Inside Your Love

by E. Batagur (

Pairing Q/O

Category: PWP, romance, slight angst

Rating: NC-17. Warning: Some intense kink with fantasy role-playing and BDSM. A little bit of twisted imagery to get your day going JUST right.

Spoilers: For all movies, up to TPM, and ALL of the JA books.

Archive: M_A and eventually my own site (Coming soon.I hope.)

Disclaimer: Mr. George Lucas owns them and the right to make money off of them. I merely own their secret hearts and the right to make them truly happy in the small universe of my mind.

Feedback: Sure! I'd like some. On or off list is fine.

Summary: Directly after the last scene of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Anakin, Yoda, and Obi-Wan go on to the everlasting oneness of the Force where, at long last, Obi-Wan receives his final reward. (Don't be discouraged if the first parts are full of a lot of Anakin/Amadala romance. I assure you that this is an Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon romance story!)

Authors note: I have taken the idea of "afterlife" from the only source that I find particularly appealing, C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. If you have read the series you will find similarities in Lewis' vision of paradise and this vision of the eternity of the Unifying Force which I have labeled here "sempiternity."

Many apologies to my readers. This work was inspired after listening for several hours to Smashing Pumpkins' song "Stand Inside Your Love". (For the full effect, I suggest listening to the song before reading this story.) Also this story did not have a beta reader. I am notorious for spelling and grammatical errors. All I can say is sorry and I'll try harder the next time, I swear!

//(place thoughts here.) // -denotes inner dialogue

They watched as Luke turned away with a final smile, drawn back to the celebration by his sibling Leia. And only they knew that this day was for more than celebrating the demised of an oppressive empire but a day for celebrating the balance of the Force.

Anakin had done it. He destroyed the Sith and, with the help of his offspring, he had brought about the balance of the Force that had been prophesied so many thousands of years ago. But the Job was not over for Luke and Leia. There were still many battles to be fought and many obstacles to be over come.

However, as the three apparitions made of luminous Force energy watched and smiled, they knew that their part in the struggle was done. It was time for the children to lead. Anakin turned to his white haired old master and the diminutive old Jedi councilor he now stood proudly next to.

"And now, my Master? Master Yoda?" He asked of them. The tall Jedi had once been devastatingly handsome as a young man. But now, after age and years lived in a nightmare of service to the darkness, he looked careworn as an older man, but there was still a hint of the handsome young man he had been about his smile and his laughing blue eyes. He looked at his masters expectantly.

"And now they go on.and we go on." Obi-Wan Kenobi replied to his one time padawan. "It is enough to know that they have succeeded. They will restore the Jedi. They will over come any impedance. And we will always be with them.In the Force."

Anakin's smile was thoughtful and he looked down at the luminous image of his folded hands. For a moment he marveled at the fact that these were indeed his hands and not liquid gears, wires, structural limb struts, and nuro-motivational wiring covered in synthflesh. Even as force energy he recognized them as his own. Strong and adroit as they had been in the old days, before he allowed his heart to be turned.

He heard the old councilor chuckle and turned to see the ancient master watching him. "Luminous beings are we. Never were we that crude matter." He said in amusement at Anakin, reminding him of one of his earliest lessons about the nature of the Force. Anakin smiled down to him a bit hesitantly as he realized he owe him an apology. He owed both of them an apology.

"I am truly sorry, my masters. I was so very very wrong. And my choices brought so much death and destruction for so very long.I."

"Apology accepted!" Yoda announced loudly rapping down on his gimer stick to forestall Anakin's further rush of wordy contrition. The wise little councilor looked up first at the elder Jedi and then at the even more elderly master. "Leave this place, we must and move on to the sempiternity. Many wait for us there. Too long over due in the Force, we have been!"

No sooner had the small master spoken the word than Anakin felt the rush of energy that moved them without motion at all. The green lushness of Endor was swept away like a cloud of mist before spring breeze but there was no motion, only a shifting of realities that Anakin felt with in and without. The world of the living had felt insubstantial to him because he no longer existed in it. It was not his truth any longer. And he had felt slightly alien there, even as he had gazed lovingly one last time on his wonderful son Luke and even had been blessed with a final glimpse of his beautiful daughter Leia who looked so much like her lovely mother.

No they no longer belonged there but only in the hearts and thoughts of those whom they had loved and who loved them. There they could return to add their strength to their loved ones in times of trouble. There they would offer peace through their example when times became hard. But it was time for the children to lead on their own. And it was time for them to go on to the eternity of the Unifying Force.

As they crossed that terminator, Anakin felt as if suddenly he had begun to breathe again. To breathe! Now that was a interesting thing for Anakin who had not been able to breath naturally on his own for over twenty-five years. It was interesting to breathe.

The white breath of the wind surrounded them whispering of power, unity and balance. With in it Anakin could see a kaleidoscope of colors all fusing and blending in a shimmering mist. Anakin knew them to be other souls flowing on that current of unity towards a final bliss. Incorporeal as he was, his heart raced. Or was he incorporeal? He chanced to look to his right and saw his master Obi-Wan, but not the frail white haired man with his sharp blue eyes and his quiet dignity that he had struck down on the first death star so many standards ago. No, he saw his master. He saw the somber soft-spoken man in his late thirties with red gold hair and beard to match and soft blue eyes that changed with the light and shade about him.

And Master Yoda was too changed. The spry little councilor was as he had remembered him as a boy once more. His face seemed less wrinkled and less haggard with age. There were more wiry gray brown hairs about the crown of his head. The old master looked up at him with a kindly smile and a twinkle in his large green eyes.

"At last are we all the things we ever were." Yoda said to him in a quiet voice. "Welcomed we are to the serenity of the Force."

The swirling opal of the mist began to settle and solidify until Anakin saw a garden before him, lush and green and as sweet and fresh as springtime. His feet sank into rich thick turf. Every type of tree that he had ever known was growing there, and a few that he had never seen before. Each graceful tree flourished in good health in both trunk and covering of bark be it brown or green or white or even blue as were the Kiltya trees of Mon Calamari which only exist in the swampy recesses of that planets small island land masses.

The place was beautiful beyond description and Anakin gaped at it in awe. He took a few steps forward looking about himself. The glen was peaceful despite the fact that other beings were there as well. It did not seem to be crowded but Anakin received the impression that there was a vast multitude of creatures here, sentient and non- sentient alike.

"What is this place?" although excited, Anakin managed to keep his voice hushed for some instinctual reason. He did not want to disturb the tranquillity of the strange woodland they had come to.

"It is the beginning." Obi-Wan replied softly. Anakin noted how Obi- Wan also looked about himself in a slight blush wonder.

"You have been here before, my Master?" Anakin asked. Obi-Wan smiled a bright beautiful smile that made his clear blue eyes sparkle but it was Yoda who answered.

"No, never has he been this far into the sempiternity. Always on the fringe, he runs. Never a foot into peace has he stepped." Yoda's comments seemed a little like a rebuke towards Obi-Wan.

"There was no peace for me." Obi-Wan replied thoughtfully. "Not till my work was done. Not till the errors of my arrogance were amended."

"Humph!" The snort that Yoda gave Obi-Wan caused Anakin snicker slightly at the old councilor's irritation. As he lifted a hand to conceal his need to smile, he noticed once more that there had been a change in him. The flesh of his hand seemed smoother now, more taunt with youth and vitality. Anakin lifted both hands to gaze at them in wonder. He then felt for his face and felt smooth youthful flesh beneath his fingertips. He looked over at Yoda as if seeking affirmation from the old master.

"And find what did you expect, hmm?" The master replied gazing up at him with amusement in his wise green eyes. His ears tilted up at the younger man.

Anakin gave a small laugh of incredulity as he continued to regard Yoda. "I'm young again?"

"See for yourself." Obi-Wan instructed as he pointed towards a small marble pool beneath a trickling fountain that bubbled quietly just some feet away between two majestic tall trees with arching branches that bore a strangely beautiful deep purple fruit that looked like oversized grapes. Anakin took anxious steps over to the fountain and looked down into the clear pool. What he saw amazed him still further.

He was young again, perhaps in his twenties. His skin was smooth and his hair a short silky dark golden blond once again. He gazed into the pool at his own happy blue eyes and beautiful smile and felt tears of joy gathering behind his eyes and in his chest. He thought to never see that face again. "Is it possible.?"

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan's voice was still soft but it was loud enough to break his joyous reverie. Anakin turned with a smile to his master.

"Someone waits here for you." Obi-Wan's smile said more than any words and when Anakin rose up from beside the fountain he felt weak in the knees. He knew who waited. He could feel her very presence in the Force around him, strong, subtle and sweet. It floated in the air like an errant strand of scent from her perfume. Obi-Wan stood aside to reveal the one being in the entire galaxy that he longed for.

"Ani." She breathed out to him in a sigh of Joy. Her beautiful face bright with the brilliant sunlight about them. Her delicate features unhampered by cosmetics, as he always preferred her. He large brown eyes overly bright with tears. Her full lips trembled as she watched him carefully. Her hair was a soft brown tumbling cascade of silken loose curls that framed her face and when down her back to her small waist. She was beautiful beyond any other woman and Anakin was once more reminded of the time when he first met her as a boy of eight and she only fourteen. He had even then compared her to an angel.

"Padmé." His voice was an incredulous whisper. There was no further word he could summons to make clear the depth of his joy and happiness at just gazing upon her again. She was as he remembered her so long ago, just before the clone wars.

With out warning she rushed to him and he unfroze himself in time to take two steps to help close the distance between them and soon he was wrapped in the warm living embrace of the woman he loved. The Force sung about them in harmony.

"Forgotten us they have, humph!" Yoda snorted to Obi-Wan as he watched the young lovers reunite.

"But that is well." Obi-Wan smiled down at the old councilor. He gazed happily on them one last time before he turned away walking deeper into the fertile green garden about them. His boots sinking noiselessly into the deep rich grasses, he hadn't notice Yoda keeping pace with him, gliding some centimeters from the ground.

"Now it is done, Obi-Wan Kenobi." The old master said in a kindly voice. "Now the time for your peace is here."

Obi-Wan turned back to Yoda. His face was serene but Yoda could still see the troubled thoughts behind his eyes. "I do not deserve peace." He said in a voice barely above a whisper. "There is no peace for me. So many much destruction hangs over my head."

The old master looked down for a moment in thought then looked up again as he considered carefully all that Obi-Wan said and meant. "The curse of all beings, error is. Denying this, more a transgression is than accepting. Not the only creature who has been wrong are you. Done is your penance, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan did not reply but simply tucked his hands into the large sleeves of his robe as he turned to face the beautiful garden again. How could any of this be his? All this peace, all this serenity, all this joy, It surrounded him; It flowed past him, but none of it could flow through him. How could it ever? He nearly failed twice! And what's more, his contrition was not just for the sake of the Jedi but for the sake of the one being he loved more than any other, the one he could never say he was sorry to, the one that he felt he had personally let down.

Qui-Gon had trusted him with Anakin.

Obi-Wan felt at odds with the very presence of the Force that surrounded him. So long ago it seems he had given up his spirit to be one with the Force when Vader struck him down. Back then it had seemed the obvious solution and more than he truly deserved but now as he stood on the brink of the continuum watching the other creatures of the Force moving onward and deeper into the serenity, he felt hesitant and uneasy. He sensed more than saw Anakin and Padmé flow past them happy and laughing. He heard his padawan bade him to come as well, further up and further in. He knew that they would find their peace there. They would do so if he came with them or not. Anakin would see his mother once more and he would rejoice in the unity of the Living and Unifying Force forever. They all would. What would it matter if he did not come.

"Foolish Obi-Wan!" Yoda rapped his gimer stick hard against the side of his leg. Fortunately the robe absorbed most of the blow but the intent was still affective and Obi-Wan turned shocked eyes back at the elder master. "Hesitate you will at the brink, but accept not your final fate? Think it is as easy as that, you do? Go you must! Face the final trial you must! Over it is not!"

These words were possibly the most fear inspiring word that Obi-Wan ever had the chance to hear in his entire existence and his heart sank in dread at the though. There was more? Force, no! He could not bear it. Whatever it was he was certain in his heart that it would tear him apart. He wanted to sink down on the turf before himself curling into a tight ball of human being and cry like a frighten child. Hadn't he given enough of himself? Was there really more that could be asked of him? Obi-Wan truly and honestly wanted to balk before this final responsibility. It would not have been the first time that he felt the hesitation of fear. But fear lead to anger. He had known all his existence in the Force that if he had let fear make a decision for him the anger he would have felt would have been self- loathing. So instead he took a deep cleansing breath and let his heart steady. His face remained a mask of serenity.

"What must I do?" his words were succinct and his resolve was firm.

"Further up and further in." Was Yoda's only reply as he pointed with his gimer stick to just beyond the trees. A large metal gate rose gracefully farther ahead and all the beings were poring towards it disappearing beyond despite the nature of the gate that seemed only to separate one section of the garden from another.

With a final look and bow to the old master, Obi-Wan turned to the gate to begin his journey. He felt that he would never see Yoda, or Anakin or any of the other that he had loved and respected again.

"Foolish Obi-Wan." Yoda's voice chided from behind. "We are all one in the Force. Escape us you cannot!"

Obi-Wan did not turn but continued towards the gate.

The gate was made of a substance unknown to Obi-Wan. It seemed to shimmer like synthsilk but was as solid a durasteel It was not cold beneath his touch as he reached to feel it's smooth shimmering surface whose colors shifted and changed like an opal. It was warm and resonate with the power of the Force, perhaps a bit more strongly here than anywhere else with in the garden. He looked beyond the gate. Before him stretched acre upon acre of lush lawns and graceful trees, beautiful flowers and serene fountains. But as he watch another group of beings silently and happily glide through and vanish from sight, he knew that that was not the true paradise beyond. But none of the other beings that followed and watched their fellows be swallowed up into the unknown seemed to be worried in the least. They continued onward at a leisurely pace, often turning to smile happily at Obi-Wan as they passed.

Obi-Wan took another cleansing breath that sounded more like a sigh and marched forth into the unknown.

He didn't know the exact length of time it was that he fell. It could have been a few seconds; it could have been a millennium. All he knew was as he fell; his existence in the Force modified yet again. A strong resonance rang through his entire being and it felt as if someone had given him a stimulant or lifted a burden from him. He felt more awake and aware as he fell through a void of forever with colors rushing past to merge and swirl like the streaking star field as see through hyperspace. But Obi-Wan was not afraid. It seemed as natural as sunrise that it should be this way. However, he never knew when it ended. Somewhere in that great rush of Force energy he seemed to have lost consciousness.

He awoke gently, slowly; awakening in stages as one might do from an afternoon nap. For a long time he did not open his eyes as he allowed his other senses to drink in sensations around him. He felt as if he was lying on the ground but it was not uncomfortable. The grass was thick and lush beneath his fingers and it padded his body from the harder ground. The air smelled fresh and sweet with the scent of growing things. The smell of growing trees permeated the air most of all. Fresh and refreshing, the scent was like that of a pristine forest tinged with the crispness of mountain air. The air was slightly cool as well. Not uncomfortable but cool and moist like the high country of a mountain's foothills. The air was also blessedly silent in a beautiful way. There was sound about him, the rush of wind through the leaves of trees, the distant chatter of a stream or brook, the clear strong songs of male birds declaring territory and their availability to mate. But other than that it was silent and tranquil as nothing else Obi-Wan had ever known. He allowed his eyes to flutter open.

What he saw first was the lush deep comforting green of trees. A gentle canopy spread over head but he was partially in a clearing, just at the edge. The conifer trees were tall and old and fresh like early summer. The morning sunlight poured through them in moving patches as the wind shifted the leaves and branches. Obi-Wan worked himself up on to his elbows to survey his surroundings. The clearing was not very big but it was big enough for a cabin and a well to be at its edge, nestled against the rising hillside and the thick concealing forest. The cabin looked relatively new but it seemed a natural piece of this landscape as any tree or rock. It was a squat yet cozy affair with a stone chimney for it's fireplace and a few front-facing windows with hand made shutters. Obi-Wan felt as if he had been here before but he could not place where it was that he had seen this vista or experienced this clean peace.

It was then that he noticed the robed and hood figure that stood before the cabin, his back to Obi-Wan. The other being was looking up at the cabin as if contemplating something about its structure; perhaps looking for a flaw. Obi-Wan's heart froze as he saw the other. He recognized the robe as Jedi in cut, color, and fabric. But more so, he recognized the set of those broad strong shoulders. Obi- Wan fell into a daze as he struggled with chaotic impossible thoughts. He pushed himself up off the ground to his feet. His hand went absently to his forehead to push back hair and was surprised when he encountered the length. It was shorter than before but longer than a padawan cut. Yet it was not the short gray cut of his days on Tatooine, driven as he was by the extremes of heat and sun to give up such frivolities such a naturally beautiful hair. This was its length just a few months after losing his master and gaining his knighthood. Soft tendrils of it brushed against his forehead not quite making it to his eyes. But it was still spiky short in places. His hand came down trailing along his face, encountering the stubble of the beginnings of a beard. Yes, he was in his late twenties again. But he did not stay long in his musings over his transformation for the other robed Jedi moved. He then stilled. It was as if he sensed Obi-Wan's presence behind him.

Obi-Wan's breath caught in his chest. Yes, the other could feel him just as he could feel the other, the one presence that he both longed for and feared to find. The other swept back the hood of his robe and Obi-Wan beheld dark rich auburn hair, not short but not long. His hair was not as it had been, sweeping down over his shoulders, a lion's mane. It reached only the nape of his neck but it was thick and rich in its color. Then his head turned and Obi-Wan saw that all too familiar profile. So very beautiful, that high sloping forehead and strong brow, that distinct nose, noble despite the obvious evidence of a past break. Obi-Wan stood in wonder as he saw that expressive, generous mouth framed by beard and mustache but that too, like his hair was different. The beard and mustache were not as full; they were a few steps beyond stubble. The hair of it was also the same dark rich auburn of his head. But from what remained the same Obi-Wan knew beyond a doubt that this man was his master.

Beautiful sapphire eyes turn now to look at him, still as keen as the eyes of a bird of prey and just as lovely. Obi-Wan froze but only for a moment as unbelievable emotion over took him. Qui-Gon Jinn turned completely to face him, his hands tucked in the sides of his belt, as was his habit to do. Frozen in place by his emotions, Obi-Wan could barely even breath. Sudden hot tears welled up in his eyes to spill in a rush down his cheeks. He trembled in fear but it was not Qui-Gon he feared. His need at last mobilized him and much like Padme‚ had done earlier to Anakin, Obi-Wan launched himself at the man who stood but some fifteen feet away. As he ran, he shed his rode as it impeded his progress. His vision was blurred with his own tears but he saw Qui-Gon's capable arms open before him.

He ran headlong into those strong arms and was wrapped firmly within. There he wept like a child, shedding tears that he had never allowed himself to indulge in while he lived and walked in the universe of the living. He wept against the chest and shoulder of his beloved master, releasing decades of heartache, grief, guilt, loneliness and misery. A large powerful hand stroked his hair with such tenderness that Obi-Wan's tears only strengthened in force from the emotions that tender touch invoked. But soon his master's beautiful melodious voice shushed and soothed with gentle words and calming syllables.

"Hush, my Padawan. Shhhh. It is over now. It is done, my Obi-Wan and you are home." Qui-Gon stroked his head tenderly, his broad fingers running through the short silky red-gold spikes. He felt him trembling with in the circle of his embrace like a small fragile creature as he released the floodgate of his grief and wept out his soul's deep wounds. Qui-Gon pulled him closer still within his arms, placing a soft kiss against his head and then burying his lips into that fine red-gold hair as he continued to murmur reassuring words and care to his frightened padawan.

He had been waiting for this moment. He knew it would come and he knew that for Obi-Wan it had been very long in coming. For Qui-Gon it had only been the time in which it had taken for him to raise this cabin in the mountains for them to live out their lives in eternity in. He had worked as quickly as he could for he knew that the day it was finally complete, Obi-Wan would come.

Slowly he began to rock Obi-Wan in his arms like a child, his lips touching his head with gentle little kisses every now and again between calming sounds. Obi-Wan gripped him about his chest as if he feared he would fly away if he even contemplated letting go. His hands clutched bunches of fabric of Qui-Gon's robe in a desperate and determined grip. And Obi-Wan's tears were torrential. Where his head did not rest upon the waterproof fabric of Qui-Gon's robe his tunic and under tunics were becoming soaked. For a long time Obi-Wan could do nothing but cry into his broad chest. But Qui-Gon heard the moment that his tears began to ease.

He put a hand in under Obi-Wan's chin to capture his face, to make him look up at him. With deliberate care he cupped his padawan's lovely face in his hand, his thumb straying along his cheekbone in a tender caress that wiped away tears. Obi-Wan looked up into his eyes, his green blue eyes bright with more tears yet red rimmed from his weeping. His lips trembled as more sobs threatened and Qui-Gon could not resist. His heart melted at the sight of him so miserable and so beautiful. Gently he kissed each of Obi-Wan's eyes and then place a soft chased kiss upon his trembling lips.

His voice was a husky whisper when he spoke. "You have been so very brave, my Padawan...I am so very proud of you."

"I failed you, Master..." Obi-Wan's voice broke as he tried to speak and his face crumpled as tears threatened to take control of him once again. But Qui-Gon would not let him go. His hand held his face up and he spoke intensely to him, sapphire eyes seeking aqua eyes.

"You never failed me! Listen, my Obi-Wan!" The master commanded and Obi-Wan was compelled to obey. his tears eased and at last subsided.

Obi-Wan looked up into those intense sapphire eyes and into the face of the man that he had known for so long and loved for even longer. His master had never known of his secret passion for him. He could not have known how every kiss that he had laid upon Obi-Wan's head, face and lips now practically killed him inside with both longing and fear. Now Obi-Wan trembled beneath his touch both from his sorrow and from desire as his master's hand continued to stroke his face tenderly as he held it. Obi-Wan knew he should release his fears to the Force but he had no place to put the incredible longing that was linked to it. Should he act upon his love or should he release that too? He had held it for so long. It was part what held his sanity together throughout his exile in the Junland waist of the Tatooine desert for so many years. His internal balance had been cemented by his love of his master, his desire to make things right for him. He had failed to train Anakin, as was Qui-Gon's last request before death parted them for over forty years.

"You could not have stopped destiny no more than I could have stopped the Sith's lightsaber. It was I who set fate's wheels into motion by obtaining Anakin's freedom and offering him the chance to follow me to Coruscant and to the Jedi. It was never you who failed. It was I." As Qui-Gon spoke softly to Obi-Wan his index finger strayed along the edge of his eyelid and brow in a tender caress.

Obi-Wan felt so weak and inadequate in his master's embrace and beneath his gentle touch. He felt weak beneath the luminous gaze of those beautiful deep blue eyes. He couldn't speak. He had no words to give to express the depth of his sorrow at hearing his master, the man he both loved and admired beyond all others, admit to failure in an attempt to eradicate Obi-Wan's own sins. It wasn't true. It could not be. But Obi-Wan knew in the very depths of his heart that Qui-Gon was right. It had been his master's fault as well as his own. They had both paid a terrible price for their hubris; the galaxy had paid along with them.

But still he could not speak and in the end Qui-Gon pulled him close once more, gently pulling his head back down to rest on his chest, and simply held him.

"My poor brave Obi-Wan." A gentle whisper against his head. "I promise you that it is over now. You are home."

Qui-Gon could still feel Obi-Wan's trepidation but despite that, the younger Jedi seemed to snuggle close to him, allowing himself to be held and comforted. Qui-Gon looked down at his padawan. It was funny, that force of habit that caused him to still think of this beautiful man as being so much younger than he. Here in the sempiternity they were all of an age. This Obi-Wan was not the padawan he had left behind to join with the Force and he was not the wise older man who had been his master since he was a boy of thirteen.

Yet it was so very beautiful. Here he had the chance to love him, to give him his heart, to lavish him with his desire and worship him with his passion. These were things, secret dreams, that Qui-Gon never dared to believe possible while he lived. While he had been alive and his master and a man twice his age, it had been his destiny to watch and love only from within his hidden heart. It was only after he had died, only after he had released himself into the Force that he had realized the depth of his padawan's love as well. His spirit had watched for some time that day as his body lay growing cold on the marble floors of the royal palace of Naboo's physical plant. He had watched his padawan softly whimpering his grief as he held his dead master's head in his hands, touching his forehead to lifeless skin, wish and willing hopelessly for his master to come back to him. He had felt Obi-Wan's love and his heartbreak, the first of many to come. It had been too late to comfort him then. And as he had entered the sempiternity he knew only sorrow and pain lie ahead for his beautiful Obi-Wan. It was then that he decided to build this place for him. He knew that Obi-Wan's soul would fly to him once it was ready so he had to be ready.

He had quietly loved his padawan and he had watched him as he still lived on. And Qui-Gon continued to watch over him even after his death at the hands of Vader. He had admired Obi-Wan's strength and his resolve as he remained for the living to see his job through. Obi- Wan had truly been the great Jedi that he had foreseen him to become. And knowing that Qui-Gon had quietly loved him.

He built this cabin for him just in this place, so full of peace. It was home. It was their home and Qui-Gon's love would not stay quiet. First he had to remove Obi-Wan from his fears.

"Do you want to go inside?" Qui-Gon asked gently of his padawan who seemed more relaxed nestled into the crook of his arm. "I just finished it. It took me a very long time to build and I had never thought of myself as a carpenter. What I lacked in skill I managed to make up in resourcefulness."

Obi-Wan turned his face up to look once more at his master. His eyes were red rimmed and slightly puffy from so many tears, but he managed to nod his assent to the suggestion. He allowed Qui-Gon to lead him up to the cabin. They ascended the two steps to the door and Qui-Gon pushed it open before them.

The only light in the large single room cabin was what ever was coming threw the opened windows and the open door. Obi-Wan looked about himself as he continued to clutched Qui-Gon as if for security. The walls were bare logs and pitch but the far-left wall had a fair sized fireplace made of stone and mortar. There were only a few pieces of furniture in the cabin. There was a table with two chairs that looked to be homemade and well done at that, a chest that was placed a few feet from the hearth in a position that made it a comfortable seat before a warm fire, and a large wood cabinet for storage.

"Where is the fresher?" The words slipped from Obi-Wan's mouth before he could even think about them. Qui-Gon only chuckled.

"The river is just a few yards away in the woods." He said in an amused voice. "It has a water fall. As for other sanitary facilities...I've dug the hole out back and put a seat around it...I just need to raise a roof over it." He smiled down at Obi-Wan who frankly gave him a look of utter disbelief. Qui-Gon laughed harder

"I thought you were use to the rough life." He added through his chuckle.

"I thought I was done with the rough life." Obi-Wan replied a little wryly. Qui-Gon laughed again but more out of relief for the return of Obi-Wan's humor than for anything else.

"It will not be so bad." He cheered him squeezing his shoulder. He led him to the table. "Come and sit, my Padawan." Carefully he disengaged Obi-Wan from his death-grip around him, holding his wrist gently but firmly. He guided him into one of the chairs at the solid wood table. As he released his arms he let his right hand come forward to gently caress the side of Obi-Wan's face. He was still trembling.

"Are you cold, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms about himself still shivering and yet still shook his head no to his question. Qui-Gon only offered him another compassionate smile as he stroked his cheek once more.

"Wait here." He instructed. With that, Qui-Gon stepped away and went out of the cabin door leaving it open. He returned only in moments carrying three or four split logs for the fireplace. He knelt on the floor next to the stone structure that looked as if it had already been used at least a few times before. Two of the logs he placed in a metal cradle basket near the fireplace. The other two he place directly on the hearth grate.

"I still have some other things to make yet...besides the privy." Qui- Gon spoke as he set about making a fire in the hearth. He knelt down next to the hearth, his robe's length pooling gracefully about his feet and knees. He reached for a tender box that was close at hand. "There is a village a few miles from here." He continued. "They have carpenters as well as iron smiths and weavers, but some things I just prefer to make myself."

He stopped suddenly and looked back at Obi-Wan who watched him intently. "Do you know what planet you are on?" He asked as a smile played at the corners of his lips.

"I've never seen such a beautiful place before." Obi-Wan replied as he remembered the sweet crisp morning air and the incredible feeling of peace.

"This is Coruscant." Qui-Gon gave a slight chuckle as he replied. He watched as the shock registered on Obi-Wan's face for a moment. Then came the rush of realization. In the sempiternity of the Force only what was truly real and in unity within the living force existed. Coruscant was not a planet covered and smothered; completely lost in structures made of durasteel, plastoids and glass. It was as it had been, as was it's most natural state: a planet of life and growth.

"I must admit," Qui-Gon continued, "I think I like this Coruscant much better. But it is a longer walk to the stores."

That made Obi-Wan smile and Qui-Gon smiled back in response. Turning back to the hearth, Qui-Gon continued talking to make Obi-Wan more at ease.

"It took me a while to find this particular spot though." He continued as he pulled kindling from the tinderbox and began to lay it down on and between the two logs he had positioned on the grate. "It had to be just right. Even like this, Coruscant is very populated...Peaceful but populated."

"How far are we from civilization?" Obi-Wan spoke in a quiet subdued voice but his tone suggested keen interest.

Qui-Gon looked back at him again noting how he seemed just a touch more at ease. Obi-Wan leaned a little forward on his seat and was no longer griping himself with his arms folded on his chest. Instead he placed them on the sides of his seat as he leaned forward. It was an almost child-like posture and Qui-Gon found it endearing.

"Seven miles down from the southern foothills." Qui-Gon answered. "Coruscant is not a never-ending city here in the sempiternity. It's a bit of an all day venture, going to the markets. Getting things back up the passes is quite a job." Qui-Gon took a long match and struck it. Setting it about on the kindling in places he lit small flames to catch the larger logs on fire.

They were quiet for a time as Qui-Gon continued to work with the fire. He managed to get the logs in a good position to catch the flame so he left it to do its work. Qui-Gon stood and turned to the large chest that sat at sitting distance from the fireplace. He could feel Obi-Wan's eyes follow him as he went. His former padawan was curious. Qui-Gon suppressed a smile.

Qui-Gon had thought to embark upon making a bed, and to that end he had begun to make the boards for the frame. He could buy some sturdy linen in the valley town that he would sew into a mattress that he would stuff with rushes and sweet grass. However, the bed was yet unfinished. Instead he had several blankets and cushions that he had brought up the pass that he used for bedding, spreading it out before the hearth like a nest. Qui-Gon retrieved these items now and turned back to the hearth where the logs were indeed beginning to catch. He dumped blankets and pillows alike on the floor well away from the hearthstones and went to close the fire screen. He did not close it all the way.

Qui-Gon turned back to Obi-Wan. "Would you like some tea?"

Obi-Wan shook his head as he watched him carefully. His clear eyes were wide now as he watched and waited for his master. Qui-Gon could only guess at what inner thoughts were lurking behind those eyes. Did he suspect at last that all his dreams were about to come true? Could he know that his heart's desire was only moments away?

It was time, Qui-Gon thought. No, his love would not stay silent and Obi-Wan's love would no longer be chained by fear.

"Come here, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon's melodious voice was gentle as he opened his arms again, an invitation to Obi-Wan to feel the comfort of their strength once more. "Come sit by the fire with me and we can talk."

Obi-Wan stood up from his chair slowly. His motions seemed reluctant. Nevertheless Qui-Gon held still, his arms wide in a silent offer of comfort, compassion, and security. Obi-Wan crossed the room and stepped into his master's arms once more.

Obi-Wan found himself wrapped once more into merciful salvation, and enclosed in gentle strength. Qui-Gon pulled him close as he wrapped his robe about him as well, enclosing him into himself as if to shelter him from the frost of his own fears. His master's lips brushed softly against his temple; then words were murmured close to his ear.

"Will you sit with me, my Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan looked up into the deep sapphire of his master's eyes, seeing emotions there that he had only ever dreamt of seeing before. His mouth was dry; he could not find his voice but he nodded his assent. He allowed Qui-Gon to guide him down with himself on to the cushions and blankets arranged on the floor. Qui-Gon put his back to the sturdy wood chest he had taken the blankets from and then leaned Obi- Wan back into his embrace, cradled in his arms and against his chest and still partially wrapped in his robe. Qui-Gon took one of Obi- Wan's hands into his own and held it to his chest dearly.

"You were so very brave, my Padawan. You made me proud." Qui-Gon spoke in gentled tones to Obi-Wan. "You never gave up...I watched you and admired your strength."

Obi-Wan looked into his master's face again, interested as he heard this disclosure.

"I was always with you." Qui-Gon said as he looked directly into Obi- Wan's changeable eyes. So close with only the light and shadows of the fire and what light filtered through the half shuttered windows, Obi-Wan's eyes were a cool blue gray. "You must have known." Qui-Gon continued.

"I knew." Obi-Wan replied in a very quiet voice. "I felt you, Master."

Qui-Gon lifted Obi-Wan's hand bring it palm up to his face, tenderly he kissed the center of his palm. He then held it to his heart. "Lonely for so long, my lovely Obi-Wan. I wept for you." Qui- Gon continued. "And it had been my fault. I laid the burden on you. I should not have."

"You had much faith in Anakin." Obi-Wan replied a little defensively. "It was not misplaced, Master. He did bring balance."

"But at what cost, my Padawan." Qui-Gon's arm tightened about Obi-Wan pulling him closer as he opened his heart before him. "I watched you and my heart broke every time...There was so much pain that should not have been yours alone to bear...not when I loved you so very much."

He watched Obi-Wan carefully after his admission. He watched as Obi- Wan's eyes grew a little wider and searched his face looking for confirmation of what he desired the most. Qui-Gon released the hand he held to reach up and touch his padawan's face. Gently he guided Obi-Wan up to his lips and his kiss.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi had been fourteen, he had learned what it meant to be enamored with another person's soul and strength. But being a boy raised by the Jedi in the crèche, he had been sheltered. He knew little about physical love. Later in his life, as he continued as the padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn, he had learned about the physical attraction often connected with infatuation as he had begun to feel these stirrings in himself for his master. He knew that the physical wants were a part of his love of his master and his need to be near him always. But love play was still unknown to him first hand. He had never had a lover, never known either woman or another man.

He had seen others kiss. He knew that others made love. He understood the mechanics and the emotions behind them, but they had never been his to share with another. Perhaps that had been solely his fault. As a young man he had been captivated with his master. After Qui-Gon's death he had been obsessed with following Qui-Gon's last wish. After Anakin's fall, he had been beleaguered with the preservation of what was left of the Jedi and the protection of a lone child in the desert.

Qui-Gon's kiss was a revelation of passion he had only dreamt of. Unfortunately, his imagination had not done it justice.

So very soft and so very sweet. Qui-Gon's lips were gentle against his as they touched his own. They drew in his lower lip where Qui- Gon's tongue gently tasted his sweetness. Gentled teeth nipped softly at its fullness. His lip was released but Qui-Gon pursued and his kiss deepened as he opened Obi-Wan's mouth with the gentle pressure of his tongue. Qui-Gon dove in to drink deeply of Obi-Wan like a man desperate for a taste of water after years of thirst. Qui-Gon's tongue plunged in deeply, sliding sensuously along his palate and against his tongue. He groaned into the kiss, a low, raw, and wordless voicing of his need.

Qui-Gon let his hand drop slowly from where it still touched Obi- Wan's face. He let it slide gently down till it loosely circled his throat, his index finger brushing along his pulse point. He held it there for a moment as his lips and tongue continued in their slow dance of passion against Obi-Wan's mouth. Then he let it fall lower; brushing over his tunic's till it reached the buckle entrance of his utility belt. Qui-Gon undid the clasp and the sturdy leather fell away from his slim waist. Qui-Gon at last released Obi-Wan from his kiss, moving his mouth lower to taste the curve of his jaw and nibble at the warm beat of his pulse beneath the flesh of his throat. He nipped tenderly at the stubble of his growing beard there. Obi-Wan came up from the kiss breathless. His mouth open and nearly panting, a small gasp escaped him.

Qui-Gon's hand, in the interim, was parting tunics to reach the smooth flesh of Obi-Wan's chest. Once in, his hand moved over Obi- Wan's supple flesh reverently, drinking in every curve and dip. His index finger played along one nipple for a time, feeling it grow taut beneath his feather light touch. A groan escaped Obi-Wan's lips as Qui-Gon continued to play with the tightened sensitive flesh of that small raised circle. Qui-Gon knew that Obi-Wan had never known physical passion before. He wanted this first time to be all for him.

"Does that feel good, my Obi-Wan?" He murmured against his flesh as he continued to press kisses to his throat and jaw. He felt Obi-Wan swallow hard, his breath still a ragged pant.

"Oh yes!" Obi-Wan's voice was a hiss of breath. "Yes, Master!"

Qui-Gon began to ease Obi-Wan backwards. His strong arms supported him as he brought him down. Laying him back into the nest of blankets and cushions, all the while continuing his sweet ardent kisses. He straightened himself out to lie at his side.

"I watched you, you know." He whispered again to Obi-Wan as his lips brushed close to an ear. His tongue came out to tease the lobe for a moment. He gave it a gentle nip. "While you were in the Junlan waste, I watched you."

Qui-Gon felt Obi-Wan tentatively grab for him and pull at his robe. Qui-Gon gave his padawan a warm chuckle and released him for a moment to relieve them both of the garment. Once they were free and the robe pushed aside, Qui-Gon looked down at his lovely padawan and smiled. "Is that better?"

Obi-Wan's clear blue eyes caught the amber of the flame to turn a sultry jade in color as he looked up at Qui-Gon. His lips parted and trembled slightly and Qui-Gon could not resist that beckoning. Obi- Wan yielded easily to his deep demanding kisses, at first offering only his surrender. But soon, gently and gingerly, he began to stir against him. His tongue began to move hesitantly against Qui-Gon's own. Cautiously he began to explore the depths of the kiss with his own lips, tongue and teeth. Soon he was surging up against Qui-Gon in passion as he learned about the depths of his own needs. His arms went to circle his master's strong shoulders and Obi-Wan himself now moaned into their kiss. His body seemed to undulate with need and he pushed himself towards Qui-Gon, trying to place as much of himself against him as he could.

But Qui-Gon broke the kiss, hushing him with tenderness and amusement. His hands ran over his beautiful young love's body, stroking him down while he calmed the fire he had kindled.

"Slowly, my love." Qui-Gon hushed. His voice was still a gentle murmur made of his rich baritone. Obi-Wan quieted for him. He lay in Qui-Gon's arms, looking up at him with need. His tunic's lay open and his chest rose and fell deeply with his impassioned breaths. Still he searched Qui-Gon's face as if he still feared that this was not what it seemed to be.

Qui-Gon placed two fingers against his cheek and stroked it softly. "What do you fear, my Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan's lips trembled again but his eyes were wide and bright with the passion he had held in check for so long. "I've wanted you for so long, Master. I've loved you..." He stopped for a moment a single tear fell from his eye. "All my life...All I had left to help me hang on...I loved you!"

"My sweet Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon whispered as he tenderly kissed the tear away. "It is done now...It is done."

Their lips met again in a more gentled kiss than the previous ones. And as they shared that slow sweet passion, Qui-Gon's hand moved lower till it reached the band of Obi-Wan's leggings. He undid the waistband and let his hand slide slowly in; knowing that he was welcome. There he found what he had suspected. His Obi-Wan was hard and hot in his hand. The silky flesh was hot under his touch. Qui-Gon gently wrapped his hand about his padawan's rampant shaft and listened to the soft whimpers that Obi-Wan could not contain through their kiss. Obi-Wan's hips began to rock slightly as he pushed his needy shaft into his master's grasp.

Qui-Gon again broke the kiss to find Obi-Wan panting with urgency.

"Beautiful Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon whispered as he nipped at his jaw line. "How I have loved you...Since you were seventeen, a boy becoming a man...and I could not...I could never...I only hoped that after you passed your trials...just perhaps."

Obi-Wan's head fell back and he uttered a small gasped of pleasure as Qui-Gon tightened his grip slightly on him and increased the friction. His fingers began to stroke him firmly. Qui-Gon took Obi- Wan's reaction as an invitation and he moved his lips down to lay claim to his throat.

"I watched you, my beautiful brave love." Qui-Gon murmured against his flesh. "I saw you sometimes in the mornings in your hermitage. I saw you go down to the back door that led out to your garden patch. You would touch yourself there. Why, my love?"

"The growing plants..." Obi-wan replied in a pant.

"Plants, beloved?" Qui-Gon lifted his head and looked amused at his lovely padawan who was wholly writhing in pleasure beneath his touch now.

"The Living Force was strongest there...It reminded me of you..." Obi- Wan replied. His clear eyes opened and focused on Qui-Gon again.

"Beloved." Qui-Gon smiled into his eyes. "I was with you. I watched you every time. I could not get enough of you, even when you had become an old man. How I loved you. I watched you and wished it could be me who touched you."

With that, Qui-Gon went down, kissing down the line between pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles. His tongue came out to taste the salty flesh of his padawan as he proceeded with determination down to his goal. His hands tugged on the waistline of Obi-Wan's leggings, sliding them down. He carefully extracted Obi-Wan's solid rampant shaft, stroking it once more in his hand. His lips laid a soft kiss against the crown of it. He then let his tongue slide down the cleft of the head, pushing back foreskin. His mouth surrounded Obi-Wan's shaft. It closed over it covering it in sweet silken pleasure. Obi- Wan's body arched up and undulated in response. His breath came out in a ragged cry and his panting became harder, more labored. The focus of his universe narrowed down to the silky moist heat that engulfed his needing flesh.

He could not control the wild thrusting of his hips as he pushed himself into his master's mouth over and over again. But Qui-Gon held firm to his hips to help control the spasmodic thrusts. His flesh was swallowed whole by his beautiful master.

And for a moment in time, after Qui-Gon had reminded him of that ritual of release, Obi-Wan felt himself again as he had been in his last days in the Junlan waste, a lonely old man waiting for destiny to arrive practically on his door stoop. But now, instead of a half remembered dream of a man who had lived when he was just a boy and the touch of his own hand on his skin, he saw Qui-Gon as he was now before him.

Obi-Wan's breath was labored in his chest. His heart pounded so wildly that he feared that it would burst apart. He was an old man after all. His body was long since beyond such unendurable pleasure; yet here he was, standing at the very threshhold of his small garden looking down on his heart's desire as he knelt before him in the sandy dust that barely gave forth any good, even with the best irrigation techniques. Qui-Gon tenderly cradled in his mouth Obi- Wan's sensitive member. The elderly Jedi gripped the doorframe to keep himself up right as he watched his master, sweet with the essence of youth about him, kneeling in the tiger striped shadows of the vine trellis at the entrance of the garden. A shaking hand went down to cup the back of his beloved master's head to guide him along his shaft. But Qui-Gon released his love's still rampant length to turn his attention to his awaiting balls. Qui-Gon nuzzled into the older man as his lips and teeth gently teased at his scrotum. He then took each ball in his mouth, one at a time, to suck upon ever so delicately.

The elderly Obi-Wan cried out in unbearable passion, unable to control the shuddering of his limbs. Fearing that old knees may give out, Qui-Gon gripped him by the backs of his thighs to help support him. Sapphire eyes looked up at his beloved's careworn old face with eyes still clear blue and bright. Even as he was, he was still beautiful beyond all other men. His hair was stark white and no longer that rich red-gold. His beard was white to match his head. But he was still lean and strong although his flesh was more slack than it had been in his youth. He was still his beautiful Obi-Wan. He could be "Old Ben" to everyone else.

He took his length back into his mouth determined now to give him all that he desired. Holding him firmly for support, Qui-Gon moved over his beloved's shaft, working him with gentle suction and a quick agile tongue. He felt Obi-Wan cry out urgently and his hips bucked hard, nearly throwing himself out of balance. Then Obi-Wan was throbbing in his mouth, filling it with his thick salty fluid. Qui- Gon swallowed it all and held him in his mouth until he ceased to throb. When he released him he felt Obi-Wan's knees finally give way. Qui-Gon caught him, helping him down to the floor with himself where he held him in strong loving arms. The elderly man wept against his strong young lover, laying his gray head against his broad shoulders.

"Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan let loose in a desperate cry as he nuzzled his aged gray head against his master's chest. Qui-Gon held him to himself dearly. He rocked him in his arms, soothing him once more with gentle words.

When Obi-Wan opened his eyes again, the garden doorway was gone as was the bright Tatooine morning sunshine filtered through the latticework of the trellis. He was again in that soft nest of blankets and cushions, cradled in Qui-Gon's arms. He was no longer the old man he had been. The fire that Qui-Gon had built for them in the cabin was going strong now but he hardly needed it. His body was covered in sweat as he nestled against Qui-Gon. He was trembling now from the strength of what he had just experienced more than from anything else.

He was naked and he wondered how he had come to be that way when he did not remember Qui-Gon ever completely removing any of his clothing other than his belt. Qui-Gon too was naked, as he had been in his vision. Obi-Wan looked up at him in wonder.

"Nothing you desire is wrong here, beloved." Qui-Gon whispered as he touched his nose to the side of Obi-Wan's face. "It is all here for us to share and enjoy."

"What do you want now, beloved." Qui-Gon's asked in a soft husky whisper as he continued to nuzzle his face.

"A shower." Obi-Wan replied tersely. He turned his head to look at his beloved master and to smile into his eyes. Qui-Gon chuckled softly.

"Yes, it has gotten a bit warmer in here from when we first came in." Qui-Gon released Obi-Wan from his hold and stood up. He pulled Obi- Wan to his feet as well. "Let's go to the river for a swim." He suggested.

Obi-Wan looked about himself on the floor for his tunics and leggings but Qui-Gon caught his hand and began to lead him away from their nest. "Forget it, love." He laughed as he drew him out the door of their cabin.

It was afternoon now and the mountain air was still crisp and clean but the sunlight was intense and warm. Obi-Wan felt the Living and Unifying Force sing through the air like a gentle summer breeze. It flowed about him and through him making him feel more a live and real than he had ever felt while he had actually been alive. It was then that he realized the truth in the maxim that all Jedi were taught from their first days in the crèche. It was master Yoda's favorite of lessons

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

There in the sempiternity of the Force they were more real than they had ever been in their mortal lives. That had just been a shadow, a copy of their true souls, which was radiant and luminous. Their lives there would be resplendent and wondrous, filled with the joy and peace of the Force that sang in sweet harmony around them through them and with them. Obi-Wan felt his very heart beat pick-up the song.

Qui-Gon led him through the clearing near where he had first found himself in it. He picked up Obi-Wan's discarded robe along the way throwing it over his shoulder.

"You lost something." He said in a jesting tone as he continued to walk with Obi-Wan in tow. He led him down a path that went for a few yards due south until Obi-Wan could hear the pleasant sounds of rushing water.

The stream itself was not deep but a waterfall that came down a rock face that was at least twenty meters up fed the stream. The water collected in a good size pool near the base off the falls. Just under the falls was a rock shelf where on could stand under the pour of water or just behind it. The water looked clean and clear. The air smelled fresh with the moisture of its spray. The air was a little cooler here but not too cold. It was obviously a mountain stream.

Qui-Gon stopped to lay Obi-Wan's robe down on the grass before they reached the sand and smooth pebble shore of the stream. He spread it out carefully in the grass.

"It will do for a towel." He explained.

Obi-Wan looked about himself in awe and thought, this is all for us! It was too wondrous to be true. He gave a slight shiver of joy as his face could not suppress a smile. Then he looked at his beloved Qui- Gon.

//He loves me!// Obi-Wan thought. But the thought could not sink deep enough and he felt oddly dizzy with the power of it. //He's always loved me!//

A rich peel of laughter escaped Obi-Wan and he let go of Qui-Gon's hand. He took a few trotting steps towards the river and then turned.

"You've wanted me since I was seventeen!?" Obi-Wan's voice was laced with the music of his laughter.

Qui-Gon smiled back moving slowly towards him. "It was my most desperate desire...and deepest secret."

Obi-Wan stilled for a moment, his smile fading to a sultry teasing grin, as he looked his master in the eyes. "Then come and get me!" He said in a voice like cinnamon and honey. He then turned on his heels rushing to the pool's edge he dove in, slipping into the rippled glassy surface as agile as a young otter.

Amused, Qui-Gon moved to the water's edge waiting for Obi-Wan to surface. What he saw when his padawan reemerged stole his breath away.

Obi-Wan broke the surface almost mid pool, coming up quickly and throwing a sparkling array of water droplets that danced about him in the afternoon sunlight to add to the enchantment of the spectacle. He was more than beautiful, more than desirable.

And he could not have been more than nineteen.

His padawan braid fell back over his shoulder as he threw water from his hair by flinging back his head. Wet, sleek, and beautiful, Obi- Wan turned clear, happy blue eyes back towards the shore where his master approached.

And it was his master. The iron colored hair that he remembered so well hung down past his shoulders like a lion's mane once more. His beard and mustache peppered lightly with gray was neatly trimmed and no longer the half grown effort of a younger man. Blue blue eyes, set in a face so full of wisdom and beauty, watched him with intense focus. His skin was radiant under the afternoon sunlight. His body was the long strong pillar that Obi-Wan had always known with it's deep chest and columnar legs. They were long, powerful legs made for bearing tremendous burdens with easy grace. Obi-Wan was mesmerized as he now watched those long legs take great earth eating strides to the water's edge and then began to wade in.

Frozen in place in the act of brushing excess water from his face and hair, Obi-Wan could only watch. The large lion of a man that had practically raised him from boy to man came towards him, shining like a god as the water touched his skin and made him luminous. Before his frozen brain unlocked, before his limbs could loosen, Qui-Gon was upon him. Large hands took hold of his shoulders, wrenching him hard and almost unmercifully about. Obi-Wan was grabbed and pulled into a hard demanding kiss that melted his backbone and loosened his knees.

It was like a first kiss, like a revelation of desire. It was soul stirring, heart wrenching, and life changing. It was a kiss of beginnings. Obi-Wan's body of it's own volition responded in a manner that he had not expected. More startling than the surrender of his body to those powerful hands was the trembling that shook him from head to toe. Like a frighten child, he clung to his Master's powerful arms and trembled, all the while Qui-Gon took possession of him with his mouth and his will. His lips forced open and his mouth ravished with a near brutal urgency, Obi-Wan would have responded in kind but found himself instead nearly passive in Qui-Gon's embrace. Yet he wanted this just as deeply. He wanted to pull Qui-Gon to himself and crush them into an immutable embrace. He wanted to consume him as he was being consumed.

What was happening to him? Why was his response so different from what he truly wanted?

Then he realized what it was that stilled his need to act out on his own desires and drove his body to respond in this different manner. This was Qui-Gon's secret dream! This was Qui-Gon's fantasy! He was just being what Qui-Gon needed him to be for this moment just as Qui- Gon had been what "old Ben" had needed him to be the moment before.

Obi-Wan trembled like a frighten child strangely passive and willing yet still afraid, vulnerable, and innocent. Qui-Gon released the kiss and looked down into his padawan's eyes.

Pure, virginal, innocent, and flawless, Obi-Wan looked up at Qui-Gon; looked into the eyes of his master who looked at him in a manner that he had never done before. It was a look that was full of hunger matched and echoed by the sheer possessive grip of his hands on his shoulders, pinning his arms to his sides. It was a turbulent and troubling look that suggested a measure of savagery. Aqua eyes looked into dark sapphire and were riveted in place with fear like a small creature in the sights of a wheeling hawk.

In those soft azure orbs Qui-Gon saw wonder tinged with fear, yet the boy did not struggle. He did not try to pull away from the fire of his longing. But the fear was plan in his eyes. It excited Qui-Gon in a way that he could not explain. And if he had still been alive and a knight and Master of the Jedi order he would have been deeply disturbed and appalled to see this side of himself. He wanted his Obi- Wan's fear. It fueled his passion. It fanned the flames of his desire. Left with little restraint in the face of Obi-Wan's submission, Qui-Gon succumb to his feral desire.

With unthinking strength and brutal desire he threw Obi-Wan up over his shoulder as if he weighed no more than a rag doll. With his newly won possession in his grip, Qui-Gon trudged his way back towards the shore of the river. Slightly in shock, Obi-Wan did not struggle but watched mesmerized as his master's iron colored hair swung free between massive shoulders. This was his master and no doubt. Obi-Wan was dropped carefully down on the over robe Qui-Gon had spread on the ground some moments ago.

Before he could react in any way, Qui-Gon was on top of him pressing him back with his heavy frame as his lips smashed down over Obi-Wan's mouth taking once more. A small whimper escaped Obi-Wan as the trembling returned. Almost un-gentle, Qui-Gon's teeth nipped at Obi- Wan's lower lip making the younger man squirm beneath him. Large hands roamed freely over wet skin stroking limbs, chest, and loins. Fingers lingered to stroke the velvet soft flesh of a nipple or to taken the warm silk at the ridge of his padawan's turgid member's head. His ears reaped the rewards of soft moans and whimpers sung into his mouth as he continued his devouring kiss.

Yes! This was what he wanted. This and so much more! He wanted his Obi-Wan in a million ways for more than a million years. Now they would have forever. Qui-Gon rubbed his heavy hot erection against Obi- Wan's thigh impatiently. He felt his padawan shift and knew that his thighs had just fell open like the pedals of a flower seeking the heat of the sun.

"Are you ready, my Padawan." Qui-Gon whispered hotly against Obi- Wan's cheek and jaw as his mouth laid a trail of hungry open-mouthed kisses down to his tender throat.

"Master!" The word was whispered with a mingling of desire and fear that set Qui-Gon's soul ablaze.

Soon it was not enough to taste, to touch. He had to possess. His mouth moved downward again on his beloved, but this time his flesh was not aged and slack but young and nubile. His hand reached downward and cupped Obi-Wan's tender young balls as his mouth wrapped deftly about his beautiful boy's rampant member. Even in this his touch was not gentle as he moved his mouth up and down his shaft in an almost harsh relentless motion. Obi-Wan whimpered helplessly at his onslaught.

Qui-Gon came up off his beautiful boy's shaft to listen to his sweet half frightened moans and cries, his hand now wrapping about the saliva-moistened shaft to pump it firmly. Qui-Gon looked up to watch as Obi-Wan squirmed restlessly and excitably before him like a skittish animal. His aqua eyes were wild with passion and desire tinged with fear.

"Yes, my pretty boy!" Qui-Gon whispered. As he reapplied his mouth to his padawan's waiting erection, he let his hand slip low again. But this time he pressed his saliva slickened index finger to the tight entrance to his Obi-Wan's young body. Tenderly at first he ran his finger lightly over that raised ring of muscle, teasing it with a flicking, tickling touch. He heard Obi-Wan whimpers quicken to a pant. Then slowly, Qui-Gon pushed inward with the tip of his finger. He heard Obi-Wan gasp in surprise as it happened. With deliberate care he continued inward till he sunk his digit in more than two knuckles deep.

The cry of surprise Obi-Wan gave as his body was breached sent a thrill racing down Qui-Gon's spine. In his excitement, he thought that he had never before had such a heavy and tight erection before. Nor had his lust ever controlled him so completely. But he threw his cares to the wind and went headlong into wild abandonment. Wasn't it true that nothing that they wanted was wrong in the sempiternity? There was no since in delaying what he truly wanted, was there?

Obi-Wan squirmed beneath Qui-Gon in an urgent and half-resistant manner as if he would try to get away if he weren't so rooted to the spot by his body's lustful reactions. Qui-Gon released his quivering shaft once more and removed his finger. With out a second thought to his padawan's needs or comfort he grabbed him in a bruising grip on his thigh and waist and with brute strength flipped the boy over onto his stomach. Qui-Gon moved swiftly over his padawan as if he truly feared the boy would bolt from him at the first slacking of his grip. Coming to his knees behind him, Qui-Gon grasped Obi-Wan's hips and pulled him up to his hands and knees before himself.

Young perfect body before him bowed in a sublime posture of submission; Qui-Gon could not help but breathed a sigh as he delighted in the beauty of his Obi-Wan. And he knew that deep with in his young lover, he was willing. This roughness and resistance was just for the thrill of it. And it was thrilling. Qui-Gon prepared to lose himself again into the illusion and allow it to take them wherever it willed. His body was fairly trembling in excitement and anticipation as he looked down that straight spine, across solid smooth shoulders dusted lightly with faint freckles, and down to slim hips and beautifully rounded buttocks just made for squeezing...or spanking.

Qui-Gon spread those lovely cheeks with his hands using nothing even remotely close to tenderness. He exposed the tender bud that was the entrance to his padawan's body. He made no plans to be gentle at all. With no other lubricant than what moisture still clung to their bodies from their short dip in the river, Qui-Gon pressed the head of his erection carefully against the entrance to his Obi-Wan. He felt the boy desperately wiggle against him and try to relax muscles that were suppose to be tight by nature.

Entry was not easy this way for either of them but it became worthwhile for Qui-Gon as he felt the tight ring of muscles give at last and he began to slide slowly in. He found his shaft being alternately clinched and released by his padawan's body as it tried to control the burning slide. Obi-Wan gasped at the first sensation of being breached, but that sound soon turned into a hard grunt of effort that soon gave way to a long piercing howl.

Qui-Gon pushed himself firmly and completely in wrapping a hand about the boy's waist he leaned over his padawan. "Good boy!" He growled in a feral whisper. He resisted his body's impulse to begin thrusting into the young body he now had control of. Qui-Gon brushed a kiss over one of Obi-Wan's shoulders.

"My good boy..." His voice was an angry whisper in Obi-Wan's ear. His hand reached for Obi-Wan's still turgid member and gave it a few strokes. Obi-Wan let loose another cry but burning pain and effort did not forge this one.

"Are you ready, my baby boy?" Qui-Gon asked breathing the words against the side of his head.

"Yes! Yes!" Obi-Wan's reply was nearly a pant.

Qui-Gon lifted himself back to his knees and took Obi-Wan's hips into his hands. Qui-Gon's rhythm into Obi-Wan was hard but not least not yet. He pushed into Obi-Wan's warm sweet body, experiencing the best of paradise over and over again. He listened to Obi-Wan's long moans and desperate whimpers and enjoyed them. One of his hand cupped the firm round of Obi-Wan's tight buttock as he watched himself slide in and out of his padawan's tight anus.

Without thought his hand lifted and slapped down on the smooth flesh of Obi-Wan's buttock. The sound of the spank was a sharp crack that seemed to ring through the forest. Qui-Gon bit his own lip as his lust consumed him. His hand came down again and the fair skin beneath it began to turn pink then to fuchsia.

"My baby boy!" Qui-Gon growled once more and was rewarded with a single word cried out from his padawan in heated desperation and need.


Qui-Gon set free a feral moan as he grasped Obi-Wan tighter by the hips and pumped unmercifully harder and faster. His head fell back, his face bathed in afternoon sunlight. It's heat and the heat of his passion brought up sweat on his skin. His long iron colored hair swung free about his shoulders and back. Strong arms held firm the young body before him. Powerful hips thrust forward again and again, sinking deeply into the warm tight pleasure that was his Obi-Wan.

Obi-wan cried out one more. "Daddy, please! Make me come!"

"Yes, baby. Yes!" Qui-Gon whispered his response as he reached about Obi-Wan to take his erection firmly in hand once more. He stroked it in counter point to his own thrusts.

"Yes!" Obi-Wan cried out. "Fuck me, daddy. Fuck me!"

And that was all it took. With a great growling roar Qui-Gon climaxed. His orgasm washed over him in waves that shook him from hair roots to toe nails. He convulsed slightly as his body released into Obi-Wan. He was barely able to register the moment of Obi-Wan's own orgasm. But he felt Obi-Wan shake violently beneath him and felt his hand on Obi-Wan's shaft become slick. He held enough of himself together to milk his pulsating shaft a few more times before he released him. They fell together back onto the out stretched over robe. Qui-Gon carefully rolled them to their sides. For a long moment they lay together under the warm sunlight catching their breath and letting their sweat soaked skin dry.

Qui-Gon had begun to think Obi-Wan may had fallen to sleep as he listened to his soft breathing and watched his still form before him. But without a word Obi-Wan rolled about to face him, his face still radiantly young, and now incredibly happy. He touched the side of Qui- Gon's face tenderly.

"I've never felt anything like that before!" He breathed out in an incredulous voice.

Qui-Gon gave a soft chuckle that was tinged with ruefulness. "I never knew such a beast existed in me."

He watched as Obi-Wan's smile broadened and he began to laugh. "Such a lovely beast it was. I wonder what other beast exist inside you."

"You'll have eternity to discover them all, my love." Qui-Gon replied as he laid one gentled, large hand to the side of Obi-Wan's face and stroked the dimpled cleft of his chin with his thumb. "Just as I will relish discovering all of yours." He then gave Obi-Wan the most tender kiss that was so very much unlike the rough kisses and bruising touches of before.

Obi-Wan's laughter broke their kiss. Qui-Gon's padawan raised himself to an elbow and looked down on his Master's gentled expression. "Would you be surprised at my demons?"

Qui-Gon smiled up into his aqua eyes that dance with joy. "It depends. You found one of my demons lovely. Perhaps I will find all of yours just so."

"Would you like to see one?" Obi-Wan asked with mischief in his crystal changeable eyes.

"I thought you wanted a bath." Qui-Gon chuckled.

Obi-Wan laughed out loud once more. "That can wait." He lowered his head down to Qui-Gon to take his lips in a sudden passionate kiss. As his eyes closed Qui-Gon relinquished control to his beautiful padawan, wondering just where he would lead them.

His kiss was long slow and passionate and Qui-Gon luxuriated in the sensual feeling of holding his beautiful Obi-Wan so close and feeling is expressive lips and supple tongue in a deep and satisfying kiss.

When he opened his eyes, he was only mildly surprised to see that they were no longer in the forest. However, he was a bit taken off guard to find himself seated on rich plush velvet cushion piled high and deep. There bright colors a bright contrast to the subdued dim light and smoky atmosphere of the rather intimate feasting hall he was in. He had seen these kinds of dens before in his long career as a Jedi Knight. These plush and richly ornate rooms with their gold stitched synth-silk tapestries and their fur rugged floors were frequented by the notoriously rich and infamous on such outer rim worlds such as Mallincore, Ootharn, and Tesbit. In such places law and order was upheld by the strong over the weak, slaves were available in every species and difficulty level, and hired killers otherwise know as "bounty hunters" were abundant.

Qui-Gon only registered the room's rich decor out of the corners of his vision for his sight was almost completely filled with Obi-Wan who was straddling him, looking down on his master for who he had just given a kiss to. Obi-Wan seemed only a little older now to Qui- Gon's eyes. Perhaps he was in his twenties. But he still wore his padawan braid. He wore little else.

Qui-Gon found himself in the richly colored velvet and synth-silk robes of an outer rim Spice Lord. He nearly laughed out loud to think of himself so lavishly dressed but he held his laughter. This was his Obi-Wan's fantasy. He would not ruin it for him with his amusement at his garb and supposed rank as a baron in the otherwise illegal trade of the narcotic and/or hallucinogenic spices that circulate about the known inhabited systems.

On the other hand, it was all too clear and quite sobering as to what Obi-Wan was to him. Qui-Gon's hands smoothed up supple flesh that covered the hard muscles of Obi-Wan's thighs till he reached what felt like synth-silk. It was a gold and slightly translucent synth- silk sash tied about his waist. And it was the only covering that he had over his waist and loins. The tie sat dapperly on his right hip while the sash broadened out to his left. It was designed to be a precarious covering. It lived up to its expectations. Around the sun- gilded flesh of his Obi-Wan's throat sat a golden band slave collar. Not the flat beaten metal of a typical collar, this one was smooth like a closed torc and made with delicate ornate carvings.

But Qui-Gon could not resist a smile as he looked up into the sultry look in Obi-Wan's eyes that were a vivid jade green in the rooms smoky torchlight. Obi-Wan's arms rested easily about his shoulders as he straddled his Master. Sweet expressive lips were parted in alluring anticipation. Obi-Wan leaned forward slowly and Qui-Gon thought he would receive another kiss. But instead, in a move that was as elegant as it was arousing, Obi-Wan lightly brushed his lips slowly up the bridge of Qui-Gon's nose to his hair line letting only the slightest amount of the tip of his tongue pass his lips to give him a feather light touch. Obi-Wan then sat back on his Master's knees.

"Shall I dance for you now, Master?"

The question was breathed out to Qui-Gon in a tone that melted his soul and set his loins on fire. Qui-Gon swallowed hard looking for the breath to give his affirmative.

"Yes, yes! Let your boy dance!" Came a deep voice to Qui-Gon's right and his head turned to it. It was then that he noticed that the room had other occupants. There were other men and sentients about the room, lounging on the thick cushions and dressed similarly to himself. Some were being waited upon and served by their own slaves both male and female of various races. The man who spoke was a large human close to Qui-Gon's age. His head was bald and smooth but his beard was thick black and full. He also had thick bushy black brows over shrewd black eyes. His barreled chest seemed more powerful than portly. He looked both treacherous and dignified in black synth-silk robes with silver jewelry that gave him a striking appearance. A slim blue skinned Rutian Twi'lek, who carefully kept her attention on her master at all times, was serving him.

"Such a beautiful boy." The man continued. "Where did you acquire him? Exquisite shape! Perfect form! Did you own him as a lad and train him yourself? Sometimes that the only way to get such beauty from a slave."

"I've had him since he was thirteen." Qui-Gon found himself answering. "Yes, I helped in his training."

"Do have him dancessssss!" Suggested a richly dressed Trandoshan whose old scaled skin looked ready for its yearly molt. Trandoshans were normally sleek violent creatures but this one looked ancient, fattened and corrupted by rich living. A Rodian youth attended him.

Obi-Wan slipped silently off of Qui-Gon's knees and stood before him. It was then that Qui-Gon noticed that his padawan's left nipple was pierced with a simple small gold loop. A common enough thing for a pleasure slave to have and a piercing over the left side signified that the pleasure slave belonged to one master only. Still, a though flashed through Qui-Gon's mind, //something for my fingers to do when I'm bored, no doubt.// He pictured himself idly flicking the small gold ring between thumb in fore finger as he sat through boring banquets or slow business deals as a Spice Lord. Obi-Wan waited before him for his approval. Qui-Gon, who had no voice right then, merely nodded.

The dark portly man gave a languid gesture at the musicians in the corner that were playing mellow toned stringed instruments. At his gestured command they picked up the tune to a livelier beat that had just the right amount of implied temptation in its tones. Obi-Wan offered Qui-Gon one last fervent glance before he moved off to the center of the room.

There were no rugs at the room center and the polished marble floor looked as if it was made for this sort of entertainment. Obi-Wan walked with easy grace to the center of the room and took his place at the center of the marble floor. In the muted torchlight his limbs already seemed to glow pale gold. Piercing eyes, made jade in color by the fire's light, looked up and directly into Qui-Gon's as he prepared for the dance.

Slowly his body picked up the thrumming rhythm of the music and his limbs moved in graceful sweeps. His dance from the start looked like a cross between a kata and a Falleenian interpretive dance. His lean strong body moved with exquisite skill. Moving in time with the music's sultry beat, now stretching tall with long arms out spread like a long white lily in the careless wind, now flowing inward almost boneless, his hips swaying and his arms sweeping smoothly. He moved about the room mesmerizing all of its occupants with his lithe grace and hypnotic sensuality.

Qui-Gon watched him intensely, but it wasn't as if he had a choice. He could not turn away from the spectacle of his beautiful padawan stripped nearly naked and flowing about the room in the most sensual dance he could ever imagine. The ends of the gold synth-silk wrap trailed after Obi-Wan like twin broad ribbons. They shimmered and flowed after him just as fluid and as radiant as the dancer.

"Exquisite!" The portly man's voice broke across Qui-Gon's thoughts. Qui-Gon turned to look at the large finely dressed Spice Lord. He noted how the man's beady black eyes followed his Obi-Wan's movements with care. His tongue came out to moisten his lips and the gesture reminded Qui-Gon of a balhound licking its chops before a meal.

Obi-Wan seemed oblivious to all the other inhabitants in the room. He continued his slowly spinning, sweeping graceful dance, lifting and touching his feet down on the floor with great care. His long muscular legs moving with supple power and balance. Each move like a stance in a kata was cleanly placed. Yet his motion was so fluid and pure if it had not been so very erotic Qui-Gon was sure it would have brought tears to his eyes. Nevertheless, it was very erotic. Qui-Gon watched with hungry eyes, as did every other creature in that feasting hall, as Obi-Wan flexed himself backwards sweeping a hand low and nearly brushing the backs of his ankles. His padawan braid swept the floor adding a sublime accent to the motion. He straightened, rolling himself upward on his spine exposing the strength of abdominal and pectoral muscles as they pulled his form upright again. His strong legs took him through spins and leaps that even unaided by the force were more powerful and more flight-like than any other dancer could ever achieve.

Qui-Gon watched as his padawan, now glistening with sweat under the tawny light moved closer as he danced. Filled with the brilliance of seduction, Obi-Wan moved with confidence ever closer to his master. Jade eyes sparkled with the dancing flames of the torches.

So this was his demon, his beast? Certainly this was a demon of a sort but not in the horrendous sense that Qui-Gon had slightly expected. Still, in its own way, this demon was just as bad as the one that had manifested in Qui-Gon. With unearthly beauty, Obi-Wan was a seducer and a predator. Shamelessly wanton, his padawan gyrated and moved his hips in a suggestive swaying motion that set a chill down Qui-Gon's spine. The movement had been so very slight but the suggestion had been so very strong.

"I'll give you my year's profits for one night with your boy." The dark portly man spoke to Qui-Gon in a low urgent tone.

Qui-Gon's head turned to the man again, frowning at the interruption. //Hardly equitable compensation!// However Qui-Gon only offered the man what looked on the surface to be a polite smile. Except, that smile was laced with one part pity to two parts ridicule. It was a smile that said plainly: "Are you kidding me?" He then turned back to the dance. He heard the man utter an angry "humph" and he had to suppress a laugh.

By the twinkle in Obi-Wan's eyes, Qui-Gon could tell that he had over heard and saw the conversation. He could tell that Obi-Wan was pleased. He danced ever closer.

"A years profit and three cargo holds of aithium!" The man clamored as he brushed his Twi'lek aside thoughtlessly.

"Save your aithium to bribe the commerce courts." Qui-Gon chuckled. But he never took his eyes off his Obi-Wan who now danced slowly before him. Glistening and glowing with sweat, he looked sleek and strong, a challenge to the master who would subdue him. But Qui-Gon knew that there would not be a fight this time. However, if he wanted one, he was sure his Obi-Wan would oblige.

The notion that his padawan would be yielding now was confirmed when Obi-Wan took a position over Qui-Gon, straddling him once more. In a smooth deliberate motion he seated himself once more on his master's knees and continued his slow swaying dance, moving arms chest stomach and hips. Qui-Gon could tell through the sheer material of Obi-Wan's wrap that he was growing just as excited as his master was. Yet Obi- Wan continued the dance on Qui-Gon's lap.

Qui-Gon resisted the urge to touch merely because he did not want to disrupt that erotic motion in any way. However, he knew that the dance was doomed to end soon. The excitement between them was just too strong. Qui-Gon lost track of time and space and locality. He lost track of the other occupants in the room. Obi-Wan became both his focus and his reality. And his reality just settled himself down on his lap, touching his cheeks with his long elegant fingers. Obi- Wan leaned forward and took a series of small tasting kisses from Qui- Gon's lips.

"Have I pleased you, Master?" His voice was a sultry whisper. His jade eyes were half-lidded but glowing with seduction. "May I take my reward now?"

"Yes." The single word emerged from Qui-Gon's dry throat, gravely and slightly strained. He managed to get it pass his lips though at the end of a nearly labored breath.

In a single fluid motion, Obi-Wan slipped down on Qui-Gon's lap folding himself neatly between Qui-Gon's knees. There he reached for the ties of Qui-Gon's silk leggings. Part of Qui-Gon felt a bit of apprehension at what was about to happen. He was normally a prudent man with a normal amount of modesty. But even if he had not been so circumspect, he was not sure if he would have liked to have his most vulnerable parts exposed to that particular crowd. Still and all, this was Obi-Wan's vision in the sempiternity. Qui-Gon determined not to spoil it for him.

Too late to notice that they were still seated in a room full of strangers. Too late to try and take back control of his situation. It was even too late to even care as the wet warm silk of Obi-Wan's tongue stroked up his long rampant shaft exposed to the air of the room and to the vision of all it's occupants. Qui-Gon's head fell back as he uttered a single low moan mingled with the breath of a sigh. One of Obi-Wan's hands tenderly cupped his balls, his thumb gently stroking the lightly furred sac. Obi-Wan continued to slowly lick up his master rigid length.

Finally he lowered his mouth over the rampant member and sunk down on it taking it all in with what appeared to be practiced poise and ease. Qui-Gon found himself both mildly surprised and amused as well as phenomenally aroused. And he wondered where his Obi-Wan, always somewhat an ascetic in his life, had learned to do such a feat so artistically. Qui-Gon discovered thoughts take less than seconds. Somehow he managed to think all that and yet when Obi-Wan's throat swallowed about the sensitive head of his firm erection, thought became a thing of the past. Qui-Gon's breath caught in a gasp.

Obi-Wan repeated the deep throating a few more times before he settled into a steady rhythm on Qui-Gon's erection. Qui-Gon felt the muscles in his shoulders; neck and back alternately bunch and relax at each move. Despite that he still managed to let himself lounge back on his cushions to enjoy the ride.

Qui-Gon did notice the envious glances of the others just then. He noted how intensely the dark-eyed man watched them, his lips moist and his hands fidgeting. His Twi'lek watched too. Her pretty mouth set in a serious pout, she eyed Obi-Wan then looked back up to her master, fully aware of the fact that his attention was absorbed by the beautiful human male slave. The Trandoshan watched, all the while making a low thrumming noise in his throat that Qui-Gon knew signified his approval. Other eyes watched as well, some human, some not human and a few segmented.

A smile touched Qui-Gon's lips as modesty was set aside and he replaced it with smug pride. They all envied him; they all wanted his Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon looked down at his padawan who still worked ardently on his rigid shaft. Clear eyes looked up at him and their eyes met. Qui-Gon could see the amusement in those sultry jade orbs. Qui-Gon could see his padawan's demon clearly now as he realized his own role in this fantasy as a man mastered by his slave. Moreover, Qui-Gon was sure that there wasn't a slave master with in that entire room that Obi-Wan could not master if he chose to do so.

As he looked up at his master with laughter shining in his eyes, he rolled his tongue slowly about the rampant erection he held in his mouth and deep throated it once more just to show his supremacy. Qui- Gon gasped again as thoughts ran away from his mind chased on the winds of desire. What a wicked game his padawan was playing.

With a final lick up his master's length, Obi-Wan released Qui-Gon's shaft from his mouth and rose up looking down as his beloved master with a look that was made of lust and fire. He did not speak as he moved about Qui-Gon to retrieve a small crystal vial from the floor that had a looked to have some viscous clear liquid in it. When he un- stoppered the crystal vial, an incredibly delicious smell wafted through the air of the room. It was a warm cinnamon smell that made Qui-Gon's mouth water for more than the most obvious reason. Carefully Obi-Wan straddled his master once more.

"Please, Master?" Obi-Wan's voice was a breathy half-whisper.

Did he really have to ask? Oui-Gon wondered as he struggled with his inner mindless frenzy that wanted to grab his padawan and ravage him unmercifully there. But Qui-Gon gave his assent with a nod of his head and Obi-Wan went to work smoothing the warm slippery oil over his thick and firm erection. He anointed Qui-Gon thoroughly with the sweet smelling oil as his hand slipped up and down his rampant length. Qui-Gon watched helpless as his padawan then straddled his hips. Using his hand to guide, Obi-Wan slowly sunk himself down on his master's erection, impaling himself on his thick heated length. Qui-Gon's back arched up and his head fell back as he gasped at the sweet tight sensation. Obi-Wan, however, bit his own lip and made no sound at all. His body accepted his master's shaft as if it was well practiced at doing so.

Once settled on top of his beloved master, Obi-Wan sighed. To Qui-Gon that soft release of breath was a beautiful, musical sound that was like the sweetest of love songs. He looked up at his lovely padawan who now held him tight within himself. Qui-Gon was grasped and possessed by Obi-Wan's body. Qui-Gon's hands moved reverently up the soft smooth flesh of his thighs feeling hard muscle beneath rolling in effort. His hands went to Obi-Wan's hips, still surrounded by the sheer gold synth-silk. His hands tangled for a moment in the gossamer material as he grasped him. He pushed the silk wrap up to reveal his padawan's own thick and rampant erection. The sight of it made Qui- Gon's mouth water yet again.

Obi-Wan anticipated his master's desires. He took one of Qui-Gon's hands, removing it from his waist. He turned it palm up. He then applied an amount of the oil to his open palm from the crystal vial he still held. Deliberately, he placed that hand on his own erection. Qui-Gon needed little more prompting as he wrapped his large hand about his Obi-Wan's member and smoothed the oil into his flesh.

Now Obi-Wan began to move too. At first his hips swayed easy, back and forth, both moving his own erection inside Qui-Gon's fist and moving Qui-Gon's erection, deeply in the tight grasp of his body. Qui- Gon spread his own thighs a little wider as his hips began to buck upward into Obi-Wan. Their motion was slow and savoring. Obi-Wan moved himself with slow deliberate care, easing up and down Qui-Gon's hot solid flesh that filled him so completely.

The glint of Obi-Wan's nipple piercing caught Qui-Gon's eye and suddenly he was consumed with a desire to touch as he enjoyed the tight hot envelopment of his flesh within his padawan. He reached up and gently flicked the delicate loop with his fingers slippery with oil and Obi-Wan's pre-come. Obi-Wan's head fell back as he sighed once more.

So very beautiful when he sighed like that, and Qui-Gon could barely contain himself. But he knew that he had too. Obi-Wan needed him to. But Qui-Gon wanted and it was a torturous wanting. He wanted to taste his padawan's beautiful mouth once more. He wanted to taste his shining flesh. He wanted to sink his tongue deep into his navel. He wanted to taste the salty droplet that rested at the tip of his erection. He wanted to nuzzle into the soft bristles of his pubic hairs and sniff deeply his Obi-Wan's musk. But instead he flicked and fingered the small golden hoop of his nipple piercing and held tight to his thigh.

Qui-Gon watched as his Obi-Wan grew more and more inflamed. He began to rise and fall on Qui-Gon erection in a faster and fiercer rhythm, riding him hard. He began to emit savage sounds that were produced deep with in his throat and rang about the room. It was the sound of a beautiful furious beast in the act of coitus. Obi-Wan's hands went back to clutch Qui-Gon's knees as his back arched. His padawan braid tickled the inside of one of Qui-Gon's thighs. He glowed in the torchlight like a demon of seduction should. His glistening erection, free from the silken wrap bobbed before him with his motion. He was too beautiful for words and Qui-Gon knew he should turn away, not look at him least he lost control too soon.

There was so little time for rational thought though. And Qui-Gon would never remember the moment that he lost all capacity for it. All he knew was all his animal urges took over and he grasped Obi-Wan and rolled them both, pushing his beautiful padawan down into the cushions roughly. Roaring like the great lion he was, Qui-Gon mounted his Obi-Wan with deep heedless thrusts. Passion rushed through his body like a fire in a back draft, consuming his reason and branding him as his padawan's possession.

He held with a grip that bruised the slippery sweat and oil covered skin beneath him. He rocked on top of his Obi-Wan driving his hard flesh home with brute force. But Obi-Wan was not passive beneath him. His hips bucked upward to meet each of Qui-Gon's thrusts. His legs wrapped about Qui-Gon's buttocks with a tenacious grip. He moaned low in his throat like a feral beast seized by rapture. He was a wild thing, a beautiful demon, copulating with Qui-Gon in a frenzy.

Qui-Gon reached between them and grasped his padawan's hardness taking a handful of the silken wrap as well. He rubbed the slippery fabric along Obi-Wan's shaft in counter point to his relentless strokes. He looked down into his beautiful young face still radiant with the glow of his dance. His perfect mouth open, his throat emitting whimpers and moans amidst strong laborious gasps of breath, and his beautiful clear jade eyes were closed as he rode the rapture that jarred his body against the cushions.

"Come! Come, my Obi-Wan! Come!" Qui-Gon growled down at him with lust's crazed fury. His hand nearly squeezing too tightly to Obi- Wan's straining erection.

In reply Obi-Wan voiced his bliss in an angry loud ferocious cry as his heated and worked erection spilled seed over his master's hand and on the silk wrap. His body clinched about Qui-Gon as climax over took him.

Qui-Gon trembled hard as climax swept him away in Obi-Wan's wake. His mouth opened in a voiceless cry of ecstasy. He was caught in the grip of convulsions of pleasure that shook his body with the strength of a seizure. He filled his Obi-Wan up with himself and at last was released from the pitiless ecstasy that had taken control of his body. With a cry that was close to a sob of bereavement Qui-Gon nearly collapsed on top of his Obi-Wan. But he managed to catch himself before he crushed his padawan into the cushions that they lay on.

"Thank you, Master." Was breathed softly and breathlessly into his ear.

Qui-Gon lifted his head to look into his padawan's face and found seduction still burning brightly inside the fire of his large clear eyes. Sweet pleasure lit Obi-Wan's face with radiance and he looked ready to do it all again. He was thanking Qui-Gon for his climax, as a good slave should.

"Your very welcome, Beloved." Qui-Gon replied slightly amused. And as he moved to roll off of him he felt the world about them shift and turn.

Swept away was that smoky torch lit room with its rich synth-silk wall hangings and its marbled floors. With went the swarthy and smarmy occupants of the room lounging and relaxing and luxuriating in their sinful wealth. Their obscene copiousness and wasteful life style seemed in discord with the very essence of the sempiternity of the Force.

Even as Qui-Gon slipped free from the tight confines of Obi-Wan's body, did they both slip free from that fantasy world of sin and seduction. They found themselves once more under the warm clean sunshine of the forest near the river falls. At last Qui-Gon laughed out loud.

"What a beast that was!" he exclaimed as he rolled to his side on the out spread robe to look at Obi-Wan. "Very effective. But I had expected something a little more brutal."

Obi-Wan turned a sloe-eyed suspicious gaze onto his master. "Did you wants something more brutal? I could oblige..."

Qui-Gon laughed again. "I have no doubt of that." He said as he ran a hand tenderly through red-gold silk and marveled at the now clear blue eyes that reflected the very heart of the bright cloudless day. Obi-Wan was as he had previously been when he first came to him in the sempiternity, a man in his late twenties, slipping carefully into maturity. He wondered what Obi-Wan saw.

Obi-Wan lounged back shading the sun with a hand as Qui-Gon continued his gentle caress. "Now I'm ready for my bath." He spoke in a languid nonchalant tone.

"Willful padawan." Qui-Gon sighed out the accusation as he lovingly stroked his Obi-Wan's soft lower lip with his thumb.

"I learned from the very best." Obi-Wan smiled. With that he rose from his basking place and walked calmly down to the water's edge. He looked back at his master who now watched him raised on his elbows. With a beckoning smile he slipped and dove back into the pool again.

Swimming almost effortlessly against the current he swam towards the boiling cascade of the waterfall. Beneath the roar of the crashing water he heard the splash of Qui-Gon following him into the pool. Qui- Gon had always been a more powerful swimmer than he. He was not surprised when he felt his master's hand on his ankle and he was yanked down and dunked. Of course he came up indignant. Bobbing and sputtering in the churning water, he resisted the currents drag as he treaded the turbulent surface. Qui-Gon swam away. His large body that one would mistakenly think of being cumbersome and awkward in water was actually as graceful as a dolphin's...a rather large dolphin.

Across the water, Obi-Wan heard laughter. He dove after his beloved. Did he really want a brute? Oh, he could give him a brute! He could give him a monster that sought to take and possess and control his lovely flesh with out a thought or a care to his pleasure. Obi-Wan could give him a selfish bastard who would strip Qui-Gon of his dignity for little more than his own indulgence. He could give him a beast who would see Qui-Gon as a prize like a big game hunter looking for the next trophy.

Obi-Wan paddled about the pool, expending a large amount of energy in vain as Qui-Gon easily danced away from him through the crystal water. Qui-Gon was young again, perhaps even younger than before. It was so hard for Obi-Wan to tell as he flashed in and out of his sight again in the choppy water. Obi-Wan halted in the water, wiping the excess from his eyes. He was surprised to find a full beard on his face once more. His mid thirties again. But what was this beautiful young thing that flashed about him in the water so agile and young.

The younger man stopped and they stared at each other almost the entire pool's length away. Qui-Gon was the younger man now, his dark hair freshly grown from a padawan cut. His beard and mustache was very light and scanty as it surrounded beautiful soft full lips. Sapphire eyes were fresh and young, no longer haggard by weathering and cares. Beautiful body still long and strong but perhaps not as full as he would become in later years.

Now this was a prize worth having! And Obi-Wan knew that he would have him and on his own terms! Incredible beauty! He would have him, but not here; not now. Obi-Wan knew what he wanted. And as he watched the fierce beauty of Qui-Gon's deep blue eyes he knew that Qui-Gon knew it too. Without warning, Qui-Gon dove for the surface, breaching the water. He climbed to shore and took off in a run for the cabin.

//Run my pretty one.// Obi-Wan thought as a slow sadistic smile crossed his lips.

//But there is no escape for you!//

When Obi-Wan opened the door to the cabin, the world shifted again. But he had expected it. Dressed in tunics, belts and over robe as he would normally have been if he was before the council or standing before any dignitary of the republic, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi entered the plain white walled room. The room was as nondescript as any meditation cell in the temple or perhaps more like a clean white detention cell. In the center of the room was a padded examination table covered in a clean white sheet. Stirrups were out and locked into place. There was a sturdy bar at the head for restraints. But the most interesting thing of all was that the bed was occupied.

His legs were strapped securely in the stirrups and his knees were held apart by leather restrains that strapped to extensions from the stirrup bars. His hands were manacled over his head; the chain of the handcuffs wrapped about the bar at the head of the bed. Raw hide gagged his mouth.

Obi-Wan took his time examining him, as he lay prone and helpless on the very narrow exam cot that was barely wider than his body. He could not have been any more than perhaps twenty-two? So young to have been knighted, but there was no padawan braid. Qui-Gon had always been a little ahead of his peer group. The truly great knights often were.

Obi-Wan watched him carefully, noting his lovely prey's uneasy attention on him. His large sapphire eyes were riveted to Obi-Wan and tracked his every move. There was danger in those lovely eyes. If he by chance set this young knight free, Obi-Wan was certain that he would be torn to pieces. Obi-Wan moved closer. He reached out to touch, to feel the soft skin of the young knight's exposed flank. The younger man flinched at the contact as if shocked. His restrains made a loud clangor against the durasteel of the exam cot's bars and stirrups. Muscles tightened and Obi-Wan admired the smooth lean form before him. Nearly free of fat, Qui-Gon's body was long and strong with stark musculature. And even as young as he was, Obi-Wan knew that he was powerful. Those restrains were all that separated him from certain dismemberment.

This was a prize worth having.

So beautiful and so deadly and so barely within control, Qui-Gon lay glaring up at Obi-Wan. His very gaze was a dare to be foolish enough to release even one hand. Obi-Wan remained cool as he looked down hungrily on the naked young body before him. Obi-Wan walked to the foot of the cot and stroke the arch of one long foot. Qui-Gon jumped again as if burned. His eyes blazed with rage yet Obi-Wan noted with great interest that his sex had began to thicken. It grew flush as it engorged with blood, preparing to lift in arousal. Obi-Wan watched it for a while making a very conscious decision not to touch it till much later. He continued around his prize.

A single finger traced up Qui-Gon's side and his lateral abdominal muscles contracted beautifully. The finger traced up and between hard pectorals covered very lightly with sparse dark hairs. Qui-Gon contracted inward, his back lifting from the narrow cot, his abdominal muscle contracting to give the classic "washboard." Still his eyes watched Obi-Wan. There was no fear in them. Obi-Wan's finger strayed ever close to a small rosy brown nipple. Qui-Gon remained contracted, trembling with both effort and rage. Obi-Wan's finger brushed lightly over.

"Mine." He whispered down to the beautiful younger man fetter and strapped before him. He then watched as those large sapphire eyes ignite with both fury and passion. Obi-Wan's fingers trailed over an armpit lightly brushing auburn underarm hair. Now his hand trailed lightly up the heavy V-shape of a tricep to lightly tickle the inside of an elbow. As he came around behind him, Obi-Wan carefully avoided contact with Qui-Gon's large strong hands. Even in manacles, Obi-Wan was certain that his grip would crush. He came about the other side of Qui-Gon, weaving his fingers through damp dark auburn hair. He traced his way down to his face and ran a finger over the crooked line of his nose as he traced his strong profile.

He traced Qui-Gon's full lips, separated by the gag. He knew in time, this one restraint he would eventually loosen and take his chances. His hand smoothed down to perfect throat and surrounded it lightly. All he had to do was squeeze to deprive his beautiful prize of wind. He wouldn't kill him of course, but he could daze him to make him more pliant. Only, what fun would that be?

No, he would do nothing to impair his prize. That would only tarnish the experience. An amusing thought crossed his mind, however. He was certainly pleased that as a Jedi, Qui-Gon was not attempting to call the Force to his aid. But then again, Obi-Wan figure that that was all a part of this experience.

"Don't you want to be kept, pretty one?" Obi-Wan asked in a soft teasing voice. "What a lovely play thing you will make, I'm sure."

His fingers brushed over the other nipple, this time lingering. His index finger slowly circled the soft responsive flesh, and Obi-Wan watched gratified as the nipple firmed beneath his touch. He would have to taste it soon, he knew. He made a mental note to do so before too long. His hand traced back down now, past pectorals to abdominal to lower abs. His hand hesitated and then skirted the tapered border of his thick coarse pubic hair to go to his inner thighs. He stroked the warm silky flesh there. Qui-Gon was relaxing a bit now. He didn't jump at Obi-Wan's every touch. Obi-Wan smiled to himself. It really did not matter to him if Qui-Gon shied at every touch. Willing or unwilling, he was Obi-Wan's prize and Obi-Wan had every intention of using his prize. In fact, unwilling had an appeal to it that Obi-Wan found a bit intriguing.

Obi-Wan ran his hand slowly back up from the inner thigh, this time brushing past the crisp curls of pubic hairs but cautiously not touching genitals. He let his hand rest on the hard rippled plane of Qui-Gon's stomach. The angle of the cot was not right. He would have to adjust it for now, for his mouth watered to taste his lovely prize's smooth flesh. Obi-Wan found the controls for the cot and manipulated the angle of it to something better for his uses.

Now Obi-Wan stepped back as he contemplated what he should do next to his pretty toy. Master Kenobi paced a tight line and put a hand to his chin, absently tugging his beard, as was his habit in later life. He watched the beautiful young knight carefully. Qui-Gon's eyes followed him, tracked him. Dark fires burned within those sapphire orbs.

"Where to start, my pretty one." Obi-Wan spoke out loud. "What will you allow me to do?"

Qui-Gon shifted slightly in his bonds and metal clanked against metal. Obi-Wan smiled as he noted that Qui-Gon was fully hard now.

"Very lovely." He complimented the long thick erection presented to him between out spread legs and against Qui-Gon's flat stomach. It was beautiful in shape, heavy and generous with just the right amount of curve. "I thank you for the offer but I will taste that later, pretty one."

At Obi-Wan's suggestive comments, Qui-Gon gave a series of angry jerks on the table, fighting his bonds. He glared at Obi-Wan dangerously as if the erection was something the older man had purposefully done to debase him. Once he had stopped thrashing, he lay taunt, his breath labored and his body quivering with rage and more.

Like a moth to the flame, Obi-Wan felt the tug of perilous desire as it gripped his loins making them ache for the dangerous creature before him. His own hand strayed down to his groin. His thumb nudged at his thick erection, straightening it in his leggings. Its stroking touch lingered for perhaps a moment longer than was necessary as Obi- Wan's mouth watered. Clear blue eyes glazed over as they watched with barely contained lust the beautiful young man stretched before him in forced submission.

"Mine" he said again but now his whisper was nearly a rough growl. He fumbled impatiently with the ties of his leggings and urgently shoved tunic and belts aside. His hand slipped into his leggings and caught hold of his own hardness. He gave himself a few gentle caresses as he breathed out a ragged sigh. His eyes then to refocused tightly onto Qui-Gon's face.

"Would you like to see what I have for you, pretty one?" He asked Qui- Gon amiably as his hand continued to stroke down his own erection. With a little more effort, he pulled his stiff member free from his leggings and exposed it before Qui-Gon. His hand absently continued an easy caress on it as if to soothe its ache. "I promise I'll let you taste it soon." He added as he came closer to his prize once more.

Holding his erection in his hand, Obi-Wan brushed it along Qui-Gon's quivering side and Qui-Gon made a low growling noise behind his gag. All his muscles contracted again.

"Will you let me take off the gag?" Obi-Wan asked his pet gently.

Other than the heavy movement of breath in his chest Qui-Gon was still. His eyes still burned with intensity but Obi-Wan could see that he was capitulating to get his bond removed. But, Obi-Wan knew it could be a ruse. The thought made Obi-Wan smile.

Obi-Wan took his time. Indolently he came up to the head of the table, still holding his turgid member in his hand. His other hand stroked down the youthful stubble of Qui-Gon's cheek and jaw in one slow lazy motion. His hand then found the buckle that held the raw hide gag in place. At a deliberately easy pace he undid the gag a smile slowly spreading across his face as he felt his Qui-Gon winding tight like a coiled spring. So deadly. Obi-Wan knew he had to move with great care.

His next motion was practically faster than the eye could see. Jedi reflexes came into play as his hand move from the released gag to catch hold of Qui-Gon's head by his hair at the crown. He yanked his lovely prize's head back hard before Qui-Gon could even try to use his mouth as a weapon. Qui-Gon gave a loud yelp that was more indigence than pain. His body convulsed once more in his bonds.

"Careful now, pretty one." Obi-Wan cautioned in an easy tone. "I don't wish to hurt you. It would only spoil your looks." Obi-Wan did note that the gag itself had irritated the sides of his prize's mouth.

"Liar!" Came the contemptuous growl from deep with in Qui-Gon's throat.

Obi-Wan smiled again. "Okay. I admit a few bruises might enhance rather than hinder your beauty. But I have more worthwhile ways of giving them to you...Shall we start now, my pretty one?"

"Why ask?" Qui-Gon asked in a low tone. "You'll take what you please regardless."

Obi-Wan chuckled as he looked down into those brilliant sapphire eyes so full of fire. "Yes, my pretty one, I will." As he spoke, still grasping Qui-Gon's hair in a firm grip keeping his head back, Obi-Wan continued to idly stroke his own erection. Qui-Gon's eyes strayed down to it.

"Yes, pretty one." Obi-Wan said softly as he saw where Qui-Gon now looked. "Will you taste it? Will you be good? Can I take your lovely mouth?"

Qui-Gon did not reply. With cautious speed, Obi-Wan released Qui- Gon's head. He moved back from his strike zone swiftly and stood just beyond it. With another teasing chuckle, Obi-Wan bent himself down over Qui-Gon's chest and his tongue ran in a maddeningly light circle about one of Qui-Gon's nipples. Qui-Gon tensed and contracted again but he could not shift away from the touch. In fact, Obi-Wan wondered if he was even trying to do so. With that happy thought dancing through his mind, Obi-Wan attached his mouth to the nipple and gave it a good hard suck.

When he at last detached himself he let his head loll on Qui-Gon's strong chest for a moment. "Such attractive nipples." He whispered. "I knew you would not mind my sampling them."

"How did you know that I would not mind?" Qui-Gon's voice came out breathless.

Obi-Wan lifted his head and looked down at the young knight. "I didn't hear you protest." He teased. "Now, back to my question."

"Which was?" Qui-Gon asked in an insolent tone.

"Which was," Obi-Wan continued cheerfully, "will you let me fuck your lovely mouth?"

Qui-Gon turned his head, looking straight up, pride burned in his eyes. His melodious voice was quiet and steady. "As I said before, you'll take what you please."

There was just something in his tone made Obi-Wan's demon howl deep inside him with indignation and Obi-Wan could not tolerate it. His hand shot out to grasp Qui-Gon by the hair again. Roughly he pulled his head back. Qui-Gon gasped and would have said something but before he could release breath into words, his mouth was covered by Obi-Wan's in a brutal kiss. His mouth ravaged Qui-Gon's. His tongue forced it way in. His teeth nipped at tender full lips. Yet Qui-Gon did not resist but instead melted beneath his urgency and before his onslaught.

Soft and wonderfully expressive full lips surrendered beneath his own and Obi-Wan could not suppress a low moan of need in response to that surrender. Qui-Gon's answer was in that kiss. Obi-Wan was the conqueror. He would take whatever he pleased. Obi-Wan released him from his kiss and looked down on his beautiful prize once more. The younger knight was breathless now after the savage kiss. His full lips were reddened by the cruel passion place upon them. His deep blue eyes burned now with equal measures of lust and fury. Obi-Wan had his answer.

His grip tightened in his damp dark auburn hair and Obi-Wan yanked back causing Qui-Gon to gasp once more. His mouth opened wide to emit in sounds his shock and pain. Before Qui-Gon could complete the cry, Obi-Wan was inserting his heavy thick erection with in his unready mouth. Despite a muffled yelp of protest, Qui-Gon found himself practically choked on the length. Obi-Wan was merciless, or at the very least thoughtless as he plunged himself into Qui-Gon's throat over and over again. Obi-Wan's head fell back as his breath came out in short angry groans. His hips pushed his erection in smooth short motions as his hand gripping Qui-Gon's hair drove Qui-Gon's head to meet each thrust. Nevertheless, other than the occasional gag, Qui- Gon made no other noise to protest.

For the moment, Obi-Wan grew mindless in his frenzy of looted pleasure. All that mattered to him was the sweet hot liquid silk that was Qui-Gon's mouth surrounding his rampant member. His balls began to ache with the building need to release. It would have been so easy just to give into that molten pleasure and relieve himself there. However, Obi-Wan wanted more. The conqueror was far from finished with his pretty toy. But it was so hard to pull away; especially when Qui-Gon began to cooperate by sucking ever so lightly on him as he pushed in. Obi-Wan looked down at Qui-Gon and a pair of deep blue eyes looking up at him with both crazed lust and fierce anger meant his eyes. With more effort than Obi-Wan would ever guess was necessary for any singular task, he pushed himself away from that lovely mouth that surrounded him in hot wet pleasure.

"Not yet, pretty one." He said in a breathless whisper. "I want all of you!"

He looked his prize over hungrily, knowing just what he wanted. The controls of the cot were simple to work and he readjusted the angle once more. He then went to the foot of the cot and carefully readjusted the stirrups, pulling Qui-Gon's long strong legs wider and pulling his knees closer up towards his body. Now the tender and taut opening of his body was exposed and at just the proper level. Obi-Wan let his fingers brush along his prize's inner thigh down to that tight muscle. He felt Qui-Gon tense and quiver like a drawn bowstring.

"Mine." Obi-Wan whispered again. Mindfully he placed two fingers into his mouth to moisten them. He then brought his hand back down to Qui- Gon's entrance. Gently his middle finger probed, circling and pushing lightly. Then with deliberate care, he pushed the finger in and watched as Qui-Gon's back arched off the cot and his breath caught in a gasp of surprise and trepidation. His body tensed again and Obi-Wan admired once more his lean muscular beauty.

And before him like the most tempting of treats lay Qui-Gon's heavy and erect member, waiting for Obi-Wan to claim it at long last. He had told himself that he would resist taking this part of his prize too soon. He had told himself to wait, but what Obi-Wan did not bargain on was falling prey to the very lesson that he had only just taught Qui-Gon back in that spice merchant's pleasure den. There is a point in obsession when the master becomes the property of the slave, the keeper becomes the possession of the kept, and the predator becomes the quarry of the prey. He had practically lost all will power to stop himself and he virtually lunged at the stiffened hot flesh hungrily. He devoured it.

Qui-Gon cried out when he felt Obi-Wan's hot mouth close over his rampant member. His body shuddered and tensed again and Obi-Wan felt the reaction about his finger still sunk deeply in Qui-Gon. The tight ring of muscle closed tighter about him. The resistance incensed the demon with in Obi-Wan. His mouth worked mercilessly on the turgid flesh it held. His tongue bathed it in liquid pleasure. His lips tightened slightly about the shaft. As he sucked, he rolled the heated erection about his mouth savoring it and swallowing the salty pre-come ravenously.

Obi-Wan forced a second finger in to join the first deep inside the younger man and listened to his low moans and whimpers of need. Now Obi-Wan let go again to the mindless experience of sweet exquisite lust. His mouth around his prize's generous erection, two fingers of his hand plunged deep within is prize's tight portal, and his remaining hand still gripped and pumped his own erection with impatient urgency. He nearly forgot that he wanted more as he continued sucking and rolling the thick hot erection in his mouth with a nearly rabid hunger. He released the younger knight's rampant hardness and his own at the same time. He had just been in time for himself. However, for Qui-Gon he was too late.

Qui-Gon wail in fury and passion as orgasm swept through him even as his rampant excited shaft was released from it hot wet prison of pleasure. The thick fluid flew from him raining down on flat stomach and beautifully strong chest. Obi-Wan who still leaned close over him did not escape the shower and streams of it shot along his cheeks and caught in the ginger colored hair of his beard.

"Oh, yes, my pretty one." Obi-Wan whispered as he watched Qui-Gon taking hard gulp of air in the aftermath. Obi-Wan lifted himself off of his lovely prize's hard wet stomach to look down on him, glowing with sweat and come. "Was that good? It's my turn now."

Obi-Wan removed his two fingers that he had had so firmly inserted into his prize and replaced it with thick solid heat. Qui-Gon tensed and then roared, his arms tightening around the bar that held his restraints pulling him upward in a vain attempt to escape as Obi-Wan pushed negligently into him without the courtesy of lubricant. Sapphire eyes were wide and wild with anger and pain as the burn of entry took hold of him. And Obi-Wan watched, letting the spectacle heighten his experience and he felt Qui-Gon fight his bonds with the strength of a lion. The feeling of the struggle was transmitted through the constriction of his anal opening about Obi-Wan's firm member. Incredible urgency washed through Obi-Wan as he realized that one of Qui-Gon's hands was close to slipping free from the restraint. In lust gone beyond his control, Obi-Wan pumped his hardness into Qui- Gon as he watched with wide-eyed fascination and reckless passion. Obi-Wan held onto Qui-Gon's slim hips for dear life and rocked heedlessly into his tight warmth as Qui-Gon struggled, pulling himself ever closer to freedom. Qui-Gon was nearly free and the closer his hand inched towards freedom, the higher Obi-Wan's pleasure climbed towards the unrealizable apex of orgasm.

Then it happened. One hand pulled free and Obi-Wan felt the rushing arousal of sudden dangerous risk and deadly chance slip its grip onto his passion. The feeling was akin to the thrills other individuals often experienced in the lethal games of pod-racing and venomous Haj- viperas wrangling but the feeling was heightened by the carnality of experience. Similarly, the inverse was true as well. The thrill heightened the eroticism making it irresistible, unbearable, and inexorable.

Obi-Wan was thrown headlong over the brink and into his climax. His head fell back as his mouth opened and he screamed loud and long, the sounds of his passion bouncing of the white walls of the small room. His body surrendered to the intensity that had taken possession of his will and he shook from head to toe with the unbearable surging feelings that radiated outward from his loins. Somewhere in the back of his ravaged psyche, the realization hit home that he was now the prize and the possessed.

As the siege of his body by the rage of his climax ended, he pitched forward again. With his still rampant member deeply imbedded inside his young Qui-Gon, he laid his head once more down on his beloved's strong chest and stomach. Eyes closed, Obi-Wan nuzzled into skin still wet with come and wiped his face into the thick fluid, allowing it to mark him as his beautiful young Qui-Gon's possession.

"Mine." He whispered one last time as he felt the world begin to shift again.

He didn't know when it happened that he felt himself suddenly warm and comfortable. He never saw the actual shift and righting of their world back to their cabin in the foothill somewhere on Coruscant. All he knew was that he lay nestled comfortably on a soft surface and wrapped in strong arms. Warm solid flesh surrounded and spooned him. Lips stirred in the motion of kisses against the back of his neck and he felt the distinct tickle of a well-trimmed beard.

Obi-Wan smiled to himself as he let his breath go in a sigh of contentment. He was clean and warm and dry and ready to just relax and sleep in the arms of his beautiful, beloved master. He wondered why he had ever feared the sempiternity before. He wondered why he had ever feared his love. He felt a suddenly and unexpectedly amusement for his own stupidity.

So this was his "final fate," as Master Yoda had put it. Was he to spend eternity exploring every aspect, nuance, subtlety, and perspective of his love for Qui-Gon? Were they to spend forever fulfilling each other's fantasies and dreams? He couldn't think of a more pleasant fate yet he knew that there had to be much more to it than just that.

Sweetly against his ear, a soft touch of tender breath was released in a similar sigh of contentment and Obi-Wan felt a warm rush of love and adoration like nothing he had ever known before. His bliss was like food to his soul and he filled up to bursting as he delighted in the feeling of cherishing and being cherished. If he could even just spend his forever just lying there in his Qui-Gon's arms it would still be more than enough joy to keep him satisfied.

With that final thought of pure contentment as a companion into dreams, Obi-Wan slipped into a satisfying sleep.

He awoke. It was so very unusual to awake for he had not known sleep since Vader's lightsaber banished him from the material universe. He had needed neither sleep nor food. In fact, he had existed solely on the determination he had forged from his guilt.

What time was it?

Did it matter? Was there really time in the sempiternity or was it just another convenient illusion for them to share? It had felt so very good to drift off to sleep nestled in Qui-Gon's embrace.

He was comfortable and snug as he lay in the nest of cushions and blankets that Qui-Gon had made for them. He was wrapped in contentment and luxuriating in love as he felt his beloved's long arms about him still. He was pressed against the security of a solid and strong body. Obi-Wan opened his eyes.

The fire was nothing but embers now but small spots of light danced and played across the log walls of the room from the few poorly fitted places in the slats of the window shutters. It felt like morning again. It smelled fresh like morning with in the cabin. The smell of the dew on the growing trees outside sifted indoors and offered the air of the room a certain freshness and a crispness. It would have been chilly if he had not been so very wrapped in love.

Qui-Gon squeezed him in his arms lightly and Obi-Wan smiled to himself remembering how completely adored he had felt the previous night before sleep finally came. With a drowsy happy smile, Obi-Wan shifted in his lover's embrace and turned to his back so that he could look over to Qui-Gon's face. Sapphire eyes were open and radiant in the glow of the fires remaining bright embers. His face was beautiful with youth still but with the more matured youth that he had first saw when he had come this far into the sempiternity. He smiled at Obi-Wan as he propped his head on his hand to look down on him.

"I have to admit," Qui-Gon said in a soft murmur, "I do like your beast as well. But tell me, Padawan, when did you acquire such talents? The things you did with your mouth..." his voice trailed off in a light chuckle.

Obi-Wan only offered a sly smile. "I have loads of talents, Master." His voice was a silken whisper. Its tone alone suggested all the possibilities of lasciviousness they could further explore.

Qui-Gon released a sigh that sounded close to a moan. "Don't say 'master' like that any more!"

Obi-Wan laughed. And to Qui-Gon there was no richer sound in all the sempiternity and the material universe. There was no richer sound in all the Force. Qui-Gon rolled himself on top of his padawan, covering him with himself. His mouth came down to Obi-Wan's beautiful smiling lips and covered them. Qui-Gon's kiss was made of slow passion that promised so much more. And as he felt Obi-Wan return the kiss eagerly, Qui-Gon knew just then what he wanted most of all.

His legs pushed Obi-Wan's apart and he slipped between them. The impossibilities of anatomy and physics were over come as he slipped his heavy erection into Obi-Wan's warm tight anus with the ease of a man entering a woman's warm wet and ready vagina. Obi-Wan lifted his legs and wrapped them tenaciously about Qui-Gon's butt.

Tenderly he rocked in and out of his Obi-Wan in slow lazy passion. Their kiss broke and for a moment they just stared into each other's eyes. Qui-Gon knew what he wanted. He needed to know that Obi-Wan wanted it too.

"What do you want now, my Obi-Wan?" His rich melodious baritone breathed out and Obi-Wan was mesmerized.

What did he want? He had everything now. Just now. He was home. He was there surrounded by love. He was inside Qui-Gon's heart and who would not want that? It was hard to conceive. Who wouldn't be the one he loved? Who wouldn't stand inside his love?

Obi-Wan knew what he wanted...It was the same thing Qui-Gon wanted.

The world around them did not shift as it did times before. The shift this time came from with in them. Their bodies still joined in love's most intimate embrace, began to shift into the Force. The Force sang about them and through them. It sang like notes of pure music so real and so unimaginable that if you should have heard it you would have cried knowing that you had never known true music before. The Force sang through the wind that lifted them and carried them and ran through them like a summer's breeze through the cool forest mist. It surrounded the log home and ran through the forest, laughing as it stirred leaves and brushed over grass and flower. It carried their essence and joy up and outward spiraling towards a place beyond dreams and imagination that no material-universe creature could ever fathom. The wind sang like a dozen laughing children as the Unifying and Living Force joined in eternal ecstasy carrying out Obi-Wan's softly spoken wish that trailed on the very tail of the wind. It could be heard in the ebbing wind's final whisper.

"I want to be one with you forever."

And that is all that I will tell you of their adventures in the sempiternity for if I tried to tell you more I could not describe to you their joy even if I wrote for pages and pages. But I will tell you that they lived happily all their days and each day was better than the last.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.