhile, langorous and relaxed. Qui-Gons' eyes felt heavy.

//Come, beloved, to the shoreline. I grow sleepy.//

"Hmm??" drowsy response.

//It seems I am not the only one. Come.//

Reluctantly, they swam ashore. Qui-Gon pulled his son into a nearby grove surrounded by shrubbery and trees.

They nestled down on a soft bed of grass. Nearly out, Obi-Wan snugged up against the longer body.

Qui-Gon held him tightly, smiling to himself. He did this when he was eight, curling up against me in a ball.

He made a gesture, weaving a blanket out of the air molecules.

Softly kissing the smooth forehead, he wrapped the blanket around them both, making a cocoon. Soon he was asleep as well.

VanHelzing ran his hands through shaggy grey hair. I must get holographic ID of them both and review through the computer database. The more information I have the better equipped I will be.

In his small hotel room, data chips were scattered at random across the bed. A native of the planet Geron, he had spartan tastes and no use for excess. Simply attired as always, he wore his traditional one piece bodysuit, covered with a half cape and small hood.

This world was different than his own. Geron had scarcely left the middle ages in many aspects. Ruled by superstition, the populace tended to look for mysticism in the mundane. But there was science as well. And it was technology which allowed him to track down his quarry and destroy it if necessary.

A proud tradition we VanHelzings have. he mused. Finding and eliminating all brands of evil, be it normal or supernatural. My quest is endless, my resources vast. The best way to attack is in plain sight. Tomorrow I shall pay a visit to these vampyre, for they shall know me first.

Decision made, he stretched out on the mattress and promptly fell asleep.

Qui-Gon felt brightness stabbing behind his eyelids. With a jolt, he opened his eyes to blazing sun.

Sith, we've slept the night away

He attempted to turn his head but couldn't. Obi-Wan was wrapped around him everywhere in a tight embrace, his head planted firmly under Qui-Gon's jaw.

//Obi, wake up. It is daybreak.//

Blackness in the other mind. /Hunh?/

//Open your eyes already!//

Blearily, Obi-Wan lifted his head. "Gahh!" he covered his eyes. "It would appear we've overslept."

Qui-Gon steadied him, sitting up. "Indeed. We'd best go home-"

Obi-Wan eyed him roughly. "I think not, father. I wish to give you a proper good morning" he stroked the strong jaw along the beard.

Qui-Gons' eyes narrowed. "Hsss. Horny fool. We must make new clothes, then..."

Muscled arms slid around his chest, hot lips pressed on his own. Eyes blazing emerald green, enrapturing him in their intensity. Sunlight dancing along the high cheekbones.


//Let me go, idiot. We are exposed to the sunlight, and...//

Hot tongue pushed in his mouth. /Only indirectly in this grove. And I sense your lips lie. Your body tells me something else./

A sculpted hand reached down between them, massaging an erection Qui-Gon had no hope of hiding.

He broke free of the kiss, crying out when Obi-Wan stroked his shaft rapidly. Long teeth nipped his neck down along the collarbone.

/You...are...stubborn, Qui-Gon, but I will break you./

"You can try" he rasped aloud, quivering and shaking with each touch.

The wet mouth silenced him again. Another tight erection stretched against his own.

The kissing got steamier and more abandoned. Qui-Gon couldn't lay passively any longer. He cupped the lush behind with both hands, pumping it over his hips, grinding their cocks tight. Nearly gone now.

"Yesss, yessss" he growled, hot with lust. "More..."

Obi-Wan lapped wild licks over his face, down his throat. "Tell me, rrrr. How do you want it, loverr..."

Sliding, sweating and writhing against each other. Oblivious to what was happening around them. Qui-Gon was about to tell him when...

"Party's over, boys."

Their blood turned to ice. They were surrounded by police.

Qui-Gon couldn't think of how to collect himself. Obi-Wan whirled around.

"What the hell do you want!" he demanded.

Qui-Gon could almost smile. Oh, this is nice. We're butterball naked in a public park, and he's getting defensive about it.

"Nice buns, lover" the captain said sarcastically. "Up on your feet, perverts. You're coming with us."

Qui-Gon followed his son's lead. "And what are we being charged with! There's been no crime-"

The captain made a motion. The officers surrounded them, hands on disruptors.

"Here's a few to start with. Disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, lewd behavior, and possible assault."

The last concerned them the most. They exchanged a brief glance.

/That fool with the gun.../

//I should've...//

"On your feet!!" the captain shouted. "I won't say it again."

Qui-Gon's temper hit flashpoint, despite his efforts. He felt Obi-Wan tense to spring. Their natures were often unpredictable even to themselves. Such was the influence of the transformation. The dark was never far from the surface.

"SSSSssscum" Qui-Gon flashed wicked teeth. "We'll go nowhere with you. Leave us in peace, or suffer for it!"

Two officers stepped back, startled. "Wha-"

The captain pointed his weapon. "Come along or we'll-"

They were gone.

They reappeared in the bedroom. Obi-Wan was laughing, holding his beloved in a tight embrace.

"Let them file a report now!"

Qui-Gon was not amused. "Are you insane. Do you realize what you've done!"

The green eyes darkened. "What I did was get us out of a ridiculous and embarrassing situation. Or would you prefer being hauled downtown like a common criminal in your birthday suit?"

Qui-Gon glanced down at his state of undress. "That isn't my point. Don't you see? In our haste, we forgot to trance our victim. It's most likely he told the police-"

"I considered that, father" Obi-Wan interrupted. "There's nothing to be done about it now. And in any case, the police-"

"Have a visual ID of us, and a description. There was no time to trance them, either. That's all we need, a manhunt for suspected assault!"

Obi-Wan stared at him, hard. "So be it. Would you trade it for the calamity that would have ensued if we stayed?"

Qui-Gon turned a moment. He felt a stab in his gut. Too many of them, too much temptation.

"Hraaugh. I will discuss this no further" he growled, annoyed at himself.

Obi-Wan snorted. "Your arguement, father. Kindly finish what you start."

Qui-Gon turned again, staring his lover up and down. He had half a mind to make Obi-Wan an edible delight.

Uncertain, Obi-Wan backed away a little. "Why are you staring like that-"

Wicked fangs in a smile. "Merely finishing what was started" and with that he lunged, pinning his son down on the bed.

The younger vampyre squirmed. "Release me! Let me up!"

"Hhhhssss. I'll get you up" Qui-Gon rumbled, sinking into the soft throat.

Obi-Wan arched, hissed. Eyes closed in rapture, his body wracked with sensations of blooded heat. Fire pounded in his neck from Qui-Gons' kiss. His mind blanked out.


Qui-Gon sucked softly, tasting. Careful not to take too much. His cock was wet, throbbing between them...

...sliding against Obi-Wan, who was shivering and rasping his name. Qui-Gon's weight was squashing his balls, pressing them with a sweet ache that raced around his groin and swelled his shaft. His hips rocked up.

Long nails clawed the broad back. "Pleasssse..."

Qui-Gon moved away from the soft neck, sliding down a bit. Biting between the pectorals, across to plump nipples.

Obi-Wan threw his legs up, pulling Qui-Gon in close.

"Now!" he shouted, pleading. His cock was practically draining with pre-cum.

Qui-Gon obliged him readily, nearly over the edge himself. In one swift motion, he plunged inside. Motion picked up speed, both of them slaves to the rhythm...

A stream of thick heat struck Qui-Gon's stomach, as Obi-Wan screamed out, raking his shoulders, arching backward. Seconds later Qui-Gon broke as well, cat roaring in hot abandon. He collapsed on top of his lover, spent.

"You are so beautiful, my Obi-Wan" he gasped, holding on tightly.

Obi-Wan returned the love bite on the strong neck, drinking quietly. As the sensations of shared blood raced through them both, they lost consciousness briefly.

When he could, Obi-Wan spoke first.

"Yes" he said blissfully. "An eternity of this, I could never tire of" his eyes were still closed. "You're wonderful, Qui-Gon."

The beard tickled his neck. Nuzzle. "Sweet perfection" Qui-Gon rumbled, his voice low and soft.

They slow stroked each other to sleep, entwined among satin sheets.

VanHelzing had use of many technological wonders at his disposal. An orbital flying belt, force distruptor, spatial field generator. Solar needle gun. His most favorite device was an ingenious one, a 'mind scanner' that simulated telepathy. It had a near limitless range once contact with a specific brainwave had been made. Most useful for tracking, it was disguised well, appearing to be only a stud earring.

A sending would be appropriate. I will try all frequencies.

Seated on his hotel room bed, he activated the scanner, directing his thoughts. Greetings, vampyre. I am VanHelzing. We will meet soon.

He smiled to himself. At worse, it would be deemed a random or silly thought by any nearby telepaths. Non-sensitives would be unaware. No, they would receive the message.

Qui-Gon dreamed he was tasting Obi-Wan in his sleep. Very nicely. He started high, and was just working his way down to the good parts when...

//Greetings, vampyre. I am VanHelzing. We will meet soon.//

Abruptly he was awake, frowning. He looked at Obi-Wan. The emerald eyes returned a steady gaze.

Qui-Gon pulled the tangled mane away from his face. "Did you hear?"

His son nodded. "Who or what is VanHelzing? And more importantly, is it just curious or an enemy?"

Qui-Gon sat up, yawning elaborately. "I remember readings...a family of hunters, their offshoots living about the galaxy. They seek out the supernatural and abnormal. Their origins are not totally known, most of the literature is part factual and part myth."

Obi-Wan rubbed his thigh along Qui-Gons'. "Which category do we fall under?"

"At this point? Both, I would imagine."

"Hrrgh. Why would he seek us out?"

Qui-Gon licked a silky ear. "To write a journal?"

Obi-Wan quivered at the touch, but was impatient nontheless. "Be serious, would you? It's entirely possible that he means to hunt us."

Qui-Gon leaned off a little, considering. The nightblue eyes flashed. "Perhaps. But there's no need to be on the defensive, at least not yet. I'd rather face this VanHelzing, find out what he wants."

Emerald eyes blazed. "Our power attracts attention, you know that."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Admittedly so. It will get worse as time goes on, Obi-Wan. We will adjust. Besides, we can't go into hyperdrive about every perceived threat."

"But our perceptions are far more than they ever were, even as Jedi."

Qui-Gon tipped the stubborn jaw up. "That doesn't make us infallible. Palpatine himself nearly gained our control, though we could destroy him with but a thought. Those who cannot use or contain us will seek to slay us instead. Unfortuneate but true."

Obi-Wan sat up. "I can't help but be angry at such a dilemma."

Qui-Gon pulled him back down. "Hssss. Understood. I too find it difficult to face the possibility of being hunted. Interesting too, considering that we are supposedly a myth."

His handsome son lit with mirth. "Ha! he's like ancient Dan-El Quixote then, tilting at windmills, no?"

Qui-Gon smiled slowly, nuzzling. "There's a thought. A hunter who dances with the fire. We'll see if he burns."

Obi-Wan leaned into him, eyes lidded. "Ssspeaking of burning..."

Qui-Gon crushed him closely. "I am famished, my Obi. The thirst burns my throat. Let's-"

Quick kiss. "Say no more. Hunger rages in me as well."

They bounded to their feet, materializing clothing about themselves. Seconds later, they vanished.

A busy downtown street, bustling with activity. Traffic was heavy, aeropods everywhere. Shouting vendors. Impatient pedestrians, anxious to get to their destinations. Storefronts both glitzy and mundane.

Two children stood at a street corner, seemingly out of nowhere. One, a slender girl of about eight with red pigtails and freckles. The other, a chubby boy with a black shock of hair cut severely in a bowl shape. He appeared to be about thirteen. No one seemed to notice them.

The boy took the girl's hand. "Come on, Diedre, we'll be late for lunch."

The girl frowned. "Okay, okay. I'm real hungry, too..."

//How are your controls?//

/Better than I'd hoped. We've made progress./

//Indeed. But it won't last indefinitely. Wait, I see an opportunity...//

A middle aged couple walked in their direction, arms full from shopping.

The boy grabbed the girl roughly, shaking her. "I told you keep up! Can't you do anything right?"

She tried to break free. "Let me go! I'm gonna tell mamma, and..."

"Now see here, young man!" The couple approached them.

The boy turned. "Who are you, mister? What do you want?"

The man put down his bags. "Is that your sister? What's wrong with you, treating her like that. She's just a little girl..."

"Young man" his wife intervened. "That's a terrible way to act. Are you two lost?"

"I, uh," the boy let go, shuffling his feet. He looked into their eyes. "Yeah, we lost our fare money to get across town. My sister here, Diedre, walks too slow."

The man kneeled in front of the little girl. His grey eyes clouded with concern. "Hello, Diedre. Don't be frightened."

The girl stared at him, wide-eyed. It is you who should fear.

"I...I'm okay. Me an' my brother can't get home now."

The man started to say something, blinked. He looked at his wife, who was staring at the boy in fascination.

"Llane? Llane!"

"I think we should take these children from here" she said dully.

He stood. Something here wasn't right. Again he was about to say something...

The little girl grabbed him, crying. "Oh please don't leave us, mister! Please take us home." she tugged at his arm, eyes imploring. He couldn't stop looking at her.

"Yes" he responded blankly. "Llane, we must take them with us."

"I agree, Rycard. Come" she pulled the boy along, forgetting her bags.

The four milled about the crowded streets. As they walked along, no one noticed how the children were leading the adults.

Well, almost no one. A tall figure watched from across the block, shaded from view. He trailed them at a distance.

My monitor detects them. They displace the natural order of the force like a disruption.

A quick turn down a deserted alley. The deception was over.

With inhuman snarls, the vampyres pounced on their prey. VanHelzing raced into the alley in a full sprint, slowing in horror at the sight.

The 'little girl' had pinned the much larger man underneath her, suckling his neck loudly. The 'boy' had the woman bent backwards over storage boxes, mouth dripping from his efforts.

VanHelzing reached into his cloak for his needle beam.

Devils!! he shouted, startling them. He fired...

The girl turned to mist and faded, the beam passing through her. The boy spun around, roaring, and faded as well.

VanHelzing kneeled by the victims, feeling for a pulse.

Thank the maker, they live, but barely. I must contact the authorities, and see that these people get medical attention.

He went to a nearby call box.

Two wisping trails slid through the air, through the city streets. The 'children' reappeared in an empty storage lot.

"SSSsss! Who was that?" the 'girl' wanted to know.

The 'boy' looked up thoughtfully. "Could that have been the hunter?"

The girl nodded. "Yes. He knew exactly where to find us. But how?"

The boy looked intently down the street. "I don't know, father, but we can't stay here. Wait, I sense someone..."

A burly man wearing a tech uniform was heaving a heavy chemical barrel their way. The 'children' hid behind stacked boxes.

He dropped the barrel heavily. "Man, I'm glad this is the last one today."

The girl stepped out. "It will be. Don't worry."

He spun, startled. "Wha? Girl, what are you doing back here-"

She was very still, staring. "Come to me".

Mindlessly he moved towards her, dropping to his knees. She pressed him down, reaching for the throat.

The 'boy' jumped out, now. "Father, there isn't time, we must-"

The girl looked up momentarily, fangs too large in the small face. "Hhhhhssss. I still hunger, Obi-Wan, and I will drink. Be silent, we have a little time."

The boy watched in silence, his own craving hammering his gut. Unable to bear it anymore, he dropped low, grabbing an arm. Fangs sank into a bicep. The girl didn't look up. Long moments passed.

//Aah. This will be enough, finally// she stood, swaying a little.

The boy put the worker's arm down. "Yesss" he sighed. "And now?"

The girl touched the unconscious tech's forehead. "This never happened. Forget" another touch closed the wounds.

They disappeared again, leaving a tattered worker amongst debris.

The vampyres reappeared in their living room moments later, in their true forms. Qui-Gon staggered, drunk from feeding. Obi-Wan steadied him, feeling dizzy himself.

In fact, he felt positively high. "Father, we should-should go out like that more often" his speech slurred. "Maybe again, later on tonite, eh?"

"Yes, yes" Qui-Gon was dreamy. "Another discovery, maybe had a 'lil too much, was good, though. Think I'll...sleep."

He hit the floor like a frozen Hutt, out. Obi-Wan swayed over him.

"Nodda worry...think I'll be joinin'..."

He collapsed on top. They lay sated and comatose, unmoving for hours.

VanHelzing was back at his hotel room. Would that I had a true description of the 'attackers'. But these authorities seem a bit conventional. Was it wise speaking to the news media? From reports I've read over the last couple of years, the populace here is already in near panic over the mysterious 'anemia' epidemic. Some are even contacting mystics and psychics. Crackpots and soothsayers are coming out of the woodwork, too. They aren't helping the situation any.

He looked down at his monitor tracker, pulsing slowly. The one good thing so far is that I have their frequency now. No matter what form or shape they assume, I can find them.

Smiling to himself at his progress, he went out to dinner.

The news media were in a frenzy over the latest developments. Both locations of the attacks had been analyzed and poured over with minute detail.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were still dazed somewhat from their glut, staring blearily at their home viewscreen.

"This is Mack Hammer, station ZZEW, reporting live. This afternoon, we are in the downtown Hutz district, where three more victims have been found with severe blood loss and memory dysfunction. The only description given is that of two children as being the attackers. Authorities grow alarmed..."

Obi-Wan propped himself against Qui-Gon, inhaling his hair's scent.

"Obi-Wan, would you stop smelling me already! I'm trying to watch the late afternoon news..."

Obi-Wan purred, turning his face against Qui-Gon's cheek. "You wouldn't be so irritable if you didn't have a headache. I thought you drank too much blood at one time, father."

Qui-Gon snorted, still looking at the screen. "You didn't do much better as I recall, and ...what!"

Obi-Wan turned, puzzled, at the viewscreen.

"This gentleman was at the scene of one of the attacks. Sir, could you describe what you saw?"

A tall, somber individual with grey hair answered. "I heard screams in the alleyway, thought I could help. When I arrived, it was too late."

The reporter had the cameraman zoom in. "Why was it too late?"

"The couple was being children. A girl and a teenaged boy."

"Children subduing adults? That's not possible, is it?"

"Not for normal children. When I arrived, they were leaned over their victims."

"But what did they do?" the reporter insisted.

"I...can't say for certain."

The reporter hammered on. "These victims have blood loss. Is that what they were doing to these people, attacking them for blood?"

The mob exploded into noise.

/It's him! The hunter./

//Yes. Older than I would have imagined.//

"That isn't what I'm saying!" the man shouted over the excitement.

Obi-Wan stared in disbelief. "They'll start a panic now."

Qui-Gon growled softly. "We don't need this. Now there will be curfews, hysteria. More to deal with than one individual."

Obi-Wan looked into the deep eyes. "We may have to force a confrontation with the hunter, you know. It won't quell public fear, but..."

Qui-Gon leaned back on the sofa cushions. "Obi-Wan, I had fondness for this world because in many ways it reminds me of my native planet."

The younger vampyre slipped into his arms. "I didn't know" he said softly.

A sigh. "In all probability we won't be able to stay here any longer. The key question is coordinating our needs with our escape off planet."

Obi-Wan stroked the short beard. "You're thinking about Urus, again? Legitimately, this time?"

Tight hug. "Yes. Living on a nightworld would be most ideal. Our activities would be that much harder to monitor."

"It's clear on the other side of the galaxy. We'll need five days' worth of inconspicuous transport."

Qui-Gon's gaze softened. "I still want the best for you, my Obi. Nothing has changed that. But it will take judicious planning on our part."

His son tilted his head back towards the viewscreen. "It's started already, father. Look."

In mute fascination, they watched the following news broadcasts. Every station, every major network had coverage.

"And in recent developments, more shocking incidents of anemia, accompanied by vicious attacks. We've stopped a few citizens to get their perspective on the latest calamity-"

"Here it goes" Qui-Gon whispered.

"Excuse us, ma'am. What do you think of the epidemic?"

A heavyset woman with elaborate jewlery responded. "It's no epidemic! Why doesn't the government tell the truth-"

"It's true!" A thin man piped up. "People attacked, blood missing. Vampyres are loose in the cities!"

The reporter intervened. "Now sir, isn't that farfetched-"

Another citizen, an older man, well dressed. "I've seen a lot of things in my day, but there's something unholy happening in our streets. As citizens we have the right to be protected!"

The news site was out of control, people shouting and making wild statements. The feed was cut. Qui-Gon switched to another station.

"Officials are doing what they can to stem the tide of panic that is sweeping in waves across the districts. People everywhere are going to occult outlets, purchasing vampyre repellants, amulets, and herbs..."

Despite himself, Qui-Gon laughed. "Idiots! Force take their stupidity..."

Obi-Wan was pressed not to laugh himself. "It's pretty funny. They don't even know what to look for, but they call themselves preparing?"

Still laughing at the newscast, Qui-Gon rolled on his side.

"Enough...enough, father!" Obi-Wan began to giggle. "This is serious, you know!"

"Can you picture it? Doomsayers in the streets. People waving crosses and wearing garlic. How about a few branches of wolfbane on each door? Sith! They're taking their worst fears and running with them."

Obi-Wan poked him in the stomach. "Please, my sides hurt as it is!"

Qui-Gon still found it difficult to control himself, so Obi-Wan took a different strategy. He kissed him. Hard.

It worked. Amusement gave way to simmering heat. Strong arms reached up to claim his lover.

With difficulty, Obi-Wan pulled off. "At least you're not laughing now."

The midnight eyes smouldered. "No. No more laughing."

Obi-Wan attempted to retreat. " ever think of anything else?"

Qui-Gon eyed him roughly. "You started this fire. Now put it out" he grabbed him, crushing the full lips.

The younger vampyre attempted to wiggle free. It was a mistake. Qui-Gon simply ground against him, causing them both to stiffen.

Long tongue snaked his ear. "Why, Obi. Something I do for you?" he asked suggestively, reaching down between them.

Another attempt to pull back. "I'm tired, I just wanted to..."

"Be still, then. Besides, I had a lovely dream interrupted the other day" he slid a hand inside Obi-Wan's shirt, massaging velvety nipples.

Qui-Gon knew how sensitive his chest was. "Why, what's this. These don't look tired at all" he suckled on one nipple, lifting it further.

Obi-Wan arched back. "Aaagh, sstopp. I need to sleep..." emerald eyes closed slowly.

Qui-Gon flipped him on his back, sliding the shirt off. "Sleep, then. I will see that you wake up smiling."

Before Obi-Wan could respond, he silenced him with another kiss. Something poked Qui-Gon in the hip.

/Please, I can't stand this. Let me sleep!/

"Sleep, I said. It makes no difference to me" sliding down, Qui-Gon lapped at his stomach, sucking on a thick navel.

"But...I..." drowsy. "You're doin' this...." he was out.

Satisfied the navel was teased enough, Qui-Gon concentrated his efforts on the thick shaft. He lap slapped it with a practiced tongue, watching it bob and stiffen. Stroked and squeezed the silky balls, sliding his tongue downward between them.

Slicking his hand with his own pre-cum, sliding fingers up the tight opening. A soft moan in protest, navel poking up. Obi-Wan's head slid to the side, a slight smile forming on his lips. Qui-Gon stroked inside, faster and faster. Obi-Wan bucked up, golden thighs splayed wide.

Qui-Gon could wait no longer. His own erection pressed painfully against the bed. A small growl formed in this throat. He lifted Obi-Wan up over his hips and thrust inside.

Jackhammered would be more accurate. The powerful body flexed with wet heat as Qui-Gon pummelled his lover. Watching the expression of rapturous pleasure on Obi-Wan's face, even in sleep.

//Wench.// Qui-Gon thought hotly, staring at the flushed cheeks, tongue curled over reddened lips, fangs peeking out. The sight drove him wild.

Fire raced from his spine to his balls. As he began to spill, Qui-Gon lunged down, sinking his fangs into the silky neck. Obi-Wan's muscled arms and legs immediately wrapped around him, riding and bucking. Qui-Gon's mane slid across his back, covering them both. He came as he drank, body spasming and wracking...

They both did. Over and over. Obi-Wan's eyes briefly flew open as he shot repeatedly between them, clawing the broad back. Moaning loudly, he slipped back into sleep, spent. Qui-Gon withdrew from his neck slowly, sighing in giddy rapture as his body calmed.

"Oh, yessss, my beloved" his eyes drooped in sleep.

The only thing Obi-Wan could focus on was being warm. Inside and out. Feeling secure and fuzzy, he opened one eye. Saw nothing but hair. Sliding it out of his face, he opened the other eye, squinted.

Evening, again? Did we sleep a whole day?

He smiled. Small wonder. I can barely move. Besides, father weighs a ton.

"I do not" the deep voice rumbled indignantly.

Obi-Wan looked down at the liquid blue gaze. "Oh. I thought you were still asleep."

Slow grin. "I was right, you know."

Obi-Wan stared at the handsome face, played with the hair. "About what?"

Qui-Gon reached for him, pulling him down. "You did wake up with a smile on your face."

VanHelzing decided to track his quarry and catch them unawares. The first time, when I saw them flying they were too far away for me to ID them. What I do know is that the power signature was the same for the 'children' as well as those two who flew over the park.

He activated his devices. I must be careful. I sense they are not traditional vampyres, nor likely to have the same limitations.

Mission set in his mind, he vanished from the room.

Stretched out on their luxurious bed, Qui-Gon still had his son in the clutch.

"Father, for force sake, let me up" Obi-Wan complained. "The news reports are getting crazier. Listen!" he indicated the viewscreen.

Lazy yawn. "All right, Obi. Rrrr. What news now?"

Obi-Wan slid out of his arms, sitting up. "Well, for one thing..." he paused, staring off into space.

"What?" Qui-Gon stared at him.

"SSSsss. A disruption in the force pattern in this planet. A pinpoint locality, father!"

Qui-Gon bounded up. "The hunter. He'll find no victims here!" he stalked towards the bathroom, showering quickly. Obi-Wan went in after Qui-Gon dressed.

He zipped his shirt. "I will be done with this silent following. Whatever his reasons, he will not face us. But that will change."

Obi-Wan walked out, dressed in simple shirt and work pants. "I agree. It would seem that he has been observing us, if from a distance."

Qui-Gon pulled on his boots. Obi-Wan braided his hair.

"Obi-Wan, don't worry about-"

Sly grin. "My repayment, Qui-Gon. You wouldn't let me up, remember?"

Qui-Gon slitted his eyes. "Be grateful that I did. Left up to me, you'd never leave the mattress."

Emerald eyes blazed. "Ssss. Should I be flattered or insulted."

Qui-Gon flashed back a toothy smile. "Both. Though I personally mean it as the truest compliment."

Obi-Wan quirked a smile. "Father, you are clearly the horniest bastard in the galaxy."

Long tongue curled over full lips. "Must be hereditary. My lovely son is an insatiable nympho."

They laughed as only vampyres could.

VanHelzing appeared in the park where he first saw the two flying figures. Activating his scanner, he looked about.

"Interesting. They live relatively close nearby. Their essence resonates through here" he walked through the outskirts, towards the woods.

The objects of his search were already walking out their front door. The sun still hadn't set, though shadows had grown long.

"It's probably best we don't fly. It would only attract needless attention."

"True, Obi-Wan. I also sense our friend moves about. Let's teach him a lesson about dancing among shadows."

Closing his eyes briefly, Qui-Gon scented the wind. "Hhssss. The call of the night is strong. He is either foolish or brave."

Obi-Wan looked about in the dim light, eyes glowing. "He'll be dinner if he isn't careful."

They both stiffened. //Hold! he is near.//

Small hiss. /I smell him too, father. That way./

Obi-Wan yanked Qui-Gons' head down into a fierce kiss. /Good hunting./

The embrace was returned with equal fire. //Ride the night.//

They both faded into the dark.

VanHelzing felt apprehensive. Something is wrong. They are here, and yet they are not. He looked about.

"I must set my sensors on maximum." He activated the force-sensitive device.

"How is this possible. Their force disruption auras have disappeared. I don't like this." Intense black eyes narrowed in the rapidly fading sunset.

I'd best get to open ground. My experience with these creatures has taught me their treachery.

Showing suprising suppleness for a man his age, VanHelzing sprinted towards an open meadow. Standing atop it he saw nothing. He pointed his scanner again.

"Where are they!" he demanded. This situation was too unnerving.

Nothing but silence. He stood staring, trying to concentrate. Dropped his scanner clip on the ground. He reached down for it, the waning sun at his back.

His 'shadow' reached out for him, off the ground. Jolting back, VanHelzing gaped in shock as the shadow lifted off the grass, forming a shape.

"Is this yours?" Qui-Gon asked, holding out the piece.

"Demon!" he reached for his needle beam, concealed in his cloak.

He never reached it. He was on his back a second later, held in an iron grip by Obi-Wan.

Black eyes opened in surprise. "Good move, vampyres. I never saw either of you."

Obi-Wan pulled him up easily. "You weren't supposed to. Who are you, and what do you want with us?"

If I can stall them a moment longer, my autocamera can get their visuals.

"Don't waste time lying either" Qui-Gon added. "We know you've been tracking us."

"I have no intention of lying. My name is VanHelzing."

Obi-Wan looked briefly at his father. "Our windmill chaser."

The man snorted. "My familiy's destiny is to root out evil and destroy it."

"How poetic" Qui-Gon responded. "Whatever you consider all evil to be, how do you plan to destroy it?"

The black eyes flashed a challenge. "I am well equipped. Beware. I am no wide eyed dolt with visions of perfection. But I have a mission that will not be denied."

" not know us" Obi-Wan said slowly. "But we would know you." He smiled, exposing fangs deliberately. "Do stay a bit. We would welcome your company."

Qui-Gon stepped forward, eyes gleaming in the near dark. "And most hospitable to our guests. You would have an entirely different perspective, I think."

VanHelzing consciously avoided meeting their eyes. He wasn't so easy a fool. A small clicking sound.

I have the ID. Best to leave now.

The lanky man backed away. "I thank you for your offer of hospitality. Perhaps another time. I prefer my current state of health" he pressed a hidden stud for his spatial displacer.

He winked out as the vampyres lunged.

"Damn!" Qui-Gon snarled. "Displacement field!"

Obi-Wan concentrated a moment. "Artificial in nature. I believe he wears devices. They make him unpredictable. Potentially dangerous."

Qui-Gon stood breathing heavily, lolling his tongue out at the missed opportunity. The hunger pounded in his veins. He looked at his son.


"SSsss" he turned a slow, fevered look. "The hunt has just begun."

Once again, they faded to nothingness.

VanHelzing spent the next two days pouring over his database. The results startled and stunned him. Once Jedi? And more importantly, who. The tall one was Qui-Gon Jinn. Amazing. Along with his trainee, his padawan. But no data as to the why.

What in the pits of Pordus caused such a transformation? And why did darkness claim them?

He tapped his stylus on his notepad. This situation is too different. And the fact that they were Jedi means they know the light, as well.

He rubbed his eyes. Maybe I'm getting too old for this. I need a walk.

Going out into the busy streets, he felt he needed a break from his self appointed mission.

He sighed. It was a beautiful day, though. Completely cloudless sky. Apparently everyone decided to take advantage of the weather. Young couples, children all milling about.

His mood lightened. It isn't as though I've never been young. Besides, I should be grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the sun.

You should.

Startled, VanHelzing froze. His ears filled with white noise.

"Show yourselves! What goes here!"

You are in no position to make demands.

All of reality stood still, turning black and white. People and objects suspended as they were. Motion stopped. The streets tilted insanely.

"This madness must end" VanHelzing struggled to maintain his equilibrium, leaning against a brick wall.

"Do you fear me so much!" he shouted.

Mocking laughter echoed across the eerie landscape of silence.

Two figures approached him, in stark and living color. Their movements were slow and gliding.

"What have you done!" VanHelzing demanded. "'Release the innocents!"

"They are unharmed" Obi-Wan responded. "We meet again, VanHelzing."

"True enough, Obi-Wan."

Lifted eyebrow. "You know me? I'm impressed. You've done your homework."

VanHelzing looked over at Qui-Gon. "All of it. Greetings, Qui-Gon. I'd heard of your exploits from...before."

An indecipherable expression flickered across the strong features. "A lifetime ago it seems, VanHelzing. But are you friend or foe?"

"Possibly neither. But know that since innocents have been harmed, you will be."

"You are making my decision easier" Qui-Gon moved toward him.

VanHelzing reached for his needle beam. A clear shot...

He fired, striking a broad shoulder. Qui-Gon shrieked like a banshee, falling back.

Obi-Wan slashed him across the chest. VanHelzing collapsed back, screaming in pain.

Suddenly, reality returned to normal. City sounds filled his ears, the streets were alive with movement. Images had color.

The two vampyres were nowhere to be seen.

Gasping in pain, he pressed his tattered cloak against his wounds. He attracted a crowd of rubberneckers. Weak and bleeding, he fell to his knees.

Not now, I don't need this. Got to get out of here...

Pressing his displacement device, he vanished, leaving stunned onlookers.

Qui-Gon clutched his injured shoulder, grimacing in pain. Obi-Wan steadied him, sitting him on the couch.

"How could a simple force beam cause so much trouble?" he wondered.

Qui-Gon shook his head grimly. "I...suspect it is more than that. It burns in my mind as well. It's probably some sort of mystic force blended with technology."

Obi-Wan touched the wound. "Will you feel the effects indefinitely?"

Qui-Gon flexed his arm out. "No, already the pain subsides. But I've had enough of VanHelzing" he stretched out.

Obi-Wans' eyes were hard. "I'll return...later."

He was gone.

VanHelzing had just finished dressing his wound. The pain medication had just kicked in.

I must rest. Not as young as I used to be...

"Don't concern yourself with it, old man!"

VanHelzing spun. "Out of my mind, devil!" he lunged, trying to get to his needle beam.

With inhuman speed, Obi-Wan knocked it away. "No more toys, old man. I will be done with you now" he moved towards VanHelzing.

The old man wasn't out of tricks, however. He whipped a disruptor gun from his leg holder and fired.

The blast knocked the vampyre clear across the room, into the wall. Using the opportunity, VanHelzing scrabbled over to his tattered cloak, reaching a metallic disc.

He hurled it at Obi-Wan. Projectiles shot from the disc, flying about the room. Waving his hand, Obi-Wan suspended the motion, then caught the disc. Smiling at VanHelzing, he hurled it back.

"Catch, old man!"

Slicing through the air, it barely missed cutting VanHelzing's ear off. He dived under the bed.

With an inhuman roar, Obi-Wan launched himself across the room, landing on top of the hunter.

Slammed his head on the floor. "Creaking fool. We would have willingly let you live had you let us be. Too late" he bared his fangs.

VanHelzing fought panic. Have to set up force screen.

"You'll do nothing. Look at me!"

Knarled fingers reached under the bedpost, touching a metallic box. VanHelzing felt his will slipping away. The sharp mouth closed on his throat...

/My will is your will. You will leave this planet and return home./

VanHelzing fought the euphoria. "Aak. My mission...must...take precedence."

/It will not. Forget. Return home. Come back and you will be destroyed./

Eyes rolling back, he knew his mind was going under. He couldn't fight it alone. But fate intervened.

As Obi-Wan drank he brushed up against the bedpost, activating the box. His victim was suddenly surrounded by a force shield.

Mouth dripping, frustrated, he roared his anger.

"Cheat! You think this bubble will save you?" he pounded away, cracking the shield.

Mind still hazy, holding his neck, VanHelzing pressed another stud. He vanished inside the force sphere...

just as Obi-Wan blasted it to pieces. "Damn!"

He reached out with his senses. No trace of VanHelzing.

/Another time, ancient one./

He disappeared, leaving a hotel room of debris.

He reappeared at home. Qui-Gon wasn't on the sofa.


//Upstairs. Come.//

Bounding up the stairs, he nearly ran into Qui-Gon in the hallway. Qui-Gon had showered, the long mane hanging everywhere in damp trails.

Tight hug. Obi-Wan reached at his shoulder, pulling the robe back. He eyed it critically. "How's your wound? Does it still bother you?"

Nuzzle. "It aches a little, that's all. While you were gone, I did some checking into freight transport."

Obi-Wan stroked the wound. It was sealing already. "Why freight? We that bad?" he laughed a little.

Small chuckle. "No, but it's a most inconspicuous form of transportation. Particularly for long periods of time."

"You should rest before we leave."

Qui-Gon made a face at him. "I will. Now what happened with VanHelzing?"

Obi-Wan sat down on the bed. "He has more lives than a cat. And more devices than a toy factory."

Qui-Gon smiled, sitting next to him. "Translation-he got away."

Obi-Wan leaned into him. "It was frustrating. I had him. He mananged to elude me."

"Not surpising, Obi-Wan. Considering his self appointed duty he would have to. No doubt it's the single reason he's lasted this long. I put together a computer image of him, based on memory. When I entered it into the data banks, a great deal of information came on file. It would seem our friend is quite the adventurer, based on his exploits."

Obi-Wan was curious in spite of himself. "Oh? A soldier of fortune?"

"Close, but not exactly. Apparently he is a native of Geron. And quite influential in the Clone Wars. Geron has an interesting culture, one that combines ancient mysticism with modern technology. It would explain his attitudes and devices."

"A decent snack, too" Obi-Wan said ferally. "When did you want to leave?"

"Tonight. Provided we have no further interference from our friend."

"How go the news broadcasts?"

Qui-Gon activated the screen. "See for yourself. At this rate we won't be able to go out the door."

They stretched out, watching the televised spectacle.

Another news scene. "Dana Andrello here. City officials have decided to initiate curfews at sunset in an attempt to quell the continued anemia crisis-"

Obi-Wan looked at the shoulder again. It was better, but still not completely healed. "I think you should rest." he said again.

Qui-Gon snorted. "I'm wounded, not weak, Obi-Wan. Enough. Watch the news."

A thin, wild-eyed man ranted into the camera. "I am the SEER. It is my job to root out all evil in the universe. Death to all darkness!"

The reporter backed away. "Uh, excuse me sir..."

The man snatched the mike back. "I will find the unholy and the unclean and drive them out. They will fear me! The innocents will be saved. Clear the streets of children, and..."

Obi-Wan stared in disbelief. "Are all the screwballs out now!"

Qui-Gon sighed, nodded. "All day, it's been like this. Which is why we should leave tonight."

Obi-Wan ran his nose along the fine neck, inhaling. "You feel good."

Qui-Gons' eyes closed. "Stop. That tickles."

Sculpted hands sliding under the robe, stroking the broad chest. "Maybe I shouldn't. You need rest for your wound" he grinned impishly.

Deep blue eyes snapped open. Toothy grin. "Those parts aren't wounded, Obi-Wan. You're wearing that out."

"Sorry" Obi-Wan sat up, stripping his clothes off slowly. Qui-Gon watched with lidded eyes, tongue sliding out in lust. Broad hands kneaded the golden back.

"You are stiff, Obi-Wan" he growled. His nails began to lengthen from his excitement. Gently raking the planing muscles.

"I'll...say" Obi-Wan stroked himself rapidly. Qui-Gon snatched him back on the bed.

"Tease me, will you" he murmured into a silky ear.

VanHelzing spent the rest of the day recovering and attempting to get his scrambled thoughts in order.

Blast that vampyre. I can't even go back to the hotel, the authorities are looking for me. I'll have to get off planet as soon as possible.

He continued to repair his cloak, making plans. His chest wounds had slowed him to the point where movement was difficult.

I will deal with them another time. There will be a reckoning.

"Ooo. Ooooohhh."

Limp and exhausted, Obi-Wan lay sprawled on his stomach. After exploding for the third (and best) time, his arms and legs no longer cooperated. His head pounded, his body was hot and sore...

...squashed underneath his overly ardent lover. Purring with content, Qui-Gon kissed the damp neck and shoulders.

"You...trying to kill somebody?" Obi-Wan's voice was muffled in satin sheets.

Quick cat licks. "It never occurred to me. You are delightful, as always."

A snort. "I am half dead, as of now." he still couldn't move.

Another licking kiss. "Strange. You weren't tired while you were moving" a laugh.

That got a reaction. "Oh, that's funny, Qui-Gon. Now go to sleep!" he reached around suddenly, tapping his lover on the forehead.

"Taught you too well" Qui-Gon rumbled, falling out.

Obi-Wan slowly slid out from underneath, collapsing alongside. He stared at the beautiful big body. "At least we can both get some sleep now" he panted, dropping off himself.

Later that evening, they debated on what to do with the house. They stood on the lawn, considering.

"Perhaps we should just make it disappear" Qui-Gon decided. "Any other option draws too much attention. Particularly with the curfews taking place now, our movements will have to be careful."

"Do we have luggage? Going empty handed will look suspicious."

Qui-Gon indicated the back. "In the garden. I made us some luggage, packed and ready to go."

There was nothing else to be said. Their eyes glowed, an infernal red. A tempest swirled about the house, power crackling in bolts dancing about the structure. It collapsed in on itself, leaving nothing in its wake.

Obi-Wan picked up the luggage. They were dressed inconspicuously, nondescript work pants and shirts under tech style jackets.

"There's a cross town tram that can take us to the portmaster in about an hour" Qui-Gon said.

"Want to walk to the tram station?" Obi-Wan grinned.

Qui-Gon laughed. "Why not? Aren't we among the living again?"

They arrived at the busy heliport more than an hour later. Mad activity buzzed everywhere, the public address system blaring constantly.

They looked around for assistance. Baggage claim was some distance away.

Their controls held up surprisingly well, considering they hadn't fed in nearly a day, Qui-Gon mused.

/All that extra sex. Keeps the hunger at bay./ Obi-Wan joked.

"Ha!" //Think so? I'd like to test the theory, if we could find some quiet spot in all this insanity.//

Obi-Wan looked at him sideways. /Still horny? You're hopeless. I should have you fixed./

"You gentlemen looking for transport?"

A scruffy, middle aged woman in a grey uniform walked up to them. "I can take your luggage if you are. We've got bunches of people to get off planet tonight. Everybody's freakin' over the epidemic."

"We'd heard of it. Is the curfew in effect tonight?" Qui-Gon asked.

The woman chuckled. "Indefinitely, from what I hear, until they solve the epidemic problem. People 'round here say it's bloodsuckers."

"Bloodsuckers?" Obi-Wan asked softly. "Why would they say that."

She reached for their luggage. "I've got my amulet, man. No foolin' around. People are stayin' in at night now."

"They are afraid" Qui-Gon stated as they walked along.

"You got that right, mister. Lemme show you something" she put down the luggage briefly, reaching in her chest pocket. She pulled out a diagonal shaped piece on a chain, holding it out.

Obi-Wan felt his skin grow hot. Pain stabbed through him. He couldn't look at it. /What is in that chain, some kind of force.../

Qui-Gon backed away a bit, averting his eyes. "Madame, if you would put that away. We are in a hurry."

"Oh!" she looked at them, surprised. "This little thing bother you? Sorry." she tucked it away. "I talk too much sometimes."

They continued on in silence, nearing the transport out line and ticket area.

/Father, that almost felt identical to what the Jedi-/

//Later, Obi-Wan. I recognize that amulet.//

"Right here, gents. Just tell the portmaster your destination. Tickets available over there."

Qui-Gon gave her ten credits. "Thank you madame. You've been most helpful" he gently took her hand and kissed it, savoring the scent of her skin... and the blood underneath. He resisted the urge to bite, barely. Obi-Wan stared at him, stunned.

/Are you insane!/

The woman giggled, blushed. "Oh, honey, if only I had met you a few years ago. What a pair we'd have made!"

Qui-Gon laughed, a deep assured sound. "Well, life is full of chances and missed opportunities, no?"

She nodded, smiling, and left. Obi-Wan turned Qui-Gon around.

"What are you doing!" he hissed, his voice low. The emerald eyes were brilliant in their intensity. "You nearly lost control, I felt it!"

The night blue eyes flashed, briefly. "Yesss. But remember our goals. We must test ourselves in order to become stronger. I will not be some obscure being creeping in and out of reality."

Obi-Wan regarded him a little more calmly. "Your defiance reminds me of the clashes you had with the council."

Qui-Gon looked away. It was one of the few times they discussed the past. "The same defiance that brought me to this state. As I was told constantly, fire was my downfall" he fixed his eyes on his son. "But love drove me there, Obi-Wan. Only love."

Obi-Wan hugged him. /I love you. So much./

Qui-Gons' eyes were suspiciously wet. //Enough, young one. There is much to do, and little time.// he reluctantly pulled away.


They nearly jumped. A huge man with a patchy beard was bellowing at the throng of people.

"No pushing, to the left. Get tickets at the pay window on the right!"

Obi-Wan smacked his lips in irritation. /Loud fat ass./

Qui-Gon chuckled. "Hold our place, please, while I get our tickets?"



Gripes and complaints, murmurs from the bustling crowd.

"Before I get permanent hearing loss from our friend here" Qui-Gon frowned. He went to the ticket station.

Obi-Wan nodded, looking around. He saw the usual roughnecks in the group, that was to be expected. Most of these characters probably had criminal records, anyway. Port crowds were always rough...

"Hey, boy."

Obi-Wan stared at two men with various facial scars. The bald one spoke first.

"Watcha doin' here. Gotta smoke?"

"Uh, no. Sorry."

The one with scraggly red hair spoke into the bald one's ear. He nodded.

"Why you down here, boy? You some secret psycho killer wid a baby face?" he snickered at his own question. His companion laughed.

Some things never change, though I have.

"Of course. I've killed many people. So has my father. He's here with me" Obi-Wan gave an exaggerated smile. "We're own our own parole, if you know what I mean."

They didn't know whether to believe him or not. "You serious?" the bald one stammered. "We just got out from Dragon Rock on Tyyrus-"

"Don't you know about the curfew? Vampyres are out, so they say."

The men looked at each other. "Yeah, we heard about it, junior" the scraggly redhead replied. "Buncha freaks killin' people for nuthin, if ya ask me. Ain't even no money involved."

"You don't believe the reports, then."

"Sheesh. Ain't even contract work. The vampyre stuff's bull if ya ask me, kid. Slashing throats is messy work" the bald one added. "They're probably doin' it to hide the robberies."

True scum. I love this.

Qui-Gon approached with the tickets. "What's going on?"

Obi-Wan looked innocent. "Why nothing at all. Just talking to some friends."

Qui-Gon looked over at them. "Oh?"

The bald guy waved them off, staring at Qui-Gon. "Later, man" they shuffled away.


"You think he enjoys startling people like that?" Obi-Wan complained.

"Probably" Qui-Gon held his ears momentarily. "Let's go."

They boarded quickly.

VanHelzing ran as fast as his old bones would take him.

Must hurry. This will be the last transport before the curfew.


VanHelzing nearly bounced off the huge man, running into him.

"Of course I do! Stop shouting, you idiot!"

The big man blocked him. "YOU A TROUBLE MAKER? IF SO..."

VanHelzing forced himself to calmness. "My apologies, I don't want to get caught by the curfew."


Holding one ear, VanHelzing impatiently handed him the ticket.


VanHelzing raced down the ramp, onto the shuttle.

The two vampyres found their controls tested as never before. They were scuttled into the lower hold, with the expected assortment of characters. Dropping down heavily with their luggage, they quietly surveyed the scene.

Obi-Wan leaned against the bulkhead, closing his eyes. He tried to block out the scents and sounds.

Qui-Gon was concerned. //Are you all right?//

/Difficult. Too many of them. So warm...full of blood.../

//Don't concentrate on it! Use your training.//

/Can you? We haven't fed in over a day. I can't hold out much longer./

Qui-Gon swallowed hard. //We must...choose carefully. A suggestion is in order.//

Obi-Wan opened his eyes, gleaning the point. Their fellow travellers were involved in various conversations. He concentrated on one, a tough looking man with an eyepatch. Probed a little, discovered his name.

/Gaymun. Go to the observation area./

The man suddenly broke off from his companions, leaving the hold. Obi-Wan waited a moment, then silently left behind him.

Qui-Gon meanwhile stood and stretched, under pretense of going for a walk through the corridors.

Gaymun headed towards the far end of a winding walk ramp, to a small observation deck.

Swiftly and silently, Obi-Wan followed him.

"Why the frack did I come here?" he asked himself in confusion.

"Because I need you" a soft voice replied. Gaymun spun around.

A young man, handsome. Strange eyes.

"Look, kid. I don't know what the deal is here, but I don't bend that way, okay? Now beat it, before I punch in that pretty face."

Obi-Wan held his arms out, advancing slowly. "Please come here. I don't wish to be alone."

Gaymun felt his mind slipping. "I...told you. Go away, boy. I know about jail bait like you..."

The eyes burned into his mind. He couldn't think. Arms slipped around him. The ruddy lips parting, exposing long teeth.

No! part of him was horrified, the other part enthralled.

He is so beautiful, I want him to kiss me...

Pain, then pleasure beyond anything he had ever known. It was the last thing he remembered before sinking into oblivion.

Obi-Wan returned to the hold, but didn't see Qui-Gon. Sitting down near their luggage, he looked about patiently.

Hunting, no doubt.

He smiled to himself, curling up against the bulkhead. His eyes closed. A warmer than human hand brushed his own.

//I know you're not sleeping, rascal.//

One emerald eye opened. "Yup. Sound asleep."

//Silly. Come, our sleeping quarters are arranged. The ship's captain has assigned our spots.//

Yawn. Stretch. "Suits me. I'm sick of this bulkhead" he stood up.

Qui-Gon nudged him along. They squeezed through the group, who pushed and shoved their way to their own quarters.

/These people have the grace of a bantha in heat./ Obi-Wan curled a lip at the jostling.

Qui-Gon laughed out loud. "We're freight, remember?"

They were at the end of the corridor, on the sub-level. Qui-Gon keyed the door.

The room was simple and basic. A large bed, visi-porthole for star viewing, a desk with lamp and chair, bathroom in the corner. There was muted overhead lighting.

"Not bad" Obi-Wan surveyed, dropping luggage on the floor.

"Hmm" Qui-Gon stretched luxuriously on the bed, his long frame taking a lazy posture. Obi-Wan sat at the desk, removed his jacket.

"Father, I have a question."

Qui-Gon had also removed his jacket, kicking off his shoes. The claw like toenails gleamed in the dim light.

"Go on" he prompted.

"The amulet the woman had at the boarding gate. What was it? You said you recognized-"

"It is basically a Jedi version of a good luck charm. A contradiction, I know, but a harmless practice. Children would make such force baubles for each other at the creche. How the woman received it I have no idea."

"The pain I felt was the same as when we experienced the soul examination" the sea green eyes were intense.

They were met with equal intensity from black blue ones. "You're right. The amulet contains the force in certain qualities. Hers contained the light. That is burned."

Obi-Wan folded his arms over the chair. "Oh."

"Are you going to stay over there all night?"

Small grin. "What do you think?."

A big hand stroked the mattress. "I promise to be on my best behavior."

Obi-Wan eyed him skeptically. "The only thing I don't trust you about..."

Qui-Gon looked wounded. "Come, Obi-Wan. If it will make you feel better, I'll sleep over the blankets."

Like that would slow you down for two seconds.

Reluctantly, he crossed the room. "Remember, I'm taking you on your word."

Qui-Gon watched him undress, but made no move. Turning his back, he slowly peeled off his own clothing, sliding under the sheets.

Obi-Wan coughed. "I seem to remember you saying OVER the sheets."

Qui-Gon looked innocent. "Oh. I forgot" he slid out again.

From the other side, Obi-Wan dived under the covers. He settled in comfortably.

Small yawn. "Goodnight."

A pause. "Don't I even get a kiss?"

Obi-Wan eyed him suspiciously, but Qui-Gons' expression was open.

"Well..." he nuzzled the strong neck, planting a light touch on the full lips. Closing his eyes, savoring the feel and taste. He wanted more, just a little.

Rolling his tongue along the short beard, taking in the texture. Qui-Gon smelled too good. Inhaling under the jaw, quick licking the strong neck...

The same strong neck that arched under his touch. Soft moans.

/Just a quick kiss.../Obi-Wan told himself. But his body was betraying him. He held the fine face with arched cheekbones. Kissed the eyelids, the nose. Scented the hair.

Still braided. No good.

Sliding a hand behind Qui-Gons' head, he ran long nails through the braid, pulling it loose. Hair in his hands, everywhere. He buried his face in it.

"SSSsss. You are so beautiful, Qui-Gon. Stars, you make my blood run hot!"

The deep eyes burned darkly. Long tongue snaked out over ruddy lips, fangs peeking out. "My kissss" Qui-Gon growled, voice thick with lust. "Where is my kissss?"

Poking his tongue around in the air, Obi-Wan ground their hips together. Their faces were flushed, eyes lidded.

"Where do you want it?" he hissed hotly, still rubbing their cocks together. "Tell me, loverrr."

Qui-Gon was nearly boiling. "Everywhere!" he caterwauled, clawing at the golden back.

Obi-Wan lunged forward, plowing a kiss inside the hot mouth. Tongues were devoured, pushing towards hot throats. Obi-Wan felt the warning wetness between their bellies.

Not that they cared. The kiss was pure inferno, burning away all thought. Their bodies moved with fire and rhythm, minds stripped of all reason.

Sweating now, straining. Pulling out of the kiss with slow suction, Obi-Wan grabbed the thick thighs, throwing them wide apart. Erotically licking his fingers, wetting them, he plunged inside the tight opening.

Qui-Gon screamed, arching and bucking wildly, reaching back and grabbing the bedpost.

"Ghods, yes! Do me, more!!"

Obi-Wans' hand pumped deeper, faster. "You love it, don't you" he panted, eyes slitted. "Say it!"

The wild eyes rolled back in ecstacy, lions' mane all over the bed.

"Yes, I love it!! Aaaaahhh..."

He slapped the thick thighs and muscled buttocks, seeing them shake and quiver. Qui-Gon started leaking, bouncing and groaning in abandon. Obi-Wan stretched the opening with his thumbs.

He was nearly streaming himself as he plowed inside, revelling in the tight heat.

"Aakk! Delicious!" he closed his eyes, leaning forward as far as possible. Heavy balls were squashed between slicked bellies. The sliding pressure made them hurt, a wonderful ache that raced up their spines.

A few more quick thrusts. Obi-Wan touched something that made Qui-Gon fly off the mattress. Long arms and legs wrapped around him, wracking and heaving. The bed shook.

"Obi-Waaaaaaan!!" he roared, grimacing in delight. A flood of wet heat splattered between them.

"Aaaughhhk!" Obi-Wan fired immediately. He collapsed between the muscled legs.

They lay gasping on the bed, wet, limp, and spent.

Qui-Gon lolled his head to the side in dreamy satisfaction. "That hell of a kiss."

Obi-Wan slid up underneath his lover's chin. " careful...what you wish for."

They were both out moments later.

VanHelzing spent most of his time in his cabin. Considering the passengers aboard the transport, his wounds wouldn't even get second notice.

Not as young as I used to be. I need more time to recover, and get these injuries treated properly.

He drifted off to sleep, not noticing his force scanner flashing a famliar signal.

Two figures were still entwined among blankets the next day, their bodies slick from lovemaking. Qui-Gon's hair was splayed across the two of them.

They lay quietly, stroking each other. Obi-Wan ran his hands through the sandy brown mass, revelling in the texture and feel, combing it with his fingers.

Qui-Gon eyes were still heavy, sated. He felt wonderfully sore.

"You are...perfect, my Obi" he sighed.

Obi-Wan looked at him with melting eyes. "I'm cold."

Qui-Gon came apart. Strong arms crushed his son to his chest, wrapping around. Obi-Wan reached out, pulling hair around himself, making another blanket out of it.

They snuggled tightly. "Oh" Obi-Wan smiled, eyes blissfully shut. "That's so much better. Feels good" he nuzzled a broad cheek.

Qui-Gon purred, making rumbling sounds in his chest.

"Obi-Wan" he said softly. "By the stars, I wish I could go slow with you sometimes. Often it would be enough just to hold you like this, but then-"

Emerald eyes opened gently. "I know. The fire rules. It takes so much out of us, yet we can't seem to stop, either."

"I still marvel at the intensity of our desire" Qui-Gon admitted, tongueing an ear.

Small gasp. "I...find it difficult at times, being perpetually horny."

"Another challenge for us to deal with" Qui-Gon murmured. "But as you once said, sacrificing everything to the dark has given us this 'gift'. Ironically, our excess dictates our behavior now. But I never regret sharing love and flame with you. And there will be more" a soft kiss.

Obi-Wan purred, eyes closing again. "Oh, yes. And again and again."

They were silent a while, exhaustion keeping their desire at bay.

Why didn't I notice the scanner. They are here, on this transport!

The vampyres jolted, each 'hearing' the stray thought.

Qui-Gon sat up abruptly, eyes flashing darkly. "Ssso. Our hunter has followed us here, as well."

Obi-Wan propped up on an elbow. "But we've been in transit for days. Why hasn't he made a move?"

Qui-Gon stared at the bulkhead. "Perhaps he awaits our destination. By necessity, he must not know it."

Obi-Wan licked his fangs. "You are saying, then?"

Qui-Gon returned a sharp smile. "I have a plan for our overly ardent pursuer. It will take a bit of manipulating, but it can be done."

Obi-Wans' eyes sparked. "And would this plan involve our fellow roughnecks aboard this brig?"

Qui-Gon gave his best innocent expression. "Why, perish the thought!"

They howled with inhuman laughter.

VanHelzing couldn't believe it. "They are here, on this ship!" he almost laughed. His scanner still blinked with the familiar aura signature.

"I chased them and couldn't reach them at first. Now I stumble upon their escape without even trying!"

Disbelieving his luck, he finished dressing. Need to see a ship's doctor, if they have one.

Leaving his room, he went out in search of the officer's quarters. As he headed through a ramp area, he bumped into a scurvy looking man with thin blue hair and pale purple skin. He wore a work uniform made of heavy fabric, exposing the hilt of a wicked looking knife from the chest pocket.

"Fool" the man gruffed. "You lookin' to get cut, old timer!"

VanHelzing stood back. "No offense. You needn't be so touchy!"

The man reached in his pocket for the knife, waving it about. "You worry about your neck, not my temper" sly smile. "Got kin aboard, an' the Captain don't care about one less idiot. Everybody's already been paid for, so you'll just be one less mouth to feed" he pocketed the knife, eyeing VanHelzing dangerously.

"Watch your step. Lucky for you I'm in a gracious mood."

VanHelzing turned away from him. "Your threats are unecessary. Good day!"

He headed down the ramp, but heard no footsteps. When he looked back at the silence, he saw no one.

The Captain told him where to find the ship's doctor. He was in a small examination room, treating a passenger who was sweating and pale on a gurney.

"Excuse me?" VanHelzing questioned. "You are the physician here?"

The doctor snorted. A rail thin man with long blond hair, green eyes and a hook nose. "Yeah, call me Patch, that's my nickname."

His eyebrows went up. Maybe I'd do better treating myself.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I have chest injuries-"

"-If they ain't critical, don't bug me. I got another blood transfusion to do. Damn, this is the fourth one in the last coupla days."

"Blood transfusion?"

Patch shook his head. "Don't know what's goin' on. Guys comin' in here with serious blood loss, headaches and weakness. None of 'em knows what happened. Nearly lost one last night, he was drained within an inch of his life."

The Vampyres. "You questioned them? They don't remember anything?"

"No. They think they've been attacked. They've either been found out cold, or they wake up alone feelin' sick and weak. Problem is, there ain't no proof of anything."

VanHelzing observed the latest patient. "Do you know of the curfew that was on Mooris?"

Patch put his hands on his hips. "Kinda nosy, ain't ya, mac? Yeah, I know about that craziness. It was our last stopover, so I had time to check up on the news. Some stuff about blood anemia epidemics and vampyres and stuff. Whadda bunch of hicks."

"Don't you find this a strange coincidence, these blood loss cases on your ship now?"

Green eyes narrowed. "Mister, on this ship, blood loss could be anything from a knife in the back to a razor in the gut. We transport freight. Any passengers take their chances. We don't ask no questions. Are you here for treatment or to run your mouth?"

VanHelzing sat on an examination table gingerly. "I...was attacked a few days ago. I've attempted to treat-"

"Take off your shirt" Patch interrupted. "I don't need no speech."

Lovely bedside manner. VanHelzing thought sarcastically.

Patch eyed the chest wounds. "Damn! What tore you up, a Slytkatt??"

"No. It was enemy."

"Sith. Looks like a good one. Wait there while I get somethin' to clean that proper with" he went into the next room.

Two men staggered in suddenly, dragging a third between them.

"DOC! Hey, DOC! We need help, man!"

Patch ran out with some dressings. "What's all tha noise?" he surveyed the scene. "Put him on that table over there!"

VanHelzing stared. The third man was deathly pale, sweating.

Patch looked him over, reaching for a pulse. "Okay, you guys are gonna hafta leave. Go in the next room, old man. I gotta get this guy some blood" cursing under his breath, Patch went to get more plasma.

VanHelzing spoke to the men. "What happened?"

The chubby one spoke first. "Don't know. We left Rogg afta the card game broke up. Dooby here forgot his gun clip. When we went back to get it, we found him lyin' on the floor lookin' white as paper."

Patch returned with a med-pak. "OUT, fools. I'll let ya know when you can visit. Beat it!"

"Take care of 'im, Doc" Dooby said. "Dat's our best buddy."

"I will. Now git!"

They left. VanHelzing sat silently, vowing to end this.

Patch gave his newest patient an IV.

"What in frack is goin' on around this ship?!"

Obi-Wan sprawled luxuriously nude on their bed, waiting for his number one to appear.

He wasn't disappointed. A shifting mist curled around the room, coalescing into a familiar form.

"So" Obi-Wan smiled seductively. "Did everything go smoothly?"

Qui-Gon stalked slowly toward the bed, his eyes roaming the luscious, golden body.

"Hhhssss. You look tasty, my love. I wish to eat you up" tongue rolling out between fangs.

Obi-Wan felt his skin heat under the intense gaze. "Enough. Tell me what happened."

Qui-Gon sat alongside the mattress. "I planted a few suggestions among our shipmates. By tomorrows' end, our dear VanHelzing will no longer be aboard this transport."

"What about the card game?"

Qui-Gon licked a finger, then traced it along Obi-Wans' collarbone.

"Tomorrow night, in the entertainment hold. Of course there will be high stakes. Particularly for one VanHelzing" he massaged the muscled chest, thumbing the plump nipples.

"Uughh...what about the Captain" Obi-Wan arched back.

Qui-Gon lunged forward, licking the clenching stomach, sucking the thick navel.

"Mnnn. He will conveniently be asleep. Mmmnn..."

Hands clutched in the long hair. "Qui-Gon!"

Slapping lick laps on lush balls. //Yes?//

"Get in this bed. Now!"

Qui-Gon slipped off his clothes. //At once, my love.//

Time enough to quench the fire.

The salve dressing Patch used helped VanHelzing tremendously. In fact, he felt good enough to be about.

Been a pretty uneventful day. Just as well that I've had to lay low. I would deal with the vampyres on my own terms.

After eating a good meal, he walked about the decks. The usual characters were roaming about, pushing and shoving with typical rudeness.

It's a miracle you don't have to sleep with one eye open on this rig.

He heard boisterous voices. And some that he recognized. Going down a short hallway, he went into the entertainment center.

Loud passengers were smoking and drinking, shooting pool or billiards. Some were playing dice. Others were at the bar, watching viewscreens with various programming.

At a large table, he saw two that he recognized. He froze. Before any further thought could be made, a hand slapped on his shoulder.

"Hey, old timer. How's tha chest?" it was Patch.

VanHelzing started. "Oh! Hello. It's much better, thank you. That's why you see me out and about. I'm feeling a lot better."

Patch laughed. "Well then, join some of the guys over there for a card game. Stellaris Poker, Aces wild."

Why not? And it will give me an opportunity to keep the vampyres under close watch.

He smiled at the thin man. "Lead on."

Patch angled him towards the crowd.

"Later, pops. I gotta go check my patients again." he went back out.

VanHelzing approached the table slowly, taking in the participants. The two men who brought their friend in for medical attention the previous night. Assorted thugs. But amidst them all...

"Hey, Q, when ya gonna deal some lows?" a chunky man laughed. "This stuff I have is piss poor."

"Don't get greedy, Ginko. Aren't my hands fair?"

VanHelzing would know "Q" a mile off. Qui-Gon positively looked like a thug. Thick chain necklace, open red shirt, black pantaloon pants with boots. Chain earrings. The horse braid trailed down to his chair.

Obi-Wan sat nearby, surrounded by more goons. He seemed quite comfortable among them, wearing a heavy fabric work shirt and tight denim jeans. His long braid was beaded with gold, coordinating with small ear studs.

One of them nudged Obi-Wan. "Yo, Obi. Your old man do contract work?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, sometimes when money is tight. We wanted to get off Mooris 'cause of the vampyre scare and all."

Brilliant. VanHelzing thought. Out in plain sight.

The men murmured. A freckle-faced one spoke. "Wild, ain't it?" he downed his drink. "Think they're real? The bloodsuckers, I mean."

"Freako, stop worryin' 'bout no damn vampyres. Pick up your hand already" another encouraged.

"Aw, shut up Gooch. 'Sides, Q's on the up and up. Ain't no marked cards here."

"You know that's right" Q answered, smiling. "Okay, deal's on. Who's taking the high? Got balls?"

VanHelzing edged to the table. "Excuse me, gentlemen. May I play a hand?"

They looked up at him. Gooch belched.

"HA! Lookit grandpa here. Whazzap, ya wanna play tinkle winks?"

The group roared with laughter.

"Interest you in a hand, friend?" 'Q' asked with a smirk. The eyes flashed briefly.

VanHelzing looked over to Obi-Wan, who was glaring with barely concealed hate.

"Of course" he returned an affected smile of his own. "We're all...friends here."

Ginko snorted. "An' if ya wanna STAY friends, don't try nuthin' funny, pops."

"Perish the thought" VanHelzing sat down.

Gooch nudged Obi-Wan. "You don't like him, I can tell. He a mark?"

Obi-Wan slid him a sideways glance. "First in line, Gooch. And a fink, too. Watch his hands on the deck."

Gooch nodded, frowning at VanHelzing.

Obi-Wan smiled inwardly. This trap will be sprung beautifully.

"Remember, we play high first. No duces!" Q shouted.

Dooby spoke up. "Me an' Dink'll go for the high. Who knows, if we hit it big, mebbe we can pay mom's parole officer off."

Qui-Gon tried not to laugh. Delightful dregs. I love them already.

He shuffled the deck. Freako craned his neck.

"Whooeee. Stakes is up tonite. Hope I don't gotta cash out. Hey, Gooch-"

The heavyset man shook his head, taking his cards. "Don't even go there, Freako. You always short!"

Q slammed his fist on the table."Shut up! Call it already, fool!"

Dooby laughed. "Man, I like you. You crack me up!"

Obi-Wan covered his mouth, trying to hold himself together. Insults were compliments around here.

"Okay, okay. I'll open" Ginko waved a knobby hand. "Start off...two fives, one jack, an' a ace..."

"Stinks" VanHelzing shook his head.

"Yeah old timer? Think you can do better?"

Confidently, VanHelzing placed his hand on the table. Two kings, and ace, and a three.

"Wooee" Freako whistled. "Okay, here I go. Two kings, a five. Trump."

Dink shook a fist at him. "Show that trump, sucker!"

"I'll see it, then" Q said smugly. "Throw out...three aces. Queen."

"Damn! No hope for me. I'm out this hand" Ginko sighed.

"Got a sweet deal here" Obi-Wan grinned. "Check it out" he showed his hand to Gooch.

"Obi, I love ya. Gimme one o' dem cards and you can have my first born."

'Ha! Betcha say that to all your buddies!"

"So show it!" Dooby was impatient. "I wanna see-"

"Check it out" Obi-Wan placed his cards on the table. Queen, Spade, Ace, Jack" he eyed VanHelzing.

"Can you handle that, old man?"

Whoops and howls. Gooch slapped Obi-Wan on the back.

"There it is, pops!"

VanHelzing felt his anger rise. "You...cretin! Should I tell these people what you really are?!"

The table grew silent.

"Be careful who you threaten" Q warned him.

Murmurs at the table. "Hey man, what's your problem?" Gooch demanded. "You wanted in. If ya ain't got the play, you can just GO play!"

Freako spoke to Obi-Wan. "Your old man is tough. This guy an enemy of yours or somethin'?"

Obi-Wan tried a beer. It wasn't bad, he enjoyed it. "He's an idiot. Been tailin' us for days, thinks we aced a relative of his" he lied.

"Been there, done that" Freako whispered. "S'okay. We can-"

"Do you realize what is among you?!!" VanHelzing shouted, weary of all pretense. His desperation drove him to recklessness.

"I know what's here right now, old fool" Dooby snapped. "Ain't nobody got time for this. Go suck some oatmeal or sumthin."

"It's you who are fools! Think. Remember the curfew on Mooris-"

Gooch rolled his eyes. "Gawd. Not that again..."

Freako. "You mean about the vampyres? They were on Mooris?"

"Freako, I swear-"

"Do you know what they are?!" VanHelzing indicated Q and Obi-Wan.

"So what you gonna tell us, that they killed somebody?" Ginko shrugged. "Big deal. What's your point?"

Call them out and damn the consequences. "You" he looked at Dink and Dooby. "Remember the other night? You brought your friend in for a blood transfusion?"

They shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, we know" Dink answered. "Rogg's gonna be okay, though. Not that it's any of your business."

"He was the fifth person to be brought to the sickbay for a blood transfusion, didn't you know!"

That got a reaction from the group. Obi-Wan flashed a thought.

/What now?/

//Patience. You will see.//

" sayin' that, that...the vampyres is on this rig?!!" Freako shouted. "I gotta get my cross..."

"Sit down, you doofball! An' stop this vampyre shid, you're givin' me tha willies" Dink told him.

Q folded his arms over the table. "Funny. I never saw the old man's other card."

Pairs of eyes stared at VanHelzing suspiciously.

"Oh, I get it now" Dink said. "The vampyre stuff's a dodge. Let's see that trump already!"

"Truly lost and ignorant" VanHelzing told him. "Every last one of you. It could well cost you your wretched lives."

In a blur, a hand flew to the center of the table, stabbing it with a knife. Startled, VanHelzing jolted back.

"Old man" Gooch hissed. "Q's right. Stop the bullcrap. Show the card, or lose your hand."

"He had me goin' there for a minute too, Gooch" Dooby agreed.

"I have nothing to hide" VanHelzing placed his final card on the table confidently.

Stunned silence.

"Say what!" Ginko shouted. "This sucker pulls up a fifth ace! Obi's right, this dude's a shill!"

VanHelzing stared at the card. What?? I had a seven...

He spun, staring at Qui-Gon. The vampyre returned a look of triumph.

Gooch rolled up his sleeves. "Oh, I'm gonna love peelin' your head..."

The men started to rise from the table, reaching in their pockets. VanHelzing stood, backing away. He had to make it to his room...

"I thank you gentlemen for your time. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will leave you to your game."

Dink held out a straight razor."Oh yeah? You'll leave alright...on a stretcher" he advanced forward.

VanHelzing snatched a large beer mug from the table, hurling it at the nearest would be attacker. Gooch ducked...

the mug flew over to the bar, nailing someone on the head. That 'someone' was a massive individual, nearly seven feet tall, bald headed with a scalp scar. A scraggly beard came down to his chest.

"HOT DAMN. A FIGHT!!" Freako yelled, pulling out a cut-cord.

Gooch looked over at the bar. The man was rumbling their way. "Stupid old man! Whizzer's gonna nail ya!"

VanHelzing made a run for it. Freako dived over the table, landing on him.

Then all hell broke loose.

The massive goon crashed into the group, looking to fight anybody and everybody.

Q gracefully bounded aside. This is the life!

Obi-Wan was enjoying himself as well, rolling and scuffling on the floor. Other men had joined in the fracas out of boredom.

A chair crashed over Qui-Gon's head. He turned, staring at his assailant. The chunky man stammered in amazement, stumbled back. Qui-Gon kicked him in the stomach, knocking him over the bar. Dooby bum-rushed a fat guy with a handlebar moustache, crashing them both into another table. Bottles flew in the air. A shot glass clipped Obi-Wan on the shoulder. Dink jumped on Whizzer's back, punching him in the head. Whizzer lost his balance, crashing them both to the floor. Spilled drinks made the deck areas slippery, the combatants falling into each other.

Got to get the devil out of here!! VanHelzing crawled underneath a table.

Above the chaos, Ginko was swinging from a ceiling light. Picking what he thought was an easy opponent, he fell on top of a midget, who then proceeded to beat the crap out of him.

VanHelzing couldn't see the vampyres. There were so many bodies everywhere, and objects flying, he couldn't pick them out.

More tables were turned over. Gooch had a chair stump and was clubbing someone over the head with it.

If I can just get to the doorway unnoticed. Too old for this mess.

Hugging the wall, he slowly crawled along the edge, hoping not to be seen. After what seemed like an eternity, he edged towards the doorway a few feet away. A young red haired man in a uni-suit stood in the doorway.

The ship's mate! Why the frick doesn't he stop all this!

If anything, the man seemed disinterested in the calamity. He looked down at VanHelzing.

"Leavin' the party I see, old guy. Whassamatter, can't hang?"

"Are you crazy?" VanHelzing gasped. "You see what's going on in there..."

"Nuh-uh. I don't see nothin.'"

"Where's the Captain?"

"Sleep. Who wants to know?"

VanHelzing staggered to his feet. He felt bruised. "What kind of rig is this. Don't you even want to stop it?!"

The man shrugged. "It'll stop itself, once they beat each other senseless. 'Sides, where are they gonna go? Outer space?"

VanHelzing stared, stunned. "But-"

"Later, pops" the man walked down the corridor.

I don't believe this...

"There he is!!"

Freako was directing Whizzer into the corridor. The huge man glared at VanHelzing.

"That him? I'll crack his ass in half" he lumbered forward, holding a small pipe.

VanHelzing sprinted down the hallways for all he was worth. Seconds later, he heard an avalanche of footsteps and shouting voices. He glanced back as he ran.

I've been set up!

Ginko, Whizzer, Gooch, Dink, Dooby, Freako, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were all racing in the corridors behind him.

"Split up!" he heard Q yell. "He can't run from us all!"

Part of the group ran down another row. VanHelzing had no choice but to keep running.

Need to get separation, distance.

He burst out into an open area. Turned to go down an abandoned thruway...

Only it wasn't abandoned. They were on him before he could bolt.

Gooch jacked him up against a wall. "Stupid sucker. I oughta end your misery right now."

"You-" he gasped, "listen. Vampyres-"

"Enough, already!" Obi-Wan shouted, coming up. "You're wearing that out."

Freako snorted. "Whatcha think, Q? Throw this moron out the starport window? Mebbe he'll see some vampyres out there, huh?" he laughed.

Qui-Gon smiled. "What do you all think. He's a cheat..."

"Marks his cards" Dooby said.

"Runs out onna fight" Dink added.

"An' he hit me inna head with a beer mug" Whizzer complained. "That thing hurt."

"Didn't hurt nothin' but the beer mug, your skull busted it" Gooch replied. "Why don't we rough him up?"

Obi-Wan's eyes blazed ferally. "Good idea, Gooch. Throwin' him out works for me, too..."

Like a lynch mob, they dragged VanHelzing through the corridors. Several men straggled along in the ship, drunk or bruised from the fighting. VanHelzing called out to them.

"For pity's sake help me! Don't just stand there-"

They either stared or shrugged. No one came to his rescue.

"Shut up, doof" Dink shook a finger at him. "Or your head rolls on the floor."

They headed toward the emergency pod bays. "Why are we going here...what are you doing!" VanHelzing demanded.

"Goin' on a little trip, pops" Whizzer said. "Teach you ta hit me with no beer mug."

They heard soft footsteps behind them. The ship's mate again.

"Oh, I see you guys left the party. Things kinda broke up after you left."

"We had to retrieve a friend of ours." Obi-Wan nodded at VanHelzing.

"Are you insane!" the old man struggled against his captors. "They mean to kill me!"

"Aw, come on now" the redhead drawled. "Quit exaggerating. You ain't dead."

"Not yet, but-"

"Goin' to a private party, eh, boys? Have fun" waving, the ships' mate walked off again.

"You're useless!!" VanHelzing shouted after him. "Dolt!"

"I like him" Obi-Wan said truthfully. "And you need to check yourself, being outnumbered seven to one."

Gooch and Dooby continued to jack VanHelzing down toward the lower levels, the rest of them following closely.

So it ends like this. he thought gloomily as they entered the pod bay.

Dink and Freako found a working pod. "Anybody know how to work this thing? I ain't no programmer."

Ginko nodded. "Let me give it a shot." he climbed inside, tinkering with the control boards.

"Somebody gimme a good destination."

"'Nother universe" Whizzer giggled stupidly.

"You big dumb gump. Now give me some legit coordinates!"

/What's the farthest known point from here?/

//It's just a pod, not a spaceship. It wouldn't get there.//

"I have an idea" Q said. "Ginko, you know the coordinates for the Adelphy System?"

Ginko popped his head up out of the pod. "Q, I loves ya. My favorite burg to get lost on, if ya know what I mean."

He punched in coordinates, locking them in.

With a desperate burst of strength, VanHelzing attempted to break free. He was yanked back firmly.

"Crazy screwball" Gooch shouted at him. "Be still! We're settin' up your travel arrangements!"

Dooby slapped him on the back of his neck. VanHelzing flinched. "An' that's for hittin' Whizzer with that beer mug."

"Tanks, Dooby" Whizzer scratched his armpits.

We've got to stay in touch. Obi-Wan grinned, staring at the behemoth.

"All aboard!" Ginko yelled.

Gooch and Dooby shoved the old man into the pod, slamming the door.

VanHelzing shouted through the plastisteel bubble, but they couldn't hear him.

Dink pointed. "Hey, everybody. If a pod hits a planet, and you ain't there to see it, does it still go splat?!"

Wild laughter. VanHelzing stared at Qui-Gon. Hard.

Filth. I'll see you perish yet!

Qui-Gon flashed a sharp smile, almost too quick to be seen. //You bore me, old man. Be grateful I didn't rip your throat out at the first opportunity.//

Ginko went to the launch panel, striking the controls. They all stood back on the platform, waving.

"So long, sucker!"

"Don't forget to write!"

"I'll bake a cake with a file in it!"

The pod entered the cylindrical depression chamber, then fired out into the vacuum of space.

"Will he have enough air to reach his destination?" Obi-Wan wanted to know.

Ginko shrugged. "Yeah. He'll hit planetfall in two days. Then he can scare someone else with his vampyre stories."

Gooch yawned. "Man, I'm beat. What a hell of a day, huh?"

Qui-Gon put an arm around his son, whose eyes shone. "Agreed."

They returned to their cabin, their compatriots doing likewise. Obi-Wan leaned heavily into Qu-Gon, breathing hard.

Tipping his son's chin up, Qui-Gon looked into the emerald eyes, blazing with lust, long red lashes fluttering. Ruddy lips parting slowly, setting free perfect fangs.

"Love you" he whispered huskily. "Love me."

Qui-Gon growled softly, the fire burning in his blood. He crushed Obi-Wan's lips against his own, plunging a hot tongue inside the wet mouth.

Moaning, Obi-Wan leaped into his arms, wrapping legs around hips. Qui-Gon staggered from the sudden impact. They toppled onto the bed.

Pulling out of the kiss briefly, Qui-Gon kicked off his boots, pulling Obi-Wan's shirt open with the same movement. As he teased the bronzed chest with his hands, Obi-Wan reached behind his head, loosening the braid.

Sliding lower, Qui-Gon sucked on the tight erection through heavy fabric. He pulled the zipper free with his teeth, nipping the straining shaft under thin briefs.

"Aagh, yessss" Obi-Wan twisted, moaning. "Want it..." his navel poked up.

Long nails tore into the denim jeans, ripping them from muscled thighs. Qui-Gon yanked the briefs down with his mouth. A golden shaft bobbed in the air, bouncing off his face.

//All mine. Forever.//

Panting, Obi-Wan grabbed his lover's shirt, ripping it off the broad shoulders. Nails raking, leaving trails of fire.

Qui-Gon rolled his palms along the thick shaft, rubbing faster and faster...

Obi-Wan arched, hips twisting on the mattress erotically. Eyes closed in ecstacy. "Uaagh, I'm coming!..." he bucked up, grabbing the long hair.

Qui-Gon leaned up, rubbing the velvet head against his nipples. Obi-Wan fired across his chest, coating it with cream.

Qui-Gon broke seconds later, splattering the front of his pants, rubbing and sliding against Obi-Wan.

"Sith" he gasped. "Couldn't even...wait long enough to take my pants off."

"Time to take care of that, then" Obi-Wan breathed. He slid lower, pulling the sticky pants down over the thick thighs, yanking them away.

Curling his tongue out over lips, he noticed the heavy sacs. "What's this, now" he teased, reaching for them and squeezing tight.

"Gaaaghk!" Qui-Gon hissed, rolling on his back. Obi-Wan rubbed them together, causing his lover to grind against him.

"Don't ssstop" Qui-Gon moaned. "That feels so goood..."

Continuing to massage and pinch the sacs with one hand, Obi-Wan wrapped his shirt tail around Qui-Gons' shaft with the other, lapping the head with his tongue, dragging fangs on the ridge underneath.

The combination of sensations was too much. Already leaking a second time, Qui-Gons' eyes flew open with dark desire. He rolled over suddenly, flipping Obi-Wan on his stomach.

He reached underneath, pulling the golden thighs wide apart, gripping and squeezing the lush cheeks. Obi-Wan groaned loudly, sweat clinging his shirt to his back. Qui-Gon tongued the buttocks, savoring their taste and texture, then sliding down the crevice. He rimmed the tight opening, then slid inside.

Obi-Wan rolled his hips, aching with need. He reared back.

"Come on...give it to me!" he rasped, wiggling his backside.

Qui-Gon withdrew his tongue, biting down on the golden globes, slapping alongside the thighs.

"Faster! Harder!!" the younger vampyre shouted, roiling in pleasure. Qui-Gon obliged, reddening the legs and buttocks with slaps. Slipping a hand underneath the bobbing erection, he paddled the swaying balls without mercy, feeling them tighten.

Sweating heavily now, his own erection in pain, Qui-Gon held the cheeks wide open, watching the opening twitch and flex with slitted eyes.

"SSsssss" he cat-growled, pushing inside, leaning forward as far as possible. Obi-Wan reared up high underneath.

Qui-Gon moved his hips slowly from side to side in a slinky motion. The big cock stroked a touchy spot in Obi-Wan.

It was sweet torture. Obi-Wan snarled in delight. He wanted to come, but couldn't. His body shook, quivering on the edge. A curtain of hair fell over one shoulder, tickling.

Qui-Gon continued to stroke him, nearly blanking out at the exquisite feel of being trapped in the moist buttocks.

Obi-Wan clawed the bed, desperately seeking release. His nails raked deep gouges in the bedpost.

White heat raced down Obi-Wan's back, straight to his groin. He tightened, thrusting backward, unable to hold still any longer.

Qui-Gon lost control then. The hot channel pulled him with sucking friction, demanding response. Muscled body flexing, he pounded his lover into the mattress.

Obi-Wan humped high, humped low. Screaming as the explosion claimed him, firing repeated shots all over the bed.

Crying out, Qui-Gon came several times as well, filling Obi-Wan and spilling down the sweet thighs.

Shared sensations ripped through them while they convulsed. Blissfully they sank into blackness.

Qui-Gon woke to a blinding headache. Someone just shoot me and end my misery.

He held his lover from behind, blankets wrapped around them both, nuzzling the smooth neck. Stroked the perfect chest and stomach softly. Tight heat still clenched him.

It occured to him he couldn't pull out.

Frack, I'm stuck. he smiled slowly to himself. Oh well, he'd wait for the swelling to go down.

Obi-Wan didn't stir.

"Hughh" //Rest. Just rest. Time enough, with this damned headache.//

He lay quietly, waiting for the stabbing in his head to subside. A soft moan.


Obi-Wan blinked. He leaned his head back.

"Good morning" he purred. "At least, I think it's morning."

Qui-Gon looked over at the chronometer. "Afternoon, my Obi" he winced at another stab behind his eyes.

His son noticed the tilt in the voice. And something else. "You feel wonderful, father. But I sense your distress" he stifled a grin.

Qui-Gon didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. He settled for annoyance.

"I'm glad you find my plight funny. My head is killing me."

"Sorry" Obi-Wan kissed his fingertips, then reached back, touching them on Qui-Gons' forehead.

He blinked. The pain subsided.

"Better?" Obi-Wan cuddled in tight.

Arms wrapped tighter. "MMmm. Yes. About the other problem..."

Obi-Wan wiggled his hips sensuously. "What problem?"

", stuckkkk...."

"Yesss" emerald eyes rolled back. He flexed his body, stroking against the throbbing organ that filled him.

Qui-Gon nipped the silky neck, reaching around and pumping Obi-Wan. His headache was long gone, now. He felt wetness on his hand.

The lush behind bounced against Qui-Gons' groin, jiggling and slapping. He gave a love bite into the side of the soft neck.

They erupted again, a wrenching orgasm. Qui-Gons' fist was covered with creamy thickness. He shivered in the aftermath, his own cum running down between them into the bed.

They lay gasping in delight. Qui-Gon licked an ear.

"Rrrrr. I never get enough" Qui-Gon rumbled, flashing a fanged smile.

Obi-Wan rolled away, facing him. "Ssss. Tell me about it" he grinned. "Now I know what they mean by...spontaneous combustion."

Qui-Gon pulled the covers up around them. "We will be at Urus this evening, Obi-Wan. I can barely contain my excitement" the midnight eyes sparked.

Obi-Wan eyed him softly, long red lashes low. "You? Contained?" he giggled. "But I share your excitement. And I've truly enjoyed our stay on this brig. And that crew-"

"I really like them" Qui-Gon was thoughtful, pulling at Obi-Wan's braid. "They are truly sleazy and total scumbags. That being said, they would make good friends."

The green eyes shone. "Our controls held up remarkably well. I never wanted to accept the possibility of being a recluse. Now it seems that fear was unjustified."

"Maybe so" broad hands stroked the high cheekbones. "We still can't be reckless, however, or our instincts will surely betray us. With time, we will better gauge the warning signs. But being among others is encouraging."

"I think Gooch likes me."

"He does, I can sense it. And Freako finds you fascinating."

"Oh. I'll miss them."

Qui-Gon sat back against the bedpost, hair trailing across his body. "Perhaps we won't have to. I think that when we arrive at Urus we should convince them to stay in touch."

Obi-Wan cuddled in again. "I like the idea of us having friends. But what arrangements will we have on-planet?"

Eyelids grew heavy in the handsome face. "Surely we can convince someone to take us in temporarily until a new home is made, no?"

The younger vampyre sighed in content, drowsy himself. "Hmm. Good idea, father" he tucked against the beard.

"Indeed. Sleep now, Obi-Wan" Qui-Gon murmured. Minutes later, they were both out.

They arrived at Urus that night, the ship floating in a dock at the busy spaceport. Being a nightworld, 'day' included eighteen hours of darkness.

For that reason, Urus was also well known for housing disreputable characters. Shady deals and transactions always worked better in the dark. So did escapes from vengeful partners and associates.

The passengers were all in the hold awaiting departure. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon spied the crew.

"Well, lookit here'" Gooch laughed. "Yo, Obi and Q. You got digs on planet?"

"We've got a place to go" Obi answered readily. "Hey Gooch, what are your plans?"

"Well, we got a small deal goin' down" he indicated the others. "Then it's home, I guess."

"When we get settled, we'll be in touch" Qui-Gon told them all. "You guys are priceless. Besides, good buddies are hard to find."

Freako nudged Whizzer, smiling. "Told ya! Q's cool. And we'll back ya up in any alley, big man. Ain't that right, Whizzer?"

The behemoth nodded slowly. "Duh...yeah. Q's my friend."

"Hey, Obi" Dooby put an arm around him."You an' your old man gotta come to dinner sometime. Then we can go party."

The green eyes flashed. "Sounds good to me. Dink, what about you Ginko? You staying on planet?"

"Fo' a few days" Ginko answered, nudging Dink. "Got a little action to see to, if ya know what I mean. But if everything goes down okay, we'll be planetside again in three months."

Obi-Wan punched his arm. "You better let us know when you get back."

" will we get in touch with you?"

Qui-Gon put a hand on his shoulder. "Just think of us, Ginko, and we will be there" he said with a strange intensity.

"Yeah...okay" Ginko stared back.

"Hah" Gooch chuckled. "A mystery man. Ever need a partner, boys, let me know. I got good connections."

Dooby nodded. "Believe it. Man, what a crew we'd make-"

"EVERYBODY GET YOUR BUTTS OFF. RAMPS TO THE RIGHT. MOVE IT, ALREADY!!" a fat goon bellowed, belly shaking. He looked like a pirate, huge gold hoops, bandana, thick beard. Several men pushed and shoved their way past on the way out.

"Cripes!" Dooby looked over at the man, holding his ears.

Obi-Wan also stared, frowning. "He must be related to that other fool at the pick up point!!"

"Don't let that gump worry ya, kid" Gooch ruffled his hair affectionately. "See ya. Take care" a quick hug.

Obi-Wan embraced him, enjoying the contact. The warm skin pulsed strongly. He scented the hot blood, fighting the urge to bite. He stood back.

"Take it easy, Gooch. Don't get in front of anything!"

"Don' worry, Obi" Whizzer rumbled. "Anybody mess with Gooch, I squash 'em, ya know? Dirty part of the buisness, but somebody gotta do it..."


"I'm thinkin' of combing his hair for him...with a pipe!" Freako snapped.

Dink. "Later, dudes. Let's go. All we need now is the port police showin' up with that loud ass. Q, Obi, chill it."

The group clustered together, heading out.

/I'll miss them./

//Come, Obi.//

Picking up their luggage, they disboarded.

A couple of hours later, they rented a motel room near the spaceport. Obi-Wan admired the nightscape through the plexisteel windows.

The foilage and forestry were well adapted to long night hours. Trees were thick and wide, with winding root systems reaching for all available nutrients. Plant life had bulbous, soft stems and leaves, made for absorbing the majority of their sustenance through underground streams. Twin moons added unusual drama to the star speckled sky.

Obi-Wan settled in an overstuffed chair. "It's so beautiful here."

"Yes, it is. More so that I could have imagined" Qui-Gon answered. "We'll need to get our bearings for the next few days. And I do love the idea of unrestricted movement on a daily basis" he patted the mattress.

"Come here, my Obi" the voice was soft, heavy. The long mane was tangled down on the bed.

Eyes shining against the moonlight, Obi-Wan silently padded across the room, sliding alongside Qui-Gon on the bed. He held him tightly. They lay awhile in silence, watching the panoramic view.

Suddenly, Obi-Wan started.

"Father! Do you feel...different here?"

Comprehension dawned. "Yes...Obi. Calmer. More in command of my instincts. Something is affecting us here. I wonder..." the nightblue eyes sparked with a thought.

"Could it be the influence of the night, or-"

Of course, why didn't I guess. "The moons, my Obi. It is well known that magnetic tides emanating from moons affect sentient beings and their behavior. It would explain the calm. Particularly in our case, since our senses are so acute."

"Yes" his handsome son snuggled closer. "I noticed the difference in myself once we made planetfall. The fire still rages, but it is channeled now, instead of exploding at random" emerald eyes locked into deep blue ones.

"Not...necessarily" Qui-Gon rasped, feeling a sudden urge to strip his son naked and take him on the floor. "But the as bad or worse."

"Yesssss" the soft mouth parted, teeth lengthening. Muscled arms wrapped around.

Their tongues danced in a sweltering wet kiss.

Qui-Gon managed to pull off, just a moment. "This world is ours, my Obi. We have nothing but time for all our future plans."

Obi-Wan tore open his sleep shirt with sharp nails. "Those plans can wait, father. I'm more concerned with the present" he breathed hotly, plunging a sharp mouth on a thick nipple.

Groaning in delight, Qui-Gon could do nothing but agree.