Just Like The Old Days

by Inya Dreems

Title: Just Like The Old Days
Author: Inya Dreems (padawan.inya@tiscali.co.uk)
Archive: MA, my LJ, or ask me
Category: Q/O, PWP
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, apart from Force Lube tm.
Summary: Ben-in-the-desert needs comfort.
Disclaimer: George's characters, not mine.
Feedback: Yes please
Note: Thank you to Bonny for the swift beta. Mistakes are mine all mine. Response to Laura's birthday challenge (with a very tenuous link to forty) -- Happy Birthday Laura!

Another day of heat, of baking suns which burnt down on an unforgiving desert. The twin fireballs scorched rocks, sand and any creature foolish enough to venture out for more than a short time. Ben had spent the day on essential maintenance to the recalcitrant vaporators outside his dwelling, alternating short spells in the suns' glare with longer respites in the shade of the building.

He decided that he was completely entitled to the foul mood that now settled over him like another cloak. His back ached. His arms ached. He itched from the ever-present sand which found its way through the seams of his clothing to stick to sweaty skin.

He felt the disapproval before he heard the voice in his head. "Didn't I tell you to make use of suffering? Only through trials can we be strengthened, Padawan."

"You also told me to live in the moment, my former master. And the moment is what is making me less than content." Ben emphasised the words with a well-placed kick to the door of the sonic shower. "Sonics!" he muttered. "Oh, for real water." He shrugged out of his cloak and stripped off his grubby clothes, entering the cubicle resentfully. He winced as the sonic energy began pummelling the encrusted dirt from his skin.

A comforting presence encircled him and he leaned back into the embrace. "Feeling sorry for yourself today?"

Ben huffed in reply and closed his eyes, letting the sonics do their work. "I just miss... Qui-Gon, it's been so long. I was thinking of how we used to be."

"You are still beautiful, my Obi-Wan."

That raised a rueful laugh. He was feeling every one of his forty years, despite a hard physical regime which kept his body toned and lean. "Perhaps, but I am also dirty. And smelly. And old!" Before the expected denial came, he added, "Or at least I feel old today. Gods, I ache." He stretched his back and neck, and groaned. The Force shifted around him, and he felt a drop of water. It hit on his upturned face, ran down his nose and dripped off before the dry air had time to obliterate it. His eyes flew open. Without thought, he put out his tongue to catch the precious moisture. Another drop fell, then another, then more until a fine spray misted Ben's face. The Force fell with the water droplets; falling and swirling around him, soaking him.

Delighted, Ben exclaimed, "How are you doing it? Where's it coming from?"

A very familiar answer came. "You still have much to learn." The words were not just in his head; they were spoken into his ear, and he felt the breath against his skin, physical and real. He also sensed the speaker's amusement.

"Qui-Gon." Just as he remembered from years ago there were two bodies in the cool shower, a firm corporeal presence standing behind him, deliciously naked, long legs against his own, arms around him, kisses placed on his neck, his shoulder. "Teach me, Master." Large hands with well-remembered calluses brushed over the wet skin of his chest and stomach, hips and thighs. Ben turned around slowly in the embrace, hardly daring to breathe for fear of breaking the illusion and the bright blue gaze made him gasp. "Is it really you? Must be a dream." Determined to enjoy the dream, he reached up for a kiss. Soft lips opened for him and the taste recalled many corporeal kisses and many more that he had fantasised about in his years of grieving. He pressed harder, Qui-Gon returning the kiss just as hungrily. Ben's whole body fitted so well to the larger one that, as always, he thought that they had been made for each other.

The shower of water slowed as they kissed and the moisture quickly dried on hot skin, but the Force continued to cascade around them, playing like a fountain sparkling in sunlight. Questions still bubbled up into Ben's awareness. Part of him wanted to stop and ask: How? Why now? But the more demanding part insisted that he forget everything else and just keep on enjoying as he mapped the long planes of shoulders and back, pushing his tongue into the responsive mouth.

Their hips began rocking together and Ben's hands slid lower to grasp the firm buttocks and squeeze insistently. His erection pressed against Qui-Gon 's thigh and it had been so long since anyone had touched him that he quickly felt the tightness of impending release. He pulled back slightly. "Too soon. I don't want to come yet... Want to last longer."

"Let go," Qui-Gon told him. "You need this." One hand reached between them and pumped him rapidly, squeezing with just the right pressure. Ben jerked his hips a couple of times and came hard, leaning heavily, panting. "Now," said Qui-Gon, "let's go to bed."

Catching his breath, Ben looked up. "Haven't come like that for a long time." Another long kiss, more leisurely this time, interrupted the move to the sleep chamber.

"Bed?" Qui-Gon repeated.

Ben's bed was not large but they pressed together, legs entangled and hands exploring and soon Qui-Gon's touch made Ben hard again. "You're making me feel like a horny teenager!" he said with a laugh. "Feels so good, so... alive."

"I want you now." Qui-Gon's voice was almost a whisper and Ben groaned.

"There's some cream... Skin moisturiser, somewhere..."

"Don't need anything." Ben raised a sceptical eyebrow at that, then both eyebrows in surprise at the feeling of being prepared for penetration by means of the Force. "Oh. How did you...? Aaah." He was manoeuvred onto his back and Qui-Gon knelt between his spread legs. Ben regarded the familiar face, eyes that as always could see right through him, crooked nose, and was the beard a little longer? The long hair was loose around strong shoulders. Did he see the glint of a little more silver than he remembered? "I'd forgotten just how big you are," Ben noted. Qui-Gon was holding his heavy, erect cock in readiness.

Eyes met and locked. Ben tilted his hips upwards in invitation and Qui-Gon grasped his legs and pushed up and out and speared him. One swift, smooth movement and Ben was impaled. His head went back against the thin pillow and he gave himself up to the sensations: filled and stretched, but without pain, and oh, so needy. Then Qui-Gon drew back. The moment seemed endless, almost unbearable; waiting for the return thrust. "Please!" Qui-Gon was smiling, eyes hooded, teasing. By small degrees this time Ben felt the large organ filling him. Out again, almost all the way and then a short pause before pushing back. "You're trying to kill me," Ben said, grasping Qui-Gon 's hips and attempting to urge him on. Instead, Qui-Gon leaned forward and kissed him hard, tongue driving in and thrusting. By the time the kiss ended, Ben was wantonly pumping his hips and pleading, "For gods' sake, Qui, give it to me now!"

Qui-Gon obliged, pounding a fast beat. Ben reached and fisted his own cock to bring himself to orgasm for the second time. The climactic tightening of Ben's muscles made Qui-Gon growl deep in his throat and he threw back his head, eyes closed, and came violently.

They slept soon after, wrapped around each other, covered in Ben's rough blanket against the night's chill.

When he awoke, Ben was alone. "A dream." He smiled to himself at the memory. He cast through his consciousness for Qui-Gon's presence and found it immediately, comforting and real and close. He stretched, wincing at the intimate soreness. Sitting up suddenly, he called out, "Qui-Gon?" looking around the small room in the early-morning gloom. He was rewarded with only the reassurance of his former master's spirit, alive in the Force and accessible. But he was physically alone.

He settled back down in the bed for the remaining time before day began. "Well, my master, might I make a request for the next time you decide to surprise me?" He felt Qui-Gon's response as a deep chuckle. "I think I would like to soak in a deep bathtub next time."