Consequences: Is Qui-Gon on the path to recovery or he isn't?Is he going to continue frightening Obi-Wan with his shapeshifting?" />

The Heart of The Warrior

by Ki

This is a sequel to "The Soul of The Hunter".

Any comments, email me! =)

Warning: the following story contains male/male contents. Please stop reading IF you are below the legal age (that is, 18 years old). IF you are above 18, you can read on. Furthermore, if you are easily offended by male/male relationships, STOP reading NOW.

Disclaimer: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi belong to the mighty LucasWorld. This story is ONLY a PRODUCT of my imagination. It is not used for profit, only the satisfaction of my readers.

Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (QG/OB)

Rating: PG-ish, with slight NC-17 leanings , mild violence, angst, hurt/comfort [definitely AU]

Summary: The sequel to "The Eyes of The Predator" and "The Soul of The Hunter" => Consequences: Is Qui-Gon on the path to recovery or he isn't? Is he going to continue frightening Obi-Wan with his shapeshifting?

The meditation took the whole morning. Obi-Wan knelt on the mat, next to Qui-Gon Jinn. The young man could feel the Force pulsating around them in live streamers of light, surging in a cleansing river. It was at once peaceful and uplifting.

He opened his eyes and saw Qui-Gon doing the same.

"How do you feel, Master?" Obi-Wan asked quietly, noting how damp Qui-Gon's long hair was. Strands clung to his neck, sticking to the skin. The sight was deeply affecting. Normally Qui-Gon would appear relaxed, unperturbed, the epitome of the Jedi: the picture of serenity. Now he obviously fought an inner battle. A hard one which he struggled, could not win.

"I am feeling normal." Qui-Gon smiled slightly. He felt as though he had wrested a Ton-ton with bared hands. He schooled his expression to one of neutrality. "Thank you." He said softly as Obi-Wan handed him a folded towel.

There was a brief moment of silence as Obi-Wan chose his words carefully. Qui-Gon watched his apprentice. Obi-Wan was a serious young man. Was so even when he was a boy of thirteen. Spontaneity wasn't Obi-Wan. Instead, he chose to be deliberate, contemplative. When he smiled, his face was radically changed. It was as if the sun rose behind a curtain of clouds.

"Master," Obi-Wan stood in his 'obedient Padawan' stance. "How do you feel about the lycanthropy?"

Ah, the lycanthropy again. Qui-Gon drew a hand through his hair, shaking his head. He had managed to keep that Urge under iron control. But even then he could feel it like a dark current beneath the rigid discipline. It was like some caged demon dying to get out of its prison. Demon it was, possessing him when he least expected it, inching its way into his life. He could change at will, taming the lycanthropy. Yet, sometimes, the Urge had its mind of its own.

It was this darkness in him he wished to destroy.

"I have managed to control it this time, Padawan." Qui-Gon got to his feet, stretching languidly like a feline.

Obi-Wan kept quiet.

The Jedi Master pursed his lips. He knew that Obi-Wan was deeply concerned. Worried. Sometimes frightened. He remembered how he had broken down and Obi-Wan had held him in his arms. It was an immensely comforting moment. And the impulsive kiss on his mouth. Now he chuckled at the memory, almost rumbling in his chest.

"Master?" Obi-Wan's eyebrow lifted.

((Nothing is wrong, Obi-Wan. Nothing.))

The apprentice directed a questioning look at his Master. ((Nothing, Master?))

Qui-Gon chuckled again. "Impertinent lad." He took his dark-brown Jedi robes and flung it about his shoulders. "I am going to see Master Windu now. Go and take a breather."

Obi-Wan bowed. He gazed at Qui-Gon's retreating figure, striding in fluid steps and moving with a grace which was pure beauty.

The walk to the main Jedi grounds allowed Obi-Wan time to think. He gazed around, feeling the Force ebb and flow about him. Groups of initiates walked, talking and laughing. There were Padawans, in their familiar light brown robes.

"Hey, Obi-Wan Kenobi!" A shrill voice startled him and he turned around, only to see a child of six. A little boy who had strayed from the group of children taking their morning exercises.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan used the tone of 'infinite' patience. He never liked children. Not even when he was a child.

"So when are you bringing your Master for a walk?" The boy had an mischevious look on his chubby face and he grinned.

For a moment, Obi-Wan didn't get the taunt. Then realization came like a thunderclap and a rush of chilled water down his back. He opened his mouth to speak, to say something ultimately angry and hurtful back to the child.

My Master is not an animal !

But the child was already bounding back to his group.

Obi-Wan stood rooted. Frozen. He willed his anger to cease, letting the Force seep through into his body and lighten the hurt in his heart.

Mace Windu regarded the tall man standing before him. An aura of quiet confidence seemed to drift about him. His hands were folded.

"Qui-Gon, I really hope that the lycanthropy is rigidly monitored." Mace said, pouring light tea into two cups. "It is not really Jedi, you know."

"I know, " the low voice was soft.

Mace observed the face of his friend. Qui-Gon had aged. The lycanthropy was putting him under severe strain. The blue eyes watched him unwaveringly. Mace suppressed an involuntary shiver. These blue eyes could narrow, pin you down so much so you couldn't move. He had seen those eyes before, when they were only apprentices and dueling with their lightsabers. Qui-Gon could be ruthless, even hard. He could fight like a man possessed. He could be reckless, impatient. That was his youth and Qui-Gon had mellowed a fair bit. Yet in his maturity, he still favored action. Still reckless.

How did Obi-Wan feel about this? How did he feel when those blue eyes turned suddenly chilly, impersonal as the Urge finally took over?

Master Windu sighed inwardly. Qui-Gon had the heart of a warrior, impulsive at moments but brave in other times. He recalled how his friend had saved him from tricky situations. Qui-Gon Jinn could be a brilliant diplomat, skillful with negotiations but he could be equally as good as a warrior, using his lightsaber as if it was a natural extension from his own body.

The darkness assumed form and pursued him. He ran until his breath became ragged and daggers stabbed pain in his chest. He could hear the darkness growl as it drew nearer nearer

Obi-Wan Kenobi sat up in his bed, his heart pounding. He rubbed his eyes. He had that dream again.

He listened intently and could hear his Master's slow breathing.

With a shudder, he went back to sleep once more.

But blissful sleep was slow in coming.

The smell of earth, the whistle of wind, the cold sparkle of faraway stars in the night sky surrounded him with immediate urgency, pulling him in with their songs of freedom, independence.

He let his senses soak in all the intoxication, lifting his nose to sniff the air. He tasted the tang of moist loam in his mouth. Sweetness invaded his nostrils: the presence of prey. The promise of sweet tender flesh.

Sweet meat made his mouth water. He licked his lips and bent down his head to follow the scent. It was a fragrance he thought he knew. A familiar fragrance. Light, delicious. It made his head swim, so strong was its lure.

He broke into a swift run.

A soft huffing woke Obi-Wan up from a fitful sleep and he opened his eyes to slits. He realized that something heavy was lying on his lap.

He was instantly awake.

It was the beautiful snow-wolf. The huge beast had positioned his triangular head on Obi-Wan's stomach, breathing slowly. His eyes were close. Obi-Wan could feel the puffs of air as the beast exhaled.

Fear warred with recognition in Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon

Even as he stiffened instinctively, watching the snow-wolf sleeping so peacefully ( head on his belly, like some family pet canine ) the shape of the beast started to waver, shift like ripples in a still pond. The sharp snout disappeared, replaced by a human face framed with long hair.

Sleep was a healer. It had smoothed out the lines of worry and tension, granting the face a brief moment of youth. Qui-Gon slept on, unawares.

Obi-Wan shifted his body carefully, quietly so that he ended up cradling Qui-Gon's head on his lap. He drew a blanket over the naked body.

He could feel the warmth on his lap, the slight rise-and-fall of Qui-Gon's breathing. He reached out a hand and stroked the cheek once. Drew back quickly, afraid Qui-Gon would wake.

He sat through the whole night, protecting Qui-Gon from the darkness.

"I transformed last night," Qui-Gon said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You did, Master."

Obi-Wan looked as if he didn't have a good night's rest.

"Padawan, you look as if you have run a race." Qui-Gon remarked in his low voice.

"I was meditating last night."

((Lying isn't your expertise, Obi-Wan.))

The Jedi apprentice bowed his head.

((You weren't meditating last night, Obi-Wan. You were guarding me as I slept.))

((Yes, I did.))

Silence. Then, ((You are not afraid of me?))

Obi-Wan eyed his Master. The blue eyes had grown solemn, sad.

((You are my Master, Qui-Gon. I am not afraid of you.))

((I sense a certain sense of wariness in you still Are you hiding something from me?))

"Master, I " Obi-Wan found himself speechless. He turned away, only to have his chin lifted by a firm hand. The intense gaze was back. "Master, I was hurt by a childish taunt."

"Hurt by a childish taunt?" Qui-Gon's blue eyes flared and Obi-Wan was immediately touched by the sense of protectiveness he felt from his Master. "Who did it?" The tone was stern.

"A child," Obi-Wan replied, feeling the frustration rise from Qui-Gon.

"What did he say?"

"He asked me if I was bringing my Master for a walk " Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

Qui-Gon became suddenly silent and his apprentice could sense the barely-restrained anger emanating like a heated wave. With a rustle of his robes, Qui-Gon got up and went straight to the window where he stood without speaking.

"Master?" Obi-Wan whispered, seeing Qui-Gon's head bow and a shudder run down the tall frame of his teacher.

Slowly, Qui-Gon turned his head and regarded Obi-Wan. For a few heartbeats, the blue eyes were cold ice, without feeling. The predator's eyes were back.

Then the familiar warmth returned, something Obi-Wan had grown to admire and love. The blue eyes of an accomplished Jedi Knight: calm, serene.

But the serenity had fissures in it, a smooth mirror with cracks.

The sunset bathed the Jedi Temple in a glorious cast of gold. It was evening meal at the Hall of the Initiates. About this time, most of the Padawans would be preparing dinner for their Masters.

Obi-Wan sighed softly as he stepped back into the darkened room. It took him only a while to get used to the darkness.

Master Qui-Gon was not in the room.

Surprised, Obi-Wan tried to locate him mentally. Not there. He was simply gone. With growing shock, Obi-Wan realized that the link had been ...disconnected. There was a deep void in his mind and for a moment, the young man stood chilled to the bones. The reassuring link was not there anymore ...

Numbed, Obi-Wan sank down to his knees.

It was then he saw the piece of parchment on the table. Trembling, he retrieved it and read. The script was purely Qui-Gon. Neat but brash strokes. He had used his favorite pressed bark paper.

The message on the parchment hit Obi-Wan like a blast of freezing wind.

He is gone.

The deep voice of Master Mace Windu rumbled in the stillness of the room.

Obi-Wan nodded, still trying very hard to absorb the news. He didn't know whether to start screaming or crying hysterically.

He ...warned me not to find him ... He croaked, staring hard at the parchment. He said that ...the only way I could be for him to go away ...

Mace Windu shook his head. Stubborn and reckless to the last.

He's still alive! Obi-Wan fixed the Jedi Master with an intense glare. Somewhere on this ...damned planet, he is alive and breathing. You speak as if he has ... killed himself. The last words were spat out as if Obi-Wan loathed to say them.

Control yourself, Padawan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan blinked his eyes which stung with unshed tears. Why should I control myself when my own Master is gone? Why should I?

Master Windus eyes flashed, a sign of caution which his own Padawans took as a tacit warning.

Peace over hostility, he murmured. Padawan Kenobi, you still have a lot to learn about your emotions.

Don't talk about my emotions. The issue here is my Master Qui-Gon Jinn!

You are letting your love cloud your judgement, young man.

Obi-Wan opened his mouth and closed it in shock.

Jedi have eyes too, Mace permitted himself a slight smile. Come, Obi-Wan. You need to calm down. Now breathe slowly ...let go.

Obi-Wan clenched his fists but complied.

((Master, where are you?))
