Theme and Timbre: Lamentoso

by RavenD (

Author's web page:

Series: Part of the "Theme and Timbre" Series

Rating: G

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

Lamentoso: Mournfully

Even the trees were mourning, spring-rain tears sliding off thin too-green leaves onto soil that should be parched, dead, dying. It drank the liquid sorrow from the sky, black, but not burned, dark with potential, with something more than death and less than life.

He fought back a shiny, razor-edged fury that the grass had the audacity to grow.

A knight now -- empty, shorn-stubble where a padawan braid had grown. The hair -- the silver-streaked end, the colored bands, the dulled strands of youth -- they had dried into dust within his fist.


Perhaps it was ash.

His boots left broken blades of grass and bent stems of flowers, heavy-headed in their sorrow.

A knight.

He kept whispering the words, hearing their echo, bounced back into the raw-edged, hastily-vacated hole that he carried within him by oily raindrops.

He had thought it would be different.

Thought he would be proud.



He had never considered this -- that he would sow the lifeless bone-seeds of too-much, too-soon, too-proud into a garden of his master's choosing. That he would walk alone, the constant pull of his own padawan gibbering at his raw edges --

A raindrop, swelled from crouching in wait in the lee of a leaf, crashed upon his cheek as the urn emptied, colder than any tear.

He hadn't expected success to taste of ashes floating in raindrops.

The end.