George's Joke Reel -- The Conference Room

by Tilt (

Archive: master_apprentice

Category: Humor/Parody ...and probably Heresy.

Rating: PG

Warnings: DO NOT read this while eating or drinking!

Spoilers: A rewrite of a scene from TPM

Summary: The Real Phantom Menace, as told through outtakes, flub-ups, and Liam and Ewan's last-minute rewrites of their scripts.

Feedback: One can never get enough of a good thing.

Disclaimer: This is a shameless parody of Phantom Menace. I can only hope George has a healthy appreciation for insane comedy. All that is Star Wars belongs to George, he is my hero and my guru and without him the world would be a much Darker place. I submit this rewrite of TPM into evidence as Exhibit 1. I intend to make no profit from this bit of drivel. Stay your mighty wrath, George. I'm just a crazy writer.

The Federation flagship's conference room. A large oval table, a dozen chairs. The far wall is all windows, currently showing the glowing blue-white-green sphere of the planet Naboo.

The door hums open and a silver protocol droid, TC-14, leads two mysterious cloaked figures inside.

TC-14 -- Make yourselves comfortable, my master will be with you shortly. (does the droid equivalent of a bow and backs out of the room hurriedly.)

The two cloaked figures put back their hoods and ...why look, kids, it's Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan! Wonder what kind of trouble these two wacky Jedi are in for today?!

Now everyone join in with Obi-Wan, kids, he's about to do the Padawan Secret Code Phrase!

OBI-WAN -- I have a bad feeling about this.

Now Master Qui-Gon is going to do the Secret Master Reassurance Phrase!

QUI-GON -- I don't sense anything, Obi-Wan.

Did you get it, kids? Everyone go get your Secret Jedi Decoder Rings and get to work!

OBI-WAN -- (gives Qui-Gon a sudden intense questioning look) Uh, Master?

QUI-GON -- Yes Padawan?

OBI-WAN -- You forgot again, didn't you?

QUI-GON -- Forgot what?

OBI-WAN -- (gives an exasperated snort) You forgot you'd already taken your Kava and took two doses. With the normal level of Jedi brainlessness -- oh, sorry, Jedi Serenity -- that means you'd be mellow in a room full of rabid blood-maddened Rancors.

QUI-GON --(smiling serenely) I prefer to think of it as a state of constant meditation.

OBI-WAN -- Master, there was a hazmat team in full chemical warfare suits that gave us the high-five when we walked in here.

QUI-GON -- And?

OBI-WAN -- And there was a skull and crossbones on the door. And all the public comscreens were flashing "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" all along the walk from the hangar.

QUI-GON -- And your point is?

OBI-WAN -- (gives a long-suffering sigh and begins tugging Qui-Gon toward the window by the sleeve.) Nothing, Master. Just that yet again I shall be happy to keep my absent-minded and totally cool Master out of trouble.

QUI-GON -- Yes, I am totally cool. Now, why are you so anxious, Padawan?

OBI-WAN -- It's not here, Master, it's something elsewhere...elusive.

QUI-GON -- Don't get your knickers in a twist, Padawan. Keep your mind here and now.

OBI-WAN -- But Master Yoda said to be mindful of the future.

QUI-GON -- (tucking his hands into his cloak sleeves and looking very wise and all-knowing) If you're always looking to the future you'll miss the truck that's about to run over you in the present.

OBI-WAN -- (rolls his eyes at this and digs in one of his cloak pockets, brings out a Magic 8 Ball. He shakes it up, peers at the answer revealed and frowns) Damn. "Reply Hazy, Ask Again Later." It's the Dark Side!

QUI-GON -- (snatches the Magic 8 Ball away) I wondered where that had gotten off to! Bad Padawan! No cookies!

OBI-WAN -- (looks abashed and crestfallen for a moment, then brightens when Qui-Gon shakes his head and ruffles Obi-Wan's hair in affectionate exasperation.)

MEANWHILE, Back at the Fray up on the Bridge....

The Federation flagship's bridge looks vaguely familiar. A big Klingon stands at the weapons console, all hair and fangs. A gold-skinned android is playing rock-paper-scissors with the ship's computer in the corner. At another corner, a man in a bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers is arguing with the ship's computer about tea. Two Gray Aliens are looking out the big picture window viewport, big black slanted eyes staring out at the curve of Naboo below, obviously planning their next attack.

The VICEROY -- What's this you say?

TC-14 -- I believe the ambassadors are Jedi Knights, sir.

DOFINE -- That's it, we've had it, the scam's up! Prepare to separate the saucer section! Mr. Data, sound red alert and start the evacuation!

VICEROY -- Belay that, Mr. Data, let's not be hasty. Let's call Lord Sidious first. He may want us to send the Jedi back to the Senate in five separate packages. Commander Data , route the call to my ready room.

A moment later a hologram appears. Uh-Oh, kids, it's Darth Sidious, the Spiritually Centered Bad Guy! RUN!

VICEROY -- Uh, Boss, our goose is cooked. The Chancellor's ambassadors are Jedi Knights. It's like Sandra Day O'Connor just walked on the ship. All that sweetness and light is making everyone want to wash behind their ears and use correct grammar. What do you want we should do?

SIDIOUS -- (is a large white chicken with a thick Southern accent) I say, Viceroy, are you certain these two chickenhawks is Jedi?

DOFINE -- This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious! We dare not go against the Jedi!

SIDIOUS -- (gives Dofine a very disgruntled look) Viceroy, this boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball! Now you know I will not tolerate a nay-sayer in my camp! Let's all remember the South -- I mean, the Dark -- will rise again! Now then. Here's what we're gonna do. You get your battledroids to sneak up behind that pesky dog and whack his butt with a two-by-four. Got it? Get them boys down there on the planet and find that sweet young thing Amidala.

VICEROY -- But Boss, that's not exactly legal.

SIDIOUS -- Since when has that ever stopped us?

VICEROY -- You got a point, Boss.

SIDIOUS -- Good! So you boys get to work and I'll go give the Senate the run-around. Y'all save some biscuits and gravy for me.

VICEROY -- Right Boss.

They give each other the Secret Bad Guy Salute and the hologram blinks out.

MEANWHILE, we flip the channel back to see what those crazy kids, the Jedi, are up to....

QUI-GON and OBI-WAN are both sitting in chairs at the conference table now. Qui-Gon is either asleep or meditating, possibly both. Obi-Wan is playing Pokemon on his GameBoy.

OBI-WAN -- (not looking up from his game) Master?

Qui-Gon doesn't answer.

OBI-WAN -- (a little louder) Master?

Still no answer. Qui-Gon is the picture of serenity.

Obi-Wan frees one hand from the GameBoy controls and with Jedi quickness pops one of the earphones out.

QUI-GON -- Ouch! You wanted something, Padawan?

OBI-WAN -- Among other things, an explanation for why they've kept us waiting so long.

QUI-GON -- (retrieves his Walkman from his cloak pocket and starts hunting through his belt pouches for another tape) They seem a bit on the nervous side for a simple trade dispute. Maybe they called for pizza and it hasn't gotten here yet. Can't have a meeting without pizza.

OBI-WAN -- (turns off his GameBoy and takes the tape Qui-Gon has found. Blinks. ) Uh, Master, I don't think Marilyn Manson is very conducive to meditation.

QUI-GON -- (slightly aggrieved) It is now that you destroyed my Nine Inch Nails tape, Padawan.

A muffled explosion shakes the deckplates! The two jump to their feet and turn on their lightsabers!

QUI-GON -- Y'know, it just occured to me I might have left the oven on.

OBI-WAN -- You think? That was our ship!

A noxious yellow gas begins seeping into the room from the vents along the walls!

Oh No! Our heroes are trapped in a room with poison gas! The Federation is sending a Security team full of no-name red shirts to come flatten them! And Darth Sidious is plotting to take over Naboo! Can Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon escape?!

Tune in tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel!

da da da da da da Batman!