Hunger Test

by Maygra (

Summary: NC-17 This is so entirely Black Rose's fault and that of the picture she did. I told her she was interfering with my ability to stick to stuff I already have started. That picture has been haunting me since she posted it. (All ghosts should be so pleasant. <G>) Uhm, it's a vignette, there's kind of a story but I really was trying to capture the picture, not develop a new plotline.

Disclaimers: Not mine. Characters and concepts belong to George Lucas, Lucasfilms,LTD and ILM. No infringement is inended, no recompense is sought.

Feedback: Please: Good, bad or indifferent. Any comments welcome to

The preliminary preparations done with, Obi-Wan sat back on his heels, a faint smile on his lips as he looked at his master. He kissed Qui-Gon lightly, pulling back with a rough, breathless chuckle when his master would have tried to deepen the contact. "You promised me a different kind of kiss, Qui-Gon," he said, shifting to get his legs off the bed and then he was on his feet, stepping away, his back to Qui-Gon as he looked at the fire for a moment.

"I still think this unwise," Qui-Gon murmured, knowing the protest would be heard but not heeded. Since having acquired this parasite that had changed him, altered him, given him the hunger and need for the blood of other living things, he and Obi-Wan and the other Masters had been working on the issue of control; months of it. He felt more confident now than he had since it had happened, but this experiment, this test, made him nervous.

Obi-Wan was far more confident. Only at the very beginning had he shown any fear at all and that only because Qui-Gon had attacked him so suddenly, neither of them sure what had happened. Since then, he had worked tirelessly with his master, with the healers, taming the wild Hunger that rose and clawed at Qui-Gon's control, and discovering on his own that there were other aspects to the life form now occupying Qui-Gon's blood that were less about biology and more about survival. The amount of blood Qui-Gon needed each day was actually very small, and the side effects of his feeding -- well, that was what they meant to test.

The slowly dying fire cast a warm a glow over the small room. Regardless of his need to breathe, Qui-Gon felt his breath catch as his otherwise proper padawan stood in front of the fire and, with unconscious grace and a total lack of modesty, let the pale robe slip from his shoulders and to the floor.

Hunger rose up in Qui-Gon and he ruthlessly thrust it back down. It snarled and snapped at him but he ignored it, finding it easier than he thought. //I have traded one form of madness for another.// But what a glorious madness it was, almost as glorious as the slender body before him.

Obi-Wan did not move, his back still to his master. The fire's light turned the usually pale gold skin to a deeper bronze, teasing Qui-Gon with the promise of blood beneath the skin, the false flush ghosting over Obi-Wan's shoulders and hips before it faded into the shadows that outlined his back.

Qui-Gon moved slowly, barely a brush of sound as he rose from the bed, but Obi-Wan heard it or sensed him, a small quick intake of breath lifting his shoulders and chest briefly.

"Afraid, beloved?" Qui-Gon murmured, coming up behind him until he was close enough to feel the heat of the younger man's body against his own cooler skin, but not touching him.

"Never of you," Obi-Wan said softly, louder than a whisper but the effect was the same. The sound carried no further than Qui-Gon's ears.

Letting his eyes rove, Qui-Gon smiled, tongue unconsciously testing the sharpness of his teeth. The Hunger made its presence known again and he ignored it. There was more than one feast here. Lightly, he let his fingers run over the curve of Obi-Wan's shoulder, smiling when his padawan did not flinch. The trembling was there, nonetheless, just below the surface. Qui-Gon traced his fingers along the wing of Obi-Wan's shoulder then along his side, brushing forward, and Obi-Wan lifted his arm slightly so as not to impede Qui Gon's exploration. Warm skin, firm and silken, met the caress.

Tilting his head forward only slightly, Obi-Wan watched the long fingers brush down his side, the digits spreading, the cool skin feeling wonderful against his over-warm flesh. He sucked in a soft breath as those splayed fingers covered his belly, pressing gently into the muscles there, testing, then let the breath out as he felt his master's body press against his back. Qui-Gon fit himself against Obi-Wan, using his hand to pull his lover back and pressing his hips and torso forward, the soft heavy weight of his well-oiled genitals fitting snugly against the top rounded curve of his ass.

"What a courtesan you would have made, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon whispered against the top of his head.

Obi-Wan found himself chuckling softly. "Too short and too contrary, Master," he said leaning back slightly and bringing his head up to catch a glimpse of his master's face. As with his own skin, the fire lent color to Qui- Gon's face, making the blue eyes seem darker, the face more austere but no less beautiful. Having spent days convincing Qui-Gon this was what he wanted, he was a little surprised to find he was not nervous at all.

//You trust easily, beloved.//

//But not foolishly,// Obi-Wan returned, calmly.

//No. A fool you are not,// Qui-Gon assured him, using his other hand to trace along the opposite shoulder, along Obi- Wan's throat, mapping his skin with his fingers as he had done a thousand times before. But not like this, not with this extra awareness of how hotly the blood ran beneath the flesh, not with the scent of sweat and musk and oil and bathwater that still clung to Obi-Wan's skin so sharply clear to his senses. His fingers curved as he slid this arm, too, around his lover, both of Obi-Wan's arms lifting as if he might be preparing to take flight. Qui-Gon let his fingernails drag slowly across the fire-warmed skin, tracing over a one nipple and Obi-Wan shivered in delight. Heightened senses let Qui-Gon actually smell the first stirrings of arousal. Or perhaps not the first. Obi-Wan 's body was reacting too quickly for this to be a sudden onset. No, his beautiful padawan had been hovering at the edge of it since he had dropped his robe, if not before.

"I don't think you need the bite," Qui-Gon murmured, lips tracing the taut tendon on the side of Obi-Wan's throat.

"I never have before," Obi-Wan agreed, a soft sigh escaping him. "But you did promise. I feel greedy, Master. I want more and you need to be sure."

As if he didn't already have everything Qui-Gon had to offer merely at the asking. But, there it was, this thing, this difference that separated them no matter how slightly. This doubt....

"Not greedy, Obi-Wan. Never that," Qui-Gon soothed automatically, sincerely. He kissed the younger man's shoulder. "Relax, beloved. It will not hurt," he said and felt the conscious effort Obi-Wan made to rid his body of any trepidation. He was not entirely successful. He had braced his legs wide but Qui-Gon took more of his weight, supporting him.

Qui-Gon was not prepared for the reaction that followed the press of his sharpened teeth through the flesh and muscle at the curve of Obi-Wan's throat and shoulder; the sudden hot flare of desire that overtook Obi-Wan. Pleasure, yes. That much Qui-Gon had expected -- learning quickly that the bite could be masked with any array of sensations to distract those he fed from.

Or perhaps it was only that with Obi-Wan, there was no need to measure the amount of pleasure or distraction he offered. Like his lover, the trust was absolute, and there was no fear at all to overcome, or so they kept hoping.

The first salty, hot pulse of blood hit his palate and he heard/felt Obi-Wan take a deep gasping breath, the small sound escaping him and his hands coming up almost as if to fend something off. The shudder that ran through the slim body dislodged Qui-Gon with surprise momentarily, blood spilling across Obi-Wan's shoulder, down his back and across his chest. Startled, Qui-Gon almost stopped there save for the soft moan he heard and the hand that suddenly covered his where it rested on Obi-Wan's hip.

A glance over the bloodied shoulder showed Obi-Wan to be beautifully, gloriously erect, his other hand held out, fingers flexing as he denied himself the urge to touch himself.

"Master..." barely a whisper.

//More...// It was silent, but forceful and Qui-Gon could not tell if it were Obi-Wan pleading or his Hunger making itself known once more. Nor did it matter. There was still no fear in Obi-Wan, only the same kind of shivery, breathless, trembling that came over him when Qui-Gon made slow love to him. His body was tense again; not with fear or anticipation, but with passion. Obi-Wan's nipples rose to small hard nubs and the muscles of his stomach fluttered under Qui-Gon's hand.

Qui-Gon lapped at the still trickling blood and then covered the small wound completely with his mouth, sucking softly then with greater force. His attention was split between the life-giving, heady taste of his lover's blood as it flowed through him and the steady gasps and soft moans Obi-Wan was making with every breath. Qui-Gon put more of himself into the bite, more of his own desire, his love for this remarkable young man. He could hear Obi-Wan's heart begin to pound faster, body moving unconsciously to press back, seeking some kind of release, to increase the build.

//Not yet...// it whispered through Qui-Gon's mind and without thinking about it he altered the bite that much more and heard Obi-Wan gasp then groan, the trembling becoming more pronounced. Another glance and Qui-Gon could see the pearly fluid gathering at the head of Obi-Wan's flushed cock, the glistening liquid hovering there like some exotic nectar. He reached around, a single fingertip rubbing against the tip of the blood-flushed penis, spreading the fluid. Obi-Wan pushed against that touch, a low whimper escaping him, then again as he reached for himself and Qui-Gon caught his wrist to restrain him. He sucked hard once at the wound in Obi-Wan's shoulder before lifting his head to better see the effect of his attentions.

He was supporting Obi-Wan even more than he had before, the younger man's legs threatening to give out on him, but with fresh blood, //Obi-Wan's blood...// dancing like fire in his body, it required no effort at all to bear Obi-Wan's weight. Qui-Gon lapped at the blood, tasting his lover's desire, the quivering need that had overtaken the younger man's whole body, almost more heady in content than the blood itself. Another touch on the rigid cock and Qui-Gon lifted his finger to his mouth, tasting the bitter-sweet precursor to release.

A fine sheen of sweat now danced over the fire heated skin, mingling with the tiny, pulsing rivulets of blood streaking down the left side of Obi-Wan's chest. A bead of sweat mingled with the blood, lending it weight and speed as it ran down Obi-Wan's skin until it was stopped by the dark bud of a nipple. The droplet hung there, lending a ruby tint to the usually dusky brown skin. Obi Wan moaned again and pressed back, setting the droplet quivering, but it did not fall.

//Be still...// Qui-Gon sent, covering the wound again, impressing his will mind to mind, and Obi-Wan was still, shivering slightly. Fascinated, Qui-Gon watched the bloody droplet cling and hover until more blood and sweat mingled to overset the balance. He watched it fall, as if in slow motion, tracking the drop all the way to the floor where it spattered, forming a tiny puddle of blood that was quickly absorbed by the natural stone of the floor, the moisture sucked into the dry heat of the rock.

Qui-Gon tasted the blood again, savoring it, opening his senses to the full impact of Obi-Wan's arousal, his need, his nearly mindless reaction to the sensations Qui-Gon offered him. The younger man was panting shallowly, barely able to gather enough air for sound and those sounds he did make were incoherent moans or an occasional whimper of protest or plea. He had given up trying to touch himself, Qui-Gon's hand batting his away at every attempt. But he still pressed back, rubbing his buttocks against Qui-Gon's groin in a mute entreaty. So caught up in the nuances of the blood, Qui-Gon's own erection was almost a distraction, but he stilled Obi-Wan again and pushed his legs further apart. The entrance to Obi-Wan's body was tight, but Qui- Gon sucked once more at the heady wine of Obi-Wan's blood and commanded his padawan to relax, to not resist, and although not all resistance faded under the command, it was enough.

It was Qui-Gon's turn to groan, staggering forward and only Obi-Wan's desperate reach for the mantle kept them from collapsing entirely. Recovering his balance Qui-Gon steadied them, withdrew, and plunged in again, driving deep and harshly, feeling, through the blood, the shock and shudder of pleasure that raced through Obi-Wan's body at the plundering. Obi-Wan's responsiveness was like a drug, the twist of his hips as he tried to take more of Qui-Gon's cock inside himself as intoxicating as the blood itself. The sensations were coming so fast and so thickly, his ability to command his lover's reactions so pleasurable, Qui-Gon barely acknowledged the breathless cry that escaped the younger man.

Sensation battered at him again as he fed, finding a rhythm as he sucked and thrust. One arm supported Obi-Wan around the waist, the other hand was braced, as Obi-Wan's hands were, against the mantle. Obi-Wan's body arched back at each penetration as if Qui-Gon had hold of his hair rather than his waist. Strengthened by the potent blood now coursing through him, he felt he could continue this rhythm forever, never pausing, rising always to the crest and never falling over. Heat surrounded Qui-Gon, warmed his otherwise cool flesh. Against his arm, he could feel Obi- Wan's heart beating faster, the too-quick pumping sending the blood to his limbs with less force and Qui-Gon had to suck harder to draw blood from the small vein, smiling at the deep groan the effort elicited. Obi-Wan twisted and pressed back, held almost immobile by the influence of the bite and the strength of his master's arm. The taut body was straining and Obi-Wan almost fell, legs and arms giving way. Sweat mingled with the blood in Qui-Gon's mouth, with the sharp scents of the room, of Obi-Wan's flushed skin, with the fear that made the blood taste even sweeter...


So wrapped up in the taste of Obi-Wan, in the feel of him -- how had he missed that? Like cold water thrown over a mad beast, Qui-Gon had a moment of shocked stillness. The fear itself was unfocused, wavering, wrapped in and around the desire, the arousal, the passion that still enfolded Obi- Wan like a cloak. Pulling him upright, Qui-Gon sealed the wound and held him, bodies still locked together, Obi-Wan nearly limp in his arms, although his body was still hard and ready. Hissing softly, Qui-Gon pulled his cock from the tight channel and turned the younger man, ignoring, for the moment, the whimper of loss from Obi-Wan. His eyes took in, at a rapid glance and with more sanity, the blood that now ran in a dozen streaks down the reddened skin; skin that was not only reddened from desire but from the heat of the flames.

"Obi-Wan?" he asked, eyes searching the flushed face, seeing a glazed, almost feverish look in the grey-green eyes. //Oh, beloved, what have I done?// he demanded of himself, not sure Obi-Wan was in any state of mind to understand such a question. Scooping the younger man up, he retreated from what now felt like intense heat from the fireplace. He cradled the shaking form to his chest until he could deposit him onto the cooler sheets of their bed. Obi-Wan was still trembling, the lightest touch of Qui- Gon's hand sending him into another twitching spasm of reaction. Qui-Gon's own erection faded almost unnoticed as panic set in.

Only vaguely did Qui-Gon even remember his own command sent through the blood link, of, "Not yet." A command imprinted in Obi-Wan's blood and body that forestalled his release, had left him hovering on the edge of orgasm for however many minutes or hours Qui-Gon had been lost in the madness and power that his Hunger had used to mask itself.

Shifting behind Obi-Wan once more, he bit carefully, his hand reaching for the swollen flesh at Obi-Wan's groin, almost wincing at the small choking sound that escaped his lover -- a sound that was both pleasure and an indicator of pain. //Let go, beloved... // he coaxed, feeling the shudder that ran through the entire length of Obi-Wan's body. A near convulsion racked Obi-Wan as if he'd been struck by lightning, but his release was immediate, warm seed spilling over Qui-Gon's hand in short, hesitant pulses until there was no more to be spent. Closing the wound on Obi-Wan's shoulder once more, Qui-Gon rested his cheek against his lover's hair, listening as the rapid heart beat eased into something more normal, as the short pants for breath deepened and slowed.

He all but went into shock again when Obi-Wan sighed and twisted tiredly, curling into Qui-Gon's body and wrapping his arms around his master's waist. Gathering the pliant body close, Qui-Gon closed his eyes, fighting the rise of emotion that closed his throat.

//I wasn't afraid of you...//Obi-Wan sent him weakly, wearily.

"But you were afraid," Qui-Gon said hoarsely.

"Just because...I didn't know how long I could stand it. I was afraid I would pass out," Obi-Wan murmured, his tone and demeanor, and even the pattern of his thoughts, far calmer than his master's. "I've never felt...experienced anything like that..."

//And never will again, // Qui-Gon said to himself ruthlessly, allowing none of his anger at himself to disturb the gentle stroking along Obi-Wan's back to keep him from catching a chill.

"Qui-Gon..." There was a warning tone in Obi-Wan's voice and he struggled upward to look at Qui-Gon, the dazed look gone from his eyes. "You did not hurt me. I've come to no harm and it was quite the most spectacular orgasm I can remember having," he said severely, frowning at Qui-Gon as if he were willful child. Then his gaze softened. "Let it go, beloved. You stopped yourself -- I had nothing to do with it. I would say you have better control over this condition than you supposed."

Qui-Gon started to protest but stopped himself, studying Obi-Wan's face. Exhausted but stubborn, his lover was not going to give in so easily and for just a moment, Qui-Gon let himself believe what Obi-Wan said. Obi-Wan was paler now, but from spent passion, not blood loss. Qui-Gon had not taken him past the threshold of passion into pain although they had come close, and there was nothing in Obi- Wan's face or manner that indicated he had any lingering anxiety about the exchange. If anything he looked somewhat more sated than usual.

Perhaps he did have better control than he thought -- not as good as he needed if he were to continue in this manner, but that could be worked at, trained for. It took him a moment to realize that Obi-Wan was still watching him, almost as if he could see the internal discussion in Qui- Gon's mind.

Reaching for Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon caught only the barest glimpse of a relieved smile on Obi-Wan's face before he allowed Qui-Gon to manhandle him into a more comfortable position against his chest. Obi-Wan chuckled softly as Qui- Gon rolled them so that the younger man could be supported against the pillows. A long slow kiss followed, offered to both reassure Qui-Gon that Obi-Wan was all right, as he said, and as an apology.

Qui-Gon got no protest as he nuzzled and then licked, clearing away the smears of blood from the pale gold skin, Obi-Wan's fingers carding pleasantly through Qui-Gon's hair until they grew quiet and Obi-Wan's breathing eased into deep shallow breaths. A quiet mind indicated he had fallen asleep even before Qui-Gon looked up to see the eyes closed, the pale lashes feathered along Obi-Wan's cheeks.

Qui-Gon shifted his weight to the side slightly, but lay his head on Obi-Wan's chest. The Hunger stirred again at the solid, steady rhythm of Obi-Wan's heart then settled, biding its time.

The battle was not over and a shiver ran through Qui-Gon as he studied his lover. His fearless, trusting, beautiful lover.

//Not yet...// Qui-Gon sent savagely to the sleeping beast within. //Not ever...//


(c) Hunger Test - Maygra de Rhema 8/13/99