Waiting and Hoping on Bandomeer

by Azarad ( azarad@aol.com ) et al

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: PG-ish?

Warning: Silliness ahead

Summary: Please answer this letter. There's a very sad and heartsick Padawan out there who needs YOUR advice.

Category: Humor

Notes: See also the companion piece, Concerned and Confused on Bandomeer

Dear Heart Healer

I'm sure you've heard this before. I'm a Padawan and I'm in love with my Master. I know a crush is a pretty common thing with the training bond happening, but this time it's for real with me. Please let me know how I can attract his attention and get him to love me in return.

He may be a little older than middle age and have grey streaks in his hair but he's still very hot. When he clamps down on my shoulder with his big hand, I just shiver. His voice makes me hard. I want him to kiss me so bad.

I don't want to be too obvious about my feelings. I'd like him to believe he decided to love me without any tricks. I certainly don't want to influence his thinking with the Force. Everyone knows that's against the Padawan Code. Please help me, before I embarrass myself. By the way, he gave me this cool rock for my life day. What should I get him?

Waiting and hoping on Bandomeer

Archivist's Note:  Azarad posted this letter on the M_A list, and got several replies to it. All the replies are contained below.

Dear Waiting,

You are in a sadly common morass - it snares every padawan to their sorrow, sooner or later. You would do well to whip the head out and take a look around you.

If you are a Jedi Padawan you certainly have a head full of cautionary tales: Master/Apprentice love - after a variable interlude of sweaty ecstatic coupling assisted by Force application - always ends in heartbreak, bereavement or public execution. Often it occasions the fall of whole governments. It's just not worth it, Waiting, take it from me.

Spend more time on your homework. Try to join a club. Stay away from popular entertainment's and the holonet, which promote unrealistic and turgid visions of life.

Don't go out without your top on. Don't stay in without your top on. Under no circumstances gild your body with metallic paint or line your eyes with kohl. Avoid tight shorts at all costs. Never wear collars, never kneel seductively, never slide your hands where they shouldn't go. Never throw your head back and expose your throat, because that's the end for you. Don't do it! Never sigh and bow your proud back in an ecstasy of surrender and sob: "master!"

This stuff is just an expression of a powerless childhood, anyway. Blame the Jedi, not love.

And don't do drugs.


The Heart Healer

by Cynthia Martin - YCYMartin@aol.com

Dear Waiting and Hoping,

I saw your letter and felt compelled to answer.

I, too, am in love with a Jedi Master. Not my own, unfortunately. He's tall and handsome with these incredibly blue eyes - in a word, perfect. His voice is deep and he has a slight accent that gets even deeper when he's angry. I've only heard him angry one time, mind you, but it chilled me and thrilled me at the same time. He is every inch the serene Jedi.

He doesn't know I love him, of course. He has some little oaf of a Padawan right now, but just between you and me, I don't think it will last. Even if it does, I'm still hoping there is a chance the two of us can be together. I mean, after all, what could he possibly see in *him*?

I don't really have any advice for you, except to say not to give up on your dreams. I know I won't.

Oh, and if you get any good advice on how to get your Master to fall in love with you, could you send it along? I sure could use it.

Sincerely, Blondie in Coruscant

by The Rose - rosarocaminis@yahoo.com

Dear Waiting and Hoping,

You've come to the right place, dear. I get several hundred of these letters from lovelorn Padawans a year, and I do have some advice for you.

First, let me preface by saying that you sound young. You must know, I'm sure, that at your age, matters of the heart can be confusing. You've barely begun to live, little one, and can scarcely expect to know who you want to be with for the rest of your life.

My advice? Focus on the future. Your Knighthood is years ahead of you, still. Do nothing which could compromise that, or your working and teaching relationship with your Master. And, I can assure you, dear, he doesn't return your feelings. Masters just don't fall in love with their Padawans. They wouldn't permit themselves to.

I know it hurts, dear one. But, you must put your love aside and go on with your life. After you're Knighted, if you still have feelings for the man (who sounds much too old for you, anyway!), there will be time to pursue them, then.

As for his naming day, I advise you get him no present at all. It could easily be misconstrued in your current emotional state, and is hardly necessary. (You say he gave you a rock????) Your "gift" to him, if you must give him one, should be your obedience and devotion to your training.

Keep your chin up, Padawan. I promise you this hopeless love will fade.


The Heart Healer

by The Rose - rosarocaminis@yahoo.com

Dear Waiting and Hoping,

Your letter was forwarded to me and I hope I can offer you some sound advice. As a Master myself, I find teaching Padawans very rewarding. I enjoy their fresh perspectives and their amusing behavior. I've even been the subject of a few crushes in my younger days. That's partly why I can't allow myself the luxury of a Padawan Learner at the present time. My status and my position make me a target of the enemy. It would be unfair of me to place a young person into the direct line of fire.

Therefore, here is my advice to you. Seek someone your own age. Someone who is a Learner like yourself with whom you can discuss Jedi Philosophy. Someone who can help you with your homework. Someone who likes to take long exhilarating showers with you. Someone who does not steal your covers on sleepover nights. The sort of guy who likes the same things you like.

I remember fine times and uproarious adventures with my best friend, a fellow Padawan. He might have been bigger and stronger than me, but I was smarter. I remember he attracted a lot of attention with his long thick mane but my sleek appearance was appealing to him. And I was so happy in those days. He saved me a lot of heartache. You see, neither of us had sexy Masters...

Well, hope things work out. I hear Bandomeer is rather dull. All my best.

Chocolat Noir in Coruscant

by Azarad - azarad@aol.com

On Bandomeer Waiting and Hoping

This letter among a colleague's papers I found. Distressed I am. Afraid I am that true advice will not reach you in time. Love their Masters all Padawans do and natural the state is.

Not understand many. Unwilling many to love deeply and strongly. Do I say! Waiting and hoping no more. Instead, Do!

In Coruscant Ancient Wisdom

by Azarad - azarad@aol.com

"Oh, isn't this sweet. Another Padawan with a crush on his Master."

"Answer we can. Fun this will be."

"With all due respect, *Masters,* this is a very serious matter. We can't have Padawan learners mooning over their Masters when missions and schooling should be uppermost in their thoughts."

"Never young you were Mace, born old you were. Need to chill you do."


"Masters! Please! Can we get to this letter?"

"Alright, Depa, go right ahead. *You* answer him."


Dear Waiting and Hoping,

You are a wise Padawan to seek advice. Be assured that all Masters love their Padawans. While I know that you mean romantic love, you will come to learn that friendship is the basis of any growing love.

("Silly this is! Type I will now, Depa!")

Age matters not! If love you feel, show it you should.

("You can't tell the boy that! Move over and let me answer this.")

You should wait until your Knighting before approaching your Master with your feelings. Sports are a wonderful outlet for all that energy you have right now. Cold showers are my recommendation in dealing with feelings for hot Masters.

("Jealous you are. Know who we sent to Bandomeer you do.")

("I am not!")

("Oh, move over Mace!")

It's a lovely gesture to want to get your Master something on the anniversary of his life day. Since most Masters have very little time for themselves, it would be a kindness to do some chore for your Master on his life day. You might be able to write a report for him, fix one of his favorite meals, or even prepare a special bath. As a thoughtful Padawan, I'm sure you will think of something your Master will enjoy.

("Why don't you just tell him to jump in the sack with him?")

("Tsk, tsk, tsk. Meditate on this jealousy you should, Mace.")

("I'm *not* jealous!")

Live in the moment, Padawan.

Affectionately, Heart Healer

by Cuimne - cuimne@mindspring.com

Dear Weakheaded Sap on Bandomeer,

I knew it. I absolutely knew it. If anybody could have fallen for a (famously!) cold, controlling, maxim-spouting, grandstanding Jedi Master - against all advice and prudence and every damned thing they ever drummed into that thick head of yours back in the creche - well, it would have to be be you.

Oh, yes - I know who you are, you poor dope. Who do you think you're fooling? And permit me to thank you for spilling your guts all over the holonet, because you made my week. My sole regret is that I wasn't able to put real money on it, because I would have made a bundle.

Well, back to you: be assured I have given your touching dilemma much thought. My advice? Eat your heart out! Pine! Pine and moon and waste away and good luck to you, because you've fallen for the wrong guy. If we're both thinking of the same fellow (and you know we are) you're SOL, because this automaton in human guise has a lump of cold-riveted steel where his heart should be. Oh, I feel all warm and giddy thinking of the wretched years before you! The endless hunger and gnawing sorrow! The icy misery! The resentment that will curl around your vitals like a tapeworm until life loses all purpose and meaning! It's almost too nifty.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, you little suckup. You deserve each other. Have fun.

Your pal, A Dynamic CEO

by Cynthia Martin - YCYMartin@aol.com

Dear Padawan,

All things, even love, come to those who wait.

Bandomere is a lonely planet. I know because I am a Master who is also currently assigned to that sphere. Being wiser and older and all too familiar with the situation you find yourself in (albeit from the other side), perhaps I am qualified to advise you on your dilemma.

Let me suggest that while you are young and until you are knighted, you forge and enjoy to its fullest extent a deep friendship with your Master. After you are knighted, there will be plenty of time for both of you to explore deepening the friendship may become something more.

I realize that this is not the reply you would wish to hear. You would wish, I am sure, to be given permission to confess your heart's deepest yearnings to tell your Master that you love him and be loved by him. But even though you might unburden your heart to him, while you are under your Master's care and training he cannot reciprocate by confiding his own feelings. He would have to counsel you to silence and to waiting, and to the same path I've suggested. This would create unnecessary tension between you and perhaps even interfere with your training -- something he can never allow to happen.

Be assured, Padawan, that events will unfold as they are meant to and your patience will be rewarded. For now, I hope in the Force that you find peace and contentment in the protective, nurturing circle of your Master's arms while sharing whatever sleep pallet is available to you on Bandomere. Rest assured that your Master does love you. Perhaps a day will come when he will be able to demonstrate that love in ways both of you would wish. I hope so, for both your sakes.

Yours in the Force, Master 'Been There, Feel It Too'

by grave_tidings - grave_tidings@yahoo.com

Dear Waiting on Bandomeer,

Sweet lad, if you would permit me, I would be most honored to comfort you in my arms, consoling you in your time of sadness in order that I might bring you to fulfillment in joyful pleasure. Forsake the Master who is cold and distant. Take one who is warm and nourishing. Be assured that I would never turn you away from my door. Tenderly would I teach you all the many ways of delight.

Come to me. In my secret chamber, far from the glaring lights. I await you in the soft and comforting darkness...

His Honor, the Senator of Naboo

by Azarad - azarad@aol.com

Hey, Waiting:

Honey, do yourself a favour and get some experience first. Believe you me, with those Jedi-types, sugar, you can't just screw 'em. You gotta have a gimmick. If you're really a Padawan, you should know this. I mean, Jedi!! Wow, talk about stamina and more kinks than a Bandomeer garden hose!! Like, I've got this one regular, stops by every few weeks if he's around. Tall son of a bitch with a whole lotta hair. Anyway, kid, the guy's a powerhouse and, geez, this one's inventive!! That thing he did with the napkin ring and the pasta fork was pretty out there!! He's taught me a few things, and I was tanked and trained at the Guild's Home Base!! I mean, sure there's limits in gettin' educated when you've only been out of the tanks for a few turns but Jedi like him don't just wanna do ya---they want the whole meal: bantha cutlets with all the frills. So why not take a little vacation to the nearest Pleasure Resort and learn something? A stammering, scared little virgin ain't gonna make any Jedi stand up and take notice. If you ever come to the Fifth Sub-level on Coruscant, c'mon by and ask for me at Crikey's Coruscant Cloneworld. I'll show you some stuff that should make your iceberg Master turn into a puddle of goo.

Just remember, kid: anyone can do it. With a Jedi, the trick is to do it special.

Taa for now, Benny the Blaster

by Hippediva@aol.com


Stop yer whinin'. Try bein' a slave for once. I earn my keep and just try to survive. Got no time for moonin' over some big hunkin' guy who probably can't even fly a pod-racer.

I must say that for once I feel privileged. I thought Tatooine was a bad place to being dumped. Only one place worse and that's Bandomeer. Well, gotta get back to building a protocol droid from my mom. You should try doing something for a member of your family. What have the Jedi ever done for you?

A Kid on Tatooine

by Azarad - azarad@aol.com

Dis is to de Waiten un Hopen person,

Mesa hopen yousa not tinkin mesa wude for answering dis, but yousa in big dudu, mesa tinkin, un maybe my help yousa needen. See, mesa been havin da moto grande dreamies about dis big Oie Boie one. Hesa muimui tall and has'um des cute wittle-bitty ears and dis hairy-man face un lotsa de long hair and meesa wants to wrappa meesa tongue around his dickydick un . . .

Ex-squeeze me, but summatimes mesa gets cawazy justa tinkin about dissa one! Mesa not meetin him yet, but mesa tinks mesa gonna somesday. Un, yousa no tellen nobombody, okeyday, but mesa tinkin hesa Jedi person, a Master-Jedi, maybe.

Whatz mesa sayin is dat mesa's in luv, samey as yous. So, mesa tinks you should tell dis Master-Jedi of yous howen yousa feel. Next time yousa seein him, you runnin rights up to him and wrappen yous arms around him and yousa kissen hims. Mesa tinks dissen be a berry berry good ting. Den, maybe hesa tells yous he luv you mooie-mooie too, okeyday? Den, eberyting be hunky-dory, mesa tinkin.

Mesa yous humble servaunt, Bombad Banished on Naboo

by The Rose - rosarocaminis@yahoo.com

Dear Hopeless Young Sir,

We thank you for your letter. I am merely a frolicking shepherdess in the bucolic pastures of my verdant homeworld with no idea whatsoever of my destiny and high station but I feel that I must respond.

Hopeless take no precipitous action. Whatever your feelings you must continue to rely on negotiation. I feel this so strongly I am almost agitated enough to move or register a facial expression. I am beside myself actually. How I pity you and condole your desperate predicament and how very terrifying is the choice you must make but I cannot condone a course of action that will lead you to heartbreak. No no whatever you do don't do that.

Hopeless love is a an endlessly turning path and each course represents a grave danger to us all so remember your duty to your people and never fall in love. If love should come to me I will not cooperate. I suggest you do the same H. on B.

we remain, P

by Cynthia Martin - YCYMartin@aol.com





> Dear Heart Healer > > I'm sure you've heard this before.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 1836-DE): It is natural to get aroused when trying to procure the semen of a Bantha for health tests. It does not mean you are infatuated with it, you should most certainly NOT act on the assumption that you are in love with it. Or in a previous incantation of the Force: a gay Bantha.

I'm a Padawan and I'm in love with my > Master. I know a crush is a pretty common thing with the training bond > happening, but this time it's for real with me. Please let me know how I can > attract his attention and get him to love me in return.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 8376-JI): I do not believe, Crescent Mark, that the training bond should be used in such a manner. It is a tool for your Master to communicate with you in moments of danger. It is also an intermingling your trust and faith in one another. It is not an avenue for mutual masturbation that your master 'frowns upon, because he's a gorgeous, but conservative, old fucker.'

> His voice makes me hard. I want him to kiss me so bad.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 2344-OW): From the Travels of Yoda 'Kissing with tongue should not be attempted with Gungan folk, for their enthuiastic passion can prove deadly, to those without gills and only lungs for breathing.' But everything else is safe, Curious For Frogs. > I don't want to be too obvious about my feelings. I'd like him to believe he > decided to love me without any tricks.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 3121-DS): It is permissible, in the course of missions of class AA status, when absolutely necessary, for a Master to turn tricks - as in prostitution, trade sexual acts for gain or favours, in order to rescue his/her Padawan. It is forbidden, for a Padawan to attempt such.

I certainly don't want to influence > his thinking with the Force. Everyone knows that's against the Padawan Code.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 3554-PO): Dear Windy Mace, for the last time, there is no such thing as a Padawan code that says 'Qui-Gon- Jinn's hot apprentice must sleep with his Master's clsoe-friend who must also hold the 2nd seat on the Council'. And I resent that you accuse me of keeping me all to myself. He's just . . . special. No, I would not advise you to ask him out, for Force's Sakes!!

> Please help me, before I embarrass myself.


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 1765-TY): There is no shame, in self- manipulation. Even if it is back there.

By the way, he gave me this cool > rock for my life day. What should I get him?


(MASTER QUI_GON_JINN LINE 1222): On the matter of gift giving on life day, I would suggest you visit the Rock-Imporium on level 3097. They have a plentyful selection of geological stones and elements. I believe a rock, before which you've meditated all your love, hopes and affection for the giftee would make a meaningful present. With a subtle hint of romance.


by Boots - obi_wan_kenobi69@hotmail.com

Hey You Stupid Padawan on Bandomeer!

I can't believe you've been dumb enough to fall for your Master. I mean, every Jedi Master I've met is crunchy and old and all serious. All they drink is tea and none of them is into good stuff like building droids or racing pods. They're all so borrrring except this one I met once who liked to bet and didn't talk down to me, he took the time to explain stuff and was really, really wizard. My mom liked him too and I think they messed around on the dunes behind our house, but he left her behind and took just me with him, so even he turned out to be a snot, see? Not that he's into boys or anything, he's not, it's just that I wish he'd taken my mother with us 'cause I miss her a lot. Do you ever miss your mom?

Anyway, if you end up kissing this Master guy, it's gonna get gross really fast. Like MAJOR fast. I mean, they'll probably take you away from him and throw you out of the Order 'cause you're not supposed to fall in love AT ALL. You're supposed to be just a JEDI, right? Duty first and the Code forever, right?

You need help, dude. I hope Yoda sees your stupid letter and knows who you are. But he's up high in his mucky-muck Council Tower and I don't think he reads stuff like this, so maybe....

Hey! I know what! I'll give your letter to a friend of mine. He's a Senator, a really neat dude, but he's good with the Force too. He'll know what to do. If you're really good and ask him nice, maybe he'll become your Master and teach you all this cool Sith stuff and give you your Master to play with like he says he's gonna do with me. You and me could be real good friends then, huh?

Talk to you again soon! Bye!

Wizard Padawan Ani

by grave_tidings - grave_tidings@yahoo.com

Dear Waiting and Hopeless,

Oh good grief! Not another disgusting, lovesick Jedi Padawan. Man, you dweebs are just pouring out of that Temple stonework, aren't you? When are you wimpy, spineless apprentices going to learn that Masters spend half their time just waiting for you to develop that puppy-eyed, tail-wagging crush on them, before they break your heart by picking up some (blonde) kid who's even cuter than you.

Mind you, from your description you should count your lucky star systems. At least your Master sounds like a total stud. I'm stuck with a frizzy-haired Senator from some backwater planet that no one's ever heard of.

Take it from me, kid, this apprentice lark is tough enough without complicating matters with a messy love life. And you get ****-all for your efforts. Look at me. Years of faithful service and what have I got? A wardrobe in basic black, a free tattoo, and a dental bill that would make a Hutt cry. Mind you, it's a *really* cool tattoo, if I don't say so myself...)

But if you insist, don't let me keep you from making a fool of yourself. And forget that crap in the Padawan-Shmadawan Code while you're at it. A few Darkside Force nudges never hurt any one, and they're sure to get his attention. A birthday gift? I've got just the ticket. DMs Handy Dandy Manual of 1001 Tried and True Ways to Avoid a Double-Bladed Lightsabre in Combat. Trust me. Every Jedi Master needs one.

Yours, A Sith-in-Training

by Catherine Budgell - ginseng1ca@yahoo.ca

Here's another one that someone handed me . . . Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. 8^}

The Rose


To Waiting and Hoping on Bandomeer,

I am not, nor will I ever be, a heart healer, but I felt compelled to answer this letter anyway. And you, dear boy, are NOT a Jedi Padawan! How do I know? BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A JEDI PADAWAN! That's just something I made up, okay?

There are no Jedi, there is no Padawan Code, there isn't even a Bandomeer, for cripes sake! IT'S ALL A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION! JUST A MOVIE, GET IT? So, my advice to you is to get a life. Find yourself someone real to love. Buy yourself some dirty magazines. Scrape up some dough and hire yourself a date. Oh, and if you're not locked away in some loony bin, be sure to go see "Star Wars, Attack of the Clones," coming soon to a theater near you.

Sincerely, GL, producer, writer, B.S. (big-shot supreme)

from The Rose - rosarocaminis@yahoo.com


You are a sad excuse for a young Jedi. To pine after your old, foolish Master as you do! Didn't he teach you self-reliance to you? Didn't he teach you to find joy and pleasures with your fellow Padawans? Hasn't he taught you to jack off in private or in one of the many gardens of the Temple?

And I *know* who you are, so don't even try to hide your identity from me, a senior member of the Jedi High Council! Your game is up, so you better stop playing all innocent and coy! You, my dear boy, do not know what it means to *really* get hard from your Master's touch. Don't know what it means to have his silken falls of soft hair brush over your nipples. Don't know how sweet his lucious mouth can be when it takes you whole and completely, and be pounded into a matress by his blade-O-bliss... but I degress!

Fuck the hearthealers - what *you* need is some horde of chicks who'd give their right arm and all their fortune to bed you! Forget your Master, your future lies outside the Temple. For example, a nice neighborhood mill would suit you much better than trudging from crisis to crisis with your *old* Master!

So, my strong advice to you is this - get a grip on yourself, boy! Or I shall make sure to get a hold of *you* to teach you a very important lesson - your Master Qui-Gon is MINE!

Master Windu, Jedi Highest Council :p

PS: Oh, and stop circulating all these sicko stories about you and him "doing it"! You may call yourself by whatever pen name you wish, I *know* you write them all! But let me assure you, there can be only one OTP - Qui and me!

by Master Windu - master_windu65@yahoo.com

Dear Waiting and Hoping on Bandomeer,

This is soooo fascinating! Giving of rocks is a cultural norm in only a few humanoid cultures in your Galaxy! (I am told you and your Master are both Humanoids).

Is your Master a native of Z'lastaer Prime? There, the giving of a rock for someone's life day indicates that the giver finds the recipient supremely annoying and usually is followed by the giver tossing the recipient into a live volcano. Fortunately, there are no known live volcanos on Bandomeer.

On the other hand, if he is, say - from Teleania Secundus, the giving of a rock for a life day gift indicates a sincere desire to have a one night stand involving a good many marshmallows and some strategically placed rubber (neon silver) balls.

However, since statistical data indicates that force sensitives are rare on either of those planets, my guess is that your Master may simply have given you something he placed high sentimental value on. Plus, shopping facilities on Bandomeer suck.

Your best bet is to wait until you are closer to knighthood and then approach him. The strong, noble-browed, silent types are notorious for being stubborn about these things,(ask me about my own partner, could I tell you stories about stubborn!).

Hang in there, An Anthopologist Somewhere In the Rain Forest

PS: UNLESS - Is there any chance your Master's homeworld is Delevan Tertius? IF he is very tall, extremely well-built, has blue eyes and wears his hair long, then chances are good this is home for his people. Just asking, because if he is a native of Delevan Tertius AND he gave you a really cool rock, then you've hit the Padawan jackpot.

Delevans use cool rocks as lifeday gifts to indicate they've selected the recipient as a potential bondmate (i.e. husband/wife/lifepartner - whatever terminology you prefer). Usually, the recipient of such a rock is a little older than you are, Padawan, but sometimes the rocks are given as a sort of "pre-promise." Interesting, from a statistical standpoint.

by Nansi Alexander - nansi_alexander@yahoo.com