
by Pesky Garden Gnome


CATEGORY: Poetry / Q/O / Angst moving into fluff

SUMMARY: Is it wrong to love and by whose standards should we judge others?

NOTES: Crap summary, I know. Can't do a better job because the SummaryBunny fled. Also, I love ambiguity. Pick a character (anyone will do) and read. This poem bit me when I was thinking about intolerance and moral judgements.

FEEDBACK: Sure thing!

They would judge me for loving you
They would judge me for wanting
But it is my heart, my love, my want
That they would label
Seeking to call love a perversion
When I see nothing but beauty and light

They would judge me if I confessed
Revealed all and lay my soul to bare
But it is my heart, my love, my soul
That they would belittle
Shouting harsh criticisms and accusations
Tainting that which is mine, yours

They would judge me for desiring
Become the jury, the exectutioners
My heart, my love, my life
Exhibit one - proof of carnal sin
They cry that it is wrong for me to love you
Yet this love is all I know

They would judge me for needing
Collective heads shaking, mouths grim
My heart, my love, mine
As I am yours, always, forever
And they would curse and despise me
But I wouldn't, couldn't care

You judge me for loving you, wanting you
Confessing, desiring, needing
My heart, my love, my life, my soul, more
And you judge me despite them
Despite their hate, their confusion, their fear
You judge me guilty of loving you

Then you confess to me of your love
Your want, your desire, your need
Unconcerned with their morals, their rules
Their indignation and intolerance
And I judge you as guilty as I
And despite everything, all reason, all rules, we love