Letting Down Your Hair

by Keelywolfe

Rating: NC-17

Archive: M&A, sure.

Feedback: Oh yeah.

Disclaimers: A Long time ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away, George Lucas created Star Wars. And he looked at it and saw that it was good. And all was right in the world. But then, we saw that Obi-Wan doth look upon Qui-Gon with lust, and that Mr. Lucas was not likely to included that in the next movie, so we said screw it and wrote it ourselves, even though we do not make any money of of this. And all was right with the world.

Note: By popular demand, this is a sequel to my other story, The Rapunzel Syndrome. P.S. I don't use beta- readers, so any mistakes are purely my own. Sorry.

It was still dark out when Qui-Gon awoke to the thrum of the nightly rains on the roof. Disorientated, he pushed himself half-upright before realizing he was lying on the bed of the room provided to him and his apprentice during their stay on Tel'har.

He lay back down, still a bit confused. When had he gone to bed? The last thing he remembered was going over the daily reports and Obi-Wan was combing his...Obi-Wan. The younger man was sound asleep next to him. That explained it. He must have fallen asleep when Obi-Wan was combing his hair. He chided himself on his lack control. Where were his much- vaunted Jedi skills now, to let him fall asleep so easily and deeply that his apprentice had to put him to bed?

Still, it had been so relaxing, to let someone else take over the tedious chore of disentangling his unruly locks. He had often been tempted to simply cut his hair short and be damned with it and probably would have, except for the fact he would rather not look like a Padawan so late in his life.

His own Padawan was snoring faintly and Qui-Gon shifted to his side to look at him. Now there was the perfect hairstyle. Short, easy to care for, aside from the long braid there was only the short tail in the back to worry about. Quite unlike his own that seemed to knot up every time he washed it. Brushing it out sometimes became quite a task.

Not that Obi-Wan had seemed to mind. Never had anyone taken so much time and care while brushing his hair. His apprentice had actually seemed to enjoy it, taking a great deal of time at it. In fact...

His eyes narrowed as he regarded the serene face of his sleeping Padawan. In fact, the young man had seemed to enjoy it a great deal, touching a bit more than necessary, brushing long after all the tangles had been worked free. Now that he looked back at it, little fragments of thought seemed to come to him, something about to feel of his hair, rubbing it somewhere...

His eyes widened as the thought completed itself. He looked at his apprentice pensively. Had Obi-Wan actually thought that and accidentally transferred the notion to him as he slept? Or was it just a dream of his own, wishful thinking that the young man might actually want...

Dangerous territory, that. The counsel didn't actually mind a master/apprentice coupling, providing they were both consenting adults. It actually occurred quite often, a natural expression of caring between those who were so closely bonded. There was no shame in loving and being loved.

But it could also cause tension in the relationship, as lovers tended to seek equality. Master and Padawan, by their very definition, could not be equals. The idea of such a balance was hazardous. And so Qui-Gon had pushed aside any thought of a sexual relationship with his apprentice, unwilling to put their current bond at risk.

In any case, it was -consenting- adults and Obi-Wan had shown no interest in deepening their bond.

Until tonight.

He realized he was practically hovering over the young man, drinking in his sudden appeal. This would not do, he thought, a little desperately. Just the thought of this beautiful young man desiring him was arousing him unbearably. He pulled back a bit, centering himself, seeking calm. As he moved a few strands of his hair slipped over his shoulders to lightly brush Obi-Wan's face.

His eyes blinked open, then flared wide at the sight above him. His master, above him, eyes closed while the length of his hair was tumbling into a curtain around both their faces.


Qui-Gon's eyes snapped open at that sleep-husky whisper. Their eyes caught and held, questions asked and answered in a moment of suspended time. And then Qui-Gon leaned forward, banishing all distance between them as he pressed his lips to those of his apprentice. It was a chaste kiss, a seeking kiss, testing for a response that Obi-Wan was more than eager to give.

Obi-Wan reached up and held the other man's face between his palms, holding him still as he deepened the kiss, running his tongue over Qui-Gon's lips before dipping inside. He explored the depths of that soft mouth before pulling back slightly, sucking gently on Qui-Gon's lower lip.

Qui-Gon inhaled sharply and pulled back, trying to retain some control. But as he kissed his was down the line of Obi-Wan's jaw to his neck, he dimly realized that this was not the way to maintain discipline. The fact that the young man was arching beneath him gasping and writhing under the caresses was not helping.

Even as he thought it, he didn't stop, tugging aside his Padawan's nightclothes to expose the lightly haired chest. He ran his fingers through the crisp curls and Obi-Wan shuddered in response, silently begging for more. Qui-Gon smiled, a surprisingly wicked smile that had Obi-Wan tensing in anticipation.

Lowering his head, he allowed his hair to fall forward, brushing over the young man's chest, the feather-light tendrils teasing his nipples. He kissed his way down the muscled chest, the length of his hair trailing behind him, until he came to the sleeping pants his apprentice wore. He traced the hard cock through the thin fabric with his fingers and was rewarded with a moan. He squeezed and stroked that heat until Obi-Wan was arching off the bed, noiselessly pleading.

Finally conceding, Qui-Gon tugged the pants down and off, tossing them impatiently aside. The cock that he had been teasing so delicately bounced into view, crimson and taut, the tip leaking clear fluid. He closed his eyes, inhaling that seductive, musky scent before he leaned forward, flicking his tongue over the head of that cock, tasting the salty-bitterness of pre-cum and Obi-Wan made a sound that was closer to a shout than a moan. Qui-Gon ran his tongue over the shaft, licking and tasting, ignoring the pleas above him.

Obi-Wan was on the edge of madness. He wanted to be taken, to be -in- that warm mouth. He caught Qui-Gon's head in his hands, only to have them captured and held down. Completely helpless now, he could only lie there and endure. That soft tongue swirled over the head of his cock and he arched upwards, wanting only to be surrounded by that heat, but Qui-Gon pulled up and back.

"Easy, my love," he whispered against the soft skin of Obi- Wan's inner thigh, and the young man thrilled at the endearment, before all thought deserted him as Qui-Gon took his throbbing cock deep into his mouth.

It was like being enclosed in tight, wet velvet and he nearly screamed at the ecstasy of it. Qui-Gon's hair was spread over Obi-Wan's stomach and thighs and every time Qui-Gon moved it caressed him as well, feeling far more wondrous than any of Obi-Wan's dreams.

Qui-Gon laved that hard cock with his tongue, wetting it thoroughly before pulling back, ignoring Obi-Wan's cries of protest. He skimmed quickly out of his own clothes and straddled the younger man. Obi-Wan looking up at him with startled eyes.

Qui-Gon gave him a quick smile, "Don't worry, my Padawan, I won't hurt you."

He wanted to say it wasn't himself that he was worried about but words deserted him as the older man carefully lowered himself on that wet, pulsing cock. Qui-Gon moaned, he couldn't help it, his control had deserted him and all his energy was focused on the golden man below him. He was beautiful in his passion, glistening with perspiration in the dim light, his head thrown back, eyes closed as Qui-Gon pressed further down, forcing Obi-Wan deeper into his body.

Of their own will Obi-Wan's hands grabbed the slim hips above him and jerked down hard, forcing himself deeper. Qui-Gon yelped, but not from pain, oh no, never from pain. No pain could be this engulfing, so totally absorbing. The pleasure seemed to vibrate between them as the moved together, gentleness lost as they coupled fiercely.

Obi-Wan forgot about not wanting to hurt his master, forgot everything but that tight haven surrounding his cock as he thrust upward, those muscles contracting around him with every plunge. It was over far too soon; his cock throbbed as he erupted into orgasm, spurting his heated seed deep inside. He shuddered, his body jerking helplessly as his senses were overloaded by sheer rapture.

It was only when he finally stilled that he realized that Qui-Gon was still moving above him, rubbing his cock between them as he sought his own release. Using what felt like his last ounce of energy Obi-Wan took the heated length in his hand and squeezed. It was enough, Qui-Gon cried out and came, spilling warm cream over Obi-Wan's hand and stomach before he collapsed. They both groaned as Obi- Wan's softening cock slid from Qui-Gon's body and they held each other, still trembling with aftershocks of pleasure.

Sated, heavy with exhaustion, Obi-Wan felt sleep dragging him downward, but he fought it, protesting dimly when his master pulled away from him. A reassuring kiss was pressed to his forehead and a moment later he felt a wet warmness as Qui-Gon gently cleaned him before settling beside him again, wrapping the sleepy young man in his arms. Obi-Wan returned the embrace, tangling his hands possessively in Qui-Gon's silky hair as he'd wanted to earlier that night and they both drifted to sleep, each warmed by the other's body and love.


You know if I was Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan I would be seriously wondering why every room they get only has one bed. Then again, I wouldn't be complaining either. (eg)

Questions, comments, to keelywolfe@aol.com