Let It Fall, Soliloquy 2

by Cuimne (cuimne@mindspring.com)

Rating: PG

Category: POV

Warnings: DPS story.

Written: 27 October 2001

Feedback: Off list please. All comments welcome.

Archive: Yes to MA and to A.F.

Summary: The day of the life vision.

Disclaimer: All characters and property of Star Wars belong to George Lucas. This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it. No copyright or trademark infringement was intended.

Notes: This fic snippet was written solely for the entertainment of A.F. as a response to her Fic: "Let It Fall." (Since taken down.) She said, and I quote, "Post this to MA on Halloween, please!" How could I refuse?

Notes 2: The first line is borrowed from The Calling's "Wherever You Will Go." The first paragraph is an almost verbatim quote from A.F's "Let It Fall."

"If a great wave shall fall, it will fall upon us all."

I have just had my life's vision again, and it closes with me waiting out the years on desert sands while the boy my master chose ravaged the worlds with his mind and terrorized the peoples with his power.

I could not stop the future any more than I could stop the Sith from taking my master's life on Naboo. Nor could I lay to rest all the fears of my padawan. My padawan, for all that I did not want him, any more than Qui-Gon wanted me when our paths crossed on the way to Bandomeer. It is a sorry legacy to pass on to your padawan, and yet I've been unable to break the cycle.

I watch my padawan tumble through his Kata. Anakin is strong in the force, powerful, quick and graceful even for his height, so like Qui-Gon, yet so different. Today his form is off, still quick and powerful, but somehow not completely focused. He seems distracted, and I'm not sure why. Oh, I'm sure it is distracting enough to be the consort of the Queen of Naboo, distracting enough to think of impending fatherhood. Still, Anakin was happy. Perhaps I have answered the question. My padawan was happy, the emotion that leaks through our training bond now is confused and anxious.

I call a halt to Anakin's practice, and suggest meditation instead. Whatever may be troubling him, my padawan surely will benefit by a few hours of meditation. I ask if he would like me to meditate with him, but he asks for some time alone. My padawan. We both started our careers unwanted, but I have come to feel great affection for Anakin. I have great hope that together we can change the empty future of my visions, and build a better one.

"Anakin, I'll be in the gardens meditating," and I send a wave of affection and encouragement through our bond as I leave him in the training salle. Without a beat of hesitation the bond is flooded with returned affection as I hear the dutiful, "Yes, Master." But I don't miss the sadness in my padawan's eyes. 'Oh, Anakin, it will be all right,' I want to say, but my mouth will not open to give voice to the words, so I pull my cloak around me and walk out to the gardens.

It doesn't take me long to settle into a meditative trance. Peripherally, I can feel Anakin through our bond and know he is settling into his own meditation. I let go of all conscious thoughts and feelings to let the Force guide me.

When my consciousness returns, it is abrupt and startling. I feel a disturbance in the Force, and automatically reach for Anakin through our bond. He is not there, and I realize what has happened.

Uncaring of the looks I generate running through the halls, I hasten with force assisted speed to our rooms. My heart breaks when I see my padawan. Anakin's face is serene as he rests on his pallet, his 'saber in his right hand, now deactivated. The note carefully placed by his left side. My vision blurs as I read his last words.


I have seen your vision for me of the future. I choose not to be that wave.

Forever your devoted padawan,
