It Was Only . . .

by Sheyen

Archive - MA only

Category - Humor

Disclaimer - Lucas owns them, I just play with them.

Feedback - Please, please, please!! ::on knees:: I beg of you!

"I hate flying."

"Why's that Master?" asks Anakin as he narrowly avoids another cloud car.

Obi-Wan is about to answer when he sees another cloud car head there way. Instead he yells, "Watch out Padawan!"

Too late, they collide head on with the other cloud car.

As they step out of the ruined mass that had just a short while ago been one of the temple's cloud cars, Obi-Wan finally answers Anakin's question.

"That's why," is all he says as he points to the smoking heap of metal.

Anakin blushes with embarrassment as he replies, "But it was only my tenth accident with a cloud car . . ."