Heart's Labrys

by Mrs. Hamill (thamill@cox.net) and Hilary (padawanhilary@gonwan.com)


Agora: The open-air marketplace.

Chiton: Clothing at that time consisted of a short chiton belted at the waist by a strip of leather (think mini-dress), a rectangle of wool or linen (usually linen) wrapped around the left side of the body and secured at the shoulders by--

Fibula (pl. fibulae): brooch-type pins generally made of some semi-precious stone (and here, made of bull horn).

Fillet: a thin strip of leather which is tied around the head to keep the hair back.

Hekate (Hecate): Ancient snake Maiden/Crone goddess of fertility, abundance, and the life cycle (death and rebirth).

Himation: a rectangular woolen or linen mantle, twelve to eighteen feet long and four to six feet wide. It is worn by both men and women, and draped in a variety of ways -- the Jheudi wear a brown one, of course.

Inanna: the Sumerian goddess of love and war; by rights, Kaigan should call her Ishtar or Astarte, but he was born in Akkad in Sumer and his family had always worshipped her as Inanna.

Perioikos: a term that means companion or shield-companion, and refers to a brother warrior.

Shenu: what we would call an Egyptian cartouche.