I Heard You Calling

by Destina Fortunato (destinaf@hotmail.com)

Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/destinaf/

Pairing: Q/O

Archive: M_A, SWAL, Nesting Place, my homepage

Summary: Obi-Wan's thoughts at a pivotal moment in his life.

Category: angst

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Lucas owns 'em. I use 'em. Lots.

Feedback: Yes please, to destinaf@hotmail.com

When it came, it was like the strange drift of twilight sleep. I had the sensation of floating above my body, but when I tried to move, I was locked inside, trapped. The blow was swift and sharp, cutting through muscle and sinew, tissue and bone, melting me into a helpless caricature of myself.

I heard you calling my name, and the sound of your desperation made me anxious. I was lifted, folded against your chest. I strained to form words of reassurance, but it was as if a hand inside my throat choked off my power of speech, and I could not break through. My eyes were open, and I drank in the sight of your face, measuring the extent of my injuries against the look in your eyes.

I knew then that I was dying, and you could not save me.

Soft scratching against my forehead as my eyes closed... your beard grazed me as you cradled my head. Your voice broke when you said it again, and again - "Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan..." So much emotion. I hadn't realized, had never known, how much I meant to you. Your fear and anguish took on unique colors, like shifts in the indigo spectrum of a stormy sky, crystal specters behind closed eyelids. Gentle rain soothed my face, wetting my lips, and I tasted the salt of your tears.

They say time is constant, that it cannot be altered or turned back. Suspended in the gray netherworld between the Force and my life, I counted the days we'd wasted, knowing they numbered in the thousands. What courage I possessed fled in the panic to recall every moment I'd spent in your presence, every gesture and nuance of your strength. I could not struggle, for my body would not obey. It was time to surrender to the inevitable.

My head fell back against your chest. Cool air struck my bare skin as you ripped aside the fabric of my tunic, but there was no pain, and there should have been pain...but instead, only the thrill of your hands moving over my body, soothing, begging, healing. I savored your touch, for it gave me memory. The feel of your fingers renewed a fantasy long hidden, that one day you would touch me as a lover should. Too late, I thought...too late.

Every individual nerve was sparking with energy; it shocked me, to feel the hold you still had on me. You held me tethered to you, whispering to me, speaking of love, weeping in anger. My heart beat, once, twice, trying to find a rhythm, seeking the pattern of life. I felt you channel the Force, felt it leashed at your command, marveled at the power you possessed. I knew in that moment all the secrets of your heart; it communicated with my soul, demanding that I listen.

Your voice seemed a distant echo of what once was, a silver thread that shimmered in the light and faded as I turned. I felt bright, full, completed...but there was still an aching hole within me, and I hesitated.

Torn between knowing the truth of the universe, and knowing the depth of your love, I was caught on the brink. Your lips brushed against my ear, and you pleaded with me to choose to live, to turn back. You raged at me for dying, for leaving you alone. Your mouth covered mine, and you rocked me in your arms, still crying my name.

I heard you calling, standing between my death and the darkness beyond, and I chose to be yours. You rewarded me with a love beyond imagining, acceptance that transcended every barrier.

The flames lick close, casting searing shadows against my face, as I remember. I call to you in grief as you once called to me. The fire leaps in response, devouring the silence that follows.

I mourn.


Feedback to destinaf@hotmail.com