Tales of Jealousy and Murder: I come for you.

by Mariana (Ladymariann1@hotmail.com)

Rating: R

Pairing: Q/O

Category: Drama

Archive: M_A only.

Disclaimer: I don't own them and I don't make any money with them.

Summary: Qui-Gon finally comes back for Obi-Wan

Warning: Another dark fic. No happy ending, so read at your own risk.

Sometimes I feel as if I had lived solely for two purposes. To watch you and to wait for you, my Padawan. First I waited, unknowingly, for you to come into my life and bring me new hope. And I watched as you learned all that I could teach you and as you grew into the beautiful, brilliant man you became. I waited for you to realize that our bond went beyond that of a Master and his apprentice. I waited for your love Obi-Wan and it was worth it.

And now, in death, I still wait for you Padawan. I wait for you to join me in the Force. But many years have passed and I grow impatient beloved. I no longer wish to simply watch and wait for you.

I had to watch as you grieved for me. It hurt me, having to watch you in pain. I thought nothing could be worse then that. But I was wrong.

Being force to watch as you forgot me, your memories of our time together fading little by little as the years passed, that was much worse. You had let me go and I should have been glad that you were no longer grieving, that you were happy once again. But I can not. It is too much like dying a second time.

Specially now that you are in love again. It is too hard to watch you happy with somebody else, to watch as other lips kiss yours, as strange hands touch your body. Once it sounded like the most beautiful music to my ears but now your laughter is the cruelest torture.

No, I will not tolerate this any more. Tonight I will reclaim you and take you back with me. I do not care if it's not your time yet. I will not let someone else have you. You see, I spent my whole life waiting for you, I will not lose you, not again. If I could not have you in life, I will have you in death.

As I stand here, watching you sleep so peacefully next to your new lover, I can help but wonder. What will you think when I wake you and you see me? Will you think that I come to bless your union with this man, that I am here to forgive you for forgetting me?

Or will you know that I come to take you with me? That my kiss will not be one of absolution, but of death?

It does not matter. Tonight I come for you my Padawan and soon we will be together for all eternity.
