Hidden Comfort

by Ewankenobi (PadawanEwan@aol.com)

Archive: M-A

Rating: PG

Pairing: Q/O Implied, O/Amidala

Category: POV, Angst, Other

Warnings: hmmm.

Spoilers: Hopefully Episode 3, but I doubt it.

Feedback: Welcomed.

Summary: Comfort with complications.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns Star Wars. Padawan E still has no Ewan of her own.

Notes: This is not meant to be a het fic. This was a bunny that I went with, sorta my own conjecture on part of the reason Anakin turns. My Master helped a lot. I am cursed with formatting demons.

I feel you enter the room. I can smell your perfume, so different than the scent I long for.

How long has it been? We've been hiding this for years. I remember the first time. I had been coming here every year on that day. My own penance. Every year you spoke to me of the sacrifice he made. You tried to comfort my grief. You knew he and I had been lovers. The fifth year, you came to my room. You touched me and I responded. Your touch was so different. His hands, so large, callused and strong. Your hands, small and delicate. His passion was overwhelming, yours was comforting. I knew you heard me say his name. Your heart was elsewhere, too. We didn't talk. What was there to say? We were both using each other only for release.

When you came to the Senate, I came to you. I kissed you and we made love. This started the hidden meetings. You married him. We still met.

He doesn't know about his Master and his wife. You know he is turning.

Do you think your children are his? We know the truth. We won't speak of it. You know it is time to hide them.

Did I ever say,"I love you."? Qui-Gon still holds my heart.

I look at you. I say the one thing that we never say. "Good-bye"