Lessons in Passion

by Robin Serrano

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: NC-17

Category: First time, Romance

Spoilers: None

Warnings: None, except the usual-- contains graphic M/M sex (But to be safe, read the notes!).

Archive: M_A Sure. Anyone else, sure-- just let me know where.

Feedback: Sure. Flames will be flushed down the john after I've had a good laugh at them, but crits are welcome.

Summary: Obi-Wan has become a man, physically and emotionally. So the time has come for him to learn of the pleasures and responsibilities of human sexuality. The Lessons will prove more difficult for Master than Padawan, though.

**double asterisks indicate shared thoughts.**

Who owns the boys: Duh. The mighty George does. I do this for fun, mine and yours, and not a penny will be earned from this.

Notes: This story, by complete coincidence, has a vaguely similar theme to Love Lessons, posted to the list only.

However this story features an Obi-Wan who is of age (19 to be exact). I believe my story contains a perfectly legitimate premise for dealing with Padawan sexuality. I feel it's only fair to acknowledge the slight similarity to Love Lessons, but at the same time, I do want to stress that there are major differences as well. In my story, Padawan sexuality is acknowledged and handled by the Jedi Order according to rule and tradition and the will of the force.

Because of the very coincidental timing of the discussions, I felt I had to clarify that so that readers could make a more informed decision on whether or not to read this fic. I don't want people who are on opposite sides of the issue to make assumptions just because there is a similarity. This was almost finished by the time Love Lessons part one was posted. I'm not using my fic to make a stand.

Finally, thanks so very much to Kamil for the beta. You rock, babe!

"It's time, Qui-Gon. You can't allow your own discomfort to harm your Padawan," Jedi Council member Mace Windu insisted. "He's no longer a boy. It is unfair and unwise to deprive him of what his adulthood entails."

Qui-Gon sighed and dropped his chin to his chest. He knew they were right; Obi-Wan was ready for the Passion Exercises. Padawans tended to reach that stage of readiness at different ages, being that there were differences in the various species. But for human males, the age of eighteen seemed to be the age of both emotional and physical readiness-- and both were imperative.

In Obi-Wan's case, though, his Master had waited still another year beyond that. Padawans were not always taken through the Exercises by their own Masters. It depended upon the will of the Force. The right person to guide a Padawan into physical adulthood was revealed to the council and the Masters when the time was right. Qui-Gon had felt the beginnings of the Force telling him it was Obi-Wan's time, and had also felt the inevitability that he must carry out the exercises with his Padawan himself; but he had procrastinated. He wasn't sure he could do it with the proper perspective.

"We know of your feelings for the boy, Qui-Gon. And still the Council feels that you are the chosen Master for his training in the Passion Exercises. What is meant to be cannot be denied. You know this," Mace reminded his old friend as gently as he could.

"I will begin immediately. You are quite right, I cannot let his development suffer from my folly. Have his hormone suppressants been removed from his diet?" Qui-Gon asked. He had to know if his Padawan would begin to feel the normal hormonal fluctuations of a nineteen year old.

"As of yesterday. And we instructed the Health Center to cease sending him the injection supplements. By this evening, your Padawan will be experiencing the physical desires expected of a young man his age," Mace answered and sat back in seat, his body language telling Qui-Gon that the conversation was coming to an end.

"I'll file the standard reports with the Health Center at the required intervals," Qui-Gon told Mace formally and bowed, ready to get out of there.

"They need not be detailed, Qui-Gon. Enough to know that he can handle the emotional responsibility."

"Thank you."

And Qui-Gon exited. He sighed heavily as he entered the lift. He wasn't sure that he could do it. Obi-Wan was so young. So beautiful. He loved him desperately. How could he teach him about passion, sex and love knowing that once he learned, he would most likely take that knowledge elsewhere?

It was procedure for all Padawans to be given medications to alter their body chemistries. Young people were so volatile when it came to sex and passion. The Order could not afford to lose promising young Jedi to base emotions wrought by dangerous desires. Thus, those urges were suppressed. They were taught the physical and biological process of the act. They need not be ignorant of the concepts. But they were taught so while they were under the influence of hormonal dampeners so they would not be distracted by the normal curiosities of the young.

And when the Padawans reached a high enough level of maturity, emotionally and physically, the medications were taken away and they were permitted to feel the full effects of their own natural body chemistry; with a dedicated Master there to ease them into that often difficult transition to adulthood-- sexual awareness and responsibility.

Padawans still under medication were simply uninterested in sex and did not experience physical desire. Once that medication was taken from them, their bodies resumed normal production of hormones immediately. It was essential for their Passion instructors to be on hand for that occurrence, as it was often overwhelming at first.

But once Padawans had been through the training, they were free to explore sexual liaisons with whomever they chose-- as long as that partner was also off of the hormone dampeners and Passion Trained. Those no longer on the medication could spot those who were immediately, through the Force. It was forbidden to speak about the process with those still Untrained, and most definitely the innocent and Untrained were never to be approached with sexual intent.

But soon, Obi-Wan would be trained. And he would be free to connect with any of the many Padawans and Knights who had been waiting not so patiently for his young Apprentice to become fair game.

Qui-Gon had watched while Obi-Wan had been watched. He had been the subject of longing gazes and subtle inquiry for nearly two years, the last year being the worst. Obi-Wan could barely pass by a training hall without an older Padawan or a Knight probing subtly at him to see if he was Trained in the Passions. Qui-Gon had also felt the mild ripples of chagrin when those Padawans and Knights had realized Obi-Wan was still Untrained and thus strictly off limits.

This Training would be heartbreaking for Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon noticed the subtle changes in his Apprentice during their sparring session. Obi-Wan was slightly more aggressive, though not realizing it. He moved with his usual unconscious grace and feline flexibility, but his adrenaline was pumping and his body was singing a mating call with every twist and thrust of his light saber.

Finally, Qui-Gon called a halt to the session. It was time to get Obi-Wan somewhere private. "That's enough for today, Obi-Wan. Time to get cleaned up and have our evening meal."

Obi-Wan nodded and followed silently, though the confusion he felt was plain on his face and in their bond.

The walk back to their shared quarters seemed to take forever. Qui-Gon placed a protective shield around his Padawan, but still, every Passion Trained Jedi they passed nearly gasped as they walked by. His newly born body chemistry was sending out industrial strength pheromones. Qui-Gon counted not less than ten speculative glances by the time they reached their door and the Master knew that upon completion of this training, Obi-Wan would be highly pursued.

The door closed behind them and Obi-Wan turned to him in confusion, but was not distressed. "Master, what is this strange sensation? Can you feel it through our bond?"

"Yes, I can feel it. It's nothing to worry about. It is but a stage in your growth. You're becoming a man Obi-Wan. But there is time this evening to talk about that. Go, shower. We'll eat when you are finished."

Obi-Wan nodded dutifully. "Yes, Master." And he did as he was told.

Qui-Gon set the table with the bread, cheese and cold meats for their meal and then went to get himself cleaned. After their meal they would begin the first phase of the training.

They ate silently, Obi-Wan deep in thought about the strange feelings in his body, and Qui-Gon placidly watching him. Qui-Gon didn't have to probe their bond to know what was on his Padawan's mind. He just wasn't sure if the process of putting him at ease would be the life of him or the death of him.

"Will we have reading tonight, Master?" Obi-Wan asked as he got the last of their dishes put away.

"No, Padawan. We have other lessons tonight," he answered with all the serenity he could muster.

He stood and faced his Apprentice in the middle of their common room. "These exercises might seem strange to you at first, but they are done for good reason. The council has determined that I am the most suitable instructor in these lessons and that it is time for you to have them," he said without his voice cracking. So far so good.

"It's about those strange feelings, right Master? The one that make me feel like there are tiny winged creatures fluttering in my stomach?" he asked, all wide eyed innocence.

"Yes, Obi-wan. It's about those feelings. Do you remember when you were taught the anatomies of most known species?" At his nod Qui-Gon continued. "You were instructed in their reproductive and coital habits. Well, now that you are practically a man, it is time for you to learn about the emotions that should accompany those mating habits."

Obi-Wan's eyes narrowed, almost disbelieving, if not for the fact that he trusted his Master implicitly. "You're saying that feeling in my belly means that I am experiencing mating emotions?"

Qui-Gon chuckled. "In a sense. But more accurately, Obi-Wan, that feeling means that you are ready to learn about the passion involved in sexual habits. You are ready to learn that passion carries responsibility. You are ready to learn to control the most dangerous and volatile of emotions."

"How will you teach me to control these emotions, Master?" he asked, not quite making the connection yet.

"There are three phases of the Training. Receiving pleasure, giving pleasure and sharing pleasure. Throughout these lessons, you will learn to understand and control the emotions that accompany the physical acts," Qui-Gon explained.

His Apprentice nodded solemnly, realizing the gravity of controlling dangerous feelings. But the boy obviously did not yet realize the nature of their lessons. As was evidenced by his next question. "Are there texts to study for this? Meditation exercises?"

Qui-Gon felt his cheeks burning as he prepared to answer. "No, my Padawan. The lessons are all hands on. So if you please, take my hand and come with me. We need for you to remove your clothes."

Obi-Wan's jaw fell open. But he obeyed. He took the proffered hand and allowed himself to be led to Qui-Gon's bedroom. Qui-Gon reminded himself every other second to remain in control. He was supposed to be setting the example after all.

Obi-Wan's tunic was removed slowly. The young man watched with much curiosity and some apprehension as the garment was peeled off of his shoulders. He was barefoot when he came from the shower so all that remained was his leggings. Qui-Gon gently pushed him onto his back on the bed. He could sense the beginnings of arousal through their bond, along with some trepidation. His Padawan knew of the mechanics, but faced with the reality, he was unsure that he would respond properly.

Qui-Gon had to smile. Obi-Wan was ever eager to please, to perform to his Master's expectations.

He lifted the waistband of the leggings and pulled them down. Obi-wan lifted his hips helpfully to get them over the swell of his buttocks, and seconds later the pants were gone, and Obi-Wan was nude. Oh, but he was so splendid. Sleek and compact, he had a dusting of hair on his toned chest, and a soft trail under his navel that led to golden-reddish curls at his groin. And his cock was beginning to rapidly fill and lengthen. He raised onto his elbows and looked upon his own arousal with a wondrous expression.

His first erection. Blue-green eyes wide, he captured Qui-Gon's gaze, unable to voice the question. "Yes, Obi-Wan, it is quite normal. You have been protected from this type of physical response because you were not ready. Now you are ready."

He laid down beside his Padawan and tentatively caressed his cheek. Obi-Wan practically purred with pleasure at his touch. Qui-Gon shivered. So beautiful in his responsiveness. "What now, my Master?"

"Now you learn the pleasure of a kiss." Qui-Gon lowered his lips to Obi-Wan's. He brushed against them, softly at first. Then with a little more pressure. He felt Obi-Wan's mouth curl and purse instinctively, receiving his kisses with tenderness and affectionate acceptance.

Then Qui-Gon slipped his tongue passed Obi-Wan's lips to explore the wet sweetness of his mouth. His Padawan gasped and then sighed contentedly. Qui-Gon's hand lightly skimmed the soft skin of Obi-Wan's belly as he deepened the kiss. His hand roamed to the satiny flank as he began to suck gently on Obi-Wan's tongue.

Qui-Gon gave a sensual rub of his own tongue over the sensitive ridges on the roof of Obi-Wan's mouth just as his fingertip swirled over the leaking tip of his Padawan's erection. He swallowed Obi-Wan's scream and finally lifted his head to watch the glorious eruption of hot semen spray over his flat stomach.

Panting and visibly dazed, Obi-Wan watched himself come for the first time. His eyes were wild and his emotions soared in desperate flight. Qui-Gon soothed him with words and with a mental embrace through their bond. and with tender caresses over his Padawan's silky skin.

At last words were able to form. "Master, I. that was."

"Your first ejaculation," Qui-Gon supplied with a grin.

"Well, obviously," Obi-Wan chuckled happily. "But what I meant to say was. Thank you. Is that appropriate?"

Qui-Gon felt so warmed by the young man-- and he had to admit, he was now a man. "Yes, it's appropriate. When someone gives you the gift of pleasure, gratitude is quite acceptable. But what else do you feel?"

"I feel. unglued. Undone," he answered honestly.

"Powerful physical responses can have that effect. What else, Padawan?"

Obi-Wan smiled softly. "I feel affection. Lots of it. It makes me feel. warm inside. I think that's why I wanted to thank you. I'm not sure if my climax caused that warmth or if-- if you did. I suspect both," he whispered and locked his gaze to his Master's.

Qui-Gon swallowed the lump in his throat. "Very perceptive, Obi-Wan. It is both. The feeling you get inside after a climax is so much more inviting when the one who helped you achieve it cares for you. Sex without affection, love, or respect is a very empty feeling, Padawan."

"You do feel affection for me," Obi-Wan said as if he just realized it.

"Of course I do, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You've been under my care for six years and you are an exemplary young man." He softened his voice before he continued and said what he really felt. "And I have nothing but the utmost affection and respect for you, my Padawan."

He brushed a gentle kiss to Obi-Wan's forehead. "Now it's time to get you cleaned up so we may begin our next lesson," Qui-Gon murmured and reached to the bedside table for the washcloths he'd had waiting for their lessons.

"Phase Two?" Obi-Wan asked hopefully and a bit saucily. Qui-Gon caught the curious thoughts Obi-Wan projected about his Master's bodily pleasures.

"Not yet, my Obi-Wan. There is still much for you to learn about receiving pleasure before you learn how to give it," Qui-Gon answered with a chuckle.

"Yes, Master," his Padawan answered happily.

Obi-Wan was comfortably snuggled against his Master. It hadn't bothered him the least to be naked while Qui-Gon was still clothed in a light tunic and leggings. Having been raised with no curiosity about sex and the resulting inhibitions, Obi-Wan was quite used to being casual in his nudity around his Master.

But after long moments of idle caresses from Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan began to feel those exhilarating flutters in his stomach again. One such brushing of Qui-Gon's hand over the rise of his buttocks elicited a long shudder.

"It would seem you are sufficiently rested," Qui-Gon noted with amusement.

Obi-Wan's answering smile was partly shy, but mostly curious. The young man was obviously eager to see what his next lesson would entail.

"Obi-Wan? Do you enjoy this touch?" Qui-Gon asked and again skimmed the soft skin of his Padawan's rear.

Obi-Wan shivered again. "Oh yes, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled. "That's because your body knows that there is pleasure to be had there. I'm going to show you just how much."

Obi-Wan's reply was throaty and sure. "Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon moved from under his Padawan's embrace. His apprentice watched avidly as he pulled his tunic off slowly. The young man was mesmerized by the time Qui-Gon reached for the drawstring of his leggings. When they dropped to the floor, Qui-Gon saw a stunned and hungry look in Obi-Wan's eyes. Oh yes, his Apprentice was most eager. It made his erection swell and lengthen even further. He could never have done this if Obi-Wan had not been so. enthusiastic.

But he was. And his genuine eagerness and affection for him made the lessons seem all the more natural. Damned Mace was right. He was the fated teacher in these exercises. Thus it was with his own sense of eagerness and relief that he prepared to begin the most intense lesson of receiving pleasure.

He knelt on the bed in front his Padawan and drew him for a long, probing kiss. His tongue thrust into the sweet heat of Obi-Wan's mouth in a deliberate rhythm. After a moment, the young man was gasping and teetering on the edge of frenzy. He pulled back with some regret.

"Steady, now Padawan. We have all night for Phase One. There you are. Breathe. Good." Qui-Gon's dialogue was accompanied by soothing caresses to Obi-Wan's back while he held him in a loose embrace.

"Remember to breathe and to try to keep yourself centered. Enjoy the sensations, but keep yourself anchored," he whispered into his ear.

"I understand," Obi-Wan murmured, under control once more, but sporting a needful erection.

"Good. Now, turn yourself around and place your palms against the wall," Qui-Gon instructed gently and assisted his turning with a steady hand on his shoulder. As usual, Obi-Wan did as told without question.

"Do you remember that touch to your backside that you enjoyed?" Qui-Gon asked, wanting to be sure his Apprentice understood everything that would happen to him. It was difficult though, to speak about it rather than just embrace the beautiful young man and do it.

"I remember, Master," Obi-Wan answered softly and with anticipation he couldn't hide.

"Well, as I said, there is pleasure to be had, and your body senses it in that touch. But Obi-Wan, what we are about to do can be painful if you do not trust the man you are with. Sex without trust cannot bring true pleasure. And in this act, lack of trust can bring pain. Do you understand?" he gently stroked the back presented to him while explained.

"Of course! I trust you completely, Master," he replied instantly, even a bit hurt that he would question him in that, judging by the sudden stiffness in Obi-Wan's shoulders..

"I had to sure," Qui-Gon quickly soothed and smoothed away the tension with his hands. Hands that soon drifted lower to cup and fondle the rounded cheeks of Obi-Wan's ass. His Padawan let out a half sigh-half moan at the touches.

"There's even more, Obi-Wan. Stay relaxed and I will make you feel wonderful," he whispered into the young man's ear and took a quick nibble of the tantalizing lobe.

Carefully, Qui-Gon spread the firm cheeks and let one finger brush over the tight, warm treasure hidden in between. Obi-Wan gasped sharply. Qui-Gon smiled as he Apprentice began to speak to him through their bond.

**I don't remember this in any of my sexual anatomy courses, Master. but. ohhhh. I'm not complaining.**

Qui-Gin chuckled. **Male to male intercourse will not result in procreation, Padawan. I suppose they left it out as less important.**

"Oh, Master," Obi-Wan groaned as the fingertip dipped just inside him. "It feels so very important to me."

Qui-Gon's lips skimmed the young man's neck, his tongue occasionally peaking out to taste. "It is important. Any time two beings come together in this way, it is important."

Qui-Gon pulled his finger away, shushing Obi-Wan's protests with a soft kiss. The fingertip was back very soon and slick. This time, once the tip was inside, Qui-Gon kept going. Obi-Wan moaned long and slow and his head fell back onto Qui-Gon's shoulder.

Obi-Wan wasn't rejecting the gently probing digit, but his muscles were tensing and relaxing convulsively, unused to penetration of any kind. Slowly the finger slid inside to Qui-Gon's third knuckle. Oh, it was so tight and so hot, and Obi-Wan's sensual writhing on his hand threatened to undo him.

His Padawan's own undulating led to the tiny nudge against the hidden gland deep inside him. Obi-Wan gasped sharply, lunged toward the wall and jutted his hips backward onto Qui-Gon's hand.

"Feels good, doesn't it, Padawan," Qui-Gon murmured.

"I. I could never have imagined." Obi-Wan managed to gasp out. He was panting harshly, rolling his pelvis, his body seeking more stimulation.

Qui-Gon deftly added a second finger to the tight opening. Obi-Wan welcomed it with a groan, and Qui-Gon employed all his knowledge, skills and self control to pleasurably stretch the impossibly tight ring of muscle. He had to be sure this most virgin of entrances was ready for him. Pain was not an option.

Several minutes of languorous probing and fondling, and Obi-Wan was moaning, hard and finally ready.

"This will be easiest your first time if you are on your hands and knees, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon whispered softly against his ear.

Obi-Wan gulped, nodded and shakily assumed the position. The vision of it nearly sent Qui-Gon off like a shooting star into orgasm. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply and forced his over-anxious body to obey his command of control.

He knelt behind his lovely and wanton Apprentice, caressing the creamy, firm cheeks presented to him. Then with one hand he positioned his erection, the other soothingly stroking the small of Obi-Wan's back.

Slowly, he began to press inside.

Their groans harmonized as the head of Qui-Gon's cock gained entry with steady insistence. Stilling for a moment, Qui-Gon checked their bond, relieved to sense no distress. Minimal discomfort, but thankfully no pain.

"Please, Master, I need more," Obi-Wan whispered huskily and tried to push backward.

"Shsh. Easy now, Padawan. There will be more. I don't want to hurt you," Qui-Gon soothed and steadied his Apprentice with a firm stroke along his hip.

He then pressed his oiled cock a little further inside. Blessed heavens, it was so hot, so moist, and so tight! The slick channel gripped and caressed him as he eased more and more into Obi-Wan's body. At last the dark curls at his groin nudged against his Padawan's fair cheeks. He was completely buried.

Obi-Wan's arms trembled and then gave out, sending him down to his elbows. Qui-Gon dropped with him, with the momentum, and his cock nudged ever deeper. Both moaned and shivered at the sensations.

Qui-Gon fought fiercely for control. His body wanted to pull out quickly and slam back inside; his body wanted to rut wildly and claim the beautiful body beneath him. Obi-Wan was moaning and trying again to force movement, to feel the blessed friction. Qui-Gon began to move, but so slowly, as gently as he could manage given his own driving need.

"Steady, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon instructed.

**Remember control, my Padawan. It will feel just as wonderful-- more so, in fact, if we take the time to appreciate it.**

**So intense. there's so much to feel** Obi-Wan sent back, even his thoughts reduced to fragments.

Slowly pulling out while still sending mental waves of assurance, Qui-Gon encouraged his Padawan to let himself feel the sensations but not to allow them to carry him away.

As he thrust back inside, he sent a silent command. **feel me, Obi-Wan. Not just the pleasure, but me as well.**

Their movements gained a gentle rhythm. Anchored to one another's unconditional affection, they rode the rippling waves of sensation, the pleasure increasing as did the surety of their mutual tenderness.

"Ohhhhh, yes!" Obi-Wan cried out.

Qui-Gon reached for Obi-Wan's erection in time to feel his release spilling into his hand. The sheer magnitude of Obi-Wan's pleasure, combined with the delicious clench of Obi-Wan's inner muscles, were too much. Qui-Gon was sent on a spiral of ecstasy that left him dizzy, shaking and coming, oh-so hard deep inside his quaking and whimpering Padawan.

The joy was astounding and Qui-Gon was unsure his shields could contain the feelings to their quarters. As he and his replete Padawan collapsed to the bed in a sweaty, sated heap, he was suddenly quite sure that the whole of the Temple had had a residual orgasm of their own.

Qui-Gon could feel the lustful, inquiring mental probes that so many Knights and older Padawan's were projecting toward their quarters. The sheer strength of Obi-Wan's sexual charisma was a magnet in the living force.

Obi-Wan was not in the least aware of any of it-- not the seductive pull of his allure and not the intense desire so many at the Temple held for him in anticipation of his Passion Exercises having been completed. Qui-Gon had had to explain to his Padawan that until he completed this Training that he would be vulnerable because his emotions were in a rather raw condition. He'd not gone into details, feeling that he should wait and explain the young man's options after the training. He did not want Obi-Wan to be distracted by the veritable sexual buffet that would laid at his feet when they finally emerged from their quarters.

They'd been sequestered for three days already and Qui-Gon estimated that they would come forth from their quarters in three more days. Just three short days and his Padawan would be free to choose whatever sexual outlets were presented to him. Oh, it hurt to think about, but he loved Obi-Wan completely and unconditionally. He would let the cherished young man have his rightful freedom, and he would do so with as much outward acceptance as he could muster. Internal acceptance would be a long and painful process, and one he would accomplish without the knowledge of his tender hearted Apprentice.

This next phase would be bittersweet for the Jedi Master. Obi-Wan was eager to begin to learn to give pleasure. He had no idea how it would torture Qui-Gon once the lesson was over and he would no longer have the exquisite honor of his Padawan's touch, directed at him and solely for him.

They'd spent much of the day in meditation and the approaching dusk was signaling the hour of fleshly pursuits. Both freshly showered, they sat nude on Qui-Gon's bed, laid back against the pillows and pulled one another into a gentle embrace.

Obi-Wan nuzzled into Qui-Gon's neck, his lips playing over his Master's sensitive skin and his tongue darting out to lap and taste. Qui-Gon shivered and tightened his hold. Such a wanton and generous partner. Giving pleasure seemed to be a natural talent for the young man.

"Is it time yet, Master?" he murmured into Qui-Gon's ear. "I wish so much to learn to return the amazing sensations you've given me."

"Yes, Obi-Wan, it is time," he conceded, part of him dreading its loss already, another part of him singing delight in his Padawan's eagerness.

"Um. what do I need to do?" Obi-Wan asked, suddenly a bit shy.

"You don't have to do anything, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon answered, the start of a smile forming on his lips.

"But I want to do something," the young man insisted, clearly confused.

Qui-Gon chuckled and replied after an affectionate kiss to Obi-Wan's forehead. "Want being the key word, my Padawan. How much pleasure do you think your partner will receive knowing that what you are doing is a chore?"

"I didn't mean it like that, Master," Obi-Wan insisted, aware he was being teased, and turned Qui-Gon's jaw so he could see his eyes. "I want to do this, so very much. I just. don't know where to start. And it will not be a chore to touch you. It will be. a privilege." Obi-Wan whispered the last.

Qui-Gon melted into the warm green-blue gaze fixed on him and brushed the curve of Obi-Wan's cheek with the backs of his fingers.

"No, my Obi-Wan, the privilege is mine." And the memories would warm him for an eternity, he was certain.

The slender body laying against his slowly and sensually slid over top of him. The young man began to kiss and nip along his Master's throat, sighing his delight with every taste of his skin. "I hope this is alright," Obi-Wan whispered against his collarbone as he worked his way down. "I've decided to follow my instincts, and do what I feel."

Qui-Gon felt the fondness of that declaration through their bond, as well as Obi-Wan's amusement with applying an oft repeated Jedi proverb to this most intimate of acts. Qui-Gon's smile became a sharp gasp as his Padawan's moist lips closed upon a rigid nipple.

He watched in awe as Obi-Wan closed his eyes and suckled contentedly. He had a such a tender expression on his lovely face and it felt so damned good; Qui-Gon raked his fingers through the soft spikes of Obi-Wan's hair and reveled in the sensations of his growing arousal.

Too soon, those soft lips left his chest to kiss their way lightly down his stomach. Obi-Wan's tongue flicked out to trace the gentle ripple of his abdomen, making Qui-Gon shudder. The younger man laid his cheek on Qui-Gon's belly and turned his eyes to the clear stream of fluid pulsing from the tip of his Master's erection. His eyes held such longing; an intense desire to taste. Qui-Gon could feel that desire from his Padawan, along with some slight apprehension to ask.

"If you would like, you may try it," Qui-Gon assured softly, trying not to let his anticipation guide Obi-Wan. He wanted him to do only that with which he was comfortable.

Obi-Wan glanced up to meet his eyes, looking for reassurance and getting it from Qui-Gon's smile. Through soft splashes of moonlight pouring in from the window, he could see the pearly drops of his essence on Obi-Wan's tongue as he tenderly lapped at the glistening tip of his shaft. His Padawan's eyes closed as he seemed to savor the drops as sacred.

And then the beautiful mouth closed over the needful tip of his erection. The wet warmth was exquisite, as was Obi-Wan's soft moan as he slid his mouth further over the hard shaft. And then, remembering a lesson from just two days earlier-- he began to suck.

Qui-Gon's eyes rolled back into his head as tried to steady himself from the dizzying pleasure. Oh, blessed be, he couldn't take much more.

"Obi-Wan!" he choked and grasped his Padawan's head with shaking hands.

"Master? Did I do something wrong?" Concern poured from him.

"No, oh heavens, no. You did everything right. I just," he paused to swallow thickly. "I'm an old man, Padawan. This old heart of mine can only take so much pleasure at once." He smiled and drew Obi-Wan up to him for a deep, grateful kiss.

"You are not old," Obi-Wan whispered against his lips. "You are-- perfect."

Qui-Gon smiled warmly. "You are too generous, my Padawan."

"It's how I feel," Obi-Wan shrugged.

"Do you feel like anything else?" Qui-Gon asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Such as?" Obi-Wan caught the mischief and returned it.

"Such as making love?"

Obi-Wan's eyes reflected softness and yearning. "Oh yes."

"Are you ready to be inside of me, Obi-Wan?" he asked softly, his heart pounding as he awaited the answer.

"Oh yes. if that's what you would like. it is your pleasure I seek," he reminded his Master with a fond smile.

"It is what I would like, and yes, it would bring me great pleasure," he assured and stroked Obi-Wan's cheek with his thumb.

Obi-Wan's grin, absurdly angelic and at the same time radiating such want, made Qui-Gon feel giddy. He reached for the vial of oil on the bedside table. Obi-Wan sat back on his heels at let his Master stroke and oil his hardness. The younger man watched raptly and visibly worked to control his breathing.

Moments later, Qui-Gon laid back and pulled Obi-Wan with him, settling his Padawan between his legs. He lifted one thigh to open himself up and stroked his young partner's satiny flank in encouragement. "It will be fine, Padawan, you won't hurt me. just go slowly at first."

Obi-Wan nodded and furrowed his brow in concentration. Qui-Gon felt the blunt head of Obi-Wan's cock probing against him and finally pushing for entry. Oh, it was good. He could feel the caring and affection that Obi-Wan held for him, and it heightened the bliss he was drowning in. By the time Obi-Wan was sliding deeply inside him, filling him in ways he'd only begun to dream, he was whimpering and sighing with abandon.

At last Obi-Wan was completely inside, He was propped on his elbows with Qui-Gon's leg hooked over his waist. The young Padawan searched his Master's eyes with own hazy gaze. "It's. it's so intense," he whispered in awe.

"It's a heady sensation, isn't it," Qui-Gon gasped out.

"To hold one's pleasure in your hands, or mouth, or body. the power of it can be seductive. I won't abuse it, my Master," he swore and rocked gently to gift them with glorious sensation.

**What a fine heart you have, my Padawan.**

And then they eschewed talking for the physical demands of their bodies. Obi-Wan's gentle undulations soon evolved to long, slow, deep thrusts-- all the while, he kept his eyes locked onto his Master's, learning which motions pleased him best and enjoying the ecstasy they were creating.

Qui-Gon felt his Padawan open his heart and mind to revel in his Master's pleasure. The thick shaft slid out and surged back in to the exact rhythm that Qui-Gon craved. When he desired speed, Obi-Wan pumped faster. When he wanted it harder, Obi-Wan used the power of his hips to drive into his Master with just enough strength. And when he wanted to feel his Padawan's hardness just there, Obi-Wan complied with a subtle gyration of his pelvis.

Every thrust into his body rubbed Obi-Wan's taut belly over his own throbbing erection, and they shared the thrill of friction through their bond. The ebb and flow of sensations carried him on a wave of ecstasy, and Obi-Wan's pure affection for him and genuine delight in his joy made his approaching climax all the sweeter-- and all the more intense.

When release washed over him, it stole his breath. He clutched at Obi-Wan's muscular back, slick with perspiration and closed his eyes as he came and came, his essence spilling between them. Panting harshly and shaking, he opened his eyes as Obi-Wan lunged in deeply one last time, filling him with his hot seed.

Obi-Wan's head nuzzled into the crook of Qui-Gon's neck as the last of his own trembling eased. Qui-Gon held him tightly, needing to soothe as much as his Padawan needed to be soothed. The boy had exhausted himself physically and emotionally-- and had done so beautifully, Qui-Gon thought.

Moments later, Obi-Wan's breathing evened out and Qui-Gon relished the feeling of having his nubile Apprentice naked, sweaty, in his arms, and all to himself. Even feeling the softened penis slip from his body didn't dampen his mood. He would cherish this moment for the rest of his natural life and beyond.

Qui-Gon awoke slowly, languidly. A curiously erotic sensation was sending delightful shivers up and down his spine. After a moment, he realized that his Padawan's tongue licking at the soft skin behind his ear was the likely cause.

He smiled, his eyes still closed, and let himself drift with the wonderful feelings his young lover offered to him.

His eyes snapped open at that thought and a cold shudder wracked his body. Obi-Wan jerked up and flashed him a confused expression. "Master? What have I done wrong?"

"N-nothing, Obi-Wan. I was just startled awake." He tried to manufacture a reassuring smile, but it was just that-- fabricated, and Obi-Wan knew it. The young man's expression turned skeptical-- and rather wounded, especially since Qui-Gon had abruptly raised his shields.

This time the smile was gentle and true. "It's nothing you've done, my Padawan. It was a private memory of my own that chose an inopportune moment to return. Do you understand? You've done nothing wrong." He emphasized his declaration with a tender caress along Obi-Wan's slightly stubbled cheek. Obi-Wan nuzzled into it.

And Qui-Gon's heart broke into a thousand tiny pieces. Today he would have to say goodbye to Obi-Wan as lover and allow his Padawan to spread his wings.

"If I'm doing well, does that mean I am ready for Phase Three?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.

"There is no need, Padawan. You achieved it last night." Seeing Obi-Wan's skeptical gaze, Qui-Gon hastened to continue. "I felt the joy in you as you made love to me. You took my pleasure as your own and fed it back to me. It was no longer you giving me pleasure-- it was two people trusting one another and sharing pleasure."

"It felt right," Obi-Wan replied, his eyes smiling. "It felt natural."

"Because you have a generous heart and you instinctively know the happiness of sharing those intense emotions." It was all true. These were some of the reasons he loved his Padawan so dearly, and why it would tear at his own heart when he had to step aside and let his Apprentice share his love with others.

Obi-Wan rolled to Qui-Gon's side, bent one elbow and propped his head in his palm. He watched his Master speculatively for a second then asked, "So if I rather skipped through Phase Two right to Phase Three, what's next? What shall you teach me? Surely, there is more that my wise Master can show me," the last he said with a distinctively devilish smile.

"There is no more, my Obi-Wan. The purpose of the training is not so much to show you physical technique." Even through his own hurt, Obi-Wan's innocence charmed him, so he couldn't help but return the smile, though his own was tinged with sadness. "The purpose is to provide a safe environment for you to unleash these powerful emotions for the first time; where you learn to handle the intense emotions. To learn that there is a difference between making love and simply rutting, and prepare you for the decisions of your sexual freedom and the offers of company."

Obi-Wan's smile gradually became a guarded expression. "My sexual freedom? I don't understand. Company with whom?"

Qui-Gon sighed. "Obi-Wan, now that your Passion Exercises are complete, you have the freedom to accept any sexual offers that other Knights and Passion Trained Padawans may offer you. You are only forbidden to seek the company of Untrained Padawans."

Obi-Wan stared at him blankly.

"There will be many offers, Obi-Wan, do not worry. And through your training, I know now that you will not abuse your new freedom. Padawan? What's wrong?"

He'd suddenly noticed Obi-Wan growing paler as he spoke. He'd not noticed his distress earlier, his shielding was too tight.

"I-- I forgot." the younger man stalled, his voice sounding choked.

"Forgot what?" Qui-Gon gently urged him to explain.

"That you were just-- that you only teaching me."

Qui-Gon had forgotten also. He'd mentally thought of Obi-Wan as a lover, rather than the Padawan to whom he was doing his duty. He really should have been more clear to the young man.

"Obi-Wan, that doesn't mean that the lessons weren't. special." Oh, this was hard. Qui-Gon was on dangerous territory. How did he soothe his Apprentice from feeling used without revealing the depth of his own feelings? How did he make Obi-Wan believe that their time together meant something without revealing the fact that to his Master it actually meant everything?

He rubbed his hands over face to buy time. When he looked down, Obi-Wan still curled next to him but his face now much more placid. "It was very special. And now that I have experienced the Lessons with you, I do not wish to exercise my sexual freedom with any other."

Qui-Gon's throat tightened. "Padawan, by at least socializing more with Knights and Padawans who are Trained, you will be more likely to find yourself a bond mate. You have such a capacity to love. There is someone who will be very fortunate to have that love from you." Go ahead, Qui-Gon, shove him into another's arms as quickly as possible; get it over with for your own sake and let the boy have his freedom.

Obi-Wan shook his head solemnly. His eyes softened and he smiled gently. "I understand now. Master? How many times during our sequester have you used the words 'My Obi-Wan?'"

Qui-Gon froze.

"You didn't count, Master? I did. Eighteen. Eighteen times in just over three days. I counted because I cherished every single one of them," Obi-Wan confessed as he began to lightly stroke the column of his Master's neck. "You taught me these last few days to listen to my heart and to listen to my lover's heart. I did that. You love me, Qui-Gon Jinn," Obi-Wan declared, his face bright but serene with his conviction.

Qui-Gon swallowed hard before he could answer. "I most certainly do. How I thought I could shield that from you during so intimate a time, I can't fathom. But nevertheless, Obi-Wan. You are young still. So young. There is more out there than your Master. You have only discovered your capacity to give and receive love of this kind."

Obi-Wan chuckled, earning a stern expression that held definite edges of pain. "I'm sorry Master, really. But I've just had my first realization that my Master is not omniscient."

Qui-Gon's eyebrows arched. "And just how is that?"

Obi-Wan rolled on top of his Master, Qui-Gon only putting up mild protest, wanting to see where his Apprentice was heading with this line of thought.

"What I have received are Lessons in controlling the emotions that accompany sex. And whether you admit it or not, the lessons in technique were important as well," Obi-Wan grinned as he paused.

"But Master, I have always had the capacity to love, and I have never had that suppressed. The hormone dampeners might have held my libido in check, but they didn't prevent my love for you."

Obi-Wan bent to kiss along Qui-Gon's temple. He couldn't help it, he responded his Padawan's affectionate attentions with caresses along the young man's back. "It's not the same kind of love, my Obi-Wan," he still tried to murmur in reason. When he felt the young man's chuckle, he realized he'd done it again.

"That's number nineteen, my Master. Qui-Gon, look into my heart. You'll see how very much I love you. You'll see that it's very real. Until the medications were ceased I could not imagine a way to physically express my love for you, but that does not mean that the love wasn't there. It was. Listen to my heart as I've been listening to yours."

Oh, but his Padawan's touch was exquisite. His lips ghosted over Qui-Gon's cheek, his throat. think-- he had to think. could he have been so intent on shielding his love for Obi-Wan that he was blinded to Obi-Wan's love for him? Oh, he knew he wasn't infallible, despite his Padawan's teasing about omniscience. But did he really miss the depth of Obi-Wan's feelings? Did he mistake the seedlings of love for the storm of newly raging hormones?

"Obi-Wan, the medications are powerful. And once deprived of them, you are subject to such turbulent emotions."

Obi-Wan seized his lips to quiet him. This time Qui-Gon gently pushed back on his Apprentice's shoulders. After a wicked flick of Obi-Wan's tongue along his Master's lower lip, the young man relented and lifted his mouth so that their gazes locked.

"The medications affect sexual drive, not love. You have just spent days teaching me the difference between rutting and loving. Master, if a medication could prevent love, then corner apothecaries would be rich. They'd have the cure for heartbreak. But no such drug exists."

"You are so sure," Qui-Gon murmured. He still could not allow himself to believe it. He didn't want to reject the strong, beautiful young man in his arms. But he didn't want to take advantage of his vulnerability and confusion either.

"I am quite sure. Now, please, Master, do as I ask. Lower your shields as I have lowered mine. Look into my heart-- you are there. You have been for some time now," he whispered.

One large hand stroked Obi-Wan's shoulder blade, the other caressed the small of his back, fingers occasionally skimming to the rise of his firm buttocks. Obi-Wan pressed his forehead to his Master's and the two began to look into each other's hearts.

The council had just ended a lengthy session. Only two members remained and both were gazing at the sky-scape of Coruscant. A ripple in the Force washed over them, a feeling of warmth, love and tenderness.

"It's about time," Mace Windu chuckled softly.

"Stubborn, he is," Yoda agreed though his eyes never left the view of the never-ending metropolis.

"They complement each other well. Together they will be so strong."

"Meant to be, it was."

The End.